;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START OF SOURCE FILE SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COMMENT $ HEADER
DESCRIPTIVE NAME: queue management module
FUNCTION: This module contains routines for creating and deleting queues and reading and writing messages to queues. The circular queue data structure (struct Q defined in user.h) consists of a header followed by a sequence of messages
ENTRY POINTS: InitSysQ, CreateQueue, DeleteQueue, WriteMessage, ReadMessage, FQueueNotFull, DelQEntry, UnlinkQ $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF SOURCE FILE SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;% MOVEDS - NK (no change)
norasterops = 1 notext = 1 .xlist include user.inc .list
ExternFP <LocalAlloc, LocalFree>
assumes cs,CODE assumes ds,DATA
sBegin DATA
ifndef WOW ExternW idSysPeek ; id in sys queue of message being looked at. endif
ExternFP <GetSystemMsecCount> ExternFP <GetCurrentTask> ExternFP <SetTaskQueue> ExternFP <GlobalAlloc, GlobalFree> ExternFP <PostEvent> ExternFP <PostMessage> ExternFP <GetExeVersion>
sBegin CODE
; CS variables: ifndef WOW ; WOW doesn't use these ExternNP <CheckMsgFilter2> ExternNP <CheckHwndFilter2> ExternNP <SetWakeBit> ExternNP <WakeSomeone> ExternNP <SetWakeBit2> ExternNP <SkipSysMsg> ExternNP <PostMove> ExternNP <HqCur2ES, HqCur2DS> ExternFP <HqCurrent> else ExternFP <GetTaskQueueES> endif ; WOW doesn't use these
ifdef WOW ; These functions stolen from winloop3.asm
;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* ;* * ;* HqCur2ES() - * ;* * ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
; Get hqCurrent in ES.
LabelNP <PUBLIC, HqCur2ES> call GetTaskQueueES ; Another wonderful KERNEL routine ret
;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* ;* * ;* HqCurrent() - * ;* * ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
; Get handle of current queue and return in AX.
LabelFP <PUBLIC, HqCurrent> call HqCur2ES ; Code depends on both ES and AX mov ax,es or ax,ax ; Set flags retf
endif ; WOW These functions stolen from winloop3.asm
ifndef WOW ; No InitSysQueue for WOW ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COMMENT $ LOCAL InitSysQueue () - Create and initialize the system queue.
ENTRY: WORD cQEntries - number of entries in system queue
EXIT: hSysQueue contains handle for system queue (Shared global object.)
EFFECTS: all registers modified.
INTERNAL: CreateQueue2
IMPLEMENTATION: Set up register linkage for CreateQueue2 and let it do the work. $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; cProc InitSysQueue,<PUBLIC,FAR>,<DS> cBegin mov ax,_INTDS mov ds,ax assumes ds,INTDS mov ax,ds:[cQEntries] ; number of entries push ax mov ax,size INTERNALSYSMSG ; size of entry push ax call CreateQueue2 ; create system queue mov ds:[hqSysQueue],ax assumes ds,NOTHING cEnd endif ; No InitSysQueue for WOW
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COMMENT $ LOCAL CreateQueue (cMsgs) - Create a queue.
Create a queue for the currently executing task and stick its handle in the task header and the queue list.
ENTRY: WORD cMsgs(parm1) - count of messages that can be stored in queue
EXIT: ax - handle to queue (shared global object.)
Newly created queue is linked to list of queues pointed to by hqList.
EXIT - ERROR: ax hqCurrent, hqCurrentShadow contain 0.
EFFECTS: all registers modified.
INTERNAL: CreateQueue2
EXTERNAL: SetTaskQueue
WARNINGS: Running out of memory when trying to CreateQueue will init current queue to 0.
IMPLEMENTATION: Set up register linkage for CreateQueue2 and let it create the queue. Then add to linked list and then SetTaskQueue(NULL, hqCreated). $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; cProc CreateQueue,<PUBLIC, FAR>,<DS> ParmW cMsgs cBegin push cMsgs mov ax,size INTERNALMSG push ax call CreateQueue2 or ax,ax jz errexit ; CreateQueue2 failed
mov es,ax push ax mov ax,_INTDS mov ds,ax pop ax assumes ds,INTDS xchg ds:[hqList],ax ; Link us in and get old head of list mov es:[qHqNext],ax ; store ptr to next queue push es ; save hq for return
xor ax,ax ; SetTaskQueue(NULL, es) push ax push es ; push queue handle call SetTaskQueue ; and ram it in there pop ax ; return queue handle
LeaveCrit assumes ds,DATA errexit: cEnd
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COMMENT $ PRIVATE CreateQueue2 (cMsgs, cbEntry) - Create a queue.
Allocate a shared global object and initialize the header for the Q Data structure.
ENTRY: WORD cMsgs(parm1) - count of messages that can be stored in queue
WORD cbEntry(parm2) - count of bytes in single message entry.
EXIT: ax - handle to queue (shared global object.)
EXIT - ERROR: ax contains 0
EFFECTS: all registers except DI modified. wAppVersion gets current exe version.
EXTERNAL: GlobalAlloc
WARNINGS: cbEntry better not be less than 5.
IMPLEMENTATION: Allocate a shared global object, initialize header with following fields: Current Task, cbEntry, cMsgs,pmsgRead, pmsgWrite, pmsgRead = pmsgWrite = rgMsg, pmsgMax = queue size wVersion = GetExeVersion WakeBits = QS_SMPARAMSFREE | (SYSQ empty ? QS_INPUT : 0). lpfnMsgFilter = cs:OldMsgFilter $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; cProc CreateQueue2,<PUBLIC, NEAR>,<DI> ParmW cMsgs ParmW cbEntry
cBegin call GetCurrentTask ; get current task push ax ; and save it
mov ax,cMsgs mov cx,cbEntry mul cx add ax,size Q - size INTERNALMSG push ax ; save size of queue
; Alloc(GPTR, cMsgs * size INTERNALMSG + size Q) push GPTR+GMEM_SHAREALL push 0 ; hi word == 0 push ax call GlobalAlloc mov es,ax ; stick hq in es
pop cx ; pop queue size pop bx ; and task handle
or ax,ax ; error on alloc? jz cqexit ; yes, quit xchg bx,ax ; get task handle into ax
cld mov di,qHTask ; point at hTask stosw ; store task handle errnz qHTask-2 mov ax,cbEntry ; store size of entry stosw errnz qCbEntry-4 inc di ; cMsgs = 0 (cleared by alloc) inc di errnz qCMsgs-6 mov ax,qRgmsg stosw ; init read/write pointers errnz qPmsgRead-8 stosw errnz qPmsgWrite-10 mov ax,cx ; get size of queue (ptr to end) stosw ; and store it errnz qPmsgMax-12
push es ; save hq call GetExeVersion ; returns sys version in dx, app in ax pop es
mov es:[qWVersion],ax ; set up app version number mov es:[qWakeBits],QS_SMPARAMSFREE ; default ON flags. mov es:[qFlags],QF_INIT ; indicate initialization is in progress
mov ax,es ; Save hq in ax. push ax mov ax,_INTDS mov es,ax pop ax assumes es,INTDS cmp es:[hqList],0 ; If we are the first queue and jnz cq100 ; there is input waiting for us,
mov es:[hqCursor],ax ; Initialize this guy for WakeSomeone. cmp es:[hqSysQueue],0 ; System queue set yet??? jz cq100 ; Nope, don't touch it mov bx,es:[hqSysQueue] ; set the input flag. or bx,bx jz cq100 mov es,bx cmp es:[qCMsgs],0 ; Any messages in the system queue? mov es,ax jz cq100 ; No messages. or es:[qWakeBits],QS_INPUT ; Yes - tell the guy he has input.
cq100: ; ; Return queue handle in ax. ; cqexit: cEnd
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COMMENT $ LOCAL DeleteQueue() - Remove current queue from queue list
Unlink Queue from all lists, Delete the Q global object, then wake someone else.
EFFECTS: current queue is removed from queue list and object is deleted. New task wakes up.
hqSysLock = 0
all registers modified.
INTERNAL: UnlinkQ, SetWakeBit, WakeSomeone
EXTERNAL: GlobalFree,
IMPLEMENTATION: Unlink the queue from list of queues then unlink from all send lists. Then set the result bit for every queue with sendmessage waiting on this guy. Then free queue global object, and wakesomeone. $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; cProc DeleteQueue,<PUBLIC, NEAR>, <SI> cBegin call HqCurrent mov si,ax ; si = hqCurrent.
mov dx,_INTDS push dx ; Save for later mov ax,OFFSET hqList push dx push ax push si mov ax,qHqNext push ax call UnlinkQ ; UnlinkQ(lphqStart, hqCurrent, cbHqNext) pop es ; get INTDS jz dqexit ; if bad unlink, exit. ifndef WOW ; WOW doesn't have most USER16 structures to worry about. assumes es,INTDS EnterCrit xor bx,bx ; zero hqSysLock. mov es:[hqSysLock],bx mov es:[hqMouse],bx ; zero hqMouse. mov es:[hqKeyboard],bx ; zero hqKeyboard. mov bx,es:[hqList] ; Get the first guy in the list for mov es:[hqCursor],bx ; hqCursor. LeaveCrit ; ; Unlink this guy from everyone's hqSendList. ; mov cx,es:[hqList] assumes es,NOTHING dq100: mov es,cx jcxz dq200
push es:[qHqNext] push cx ; Unlink this queue from all send mov ax,qHqSendList ; lists. push ax push si mov ax,qHqSendNext push ax ; UnlinkQ(lphqStart, hqUnlink, cbLink) call UnlinkQ
pop cx ; Get the next hq. jmps dq100
dq200: ; ; Now set the result bit of everyone waiting on a SendMsg response from ; this guy. ; mov es,si ; es = hqCurrent. mov cx,es:[qHqSendList] dq300: mov es,cx jcxz dq400 ; Are we at the end of the list?
push es:[qHqSendNext]
xor bx,bx mov word ptr es:[qResult],bx ; Zero out the result. mov word ptr es:[qResult+2],bx
mov ax,QS_SMRESULT ; Tell this guy to wake up and call SetWakeBit2 ; get the result.
pop cx jmps dq300
endif ; WOW doesn't have most USER16 structures to worry about.
dq400: xor ax,ax push ax push ax ; Set NULL queue call SetTaskQueue ; SetTaskQueue(NULL, NULL)
push si call GlobalFree ; throw away the queue
xor cx,cx ifndef WOW ; No need - user32 takes care of this for WOW call WakeSomeone ; wake someone up to process events endif ;WOW ; if anyone jumps here, he better do it with ints enabled! dqexit: cEnd
ifndef WOW ; WOW doesn't ever put anything in the 16-bit Queue
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COMMENT $ LOCAL WriteMessage (hq, lParam, wParam, message, hwnd, dwExtra) - Write a message to hq.
If queue not full, Write message record at pmsgWrite, then advance pmsgWrite. SetWakeBit(hq) to tell him he has input.
ENTRY: WORD hq handle to queue that gets message DWORD lParam lParam of message WORD wParam wParam of message WORD message message WORD hwnd associated window DWORD dwExtra dwExtraMsgInfo of the message
EXIT: zero flag not set AX = pmsgWrite
EXIT ERROR: zero flag set
EFFECTS: Write pointer (pmsgWrite) to hq advanced to next message. QS_POSTMESSAGE set for hq.
All registers changed
INTERNAL: FQueueNotFull, SetWakeBit2
WARNINGS: the order of params on stack is assumed so we can do a rep movsb
IMPLEMENTATION: Call FQueueNotFull which sets di = pmsgwrite if queue not full. Blt message bytes to queue at di, advance the write pointer, then SetWakeBit(hq, QS_POSTMESSAGE). $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; cProc WriteMessage,<PUBLIC, NEAR>, <SI,DI,DS> ParmW hq ParmD lParam ParmW wParam ParmW message ParmW hwnd ParmD dwExtraInfo cBegin WriteMessage
NewEnterCrit ax ; This trashes ax register
push ds ; See if queue is full. mov ax,hq mov ds,ax mov es,ax assumes ds,NOTHING assumes es,NOTHING call FQueueNotFull ; Z flag set if FULL. jz pmexit push di ; Save Message pointer.
pm30: mov cx,ds:[qCbEntry] ; Copy message into queue. shr cx,1
push ds
lea si,dwExtraInfo push ss pop ds cld errnz <size INTERNALSYSMSG - 7*2> errnz msgTime-10 errnz imMsg-4 movsw movsw movsw movsw movsw ; Store away the message. movsw movsw
errnz <size INTERNALSYSMSG - 7*2> errnz msgTime-10 errnz imMsg-4 sub cx,7 jcxz pm40 ; If have room, store time.
push es call GetSystemMsecCount ; Tick count in dx:ax. pop es
push ax mov ax,_INTDS mov ds,ax pop ax assumes ds,INTDS stosw mov ax,dx stosw
sub cx,2 jcxz pm40
mov ax,word ptr ds:[ptCursor] ; If have room, store pt. stosw mov ax,word ptr ds:[ptCursor+2] stosw
pm40: pop ds assumes ds,DATA
pop bx ; reget ptr to msg push bx call rtestwrap ; advance pointer
mov ds:[qPmsgWrite],bx inc ds:[qCMsgs] ; advance count
mov ax,QS_POSTMESSAGE call SetWakeBit2 ; Tell this guy he has input. pm75: pop ax ; get back message ID pmexit: pop ds
NewLeaveCrit dx, cx ; This trashes dx and cx registers
cEnd WriteMessage
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COMMENT $ LOCAL FQueueNotFull - IsQueueFull?
If queue not full, get pmsgWrite and return TRUE. otherwise return FALSE.
LINKAGE: register
ENTRY: WORD ax - hq
EXIT: ax - non zero. zero flag clear di - pmsgWrite (pointer to next write record.)
EXIT ERROR: ax - 0; zero flag set
EFFECTS: no other registers
IMPLEMENTATION: Advance write pointer. Error condition occurs only if pmsgWrite == pmsgRead && cMsg != 0. $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; FQueueNotFull - zero in ax and Z flag if FULL, else cMsgLeft in ax, NZ ; flag set. Returns write pointer in di. ; AX has DS on entry. ; LabelNP <PUBLIC, FQueueNotFull> push ds assumes ds,NOTHING mov ds,ax mov di,ds:[qPmsgWrite] ; get write pointer and advance cmp di,ds:[qPmsgRead] ; if read == write, then we're either jnz qfNotFull xor ax,ax cmp ax,ds:[qCMsgs] ; cMsgs != 0 if empty jnz qfexit ; Jump if Full. qfNotFull: push es mov ax,_INTDS mov es,ax assumes es,INTDS mov ax,es:[cQEntries] ; See how many messages are left. assumes es,NOTHING pop es sub ax,ds:[qCMsgs] ; number of messages left qfexit: or ax,ax pop ds assumes ds,DATA ret
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COMMENT $ LOCAL ReadMessage (hq, lpMsg, hwndFilter, msgMinFilter, msgMaxFilter, fRemoveMsg) Read a message from hq.
If queue not empty, read message satisfying filter conditions from hq to *lpMsg.
ENTRY: WORD hq handle to queue to read from MSG *lpMsg far pointer to message buffer NOTE: This points to MSG struct and not INTERNALMSG. WORD hwndFilter Window filter WORD msgMinFilter min filter spec for message number WORD msgMaxFilter max filter spec for message number WORD fRemoveMsg Remove message if non-zero
EXIT: zero flag not set ax = Non-Zero - we have a message. ax = 0 - we don't have a message.
EXIT ERROR: zero flag set
EFFECTS: All registers trashed QS_POSTMESSAGE wakebit cleared if no msgs left in app queue.
REVISION HISTORY: SRL - 4/12 Fixed bug where if system queue was locked by someone else, it was being unlocked. SRL - 4/18 Fixed journalling. SRL - 5/4 Changed system queue journalling to call ScanSysQueue. (which used to be called FindMsgHq. It now does all the message enumeration).
IMPLEMENTATION: If not quitting, look through the specified queue starting at pmsgRead for message that matches filters. Blt message to lpmsg, advance the read pointer. If out of queue messages, clear the input bit. Message matches hwndFilter if hwndFilter == 0 or hwndFilter == msgHwnd. Message matches msgMinFilter, msgMaxFilter if both are zero or msgMinFilter <= msg <= msgMaxFilter.
$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ReadMessage(hq, lpMsg, hwndFilter, msgMinFilter, msgMaxFilter, fRemoveMsg) ; ; NOTE: lpMsg points to MSG structure and not INTERNALMSG. ; cProc ReadMessage, <PUBLIC, FAR>, <SI, DI,DS> ParmW hq ParmD lpMsg ParmW hwndFilter ParmW msgMinFilter ParmW msgMaxFilter ParmW fRemoveMsg cBegin push hq ; set ds to queue pointer pop ds assumes ds,NOTHING
mov bx,fRemoveMsg ; pass this to rmquit call rmquit ; Must we quit? jnz rmexit ; Exit and be sure to leave the ; QS_POSTMESSAGE bit still set. ; ; Run through the queue and find a message that matches the filters. ; rm150: xor ax,ax cmp ds:[qCMsgs],ax jz rm500 ; nothing in queue: exit
mov si,ds:[qPmsgRead] ; Get current read pointer.
rm200: call rmcheckappqueue ; Check the app queue for a message jnz rm500 ; fitting the filters.
rm400: call rtestwrap ; increment pointer in bx and copy to si mov si,bx jnz rm200 ; at end of queue if Z set xor ax,ax ; return FALSE rm500: EnterCrit cmp ds:[qCMsgs],0 ; If no messages left, and out the jnz rm600 ; input bit. cmp ds:[qCQuit],0 ; But only if not quitting jnz rm600 and ds:[qWakeBits],NOT QS_POSTMESSAGE rm600: LeaveCrit rmexit: assumes es,NOTHING assumes ds,DATA cEnd
assumes ds,NOTHING
; bx = fRemoveMsg rmquit: mov ax,ds:[qCQuit] ; Are we in the middle of quiting? or ax,ax ; if cQuit == 0, then continue jz rmq200 ; return Z.
; dec al ; if al == 2, then send quit msg ; jnz rmq100 cmp ds:[qCMsgs],0 ; if queue not empty, don't send quit jnz rmq200 ; inc ds:[qCQuit] ; set sticky quit & send quit msg or bx,bx jz rmq100 ; if PM_NOREMOVE, multiple WM_QUIT's mov ds:[qCQuit],0 ; give only one WM_QUIT(raor) rmq100: les bx,lpMsg mov es:[bx].msgMessage,WM_QUIT ; send a WM_QUIT mov es:[bx].msgHwnd,NULL ; null window handle mov ax,ds:[qExitCode] ; stick the exit code in wParam mov es:[bx].msgWParam,ax or al,TRUE ret rmq200: xor ax,ax ret ; ; If the hq is an app queue, we can filter immediately. ; rmcheckappqueue: mov bx,ds:[si].ismMsg.msgHwnd ; see if hwnd satisfies hwndFilter mov cx,hwndFilter call CheckHwndFilter2 mov bx,si ; copy read ptr into bx jz rmc200 ; bad luck - try next one mov ax,ds:[si].ismMsg.msgMessage ; see if msgMinFilter <= msg <= msgMaxFilter mov cx,msgMinFilter ; cx = msgMinFilter mov dx,msgMaxFilter ; dx = msgMaxFilter call CheckMsgFilter2 ; Z if no message. jz rmc200 ; ; We've found a message -- read it into lpMsg ; les di,lpMsg ; get pointer to event block mov cx,ds:[qCbEntry] sub cx, size INTERNALMSG - size MSG push si ; preserve ptr to ExtraMsgInfo add si, size INTERNALMSG - size MSG cld rep movsb ; copy message structure & advance rd ptr ; ; save away time, id, and position of this event in queue header ; ; NOTE: this code doesn't work for the system queue, but that's ok since we ; don't use the queue's time anyway. ; sub si,size MSG - msgTime ; point at saved time mov di,qTimeLast ; push ds ; copy into ES too pop es movsw ; copy time and position movsw errnz qPtLast-qTimeLast-4 movsw movsw mov ax,bx ; store position of msg in q header stosw errnz qIdLast-qPtLast-4 pop si ; Restore ptr to ExtraMsgInfo errnz qdwExtraInfoLast-qIdLast-2 errnz <size INTERNALMSG - size MSG - 4> movsw movsw cmp fRemoveMsg,0 ; are we supposed to yank the message? jnz rmc100 ; yes: take it out mov ds:[qIdLast],1 ; stick something random in qidLast jmps rmc150 ; so we don't reply until it's yanked rmc100: call DelQEntry ; delete queue entry & update ptrs rmc150: mov ax,bx ; return ID value, TRUE, NZ. or ax,ax rmc200: ret
assumes ds,DATA
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COMMENT $ PRIVATE DelQEntry - Delete a queue message entry.
Delete message entry from queue. Adjust pmsgRead, pmsgWrite and cMsgs.
LINKAGE: register
ENTRY: WORD bx - pointer to entry to delete WORD ds - hq
EXIT: void
EFFECTS: pmsgRead and pmsgWrite are adjusted, and part of rgMsg is blt'ed to fill hole left by deleted message.
Trashes es, si, di
IMPLEMENTATION: disable interrupts, change cMsgs, pmsgRead, pmsgWrite, then rep movsb from bottom up. $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; LabelNP <PUBLIC, DelQEntry>
assumes DS,NOTHING
EnterCrit push ds pop es dec ds:[qCMsgs] ; decrement count mov ax,ds:[qCbEntry] mov si,ds:[qPmsgRead] mov di,ds:[qPmsgWrite] cmp si,bx ; compare sptr to dptr ja de500 ; ; rptr < dptr: blt stuff below up ; move(rptr, rptr+1, dptr-rptr) ; rptr++; ; std ; blt backwards mov cx,bx ; cb = dptr-rptr sub cx,si mov si,bx ; src = dptr dec si ; point at first byte to copy mov di,si ; dest = src + size(entry) add di,ax rep movsb ; copy those bytes inc di ; readjust DI cmp di,ds:[qPmsgMax] ; update read pointer jb de200 ; checking for wraparound mov di,qRgmsg de200: mov ds:[qPmsgRead],di cld LeaveCrit ret ; ; rptr > dptr: blt stuff above down ; wptr--; ; move(dptr + 1, dptr, wptr - dptr) ; de500: cld mov si,bx ; src = dptr + size(entry) add si,ax mov cx,di ; cb = (wptr - (dptr + size(entry))) sub cx,si mov di,bx ; dest = dptr rep movsb ; copy those bytes mov ds:[qPmsgWrite],di ; update write pointer LeaveCrit ret ; ; increment read ptr in bx, testing for wraparound ; LabelNP <PUBLIC, rtestwrap> add bx,ds:[qCbEntry] ; advance pointer cmp bx,ds:[qPmsgMax] ; wrap around if needed jb tw50 mov bx,qRgmsg tw50: cmp bx,ds:[qPmsgWrite] ; set CC's if end of queue ret
assumes ds,DATA
endif ; WOW doesn't ever put anything in the 16-bit Queue
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COMMENT $ LOCAL LinkQ (lphqStart, hqLink, ibLink) - Add Q to linked list.
Add new queue entry to END of linked list starting at lphqStart and linked by ibLink. ibLink can be qHqNext or qHqSendNext.
ENTRY: DWORD lphqStart (parm1) - far pointer to start of queue list WORD hqLink (parm2) - handle of queue to be linked WORD ibLink (parm3) - byte index to link to be used in Q structure.
EXIT: ax contains hqLink
EFFECTS: all registers modified.
IMPLEMENTATION: Walk the linked list starting at lphqStart till hqNext is NULL indicating end of list. Add new entry to list there. $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; LabelNP <PUBLIC, LinkQ> ; ret = 0+2 (saved si) ; ibLink = 2+2 ; hqLink = 4+2 ; lpHqStart = 6+2 ; push si mov si,sp
les bx,ss:[si+8] ; Get lpHqStart
lnk100: mov cx,word ptr es:[bx] ; Check for end of the list. jcxz lnk200
mov es,cx ; Get Next Link. mov bx,ss:[si+4] ; BX = ibLink. jmps lnk100
lnk200: mov ax,ss:[si+6] ; Store hqLink at end of list. mov word ptr es:[bx],ax
mov es,ax ; AX = hqLink. mov bx,ss:[si+4] mov word ptr es:[bx],cx ; CX = 0. Zero out pNext.
LeaveCrit pop si ret 8
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COMMENT $ LOCAL UnlinkQ (lphqStart, hqLink, ibLink) - Unlink Q from list.
Unlink queue specified by hqLink from linked list starting at lphqStart and linked by ibLink. ibLink can be qHqNext or qHqSendNext.
ENTRY: DWORD lphqStart (parm1) - far pointer to start of queue list WORD hqLink (parm2) - handle of queue to be unlinked WORD ibLink (parm3) - byte index to link to be used in Q structure.
EXIT: ax contains handle of unlinked queue, zero flag clear
EXIT ERROR - zero flag is set
EFFECTS: all registers modified.
IMPLEMENTATION: Walk the linked list starting at lphqStart till hqLink is found and unlink. $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
LabelNP <PUBLIC, UnlinkQ> ; ; ; ret = 0+2+ (pushed si) ; cbLink = 2+2 ; hq = 4+2 ; lpHqStart = 6+2 ; assumes ds,NOTHING push si mov si,sp push di push ds
les di,ss:[si+8] ; Get lpHqStart. mov bx,ss:[si+6] ; Get hqUnlink.
ulq100: mov cx,es:[di] ; Exit with zero if at end of list. jcxz ulqExit
cmp cx,bx ; Have we found the guy that points jz ulq200 ; to hqUnlink?
mov es,cx ; Point to the next guy and continue. mov di,ss:[si+4] jmps ulq100
ulq200: mov ds,bx ; Get the hq that hqUnlink points to. mov bx,ss:[si+4] mov bx,ds:[bx]
mov es:[di],bx ; Store in hqLinkNext of the guy ; previous to hqUnlink. ulqExit: LeaveCrit
or cx,cx pop ds pop di pop si ret 8 assumes DS,DATA
ifndef WOW ; WOW thunks SetMessageQueue ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COMMENT $ LOCAL BOOL SetMessageQueue(cMsg)
This function is available to the task that desires a larger message queue than the default. This routine must be called from the applications' WinMain routine as soon as possible. It must not be called after any operation that could generate messages (such as a CreateWindow). Any messages currently in the queue will be destroyed. By default, the system creates a default queue with room for 8 messages.
ENTRY: WORD cMsg - The size of the new queue in messages.
EXIT: ax contains: TRUE: If new queue is sucessfully created. FALSE: If there was an error creating the new queue. In this case, the application has no queue associated with it (since the origional queue is deleted first). The application MUST call SetMessageQueue with a smaller size until a TRUE is returned (or the application may terminate itself).
EFFECTS: SI, DI preserved.
IMPLEMENTATION: Call DeleteQueue() Call CreateQueue(cMsg) $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF SPECIFICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
cProc SetMessageQueue, <PUBLIC, FAR, EXPORTED>, <SI, DI> ParmW cMsg cBegin call DeleteQueue mov ax,cMsg push ax call CreateQueue cEnd
endif ; WOW thunks SetMessageQueue
sEnd CODE end