| | CTL3D | | Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1992. All Rights Reserved. | | | This module contains the functions to give windows controls a 3d effect | | This source is made public for your edification and debugging pleasure | | PLEASE do not make any changes or release private versions of this DLL | send e-mail to me (wesc) if you have feature requests or bug fixes. | | Thanks -- Wes. | | | History: | 1-Jan-92 : Added OOM handling on GetDC (not really necessary but | XL4 OOM failure testing made GetDC return NULL) | | 1-Jan-92 : Check wasn't getting redrawn when state changed in | the default button proc. | | 29-Jan-92: If button has the focus and app is switched in, we weren't | redrawing the entire button check & text. Force redraw | of these on WM_SETFOCUS message. | | 3-Feb-92: Fixed switch in via task manager by erasing the buttons | backgound on WM_SETFOCUS (detect this when wParam == NULL) | | 4-Apr-92: Make it work with OWNERDRAW buttons | | 22-Apr-92: Removed Excel specific code | | 19-May-92: Turn it into a DLL | | May-Jun92: Lots o' fixes & enhancements | | 23-Jun-92: Added support for hiding, sizing & moving | | 24-Jun-92: Make checks & radio button circles draw w/ window | text color 'cause they are drawn on window bkgnd | | 30-Jun-92: (0.984) Fix bug where EnableWindow of StaticText doesn't | redraw properly. Also disable ctl3d when verWindows > 3.1 | | 1-Jul-92: Added WIN32 support (davegi) (not in this source) | | 2-Jul-92: (0.984) Disable when verWindows >= 4.0 | | 20-Jul-92: (0.985) Draw focus rects of checks/radios properly on non | default sized controls. | | 21-Jul-92: (0.990) Ctl3dAutoSubclass | | 21-Jul-92: (0.991) ported DaveGi's WIN32 support | | 22-Jul-92: (0.991) fixed Ctl3dCtlColor returning fFalse bug | | 4-Aug-92: (0.992) Graphic designers bug fixes...Now subclass | regular buttons + disabled states for checks & radios | | 6-Aug-92: (0.993) Fix bug where activate via taskman & group | box has focus, & not centering text in buttons | | 6-Aug-92: (0.993) Tweek drawing next to scroll bars. | | 13-Aug-92: (0.994) Fix button focus rect bug drawing due to | Win 3.0 DrawText bug. | | 14-Aug-92: (1.0) Release of version 1.0 | Don't draw default button border on BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON | pushbuttons | Fix bogus bug where Windows hangs when in a AUTORADIOBUTTON | hold down space bar and hit arrow key. | | 23-Sep-92: (1.01) Made Ctl3dCtlColor call DefWindowProc so it works when | called in a windproc. | | 28-Sep-92: (1.02) Added MyGetTextExtent so '&''s not considered in | text extents. | | 08-Dec-92: (1.03) minor tweeks to the button text centering code | for Publisher | | 11-Dec-92: (1.04) added 3d frames to dialogs | | 15-Dec-92: (1.05) fixed bug where group boxes redraw wrong when | Window text is changed to something shorter | | ??-Dec-92: (1.06) added 3d borders | | 21-Dec-92: (1.07) added WM_DLGBORDER to disable borders | | 4-Jan-93: (1.08) fixed WM_SETTEXT bug w/ DLG frames & checks/checkboxes | Also, WM_DLGSUBCLASS | | 22-Feb-93: (1.12) disabled it under Chicago | | 25-Feb-93: (1.13) re-add fix which allows dialog procs to | handle WM_CTLCOLOR messages | | 26-April-93 (2.0) Changed to allow for second subclass. Now uses class instead of | wndproc for subclass determination. | store next wndproc in properties with global atoms | | 06-Jun-93 (2.0) Make a static linked library version. | | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define NO_STRICT
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef _BORLAND
#include <mem.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "ctl3d.h"
#include "stdio.h"
|CTL3D Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef WIN32
#define Win32Only(e) e
#define Win16Only(e)
#define Win32Or16(e32, e16) e32
#define Win16Or32(e16, e32) e32
#define _loadds
#define __export
#define FValidLibHandle(hlib) ((hlib) != NULL)
// No concept of far in Win32.
#define MEMCMP memcmp
// Control IDs are LONG in Win32.
typedef LONG CTLID; #define GetControlId(hwnd) GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_ID)
// Send a color button message.
#define SEND_COLOR_BUTTON_MESSAGE( hwndParent, hwnd, hdc ) \
((HBRUSH) SendMessage(hwndParent, WM_CTLCOLORBTN, (WPARAM) hdc, (LPARAM) hwnd))
// Send a color static message.
#define SEND_COLOR_STATIC_MESSAGE( hwndParent, hwnd, hdc ) \
((HBRUSH) SendMessage(hwndParent, WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC, (WPARAM) hdc, (LPARAM) hwnd))
#define CallWindowProcA CallWindowProc
#define DefWindowProcA DefWindowProc
#define MessageBoxA MessageBox
#define TEXT(a) a
#define TCHAR char
#ifndef LPTSTR
#define Win32Only(e)
#define Win16Only(e) e
#define Win32Or16(e32, e16) e16
#define Win16Or32(e16, e32) e16
#define FValidLibHandle(hlib) (( hlib ) > 32 )
#define MEMCMP _fmemcmp
typedef WORD CTLID; #define GetControlId(h) GetWindowWord(h, GWW_ID)
#define SEND_COLOR_BUTTON_MESSAGE( hwndParent, hwnd, hdc ) \
((HBRUSH) SendMessage(hwndParent, WM_CTLCOLOR, (WORD) hdc, MAKELONG(hwnd, CTLCOLOR_BTN)))
#define SEND_COLOR_STATIC_MESSAGE( hwndParent, hwnd, hdc ) \
((HBRUSH) SendMessage(hwndParent, WM_CTLCOLOR, (WORD) hdc, MAKELONG(hwnd, CTLCOLOR_STATIC)))
typedef struct { LPARAM lParam; WPARAM wParam; UINT message; HWND hwnd; } CWPSTRUCT;
#endif // WIN32
// DBCS far east short cut key support
#define cchShortCutModeMax 10
#define chShortCutSbcsPrefix '\036'
#define chShortCutDbcsPrefix '\037'
#define cchClassMax 16 // max class is "combolbox"+NUL rounded up to 16
#define Assert(f)
#define PUBLIC
#define PRIVATE static
#define fFalse 0
#define fTrue 1
#define INCBTHOOK 1
#define OUTCBTHOOK 0
#ifdef _BORLAND
#define CSCONST(type) type const
#define CodeLpszDecl(lpszVar, szLit) TCHAR *lpszVar = szLit
#define CodeLpszDeclA(lpszVar, szLit) char *lpszVar = szLit
#define _alloca alloca
#define _memcmp memcmp
#ifdef WIN32
#define CSCONST(type) type const
#define CodeLpszDecl(lpszVar, szLit) TCHAR *lpszVar = szLit
#define CodeLpszDeclA(lpszVar, szLit) char *lpszVar = szLit
#define CSCONST(type) type _based(_segname("_CODE")) const
#define CodeLpszDecl(lpszVar, szLit) \
static CSCONST(char) lpszVar##Code[] = szLit; \ char far *lpszVar = (char far *)lpszVar##Code #define CodeLpszDeclA(lpszVar, szLit) \
static CSCONST(char) lpszVar##Code[] = szLit; \ char far *lpszVar = (char far *)lpszVar##Code #endif
// isomorphic to windows RECT
typedef struct { int xLeft; int yTop; int xRight; int yBot; } RC;
// Windows Versions (Byte order flipped from GetWindowsVersion)
#define ver30 0x0300
#define ver31 0x030a
#define ver40 0x035F
// Border widths
#define dxBorder 1
#define dyBorder 1
// Index Color Table
// WARNING: change mpicvSysColors if you change the icv order
typedef WORD ICV; #define icvBtnHilite 0
#define icvBtnFace 1
#define icvBtnShadow 2
#define icvBrushMax 3
#define icvBtnText 3
#define icvWindow 4
#define icvWindowText 5
#define icvGrayText 6
#define icvWindowFrame 7
#define icvMax 8
typedef COLORREF CV;
// CoLoR Table
typedef struct { CV rgcv[icvMax]; } CLRT;
// BRush Table
typedef struct { HBRUSH mpicvhbr[icvBrushMax]; } BRT;
// DrawRec3d flags
#define dr3Left 0x0001
#define dr3Top 0x0002
#define dr3Right 0x0004
#define dr3Bot 0x0008
#define dr3HackBotRight 0x1000 // code size is more important than aesthetics
#define dr3All 0x000f
typedef WORD DR3;
// Control Types
// Commdlg types are necessary because commdlg.dll subclasses certain
// controls before the app can call Ctl3dSubclassDlg.
#define ctButton 0
#define ctList 1
#define ctEdit 2
#define ctCombo 3
#define ctStatic 4
#define ctComboLBox 5
#define ctMax 6
// ConTroL
typedef struct { FARPROC lpfn; WNDPROC lpfnDefProc; TCHAR szClassName[cchClassMax]; } CTL;
// Control DEFinition
typedef struct { TCHAR sz[20]; WNDPROC lpfnWndProc; BOOL (* lpfnFCanSubclass)(HWND, LONG, WORD, WORD, HWND); WORD msk; } CDEF;
// CLIent HooK
typedef struct { HANDLE hinstApp; HANDLE htask; HHOOK hhook; int iCount; DWORD dwFlags;
#ifdef WIN32
#define iclihkMaxBig 1024
#define iclihkMaxSmall 128
#define iclihkMaxBig 32
#define iclihkMaxSmall 4
#ifdef DLL
#define iclihkMax iclihkMaxBig
#ifdef SDLL
#define iclihkMax iclihkMaxBig
#define iclihkMax iclihkMaxSmall
#define _loadds
#ifdef SDLL
extern const HINSTANCE _hModule; #endif
// special styles
// #define bitFCoolButtons 0x0001
|CTL3D Function Prototypes -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE VOID End3dDialogs(VOID); PRIVATE BOOL FAR FInit3dDialogs(VOID); PRIVATE BOOL DoSubclassCtl(HWND hwnd, WORD grbit, WORD wCallFlags, HWND hwndParent); PRIVATE BOOL InternalCtl3dColorChange(BOOL fForce); PRIVATE VOID DeleteObjectNull(HANDLE FAR *ph); PRIVATE VOID DeleteObjects(VOID); PRIVATE int IclihkFromHinst(HANDLE hinst);
LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI Ctl3dHook(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI BtnWndProc3d(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI EditWndProc3d(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI ListWndProc3d(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI ComboWndProc3d(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI StaticWndProc3d(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI CDListWndProc3d(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI CDEditWndProc3d(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); WORD __export _loadds WINAPI Ctl3dSetStyle(HANDLE hinst, LPTSTR lpszName, WORD grbit);
LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI Ctl3dDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef DLL
BOOL CALLBACK LibMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved); #else
#ifdef SDLL
FAR BOOL Ctl3dLibMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved); #else
FAR BOOL LibMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved); #endif
#ifdef DLL
int WINAPI LibMain(HANDLE hModule, WORD wDataSeg, WORD cbHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine); #else
#ifdef SDLL
int FAR Ctl3dLibMain(HANDLE hModule, WORD wDataSeg, WORD cbHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine); #else
#ifdef _BORLAND
int FAR PASCAL LibMain(HANDLE hModule, WORD wDataSeg, WORD cbHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine); #else
int FAR LibMain(HANDLE hModule, WORD wDataSeg, WORD cbHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine); #endif
#ifndef _BORLAND
#ifndef WIN32
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, Ctl3dSetStyle)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, Ctl3dColorChange)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, Ctl3dGetVer)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, Ctl3dRegister)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, Ctl3dUnregister)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, Ctl3dAutoSubclass)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, Ctl3dEnabled)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, Ctl3dWinIniChange)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, DeleteObjects)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, DeleteObjectNull)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, InternalCtl3dColorChange)
#ifdef SDLL
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, Ctl3dLibMain)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, LibMain)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, FInit3dDialogs)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, End3dDialogs)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, LoadUIBitmap)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT_TEXT, IclihkFromHinst)
#ifndef WIN32
#ifdef DLL
int FAR PASCAL WEP(int); #pragma alloc_text(WEP_TEXT, WEP)
|CTL3D Globals -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //These static varables are only access when running 16 bit Windows or Win32s
//Since this is single threaded access they are OK to be statics and not protected.
static HHOOK hhookCallWndProcFilterProc; static FARPROC lpfnSubclassByHook; static HWND SubclasshWnd;
#ifdef WIN32
CRITICAL_SECTION g_CriticalSection; #endif
typedef struct _g3d { BOOL f3dDialogs; int cInited; ATOM aCtl3dOld; ATOM aCtl3dHighOld; ATOM aCtl3dLowOld; ATOM aCtl3d; ATOM aCtl3dHigh; ATOM aCtl3dLow;
ATOM aCtl3dDisable; // module & windows stuff
HANDLE hinstLib; HANDLE hmodLib; WORD verWindows; WORD verBase;
// drawing globals
CLRT clrt; BRT brt; HBITMAP hbmpCheckboxes;
// Hook cache
HANDLE htaskCache; int iclihkCache; int iclihkMac; CLIHK rgclihk[iclihkMax];
// Control info
CTL mpctctl[ctMax]; FARPROC lpfnDefDlgWndProc;
// System Metrics
int dxFrame; int dyFrame; int dyCaption; int dxSysMenu;
// Windows functions
#ifndef WIN32
#ifdef DLL
HHOOK (FAR PASCAL *lpfnSetWindowsHookEx)(int, HOOKPROC, HINSTANCE, HANDLE); LRESULT (FAR PASCAL *lpfnCallNextHookEx)(HHOOK, int, WPARAM, LPARAM); BOOL (FAR PASCAL *lpfnUnhookWindowsHookEx)(HHOOK); #endif
// DBCS stuff
char chShortCutPrefix; char fDBCS;
} G3D;
G3D g3d;
CSCONST(CDEF) mpctcdef[ctMax] = { { TEXT("Button"), BtnWndProc3d, FBtn, CTL3D_BUTTONS }, { TEXT("ListBox"), ListWndProc3d, FList, CTL3D_LISTBOXES }, { TEXT("Edit"), EditWndProc3d, FEdit, CTL3D_EDITS }, { TEXT("ComboBox"), ComboWndProc3d, FCombo, CTL3D_COMBOS}, { TEXT("Static"), StaticWndProc3d, FStatic, CTL3D_STATICTEXTS|CTL3D_STATICFRAMES }, { TEXT("ComboLBox"), ListWndProc3d, FComboList, CTL3D_LISTBOXES }, };
| CTL3D Utility routines -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PRIVATE FARPROC LpfnGetDefWndProcNull(HWND hwnd) { if ( hwnd == NULL ) return NULL; Win32Only(return (FARPROC) GetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3d)); Win16Only(return (FARPROC) MAKELONG((UINT) GetProp(hwnd, (LPCSTR) g3d.aCtl3dLow), GetProp(hwnd, (LPCSTR) g3d.aCtl3dHigh))); }
PRIVATE FARPROC LpfnGetDefWndProc(HWND hwnd, int ct) { FARPROC lpfnWndProc;
lpfnWndProc = LpfnGetDefWndProcNull(hwnd); if ( lpfnWndProc == NULL ) { if ( ct == ctMax ) { lpfnWndProc = (FARPROC) g3d.lpfnDefDlgWndProc; } else { lpfnWndProc = (FARPROC) g3d.mpctctl[ct].lpfnDefProc; }
Win32Only(SetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3d, (HANDLE)(DWORD)lpfnWndProc)); Win16Only(SetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dLow, LOWORD(lpfnWndProc))); Win16Only(SetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dHigh, HIWORD(lpfnWndProc))); } return lpfnWndProc;
PRIVATE VOID SubclassWindow(HWND hwnd, FARPROC lpfnSubclassProc) { FARPROC lpfnWndProc;
// Make sure we don't double subclass (16 | 32 bit subclass??)
if (GetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dOld) || GetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3d) || GetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dLow) || GetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dLowOld) || GetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dHigh) || GetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dHighOld)) { return; }
// Is this already subclassed by CTL3D?
if (LpfnGetDefWndProcNull(hwnd) == (FARPROC) NULL) { #ifdef WIN32
if (g3d.fDBCS && !IsWindowUnicode(hwnd)) { TCHAR szClass[cchClassMax]; GetClassName(hwnd, szClass, cchClassMax); if (lstrcmpi(szClass, TEXT("edit")) == 0) { lpfnWndProc = (FARPROC)SetWindowLongA(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC,(LONG)lpfnSubclassProc); goto SetProps; } } #endif
lpfnWndProc = (FARPROC)SetWindowLong((HWND) hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG) lpfnSubclassProc); SetProps: Win32Only(SetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3d, (HANDLE)(DWORD)lpfnWndProc)); Win16Only(SetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dLow, LOWORD(lpfnWndProc))); Win16Only(SetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dHigh, HIWORD(lpfnWndProc))); } }
LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI CallWndProcFilterProc(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CWPSTRUCT FAR *cwpStruct; LONG l;
cwpStruct = (CWPSTRUCT FAR *) lParam;
l = CallNextHookEx(hhookCallWndProcFilterProc, code, wParam, lParam);
if ( cwpStruct->hwnd == SubclasshWnd ) { BOOL fSubclass; UnhookWindowsHookEx(hhookCallWndProcFilterProc);
if (g3d.verWindows >= ver40 && (GetWindowLong(cwpStruct->hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & 0x04)) fSubclass = fFalse; else fSubclass = fTrue; SendMessage(cwpStruct->hwnd, WM_DLGSUBCLASS, 0, (LPARAM)(int FAR *)&fSubclass); if (fSubclass) SubclassWindow(cwpStruct->hwnd, lpfnSubclassByHook);
hhookCallWndProcFilterProc = 0L; lpfnSubclassByHook = NULL; SubclasshWnd = NULL; }
return l; }
PRIVATE VOID HookSubclassWindow(HWND hWnd, FARPROC lpfnSubclass) { //
// Windows 3.1 ( 16 bit ) and Win32s can't sublcass in
// WH_CBT hook. Must set up a MSG hook and subclasss at
// WM_GETMINMAXINFO ( for dialogs ) or WM_NCCREATE ( for controls )
// Any other message and we are out of here.
// Notes from the inside:
// The only reason not to get the WM_GETMINMAXINFO/WM_NCCREATE message
// is if another CBT hook did not allow the window create.
// This code only runs/works on non multithreaded systems. Thus the global
// to hold the Hook Proc and subclass proc is OK.
lpfnSubclassByHook = lpfnSubclass; SubclasshWnd = hWnd;
Win32Only(hhookCallWndProcFilterProc = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROC, (FARPROC)CallWndProcFilterProc, g3d.hmodLib, GetCurrentThreadId())); Win16Only(hhookCallWndProcFilterProc = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROC, (FARPROC)CallWndProcFilterProc, g3d.hmodLib, GetCurrentTask())); }
PRIVATE LRESULT CleanupSubclass(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, int ct) { FARPROC lpfnWinProc; LRESULT lRet;
lpfnWinProc = LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ct); lRet = CallWindowProc(lpfnWinProc, hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam); Win32Only(RemoveProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3d)); Win16Only(RemoveProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dLow)); Win16Only(RemoveProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dHigh)); RemoveProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dDisable); return lRet; }
PRIVATE VOID DeleteObjectNull(HANDLE FAR *ph) { if (*ph != NULL) { DeleteObject(*ph); *ph = NULL; } }
PRIVATE VOID DeleteObjects(VOID) { int icv; for(icv = 0; icv < icvBrushMax; icv++) DeleteObjectNull(&g3d.brt.mpicvhbr[icv]); DeleteObjectNull(&g3d.hbmpCheckboxes); }
PRIVATE VOID PatFill(HDC hdc, RC FAR *lprc) { PatBlt(hdc, lprc->xLeft, lprc->yTop, lprc->xRight-lprc->xLeft, lprc->yBot-lprc->yTop, PATCOPY); }
| DrawRec3d | | | Arguments: | HDC hdc: | RC FAR *lprc: | LONG cvUL: | LONG cvLR: | WORD grbit; | | Returns: | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE VOID DrawRec3d(HDC hdc, RC FAR *lprc, ICV icvUL, ICV icvLR, DR3 dr3) { COLORREF cvSav; RC rc;
cvSav = SetBkColor(hdc, g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvUL]);
// top
rc = *lprc; rc.yBot = rc.yTop+1; if (dr3 & dr3Top) ExtTextOut(hdc, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, (LPRECT) &rc, (LPCTSTR) NULL, 0, (int far *) NULL);
// left
rc.yBot = lprc->yBot; rc.xRight = rc.xLeft+1; if (dr3 & dr3Left) ExtTextOut(hdc, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, (LPRECT) &rc, (LPCTSTR) NULL, 0, (int far *) NULL);
if (icvUL != icvLR) SetBkColor(hdc, g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvLR]);
// right
rc.xRight = lprc->xRight; rc.xLeft = rc.xRight-1; if (dr3 & dr3Right) ExtTextOut(hdc, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, (LPRECT) &rc, (LPCTSTR) NULL, 0, (int far *) NULL);
// bot
if (dr3 & dr3Bot) { rc.xLeft = lprc->xLeft; rc.yTop = rc.yBot-1; if (dr3 & dr3HackBotRight) rc.xRight -=2; ExtTextOut(hdc, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, (LPRECT) &rc, (LPCTSTR) NULL, 0, (int far *) NULL); }
SetBkColor(hdc, cvSav);
#ifdef CANTUSE
// Windows forces dialog fonts to be BOLD...URRRGH
PRIVATE VOID MyDrawText(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, LPSTR lpch, int cch, RC FAR *lprc, int dt) { TEXTMETRIC tm; BOOL fChisled;
fChisled = fFalse; if (!IsWindowEnabled(hwnd)) { GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm); if (tm.tmWeight > 400) SetTextColor(hdc, g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvGrayText]); else { fChisled = fTrue; SetTextColor(hdc, g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvBtnHilite]); OffsetRect((LPRECT) lprc, -1, -1); } } DrawText(hdc, lpch, cch, (LPRECT) lprc, dt); if (fChisled) { SetTextColor(hdc, g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvBtnHilite]); OffsetRect((LPRECT) lprc, 1, 1); DrawText(hdc, lpch, cch, (LPRECT) lprc, dt); } } #endif
PRIVATE VOID DrawInsetRect3d(HDC hdc, RC FAR *prc, DR3 dr3) { RC rc;
rc = *prc; DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvWindowFrame, icvBtnFace, (WORD)(dr3 & dr3All)); rc.xLeft--; rc.yTop--; rc.xRight++; rc.yBot++; DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvBtnShadow, icvBtnHilite, dr3); }
PRIVATE VOID ClipCtlDc(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc) { RC rc;
GetClientRect(hwnd, (LPRECT) &rc); IntersectClipRect(hdc, rc.xLeft, rc.yTop, rc.xRight, rc.yBot); }
PRIVATE int IclihkFromHinst(HANDLE hinst) { int iclihk;
for (iclihk = 0; iclihk < g3d.iclihkMac; iclihk++) if (g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].hinstApp == hinst) return iclihk; return -1; }
PRIVATE VOID MyGetTextExtent(HDC hdc, LPTSTR lpsz, int FAR *lpdx, int FAR *lpdy) { LPTSTR lpch; TCHAR szT[256];
lpch = szT; while(*lpsz != '\000') { if (*lpsz == '&') { lpsz++; if (*lpsz == '\000') break; } //begin DBCS: far east short cut key support
else if (g3d.fDBCS) { if (*lpsz == g3d.chShortCutPrefix) { // skip only prefix
lpsz++; if (*lpsz == '\000') break; } else if (*lpsz == chShortCutSbcsPrefix || *lpsz == chShortCutDbcsPrefix) { // skip both prefix and short cut key
lpsz++; if (*lpsz == '\000') break; lpsz = Win32Or16(CharNext(lpsz),AnsiNext(lpsz)); continue; } } //end DBCS
*lpch++ = *lpsz++; } *lpch = '\000'; #ifdef WIN32
{ SIZE pt;
GetTextExtentPoint(hdc, szT, lstrlen(szT), &pt); *lpdx = pt.cx; *lpdy = pt.cy; } #else
{ long dwExt;
dwExt = GetTextExtent(hdc, szT, lpch-(char far *)szT); *lpdx = LOWORD(dwExt); // Check for Hangeul Windows - JeeP 011194
if ( (g3d.verWindows >= ver31 && GetSystemMetrics(SM_DBCSENABLED)) || (IsDBCSLeadByte(0xa1) && !IsDBCSLeadByte(0xa0)) ) *lpdy = HIWORD(dwExt)+1; else *lpdy = HIWORD(dwExt); } #endif
| CTL3D Publics -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PUBLIC BOOL WINAPI Ctl3dRegister(HANDLE hinstApp) {
#ifdef WIN32
#ifndef DLL
InitializeCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); #endif
EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); #endif
if (g3d.cInited == 1) { #ifndef DLL
#ifdef SDLL
Win32Only(Ctl3dLibMain(hinstApp, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, (LPVOID) NULL)); Win16Only(Ctl3dLibMain(hinstApp, 0, 0, (LPSTR) NULL)); #else
Win32Only(LibMain(hinstApp, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, (LPVOID) NULL)); Win16Only(LibMain(hinstApp, 0, 0, (LPSTR) NULL)); #endif
FInit3dDialogs(); }
if (Ctl3dIsAutoSubclass()) Ctl3dAutoSubclass(hinstApp);
return g3d.f3dDialogs; }
PUBLIC BOOL WINAPI Ctl3dUnregister(HANDLE hinstApp) { int iclihk; HANDLE hTask;
// Find the task's hook
Win32Only(hTask = (HANDLE)GetCurrentThreadId()); Win16Only(hTask = GetCurrentTask());
for (iclihk = 0; iclihk < g3d.iclihkMac; iclihk++) { if (g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].htask == hTask) { g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].iCount--; if ( g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].iCount == 0 || hinstApp == g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].hinstApp) { Win32Only(UnhookWindowsHookEx(g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].hhook)); #ifdef DLL
Win16Only((*g3d.lpfnUnhookWindowsHookEx)(g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].hhook)); #else
Win16Only(UnhookWindowsHookEx(g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].hhook)); #endif
g3d.iclihkMac--; while(iclihk < g3d.iclihkMac) { g3d.rgclihk[iclihk] = g3d.rgclihk[iclihk+1]; iclihk++; } } } }
Win32Only(LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection)); if (g3d.cInited == 0) { End3dDialogs(); } return fTrue; }
| Ctl3dAutoSubclass | | Automatically subclasses all dialogs of the client app. | | Note: Due to bugs in Commdlg, an app should still call Ctl3dSubclassDlg | for the Commdlg OpenFile and PageSetup dialogs. | | Arguments: | HANDLE hinstApp: | | Returns: | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC BOOL WINAPI Ctl3dAutoSubclass(HANDLE hinstApp) { return Ctl3dAutoSubclassEx(hinstApp, 0); }
PUBLIC BOOL WINAPI Ctl3dAutoSubclassEx(HANDLE hinstApp, DWORD dwFlags) { HHOOK hhook; HANDLE htask; int iclihk;
if (g3d.verWindows < ver31) return fFalse; if (!g3d.f3dDialogs) return fFalse;
#ifdef WIN32
// CTL3D_SUBCLASS_DYNCREATE is considered default in Win32, but
// not Win16 for backward compatibility reasons.
if (g3d.iclihkMac == iclihkMax) goto Fail;
Win32Only(htask = (HANDLE)GetCurrentThreadId()); Win16Only(htask = GetCurrentTask()); //
// Don't set the hook twice for the same task....
for (iclihk = 0; iclihk < g3d.iclihkMac; iclihk++) { if (g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].htask == htask) { g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].iCount++; goto Success; } }
Win32Only(hhook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT, (HOOKPROC)Ctl3dHook, g3d.hmodLib, (DWORD)htask)); #ifdef DLL
Win16Only(hhook = (*g3d.lpfnSetWindowsHookEx)(WH_CBT, (HOOKPROC) Ctl3dHook, g3d.hmodLib, hinstApp == NULL ? NULL : htask)); #else
Win16Only(hhook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT, (HOOKPROC) Ctl3dHook, g3d.hmodLib, hinstApp == NULL ? NULL : htask)); #endif
if (hhook != NULL) { g3d.rgclihk[g3d.iclihkMac].hinstApp = hinstApp; g3d.rgclihk[g3d.iclihkMac].htask = htask; g3d.rgclihk[g3d.iclihkMac].hhook = hhook; g3d.rgclihk[g3d.iclihkMac].iCount = 1; g3d.rgclihk[g3d.iclihkMac].dwFlags = dwFlags; g3d.htaskCache = htask; g3d.iclihkCache = g3d.iclihkMac; g3d.iclihkMac++; Success: Win32Only(LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection)); return fTrue; } Fail: Win32Only(LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection)); return fFalse; }
| Ctl3dIsAutoSubclass | | Returns: | Whether this task has Automatic Subclassing Enabled | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC BOOL WINAPI Ctl3dIsAutoSubclass() { int iclihk; HANDLE hTask;
Win32Only(hTask = (HANDLE)GetCurrentThreadId()); Win16Only(hTask = GetCurrentTask());
for (iclihk = 0; iclihk < g3d.iclihkMac; iclihk++) { if (g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].htask == hTask) { return TRUE; } } // didn't find task in hook table.
return FALSE; }
| Ctl3dUnAutoSubclass | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC BOOL WINAPI Ctl3dUnAutoSubclass() { int iclihk; HANDLE hTask;
// Find the task's hook
Win32Only(hTask = (HANDLE)GetCurrentThreadId()); Win16Only(hTask = GetCurrentTask()); Win32Only(EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection)); for (iclihk = 0; iclihk < g3d.iclihkMac; iclihk++) { if (g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].htask == hTask) { g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].iCount--; if ( g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].iCount == 0 ) { Win32Only(UnhookWindowsHookEx(g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].hhook)); #ifdef DLL
Win16Only((*g3d.lpfnUnhookWindowsHookEx)(g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].hhook)); #else
Win16Only(UnhookWindowsHookEx(g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].hhook)); #endif
g3d.iclihkMac--; while(iclihk < g3d.iclihkMac) { g3d.rgclihk[iclihk] = g3d.rgclihk[iclihk+1]; iclihk++; } } } } Win32Only(LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection)); return TRUE; }
WORD __export _loadds WINAPI Ctl3dSetStyle(HANDLE hinst, LPTSTR lpszName, WORD grbit) { #ifdef OLD
WORD grbitOld;
if (!g3d.f3dDialogs) return fFalse;
grbitOld = grbitStyle; if (grbit != 0) grbitStyle = grbit;
if (hinst != NULL && lpszName != NULL) { HBITMAP hbmpCheckboxesNew;
hbmpCheckboxesNew = LoadUIBitmap(hinst, (LPCSTR) lpszName, g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvWindowText], g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvBtnFace], g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvBtnShadow], g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvBtnHilite], g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvWindow], g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvWindowFrame]); if (hbmpCheckboxesNew != NULL) { DeleteObjectNull(&g3d.hbmpCheckboxes); g3d.hbmpCheckboxes = hbmpCheckboxesNew; } } return grbitOld; #endif
return 0; }
| Ctl3dGetVer | | Returns version of CTL3D library | | Returns: | Major version # in hibyte, minor version # in lobyte | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC WORD WINAPI Ctl3dGetVer(void) { return 0x0231; }
| Ctl3dEnabled | | Returns: | Whether or not controls will be draw with 3d effects -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC BOOL WINAPI Ctl3dEnabled(void) { return g3d.f3dDialogs; }
| Ctl3dSubclassCtl | | Subclasses an individual control | | Arguments: | HWND hwnd: | | Returns: | fTrue if control was successfully subclassed | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC BOOL WINAPI Ctl3dSubclassCtl(HWND hwnd) { if (!g3d.f3dDialogs) return fFalse; return DoSubclassCtl(hwnd, CTL3D_ALL, OUTCBTHOOK, NULL); }
| Ctl3dUnsubclassCtl | | Un-Subclasses an individual control | | Arguments: | HWND hwnd: | | Returns: | fTrue if control was successfully subclassed | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC BOOL WINAPI Ctl3dUnsubclassCtl(HWND hwnd) { FARPROC lpfnWinProc; HWND hwndKids; int ct;
if (!g3d.f3dDialogs) return fFalse;
lpfnWinProc = (FARPROC) GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC);
// Is it a control
for (ct = 0; ct < ctMax; ct++) { if ( lpfnWinProc == g3d.mpctctl[ct].lpfn ) { lpfnWinProc = LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ct); Win32Only(RemoveProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3d)); Win16Only(RemoveProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dLow)); Win16Only(RemoveProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dHigh)); SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG) lpfnWinProc ); lpfnWinProc = NULL; ct = ctMax+10; } }
// How about a dlg ?
if ( ct == ctMax ) { if ( lpfnWinProc == (FARPROC) Ctl3dDlgProc ) { lpfnWinProc = LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ct); Win32Only(RemoveProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3d)); Win16Only(RemoveProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dLow)); Win16Only(RemoveProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dHigh)); SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG) lpfnWinProc ); lpfnWinProc = NULL; } else { // None of the above, add disable property
if (GetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3d) || GetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dLow) || GetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dHigh)) { SetProp(hwnd,(LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dDisable, (HANDLE) 1); } } }
// Now unsubclass all the kids
for (hwndKids = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_CHILD); hwndKids != NULL; hwndKids = GetWindow(hwndKids, GW_HWNDNEXT)) { Ctl3dUnsubclassCtl(hwndKids); }
return fTrue;
| Ctl3dSubclassCtlEx | | Actually subclass the control | | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC BOOL WINAPI Ctl3dSubclassCtlEx(HWND hwnd, int ct) { LONG style; BOOL fCan;
if (!g3d.f3dDialogs) return fFalse;
if (ct < 0 || ct > ctMax) return fFalse;
// Is this already subclassed by CTL3D?
if (LpfnGetDefWndProcNull(hwnd) != (FARPROC) NULL) return fFalse;
// Only subclass it if it is something that we'd normally subclass
style = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); fCan = mpctcdef[ct].lpfnFCanSubclass(hwnd, style, CTL3D_ALL, OUTCBTHOOK, GetParent(hwnd)); if (fCan == fTrue) SubclassWindow(hwnd, g3d.mpctctl[ct].lpfn);
return fTrue; }
| Ctl3dSubclassDlg | | Call this during WM_INITDIALOG processing. | | Arguments: | hwndDlg: | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC BOOL WINAPI Ctl3dSubclassDlg(HWND hwndDlg, WORD grbit) { HWND hwnd;
if (!g3d.f3dDialogs) return fFalse;
for(hwnd = GetWindow(hwndDlg, GW_CHILD); hwnd != NULL; hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT)) { DoSubclassCtl(hwnd, grbit, OUTCBTHOOK, NULL); } return fTrue; }
| Ctl3dCheckSubclassDlg | | Call this during WM_INITDIALOG processing. | | Arguments: | hwndDlg: | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE void CheckChildSubclass(HWND hwnd, WORD grbit, HWND hwndParent) { // Is this already subclassed by CTL3D?
// Is our property there ?
if (LpfnGetDefWndProcNull(hwnd) == (FARPROC) NULL) { // No, how did this slip by, try a subclass again.
DoSubclassCtl(hwnd, grbit, OUTCBTHOOK, hwndParent); } else { // Yes, we have subclassed this control.
// Is our subclass still on the chain ?
BOOL fSubclass;
// Make sure subclassing isn't disabled...
if (GetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR)g3d.aCtl3dDisable)) return;
fSubclass = 666; SendMessage((HWND) hwnd, WM_CHECKSUBCLASS, 0, (LPARAM)(int FAR *)&fSubclass); if ( fSubclass == 666 ) SendMessage((HWND) hwnd, WM_CHECKSUBCLASS_OLD, 0, (LPARAM)(int FAR *)&fSubclass);
if ( fSubclass == 666 ) // Evil
{ // We have been un-subclassed by some bad app ( common dialogs in Win16 )
// Remove the Prop, and subclass again, take that.
Win32Only(RemoveProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3d)); Win16Only(RemoveProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dLow)); Win16Only(RemoveProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dHigh)); DoSubclassCtl(hwnd, grbit, OUTCBTHOOK, hwndParent); } } }
PUBLIC BOOL WINAPI Ctl3dCheckSubclassDlg(HWND hwndDlg, WORD grbit) { HWND hwnd, hwnd2;
if (!g3d.f3dDialogs) return fFalse;
for (hwnd = GetWindow(hwndDlg, GW_CHILD); hwnd != NULL; hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT)) { CheckChildSubclass(hwnd, grbit, NULL); for (hwnd2 = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_CHILD); hwnd2 != NULL; hwnd2 = GetWindow(hwnd2, GW_HWNDNEXT)) { CheckChildSubclass(hwnd2, grbit, hwnd); } }
return fTrue; }
| Ctl3dSubclassDlgEx | | Call this during WM_INITDIALOG processing. This is like | Ctl3dSubclassDlg but it also subclasses the dialog window itself | so the app doesn't need to. | | Arguments: | hwndDlg: | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC BOOL WINAPI Ctl3dSubclassDlgEx(HWND hwndDlg, DWORD grbit) { HWND hwnd;
if (!g3d.f3dDialogs) return fFalse;
for(hwnd = GetWindow(hwndDlg, GW_CHILD); hwnd != NULL; hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT)) { DoSubclassCtl(hwnd, LOWORD(grbit), OUTCBTHOOK, NULL); }
// Now Subclass the dialog window as well
SubclassWindow((HWND) hwndDlg, (FARPROC)Ctl3dDlgProc);
return fTrue; }
| Ctl3dCtlColor | | Common CTL_COLOR processor for 3d UITF dialogs & alerts. | | Arguments: | hdc: | lParam: | | Returns: | appropriate brush if g3d.f3dDialogs. Returns fFalse otherwise | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC HBRUSH WINAPI Ctl3dCtlColor(HDC hdc, LPARAM lParam) { #ifdef WIN32
return (HBRUSH) fFalse; #else
HWND hwndParent;
Assert(CTLCOLOR_MSGBOX < CTLCOLOR_BTN); Assert(CTLCOLOR_EDIT < CTLCOLOR_BTN); Assert(CTLCOLOR_LISTBOX < CTLCOLOR_BTN); if(g3d.f3dDialogs) { if (HIWORD(lParam) >= CTLCOLOR_LISTBOX) { if (HIWORD(lParam) == CTLCOLOR_LISTBOX && (g3d.verWindows >= ver40 || ((GetWindow(LOWORD(lParam), GW_CHILD) == NULL || (GetWindowLong(LOWORD(lParam), GWL_STYLE) & 0x03) == CBS_DROPDOWNLIST)))) { // if it doesn't have a child then it must be a list box
// don't do brush stuff for drop down lists or else
// it draws funny grey inside the edit rect
goto DefWP; } SetTextColor(hdc, g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvBtnText]); SetBkColor(hdc, g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvBtnFace]); return g3d.brt.mpicvhbr[icvBtnFace]; } } DefWP: hwndParent = GetParent(LOWORD(lParam)); if (hwndParent == NULL) return fFalse; return (HBRUSH) DefWindowProc(hwndParent, WM_CTLCOLOR, (WPARAM) hdc, (LONG) lParam); #endif
| Ctl3dCtlColorEx | | Common CTL_COLOR processor for 3d UITF dialogs & alerts. | | Arguments: | | Returns: | appropriate brush if g3d.f3dDialogs. Returns fFalse otherwise | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC HBRUSH WINAPI Ctl3dCtlColorEx(UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { #ifdef WIN32
Assert(WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX < WM_CTLCOLORBTN); Assert(WM_CTLCOLOREDIT < WM_CTLCOLORBTN); Assert(WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX < WM_CTLCOLORBTN); if(g3d.f3dDialogs) { if (wm >= WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX && wm != WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR) { if (wm == WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX && (g3d.verWindows >= ver40 || ((GetWindow((HWND) lParam, GW_CHILD) == NULL || (GetWindowLong((HWND) lParam, GWL_STYLE) & 0x03) == CBS_DROPDOWNLIST)))) { // if it doesn't have a child then it must be a list box
// don't do brush stuff for drop down lists or else
// it draws funny grey inside the edit rect
return (HBRUSH) fFalse; } SetTextColor((HDC) wParam, g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvBtnText]); SetBkColor((HDC) wParam, g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvBtnFace]); return g3d.brt.mpicvhbr[icvBtnFace]; } } return (HBRUSH) fFalse; #else
return Ctl3dCtlColor(wParam, lParam); #endif
| Ctl3dColorChange | | App calls this when it gets a WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message | | Returns: | TRUE if successful. | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC BOOL WINAPI Ctl3dColorChange(VOID) { BOOL bResult; Win32Only(EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection)); bResult = InternalCtl3dColorChange(fFalse); Win32Only(LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection)); return bResult; }
PRIVATE LONG WINAPI Ctl3dDlgFramePaintI(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL fDefWP);
| Ctl3dDlgFramePaint | | App calls this when it gets a NC_PAINT message | | Returns: | TRUE if successful. | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC LONG WINAPI Ctl3dDlgFramePaint(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return Ctl3dDlgFramePaintI(hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam, TRUE); }
// Ctl3dDlgFramePaintI used only internally by Ctl3d
PRIVATE LONG WINAPI Ctl3dDlgFramePaintI(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL fDefWP) { LONG lResult; LONG lStyle; BOOL fBorder;
WNDPROC defProc = fDefWP ? NULL : (WNDPROC) LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctMax);
if (defProc != NULL) lResult = CallWindowProc((FARPROC)defProc, hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam); else lResult = DefWindowProc(hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam);
if (!g3d.f3dDialogs) return lResult;
if ( IsIconic(hwnd) ) return lResult;
fBorder = CTL3D_BORDER; SendMessage(hwnd, WM_DLGBORDER, 0, (LPARAM)(int FAR *)&fBorder); lStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); if (fBorder != CTL3D_NOBORDER && (lStyle & (WS_VISIBLE|WS_DLGFRAME|DS_MODALFRAME)) == (WS_VISIBLE|WS_DLGFRAME|DS_MODALFRAME)) { BOOL fCaption; HBRUSH hbrSav; HDC hdc; RC rc; RC rcFill; int dyFrameTop;
fCaption = (lStyle & WS_CAPTION) == WS_CAPTION; dyFrameTop = g3d.dyFrame - (fCaption ? dyBorder : 0);
hdc = GetWindowDC(hwnd); GetWindowRect(hwnd, (LPRECT) &rc); rc.xRight = rc.xRight-rc.xLeft; rc.yBot = rc.yBot-rc.yTop; rc.xLeft = rc.yTop = 0;
DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvBtnShadow, icvWindowFrame, dr3All); InflateRect((LPRECT) &rc, -dxBorder, -dyBorder); DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvBtnHilite, icvBtnShadow, dr3All); InflateRect((LPRECT) &rc, -dxBorder, -dyBorder); hbrSav = SelectObject(hdc, g3d.brt.mpicvhbr[icvBtnFace]); rcFill = rc; // Left
rcFill.xRight = rcFill.xLeft+g3d.dxFrame; PatFill(hdc, &rcFill); // Right
OffsetRect((LPRECT) &rcFill, rc.xRight-rc.xLeft-g3d.dxFrame, 0); PatFill(hdc, &rcFill); // Top
rcFill.xLeft = rc.xLeft + g3d.dxFrame; rcFill.xRight = rc.xRight - g3d.dxFrame; rcFill.yBot = rcFill.yTop+dyFrameTop; PatFill(hdc, &rcFill); if (fCaption) { RC rcT;
rcT = rcFill; rcT.yTop += dyFrameTop; rcT.yBot = rcT.yTop + g3d.dyCaption; DrawRec3d(hdc, &rcT, icvBtnShadow, icvBtnHilite, dr3All); }
// Bottom
rcFill.yTop += rc.yBot-rc.yTop-g3d.dxFrame; rcFill.yBot = rcFill.yTop + g3d.dyFrame; PatFill(hdc, &rcFill); #ifdef CHISLEBORDER
if (fBorder == CTL3D_CHISLEBORDER) { // This code doesn't work because it draws in the client area
GetClientRect(hwnd, (LPRECT) &rc); OffsetRect((LPRECT) &rc, g3d.dxFrame+2*dxBorder, fCaption ? g3d.dyFrame+g3d.dyCaption : g3d.dyFrame+dyBorder); DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvBtnShadow, icvBtnHilite, dr3Bot|dr3Left|dr3Right); rc.xLeft++; rc.xRight--; rc.yBot--; DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvBtnHilite, icvBtnShadow, dr3Bot|dr3Left|dr3Right); } #endif
SelectObject(hdc, hbrSav); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); } return lResult; }
//begin DBCS: far east short cut key support
| CTL3D Far East Support -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
| Ctl3dWinIniChange | | App calls this when it gets a WM_WININICHANGE message | | Returns: | none | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC VOID WINAPI Ctl3dWinIniChange(void) { TCHAR szShortCutMode[cchShortCutModeMax]; CodeLpszDecl(szSectionWindows, TEXT("windows")); CodeLpszDecl(szEntryShortCutKK, TEXT("kanjimenu")); CodeLpszDecl(szEntryShortCutCH, TEXT("hangeulmenu")); CodeLpszDecl(szShortCutSbcsKK, TEXT("roman")); CodeLpszDecl(szShortCutSbcsCH, TEXT("english")); CodeLpszDecl(szShortCutDbcsKK, TEXT("kanji")); CodeLpszDecl(szShortCutDbcsCH, TEXT("hangeul"));
if (!g3d.fDBCS) return;
g3d.chShortCutPrefix = chShortCutSbcsPrefix; GetProfileString(szSectionWindows, szEntryShortCutKK, szShortCutSbcsKK, szShortCutMode, cchShortCutModeMax - 1); if (!lstrcmpi(szShortCutMode, szShortCutDbcsKK)) g3d.chShortCutPrefix = chShortCutDbcsPrefix; GetProfileString(szSectionWindows, szEntryShortCutCH, szShortCutSbcsCH, szShortCutMode, cchShortCutModeMax - 1); if (!lstrcmpi(szShortCutMode, szShortCutDbcsCH)) g3d.chShortCutPrefix = chShortCutDbcsPrefix;
Win32Only(LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection)); } //end DBCS
| CTL3D Internal Routines -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
| FInit3dDialogs | | Initialized 3d stuff | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE BOOL FAR FInit3dDialogs(VOID) { HDC hdc; WNDCLASS wc;
#ifdef DLL
#ifdef V2
int nChars; LPTSTR pCh; static TCHAR MyDirectory[260]; TCHAR OkDirectory[260]; #endif
//if (g3d.verWindows >= ver40)
// {
// g3d.f3dDialogs = fFalse;
// return fFalse;
// }
#ifdef DLL
#ifdef V2
#ifdef WIN32
{ TCHAR szT[2]; CodeLpszDecl(szSpecial, TEXT("Ctl3d_RunAlways")); if (GetEnvironmentVariable(szSpecial, szT, 2) != 0 && szT[0] == '1') { goto AllowBadInstall; } } #endif
#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef UNICODE
if (GetVersion() & 0x80000000) { Win16Or32( CodeLpszDeclA(lpszCtl3d, "CTL3DV2.DLL"), CodeLpszDeclA(lpszCtl3d, "CTL3D32.DLL")); CodeLpszDeclA(lpszBadInstMsg, "This application uses CTL3D32.DLL, which is not the correct version. " "This version of CTL3D32.DLL is designed only for Windows NT systems."); MessageBoxA(NULL, lpszBadInstMsg, lpszCtl3d, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); g3d.f3dDialogs = fFalse; goto Return; } #else
if (!(GetVersion() & 0x80000000)) { Win16Or32( CodeLpszDeclA(lpszCtl3d, "CTL3DV2.DLL"), CodeLpszDeclA(lpszCtl3d, "CTL3D32.DLL")); CodeLpszDeclA(lpszBadInstMsg, "This application uses CTL3D32.DLL, which is not the correct version. " "This version of CTL3D32.DLL is designed only for Win32s or Windows 95 systems."); MessageBoxA(NULL, lpszBadInstMsg, lpszCtl3d, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); g3d.f3dDialogs = fFalse; goto Return; } #endif
nChars = GetModuleFileName(g3d.hinstLib, MyDirectory, sizeof(MyDirectory)Win32Only(/sizeof(TCHAR))); for (pCh = (LPTSTR)(MyDirectory+nChars-1); pCh >= (LPTSTR)MyDirectory; pCh = Win32Or16(CharPrev(MyDirectory, pCh),AnsiPrev(MyDirectory, pCh))) { if ( *pCh == '\\' ) { if ( *(pCh-1) != ':' ) *pCh = 0; else *(pCh+1) = 0; break; } }
nChars = GetSystemDirectory(OkDirectory, sizeof(OkDirectory)Win32Only(/sizeof(TCHAR))); if ( lstrcmpi(MyDirectory,OkDirectory ) ) { nChars = GetWindowsDirectory(OkDirectory, sizeof(OkDirectory)Win32Only(/sizeof(TCHAR))); if ( lstrcmpi(MyDirectory,OkDirectory ) ) { Win16Or32( CodeLpszDeclA(lpszCtl3d, "CTL3DV2.DLL"), CodeLpszDeclA(lpszCtl3d, "CTL3D32.DLL")); Win16Or32( CodeLpszDeclA(lpszBadInstMsg, "This application uses CTL3DV2.DLL, which has not been correctly installed. " "CTL3DV2.DLL must be installed in the Windows system directory."), CodeLpszDeclA(lpszBadInstMsg, "This application uses CTL3D32.DLL, which has not been correctly installed. " "CTL3D32.DLL must be installed in the Windows system directory.")); Win32Only(LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection)); MessageBoxA(NULL, lpszBadInstMsg, lpszCtl3d, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK ); g3d.f3dDialogs = fFalse; goto Return; } } #endif //!SPECIAL_WOW_VERSION
Win32Only(AllowBadInstall:;) #endif
hdc = GetDC(NULL); g3d.f3dDialogs = GetDeviceCaps(hdc,BITSPIXEL)*GetDeviceCaps(hdc,PLANES) >= 4; // Win 3.1 EGA lies to us...
if(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) == 350 && GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) == 640) g3d.f3dDialogs = fFalse; ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); if (g3d.f3dDialogs) { int ct; CodeLpszDecl(lpszC3dD, TEXT("C3dD")); CodeLpszDecl(lpszC3dOld, TEXT("C3d")); CodeLpszDecl(lpszC3dLOld, TEXT("C3dL")); CodeLpszDecl(lpszC3dHOld, TEXT("C3dH")); CodeLpszDecl(lpszC3d, TEXT("C3dNew")); CodeLpszDecl(lpszC3dL, TEXT("C3dLNew")); CodeLpszDecl(lpszC3dH, TEXT("C3dHNew"));
g3d.aCtl3dOld = GlobalAddAtom(lpszC3dOld); if (g3d.aCtl3dOld == 0) { g3d.f3dDialogs = fFalse; goto Return; } g3d.aCtl3d = GlobalAddAtom(lpszC3d); if (g3d.aCtl3d == 0) { g3d.f3dDialogs = fFalse; goto Return; }
g3d.aCtl3dLowOld = GlobalAddAtom(lpszC3dLOld); g3d.aCtl3dHighOld = GlobalAddAtom(lpszC3dHOld); if (g3d.aCtl3dLowOld == 0 || g3d.aCtl3dHighOld == 0) { g3d.f3dDialogs = fFalse; return fFalse; }
g3d.aCtl3dLow = GlobalAddAtom(lpszC3dL); g3d.aCtl3dHigh = GlobalAddAtom(lpszC3dH); if (g3d.aCtl3dLow == 0 || g3d.aCtl3dHigh == 0) { g3d.f3dDialogs = fFalse; return fFalse; }
g3d.aCtl3dDisable = GlobalAddAtom(lpszC3dD); if (g3d.aCtl3dDisable == 0) { g3d.f3dDialogs = fFalse; goto Return; }
g3d.fDBCS = GetSystemMetrics(SM_DBCSENABLED); Ctl3dWinIniChange(); if (InternalCtl3dColorChange(fTrue)) // load bitmap & brushes
{ for (ct = 0; ct < ctMax; ct++) { g3d.mpctctl[ct].lpfn = (FARPROC)mpctcdef[ct].lpfnWndProc; Assert(g3d.mpctctl[ct].lpfn != NULL); GetClassInfo(NULL, mpctcdef[ct].sz, (LPWNDCLASS) &wc); g3d.mpctctl[ct].lpfnDefProc = wc.lpfnWndProc; } if (GetClassInfo(NULL, WC_DIALOG, &wc)) g3d.lpfnDefDlgWndProc = (FARPROC) wc.lpfnWndProc; else g3d.lpfnDefDlgWndProc = (FARPROC) DefDlgProc; } else { g3d.f3dDialogs = fFalse; } } Return: Win32Only(LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection)); return g3d.f3dDialogs; }
| End3dDialogs | | Called at DLL termination to free 3d dialog stuff -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE VOID End3dDialogs(VOID) { int ct;
for (ct = 0; ct < ctMax; ct++) { if(g3d.mpctctl[ct].lpfn != NULL) { FreeProcInstance(g3d.mpctctl[ct].lpfn); g3d.mpctctl[ct].lpfn = NULL; } } DeleteObjects(); g3d.aCtl3dOld ? GlobalDeleteAtom(g3d.aCtl3dOld) : 0; g3d.aCtl3d ? GlobalDeleteAtom(g3d.aCtl3d) : 0; g3d.aCtl3dLowOld ? GlobalDeleteAtom(g3d.aCtl3dLowOld) : 0; g3d.aCtl3dHighOld ? GlobalDeleteAtom(g3d.aCtl3dHighOld) : 0; g3d.aCtl3dLow ? GlobalDeleteAtom(g3d.aCtl3dLow) : 0; g3d.aCtl3dHigh ? GlobalDeleteAtom(g3d.aCtl3dHigh) : 0; g3d.aCtl3dDisable ? GlobalDeleteAtom(g3d.aCtl3dDisable) : 0;
g3d.f3dDialogs = fFalse;
PRIVATE BOOL InternalCtl3dColorChange(BOOL fForce) { ICV icv; CLRT clrtNew; HBITMAP hbmpCheckboxesNew; BRT brtNew;
if (!g3d.f3dDialogs) return fFalse;
for (icv = 0; icv < icvMax; icv++) clrtNew.rgcv[icv] = GetSysColor(mpicvSysColor[icv]);
if (g3d.verWindows == ver30) clrtNew.rgcv[icvBtnHilite] = RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
if (clrtNew.rgcv[icvGrayText] == 0L || clrtNew.rgcv[icvGrayText] == clrtNew.rgcv[icvBtnFace]) { if (clrtNew.rgcv[icvBtnFace] == RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x80)) clrtNew.rgcv[icvGrayText] = RGB(0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0); else clrtNew.rgcv[icvGrayText] = RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x80); }
if (fForce || MEMCMP(&g3d.clrt, &clrtNew, sizeof(CLRT))) { hbmpCheckboxesNew = LoadUIBitmap(g3d.hinstLib, MAKEINTRESOURCE(CTL3D_3DCHECK), clrtNew.rgcv[icvWindowText], clrtNew.rgcv[icvBtnFace], clrtNew.rgcv[icvBtnShadow], clrtNew.rgcv[icvBtnHilite], clrtNew.rgcv[icvWindow], clrtNew.rgcv[icvWindowFrame]);
for (icv = 0; icv < icvBrushMax; icv++) brtNew.mpicvhbr[icv] = CreateSolidBrush(clrtNew.rgcv[icv]);
for (icv = 0; icv < icvBrushMax; icv++) if (brtNew.mpicvhbr[icv] == NULL) goto OOM;
if(hbmpCheckboxesNew != NULL) { DeleteObjects(); g3d.brt = brtNew; g3d.clrt = clrtNew; g3d.hbmpCheckboxes = hbmpCheckboxesNew; return fTrue; } else { OOM: for (icv = 0; icv < icvBrushMax; icv++) DeleteObjectNull(&brtNew.mpicvhbr[icv]); DeleteObjectNull(&hbmpCheckboxesNew); return fFalse; } } return fTrue; }
| Ctl3dDlgProc | | Subclass DlgProc for use w/ Ctl3dAutoSubclass | | | Arguments: | HWND hwnd: | int wm: | WORD wParam: | LPARAM lParam: | | Returns: | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI Ctl3dDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HBRUSH hbrush; FARPROC lpfnDlgProc; TCHAR szClass[cchClassMax];
if ( wm == WM_NCDESTROY ) return CleanupSubclass(hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam, ctMax);
if ( GetProp(hwnd,(LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dDisable) ) return CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctMax), hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam);
switch (wm) { case WM_CHECKSUBCLASS_OLD: case WM_CHECKSUBCLASS: *(int FAR *)lParam = fTrue; return ctMax+1000;
case WM_INITDIALOG: { long l; BOOL fSubclass; FARPROC lpfnWinProc;
lpfnWinProc = LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctMax);
if (g3d.verWindows >= ver40 && (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & 0x04)) fSubclass = fFalse; else fSubclass = fTrue; SendMessage(hwnd, WM_DLGSUBCLASS, 0, (LPARAM)(int FAR *)&fSubclass);
if (!fSubclass) { Ctl3dUnsubclassCtl(hwnd); return CallWindowProc(lpfnWinProc, hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam); }
l = CallWindowProc(lpfnWinProc, hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam);
if (g3d.verWindows < ver40 || !(GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & 0x04)) Ctl3dCheckSubclassDlg(hwnd, CTL3D_ALL);
return l; }
case WM_NCPAINT: case WM_NCACTIVATE: case WM_SETTEXT: if (g3d.verWindows >= ver40 || IsIconic(hwnd) ) return CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctMax), hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam); else return Ctl3dDlgFramePaintI(hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam, FALSE);
#ifdef WIN32
case WM_CTLCOLOR: #endif
// Is this really a dialog
GetClassName(hwnd, szClass, sizeof(szClass)Win32Only(/sizeof(TCHAR))); if (lstrcmp(TEXT("#32770"),szClass) != 0 ) { #ifdef WIN32
hbrush = (HBRUSH) CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctMax), hwnd, wm-WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX+CTLMSGOFFSET, wParam, lParam); #else
hbrush = (HBRUSH) CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctMax), hwnd, CTL3D_CTLCOLOR, wParam, lParam); #endif
if (hbrush == (HBRUSH) fFalse || hbrush == (HBRUSH)1) hbrush = Ctl3dCtlColorEx(wm, wParam, lParam); } else { lpfnDlgProc = (FARPROC) GetWindowLong(hwnd, DWL_DLGPROC);
if (lpfnDlgProc == NULL ) { hbrush = Ctl3dCtlColorEx(wm, wParam, lParam); } else { #ifdef WIN32
if ( (LONG)lpfnDlgProc > 0xFFFF0000 && g3d.verWindows <= ver31) { // We have a Uni-code / non Unicode issue.
// If this is before Daytona, then I CAN NOT call because it may be NULL, but
// the returned value is not-null. NT Bug.
// So Just send our own message to the window proc instead
hbrush = (HBRUSH) CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctMax), hwnd, wm-WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX+CTLMSGOFFSET, wParam, lParam); if (hbrush == (HBRUSH) fFalse || hbrush == (HBRUSH)1) hbrush = Ctl3dCtlColorEx(wm, wParam, lParam); } else { #endif
hbrush = (HBRUSH) CallWindowProc(lpfnDlgProc, hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam); if (hbrush == (HBRUSH) fFalse || hbrush == (HBRUSH)1) { #ifdef WIN32
hbrush = (HBRUSH) CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctMax), hwnd, wm-WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX+CTLMSGOFFSET, wParam, lParam); #else
hbrush = (HBRUSH) CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctMax), hwnd, CTL3D_CTLCOLOR, wParam, lParam); #endif
if (hbrush == (HBRUSH) fFalse || hbrush == (HBRUSH)1) hbrush = Ctl3dCtlColorEx(wm, wParam, lParam); } } #ifdef WIN32
} #endif
} if (hbrush != (HBRUSH) fFalse) return (LRESULT)hbrush; break; } return CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctMax), hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam); }
PRIVATE BOOL NEAR DoesChildNeedSubclass(HWND hwnd) { if (!LpfnGetDefWndProcNull(hwnd)) return fFalse; if (g3d.verWindows >= ver40 && GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & 0x04) return fFalse; return fTrue; }
| Ctl3dHook | | CBT Hook to watch for window creation. Automatically subclasses all | dialogs w/ Ctl3dDlgProc | | Arguments: | int code: | WORD wParam: | LPARAM lParam: | | Returns: | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI Ctl3dHook(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int iclihk; HANDLE htask;
htask = Win32Or16((HANDLE)GetCurrentThreadId(), GetCurrentTask()); Win32Only(EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection)); if (htask != g3d.htaskCache) { for (iclihk = 0; iclihk < g3d.iclihkMac; iclihk++) { if (g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].htask == htask) { g3d.iclihkCache = iclihk; g3d.htaskCache = htask; break; } } if ( iclihk == g3d.iclihkMac ) { // didn't find task in hook table. This could be bad, but
// returning 0L is about all we can doo.
// Actually not. The hhook isn't used anyway just set it to NULL.
// and call the next hook..... KGM
Win32Only(LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection)); return CallNextHookEx((HHOOK)0L, code, wParam, lParam); } } iclihk = g3d.iclihkCache; Win32Only(LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection));
if (code == HCBT_CREATEWND) { LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs; lpcs = ((LPCBT_CREATEWND)lParam)->lpcs;
if (lpcs->lpszClass == WC_DIALOG) { if (g3d.verBase == 32) { BOOL fSubclass; if (g3d.verWindows >= ver40 && (GetWindowLong((HWND)wParam, GWL_STYLE) & 0x04)) fSubclass = fFalse; else fSubclass = fTrue; SendMessage((HWND)wParam, WM_DLGSUBCLASS, 0, (LPARAM)(int FAR *)&fSubclass); if (fSubclass) SubclassWindow((HWND)wParam, (FARPROC) Ctl3dDlgProc); } else { HookSubclassWindow((HWND)wParam, (FARPROC) Ctl3dDlgProc); } goto Zing; } if (!(g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].dwFlags & CTL3D_SUBCLASS_DYNCREATE)) goto Zing;
if (DoesChildNeedSubclass(lpcs->hwndParent) || (lpcs->hwndParent && g3d.verBase != 24 && DoesChildNeedSubclass(GetParent(lpcs->hwndParent)))) { DoSubclassCtl((HWND)wParam, CTL3D_ALL, INCBTHOOK, lpcs->hwndParent); } }
Zing:; Win32Only(return CallNextHookEx(g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].hhook, code, wParam, lParam)); #ifdef DLL
Win16Only(return (*g3d.lpfnCallNextHookEx)(g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].hhook, code, wParam, lParam)); #else
Win16Only(return (CallNextHookEx(g3d.rgclihk[iclihk].hhook, code, wParam, lParam))); #endif
| CTL3D F* routines | | These routines determine whether or not the given control may be | subclassed. They may recursively call DoSubclassCtl in the | case of multi-control controls | | Returns: | fTrue if can subclass the given control. -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PRIVATE BOOL FBtn(HWND hwnd, LONG style, WORD grbit, WORD wCallFlags, HWND hwndParent) { if (g3d.verWindows >= ver40) { return fFalse; } style &= ~(BS_LEFTTEXT); return ( LOWORD(style) >= BS_PUSHBUTTON && LOWORD(style) <= BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON); }
PRIVATE BOOL FEdit(HWND hwnd, LONG style, WORD grbit, WORD wCallFlags, HWND hwndParent) { if (g3d.verWindows >= ver40 && hwndParent) { TCHAR szClass[cchClassMax]; GetClassName(hwndParent, szClass, sizeof(szClass)Win32Only(/sizeof(TCHAR))); if (lstrcmp(szClass, mpctcdef[ctCombo].sz) == 0 ) return fFalse; else return fTrue; } else return fTrue; }
PRIVATE BOOL FList(HWND hwnd, LONG style, WORD grbit, WORD wCallFlags, HWND hwndParent) { if (g3d.verWindows >= ver40 && hwndParent) { TCHAR szClass[cchClassMax]; GetClassName(hwndParent, szClass, sizeof(szClass)Win32Only(/sizeof(TCHAR))); if (lstrcmp(szClass, mpctcdef[ctCombo].sz) == 0 ) return fFalse; else return fTrue; } else return fTrue; }
PRIVATE BOOL FComboList(HWND hwnd, LONG style, WORD grbit, WORD wCallFlags, HWND hwndParent) {
if (g3d.verWindows >= ver40) return fFalse;
if ( wCallFlags == INCBTHOOK ) { LONG style; style = GetWindowLong(hwndParent, GWL_STYLE); if (!(((style & 0x0003) == CBS_DROPDOWN) || ((style & 0x0003) == CBS_DROPDOWNLIST))) return fTrue; else return fFalse; }
return fTrue; }
PRIVATE BOOL FCombo(HWND hwnd, LONG style, WORD grbit, WORD wCallFlags, HWND hwndParent) { HWND hwndEdit; HWND hwndList;
if (g3d.verWindows >= ver40) return fFalse;
if ((style & 0x0003) == CBS_DROPDOWN) { if ( wCallFlags == INCBTHOOK ) { return fFalse; } // Subclass edit so bottom border of the edit draws properly...This case
// is specially handled in ListEditPaint3d
hwndEdit = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_CHILD); if (hwndEdit != NULL) DoSubclassCtl(hwndEdit, CTL3D_EDITS, wCallFlags, hwnd); return fTrue; } else if ((style & 0x0003) == CBS_DROPDOWNLIST ) { return fTrue; } else // assume simple // if ((style & 0x0003) == CBS_SIMPLE)
{ if ( wCallFlags == INCBTHOOK ) { return fTrue; } hwndList = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_CHILD); if (hwndList != NULL) { // Subclass list & edit box so they draw properly. We also
// subclass the combo so we can hide/show/move it and the
// 3d effects outside the client area get erased
DoSubclassCtl(hwndList, CTL3D_LISTBOXES, wCallFlags, hwnd);
hwndEdit = GetWindow(hwndList, GW_HWNDNEXT); if (hwndEdit != NULL) DoSubclassCtl(hwndEdit, CTL3D_EDITS, wCallFlags, hwnd); return fTrue; } return fFalse; } }
PRIVATE BOOL FStatic(HWND hwnd, LONG style, WORD grbit, WORD wCallFlags, HWND hwndParent) { int wStyle;
wStyle = LOWORD(style) & 0x1f; return (wStyle != SS_ICON && ((grbit & CTL3D_STATICTEXTS) && (wStyle <= SS_RIGHT || wStyle == SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP) || ((grbit & CTL3D_STATICFRAMES) && ((wStyle >= SS_BLACKRECT && wStyle <= SS_WHITEFRAME) || (g3d.verWindows < ver40 && wStyle >= 0x10 && wStyle <= 0x12))))); }
| DoSubclassCtl | | Actually subclass the control | | | Arguments: | HWND hwnd: | WORD grbit: | WORD wCallFlags | Returns: | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE BOOL DoSubclassCtl(HWND hwnd, WORD grbit, WORD wCallFlags, HWND hwndParent) { LONG style; int ct; BOOL fCan; TCHAR szClass[cchClassMax];
// Is this already subclassed by CTL3D?
if (LpfnGetDefWndProcNull(hwnd) != (FARPROC) NULL) return fFalse;
GetClassName(hwnd, szClass, sizeof(szClass)Win32Only(/sizeof(TCHAR)));
for (ct = 0; ct < ctMax; ct++) { if ((mpctcdef[ct].msk & grbit) && (lstrcmp(mpctcdef[ct].sz,szClass) == 0)) { style = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); fCan = mpctcdef[ct].lpfnFCanSubclass(hwnd, style, grbit, wCallFlags, hwndParent); if (fCan == fTrue) { if ( wCallFlags == INCBTHOOK && g3d.verBase == 16 ) HookSubclassWindow(hwnd, g3d.mpctctl[ct].lpfn); else SubclassWindow(hwnd, g3d.mpctctl[ct].lpfn); } return fCan != fFalse; } }
return fFalse; }
| Inval3dCtl | | Invalidate the controls rect in response to a WM_SHOWWINDOW or | WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message. This is necessary because ctl3d draws | the 3d effects of listboxes, combos & edits outside the controls client | rect. | | Arguments: | HWND hwnd: | WINDOWPOS FAR *lpwp: | | Returns: | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE VOID Inval3dCtl(HWND hwnd, WINDOWPOS FAR *lpwp) { RC rc; HWND hwndParent; LONG lStyle; unsigned flags;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, (LPRECT) &rc); lStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); if (lStyle & WS_VISIBLE) { if (lpwp != NULL) { flags = lpwp->flags;
// Is all this necessary ? Are we moving or sizing ?
if ( !((flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) || (flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW)) && (flags & SWP_NOMOVE) && (flags & SWP_NOSIZE) ) // Nope
// handle integral height listboxes (or any other control which
// shrinks from the bottom)
if ((flags & (SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE)) == SWP_NOMOVE && (lpwp->cx == (rc.xRight-rc.xLeft) && lpwp->cy <= (rc.yBot-rc.yTop))) rc.yTop = rc.yTop+lpwp->cy+1; // +1 to offset InflateRect
} InflateRect((LPRECT) &rc, 1, 1); hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); ScreenToClient(hwndParent, (LPPOINT) &rc); ScreenToClient(hwndParent, ((LPPOINT) &rc)+1); if(lStyle & WS_VSCROLL) rc.xRight ++; InvalidateRect(hwndParent, (LPRECT) &rc, fFalse); } }
| Val3dCtl | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE VOID Val3dCtl(HWND hwnd) { RC rc; HWND hwndParent; LONG lStyle;
lStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); GetWindowRect(hwnd, (LPRECT) &rc); InflateRect((LPRECT) &rc, 1, 1); hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); ScreenToClient(hwndParent, (LPPOINT) &rc); ScreenToClient(hwndParent, ((LPPOINT) &rc)+1); if(lStyle & WS_VSCROLL) rc.xRight ++; ValidateRect(hwndParent, (LPRECT) &rc); }
| CTL3D Subclass Wndprocs -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* These values are assumed for bit shifting operations */ #define BFCHECK 0x0003
#define BFSTATE 0x0004
#define BFFOCUS 0x0008
#define BFINCLICK 0x0010 /* Inside click code */
#define BFCAPTURED 0x0020 /* We have mouse capture */
#define BFMOUSE 0x0040 /* Mouse-initiated */
#define BFDONTCLICK 0x0080 /* Don't check on get focus */
#define bpText 0x0002
#define bpCheck 0x0004
#define bpFocus 0x0008 // must be same as BFFOCUS
#define bpBkgnd 0x0010
#define bpEraseGroupText 0x0020
PRIVATE VOID DrawPushButton(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, RC FAR *lprc, LPTSTR lpch, int cch, WORD bs, BOOL fDown) { // int dxyBrdr;
int dxyShadow; HBRUSH hbrSav; RC rcInside; rcInside = *lprc;
// if (!(grbitStyle & bitFCoolButtons))
{ DrawRec3d(hdc, lprc, icvWindowFrame, icvWindowFrame, dr3All); InflateRect((LPRECT) &rcInside, -1, -1); if (bs == LOWORD(BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) && IsWindowEnabled(hwnd)) { // dxyBrdr = 2;
DrawRec3d(hdc, &rcInside, icvWindowFrame, icvWindowFrame, dr3All); InflateRect((LPRECT) &rcInside, -1, -1); } // else
// dxyBrdr = 1;
// Notch the corners
PatBlt(hdc, lprc->xLeft, lprc->yTop, dxBorder, dyBorder, PATCOPY); /* Top xRight corner */ PatBlt(hdc, lprc->xRight - dxBorder, lprc->yTop, dxBorder, dyBorder, PATCOPY); /* yBot xLeft corner */ PatBlt(hdc, lprc->xLeft, lprc->yBot - dyBorder, dxBorder, dyBorder, PATCOPY); /* yBot xRight corner */ PatBlt(hdc, lprc->xRight - dxBorder, lprc->yBot - dyBorder, dxBorder, dyBorder, PATCOPY); dxyShadow = 1 + !fDown; } // else
// dxyShadow = 1;
// draw upper left hilite/shadow
if (fDown) hbrSav = SelectObject(hdc, g3d.brt.mpicvhbr[icvBtnShadow]); else hbrSav = SelectObject(hdc, g3d.brt.mpicvhbr[icvBtnHilite]);
PatBlt(hdc, rcInside.xLeft, rcInside.yTop, dxyShadow, (rcInside.yBot - rcInside.yTop), PATCOPY); PatBlt(hdc, rcInside.xLeft, rcInside.yTop, (rcInside.xRight - rcInside.xLeft), dxyShadow, PATCOPY);
// draw lower right shadow (only if not down)
if (!fDown) // || (grbitStyle & bitFCoolButtons))
{ int i;
if (fDown) SelectObject(hdc, g3d.brt.mpicvhbr[icvBtnHilite]); else SelectObject(hdc, g3d.brt.mpicvhbr[icvBtnShadow]);
rcInside.yBot--; rcInside.xRight--;
for (i = 0; i < dxyShadow; i++) { PatBlt(hdc, rcInside.xLeft, rcInside.yBot, rcInside.xRight - rcInside.xLeft + dxBorder, dyBorder, PATCOPY); PatBlt(hdc, rcInside.xRight, rcInside.yTop, dxBorder, rcInside.yBot - rcInside.yTop, PATCOPY); if (i < dxyShadow-1) InflateRect((LPRECT) &rcInside, -dxBorder, -dyBorder); } } // draw the button face
rcInside.xLeft++; rcInside.yTop++;
SelectObject(hdc, g3d.brt.mpicvhbr[icvBtnFace]); PatBlt(hdc, rcInside.xLeft, rcInside.yTop, rcInside.xRight-rcInside.xLeft, rcInside.yBot - rcInside.yTop, PATCOPY);
// Draw the durned text
if(!IsWindowEnabled(hwnd)) SetTextColor(hdc, g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvGrayText]); { int dy; int dx;
MyGetTextExtent(hdc, lpch, &dx, &dy); rcInside.yTop += (rcInside.yBot-rcInside.yTop-dy)/2; rcInside.xLeft += (rcInside.xRight-rcInside.xLeft-dx)/2; rcInside.yBot = min(rcInside.yTop+dy, rcInside.yBot); rcInside.xRight = min(rcInside.xLeft+dx, rcInside.xRight); }
if (fDown) { OffsetRect((LPRECT) &rcInside, 1, 1); rcInside.xRight = min(rcInside.xRight, lprc->xRight-3); rcInside.yBot = min(rcInside.yBot, lprc->yBot-3); }
DrawText(hdc, lpch, cch, (LPRECT) &rcInside, DT_LEFT|DT_SINGLELINE); if (hwnd == GetFocus()) { InflateRect((LPRECT) &rcInside, 1, 1); IntersectRect((LPRECT) &rcInside, (LPRECT) &rcInside, (LPRECT) lprc); DrawFocusRect(hdc, (LPRECT) &rcInside); }
if (hbrSav) SelectObject(hdc, hbrSav); }
| BtnPaint | | Paint a button | | Arguments: | HWND hwnd: | HDC hdc: | int bp: | | Returns: | -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE VOID BtnPaint(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, int bp) { RC rc; RC rcClient; HFONT hfont; int bs; int bf; HBRUSH hbrBtn; HWND hwndParent; int xBtnBmp; int yBtnBmp; HBITMAP hbmpSav; HDC hdcMem; TCHAR szTitle[256]; int cch; BOOL fEnabled; BOOL fLeftText;
bs = (int) GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); fLeftText = (bs & Win32Or16(0x00000020, 0x0020)); bs &= Win32Or16(0x0000001F, 0x001F); hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); SetBkMode(hdc, OPAQUE); GetClientRect(hwnd, (LPRECT)&rcClient); rc = rcClient; if((hfont = (HFONT)SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0L)) != NULL) hfont = SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
SetBkColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)); hbrBtn = SEND_COLOR_BUTTON_MESSAGE(hwndParent, hwnd, hdc); hbrBtn = SelectObject(hdc, hbrBtn); IntersectClipRect(hdc, rc.xLeft, rc.yTop, rc.xRight, rc.yBot); if(bp & bpBkgnd && (bs != BS_GROUPBOX)) PatBlt(hdc, rc.xLeft, rc.yTop, rc.xRight-rc.xLeft, rc.yBot-rc.yTop, PATCOPY);
fEnabled = IsWindowEnabled(hwnd); bf = (int) SendMessage(hwnd, BM_GETSTATE, 0, 0L); yBtnBmp = 0; xBtnBmp = (((bf&BFCHECK) != 0) | ((bf&BFSTATE) >> 1)) * 14; if (!fEnabled) xBtnBmp += 14*(2+((bf&BFCHECK) != 0)); if(bp & (bpText|bpFocus) || bs == BS_PUSHBUTTON || bs == BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) cch = GetWindowText(hwnd, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle)Win32Only(/sizeof(TCHAR))); switch(bs) { #ifdef DEBUG
default: Assert(fFalse); break; #endif
case BS_PUSHBUTTON: case BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON: DrawPushButton(hwnd, hdc, &rcClient, szTitle, cch, LOWORD(bs), bf & BFSTATE); break;
case BS_RADIOBUTTON: case BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON: yBtnBmp = 13; goto DrawBtn; case BS_3STATE: case BS_AUTO3STATE: Assert((BFSTATE >> 1) == 2); if((bf & BFCHECK) == 2) yBtnBmp = 26; // fall through
case BS_CHECKBOX: case BS_AUTOCHECKBOX: DrawBtn: if(bp & bpCheck) { hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); if(hdcMem != NULL) { hbmpSav = SelectObject(hdcMem, g3d.hbmpCheckboxes); if(hbmpSav != NULL) { if (fLeftText) BitBlt(hdc, rc.xRight - 14, rc.yTop+(rc.yBot-rc.yTop-13)/2, 14, 13, hdcMem, xBtnBmp, yBtnBmp, SRCCOPY); else BitBlt(hdc, rc.xLeft, rc.yTop+(rc.yBot-rc.yTop-13)/2, 14, 13, hdcMem, xBtnBmp, yBtnBmp, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmpSav); } DeleteDC(hdcMem); } } if(bp & bpText) { // BUG! this assumes we have only 1 hbm3dCheck type
if (fLeftText) rc.xRight = rcClient.xRight - (14+4); else rc.xLeft = rcClient.xLeft + 14+4; if(!fEnabled) SetTextColor(hdc, g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvGrayText]); DrawText(hdc, szTitle, cch, (LPRECT) &rc, DT_VCENTER|DT_LEFT|DT_SINGLELINE); } if(bp & bpFocus) { int dx; int dy;
MyGetTextExtent(hdc, szTitle, &dx, &dy); rc.yTop = (rc.yBot-rc.yTop-dy)/2; rc.yBot = rc.yTop+dy; rc.xLeft = rcClient.xLeft; if (fLeftText) { rc.xLeft = rcClient.xLeft; rcClient.xRight -= (14+4); } else rc.xLeft = rcClient.xLeft + (14+4); rc.xRight = rc.xLeft + dx; InflateRect((LPRECT) &rc, 1, 1); IntersectRect((LPRECT) &rc, (LPRECT) &rc, (LPRECT) &rcClient); DrawFocusRect(hdc, (LPRECT) &rc); } break; case BS_GROUPBOX: if(bp & (bpText|bpCheck)) { int dy; int dx;
MyGetTextExtent(hdc, szTitle, &dx, &dy); if (dy == 0) { int dxT; MyGetTextExtent(hdc, TEXT("X"), &dxT, &dy); } rc.xLeft += 4; rc.xRight = rc.xLeft + dx + 4; rc.yBot = rc.yTop + dy;
if (bp & bpEraseGroupText) { RC rcT;
rcT = rc; rcT.xRight = rcClient.xRight; // Hack!
ClientToScreen(hwnd, (LPPOINT) &rcT); ClientToScreen(hwnd, ((LPPOINT) &rcT)+1); ScreenToClient(hwndParent, (LPPOINT) &rcT); ScreenToClient(hwndParent, ((LPPOINT) &rcT)+1); InvalidateRect(hwndParent, (LPRECT) &rcT, fTrue); return; }
rcClient.yTop += dy/2; rcClient.xRight--; rcClient.yBot--; DrawRec3d(hdc, &rcClient, icvBtnShadow, icvBtnShadow, dr3All); OffsetRect((LPRECT) &rcClient, 1, 1); DrawRec3d(hdc, &rcClient, icvBtnHilite, icvBtnHilite, dr3All);
if(!fEnabled) SetTextColor(hdc, g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvGrayText]); DrawText(hdc, szTitle, cch, (LPRECT) &rc, DT_LEFT|DT_SINGLELINE); } break; }
SelectObject(hdc, hbrBtn); if(hfont != NULL) SelectObject(hdc, hfont); }
LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI BtnWndProc3d(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LONG lRet; LONG lStyle; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc; int bf; int bfNew; int bp;
if ( wm == WM_NCDESTROY ) return CleanupSubclass(hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam, ctButton);
if ( GetProp(hwnd,(LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dDisable) ) return CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctButton), hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam);
switch(wm) { case WM_CHECKSUBCLASS_OLD: case WM_CHECKSUBCLASS: *(int FAR *)lParam = fTrue; return ctButton+1000;
case WM_SETTEXT: lStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); if ((lStyle & WS_VISIBLE) && (LOWORD(lStyle) & 0x1f) == BS_GROUPBOX) { // total hack -- if group box text length shortens then
// we have to erase the old text. BtnPaint will Invalidate
// the rect of the text so everything will redraw.
bp = bpText | bpEraseGroupText; } else { bp = bpText|bpCheck|bpBkgnd; } goto DoIt;
case BM_SETSTATE: case BM_SETCHECK: bp = bpCheck; goto DoIt; case WM_KILLFOCUS: // HACK! Windows will go into an infinite loop trying to sync the
// states of the AUTO_RADIOBUTTON in this group. (we turn off the
// visible bit so it gets skipped in the enumeration)
// Disable this code by clearing the STATE bit
if ((LOWORD(GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE)) & 0x1F) == BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON) SendMessage(hwnd, BM_SETSTATE, 0, 0L); bp = 0; goto DoIt; case WM_ENABLE: bp = bpCheck | bpText; goto DoIt; case WM_SETFOCUS: // HACK! if wParam == NULL we may be activated via the task manager
// Erase background of control because a WM_ERASEBKGND messsage has not
// arrived yet for the dialog
// bp = wParam == (WPARAM)NULL ? (bpCheck | bpText | bpBkgnd) : (bpCheck | bpText);
bp = bpCheck | bpText | bpBkgnd; DoIt: bf = (int) SendMessage(hwnd, BM_GETSTATE, 0, 0L); if((lStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE)) & WS_VISIBLE) { if ( wm != WM_SETFOCUS ) SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, lStyle & ~(WS_VISIBLE)); lRet = CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctButton), hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam);
if ( wm != WM_SETFOCUS ) SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE)|WS_VISIBLE); bfNew = (int) SendMessage(hwnd, BM_GETSTATE, 0, 0L); if((wm != BM_SETSTATE && wm != BM_SETCHECK) || bf != bfNew) { hdc = GetDC(hwnd); if (hdc != NULL) { Assert(BFFOCUS == bpFocus); /* If the check state changed, redraw no matter what,
because it won't have during the above call to the def wnd proc */ if ((bf & BFCHECK) != (bfNew & BFCHECK)) bp |= bpCheck; ExcludeUpdateRgn(hdc, hwnd); BtnPaint(hwnd, hdc, bp|((bf^bfNew)&BFFOCUS)); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); } } return lRet; } break; case WM_PAINT: bf = (int) SendMessage(hwnd, BM_GETSTATE, 0, 0L); if ((hdc = (HDC) wParam) == NULL) hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); if(GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_VISIBLE) BtnPaint(hwnd, hdc, bpText|bpCheck|(bf&BFFOCUS)); if (wParam == (WPARAM)NULL) EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); return 0L; } return CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctButton), hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam); }
void ListEditPaint3d(HWND hwnd, BOOL fEdit, int ct) { CTLID id; RC rc; HDC hdc; HWND hwndParent; LONG lStyle; DR3 dr3;
if(!((lStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE)) & WS_VISIBLE)) return;
if ((ct == ctCombo && (lStyle & 0x003) == CBS_DROPDOWNLIST)) { if ( SendMessage(hwnd, CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE,0,0L) ) return; }
if (fEdit) HideCaret(hwnd);
GetWindowRect(hwnd, (LPRECT) &rc);
ScreenToClient(hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd), (LPPOINT) &rc); ScreenToClient(hwndParent, ((LPPOINT) &rc)+1);
hdc = GetDC(hwndParent);
dr3 = dr3All;
if(lStyle & WS_HSCROLL) dr3 = dr3 & ~dr3Bot;
if(lStyle & WS_VSCROLL) dr3 = dr3 & ~dr3Right;
// don't draw the top if it's a listbox of a simple combo
id = GetControlId(hwnd); if (id == (CTLID) (1000 + fEdit)) { TCHAR szClass[cchClassMax]; BOOL fSubclass = 666; int ctParent;
// could be superclassed!
fSubclass = 666; ctParent = (int)SendMessage(hwndParent, WM_CHECKSUBCLASS, 0, (LPARAM)(int FAR *)&fSubclass); if (fSubclass == 666) ctParent = (int)SendMessage(hwndParent, WM_CHECKSUBCLASS_OLD, 0, (LPARAM)(int FAR *)&fSubclass);
// could be subclassed!
GetClassName(hwndParent, szClass, sizeof(szClass)Win32Only(/sizeof(TCHAR))); if (lstrcmp(szClass, mpctcdef[ctCombo].sz) == 0 || (fSubclass == fTrue && ctParent == ctCombo+1000)) { HWND hwndComboParent;
hwndComboParent = GetParent(hwndParent);
Win16Only(GetWindowRect(hwnd, (LPRECT) &rc)); Win16Only(ScreenToClient(hwndComboParent, (LPPOINT) &rc)); Win16Only(ScreenToClient(hwndComboParent, ((LPPOINT) &rc)+1));
Win32Only(MapWindowPoints(hwndParent, hwndComboParent, (POINT*)&rc, 2));
ReleaseDC(hwndParent, hdc); hdc = GetDC(hwndComboParent);
if (fEdit) { RC rcList; HWND hwndList; long style;
style = GetWindowLong(hwndParent, GWL_STYLE); if (!(((style & 0x0003) == CBS_DROPDOWN) || ((style & 0x0003) == CBS_DROPDOWNLIST))) { dr3 &= ~dr3Bot; hwndList = GetWindow(hwndParent, GW_CHILD); GetWindowRect(hwndList, (LPRECT) &rcList); rc.xRight -= rcList.xRight-rcList.xLeft; DrawInsetRect3d(hdc, &rc, dr3Bot|dr3HackBotRight); rc.xRight += rcList.xRight-rcList.xLeft; } else { //
// Is the drop down on the parent down ? if so don't paint.
if ( SendMessage(hwndParent, CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE,0,0L) ) { ReleaseDC(hwndComboParent, hdc); ShowCaret(hwnd); return; } } } else { rc.yTop++; dr3 &= ~dr3Top; }
hwndParent = hwndComboParent;
} }
DrawInsetRect3d(hdc, &rc, dr3);
if ((ct == ctCombo && (lStyle & 0x003) == CBS_DROPDOWNLIST)) { rc.xLeft = rc.xRight - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvWindowFrame, icvWindowFrame, dr3Right|dr3Bot); Val3dCtl(hwnd); } else { if (lStyle & WS_VSCROLL) { int SaveLeft;
rc.xRight++; DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvBtnHilite, icvBtnHilite, dr3Right); rc.xRight--; SaveLeft = rc.xLeft; rc.xLeft = rc.xRight - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvWindowFrame, icvWindowFrame, dr3Bot); rc.xLeft = SaveLeft; } if (lStyle & WS_HSCROLL) { rc.yBot++; DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvBtnHilite, icvBtnHilite, dr3Bot); rc.yBot--; rc.yTop = rc.yBot - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHSCROLL); DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvWindowFrame, icvWindowFrame, dr3Right); } }
ReleaseDC(hwndParent, hdc); if (fEdit) ShowCaret(hwnd);
LONG ShareEditComboWndProc3d(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, int ct) { LONG l; LONG style;
if ( wm == WM_NCDESTROY ) return CleanupSubclass(hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam, ct);
if ( GetProp(hwnd,(LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dDisable) ) return CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ct), hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam);
l = CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd,ct), hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam); if (ct == ctCombo) { style = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); if ((style & 0x0003) == CBS_DROPDOWN) return l; }
switch(wm) { case WM_CHECKSUBCLASS_OLD: case WM_CHECKSUBCLASS: *(int FAR *)lParam = fTrue; return ctEdit+1000;
case WM_SHOWWINDOW: if (g3d.verWindows < ver31 && wParam == 0) Inval3dCtl(hwnd, (WINDOWPOS FAR *) NULL); break; case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: if (g3d.verWindows >= ver31) Inval3dCtl(hwnd, (WINDOWPOS FAR *) lParam); break;
case WM_PAINT: { if (ct != ctCombo || (((style & 0x0003) == CBS_DROPDOWN) || ((style & 0x0003) == CBS_DROPDOWNLIST))) ListEditPaint3d(hwnd, TRUE, ct); } break; } return l; }
LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI EditWndProc3d(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return ShareEditComboWndProc3d(hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam, ctEdit); }
LONG SharedListWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, unsigned ct) { LONG l;
if ( wm == WM_NCDESTROY ) return CleanupSubclass(hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam, ct);
if ( GetProp(hwnd,(LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dDisable) ) return CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ct), hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam);
switch(wm) { case WM_CHECKSUBCLASS_OLD: case WM_CHECKSUBCLASS: *(int FAR *)lParam = fTrue; return ctList+1000;
case WM_SHOWWINDOW: if (g3d.verWindows < ver31 && wParam == 0) Inval3dCtl(hwnd, (WINDOWPOS FAR *) NULL); break; case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: if (g3d.verWindows >= ver31) Inval3dCtl(hwnd, (WINDOWPOS FAR *) lParam); break; case WM_PAINT: l = CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ct), hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam); ListEditPaint3d(hwnd, FALSE, ct); return l; case WM_NCCALCSIZE: { RC rc; RC rcNew; HWND hwndParent;
// Inval3dCtl handles this case under Win 3.1
if (g3d.verWindows >= ver31) break;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, (LPRECT) &rc); #ifdef UNREACHABLE
if (g3d.verWindows >= ver31) { hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); ScreenToClient(hwndParent, (LPPOINT) &rc); ScreenToClient(hwndParent, ((LPPOINT) &rc)+1); } #endif
l = CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ct), hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam);
rcNew = *(RC FAR *)lParam; InflateRect((LPRECT) &rcNew, 2, 1); // +1 for border (Should use AdjustWindowRect)
if (rcNew.yBot < rc.yBot) { rcNew.yTop = rcNew.yBot+1; rcNew.yBot = rc.yBot+1;
#ifdef ALWAYS
if (g3d.verWindows < ver31) #endif
{ hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); ScreenToClient(hwndParent, (LPPOINT) &rcNew); ScreenToClient(hwndParent, ((LPPOINT) &rcNew)+1); }
InvalidateRect(hwndParent, (LPRECT) &rcNew, TRUE); } return l; } } return CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ct), hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam); }
LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI ListWndProc3d(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return SharedListWndProc(hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam, ctList); }
LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI ComboWndProc3d(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(wm) { case WM_CHECKSUBCLASS_OLD: case WM_CHECKSUBCLASS: *(int FAR *)lParam = fTrue; return ctCombo+1000; }
return ShareEditComboWndProc3d(hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam, ctCombo); }
void StaticPrint(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, RC FAR *lprc, LONG style) { WORD dt; LONG cv; Win16Or32(HANDLE , LPTSTR )hText; int TextLen;
PatBlt(hdc, lprc->xLeft, lprc->yTop, lprc->xRight-lprc->xLeft, lprc->yBot-lprc->yTop, PATCOPY);
TextLen = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd);
#ifndef WIN32
hText = LocalAlloc(LPTR|LMEM_NODISCARD,(TextLen+5)*sizeof(TCHAR)); #else
hText = _alloca((TextLen+5)*sizeof(TCHAR)); #endif
if (hText == NULL) return;
if (GetWindowText(hwnd, (NPTSTR)hText, TextLen+2*sizeof(TCHAR)) == 0) { #ifndef WIN32
LocalFree(hText); #endif
return; } if ((style & 0x000f) == SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP) dt = DT_NOCLIP | DT_EXPANDTABS; else { dt = LOWORD(DT_NOCLIP | DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_WORDBREAK | ((style & 0x0000000f)-SS_LEFT)); }
if (style & SS_NOPREFIX) dt |= DT_NOPREFIX;
if (style & WS_DISABLED) cv = SetTextColor(hdc, g3d.clrt.rgcv[icvGrayText]);
DrawText(hdc, (NPTSTR)hText, -1, (LPRECT) lprc, dt);
#ifndef WIN32
LocalFree(hText); #endif
if (style & WS_DISABLED) cv = SetTextColor(hdc, cv); }
void StaticPaint(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc) { LONG style; RC rc;
style = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); if(!(style & WS_VISIBLE)) return;
GetClientRect(hwnd, (LPRECT) &rc); switch(style & 0x1f) { case SS_BLACKRECT: case SS_BLACKFRAME: // Inset rect
DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvBtnShadow, icvBtnHilite, dr3All); break; case SS_GRAYRECT: case SS_GRAYFRAME: case 0x10: case 0x11: case 0x12: rc.xLeft++; rc.yTop++; DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvBtnHilite, icvBtnHilite, dr3All); OffsetRect((LPRECT) &rc, -1, -1); DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvBtnShadow, icvBtnShadow, dr3All); break; case SS_WHITERECT: // outset rect
case SS_WHITEFRAME: DrawRec3d(hdc, &rc, icvBtnHilite, icvBtnShadow, dr3All); break; case SS_LEFT: case SS_CENTER: case SS_RIGHT: case SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP: { HANDLE hfont; HBRUSH hbr;
if((hfont = (HANDLE)SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0L)) != NULL) hfont = SelectObject(hdc, hfont); SetBkMode(hdc, OPAQUE);
if(( hbr = SEND_COLOR_STATIC_MESSAGE(GetParent(hwnd), hwnd, hdc)) != NULL) hbr = SelectObject(hdc, hbr);
StaticPrint(hwnd, hdc, (RC FAR *)&rc, style);
if (hfont != NULL) SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
if (hbr != NULL) SelectObject(hdc, hbr); } break; } }
LRESULT __export _loadds WINAPI StaticWndProc3d(HWND hwnd, UINT wm, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HDC hdc; PAINTSTRUCT ps;
if ( wm == WM_NCDESTROY ) return CleanupSubclass(hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam, ctStatic);
if ( GetProp(hwnd,(LPCTSTR) g3d.aCtl3dDisable) ) return CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctStatic), hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam);
switch (wm) { case WM_CHECKSUBCLASS_OLD: case WM_CHECKSUBCLASS: *(int FAR *)lParam = fTrue; return ctStatic+1000;
case WM_PAINT: if ((hdc = (HDC) wParam) == NULL) { hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); ClipCtlDc(hwnd, hdc); } StaticPaint(hwnd, hdc); if (wParam == (WPARAM)NULL) EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); return 0L; case WM_ENABLE: hdc = GetDC(hwnd); ClipCtlDc(hwnd, hdc); StaticPaint(hwnd, hdc); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); return 0L; } return CallWindowProc(LpfnGetDefWndProc(hwnd, ctStatic), hwnd, wm, wParam, lParam); }
| LibMain -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef WIN32
#ifdef DLL
BOOL CALLBACK LibMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) #else
#ifdef SDLL
BOOL FAR Ctl3dLibMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) #else
BOOL FAR LibMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) #endif
{ WORD wT; DWORD dwVersion; BOOL (WINAPI* pfnDisableThreadLibraryCalls)(HMODULE); HMODULE hKernel;
switch(dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: // call DisableThreadLibraryCalls if available
hKernel = GetModuleHandleA("KERNEL32.DLL"); *(FARPROC*)&pfnDisableThreadLibraryCalls = GetProcAddress(hKernel, "DisableThreadLibraryCalls"); if (pfnDisableThreadLibraryCalls != NULL) (*pfnDisableThreadLibraryCalls)(hModule);
#ifdef DLL
InitializeCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); #endif
EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); #ifdef SDLL
g3d.hinstLib = g3d.hmodLib = _hModule; #else
g3d.hinstLib = g3d.hmodLib = hModule; #endif
dwVersion = (DWORD)GetVersion(); wT = LOWORD(dwVersion); // get adjusted windows version
g3d.verWindows = (LOBYTE(wT) << 8) | HIBYTE(wT); // Win32s or Win32 for real (Chicago reports Win32s)
g3d.verBase = (dwVersion & 0x80000000) && g3d.verWindows < ver40 ? 16 : 32;
g3d.dxFrame = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME)-dxBorder; g3d.dyFrame = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME)-dyBorder; g3d.dyCaption = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); g3d.dxSysMenu = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE);
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); } return TRUE; } #else
#ifdef DLL
int WINAPI LibMain(HANDLE hModule, WORD wDataSeg, WORD cbHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine) #else
#ifdef SDLL
int FAR Ctl3dLibMain(HANDLE hModule, WORD wDataSeg, WORD cbHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine) #else
#ifdef _BORLAND
BOOL FAR PASCAL LibMain(HANDLE hModule, WORD wDataSeg, WORD cbHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine) #else
BOOL FAR LibMain(HANDLE hModule, WORD wDataSeg, WORD cbHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine) #endif
{ WORD wT; #ifdef DLL
#ifdef V2
CodeLpszDeclA(lpszCtl3d, "CTL3DV2"); #else
CodeLpszDeclA(lpszCtl3d, "CTL3D"); #endif
CodeLpszDeclA(lpszUser, "user.exe"); CodeLpszDeclA(lpszSetWindowsHookEx, "SETWINDOWSHOOKEX"); CodeLpszDeclA(lpszUnhookWindowsHookEx, "UNHOOKWINDOWSHOOKEX"); CodeLpszDeclA(lpszCallNextHookEx, "CALLNEXTHOOKEX"); #endif
g3d.hinstLib = hModule; #ifdef DLL
g3d.hmodLib = GetModuleHandle(lpszCtl3d); #else
#ifdef SDLL
g3d.hinstLib = _hModule; g3d.hmodLib = GetModuleHandle(MAKELP(0,_hModule)); #else
g3d.hmodLib = hModule; #endif
wT = LOWORD( GetVersion() ); g3d.verWindows = (LOBYTE(wT) << 8) | HIBYTE(wT);
if ( GetWinFlags() & 0x4000 ) g3d.verBase = 24; // More then 16, not yet 32....WOW box on NT
else g3d.verBase = 16; // Regular old 3.1
g3d.dxFrame = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME)-dxBorder; g3d.dyFrame = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME)-dyBorder; g3d.dyCaption = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); g3d.dxSysMenu = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE);
#ifdef DLL
if (g3d.verWindows >= ver31) { HANDLE hlib;
hlib = LoadLibrary(lpszUser); if (FValidLibHandle(hlib)) { (FARPROC) g3d.lpfnSetWindowsHookEx = GetProcAddress(hlib, lpszSetWindowsHookEx); (FARPROC) g3d.lpfnUnhookWindowsHookEx = GetProcAddress(hlib, lpszUnhookWindowsHookEx); (FARPROC) g3d.lpfnCallNextHookEx = GetProcAddress(hlib, lpszCallNextHookEx); FreeLibrary(hlib); } } #endif
return 1; } #endif // win32
// convert a RGB into a RGBQ
#define RGBQ(dw) RGB(GetBValue(dw),GetGValue(dw),GetRValue(dw))
// LoadUIBitmap() - load a bitmap resource
// load a bitmap resource from a resource file, converting all
// the standard UI colors to the current user specifed ones.
// this code is designed to load bitmaps used in "gray ui" or
// "toolbar" code.
// the bitmap must be a 4bpp windows 3.0 DIB, with the standard
// VGA 16 colors.
// the bitmap must be authored with the following colors
// Window Text Black (index 0)
// Button Shadow gray (index 7)
// Button Face lt gray (index 8)
// Button Highlight white (index 15)
// Window Color yellow (index 11)
// Window Frame green (index 10)
// Example:
// hbm = LoadUIBitmap(hInstance, "TestBmp",
// GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE),
// GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW),
// Author: JimBov, ToddLa
#ifdef WIN32
HBITMAP PASCAL LoadUIBitmap( HANDLE hInstance, // EXE file to load resource from
LPCTSTR szName, // name of bitmap resource
COLORREF rgbText, // color to use for "Button Text"
COLORREF rgbFace, // color to use for "Button Face"
COLORREF rgbShadow, // color to use for "Button Shadow"
COLORREF rgbHighlight, // color to use for "Button Hilight"
COLORREF rgbWindow, // color to use for "Window Color"
COLORREF rgbFrame) // color to use for "Window Frame"
{ HBITMAP hbm; LPBITMAPINFO lpbi; HRSRC hrsrc; HGLOBAL h; HDC hdc; DWORD size;
// Load the bitmap resource and make a writable copy.
hrsrc = FindResource(hInstance, szName, RT_BITMAP); if (!hrsrc) return(NULL); size = SizeofResource( hInstance, hrsrc ); h = LoadResource(hInstance,hrsrc); if (!h) return(NULL);
lpbi = ( LPBITMAPINFO ) GlobalAlloc( GPTR, size );
if (!lpbi) return(NULL);
CopyMemory( lpbi, h, size );
*( LPCOLORREF ) &lpbi->bmiColors[0] = RGBQ(rgbText); // Black
*( LPCOLORREF ) &lpbi->bmiColors[7] = RGBQ(rgbShadow); // gray
*( LPCOLORREF ) &lpbi->bmiColors[8] = RGBQ(rgbFace); // lt gray
*( LPCOLORREF ) &lpbi->bmiColors[15] = RGBQ(rgbHighlight); // white
*( LPCOLORREF ) &lpbi->bmiColors[11] = RGBQ(rgbWindow); // yellow
*( LPCOLORREF ) &lpbi->bmiColors[10] = RGBQ(rgbFrame); // green
hdc = GetDC(NULL);
hbm = CreateDIBitmap(hdc, &lpbi->bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, (LPBYTE)(&lpbi->bmiColors[ 16 ]), lpbi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); GlobalFree( lpbi );
return(hbm); }
HBITMAP PASCAL LoadUIBitmap( HANDLE hInstance, // EXE file to load resource from
LPCTSTR szName, // name of bitmap resource
COLORREF rgbText, // color to use for "Button Text"
COLORREF rgbFace, // color to use for "Button Face"
COLORREF rgbShadow, // color to use for "Button Shadow"
COLORREF rgbHighlight, // color to use for "Button Hilight"
COLORREF rgbWindow, // color to use for "Window Color"
COLORREF rgbFrame) // color to use for "Window Frame"
h = LoadResource(hInstance,FindResource(hInstance, szName, RT_BITMAP));
lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)LockResource(h);
if (!lpbi) return(NULL);
if (lpbi->biSize != sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) return NULL;
if (lpbi->biBitCount != 4) return NULL; #endif
lprgb = (LPDWORD)((LPBYTE)lpbi + (int)lpbi->biSize); lpb = (LPBYTE)(lprgb + 16);
lprgb[0] = RGBQ(rgbText); // Black
// lprgb[7] = RGBQ(rgbFace); // lt gray
// lprgb[8] = RGBQ(rgbShadow); // gray
lprgb[7] = RGBQ(rgbShadow); // gray
lprgb[8] = RGBQ(rgbFace); // lt gray
lprgb[15] = RGBQ(rgbHighlight); // white
lprgb[11] = RGBQ(rgbWindow); // yellow
lprgb[10] = RGBQ(rgbFrame); // green
hdc = GetDC(NULL);
hbm = CreateDIBitmap(hdc, lpbi, CBM_INIT, (LPVOID)lpb, (LPBITMAPINFO)lpbi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); UnlockResource(h); FreeResource(h);
return(hbm); }
#endif // win32
| | DLL specific routines | ---------------------------------------------------------------WESC----*/
#ifndef WIN32
#ifdef DLL
| WEP -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int FAR PASCAL WEP (int wSystemExit) { return 1; } #endif