## ## BLCOMMON.PL ## Sub-routines that are used by many different scripts ## Created by: Robert E. Blue (a-robebl) 01/29/99 ##
use Cwd;
### Common scalars $blcomputername = $ENV{'computername'}; $udpserv = "KEEBLER"; $bom_path = "C:\\nt\\private\\windows\\setup\\bom" unless $bom_path = $ENV{'_BOM_PATH'}; $call_from = uc $0; $lang = "USA" unless $lang = $ENV{'language'}; $log = "$call_from.log"; $home_dir = cwd(); $bsfile = "$home_dir\\bldswtch.dat"; ### Build Switch Data File. $crcfile = "\\\\keebler\\burnlab\$\\crc.dat"; ### CRC Data File. $die_on_error = 0; $script_start = time;
my $argtxt = "@ARGV";
### Set cmd window title unless ( $argtxt =~ /(\/\?|joecomp|bosdump)/s or $call_from =~ /FIVEO.BAT|LOGCHECK.BAT|.PL/i or !$argtxt) { ### Set system title to an appropriate default system "title $call_from: $argtxt"; sendudp( $udpserv, "$script_start START: $call_from $argtxt" ); }
### put here anything all scripts should do when they are complete. sub end_of_script { $argtxt .= " $lang" if $call_from =~ /FIVEO.BAT/i;
if ( $_[0] ) { sendudp( $udpserv, "$script_start COMPLETE: $call_from $argtxt \"$_[0]\"" ); } else { sendudp( $udpserv, "$script_start COMPLETE: $call_from $argtxt" ); }
exit; }
sub status_update { my $extra_info = "$lang $build"; sendudp ( $udpserv, "$script_start STATUS: $call_from $argtxt $extra_info \"$_[0]\"" ); }
#================================================= # Routines for verifying command line parameters. #=================================================
### Check if supported language $sup_lang{'USA'} = 1; $sup_lang{'GER'} = 1; $sup_lang{'JPN'} = 1; $sup_lang{'KOR'} = 1; $sup_lang{'CHS'} = 1; $sup_lang{'CHT'} = 1; $sup_lang{'CHH'} = 1; $sup_lang{'ARA'} = 1; $sup_lang{'HEB'} = 1;
### Convert 3 letter lang abbrev to ISO 2 letter lang abbrev $iso_lang{'USA'} = "EN"; $iso_lang{'GER'} = "DE"; $iso_lang{'JPN'} = "JA"; $iso_lang{'KOR'} = "KO"; $iso_lang{'CHS'} = "CN"; $iso_lang{'CHT'} = "TW"; $iso_lang{'CHH'} = "ZH"; ### Just guessing here. $iso_lang{'ARA'} = "AR"; $iso_lang{'HEB'} = "HE"; $iso_lang{'CHP'} = "AG"; $iso_lang{'THA'} = "TH"; $iso_lang{'EN'} = "USA"; $iso_lang{'DE'} = "GER"; $iso_lang{'JA'} = "JPN"; $iso_lang{'KO'} = "KOR"; $iso_lang{'CN'} = "CHS"; $iso_lang{'TW'} = "CHT"; $iso_lang{'ZH'} = "CHH"; ### Just guessing here. $iso_lang{'AR'} = "ARA"; $iso_lang{'HE'} = "HEB"; $iso_lang{'AG'} = "CHP"; $iso_lang{'TH'} = "THA";
### Translate platform name to name used on ntbuilds. $bld_plat{'X86'} = 'x86'; $bld_plat{'ALPHA'} = 'alpha'; $bld_plat{'NEC98'} = 'nec_98';
### Check if supported product $sup_prod{'PRO'} = 1; $sup_prod{'SRV'} = 1; $sup_prod{'AS'} = 1; $sup_prod{'DTC'} = 1; $sup_prod{'CHK.PRO'} = 1; $sup_prod{'CHK.SRV'} = 1; $sup_prod{'CHK.AS'} = 1; $sup_prod{'CHK.DTC'} = 1; $sup_prod{'CD2'} = 1;
### Check if valid build number sub is_build { if ( $_[1] =~ /FE/i ) { return 1 if $_[0] =~ /^([0-9.]{4,}L?[A-Z.]*)$/i; } else { return 1 if $_[0] =~ /^([0-9.]{4,}L?[A-Z.]*)$/i; } }
### Check if valid date sub is_date { return 1 if $_[0] =~ /^(\d+\W+\d+\W+\d+)$/i; }
### Check if valid burnlab machine sub is_burner { if ( $_[0] =~ /^NTBURNLAB([3-7])$/i ) { return "\\\\ntburnlab$1\\D\$"; } else { return 0; } }
#========================== # Net send Burnlab people. #==========================
if ( $lang =~ /USA|GER/i ) { ### All Burnlab people who receive USA/misc net sends @blpeople = ( "keebler", ### a-robebl "antibob", ### a-piperp "executor", ### a-randgo "dwaine", ### a-dwainf $blcomputername, ### computer script is run on ); } else { ### People who care about FE net sends @blpeople = ( "keebler", ### a-robebl "antibob", ### a-piperp $blcomputername, ### computer script is run on ); }
sub blnotify { print $_[0];
foreach $blperson ( @blpeople ) { `net send /DOMAIN:$blperson \"$_[0]\"` if $blperson; }
&sendudp( $udpserv, $_[0] ); }
### Define TRUTH $TRUE = 1;
#================================================================================= # List of the fallen. (Those who have left the burnlab for one reason or another) #================================================================================= # # Travis Sarbin # Howard Kwong # David Lembke # John Klingbiel # John Mullins # #
#======================================= # Total the time since start of script. #=======================================
sub tottime { my $stoptime = time; my $totaltime = (($stoptime - $_[0])/60)/60; $totaltime = sprintf ( "%3.2f", $totaltime );
return $totaltime; }
#================================== # Execute a batch of DOS commands. #==================================
sub execute { my $endbuild = $_[1]; my $build = $_[2];
my $exitcode = 0;
### ### If $build (current build) is newer than $endbuild (build the change took affect), ### then execute the first set of commands else execute the second set. ### ### This was created so we can make changes for US that will not show up in FE builds ### for a couple of weeks. ### ### Separate each line and dump them into an array... ### if ( $endbuild and $endbuild >= $build) { ### Second set of commands. if ( $_[0] =~ /\n/ ) { @execstr = split ( /^/, $_[3] ); } else { $execstr[0] = @_; } } else { ### First set of commonds. if ( $_[0] =~ /\n/ ) { @execstr = split ( /^/, $_[0] ); } else { @execstr = @_; } }
### Traverse the array and execute each line... foreach $execline ( @execstr ) { $execline =~ s/^\s*(.*)\n*/$1/; ### Strip any preceeding whitespace...
print "$execline\n"; ### Print what we are about to execute. $exitcode = system "$execline" unless $debug; ### Run it now!! $exitcode = $exitcode/256 unless $debug; ### Error codes need to be divided by 256 to get their true value.
### If the command bombs, send everyone a message. if ( $exitcode ) { $execline =~ /(\S+).*/i; ### Get offending command from exec string and dump in $execfail. $execfail = uc $1;
unless ( $execfail =~ /IF/i ) {
if ( $call_from =~ /fiveo/i ) { ### If called from fiveo.bat. &blnotify( "$call_from - $lang: ERROR executing '$execfail' in $fre $wsection! \($exitcode\)" ); } else { ### If called from any other program. &blnotify( "$call_from - $lang: ERROR executing '$execfail'! \($exitcode\)" ); } &sendudp( "$udpserv", "$call_from - $lang: ERROR executing '$execfail' in line: $execline" );
### Log the error. system "ECHO $call_from - $lang: ERROR executing $execfail in line: $execline >> $log" if $log;
### If we have die_on_error set, die on any error. die "Script exiting due to previous error.\n" if $burnscript{'die_on_error'}; } } } }
#=================================== # Send UDP messages to Big Brother. #===================================
sub sendudp { use IO::Socket; use Fcntl qw(F_GETFL F_SETFL O_NONBLOCK);
$MAXLEN = 1024; $port = 2222; $server_host = shift; $msg = "@_";
$sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( Proto => 'udp', PeerPort => $port, PeerAddr => $server_host );
$sock->send($msg); }
#================================================= # Keep track of which drive a build is copied to. #=================================================
sub bs_drive {
if ( -e $bsfile ) { open BLDSWITCH, "$bsfile" or die "ERROR: Could not open $bsfile: $!"; } else { open BLDSWITCH, ">$bsfile" or die "ERROR: Could not open $bsfile: $!"; }
while (<BLDSWITCH>) { chomp; ( my $build, my $drive, my $daily, my $date ) = split /\|/;
$bsH{$build}{drive} = $drive; $bsH{$build}{daily} = $daily; $bsH{$build}{date} = $date; }
if ( $_[1] ) { my $build = $_[0]; my $drive = $_[1]; my $daily = $_[2]; chomp ( my $dateday = `date /t` ); chomp ( my $datetime = `time /t` );
my $date = "$dateday$datetime";
$bsH{$build}{drive} = $drive; $bsH{$build}{daily} = $daily; $bsH{$build}{date} = $date;
open BLDSWITCH, "> $bsfile";
foreach $bskey ( sort keys %bsH ) { print BLDSWITCH "$bskey|$bsH{$bskey}{drive}|$bsH{$bskey}{daily}|$bsH{$bskey}{date}\n" ; }
close BLDSWITCH; } else { $_[0] =~ /([0-9.]{4,})/; my $build = $1; $build =~ s/^(.*)\.$/$1/;
if ( $bsH{$build}{drive} ) { return $bsH{$build}{daily}, $bsH{$build}{drive}; } else { $build =~ s/^([0-9]{4}).*/$1/;
if ( $bsH{$build}{drive} ) { return $bsH{$build}{daily}, $bsH{$build}{drive}; } else { print "\n\n\nWARNING: Could not match build number to drive letter.\n\n"; print " This may be cause by bldswtch.dat being empty or\n"; print " you mis-typed the build number in the calling program.\n"; print " Maybe Rob was just smoking crack when he made this.\n\n"; print " Defaulting to D:\n\n"; print "\&BS_DRIVE() was called with invalid build number $build.\n\n"; &blnotify( "WARNING: &BS_DRIVE() called with invalid build number ($build)." );
return "DAILY", "D:"; } } } }
#============================================ # Initialize the common directory structure. #============================================
sub init_dir_struct { my $drive = "D:" unless my $drive = $_[0];
print "Creating common $lang directory structure...\n";
mkdir "$drive\\$lang", 1 unless -e "$drive\\$lang";
mkdir "D:\\bldimgs", 1 unless -e "D:\\bldimgs"; mkdir "D:\\bldimgs\\$lang", 1 unless -e "D:\\bldimgs\\$lang"; mkdir "D:\\bldimgs\\$lang\\SKU", 1 unless -e "D:\\bldimgs\\$lang\\SKU"; mkdir "D:\\bldimgs\\$lang\\OTHER", 1 unless -e "D:\\bldimgs\\$lang\\OTHER"; mkdir "D:\\bldimgs\\$lang\\SVCPACK", 1 unless -e "D:\\bldimgs\\$lang\\SVCPACK"; if ( $lang =~ /USA/i ) { mkdir "D:\\bldimgs\\$lang\\IDx", 1 unless -e "D:\\bldimgs\\$lang\\IDx" }; }
#================================ # Check script's log for errors. #================================
sub check_log { my $check_log = $_[0];
print "\nChecking $log for ERRORS...\n\n";
open CHECK_LOG, "$check_log"; @log_txt = <CHECK_LOG>; close CHECK_LOG;
foreach $log_line ( @log_txt ) { if ( $log_line =~ /(ERROR|WARNING)( |:)/i ) { $error_txt .= " $log_line"; } } open WRITE_LOG, ">$check_log"; print WRITE_LOG "Logfile for $call_from \"$check_log\"\n\n";
if ( $error_txt ) { print "ERRORS Encountered!\n\n"; print WRITE_LOG "-===== ERRORS Encountered =====-\n\n"; print WRITE_LOG $error_txt; } else { print "No ERRORS Encountered!\n\n"; print WRITE_LOG "-===== No ERRORS Encountered! =====-\n\n"; print WRITE_LOG " Burn, baby, burn!!!!\n"; }
print WRITE_LOG "\n\n\n-===== Complete Log =====-\n\n";
foreach $log_line ( @log_txt ) { print WRITE_LOG " $log_line"; } close WRITE_LOG;
system "start notepad $check_log";
return 1 unless $error_txt; }
#========================================= # Copy an image and check CRC's #=========================================
sub copy_image { my $img_source = shift @_; my @img_dest = @_;
my $img_name = $img_source; $img_name =~ s/.*\\([A-Z.-_]*)$/$1/i;
my $copy_try = 0;
foreach $dest ( @img_dest ) {
### Create destination directory if it does not yet exist. execute "if not exist $dest md $dest";
### Keep trying to copy the images until the CRC's match, fail if they ### don't after 2 tries. until ( $copy_success or $copy_try >= 2 ) { $copy_try++;
print "\ncopy_image: Copying $img_source to $dest\n"; status_update( "Copying $img_source to $dest" );
execute "xcopy /fy $img_source $dest";
### Get the CRC of the destination file and the one in the CRC ### database. my $dest_crc = get_crc( "$dest\\$img_name" ); my ( $mstr_crc ) = crc_info( lc $img_name );
### Verify the CRC of the destination and the master database match. if ( $dest_crc =~ /$mstr_crc/i ) { print "\ncopy_image: CRC's for source and destination match. Image copied successfully.\n"; $copy_success; } else { execute "del /q $dest\\$img_name"; blnotify "copy_image: ERROR: CRC for $dest\\$img_name [$dest_crc] does not match [$mstr_crc]\n"; } } } }
sub get_crc { my $image = $_[0];
print "\nget_crc: CRCing $image\n"; my $crc = `crc $image`; $crc =~ s/.*AutoCRC signature for file \S+ is (0x\S+).*/$1/si;
if ( $crc =~ /0x(\S{8})/i ) { print "get_crc: CRC for $image is $crc\n"; return $crc; } else { print "ERROR: Could not get CRC for $image\n" unless $crc =~ /0x(\S{8})/i; } }
#============================================== # Build an image, trap any errors encountered. #==============================================
sub build_image { ( my $vol_lbl, my $timestamp, my $img_source, my $img_dest, my $bootable ) = @_;
my $errors = 0; if ( $log ) { open BI_LOG, "$log"; while (<BI_LOG>) { if ( /(WARNING|ERROR)( |:)/i ) { $errors++; } } close BI_LOG; }
if ( $errors and !$ignore_err ) { blnotify "Due to ERRORS found in $log, image will not be built"; return; }
$img_name = $1 if $img_dest =~ /\\(\w+\.img)$/i;
if ( $bootable =~ /boot/i ) { if ( $makesku ) { $boot_txt = "-b$drive\\$lang\\etfsboot.com" } else { $boot_txt = "-bc:\\newiso\\etfsboot.com" } }
print "\n\nBuilding $img_name from $img_source with volume label $vol_lbl and timestamp $timestamp...\n\n"; status_update ( "Building $img_name from $img_source; vol $vol_lbl; timestamp $timestamp;" );
print "c:\\newiso\\cdimg227 $boot_txt -x -ofix -l$vol_lbl -t$timestamp -nt $img_source $img_dest"; $imgtxt = `c:\\newiso\\cdimg227 $boot_txt -x -ofix -l$vol_lbl -t$timestamp -nt $img_source $img_dest` unless $debug; print $imgtxt;
if ( $imgtxt =~ /(Insufficient disk space for .*)\n/i ) { blnotify "[$img_name] - $1"; system "ECHO ERROR: $1 >> $log" if $log; } elsif ( $imgtxt =~ /(ERROR: .*)\n/i ) { blnotify "[$img_name] - $1"; system "ECHO $1 >> $log" if $log; } else { system "ECHO Sucessfully built $img_name from $img_source with volume label $vol_lbl and timestamp $date,12:00:00 >> $log" if $log; crc_info( $img_name, get_crc( $img_dest ), $vol_lbl, "$date,12:00:00", $img_source ); } }
#========================================================== # Build an floppy disk image, trap any errors encountered. #==========================================================
sub build_fimage { ( my $vol_lbl, my $timestamp, my $img_source, my $img_dest, my $bootable ) = @_;
status_update ( "Creating floppy image $img_name from $img_source vol $vol_lbl timestamp $timestamp" );
my $errors = 0; if ( $log ) { open BI_LOG, "$log"; while (<BI_LOG>) { if ( /(WARNING|ERROR)( |:)/i ) { $errors++; } } close BI_LOG; }
if ( $errors ) { blnotify "Due to ERRORS found in $log, image will not be built"; return; }
$img_name = $1 if $img_dest =~ /\\(\w+\.img)$/i;
$boot_txt = "-bc:\\newiso\\etfsboot.com" if $bootable =~ /boot/i;
print "\n\nBuilding $img_name from $img_source with volume label $vol_lbl and timestamp $timestamp...\n\n";
print "C:\\idw\\fcopy $boot_txt -l$vol_lbl -t$timestamp -s$img_source $img_dest"; $imgtxt = `c:\\idw\\fcopy $boot_txt -3 -l$vol_lbl -t$timestamp -s$img_source $img_dest` unless $debug; print $imgtxt;
if ( $imgtxt =~ /(Insufficient disk space for .*)\n/i ) { blnotify "[$img_name] - $1"; system "ECHO ERROR: $1 >> $log" if $log; } elsif ( $imgtxt =~ /(ERROR: .*)\n/i ) { blnotify "[$img_name] - $1"; system "ECHO $1 >> $log" if $log; } else { system "ECHO Sucessfully built $img_name from $img_source with volume label $vol_lbl and timestamp $date,12:00:00 >> $log" if $log; } }
#=============================================================== # Find the first available server from a list of servers passed #===============================================================
sub find_srv { @servers = @_; foreach $server ( @servers ) { print "find_srv: $server is "; if ( -e $server ) { print "Available. We'll use this one.\n"; return $server; } else { print "Unavailable. Let's try the next one.\n"; } }
print "WARNING: No available servers found in list specified!\n"; return 0; }
#======================================= # Find the first available build server #=======================================
sub find_bldsrv {
$bldplat = $_[0]; if ( $bldplat =~ /alpha/i ) { ### If looking for alpha shares
@bldsrv_list = ( "\\\\ntbldslab2\\$lang.$build.alpha", "\\\\ntbuilds\\release\\$lang\\$build\\alpha", "\\\\intblds3\\$lang.$build.alpha", "\\\\ntblds6\\$lang.$build.alpha" ); } else { ### If we don't specify platform then it's probably x86 or nec98.
@bldsrv_list = ( "\\\\ntbldslab1\\$lang.$build.$bldplat", "\\\\ntbuilds\\release\\$lang\\$build\\$bldplat", "\\\\intblds3\\$lang.$build.$bldplat", "\\\\2kbldx4\\$lang.$build.$bldplat" ); }
return find_srv( @bldsrv_list ); }
#=============================================================================== # Subroutine: ccopy # # Serves two functions. When in normal SKU creating mode it will copy files # and compress/decompress them if instructed. When in sku_check mode it will # compare the source and destination files compressing/decompressing as # necessary. #===============================================================================
## For ccopy() $COMPRESS = 1; $UNCOMPRESS = 2;
sub ccopy { my $src_dir = $_[0]; ### Source my $dst_dir = $_[1]; ### Destination my $comp = $_[2]; ### Are we compressing/uncompressing?
### Split source into directory and filename $src_dir =~ s/(\S+)\\([0-9A-Z._\-\!]+)$/$1/i; my $src_file = $2;
### Split destination into directory and filename if ( -d $dst_dir ) { $dst_file = $src_file; } else { $dst_dir =~ s/(\S+)\\([0-9A-Z._\-\!]+)$/$1/i; $dst_file = $2; }
### Make temp dir to dump files that are to be compressed. my $temp_dir = "$ENV{'TEMP'}\\bl-temp"; execute "mkdir $temp_dir" unless -e "$temp_dir";
print "ccomp: Copying $src_dir\\$src_file to $dst_dir\\\n" unless $sku_check;
if ( $comp == $COMPRESS ) { if ( !$sku_check ) { ### If the source file is to be compressed to the destination. execute "mcopy $log \"$src_dir\\$src_file\" \"$temp_dir\\$src_file\""; &dcomp( "$temp_dir\\$src_file", "$dst_dir" ); }
### If the source file is to be uncompressed to the destination. ### ### Find the compressed filename since we only pass uncompressed filenames to ©comp(). $cfile = $src_file; $cfile =~ s/(.*)\S{1}/$1\_/i;
execute "mcopy $log \"$dst_dir\\$cfile\" \"$temp_dir\\$cfile\""; execute "expand -r $temp_dir\\$cfile $temp_dir";
### If the files don't match, complain loudly. match( "$temp_dir\\$src_file", "$src_dir\\$src_file" );
} elsif ( $comp == $UNCOMPRESS ) { if ( !$sku_check ) { ### If the source file is to be uncompressed to the destination. ### ### Find the compressed filename since we only pass uncompressed filename to ©comp(). my $cfile = $src_file; $cfile =~ s/(.*)\S{1}/$1\_/i;
execute "mcopy $log \"$src_dir\\$cfile\" \"$temp_dir\\$cfile\""; execute "expand -r $temp_dir\\$cfile $temp_dir"; execute "mcopy $log $temp_dir\\$src_file $dst_dir\\$dst_file"; }
### If the source file is to be uncompressed to the destination. ### ### Figure out the compressed filename since we only pass ### uncompressed filenames to copycomp(). my $c_src_file = $src_file; $c_src_file =~ s/(.*)\S{1}/$1\_/i; my $c_dst_file = $dst_file; $c_dst_file =~ s/(.*)\S{1}/$1\_/i;
mkdir "$temp_dir\\file1", 1 unless -e "$temp_dir\\file1"; mkdir "$temp_dir\\file2", 1 unless -e "$temp_dir\\file2";
execute "mcopy $log \"$src_dir\\$c_src_file\" \"$temp_dir\\file1\\$c_src_file\""; execute "expand -r $temp_dir\\file1\\$c_src_file $temp_dir\\file1"; execute "mcopy $log \"$dst_dir\\$dst_file\" \"$temp_dir\\file2\\$dst_file\"";
### If the files don't match, complain loudly. #match( "$temp_dir\\file1\\$src_file", "$temp_dir\\file2\\$dst_file" );
execute "del /q $temp_dir\\file1\\$src_file"; execute "del /q $temp_dir\\file2\\$dst_file"; } else { ### Looks like were doing just a plain old mcopy. execute "mcopy $log \"$src_dir\\$src_file\" \"$dst_dir\\$dst_file\""; } }
#================================================= # Keep track of CRC info #=================================================
sub crc_info {
if ( -e $crcfile ) { open CRCDAT, "$crcfile" or die "ERROR: Could not open $crcfile: $!"; } else { open CRCDAT, ">$crcfile" or die "ERROR: Could not open $crcfile: $!"; }
while (<CRCDAT>) { chomp; ( my $img_name, my $crc_value, my $vol_label, my $timestamp, my $img_source ) = split /\|/; $img_name = lc $img_name;
$crcH{$img_name}{'crc'} = $crc_value; $crcH{$img_name}{'vol'} = $vol_label; $crcH{$img_name}{'timestamp'} = $timestamp; $crcH{$img_name}{'source'} = $img_source; }
close CRCDAT;
if ( $_[1] ) { my $img_name = lc $_[0]; my $crc_value = $_[1]; my $vol_label = $_[2]; my $timestamp = $_[3]; my $img_source = $_[4];
$crcH{$img_name}{'crc'} = $crc_value; $crcH{$img_name}{'vol'} = $vol_label; $crcH{$img_name}{'timestamp'} = $timestamp; $crcH{$img_name}{'source'} = $img_source;
open CRCDAT, "> $crcfile";
foreach $crckey ( sort keys %crcH ) { print CRCDAT "$img_name|$crcH{$img_name}{'crc'}|$crcH{$img_name}{'vol'}|$crcH{$img_name}{'timestamp'}|$crcH{$img_name}{'source'}\n"; }
close CRCDAT; } else { my $img_name = lc $_[0]; if ( $crcH{$img_name}{'crc'} ) { return $crcH{$img_name}{'crc'}, $crcH{$img_name}{'vol'}, $crcH{$img_name}{'timestamp'}, $crcH{$img_name}{'source'}; } else { print "\n\n\nERROR: Could not match image name to a CRC value.\n\n"; print " This may be cause by crc.dat being empty or you mis-typed\n"; print " the image name when running this script.\n"; print "\&CRC_INFO() was called with invalid image name $img_name.\n\n"; &blnotify( "ERROR: &CRC_INFO() called with invalid image name ($img_name)." ); die "ERROR: &CRC_INFO() called with invalid image name ($img_name)."; return 0; } } }