Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements support for hotswap devices.
Adrian J. Oney (AdriaO) Feb 2001
Revision History:
#include "pnpmgrp.h"
#include "pihotswap.h"
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, PpHotSwapInitRemovalPolicy)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, PpHotSwapUpdateRemovalPolicy)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, PpHotSwapGetDevnodeRemovalPolicy)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, PiHotSwapGetDefaultBusRemovalPolicy)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, PiHotSwapGetDetachableNode)
VOID PpHotSwapInitRemovalPolicy( OUT PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function initializes the removal policy information for a device node.
DeviceNode - DevNode to update policy.
Return Value:
--*/ { PAGED_CODE();
DeviceNode->RemovalPolicy = (UCHAR) RemovalPolicyNotDetermined; DeviceNode->HardwareRemovalPolicy = (UCHAR) RemovalPolicyNotDetermined; }
VOID PpHotSwapUpdateRemovalPolicy( IN PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function updates the removal policy by retrieving the appropriate data from the registry or drivers.
DeviceNode - DevNode to update policy on.
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; DEVICE_REMOVAL_POLICY deviceRemovalPolicy, parentPolicy; PDEVICE_NODE detachableNode; ULONG policyLength, policyCharacteristics;
// First find the detachable node - it holds our policy data, and is
// special as it may make suggestions.
PiHotSwapGetDetachableNode(DeviceNode, &detachableNode);
// We aren't in fact removable. Finish now.
if (detachableNode == NULL) {
DeviceNode->RemovalPolicy = (UCHAR) RemovalPolicyExpectNoRemoval; DeviceNode->HardwareRemovalPolicy = (UCHAR) RemovalPolicyExpectNoRemoval; return; }
// Check the stack for an explicit policy...
policyCharacteristics = ((DeviceNode->PhysicalDeviceObject->Characteristics) & FILE_CHARACTERISTICS_REMOVAL_POLICY_MASK);
deviceRemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicyExpectOrderlyRemoval;
} else if (policyCharacteristics == FILE_CHARACTERISTICS_EXPECT_SURPRISE_REMOVAL) {
deviceRemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicyExpectSurpriseRemoval;
} else if (DeviceNode != detachableNode) {
// We didn't get any good guesses. Therefore use the weakest policy.
deviceRemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicyUnspecified;
} else {
// If we're the detach point, then we win.
PiHotSwapGetDefaultBusRemovalPolicy(DeviceNode, &deviceRemovalPolicy); }
if (DeviceNode != detachableNode) {
// Do we have a winning policy? There are two possible algorithms for
// coming to such a decision.
// 1) Best policy is stored back at the detach point. If a child has a
// better policy, the detach point is updated.
// 2) Policy is inherited downwards from the parent.
// We choose the second algorithm because devnode start orders may
// change scenario to scenario, and we favor determinism (same results
// each time) over opportunism (nonmarked child gets write caching
// enabled only on Tuesdays.)
parentPolicy = DeviceNode->Parent->RemovalPolicy; if (deviceRemovalPolicy > parentPolicy) {
// Seems dad was right afterall...
deviceRemovalPolicy = parentPolicy; } }
// Update the policy hardware policy and the overall policy in case there's
// no registry override.
DeviceNode->RemovalPolicy = (UCHAR) deviceRemovalPolicy; DeviceNode->HardwareRemovalPolicy = (UCHAR) deviceRemovalPolicy;
// We might not have to ask the stack anything. Check for a registry
// override.
policyLength = sizeof(DEVICE_REMOVAL_POLICY);
status = PiGetDeviceRegistryProperty( DeviceNode->PhysicalDeviceObject, REG_DWORD, REGSTR_VALUE_REMOVAL_POLICY, NULL, &deviceRemovalPolicy, &policyLength );
// If we have an override, set that as the policy.
if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && ((deviceRemovalPolicy == RemovalPolicyExpectOrderlyRemoval) || (deviceRemovalPolicy == RemovalPolicyExpectSurpriseRemoval))) {
DeviceNode->RemovalPolicy = (UCHAR) deviceRemovalPolicy; } }
VOID PpHotSwapGetDevnodeRemovalPolicy( IN PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, IN BOOLEAN IncludeRegistryOverride, OUT PDEVICE_REMOVAL_POLICY RemovalPolicy ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function retrieves the removal policy for a device node.
DeviceNode - DevNode to retrieve policy from.
IncludeRegistryOverride - TRUE if a registry override should be taken into account if present. FALSE if the check should be restricted to the hardware.
RemovalPolicy - Receives removal policy.
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVICE_NODE detachableNode; DEVICE_REMOVAL_POLICY reportedPolicy;
// Ensure the tree won't be edited while we examine it.
if (IncludeRegistryOverride) {
reportedPolicy = DeviceNode->RemovalPolicy;
} else {
reportedPolicy = DeviceNode->HardwareRemovalPolicy; }
if (reportedPolicy == RemovalPolicyNotDetermined) {
// We haven't started yet or asked the bus. Our policy is based on
// whether the device is removable or ejectable.
PiHotSwapGetDetachableNode(DeviceNode, &detachableNode);
if (detachableNode == NULL) {
reportedPolicy = RemovalPolicyExpectNoRemoval;
} else if (IopDeviceNodeFlagsToCapabilities(detachableNode)->EjectSupported) {
// Ejectable devices require orderly removal. We will assume the
// user knows this.
reportedPolicy = RemovalPolicyExpectOrderlyRemoval;
} else {
// Removal nonstarted devices can be pulled at any instant.
reportedPolicy = RemovalPolicyExpectSurpriseRemoval; }
} else {
// The devnode has a cached policy. Cut down on the options.
switch(reportedPolicy) {
case RemovalPolicyExpectNoRemoval: case RemovalPolicyExpectOrderlyRemoval: case RemovalPolicyExpectSurpriseRemoval: //
// Leave unchanged.
case RemovalPolicySuggestSurpriseRemoval: reportedPolicy = RemovalPolicyExpectSurpriseRemoval; break;
default: ASSERT(0);
// Fall through.
case RemovalPolicyUnspecified:
// Unspecified is treated as orderly since the diversity of
// busses favor high-speed orderly connections over consumer
// connections.
// Fall through
case RemovalPolicySuggestOrderlyRemoval: reportedPolicy = RemovalPolicyExpectOrderlyRemoval; break; } }
PpDevNodeUnlockTree(PPL_SIMPLE_READ); *RemovalPolicy = reportedPolicy; }
VOID PiHotSwapGetDefaultBusRemovalPolicy( IN PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, OUT PDEVICE_REMOVAL_POLICY RemovalPolicy ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function gets the default removal policy for a bus. This should be turned into a query in future designs.
DeviceNode - DevNode to examine. This devnode should be the detach point.
RemovalPolicy - Receives removal policy for the node.
Return Value:
--*/ { DEVICE_REMOVAL_POLICY deviceRemovalPolicy;
if ((DeviceNode->InstancePath.Length > 8) && (!_wcsnicmp(DeviceNode->InstancePath.Buffer, L"USB\\", 4))) {
deviceRemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicySuggestSurpriseRemoval;
} else if ((DeviceNode->InstancePath.Length > 10) && (!_wcsnicmp(DeviceNode->InstancePath.Buffer, L"1394\\", 5))) {
deviceRemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicySuggestSurpriseRemoval;
} else if ((DeviceNode->InstancePath.Length > 10) && (!_wcsnicmp(DeviceNode->InstancePath.Buffer, L"SBP2\\", 5))) {
deviceRemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicySuggestSurpriseRemoval;
} else if ((DeviceNode->InstancePath.Length > 14) && (!_wcsnicmp(DeviceNode->InstancePath.Buffer, L"PCMCIA\\", 7))) {
deviceRemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicySuggestSurpriseRemoval;
} else if ((DeviceNode->InstancePath.Length > 8) && (!_wcsnicmp(DeviceNode->InstancePath.Buffer, L"PCI\\", 4)) && (DeviceNode->Parent->ServiceName.Length == 12) && (!_wcsicmp(DeviceNode->Parent->ServiceName.Buffer, L"PCMCIA"))) {
deviceRemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicySuggestSurpriseRemoval;
} else {
deviceRemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicySuggestOrderlyRemoval; }
*RemovalPolicy = deviceRemovalPolicy; }
VOID PiHotSwapGetDetachableNode( IN PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, OUT PDEVICE_NODE *DetachableNode ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function starts at the DeviceNode and walks up the tree to find the first node that is removable.
DeviceNode - DevNode to start walk from.
DetachableNode - Receives detachable node, NULL if none.
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVICE_NODE currentNode;
// We haven't started yet or asked the bus. Our policy is based on
// whether the device is removable or ejectable.
for(currentNode = DeviceNode; currentNode != NULL; currentNode = currentNode->Parent) {
if ((IopDeviceNodeFlagsToCapabilities(currentNode)->Removable) || (IopDeviceNodeFlagsToCapabilities(currentNode)->EjectSupported)) {
break; } }
*DetachableNode = currentNode; }