Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains code to dump the ntvdm trace history log
Neil Sandlin (neilsa) 1-Nov-1995
Revision History:
#include <precomp.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <dbgsvc.h>
#include <dpmi.h>
ULONG TimeIndex; ULONG TimerMode = 0; ULONG CpuSpeed = 0; BOOL bTriedToGetCpuSpeed = FALSE; #define CPUSPEED_PATH "Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0"
VOID DumpTypeGeneric( VDM_TRACEENTRY te ) { PRINTF("%.4x: %.4X %.8X", te.Type, te.wData, te.lData); }
VOID DumpTypeKernel( VDM_TRACEENTRY te ) {
switch(te.Type&0xff) { case VDMTR_KERNEL_HW_INT: PRINTF("Hw Int %.2x ", te.wData); break;
switch(te.wData&0xff) {
case 0xec: PRINTF("INB"); break;
case 0xee: PRINTF("OUTB"); break;
case 0xfa: PRINTF("CLI"); break;
case 0xfb: PRINTF("STI"); break;
default: PRINTF(" %.2x ", te.wData); } break;
default: PRINTF("Unknown : %d", te.Type&0xff); return; } }
VOID DumpTypeDpmi( VDM_TRACEENTRY te ) { //
// Dpmi dispatch table entries
static char szDispatchEntries[MAX_DPMI_BOP_FUNC][40] = { "InitDosxRM", "InitDosx", "InitLDT", "GetFastBopAddress", "InitIDT", "InitExceptionHandlers", "InitApp", "TerminateApp", "InUse", "NoLongerInUse", "switch_to_protected_mode", "switch_to_real_mode", "SetAltRegs", "IntHandlerIret16", "IntHandlerIret32", "FaultHandlerIret16", "FaultHandlerIret32", "UnhandledExceptionHandler", "RMCallBackCall", "ReflectIntrToPM", "ReflectIntrToV86", "InitPmStackInfo", "VcdPmSvcCall32", "SetDescriptorEntry", "ResetLDTUserBase", "XlatInt21Call", "Int31" };
switch(te.Type&0xff) { case DPMI_DISPATCH_INT: PRINTF("Dispatch Int %.2x ", te.wData); break; case DPMI_HW_INT: PRINTF("Hw Int %.2x ", te.wData); break; case DPMI_SW_INT: PRINTF("Sw Int %.2x ", te.wData); break;
case DPMI_FAULT: PRINTF("Fault %.2x ec=%.8x", te.wData, te.lData); break; case DPMI_DISPATCH_FAULT: PRINTF("Dispatch Flt %.2x ", te.wData); break;
case DPMI_FAULT_IRET: PRINTF("Fault Iret"); break; case DPMI_INT_IRET16: PRINTF("Int Iret16"); break; case DPMI_INT_IRET32: PRINTF("Int Iret32"); break;
case DPMI_OP_EMULATION: PRINTF("Op Emulation"); break;
case DPMI_DISPATCH_ENTRY: PRINTF("Dispatch(%d): ", te.wData); if (te.lData >= MAX_DPMI_BOP_FUNC) { PRINTF("Unknown (%d)", te.lData); } else { PRINTF("%s", szDispatchEntries[te.lData]); } break;
case DPMI_DISPATCH_EXIT: PRINTF("Exit(%d): ", te.wData); if (te.lData >= MAX_DPMI_BOP_FUNC) { PRINTF("Unknown (%d)", te.lData); } else { PRINTF("%s", szDispatchEntries[te.lData]); } break;
case DPMI_SWITCH_STACKS: PRINTF("switch stack -> %.4x:%.8x", te.wData, te.lData); break;
case DPMI_GENERIC: PRINTF("Data: %.4x %.8x", te.wData, te.lData); break;
case DPMI_IN_V86: PRINTF("in V86 mode"); break;
case DPMI_IN_PM: PRINTF("in protect mode"); break;
case DPMI_REFLECT_TO_PM: PRINTF("Reflect to PM"); break;
case DPMI_REFLECT_TO_V86: PRINTF("Reflect to V86"); break;
default: PRINTF("Unknown : %d", te.Type&0xff); return; } }
VOID DumpTypeMonitor( VDM_TRACEENTRY te ) { static char szMonitorEntries[][20] = { "Event IO", "Event String IO", "Event Mem Access", "Event Int Ack", "Event BOP", "Event Error", "Event Irq 13", "Cpu Simulate", "Cpu Unsimulate", };
if ((te.Type&0xff) <= MONITOR_CPU_UNSIMULATE) { PRINTF("%s", szMonitorEntries[(te.Type&0xff)-1]); PRINTF(": %.4X %.8X", te.wData, te.lData); } else { DumpTypeGeneric(te); } }
VOID DumpTimeInfo( VDM_TRACEENTRY te ) {
ULONG USecs = 0;
switch(TimerMode) {
case VDMTI_TIMER_TICK: PRINTF("%d.%.3d", TimeIndex/1000, TimeIndex%1000); PRINTF(" %.8X ", te.Time); break;
if (CpuSpeed) { USecs = TimeIndex / CpuSpeed; } PRINTF("%5d.%.3d", USecs/1000, USecs%1000); PRINTF(" %.8X ", te.Time); break; }
VOID DumpTraceEntry( int index, VDM_TRACEENTRY te, ULONG Verbosity )
PRINTF("%4x ",index); DumpTimeInfo(te);
switch(te.Type & 0xff00) { case (VDMTR_TYPE_KERNEL): PRINTF("Krnl "); DumpTypeKernel(te); break;
case (VDMTR_TYPE_DPMI): PRINTF("Dpmi "); DumpTypeDpmi(te); break;
case (VDMTR_TYPE_DPMI_SF): PRINTF("Dpmi Set Fault Handler %.02X -> %.4X:%.8X", te.Type & 0xff, te.wData, te.lData); break;
case (VDMTR_TYPE_DPMI_SI): PRINTF("Dpmi Set Int Handler %.02X -> %.4X:%.8X", te.Type & 0xff, te.wData, te.lData); break;
case (VDMTR_TYPE_DEM): PRINTF("Dem "); switch(te.Type & 0xff) { case 1: PRINTF("Dispatch: %.4X %.8X", te.wData, te.lData); break; case 2: PRINTF("Exit: %.4X %.8X", te.wData, te.lData); break; default: DumpTypeGeneric(te); } break;
case (VDMTR_TYPE_WOW): PRINTF("Wow "); DumpTypeGeneric(te); break;
case (VDMTR_TYPE_VSBD): PRINTF("Vsbd "); DumpTypeGeneric(te); break;
case (VDMTR_TYPE_DBG): PRINTF("Dbg "); DumpTypeGeneric(te); break;
case (VDMTR_TYPE_MONITOR): PRINTF("Mon "); DumpTypeMonitor(te); break;
default: PRINTF(" "); DumpTypeGeneric(te); }
if (Verbosity) { PRINTF("\n");
PRINTF("eax=%08lx ebx=%08lx ecx=%08lx edx=%08lx esi=%08lx edi=%08lx\n", te.eax, te.ebx, te.ecx, te.edx, te.esi, te.edi );
PRINTF("eip=%08lx esp=%08lx ebp=%08lx ", te.eip, te.esp, te.ebp );
if ( te.eflags & FLAG_OVERFLOW ) { PRINTF("ov "); } else { PRINTF("nv "); } if ( te.eflags & FLAG_DIRECTION ) { PRINTF("dn "); } else { PRINTF("up "); } if ( te.eflags & FLAG_INTERRUPT ) { PRINTF("ei "); } else { PRINTF("di "); } if ( te.eflags & FLAG_SIGN ) { PRINTF("ng "); } else { PRINTF("pl "); } if ( te.eflags & FLAG_ZERO ) { PRINTF("zr "); } else { PRINTF("nz "); } if ( te.eflags & FLAG_AUXILLIARY ) { PRINTF("ac "); } else { PRINTF("na "); } if ( te.eflags & FLAG_PARITY ) { PRINTF("po "); } else { PRINTF("pe "); } if ( te.eflags & FLAG_CARRY ) { PRINTF("cy "); } else { PRINTF("nc "); } PRINTF("\n"); PRINTF("cs=%04x ss=%04x ds=%04x es=%04x fs=%04x gs=%04x efl=%08lx\n", te.cs, te.ss, te.ds, te.es, te.fs, te.gs, te.eflags );
TimeIndex += te.Time; PRINTF("\n"); }
VOID DumpTrace( IN ULONG Verbosity ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine dumps the DPMI trace history buffer.
Return Value
--*/ { PVOID pMem; ULONG TraceBase, TraceEnd, TraceCurrent; ULONG Lines; VDM_TRACEINFO TraceInfo; VDM_TRACEENTRY TraceEntry; ULONG Count = 0; ULONG EntryID; ULONG NumEntries;
if (!ReadMemExpression("ntvdm!pVdmTraceInfo", &pMem, 4)) { return; }
if (!READMEM(pMem, &TraceInfo, sizeof(VDM_TRACEINFO))) { PRINTF("Error reading memory for TraceInfo\n"); return; }
if (!TraceInfo.pTraceTable) { PRINTF("NTVDM trace history not available\n"); return; }
if (!CpuSpeed && !bTriedToGetCpuSpeed) { HKEY hKey; DWORD retCode; DWORD dwType, cbData = sizeof(ULONG); ULONG dwData; retCode = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, CPUSPEED_PATH, 0, KEY_EXECUTE, // Requesting read access.
&hKey); if (!retCode) { retCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, CPUSPEED_VALUE, NULL, &dwType, (LPSTR)&dwData, &cbData); RegCloseKey(hKey); if (!retCode) { CpuSpeed = dwData; } } bTriedToGetCpuSpeed = TRUE; if (!CpuSpeed) { PRINTF("Error retrieving CPU speed\n"); } }
TimeIndex = 0;
NumEntries = TraceInfo.NumPages*4096/sizeof(VDM_TRACEENTRY); TraceBase = (ULONG) TraceInfo.pTraceTable; TraceEnd = (ULONG) &TraceInfo.pTraceTable[NumEntries]; TraceCurrent = (ULONG) &TraceInfo.pTraceTable[TraceInfo.CurrentEntry];
if ((TraceBase & 0xfff) || (TraceEnd & 0xfff) || (TraceCurrent & 0x3f) || (TraceBase > TraceEnd) || (TraceCurrent > TraceEnd) || (TraceCurrent < TraceBase)) { PRINTF("TraceBuffer=%.8X, end=%.8X, current=%.8X\n", TraceBase, TraceEnd, TraceCurrent); PRINTF("Trace buffer info appears corrupt!\n"); return; }
if (Verbosity) { Lines = 8; } else { Lines = 32; }
EntryID = 1;
if (GetNextToken()) { if (*lpArgumentString == '#') { lpArgumentString++; EntryID = EvaluateToken();
if (EntryID > NumEntries) { PRINTF("Requested trace entry out of range - %X\n", EntryID); return; }
if (GetNextToken()) {
Lines = (int)EXPRESSION(lpArgumentString); if (Lines > NumEntries) { PRINTF("Requested count too large - %d\n", Lines); return; } } }
TraceCurrent = (ULONG) &TraceInfo.pTraceTable[(TraceInfo.CurrentEntry-(EntryID-1))%NumEntries]; TimerMode = (UCHAR) TraceInfo.Flags & VDMTI_TIMER_MODE;
switch(TimerMode) {
case VDMTI_TIMER_TICK: PRINTF("deltaT is in MSec, Time is in Seconds\n"); PRINTF("\n# Time DeltaT Event\n"); break; case VDMTI_TIMER_PENTIUM: PRINTF("deltaT is at %d MHz, Time is in MSec\n", CpuSpeed); PRINTF("\nlog# Time DeltaT Event\n"); break; default: PRINTF("\n# Event\n"); }
while (Lines--) {
TraceCurrent -= sizeof(VDM_TRACEENTRY); if (TraceCurrent < TraceBase) { TraceCurrent = TraceEnd - sizeof(VDM_TRACEENTRY); }
if (!READMEM((PVOID)TraceCurrent, &TraceEntry, sizeof(VDM_TRACEENTRY))) { PRINTF("Error reading memory at %.08X\n", pMem); return; }
if (!TraceEntry.Type) { if (!Count) { if (EntryID == 1) { PRINTF("<Log is empty>\n"); } else { PRINTF("<End of log>\n"); } } else { PRINTF("<End of log>\n"); } break; }
//PRINTF("%.8x ", TraceCurrent);
DumpTraceEntry(EntryID++, TraceEntry, Verbosity); ++Count;
if (EntryID >= NumEntries) { PRINTF("<End of log>\n"); break; }
DumpTrace(1); }
DumpTrace(0); }
VOID lgt( CMD_ARGLIST ) { PVOID pMem; VDM_TRACEINFO TraceInfo; UCHAR DbgTimerMode; BOOL DbgTimerInitialized; ULONG NewTimerMode;
if (!ReadMemExpression("ntvdmd!DbgTimerMode", &DbgTimerMode, sizeof(UCHAR))) { return; }
if (!ReadMemExpression("ntvdmd!DbgTimerInitialized", &DbgTimerInitialized, sizeof(BOOL))) { return; }
if (GetNextToken()) {
NewTimerMode = EvaluateToken();
switch(NewTimerMode) { case 0: PRINTF("Event log timer is now OFF\n"); break;
case VDMTI_TIMER_TICK: PRINTF("Event log timer resolution set to ~10msec (GetTickCount)\n"); break;
case VDMTI_TIMER_PERFCTR: PRINTF("Event log timer resolution set to 100nsec (QueryPerformanceCounter)\n"); break;
case VDMTI_TIMER_PENTIUM: PRINTF("Event log timer resolution set to pentium time stamp counter\n"); break;
default: PRINTF("Invalid selection - enter 0-3\n"); return; }
pMem = (PVOID)(*GetExpression)("ntvdmd!DbgTimerMode"); if (!pMem) { PRINTF("Could not find symbol ntvdmd!DbgTimerMode\n"); return; }
if (!WRITEMEM((PVOID)pMem, &NewTimerMode, sizeof(UCHAR))) { PRINTF("Error writing memory\n"); return; }
pMem = (PVOID)(*GetExpression)("ntvdmd!DbgTimerInitialized");
if (!pMem) { PRINTF("Could not find symbol ntvdmd!DbgTimerInitialized\n"); return; }
DbgTimerInitialized = FALSE; if (!WRITEMEM((PVOID)pMem, &DbgTimerInitialized, sizeof(UCHAR))) { PRINTF("Error writing memory\n"); return; }
} else {
if (!ReadMemExpression("ntvdm!pVdmTraceInfo", &pMem, sizeof(LPVOID))) { return; }
if (!READMEM(pMem, &TraceInfo, sizeof(VDM_TRACEINFO))) { PRINTF("Error reading memory for TraceInfo\n"); return; }
PRINTF("Timer has%sbeen initialized\n", DbgTimerInitialized ? " " : " not "); PRINTF("Requested timer resolution == %d\n", DbgTimerMode); PRINTF("Current timer resolution == %d\n", TraceInfo.Flags & VDMTI_TIMER_MODE); } }