Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
PoCallDriver and related routines.
Bryan Willman (bryanwi) 14-Nov-1996
Revision History:
#include "pop.h"
PIRP PopFindIrpByInrush( );
VOID PopPassivePowerCall( PVOID Parameter );
NTSTATUS PopCompleteRequestIrp ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context );
#if 0
#define PATHTEST(a) DbgPrint(a)
#define PATHTEST(a)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, PopSystemIrpDispatchWorker)
Routine Description:
This is the routine that must be used to send an IRP_MJ_POWER irp to device drivers.
It performs specialized synchronization on power operations for device drivers.
All callers to PoCallDriver MUST set the current io stack location parameter value SystemContext to 0, unless they are passing on an IRP to lower drivers, in which case they must copy the value from above.
DeviceObject - the device object the irp is to be routed to
Irp - pointer to the irp of interest
Return Value:
Normal NTSTATUS data.
ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql()<=DISPATCH_LEVEL); PopLockIrpSerialList(&oldIrql);
irpsp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(Irp); doe = DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension; irpsp->DeviceObject = DeviceObject;
ASSERT(irpsp->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_POWER);
PoPowerTrace(POWERTRACE_CALL,DeviceObject,Irp,irpsp); if (DeviceObject->Flags & DO_POWER_NOOP) { PATHTEST("PoCallDriver #01\n"); Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0L;
// we *don't* need to call PoStartNextPowerIrp() because we'll
// never enqueue anything for this DO, so there will never be
// any other IRP to run.
IoCompleteRequest(Irp, 0); PopUnlockIrpSerialList(oldIrql); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
if (irpsp->MinorFunction != IRP_MN_SET_POWER && irpsp->MinorFunction != IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER) {
PopUnlockIrpSerialList(oldIrql); return IoCallDriver (DeviceObject, Irp); }
// We never query going up, so being inrush sensitive
// only matters for SET_POWER to D0
// If this is an inrush sensitive DevObj, and we're going TO PowerDeviceD0,
// then serialize on the gobal Inrush flag.
if ((irpsp->MinorFunction == IRP_MN_SET_POWER) && (irpsp->Parameters.Power.Type == DevicePowerState) && (irpsp->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState == PowerDeviceD0) && (PopGetDoDevicePowerState(doe) != PowerDeviceD0) && (DeviceObject->Flags & DO_POWER_INRUSH)) { PATHTEST("PoCallDriver #02\n");
if (PopInrushIrpPointer == Irp) {
// This irp has already been identified as an INRUSH irp,
// and it is the active inrush irp,
// so it can actually just continue on, after we increment
// the ref count
PATHTEST("PoCallDriver #03\n"); ASSERT((irpsp->Parameters.Power.SystemContext & POP_INRUSH_CONTEXT) == POP_INRUSH_CONTEXT); PopInrushIrpReferenceCount++; if (PopInrushIrpReferenceCount > 256) { PopInternalAddToDumpFile ( irpsp, sizeof(IO_STACK_LOCATION), DeviceObject, NULL, NULL, NULL ); KeBugCheckEx(INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR, 0x400, 1, (ULONG_PTR)irpsp, (ULONG_PTR)DeviceObject); }
} else if ((!PopInrushIrpPointer) && (!PopInrushPending)) {
// This is a freshly starting inrush IRP, AND there is not
// already an inrush irp, so mark this as an inrush irp,
// note that inrush is active, and continue
PATHTEST("PoCallDriver #04\n"); PopInrushIrpPointer = Irp; PopInrushIrpReferenceCount = 1; irpsp->Parameters.Power.SystemContext = POP_INRUSH_CONTEXT;
// Inrush irps will cause us to free the processor throttling.
PopPerfHandleInrush ( TRUE );
} else {
PATHTEST("PoCallDriver #05\n"); ASSERT(PopInrushIrpPointer || PopInrushPending); //
// There is already an active Inrush irp, and this one isn't it.
// OR there is an inrush irp blocked on the queue, in either case,
// mark this as an inrush irp and enqueue it.
doe->PowerFlags |= POPF_DEVICE_PENDING; irpsp->Parameters.Power.SystemContext = POP_INRUSH_CONTEXT; InsertTailList( &PopIrpSerialList, &(Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry) ); PopIrpSerialListLength++;
#if DBG
if (PopIrpSerialListLength > 10) { DbgPrint("WARNING: PopIrpSerialListLength > 10!!!\n"); } if (PopIrpSerialListLength > 100) { DbgPrint("WARNING: PopIrpSerialListLength > **100**!!!\n"); PopInternalAddToDumpFile ( &PopIrpSerialList, PAGE_SIZE, DeviceObject, NULL, NULL, NULL ); KeBugCheckEx(INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR, 0x401, 2, (ULONG_PTR)&PopIrpSerialList, (ULONG_PTR)DeviceObject); } #endif
PopInrushPending = TRUE; PopUnlockIrpSerialList(oldIrql); return STATUS_PENDING; } }
// See if there is already a power irp active for this
// device object. If not, send this one on. If so, enqueue
// it to wait.
if (irpsp->Parameters.Power.Type == SystemPowerState) {
PATHTEST("PoCallDriver #06\n");
if (doe->PowerFlags & POPF_SYSTEM_ACTIVE) {
// we already have one active system power state irp for the devobj,
// so enqueue this one on the global power irp holding list,
// and set the pending bit.
PATHTEST("PoCallDriver #07\n"); doe->PowerFlags |= POPF_SYSTEM_PENDING; InsertTailList( &PopIrpSerialList, (&(Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry)) ); PopIrpSerialListLength++;
#if DBG
if (PopIrpSerialListLength > 10) { DbgPrint("WARNING: PopIrpSerialListLength > 10!!!\n"); } if (PopIrpSerialListLength > 100) { DbgPrint("WARNING: PopIrpSerialListLength > **100**!!!\n"); PopInternalAddToDumpFile ( &PopIrpSerialList, PAGE_SIZE, DeviceObject, NULL, NULL, NULL ); KeBugCheckEx(INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR, 0x402, 3, (ULONG_PTR)&PopIrpSerialList, (ULONG_PTR)DeviceObject); } #endif
PopUnlockIrpSerialList(oldIrql); return STATUS_PENDING; } else { PATHTEST("PoCallDriver #08\n"); doe->PowerFlags |= POPF_SYSTEM_ACTIVE; } }
if (irpsp->Parameters.Power.Type == DevicePowerState) {
PATHTEST("PoCallDriver #09\n");
if ((doe->PowerFlags & POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE) || (doe->PowerFlags & POPF_DEVICE_PENDING)) { //
// we already have one active device power state irp for the devobj,
// OR we're behind an inrush irp (if pending but not active)
// so enqueue this irp on the global power irp holdinglist,
// and set the pending bit.
PATHTEST("PoCallDriver #10\n"); doe->PowerFlags |= POPF_DEVICE_PENDING; InsertTailList( &PopIrpSerialList, &(Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry) ); PopIrpSerialListLength++;
#if DBG
if (PopIrpSerialListLength > 10) { DbgPrint("WARNING: PopIrpSerialListLength > 10!!!\n"); } if (PopIrpSerialListLength > 100) { DbgPrint("WARNING: PopIrpSerialListLength > **100**!!!\n"); PopInternalAddToDumpFile ( &PopIrpSerialList, PAGE_SIZE, DeviceObject, NULL, NULL, NULL ); KeBugCheckEx(INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR, 0x403, 4, (ULONG_PTR)&PopIrpSerialList, (ULONG_PTR)DeviceObject); } #endif
PopUnlockIrpSerialList(oldIrql); return STATUS_PENDING; } else { PATHTEST("PoCallDriver #11\n"); doe->PowerFlags |= POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE; } }
// If we get here it's time to send this IRP on to the driver.
// If the driver is NOT marked INRUSH and it IS marked PAGABLE
// (which is hopefully the normal case) we will arrange to call
// it from PASSIVE_LEVEL.
// If it is NOT pagable or IS INRUSH, we will arrange to call
// it from DPC level.
// Note that if a driver is marked INRUSH, it will ALWAYS be called
// from DPC level with power irps, even though some of them may not
// be inrush irps.
// having your driver be both PAGABLE and INRUSH is incorrect
ASSERT(irpsp->DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension->PowerFlags & (POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE | POPF_SYSTEM_ACTIVE)); PopUnlockIrpSerialList(oldIrql); status = PopPresentIrp(irpsp, Irp); return status; }
Routine Description:
When PoCallDriver, PoCompleteRequest, etc, need to actually present an Irp to a devobj, they call PopPresentIrp.
This routine will compute whether the Irp should be presented at PASSIVE or DISPATCH level, and make an appropriately structured call
IrpSp - provides current stack location in Irp of interest
Irp - provides irp of interest
Return Value:
Normal NTSTATUS data.
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM pwi; PDEVICE_OBJECT devobj; BOOLEAN PassiveLevel; KIRQL OldIrql;
PATHTEST("PopPresentIrp #01\n"); devobj = IrpSp->DeviceObject;
ASSERT (IrpSp->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_POWER); PassiveLevel = TRUE; if (IrpSp->MinorFunction == IRP_MN_SET_POWER && (!(devobj->Flags & DO_POWER_PAGABLE) || (devobj->Flags & DO_POWER_INRUSH)) ) {
if ((PopCallSystemState & PO_CALL_NON_PAGED) || ( (IrpSp->Parameters.Power.Type == DevicePowerState && IrpSp->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState == PowerDeviceD0) || (IrpSp->Parameters.Power.Type == SystemPowerState && IrpSp->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState == PowerSystemWorking)) ) {
PassiveLevel = FALSE; } }
PoPowerTrace(POWERTRACE_PRESENT,devobj,Irp,IrpSp); if (PassiveLevel) { //
// WARNING: A WORK_QUEUE_ITEM must fit in the DriverContext field of an IRP
ASSERT(sizeof(WORK_QUEUE_ITEM) <= sizeof(Irp->Tail.Overlay.DriverContext));
#if DBG
if ((IrpSp->Parameters.Power.SystemContext & POP_INRUSH_CONTEXT) == POP_INRUSH_CONTEXT) { //
// we are sending an inrush irp off to a passive dispatch devobj
// this is *probably* a bug
KdPrint(("PopPresentIrp: inrush irp to passive level dispatch!!!\n")); PopInternalAddToDumpFile ( IrpSp, sizeof(IO_STACK_LOCATION), devobj, NULL, NULL, NULL ); KeBugCheckEx(INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR, 0x404, 5, (ULONG_PTR)IrpSp, (ULONG_PTR)devobj); } #endif
PATHTEST("PopPresentIrp #02\n");
// If we're already at passive level, just dispatch the irp
if (KeGetCurrentIrql() == PASSIVE_LEVEL) {
status = IoCallDriver(IrpSp->DeviceObject, Irp);
} else {
// Irp needs to be queued to some worker thread before
// it can be dispatched. Mark it pending
if (PopCallSystemState & PO_CALL_SYSDEV_QUEUE) {
// Queue to dedicated system power worker thread
InsertTailList (&PopAction.DevState->PresentIrpQueue, &(Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry)); KeSetEvent (&PopAction.DevState->Event, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE);
} else {
// Queue to generic system worker thread
pwi = (PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM)(&(Irp->Tail.Overlay.DriverContext[0])); ExInitializeWorkItem(pwi, PopPassivePowerCall, Irp); ExQueueWorkItem(pwi, DelayedWorkQueue); }
PopUnlockWorkerQueue(OldIrql); }
} else { //
// Non-blocking request. To ensure proper behaviour, dispatch
// the irp from dispatch_level
PATHTEST("PopPresentIrp #03\n"); #if DBG
KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); status = IoCallDriver(IrpSp->DeviceObject, Irp); KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); #else
status = IoCallDriver(IrpSp->DeviceObject, Irp); #endif
return status; }
VOID PopPassivePowerCall( PVOID Parameter ) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpsp; PIRP Irp; PDEVICE_OBJECT devobj; NTSTATUS status;
// Parameter points to Irp we are to send to driver
PATHTEST("PopPassivePowerCall #01\n"); Irp = (PIRP)Parameter; irpsp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(Irp); devobj = irpsp->DeviceObject; status = IoCallDriver(devobj, Irp); return; }
NTKERNELAPI VOID PoStartNextPowerIrp( IN PIRP Irp ) /*++
Routine Description:
This procedure must be applied to every power irp, and only power irps, when a driver is finished with them.
It will force post-irp completion items relevent to the irp to execute:
a. If the irp is an inrush irp, and this is the top of the inrush irp stack, then this particular inrush irp is done, and we go find the next inrush irp (if any) and dispatch it.
b. If step a. did NOT send an irp to the dev obj we came from, it is eligible for step c, otherwise it is not.
c. If anything is pending on the dev obj, of the type that just completed, find the waiting irp and post it to the driver.
This routine will NOT complete the Irp, the driver must do that.
Irp - pointer to the irp of interest
Return Value:
--*/ { PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpsp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION nextsp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION secondsp; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PDEVOBJ_EXTENSION doe; KIRQL oldirql; PIRP nextirp; PIRP secondirp; PIRP hangirp;
irpsp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); ASSERT(irpsp->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_POWER); ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); deviceObject = irpsp->DeviceObject; doe = deviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension; nextirp = NULL; secondirp = NULL;
// a. if (partially completed inrush irp)
// run any pending non-inrush irps on this DeviceObject, would be queued up
// as DevicePowerState irps since inrush is always DevicePowerState
// b. else if (fully complete inrush irp)
// clear the ir busy flag
// find next inrush irp that applies to any DeviceObject
// find any irps in queue for same DeviceObject ahead of inrush irp
// if no leader, and target DeviceObject not DEVICE_ACTIVE, present inrush irp
// else an active normal irp will unplug it all, so ignore that DeviceObject
// [this makes sure next inrush is unstuck, wherever it is]
// if no irp was presented, or an irp was presented to a DeviceObject other than us
// look for next pending (non-inrush) irp to run on this DeviceObject
// [this makes sure this DeviceObject is unstuck]
// c. else [normal irp has just completed]
// find next irp of same type that applies to this DeviceObject
// if (it's an inrush irp) && (inrush flag is set)
// don't try to present anything
// else
// present the irp
PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #01\n"); PopLockIrpSerialList(&oldirql);
if (PopInrushIrpPointer == Irp) {
ASSERT((irpsp->Parameters.Power.SystemContext & POP_INRUSH_CONTEXT) == POP_INRUSH_CONTEXT); PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #02\n");
if (PopInrushIrpReferenceCount > 1) { //
// case a.
// we have an inrush irp, and it has NOT completed all of its power
// management work. therefore, do NOT try to run the next inrush
// irp, but do try to run any non-inrush irp pending on this
// device object
PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #03\n"); PopInrushIrpReferenceCount--; ASSERT(PopInrushIrpReferenceCount >= 0);
nextirp = PopFindIrpByDeviceObject(deviceObject, DevicePowerState); if (nextirp) { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #04\n"); nextsp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(nextirp);
if ( ! ((nextsp->Parameters.Power.SystemContext & POP_INRUSH_CONTEXT) == POP_INRUSH_CONTEXT)) { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #05\n"); RemoveEntryList((&(nextirp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry))); PopIrpSerialListLength--; } else { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #06\n"); nextirp = NULL; } }
if (!nextirp) { //
// there's no more device irp waiting for this do, so
// we can clear DO pending and active
// but what if there's another inrush irp! no worries, it
// will be run when the one we just partially finished completes.
PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #07\n"); doe->PowerFlags = doe->PowerFlags & ~POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE; doe->PowerFlags = doe->PowerFlags & ~POPF_DEVICE_PENDING; }
if (nextirp) { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #08\n"); ASSERT(nextsp->DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension->PowerFlags & POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE); PopPresentIrp(nextsp, nextirp); }
return; // end of case a.
} else { //
// case b.
// we've just completed the last work item of an inrush irp, so we
// want to try to make the next inrush irp runnable.
PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #09\n"); PopInrushIrpReferenceCount--; ASSERT(PopInrushIrpReferenceCount == 0); nextirp = PopFindIrpByInrush();
if (nextirp) { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #10\n"); ASSERT(PopInrushPending); nextsp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(nextirp); hangirp = PopFindIrpByDeviceObject(nextsp->DeviceObject, DevicePowerState);
if (hangirp) { //
// if we get where, there is a non inrush irp in front of the next inrush
// irp, so try to run the non-inrush one, and set flags for later
PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #11\n"); nextirp = hangirp; PopInrushIrpPointer = NULL; PopInrushIrpReferenceCount = 0; nextsp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(nextirp);
// Can allow processor voltages to swing again
PopPerfHandleInrush ( FALSE );
if (!(nextsp->DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension->PowerFlags & POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE)) { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #12\n"); RemoveEntryList((&(nextirp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry))); nextsp->DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension->PowerFlags |= POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE; PopIrpSerialListLength--; } else { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #13\n"); nextirp = NULL; nextsp = NULL; } } else { //
// we did find another inrush irp, and it's NOT block by a normal
// irp, so we will run it.
PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #14\n"); RemoveEntryList((&(nextirp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry))); nextsp->DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension->PowerFlags |= POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE; PopIrpSerialListLength--; PopInrushIrpPointer = nextirp; PopInrushIrpReferenceCount = 1; } } else { // nextirp
// this inrush irp is done, and we didn't find any others
PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #15\n"); nextsp = NULL; PopInrushIrpPointer = NULL; PopInrushIrpReferenceCount = 0;
// Can allow processor voltages to swing again
PopPerfHandleInrush ( FALSE );
// see if *either* of the above possible irps is posted against
// this devobj. if not, see if there's one to run here
if ( ! ((nextsp) && (nextsp->DeviceObject == deviceObject))) { //
// same is if nextsp == null or nextsp->do != do..
// either case, there may be one more irp to run
PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #16\n"); secondirp = PopFindIrpByDeviceObject(deviceObject, DevicePowerState); if (secondirp) { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #17\n"); secondsp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(secondirp); RemoveEntryList((&(secondirp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry))); secondsp->DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension->PowerFlags |= POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE; PopIrpSerialListLength--; } else { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #18\n"); secondsp = NULL;
// nextsp/nextirp are not pending against us AND
// secondsp/secondirp are not pending against us, SO
// clear both pending and active flags
doe->PowerFlags = doe->PowerFlags & ~POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE; doe->PowerFlags = doe->PowerFlags & ~POPF_DEVICE_PENDING; }
} else { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #19\n"); secondirp = NULL; secondsp = NULL; //
// nextsp/nextirp is coming right at us, so pending/active stay set
} } // end of case b.
} else if (irpsp->MinorFunction == IRP_MN_SET_POWER || irpsp->MinorFunction == IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER) {
// case c.
// might be pending inrush to run, might be just non-inrush to run
if (irpsp->Parameters.Power.Type == DevicePowerState) { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #20\n");
if ((PopInrushIrpPointer == NULL) && (PopInrushPending)) { //
// it may be that the completion of the ordinary irp
// that brought us here has made some inrush irp runnable, AND
// there isn't currently an active inrush irp, and there might be one pending
// so try to find and run the next inrush irp
PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #21\n"); nextirp = PopFindIrpByInrush();
if (nextirp) { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #22\n"); nextsp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(nextirp);
if (!(nextsp->DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension->PowerFlags & POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE)) { //
// we've found an inrush irp, and it's runnable...
PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #23\n"); RemoveEntryList((&(nextirp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry))); PopIrpSerialListLength--; nextsp->DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension->PowerFlags |= POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE; PopInrushIrpPointer = nextirp; PopInrushIrpReferenceCount = 1;
// Running Inrush irp. Disable processor throttling.
PopPerfHandleInrush ( TRUE );
} else { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #24\n"); nextirp = NULL; nextsp = NULL; } } else { //
// no more inrush irps in queue
PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #25\n"); nextsp = NULL; PopInrushPending = FALSE; } } else { // end of inrush
PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #26\n"); nextirp = NULL; nextsp = NULL; }
// look for for next devicepowerstate irp for this DeviceObject
// unless we're already found an inrush irp, and it's for us
if ( ! ((nextirp) && (nextsp->DeviceObject == deviceObject))) { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #27\n"); secondirp = PopFindIrpByDeviceObject(deviceObject, DevicePowerState);
if (!secondirp) { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #28\n"); doe->PowerFlags = doe->PowerFlags & ~POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE; doe->PowerFlags = doe->PowerFlags & ~POPF_DEVICE_PENDING; } } else { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #29\n"); secondirp = NULL; }
} else if (irpsp->Parameters.Power.Type == SystemPowerState) {
// look for next systempowerstate irp for this DeviceObject
PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #30\n"); nextirp = NULL; nextsp = NULL; secondirp = PopFindIrpByDeviceObject(deviceObject, SystemPowerState); if (!secondirp) { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #31\n"); doe->PowerFlags = doe->PowerFlags & ~POPF_SYSTEM_ACTIVE; doe->PowerFlags = doe->PowerFlags & ~POPF_SYSTEM_PENDING; } }
if (secondirp) { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #33\n"); secondsp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(secondirp); RemoveEntryList((&(secondirp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry))); PopIrpSerialListLength--; }
} else { // end of case c.
PoPrint(PO_POCALL, ("PoStartNextPowerIrp: Irp @ %08x, minor function %d\n", Irp, irpsp->MinorFunction )); }
// case b. and case c. might both make two pending irps runnable,
// could be a normal irp and an inrush irp, or only 1 of the two, or neither of the two
if (nextirp || secondirp) {
if (nextirp) { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #34\n"); ASSERT(nextsp->DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension->PowerFlags & (POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE | POPF_SYSTEM_ACTIVE)); PopPresentIrp(nextsp, nextirp); }
if (secondirp) { PATHTEST("PoStartNextPowerIrp #35\n"); ASSERT(secondsp->DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension->PowerFlags & (POPF_DEVICE_ACTIVE | POPF_SYSTEM_ACTIVE)); PopPresentIrp(secondsp, secondirp); } } return; }
PIRP PopFindIrpByInrush( ) /*++
Routine Description:
This procedure runs the irp serial list (which contains all waiting irps, be they queued up on a single device object or multiple inrush irps) looking for the first inrush irp. If one is found, it's address is returned, with it still enqueued in the list.
Caller must be holding PopIrpSerialList lock.
Return Value:
--*/ { PLIST_ENTRY item; PIRP irp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpsp;
item = PopIrpSerialList.Flink; while (item != &PopIrpSerialList) {
irp = CONTAINING_RECORD(item, IRP, Tail.Overlay.ListEntry); irpsp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(irp);
if ((irpsp->Parameters.Power.SystemContext & POP_INRUSH_CONTEXT) == POP_INRUSH_CONTEXT) { //
// we've found an inrush irp
return irp; } item = item->Flink; } return NULL; }
PIRP PopFindIrpByDeviceObject( PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, POWER_STATE_TYPE Type ) /*++
Routine Description:
This procedure runs the irp serial list (which contains all waiting irps, be they queued up on a single device object or multiple inrush irps) looking for the first irp that applies the the supplied device driver. If one is found, its address, while still in the list, is returned. Else, null is returned.
Caller must be holding PopIrpSerialList lock.
DeviceObject - address of device object we're looking for the next irp for
Type - whether an irp of type SystemPowerState, DevicePowerState, etc, is wanted
Return Value:
address of found irp, or null if none.
--*/ { PLIST_ENTRY item; PIRP irp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpsp;
for(item = PopIrpSerialList.Flink; item != &PopIrpSerialList; item = item->Flink) { irp = CONTAINING_RECORD(item, IRP, Tail.Overlay.ListEntry); irpsp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(irp);
if (irpsp->DeviceObject == DeviceObject) { //
// we've found a waiting irp that applies to the device object
// the caller is interested in
if (irpsp->Parameters.Power.Type == Type) { //
// irp is of the type that the caller wants
return irp; } } } return NULL; }
NTSTATUS PoRequestPowerIrp ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN UCHAR MinorFunction, IN POWER_STATE PowerState, IN PREQUEST_POWER_COMPLETE CompletionFunction, IN PVOID Context, OUT PIRP *ResultIrp OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
This allocates a device power irp and sends it to the top of the PDO stack for the passed device object. When the irp completes, the CompletionFunction is called.
DeviceObject - address of a device object who's stack is to get the device power irp
MinorFunction - Minor fuction code for power irp
DeviceState - The DeviceState to send in the irp
CompletionFunction- The requestors completion function to invoke once the irp has completed
Context - The requestors context for the completion function
Irp - Irp which is only valid until CompletionFunction is called
Return Value:
Status of the request
TargetDevice = IoGetAttachedDeviceReference (DeviceObject); Irp = IoAllocateIrp ((CCHAR) (TargetDevice->StackSize+2), FALSE); if (!Irp) { ObDereferenceObject (TargetDevice); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
// For debugging, keep a list of all outstanding irps allocated
// through this function
IrpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(Irp); ExInterlockedInsertTailList( &PopRequestedIrps, (PLIST_ENTRY) &IrpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument1, &PopIrpSerialLock ); IrpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument3 = Irp; IoSetNextIrpStackLocation (Irp);
// Save the datum needed to complete this request
IrpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(Irp); IrpSp->DeviceObject = TargetDevice; IrpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument1 = (PVOID) DeviceObject; IrpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument2 = (PVOID) MinorFunction; IrpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument3 = (PVOID) PowerState.DeviceState; IrpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument4 = (PVOID) Context; IoSetNextIrpStackLocation (Irp);
// Build the power irp
Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED ; IrpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(Irp); IrpSp->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_POWER; IrpSp->MinorFunction = MinorFunction; IrpSp->DeviceObject = TargetDevice; switch (MinorFunction) { case IRP_MN_WAIT_WAKE: IrpSp->Parameters.WaitWake.PowerState = PowerState.SystemState; break;
case IRP_MN_SET_POWER: case IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER: IrpSp->Parameters.Power.SystemContext = POP_DEVICE_REQUEST; IrpSp->Parameters.Power.Type = DevicePowerState; IrpSp->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState = PowerState.DeviceState;
// N.B.
// You would think we stamp every D-state IRP with
// PowerActionNone. However, we have a special scenario to consider
// for hibernation. Let's say S4 goes to a stack. If the device is
// on the hibernate path, one of two designs for WDM is possible:
// (BTW, we chose the 2nd)
// 1) The FDO sees an S-IRP but because it's device is on the
// hibernate path, it simply forwards the S Irp down. The PDO
// takes note of the S-IRP being PowerSystemHibernate, and it
// records hardware settings. Upon wake-up, the stack receives
// an S0 IRP, which the FDO converts into a D0 request. Upon
// receiving the D0 IRP, the PDO restores the settings.
// 2) The FDO *always* requests the corresponding D IRP, regardless
// of if it's on the hibernate path. The D-IRP also comes stamped
// with the PowerAction in ShutdownType (ie, PowerActionSleeping,
// PowerActionShutdown, PowerActionHibernate). Now the PDO can
// identify transitions to D3 for the purpose of hibernation. The
// PDO would *not* actually transition into D3, but it would save
// it's state, and restore it at D0 time.
// < These are mutually exclusive designs >
// The reason we choose #2 as a design is so miniport models can
// expose only D IRPs as neccessary, and S IRPs can be abstracted
// out. There is a penalty for this design in that PoRequestPowerIrp
// doesn't *take* a PowerAction or the old S-IRP, so we pick up the
// existing action that the system is already undertaking.
// Therefore, if the device powers itself on when the system decides
// to begin a hibernation. the stack may receive nonsensical data
// like an IRP_MN_SET_POWER(DevicePower, D0, PowerActionHibernate).
IrpAction = PopMapInternalActionToIrpAction ( PopAction.Action, PopAction.SystemState, TRUE // UnmapWarmEject
IrpSp->Parameters.Power.ShutdownType = IrpAction;
// Log the call.
if (PERFINFO_IS_GROUP_ON(PERF_POWER)) { PopLogNotifyDevice(TargetDevice, NULL, Irp); } break; default: ObDereferenceObject (TargetDevice); IoFreeIrp (Irp); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2; }
IoSetCompletionRoutine( Irp, PopCompleteRequestIrp, (PVOID) CompletionFunction, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
if (ResultIrp) { *ResultIrp = Irp; }
PoCallDriver(TargetDevice, Irp); return STATUS_PENDING; }
NTSTATUS PopCompleteRequestIrp ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Completion routine for PoRequestPowerChange. Invokes the requestors completion routine, and free resources associated with the request
DeviceObject - The target device which the request was sent
Irp - The irp completing
Context - The requestors completion routine
Return Value:
// Log the completion.
if (PERFINFO_IS_GROUP_ON(PERF_POWER)) { PERFINFO_PO_NOTIFY_DEVICE_COMPLETE LogEntry; LogEntry.Irp = Irp; LogEntry.Status = Irp->IoStatus.Status; PerfInfoLogBytes(PERFINFO_LOG_TYPE_PO_NOTIFY_DEVICE_COMPLETE, &LogEntry, sizeof(LogEntry)); }
// Dispatch to requestors completion function
IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); CompletionFunction = (PREQUEST_POWER_COMPLETE) Context; PowerState.DeviceState = (DEVICE_POWER_STATE) ((ULONG_PTR)IrpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument3);
if (CompletionFunction) { CompletionFunction ( (PDEVICE_OBJECT) IrpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument1, (UCHAR) (ULONG_PTR)IrpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument2, PowerState, (PVOID) IrpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument4, &Irp->IoStatus ); }
// Cleanup
IoSkipCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); KeAcquireSpinLock (&PopIrpSerialLock, &OldIrql); RemoveEntryList ((PLIST_ENTRY) &IrpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument1); KeReleaseSpinLock (&PopIrpSerialLock, OldIrql);
// Mark the irp CurrentLocation as completed (to catch multiple completes)
Irp->CurrentLocation = (CCHAR) (Irp->StackCount + 2);
ObDereferenceObject (DeviceObject); IoFreeIrp (Irp); return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; }
VOID PopSystemIrpDispatchWorker ( IN BOOLEAN LastCall ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine runs whenever the policy manager calls us to tell us that a big burst of system irps, which need to be dispatched from a private thread (this one) rather than from an executive worker thread. This is mostly to avoid deadlocks at sleep time.
PopWorkerLock - protects access to the queue, and avoids races over using this routine or using exec worker
PopWorkerItemQueue - list of irps to send off...
LastCall - Indicates irps are to be sent normally
Return Value:
--*/ { PLIST_ENTRY Item; PIRP Irp; KIRQL OldIrql;
// Dispatch everything on the queue
if (PopAction.DevState != NULL) { while (!IsListEmpty(&PopAction.DevState->PresentIrpQueue)) { Item = RemoveHeadList(&PopAction.DevState->PresentIrpQueue); Irp = CONTAINING_RECORD(Item, IRP, Tail.Overlay.ListEntry);
PopUnlockWorkerQueue(OldIrql); PopPassivePowerCall(Irp); PopLockWorkerQueue(&OldIrql); } }
if (LastCall) { PopCallSystemState = 0; }
PopUnlockWorkerQueue(OldIrql); }