// 08.08.94 Joe Holman Added code for PPC.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "general.h"
extern FILE* logFile;
#define X86_PLATFORM 2 // index #2 into PSTR's below.
PSTR GenericSubstitutions[PLATFORM_COUNT] = { "alpha","mips","i386", "ppc" }; PSTR PlatformSubstitutions[PLATFORM_COUNT] = { "alpha","mips","x86", "ppc" }; PSTR AclpathSubstitutions[PLATFORM_COUNT] = { "w32alpha","w32mips","w32x86", "w32ppc" };
PTRACKED_STRING SourceFieldStrings; PTRACKED_STRING PathFieldStrings; PTRACKED_STRING PlatformFieldStrings; PTRACKED_STRING CdPathFieldStrings; PTRACKED_STRING InfFileFieldStrings; PTRACKED_STRING InfSectionFieldStrings; PTRACKED_STRING AclPathFieldStrings;
VOID ExpandField( IN OUT PSTR *Field, IN PSTR SubstituteText, IN OUT PTRACKED_STRING *StringList ) { unsigned c; PSTR p; CHAR buf[1000]; PTRACKED_STRING s;
if(p = strchr(*Field,'@')) {
c = p - (*Field);
// Create the platform-specific string.
strncpy(buf,*Field,c); buf[c] = 0; strcat(buf,SubstituteText); strcat(buf,(*Field) + c + 1);
} else {
// No @, field doesn't need to change.
return; }
// See whether we already have this string.
s = *StringList; while(s) { if(!_stricmp(buf,s->String)) { *Field = s->String; return; } s = s->Next; }
// We don't already have it. Create it.
s = malloc(sizeof(TRACKED_STRING)); if(!s) { PRINT1("ERROR Couldn't allocate enough memory.\n") exit(1); }
s->String = _strdup(buf); if(!s->String) { PRINT1("ERROR Couldn't allocate enough memory.\n") exit(1); }
*Field = s->String;
s->Next = *StringList; *StringList = s; }
VOID ExpandPlatformIndependentEntry( IN OUT Entry *e, IN int FirstRecord ) { int i,j; Entry t;
t = *(e+FirstRecord);
for(i=0,j=FirstRecord; i<PLATFORM_COUNT; i++,j++) {
*(e+j) = t;
// expand the source field.
// expand the path field.
// expand the platform field.
// expand the cdpath field.
// expand the inf file field.
// expand the inf section field.
// expand the aclpath section field.
ExpandField(&e[j].aclpath,AclpathSubstitutions[i],&AclPathFieldStrings); } }
VOID ExpandPlatformEntryX86Only( IN OUT Entry *e, IN int FirstRecord ) { int i,j; Entry t;
t = *(e+FirstRecord);
i = X86_PLATFORM; j = FirstRecord;
*(e+j) = t;
// expand the source field.
// expand the path field.
// expand the platform field.
// expand the cdpath field.
// expand the inf file field.
// expand the inf section field.
// expand the aclpath section field.
ExpandField(&e[j].aclpath,AclpathSubstitutions[i],&AclPathFieldStrings); }
void LoadFile(name,buf,e,records,product) char* name; char** buf; Entry** e; int* records; char* product; { int match,i; HANDLE h; DWORD size,sizeRead,x; BOOL result; char* j;
(*records)=0; h=CreateFile(name,GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); size=GetFileSize(h,NULL); if ((h==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (size==-1)) { PRINT2("ERROR Couldn't open %s for reading.\n",name) exit(1); } if (((*buf)=malloc(size))==NULL) { PRINT1("ERROR Couldn't allocate enough memory to read file.\n") exit(1); } result=ReadFile(h,*buf,size,&sizeRead,NULL); if ((sizeRead!=size) || (result==FALSE)) { PRINT2("ERROR Couldn't read all of %s.\n",name) exit(1); }
x=0; while((*buf)[x++]!='\n'); while(x<size) { if ((*buf)[x]=='\t') (*buf)[x]='\0'; if ((*buf)[x]=='\n') (*records)++; x++; }
// Allocate maximum possible number of entries required.
if (((*e)=malloc(PLATFORM_COUNT*sizeof(Entry)*(*records)))==NULL) { PRINT1("ERROR Couldn't allocate enough space for database entries.\n") exit(1); }
j=(*buf); while (*j++!='\n'); match=0;
for (i=0;i<(*records);i++) {
(*e)[match].name=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].source=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].path=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].flopmedia=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].comment=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].product=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].sdk=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].platform=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].cdpath=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].inf=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].section=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].infline=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].size=atoi(j); while((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].csize=atoi(j); while((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].nocompress=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].priority=atoi(j); while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].lmacl=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].ntacl=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].aclpath=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].medianame=j; while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); (*e)[match].disk=atoi(j); while ((*j!='\n') && (*j++)); j++;
(*e)[match].name=_strupr((*e)[match].name); (*e)[match].medianame=_strupr((*e)[match].medianame);
if (EntryMatchProduct(&((*e)[match]),product)) {
// If this is a platform-independent entry,
// expand it into one entry per platform.
if(((*e)[match].platform[0] == '@') || ((*e)[match].source[0] == '@') || ((*e)[match].cdpath[1] == '@')) {
// If we are working with x86 floppies,
// just expand for x86, no need for overhead with
// other platforms.
if ( !_stricmp(product,"LMFLOP") || !_stricmp(product,"NTFLOP") ) { PRINT2( "%s: Expanding ONLY for X86 flops...\n", (*e)[match].name ); ExpandPlatformEntryX86Only( *e, match ); ++match; } else { ExpandPlatformIndependentEntry(*e,match); match += PLATFORM_COUNT; }
} else {
// The data is ok as is here.
match++; } } }
// Skip first line (column headings).
j=*buf; while (*j++!='\n');
// Change newlines into line terminators,
// so the final field on each line will be terminated properly.
while(*records) { if((*j)=='\n') { *j='\0'; (*records)--; } j++; }
// Shrink the array of records to its actual size.
*e = realloc(*e,match*sizeof(Entry)); (*records)=match; }
void EntryPrint(entry,f) Entry* entry; FILE *f; { fprintf(f,"%s\t",entry->name); fprintf(f,"%s\t",entry->source); fprintf(f,"%s\t",entry->path); fprintf(f,"%s\t",entry->flopmedia); fprintf(f,"%s\t",entry->comment);
fprintf(f,"%s\t",entry->inf); fprintf(f,"%s\t",entry->section); fprintf(f,"%s\t",entry->infline);
fprintf(f,"%d\t",entry->size); fprintf(f,"%d\t",entry->csize); fprintf(f,"%s\t",entry->nocompress); fprintf(f,"%d\t",entry->priority);
fprintf(f,"%s\t",entry->lmacl); fprintf(f,"%s\t",entry->ntacl); fprintf(f,"%s\t",entry->aclpath);
fprintf(f,"%d\r\n",entry->disk); }
int EntryMatchProduct(entry,product) Entry* entry; char* product; { if (!_stricmp(product,"ALL")) return(1);
// Laying out NT floppies AND entry is not for AS-only
// AND entry specifies that this file goes on floppy
(!_stricmp(product,"NTFLOP") // include X86 floppy files
&& _stricmp(entry->product,"as") // exclude AS only files
&& (entry->priority < 1000) // include prioty < 1000
&& _stricmp(entry->source,"alphabins") // exclude alphabins files
&& _stricmp(entry->source,"mipsbins") // exclude mipsbins files
&& _stricmp(entry->source,"ppcbins") // exclude ppcbins files
&& _stricmp(entry->path,"\\mips") // exclude mips path files
&& _stricmp(entry->path,"\\alpha") // exclude alpha path files
&& _stricmp(entry->path,"\\ppc") // exclude ppc path files
&& _stricmp(entry->source,"alphadbg") // exclude alphadbg files
&& _stricmp(entry->source,"mipsdbg") // exclude mipsdbg files
&& _stricmp(entry->source,"ppcdbg" ) // exclude ppcdbg files
&& _stricmp(entry->source,"x86dbg") // exclude x86dbg files
// Laying out AS floppies AND entry is not for NT-only
// AND entry specified that this file goes on floppy
|| (!_stricmp(product,"LMFLOP") && _stricmp(entry->product,"nt") // exclude NT only files
&& (entry->priority < 1000) && _stricmp(entry->source,"alphabins") && _stricmp(entry->source,"mipsbins") && _stricmp(entry->source,"ppcbins") // exclude ppcbins files
&& _stricmp(entry->path,"\\mips") && _stricmp(entry->path,"\\alpha") && _stricmp(entry->path,"\\ppc") // exclude ppc path files
&& _stricmp(entry->source,"alphadbg") && _stricmp(entry->source,"mipsdbg") && _stricmp(entry->source,"ppcdbg" ) // exclude ppcdbg files
&& _stricmp(entry->source,"x86dbg") )
// Laying out nt cd-rom and entry is not for as only
|| (!_stricmp(product,"NTCD") && _stricmp(entry->product,"as"))
// Laying out as cd-rom and entry is not for nt only
|| (!_stricmp(product,"LMCD") && _stricmp(entry->product,"nt"))
// Laying out sdk
|| (!_stricmp(product,"SDK") && !_stricmp(entry->sdk,"x")); }
int MyOpenFile(f,fileName,mode) FILE** f; char* fileName; char* mode; { if ((*f=fopen(fileName,mode))==NULL) { PRINT3("ERROR Couldn't open %s for %s\n",fileName,mode) return(1); } return(0); }
void convertName(oldName,newName) char* oldName; char* newName; { unsigned i; unsigned period;
strcpy(newName,oldName); for (period=(unsigned)(-1),i=0;i<strlen(oldName);i++) if (oldName[i]=='.') period=i; if (period==(strlen(oldName)-4)) newName[strlen(newName)-1]='_'; else if (period==(unsigned)(-1)) strcat(newName,"._"); else strcat(newName,"_"); }