;************************************************************************* ; ; UTILITY.INF ; ; Network Installation utility functions. Each major piece of ; functionality is coded as a [Section], and is invoked by name from ; the outer level INF. See TEMPLATE.INF for example usage. ; ; CHANGES: ; DavidHov 6/11/92 Added Service"Linkage" key return ; value to [AddSoftwareComponent] ; ; DavidHov 8/24/92 Add WinSock support routines for ; transports ; ; ; ;*************************************************************************
; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Header to be used at the front of all externally available INF sections. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: sectionname ; ; PURPOSE: <describe purpose of section> ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 ; $1 ; ; RETURNS: $R0 ; $R1 ; ; REFERENCES: <list of global or parent variables referenced> ; ; MODIFIES: <list of global or parent variables modified> ; ; ;************************************************************************* ;************************************************************************* ; end of section sectionname ;*************************************************************************
; ; Initialize general constants ; [InitBaseVars]
KeyNull = "" MAXIMUM_ALLOWED = 33554432 KeyInfo = {} RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR NoTitle = 0
CurrentControlSet = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet" ServicesBaseName = $(CurrentControlSet)"\Services" NetworkCardKeyName = $(!NTN_SoftwareBase)"\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkCards"
!RegLastError = NO_ERROR
[RegistryErrorSetup] RegistryErrorIndex = ^(RegistryErrors$(!STF_LANGUAGE),1) RegistryErrorList = ^(RegistryErrors$(!STF_LANGUAGE),2)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: RegistryErrorString ; ; PURPOSE: Translate a numeric registry error code into a string ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Registry error code ; ; RETURNS: $R0 String containing displayable text in language ; ; REFERENCES: !STF_LANGUAGE -- global "user's language" variable; ; see [RegistryErrorSetup] ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ; ;************************************************************************* [RegistryErrorString]
read-syms RegistryErrorSetup read-syms RegistryErrorUnknown$(!STF_LANGUAGE)
set RE_String = *($(RegistryErrorList),~($(RegistryErrorIndex),$($0)))
Ifstr $(RE_String) == "" set RE_String = $(Error_Bogus) endif
return $(RE_String)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section RegistryErrorString ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: BaseServiceKey ; ; PURPOSE: Return an open key handle to the top of the services tree ; ; ARGUMENTS: none ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code ; $R1 Registry key variable for SERVICES0 ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;************************************************************************* [BaseServiceKey] read-syms InitBaseVars set BS_KeyServices = ""
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ServicesBaseName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) BS_KeyServices
Ifstr $(BS_KeyServices) == $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: could not open Services base key" set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE endif
B_S_Return = + return $(RegistryErrorIndex), $(BS_KeyServices)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: ReduceInfPath ; ; PURPOSE: Process the path\name string to an INF file. If ; its path points to STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH, remove the path prefix. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Path\name to INF file ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Resulting string ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;************************************************************************* [ReduceInfPath] Set RIP_Result = $($0)
Split-String $(RIP_Result) "\" InList Set BasePath = $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\" Split-String $(BasePath) "\" BaseList
; ; See how many of the path elements match ;
Set Indx = 0 Set Matched = 0 QueryListSize InListSize, $(InList) ForListDo $(BaseList) Set-add Indx = $(Indx),1 Ifint $(Indx) <= $(InListSize) Set Instr = *($(InList),$(Indx)) Ifstr(i) $($) == $(Instr) Set-add Matched = $(Matched),1 Endif Endif EndForListDo
; ; If all the path elements of the input path matched ; those of STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH, strip them off of the result. ;
Ifint $(Indx) == $(Matched) Set RIP_Result = "" Set Indx2 = 0 ForListDo $(InList) Set-add Indx2 = $(Indx2),1 Ifint $(Indx2) > $(Indx) Set RIP_Result = $(RIP_Result)$($) Endif EndForListDo Endif
Return $(RIP_Result)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: InstallSoftwareProduct ; ; PURPOSE: Add a new component into the Registry ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 name of Manufacturer ; $1 name of Product ; $2 full INF path and name ; ; RETURNS: $R0 error code or zero if no error ; $R1 Registry key variable for ; SOFTWARE\Manufacturer\Product\Version key ; $R2 Registry key variable for ; ...\NetRules ; ; REFERENCES: none ; ; MODIFIES: none ; ;*************************************************************************
[InstallSoftwareProduct] read-syms InitBaseVars
set IS_MfgName = $($0) set IS_ProdName = $($1) set IS_Infname = $($2) set IS_KeySoftware = "" set IS_KeyMfg = "" set IS_KeyProduct = "" set IS_KeyVersion = "" set IS_KeyNetRules = "" set IS_MfgCreated = 1 set IS_ProductCreated = 1 ; ; Validate the arguments passed in ; set RegistryErrorIndex = INVALID_DATA_PASSED
Ifstr(i) $(IS_MfgName) == "" goto I_S_Return endif Ifstr(i) $(IS_ProdName) == "" goto I_S_Return endif
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR ; ; Open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE key ; OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(!NTN_SoftwareBase) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) IS_KeySoftware
Ifstr $(IS_KeySoftware) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_SOFTWARE_REG goto I_S_Return endif ; ; Create the Manufacturer's key if necessary ; CreateRegKey $(IS_KeySoftware) {$(IS_MfgName),$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" IS_KeyMfg Ifstr $(IS_KeyMfg) == $(KeyNull) set IS_MfgCreated = 0 OpenRegKey $(IS_KeySoftware) "" $(IS_MfgName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) IS_KeyMfg Ifstr $(IS_KeyMfg) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_OPEN_MICROSOFT_KEY goto I_S_Return endif endif ; ; Create the Software Product key if necessary ; CreateRegKey $(IS_KeyMfg) {$(IS_ProdName),$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" IS_KeyProduct Ifstr $(IS_KeyProduct) == $(KeyNull) set IS_ProductCreated = 0 OpenRegKey $(IS_KeyMfg) "" $(IS_ProdName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) IS_KeyProduct Ifstr $(IS_KeyProduct) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_CREATE_PRODUCT_KEY goto I_S_Return endif endif ; ; Create the software product version key. ; CreateRegKey $(IS_KeyProduct) {"CurrentVersion",$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" IS_KeyVersion Ifstr $(IS_KeyVersion) == $(KeyNull) OpenRegKey $(IS_KeyProduct) "" "CurrentVersion" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) IS_KeyVersion Ifstr $(IS_KeyVersion) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_CREATE_PRODUCT_VERSION goto I_S_Return endif endif
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR ; ; Create the NetRules key ; CreateRegKey $(IS_KeyVersion) {NetRules,$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" IS_KeyNetRules Ifstr $(IS_KeyNetRules) == $(KeyNull) OpenRegKey $(IS_KeyVersion) "" NetRules $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) IS_KeyNetRules Ifstr $(IS_KeyNetRules) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_CREATE_NETRULES_KEY goto I_S_Return endif endif ; ; Set the "Infname" value if non-null; reduce it if it's in %SystemRoot% ; Ifstr $(IS_Infname) != "" Shell "", ReduceInfPath, $(IS_Infname) SetRegValue $(IS_KeyNetRules) {InfName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$($R0)} endif
; ; Exit, leaving $(IS_KeyVersion) and $(IS_KeyNetRules) open for the caller... ; I_S_Return = + Ifstr $(IS_KeyProduct) != "" Ifint $(IS_ProductCreated) == 1 Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: DeleteRegTree Product Key" ;DeleteRegTree $(IS_KeyProduct) "" set IS_KeyProduct = "" endif endif Ifstr $(IS_KeyProduct) != "" CloseRegKey $(IS_KeyProduct) endif endif Ifstr $(IS_KeyMfg) != "" Ifint $(IS_MfgCreated) == 1 Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR ;DeleteRegTree $(IS_KeyMfg) "" Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: DeleteRegTree Manufacturer Key" set IS_KeyMfg = "" endif endif Ifstr $(IS_KeyMfg) != "" CloseRegKey $(IS_KeyMfg) endif endif Ifstr $(IS_KeySoftware) != "" CloseRegKey $(IS_KeySoftware) endif return $(RegistryErrorIndex), $(IS_KeyVersion), $(IS_KeyNetRules)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section InstallSoftwareProduct ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: AddValueList ; ; PURPOSE: Given a nested list of value items, add each to the given ; key. Key is left open. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Registry key handle ; $1 List of value items; for example: ; { {ValueName1,0,$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ValueData1)}, + ; {ValueName2,0,$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ValueData2)} } ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code. ; ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;************************************************************************* [AddValueList] set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
ForListDo $($1) SetRegValue $($0) $($) ifint $(RegLastError) != 0 Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: Value write fail data: "$($) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: Value write fail key: "$($0) return UNABLE_WRITE_REGISTRY endif EndForListDo
return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section AddValueList ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: DeleteSoftwareProduct ; ; PURPOSE: Delete the given product from the Registry entirely ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Product Key Handle ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code ; $R1 ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;************************************************************************* [DeleteSoftwareProduct]
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: DeleteRegTree Software Product" DeleteRegTree $($0) ""
return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section DeleteSoftwareProduct ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: VerExistedDlg ; ; PURPOSE: Popup a dialog and tell the user that the same ver of ; the software already exists in the registery tree. ; Ask the user whether he want to continue or not ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Product Name ; $0 Product version ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code ; $R1 either "continue" or "exit" ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
set-subst LF = "\n" read-syms VerExisted$(!STF_LANGUAGE)
set DlgText = $($0)+ $(ver)+ $($1)+ $(Text) Shell "Subroutn.Inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "NONFATAL" $(DlgText)
ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) set RegistryErrorIndex = ERROR endif
return $(RegistryErrorIndex), $($R1)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section VerExistedDialog ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: CardExistedDlg ; ; PURPOSE: Popup a dialog and tell the user that the network card ; is lready installed and ask them whether theyr want to ; continue. ; ; ARGUMENTS: NONE ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code ; $R1 either "continue" or "exit" ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR set ButtonReturn = "OK"
ifstr(i) $(!STF_GUI_UNATTENDED) != "YES" set-subst LF = "\n" read-syms CardExisted$(!STF_LANGUAGE)
set DlgText = $(Text)
Shell "Subroutn.Inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "WARNING" $(DlgText)
ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) set RegistryErrorIndex = ERROR endif set ButtonReturn = $($R1) endif
return $(RegistryErrorIndex), $(ButtonReturn)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section CardExistedDialog ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: CreateService ; ; PURPOSE: Create the Services area entry for a new product ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Name of the service (no imbedded blanks, etc.) ; $1 Display Name of service ; $2 image path string ; $3 type of service: ; system ; adapter ; driver ; transport ; service ; serviceshare ; $4 group, if any or "" ; $5 dependency **list**, if any or {} ; $6 ObjectName, usually "" ; $7 EventMessageFile [Optional] ; $8 TypeSupported [Optional] ; $9 EventLog Location[Optional] ; $10 Error control value [Optional] ; $11 Event Source name [Optional] ; $12 ParameterMessageFile [Optional] ; $13 Services area key [Optional] ; ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code ; $R1 Service area key handle ; $R2 Parameters key handle ; $R3 Linkage key handle ; ; REFERENCES: <list of global or parent variables referenced> ; ; MODIFIES: <list of global or parent variables modified> ; ; NOTES: If $(!NTN_ScUseRegistry) is != "", then direct Registry ; access is used in lieu of the Service Controller API ; wrapper. The Registry is automatically used if the ; service type is "adapter". ; ; The image path format varies for drivers and other ; services. For drivers of any kind, it's an NT name space ; name. For services, it's a REG_EXPAND_SZ format Win32 name. ; ; ; CHANGES: DavidHov: 6/11/92. "Groups" is REG_SZ, not REG_EXPAND_SZ ; Adapters are type=4, start=4. ; Only services get "ObjectName" value ; ; ; ; ;************************************************************************* [CreateService] read-syms InitBaseVars
set CS_NameOfService = $($0) set CS_DisplayName = $($1) set CS_ImagePath = $($2) set CS_TypeOfService = $($3) set CS_Group = $($4) set CS_Dependencies = $($5) set CS_ObjectName = $($6) set CS_EventFile = $($7) set CS_TypeSupported = $($8) ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeSupported) == "" set CS_TypeSupported = 7 endif ; Set event log location set CS_EventLogLocation = $($9) ifstr(i) $(CS_EventLogLocation) == "" set CS_EventLogLocation = "System" endif set CS_ErrorControl = $($10) ifstr(i) $(CS_ErrorControl) == "" set CS_ErrorControl = 1 endif set CS_EventSourceName = $($11) ifstr(i) $(CS_EventSourceName) == "" set CS_EventSourceName = $(CS_NameOfService) endif
set CS_ParameterMessageFile = $($12)
set CS_KeyServices = $($13)
set CS_KeyTempSvc = "" set CS_KeySvcManager = "" set CS_KeyParameters = "" set CS_KeyLinkage = "" set CS_UseRegistry = $(!NTN_ScUseRegistry)
Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [CreateService] entered for "$(CS_NameOfService)
Ifstr(i) $(CS_UseRegistry) != "YES" Ifstr(i) $(CS_UseRegistry) != "NO" Set CS_UseRegistry = "NO" Endif Endif
Ifstr(i) $(CS_Dependencies) == "" Set CS_Dependencies = {} Endif
; ; Get the base key handle for the services area if not passed in ; Ifstr(i) $(CS_KeyServices) == "" Shell "", BaseServiceKey set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE goto C_S_Return endif
set CS_KeyServices = $($R1) set CS_KeyServicesOpened = $($R1) Endif
ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeOfService) == "system" set TypeValue = 2 set StartValue = 3 else-ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeOfService) == "systemstart" set TypeValue = 2 set StartValue = 1 else-ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeOfService) == "systemauto" set TypeValue = 2 set StartValue = 2 else-ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeOfService) == "adapter" set TypeValue = 4 set StartValue = 3 Set CS_UseRegistry = "YES" else-ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeOfService) == "kernelauto" set TypeValue = 1 set StartValue = 1 else-ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeOfService) == "autoserviceshare" set TypeValue = 32 set StartValue = 2 else-ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeOfService) == "transport" set TypeValue = 2 set StartValue = 3 else-ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeOfService) == "kernel" set TypeValue = 1 set StartValue = 3 else-ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeOfService) == "kernelautostart" set TypeValue = 1 set StartValue = 2 else-ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeOfService) == "kerneldisable" set TypeValue = 1 set StartValue = 4 else-ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeOfService) == "service" set TypeValue = 16 set StartValue = 3 else-ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeOfService) == "serviceauto" set TypeValue = 16 set StartValue = 2 else-ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeOfService) == "servicedisable" set TypeValue = 16 set StartValue = 4 else-ifstr(i) $(CS_TypeOfService) == "serviceshare" set TypeValue = 32 set StartValue = 3 else Set CS_UseRegistry = "YES" Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [CreateService] Unrecognized TypeOfService parameter" set TypeValue = 4 set StartValue = 3 endif
Ifint $(TypeValue) > 4 Ifstr(i) $(CS_ObjectName) == "" set CS_ObjectName = "LocalSystem" Endif Endif
OpenRegKey $(CS_KeyServices) "" $(CS_NameOfService) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) + CS_KeyTempSvc ifstr $(CS_KeyTempSvc) != $(KeyNull) ; wait a minute.. somebody already installed the driver ; go to open other keys
; check whether it is marked for deletion GetRegValue $(CS_KeyTempSvc),"DeleteFlag", DeleteFlagInfo set DeleteFlag = *($(DeleteFlagInfo), 4) ifint $(DeleteFlag) == 1 Set RegistryErrorIndex = REBOOT_MACHINE_BEFORE_ADD_ADAPTER goto C_S_Return endif ; ; Device section of the registry already exist. ; Let the code below to handle it. It will popup a dialog ; and returns error code. ; endif
ifstr(i) $(CS_UseRegistry) == "YES" ; Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [CreateService] "$(CS_NameOfService)" using Registry" ; ; Create our own service ; ifstr(i) $(CS_KeyTempSvc) == $(KeyNull) CreateRegKey $(CS_KeyServices) {$(CS_NameOfService),$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" CS_KeyTempSvc else Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: service key "$(CS_NameOfService)" already existed" Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_CREATE_CONFIGURE_SERVICE CloseRegKey $(CS_KeyTempSvc) Goto C_S_Return endif
Ifstr(i) $(CS_KeyTempSvc) == $(KeyNull)
Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: could not create service key "$(CS_NameOfService) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_CREATE_CONFIGURE_SERVICE CloseRegKey $(CS_KeyTempSvc) Goto C_S_Return
set NewValueList = {+ {Type,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(TypeValue)},+ {Start,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(StartValue)},+ {ErrorControl,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(CS_ErrorControl)}+ }
Ifint $(TypeValue) > 4 Set NewValueList = >($(NewValueList), + {ObjectName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(CS_ObjectName)}) Endif
ifstr(i) $(CS_Group) != "" set NewValueList = >($(NewValueList), + {Group,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(CS_Group)}) endif
ifstr(i) $(CS_ImagePath) != "" set NewValueList = >($(NewValueList), + {ImagePath,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_EXPAND_SZ),$(CS_ImagePath)}) endif
ifstr(i) $(CS_Dependencies) != "" ifstr(i) $(CS_Dependencies) != {} set NewValueList = >($(NewValueList), + {Dependencies,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(CS_Dependencies)}) endif endif
Shell "", AddValueList, $(CS_KeyTempSvc), $(NewValueList)
set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0)
Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "Registry error: Add value list" endif
endif else Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [CreateService] "$(CS_NameOfService)" using CreateService() wrapper" ; ; Call NCPA to create service key. ; Set FLibraryErrCtl = 1 LibraryProcedure CS_CreateResult $(!NCPA_HANDLE), CPlSetup, $(!STF_HWND), CREATESVC,+ $(CS_NameOfService), $(CS_DisplayName), $(StartValue), $(TypeValue), $(CS_ErrorControl),+ $(CS_ImagePath), $(CS_Group),$(CS_Dependencies),$(CS_ObjectName) Set FLibraryErrCtl = 0 ; ; Check the return code ; Set CS_CreateError = *($(CS_CreateResult),1) Ifint $(CS_CreateError) != 0 Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: CreateService wrapper failed, error: "$(CS_CreateResult) ; ; See if the error is special ; Ifint $(CS_CreateError) == 1073 Set RegistryErrorIndex = SERVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS Else-ifint $(CS_CreateError) == 1072 Set RegistryErrorIndex = SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE Else Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_CREATE_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Endif CloseRegKey $(CS_KeyTempSvc) Goto C_S_Return Endif ; ; Now open the key which should have been created by the service controller ; OpenRegKey $(CS_KeyServices) "" $(CS_NameOfService) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) CS_KeyTempSvc ifstr $(CS_KeyTempSvc) == $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: unable to open new service key" set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_CREATE_CONFIGURE_SERVICE CloseRegKey $(CS_KeyTempSvc) Goto C_S_Return endif endif
; ; Open or Create the Parameters subkey ; CreateRegKey $(CS_KeyTempSvc) {"Parameters",$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" CS_KeyParameters ifstr $(CS_KeyParameters) == $(KeyNull) OpenRegKey $(CS_KeyTempSvc) "" "Parameters" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) + CS_KeyParameters endif
Ifstr $(CS_KeyParameters) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_CREATE_SERVICE_SUBKEY CloseRegKey $(CS_KeyTempSvc) goto C_S_Return endif
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR ; ; Open or Create the Linkage subkey ; CreateRegKey $(CS_KeyTempSvc) {"Linkage",$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" CS_KeyLinkage Ifstr $(CS_KeyLinkage) == $(KeyNull) OpenRegKey $(CS_KeyTempSvc) "" "Linkage" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) CS_KeyLinkage Endif
Ifstr $(CS_KeyLinkage) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_CREATE_SERVICE_SUBKEY CloseRegKey $(CS_KeyTempSvc) goto C_S_Return endif ; ; Open or Create the Linkage\Disabled subkey ; CreateRegKey $(CS_KeyLinkage) {"Disabled",$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" CS_KeyDisabled Ifstr $(CS_KeyDisabled) == $(KeyNull) OpenRegKey $(CS_KeyLinkage) "" "Disabled" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) CS_KeyDisabled Endif
Ifstr $(CS_KeyDisabled) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_CREATE_SERVICE_SUBKEY CloseRegKey $(CS_KeyTempSvc) CloseRegKey $(CS_KeyLinkage) goto C_S_Return endif CloseRegKey $(CS_KeyDisabled)
; ; Create Eventlog information ; ifstr(i) $(CS_EventFile) != "" OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\"$(CS_EventLogLocation) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) CS_KeyEventLog Ifstr $(CS_KeyEventLog) == $(KeyNull) ; cannot open eventlog debug-output "Cannot open eventlog key" set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_OPEN_EVENTLOG_SUBKEY CloseRegKey $(CS_KeyTempSvc) CloseRegKey $(CS_KeyParameters) CloseRegKey $(CS_KeyLinkage) goto C_S_Return else ; set up the service key CreateRegKey $(CS_KeyEventLog) {$(CS_EventSourceName),$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" CS_KeyService ifstr(i) $(CS_KeyService) == "" OpenRegKey $(CS_KeyEventLog) "" $(CS_EventSourceName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) CS_KeyService endif
Ifstr $(CS_KeyService) != $(KeyNull) ; create the EventMessageFile and TypeSupported fields SetRegValue $(CS_KeyService) {EventMessageFile,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_EXPAND_SZ),$(CS_EventFile)} SetRegValue $(CS_KeyService) {TypesSupported,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(CS_TypeSupported)} ifstr(i) $(CS_ParameterMessageFile) != "" SetRegValue $(CS_KeyService) {ParameterMessageFile,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_EXPAND_SZ),$(CS_ParameterMessageFile)} endif CloseRegKey $(CS_KeyService) endif Endif endif
; ; Return the keys and error codes ; C_S_Return = + ; Only close the services key if it was opened in this routine. Ifstr $(CS_KeyServicesOpened) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(CS_KeyServices) endif return $(RegistryErrorIndex), $(CS_KeyTempSvc), $(CS_KeyParameters), $(CS_KeyLinkage)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section CreateService ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: AssignAdapterNumber ; ; PURPOSE: Enumerate the netcards, and return a numeric value which ; is unused. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 - Optional - NetworkCardKey - for performance ; $1 - Optional - AdapterNumber to start with - for performance ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Regisitry Error Code ; $R1 Numeric value to be use for new adapter; ; (1,2,3..) ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ; ;************************************************************************* [AssignAdapterNumber] read-syms InitBaseVars
set AA_KeyNetcards = $($0) ifstr $($1) == "" set AA_AdapterNumber = 1 else set AA_AdapterNumber = $($1) endif set AA_KeyNetcards = "" set AA_KeyTemp = "" set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
Debug-Output "[AssignAdapterNumber] starting with "$(AA_AdapterNumber)
Ifstr(i) $(AA_KeyNetcards) == $(KeyNull) OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(NetworkCardKeyName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) AA_KeyNetcards set AA_KeyNetcardsOpened = $(AA_KeyNetcards) endif
Ifstr $(AA_KeyNetcards) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_OPEN_NETWORKCARD_SECTION goto A_A_Return endif ; ; Loop to find an unused adapter number ; A_A_TryAgain = + ifint $(AA_AdapterNumber) < 10 set Tmp_Zero_AdapterNumber = "0"$(AA_AdapterNumber) OpenRegKey $(AA_KeyNetcards) "" $(Tmp_Zero_AdapterNumber) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) AA_Zero_KeyTemp ifstr(i) $(AA_Zero_KeyTemp) != "" CloseRegKey $(AA_Zero_KeyTemp) goto Next_Number endif endif
set Tmp_AA_AdapterNumber = $(AA_AdapterNumber)
OpenRegKey $(AA_KeyNetcards) "" $(Tmp_AA_AdapterNumber) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) AA_KeyTemp
Ifstr $(AA_KeyTemp) == $(KeyNull) Goto A_A_Found Endif
CloseRegKey $(AA_KeyTemp)
Next_Number = +
Set AA_KeyTemp = $(KeyNull) Set-add AA_AdapterNumber = $(AA_AdapterNumber),1 Goto A_A_TryAgain
A_A_Found =+ CloseRegKey $(AA_KeyNetcardsOpened)
A_A_Return = + return $(RegistryErrorIndex) $(AA_AdapterNumber)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section AssignAdapterNumber ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: InstallNetcard ; ; PURPOSE: Create a new HARDWARE\Netcard\(n) area in the Registry ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Name if the INF file ; $1 Optional - Netcards Area key ; $2 Optional - net card number to start with ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code ; $R1 Netcard\(n) key handle ; $R2 numeric index of netcard (n) ; $R3 NetRules key handle ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ; ;************************************************************************* [InstallNetcard] read-syms InitBaseVars
set IN_Infname = $($0) set IN_KeyNetcardsArea = $($1) set IN_CardNumber = $($2) set IN_KeyNetcard = "" set IN_KeyNetRules = "" ; ; Assign a number to this network card and create its key ; Shell "" AssignAdapterNumber $(IN_KeyNetcardsArea) $(IN_CardNumber)
set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR goto I_N_Return endif
set IN_CardNumber = $($R1)
CreateRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) {$(NetworkCardKeyName)\$(IN_CardNumber),$(NoTitle),GenericClass} + "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" IN_KeyNetcard
Ifstr $(IN_KeyNetcard) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_CREATE_NETCARD_CONFIGURATION goto I_N_Return endif ; ; Create the NetRules key ; CreateRegKey $(IN_KeyNetcard) {NetRules,$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" IN_KeyNetRules Ifstr $(IN_KeyNetRules) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_CREATE_NETRULES_KEY goto I_N_Return endif ; ; Set the "Infname" value if non-null; reduce it if it's in %SystemRoot% ; Ifstr $(IN_Infname) != "" Shell "", ReduceInfPath, $(IN_Infname) SetRegValue $(IN_KeyNetRules) {InfName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$($R0)} endif
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
I_N_Return = + Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [InstallNetcard]: "$(RegistryErrorIndex) Ifstr $(IN_KeyNetRules) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(IN_KeyNetRules) set IN_KeyNetrules = '' endif ;BUGBUG DeleteRegTree $(IN_KeyNetcard) set IN_KeyNetcard = "" endif return $(RegistryErrorIndex), $(IN_KeyNetcard), $(IN_CardNumber), $(IN_KeyNetRules)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section InstallNetcard ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: LinkToService ; ; PURPOSE: Link a software or hardware component to its ; corresponding service area entry ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Registry key handle to primary component key ; $1 Name of service (no imbedded blanks, etc.) ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ; ;************************************************************************* [LinkToService]
read-syms InitBaseVars
SetRegValue $($0) {ServiceName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$($1)}
L_S_Return = + return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section LinkToService ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: IncrementRefCount ; ; PURPOSE: Increment the reference counter in the registry ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Registry key name ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ; ;************************************************************************* [IncrementRefCount] read-syms InitBaseVars
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $($0) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) SoftwareKey
Ifstr $(SoftwareKey) == $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: could not open Software base key" set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE goto IncrementRefCount_Return endif
GetRegValue $(SoftwareKey),"RefCount", RefCountInfo set RefCount = *($(RefCountInfo), 4) Set-add RefCount = $(RefCount),1 SetRegValue $(SoftwareKey) {RefCount,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(RefCount)} CloseRegKey $(SoftwareKey)
IncrementRefCount_Return = + return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section IncrementRefCount ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: DecrementRefCount ; ; PURPOSE: Decrement the reference counter in the registry ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Registry key name ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ; ;************************************************************************* [DecrementRefCount] read-syms InitBaseVars
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $($0) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) SoftwareKey
Ifstr $(SoftwareKey) == $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: could not open Software base key" set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE goto DecrementRefCount_Return endif
GetRegValue $(SoftwareKey),"RefCount", RefCountInfo set RefCount = *($(RefCountInfo), 4) ifint $(RefCount) == 0 ; something wrong goto DecrementRefCount_Return endif Set-sub RefCount = $(RefCount),1 SetRegValue $(SoftwareKey) {RefCount,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(RefCount)} CloseRegKey $(SoftwareKey)
DecrementRefCount_Return = + return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section DecrementRefCount ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: IsRefCountEqual0 ; ; PURPOSE: check the reference counter in the registry is equal to 0 or ; not ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Registry key name ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code ; $R1 0 - if ref count != 0 ; 1 - if ref count = 0 ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ; ;************************************************************************* [IsRefCountEqualZero] read-syms InitBaseVars
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $($0) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) SoftwareKey
Ifstr $(SoftwareKey) == $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: could not open Software base key" set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE set RefCountEqualZero = 1 goto IsRefCountEqualZero_Return endif
GetRegValue $(SoftwareKey),"RefCount", RefCountInfo Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) set RefCount = 0 else set RefCount = *($(RefCountInfo), 4) endif Ifint $(RefCount) == 0 set RefCountEqualZero = 1 else set RefCountEqualZero = 0 endif CloseRegKey $(SoftwareKey)
IsRefCountEqualZero_Return = + return $(RegistryErrorIndex) $(RefCountEqualZero)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: FindService ; ; PURPOSE: Given a hardware or software component key handle, ; return a key handle to the corresponding Service entry ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Registry key handle to primary component ; $1 type of component (adapter, etc.) ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code ; $R1 Registry key handle for Service area ; $R2 Registry key handle for Parameters subkey ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ; ;************************************************************************* [FindService] read-syms InitBaseVars
set FS_KeyThisService = "" set FS_KeyParameters = "" set FS_KeyComponent = $($0) set FS_TypeComponent = $($1)
Shell "", BaseServiceKey
set FS_KeyServices = $($R1) set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0)
Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR goto F_S_Return endif ; ; Obtain the all the values for the component key. ; EnumRegValue $(FS_KeyComponent) FS_ValueList
; BUGBUG: Check RegLastError
set FS_SvcName = ""
ForListDo $(FS_ValueList) set FS_ValueName = *($($),1) Ifstr(i) $(FS_ValueName) == ServiceName set FS_SvcName = *($($),4) goto F_S_Break1 endif EndForListDo F_S_Break1 = +
Ifstr $(FS_SvcName) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = CANNOT_FIND_COMPONENT_SERVICE goto F_S_Return endif
OpenRegKey $(FS_KeyServices) "" $(FS_SvcName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) FS_KeyThisService Ifstr $(FS_KeyThisService) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = CANNOT_FIND_COMPONENT_SERVICE goto F_S_Return endif
OpenRegKey $(FS_KeyThisService) "" "Parameters" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) FS_KeyParameters Ifstr $(FS_KeyParameters) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = CANNOT_FIND_COMPONENT_SERVICE goto F_S_Return endif
F_S_Return = + Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Ifstr $(FS_KeyParameters) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(FS_KeyParameters) endif Ifstr $(FS_KeyThisService) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(FS_KeyThisService) endif endif return $(RegistryErrorIndex), $(FS_KeyThisService) $(FS_KeyParameters)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section FindService ;************************************************************************* ;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: GetServiceParameters ; ; PURPOSE: Given a component key and type, return a list of ; all its current parameters ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Registry key handle to primary component ; $1 type of component (adapter, etc.) ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code ; $R1 Registry key handle for Service area ; $R2 Registry key handle for Parameters subkey ; $R3 Value list of all values under Parameters subkey ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;************************************************************************* [GetServiceParameters] read-syms InitBaseVars set GP_KeyComponent = $($0) set GP_KeyService = "" set GP_KeyParameters = "" set GP_ValueList = {}
FindService $(GP_KeyComponent) $($1) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR goto G_P_Return endif
set GP_KeyService = $($R1) set GP_KeyParameters = $($R2)
EnumRegValue $(GP_KeyParameters) GP_ValueList
G_P_Return = + return $(RegistryErrorIndex) $(GP_KeyService) $(GP_KeyParameters) $(GP_ValueList)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section sectionname ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: AddSoftwareComponent ; ; PURPOSE: Adds all the Registry information necessary for ; a new software component. This involves creating ; the SOFTWARE area and the SERVICE area. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 name of Manufacturer ; $1 name of Product ; $2 service name to use (no imbedded blanks, etc.) ; $3 Display Name for service ; $4 full path name to the INF file for configuration ; $5 ImagePath ; $6 type of the software, ; see [CreateService] for complete list ; $7 service order group, if any or "" ; $8 dependency **list**, if any or {} ; $9 ObjectName. if "", it will set to "LocalSystem" ; $10 EventMessageFile [optional] ; $11 TypeSupported [optional] ; $12 event log location [optional] ; $13 error control value [optional] ; $14 event log source [optional] ; $15 ParameterMessageFile[optional] ; ; RETURNS: $R0 error code or zero if no error ; $R1 Registry key variable for ; SOFTWARE\Manufacturer\Product\Version key ; $R2 Registry key variable for ; SOFTWARE\...\NetRules ; $R3 Registry key handle for Services key ; $R4 "Parameters" key handle for Services area ; $R5 "Linkage" key handle for Services area ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;************************************************************************* [AddSoftwareComponent] read-syms InitBaseVars
set AS_MfgName = $($0) set AS_ProdName = $($1) set AS_SvcName = $($2) set AS_DisplayName = $($3) set AS_Infname = $($4) set AS_ImagePath = $($5) set AS_ServiceType = $($6) set AS_Group = $($7) set AS_Dependencies = $($8) set AS_ObjectName = $($9) set AS_EventFile = $($10) set AS_TypeSupported = $($11) set AS_EventLocation = $($12) set AS_ErrorCtlValue = $($13) set AS_EventSource = $($14) set AS_ParameterMessageFile = $($15) set AS_KeyServicesArea = $($16) set AS_KeyVersion = "" set AS_KeyNetRules = "" set AS_KeyService = "" set AS_KeyParameters = "" set AS_KeyLinkage = ""
; ; Create the Service entry for this product ; Shell "", CreateService,$(AS_SvcName),$(AS_DisplayName),$(AS_ImagePath),+ $(AS_ServiceType),$(AS_Group),$(AS_Dependencies),$(AS_ObjectName),+ $(AS_EventFile),$(AS_TypeSupported),$(AS_EventLocation),+ $(AS_ErrorCtlValue),$(AS_EventSource),$(AS_ParameterMessageFile),+ $(AS_KeyServicesArea)
set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR goto A_S_Return endif
set AS_KeyService = $($R1) set AS_KeyParameters = $($R2) set AS_KeyLinkage = $($R3) ; ; Service area is created. Create the software area and link them ; Shell "", InstallSoftwareProduct, $(AS_MfgName), $(AS_ProdName), $(AS_Infname)
set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) == NO_ERROR set AS_KeyVersion = $($R1) set AS_KeyNetRules = $($R2) Shell "", LinkToService, $(AS_KeyVersion), $(AS_SvcName), service
set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR goto A_S_Return endif
; ; Add Reference Counter ; GetRegValue $(AS_KeyVersion),"RefCount", RefCountInfo Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) ; no RefCount variable SetRegValue $(AS_KeyVersion) {RefCount,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),0} endif
A_S_Return = + Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Ifstr $(AS_KeyNetRules) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(AS_KeyNetRules) endif Ifstr $(AS_KeyParameters) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(AS_KeyParameters) endif Ifstr $(AS_KeyLinkage) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(AS_KeyLinkage) endif Ifstr $(AS_KeyVersion) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(AS_KeyVersion) Set AS_ProdKeyName = $(!NTN_SoftwareBase)"\"$(AS_MfgName)"\"$(AS_ProdName) OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(AS_ProdKeyName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) AS_KeyProduct Ifstr(i) $(AS_KeyProduct) != $(KeyNull) DeleteRegKey $(AS_KeyProduct) "CurrentVersion" CloseRegKey $(AS_KeyProduct) Endif Endif Ifstr $(AS_KeyService) != $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: DeleteRegTree Service Key" ;DeleteRegTree $(AS_KeyService) "" endif
set AS_KeyVersion = "" set AS_KeyNetRules = "" set AS_KeyService = "" set AS_KeyParameters = "" set AS_KeyLinkage = ""
endif return $(RegistryErrorIndex), $(AS_KeyVersion), $(AS_KeyNetRules), $(AS_KeyService),+ $(AS_KeyParameters), $(AS_KeyLinkage)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section AddSoftwareComponent ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: AddHardwareComponent ; ; PURPOSE: Adds all the Registry information necessary for ; a new network adapater card ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 service name to use (no imbedded blanks, etc.). ; This name will have the numeric value from ; InstallNetCard appended to it for uniqueness. ; $1 INF name for this adapter ; $2 Driver name in software section ; $3 Optional - Services area Key (for performance if an ; INF will be calling this routine many times) ; $4 Optional - Netcards area Key (for performance if an ; INF will be calling this routine many times) ; $5 Optional - number of netcard to start with when looking ; for the next empty slot. For performance, and INF which ; is adding many adapters can pass in the value returned ; for adapter number from the last AddHardwareComponent ; call ; ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; $R1 Registry key variable for HARDWARE\Netcard\(n) ; $R2 Registry key variable for HARDWARE\Netcard\(n)\\NetRules ; $R3 Registry key handle for <service>\Parameters key ; $R4 Adapter number assigned to adapter ; $R5 Service name generated by combining svc name with ; adapter number ; ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;************************************************************************* [AddHardwareComponent]
read-syms InitBaseVars
set AH_SvcName = $($0) set AH_Infname = $($1) set AH_SoftwareName = $($2) set AH_KeyServicesArea = $($3) set AH_KeyNetcardsArea = $($4) set AH_AdapNum = $($5) set AH_KeyNetcard = "" set AH_KeyNetRules = "" set AH_KeyService = "" set AH_KeyParameters = "" ; ; Create the HARDWARE\Netcard entry for this adapter ; Shell "", InstallNetcard, $(AH_Infname) $(AH_KeyNetcardsArea) $(AH_AdapNum)
set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [AddHardwareComponent] InstallNetcard returned: "$(RegistryErrorIndex) goto A_H_Return endif
set AH_KeyNetcard = $($R1) set AH_AdapNum = $($R2) set AH_SvcName = $(AH_SvcName)$(AH_AdapNum) set AH_KeyNetRules = $($R3) ; ; Create the SERVICES entry for this adapter; no binary path, no group, ; no dependencies. ; Shell "", CreateService, $(AH_SvcName), "", "", "adapter","",{},"","","","","","","", $(AH_KeyServicesArea)
set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: CreateService returned "$(RegistryErrorIndex) goto A_H_Return endif
CloseRegKey $($R1) set AH_KeyParameters = $($R2) CloseRegKey $($R3)
; ; Link the Netcard entry to the Service created ; Shell "", LinkToService, $(AH_KeyNetcard), $(AH_SvcName) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [AddHardwareComponent] LinkToService returned "$(RegistryErrorIndex) goto A_H_Return endif
; ; Add the reference counter in the driver section ; Shell "", IncrementRefCount, $(AH_SoftwareName) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [AddHardwareComponent] IncrementRefCount returned "$(RegistryErrorIndex) goto A_H_Return endif
A_H_Return = + Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [AddHardwareComponent] returning error: "$(RegistryErrorIndex) Ifstr(i) $(AH_KeyNetRules) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(AH_KeyNetRules) Endif Ifstr(i) $(AH_KeyNetcard) != $(KeyNull) ; Let the RemoveHardware handle it ;DeleteRegTree $(AH_KeyNetcard) "" Endif set AH_KeyNetRules = "" set AH_KeyNetcard = "" endif
return $(RegistryErrorIndex), $(AH_KeyNetcard), $(AH_KeyNetRules), $(AH_KeyParameters),+ $(AH_AdapNum), $(AH_SvcName)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section AddHardwareComponent ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: MCAFindBus ; ; PURPOSE: Find adpater(s) location ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 The least signifiance byte of the device ID ; $1 The most signifiance byte of the device ID ; ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; $R1 The list of adapter location ; {{bus0,slot0},{bus1,slot1},{bus2,slot2}...{busk,slotk}} ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[MCAFindBus] read-syms InitBaseVars set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
set MultifunctionAdapter = "HARDWARE\Description\System\MultifunctionAdapter" set InfoList = {}
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(MultifunctionAdapter) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyMultiAdapter
Ifstr $(KeyMultiAdapter) == $(KeyNull) goto MCAFindBus_return endif
EnumRegKey $(KeyMultiAdapter) BusList
Debug-Output "Buslist" Debug-Output $(BusList)
ForListDo $(BusList) set BusNum = *($($),1) set RegName = $(MultifunctionAdapter)"\"$(BusNum) Debug-Output "BusNum" Debug-Output $(BusNum) OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(RegName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyBus
ifstr $(KeyBus) != $(KeyNull) GetRegValue $(KeyBus),"Configuration Data",ConfigData ifstr $(ConfigData) != $(KeyNull) set CardInfo = *($(ConfigData), 4 ) ; ; Skip the header and jump to data position 33 ; set Position = 33 set SlotNum = 1 QueryListSize ListSize $(CardInfo) Loop1 =+ ifint $(Position) < $(ListSize) set-add NextByte = $(Position), 1 ifint *($(CardInfo), $(Position)) == $($0) ifint *($(CardInfo), $(NextByte)) == $($1) ; ; Set up the hardware ; LibraryProcedure RealBusNum, $(!LIBHANDLE), GetMCABusInformation, $(KeyBus), "Configuration Data", $(BusNum) Debug-Output $(RealBusNum) set BusNum = *($(RealBusNum),1) Debug-Output $(SlotNum) set-mul mcaid = $($1), 256 set-add mcaid = $(mcaid), $($0) set InfoList = >($(InfoList),{$(BusNum),$(SlotNum),$(mcaid)}) endif endif set-add Position = $(Position), 6 set-add SlotNum = $(SlotNum), 1 goto Loop1 endif endif CloseRegKey $(KeyBus) endif EndForListDo
CloseRegKey $(KeyMultiAdapter)
MCAFindBus_return = +
return $(RegistryErrorIndex) $(InfoList)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section MCAFindBus ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: EISAFindBus ; ; PURPOSE: Find adpater(s) location ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 The compress ID of the EISA card ; $1 EISA Compressed ID mask ; ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; $R1 The list of adapter location ; {{bus0,slot0},{bus1,slot1},{bus2,slot2}...{busk,slotk}} ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[EISAFindBus] read-syms InitBaseVars set MaskNum = $($1) ifstr(i) $($1) == "" set MaskNum = 16777215 ; 0xffffff endif
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
set EISAAdapter = "HARDWARE\Description\System\EISAAdapter" set InfoList = {}
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(EISAAdapter) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyEISAAdapter
Ifstr $(KeyEISAAdapter) == $(KeyNull) goto EISAFindBus_return endif
EnumRegKey $(KeyEISAAdapter) BusList
Debug-Output "Buslist" Debug-Output $(BusList)
ForListDo $(BusList) set BusNum = *($($),1) OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(EISAAdapter)"\"$(BusNum) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyEISAAdapterBus LibraryProcedure SlotList, $(!LIBHANDLE), GetEisaSlotInformation, $(KeyEISAAdapterBus), "Configuration Data", $($0), $(MaskNum) ifstr(i) $(SlotList) != {} ForListDo $(SlotList) set SlotNum = $($) ifstr(i) $(SlotNum) != "ERROR" Debug-Output $(BusNum) Debug-Output $(SlotNum) set InfoList = >($(InfoList),{$(BusNum),$(SlotNum),$($0)}) endif EndForListDo endif EndForListDo
CloseRegKey $(KeyEISAAdapter)
EISAFindBus_return = +
return $(RegistryErrorIndex) $(InfoList)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section EISAFindBus ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: GetPCIInformation ; ; PURPOSE: Get PCI vendor and device information ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Vendor ID ; $1 Device ID ; ; ; RETURNS: $R0 List of bus and slot information ; {{bus0,slot0},{bus1,slot1},{bus2,slot2}...{busk,slotk}} ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[GetPCIInformation] read-syms InitBaseVars set VendorID = $($0) set DeviceID = $($1) set MultiAdapter = "HARDWARE\Description\System\MultifunctionAdapter" set InfoList = {}
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(MultiAdapter) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyMultiAdapter
Ifstr $(KeyMultiAdapter) == $(KeyNull) goto GetPCIInformation_return endif
EnumRegKey $(KeyMultiAdapter) BusList
Debug-Output "Buslist" Debug-Output $(BusList)
set BusNum = 0 set index = 0 ForListDo $(BusList) OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(MultiAdapter)"\"$(index) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyMultiAdapterBus GetRegValue $(KeyMultiAdapterBus) "Identifier" IdentifierInfo ifstr(i) *($(IdentifierInfo),4) == "PCI" ; ; Only check for PCI bus ;
set device = 0 next_device = + ifint $(device) < 32 set function = 0 next_function = + ifint $(function) < 8 LibraryProcedure Result, $(!LIBHANDLE), GetPciInformation, $(BusNum), $(device), $(function) debug-output $(BusNum)".."$(device)".."$(function)".."$(Result) ifint *($(Result),1) == 65535 Set-add device = $(device),1 goto next_device endif ifint *($(Result),1) == $(VendorID) ifint *($(Result),2) == $(DeviceID) set InfoList = >($(InfoList),{$(BusNum),$(device),$(function)}) endif endif set-add function = $(function), 1 goto next_function endif Set-add device = $(device),1 goto next_device endif finish_bus = + set-add BusNum = $(BusNum),1 endif set-add index = $(index),1 EndForListDo
CloseRegKey $(KeyMultiAdapter)
GetPCIInformation_return = + return $(InfoList)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: AddNetworkProvider ; ; PURPOSE: Add a network provider entry into the registry ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 network provider id. i.e., lanmanredirector ; $1 network provder location. i.e, c:\nt\windows\system\ntlanman.dll ; $2 English name of the provider. i.e, NT Lan Manager ; $3 network provider device name, if different from network ; provider ; ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[AddNetworkProvider] read-syms InitBaseVars
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
set ProviderDeviceName = $($3) ifstr(i) $(ProviderDeviceName) == "" set ProviderDeviceName = $($0) endif
; OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(CurrentControlSet)"\control\NetworkProvider\Active\"$($0) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ActiveKey ; ifstr(i) $(OrderKey) == $(KeyNull) ; CreateRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) {$(CurrentControlSet)"\control\NetworkProvider\Active\"$($0),$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" ActiveKey ; endif
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(CurrentControlSet)"\control\NetworkProvider\order" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) OrderKey ifstr(i) $(OrderKey) == $(KeyNull) CreateRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) {$(CurrentControlSet)"\control\NetworkProvider\order",$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" OrderKey endif
GetRegValue $(OrderKey) "ProviderOrder" OrderValue set Order = *($(OrderValue), 4 ) ifstr(i) $(OrderValue) == $(KeyNull) goto AddFirstProvider else-ifstr(i) $(Order) == $(KeyNull) goto AddFirstProvider else goto AddProvider endif
AddFirstProvider = + SetRegValue $(OrderKey) {ProviderOrder,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$($0)} goto WriteProviderInfo
AddProvider = + Split-String $(Order) "," OrderList ifContains(i) $($0) in $(OrderList) ; Enable if we cannot have the same provider ; ;set RegistryErrorIndex = PROVIDER_ALREADY_EXISTED ;goto AddnetworkProvider_return else set Order = $(Order)","$($0) SetRegValue $(OrderKey) {ProviderOrder,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(Order)} endif
goto WriteProviderInfo
WriteProviderInfo = +
CloseRegKey $(OrderKey)
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ServicesBaseName)"\"$($0)"\networkprovider" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ProviderKey
Ifstr(i) $(ProviderKey) == $(KeyNull) CreateRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) {$(ServicesBaseName)"\"$($0)"\networkprovider",$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" ProviderKey endif
set NewValueList = {{Devicename,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),"\Device\"$(ProviderDeviceName)},+ {ProviderPath, $(NoTitle), $(!REG_VT_EXPAND_SZ), $($1)},+ {Name, $(NoTitle), $(!REG_VT_SZ), $($2)}}
Shell "" AddValueList $(ProviderKey) $(NewValueList)
CloseRegKey $(ProviderKey)
AddNetworkProvider_return = +
return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section AddNetworkProvider ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: AddServiceProvider ; ; PURPOSE: Add a Service provider entry into the registry ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Service provider id. i.e., tcpip ; $1 Service provder location. i.e, c:\nt\windows\system\ntlanman.dll ; $2 English name of the provider. i.e, NT Lan Manager ; $3 Class number ; ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[AddServiceProvider] read-syms InitBaseVars
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
set ClassNum = $($3) ifstr(i) $(ClassNum) == "" set ClassNum = 8 endif
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(CurrentControlSet)"\control\ServiceProvider\order" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) OrderKey ifstr(i) $(OrderKey) == $(KeyNull) CreateRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) {$(CurrentControlSet)"\control\ServiceProvider\Order",$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" OrderKey SetRegValue $(OrderKey) {ExcludedProviders,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),{}} endif
GetRegValue $(OrderKey) "ProviderOrder" OrderValue set Order = *($(OrderValue), 4 ) ifstr(i) $(OrderValue) == $(KeyNull) goto AddFirstProvider else-ifstr(i) $(Order) == $(KeyNull) goto AddFirstProvider else goto AddProvider endif
AddFirstProvider = + SetRegValue $(OrderKey) {ProviderOrder,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),{$($0)}} goto WriteProviderInfo
AddProvider = + ifContains(i) $($0) in $(Order) ; Enable if we cannot have the same provider ; ;set RegistryErrorIndex = PROVIDER_ALREADY_EXISTED ;goto AddProvider_return else set Order = >($(Order),$($0)) SetRegValue $(OrderKey) {ProviderOrder,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(Order)} endif
goto WriteProviderInfo
WriteProviderInfo = +
CloseRegKey $(OrderKey)
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ServicesBaseName)"\"$($0)"\Serviceprovider" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ProviderKey
Ifstr(i) $(ProviderKey) == $(KeyNull) CreateRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) {$(ServicesBaseName)"\"$($0)"\Serviceprovider",$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" ProviderKey endif
set NewValueList = {{Class,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(ClassNum)},+ {ProviderPath, $(NoTitle), $(!REG_VT_EXPAND_SZ), $($1)},+ {Name, $(NoTitle), $(!REG_VT_SZ), $($2)}}
Shell "" AddValueList $(ProviderKey) $(NewValueList)
CloseRegKey $(ProviderKey)
AddProvider_return = +
return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section AddServiceProvider ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: RemoveServiceProvider ; ; PURPOSE: Remove Service provider entry ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 provider name ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[RemoveServiceProvider] read-syms InitBaseVars
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(CurrentControlSet)"\control\ServiceProvider\order" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) OrderKey ifstr(i) $(OrderKey) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = PROVIDER_ORDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST goto RemoveProvider_return endif
GetRegValue $(OrderKey) "ProviderOrder" OrderValue set Order = *($(OrderValue), 4 )
set NewOrderList = {} set FirstTime = TRUE set Found = FALSE ForListDo $(Order) ifstr(i) $($) != $($0) ifstr(i) $(FirstTime) == TRUE set FirstTime = FALSE set NewOrderList = {$($)} else set NewOrderList = >($(NewOrderList),$($)) endif else set Found = TRUE endif EndForListDo
ifstr(i) $(Found) == FALSE ; set RegistryErrorIndex = PROVIDER_ORDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST ; goto RemoveProvider_return else ifstr(i) $(NewOrderList) == {} set NewOrderList = "" endif SetRegValue $(OrderKey) {ProviderOrder,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(NewOrderList)} endif
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ServicesBaseName)\$($0) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ProviderKey
ifstr $(ProviderKey) != $(KeyNull) DeleteRegTree $(ProviderKey) "ServiceProvider" endif
RemoveProvider_return = + return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: RemoveNetworkProvider ; ; PURPOSE: Remove network provider entry ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 provider name ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[RemoveNetworkProvider] read-syms InitBaseVars
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(CurrentControlSet)"\control\NetworkProvider\order" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) OrderKey ifstr(i) $(OrderKey) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = PROVIDER_ORDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST goto RemoveNetworkProvider_return endif
GetRegValue $(OrderKey) "ProviderOrder" OrderValue set Order = *($(OrderValue), 4 )
Split-String $(Order) "," OrderList set NewOrderList = {} set FirstTime = TRUE set Found = FALSE ForListDo $(OrderList) ifstr(i) $($) != "," ifstr(i) $($) != $($0) ifstr(i) $(FirstTime) == TRUE set FirstTime = FALSE set NewOrderList = $($) else set NewOrderList = $(NewOrderList)","$($) endif else set Found = TRUE endif endif EndForListDo
ifstr(i) $(Found) == FALSE ; set RegistryErrorIndex = PROVIDER_ORDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST ; goto RemoveNetworkProvider_return else ifstr(i) $(NewOrderList) == {} set NewOrderList = "" endif SetRegValue $(OrderKey) {ProviderOrder,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(NewOrderList)} endif
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ServicesBaseName)\$($0) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ProviderKey
ifstr $(ProviderKey) != $(KeyNull) DeleteRegTree $(ProviderKey) "NetworkProvider" endif
RemoveNetworkProvider_return = + return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: AddNameSpaceProvider ; ; PURPOSE: Add a NameSpace provider entry into the registry ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 (STRING) Name Space Provider Display Name ; $1 (STRING) Name Space Provider DLL (full path) ; $2 (INT) Name Space support, see Winsock2.h or NSPApi.h in sdk\inc ; $3 (BOOL) Schema Support (TRUE | FALSE) ; $4 (STRING - GUID) Name Space Provider ID {46cd93d0-7e92-11cf-ae5a-00aa00a7112b} ; ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[AddNameSpaceProvider] read-syms InitBaseVars
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR Set FLibraryErrCtl = 1 LibraryProcedure Result, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), AddNameSpaceProvider, $($0), $($1), $($2), $($3), $($4) Set FLibraryErrCtl = 0
Set ResultError = *($(Result),1) Ifint $(ResultError) != 0 Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: AddNameSpaceProvider wrapper failed, error: "$(Result) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ADD_NAMESPACE_PROVIDER Goto AddNameSpaceProvider_return Endif
AddNameSpaceProvider_return = + return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: RemoveNameSpaceProvider ; ; PURPOSE: Remove namespace provider entry ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 (STRING, GUID) Name Space Provider ID {46cd93d0-7e92-11cf-ae5a-00aa00a7112b} ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[RemoveNameSpaceProvider] read-syms InitBaseVars
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
Set FLibraryErrCtl = 1 LibraryProcedure Result, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), RemoveNameSpaceProvider, $($0) Set FLibraryErrCtl = 0
Set ResultError = *($(Result),1) Ifint $(ResultError) != 0 Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: RemoveNameSpaceProvider wrapper failed, error: "$(Result) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_REMOVE_NAMESPACE_PROVIDER Goto RemoveNameSpaceProvider_return Endif
RemoveNameSpaceProvider_return = + return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: PrepareToCopy ; ; PURPOSE: Establish the variables required to perform ; "CopyFilesInCopyList" ; ; ARGUMENTS: none ; ; RETURNS: $R0 STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; ; REFERENCES: nothing ; ; MODIFIES: see [ProgressCopyEng] above for list of variables ; modified/created in parent context. ; ; NOTES: Read NOTES commentary for section [DoAskSource] ; ;************************************************************************* [PrepareToCopy] ; ; Read the progress copy symbols. ; Read-syms ProgressCopy$(!STF_LANGUAGE)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section PrepareToCopy ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: DoAskSource ; ; PURPOSE: Determine or ask to location of the network binaries ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 current value of STF_CWDDIR ; $1 current value of STF_SRCDIR ; $2 "YES" if part of NT base product (i.e., not OEM) ; "NO" otherwise. ; ; RETURNS: $R0: STATUS: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL | ; STATUS_USERCANCEL | ; STATUS_FAILED ; $R1 path to sources ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: !STF_SRCDIR_USED changed to point to the user's ; keyed location ; !STF_SRCDIR_KEYED ; ; NOTES: The SETUP copy operations read the symbol table the old way; ; this means that they will only utilize local symbols for ; the necessary progress variables. This section/function assumes ; that it's being called by an INF at THE EXACT SAME CONTEXT LEVEL ; AT WHICH THE INSTALL FUNCTION WILL BE INVOKED! It stores the ; values specifically into the parent context so the progress dialog ; function can see them. ; ;************************************************************************* [DoAskSource] Set DAS_CWDDIR = $($0) Set DAS_SRCDIR = $($1) Set DAS_BUILTIN = $($2) Set DAS_Result = STATUS_FAILED ; ; If !STF_SRCDIR_OVERRIDE is not empty, use it instead. ; Ifstr(i) $(!STF_SRCDIR_OVERRIDE) != "" Set DAS_SRCDIR = $(!STF_SRCDIR_OVERRIDE) Set DAS_Result = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Goto DAS_exit Endif ; ; If this is a built-in component during primary installation, ; use the given source path automatically unless !SFT_SRCDIR_WINNT ; is set. This is for the WINNT case, where Setup's SourcePath lies. ; Ifstr(i) $(DAS_BUILTIN) == YES Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallPhase) == primary Ifstr(i) $(!STF_SRCDIR_WINNT) != "" Set DAS_SRCDIR = $(!STF_SRCDIR_WINNT) Endif Set DAS_Result = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Goto DAS_exit Endif Else Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallPhase) == primary ; during primary install, always use the passed value Set DAS_Result = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Goto DAS_exit Else ; not a shipped item, so force to use A rather than saved location Set DAS_SRCDIR = "" EndIf Endif
Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [DoAskSource] STF_CWDDIR = "$(DAS_CWDDIR)" STF_SRCDIR = "$(DAS_SRCDIR) ; ; Set default to drive A: if necessary ; Ifstr(i) $(DAS_SRCDIR) == "" Set DAS_SRCDIR = "A:\" Endif ; ; If this is the same SRCDIR as last time, replace it with the string ; actually keyed by the user. This causes UNC names to reappear in their ; original form; the name of the automatically "used" remote drive should ; never be shown. ; Ifstr(i) $(DAS_SRCDIR) == $(!STF_SRCDIR_USED) Set DAS_SRCDIR = $(!STF_SRCDIR_KEYED) Endif ; ; Ask for the setup sources ; Shell "subroutn.inf" DoAskSource $(DAS_SRCDIR)
ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: shelling SUBROUTN.INF [DoAskSource] failed" goto DAS_exit endif
Set DAS_Result = $($R0)
Ifstr(i) $(DAS_Result) == STATUS_USERCANCEL ; ; BUGBUG: All the INFs should change to handle this correctly. ; Set !p:CommonStatus = STATUS_USERCANCEL goto DAS_exit Endif
Set DAS_SRCDIR = $($R1) ; ; Save the actual and converted SRCDIRs ; Set !STF_SRCDIR_USED = $($R1) Set !STF_SRCDIR_KEYED = $($R3)
; ; Store the new location if this is a request for NT source in the registry. ; Ifstr(i) $(DAS_BUILTIN) == YES OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Nt\CurrentVersion" $(!REG_KEY_WRITE) KeyNt Ifstr(i) $(KeyNt) != "" SetRegValue $(KeyNt) {SourcePath,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(!STF_SRCDIR_USED)} Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: SourcePath stored is "$(!STF_SRCDIR_USED) CloseRegKey $(KeyNt) Endif Endif
DAS_exit =+ ; ; Read the progress copy symbols. ; Read-syms ProgressCopy$(!STF_LANGUAGE)
Return $(DAS_Result) $(DAS_SRCDIR)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section DoAskSource ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: RemoveSoftwareComponent ; ; PURPOSE: Remove the specified software component from the ; registry. It will remove the entry in the software ; section of the registry first. Then it will remove ; the entry in the service section of the registry. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Manufacturer Name ; $1 Product Name ; $2 Boolean flag for zero reference count checking ; ( optional. If it is defined, skip checking ) ; ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[RemoveSoftwareComponent] Debug-Output "Remove Software Component..."
read-syms InitBaseVars
set RS_Manufacturer = $($0) set RS_ProductName = $($1) set RS_CheckRefCount = $($2) set RS_VersionNum = "CurrentVersion" set RS_ManufacturerKey = $(!NTN_SoftwareBase)"\"$(RS_Manufacturer) set RS_ProductKey = $(!NTN_SoftwareBase)"\"$(RS_Manufacturer)"\"$(RS_ProductName) set RS_ProductVerKey = $(!NTN_SoftwareBase)"\"$(RS_Manufacturer)"\"$(RS_ProductName)"\"$(RS_VersionNum)
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
; ; Check the reference counter first ; ifstr(i) $(RS_CheckRefCount) != FALSE
Shell "", IsRefCountEqualZero, $(RS_ProductVerKey)
Ifstr(i) $($R0) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [RemoveSoftwareComponent] IsRefCountEqualZero returned "$($R0) goto RemoveSoftwareComponent_Return endif
Ifint $($R1) == 0 set RegistryErrorIndex = REF_COUNT_NOT_ZERO goto RemoveSoftwareComponent_Return endif
; ; Remove the software first ;
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(RS_ManufacturerKey) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ProductKey
Ifstr $(ProductKey) == $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: could not open Software product key" set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE goto RemoveSoftwareComponent_Return endif
DeleteRegTree $(ProductKey) $(RS_ProductName)
CloseRegKey $(ProductKey)
; ; Remove the service ; Shell "" RemoveService, $(RS_ProductName), "YES"
Set RS_RemoveError = $($R0) Ifint $(RS_RemoveError) != 0 Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: RemoveService wrapper failed, error: "$(RS_RemoveResult) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_REMOVE_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Goto RemoveSoftwareComponent_Return Endif
RemoveSoftwareComponent_Return = +
Return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section RemoveSoftwareComponent ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: RemoveHardwareComponent ; ; PURPOSE: Remove the adapter entry from the registry. First ; remove the adapter entry under Networkcards. Then it ; will remove the service entry under SYSTEM. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Manufacturer Name (i.e., 3Com) ; $1 Product Name (i.e., Elnk) ; $2 Net Card Name (i.e., Elnkii05) ; ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[RemoveHardwareComponent] Debug-Output "Remove Hardware Component..." read-syms InitBaseVars
set RH_Manufacturer = $($0) set RH_ProductName = $($1) set RH_VersionNum = "CurrentVersion" set RH_ProductKey = $(!NTN_SoftwareBase)"\"$($0)"\"$($1)"\"$(RH_VersionNum) set RH_NetCardName = $($2) Split-String $(RH_NetCardName), "\", CardInfo set RH_NetCardNum = *($(CardInfo),11) set RH_NetCardBase = *($(CardInfo),1)*($(CardInfo),2)*($(CardInfo),3)*($(CardInfo),4)*($(CardInfo),5)*($(CardInfo),6)*($(CardInfo),7)*($(CardInfo),8)*($(CardInfo),9)
set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
; ; decrement the reference counter first ;
Shell "", DecrementRefCount, $(RH_ProductKey)
Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [AddHardwareComponent] IncrementRefCount returned "$(RegistryErrorIndex) goto RemoveHardwareComponent_Return endif
; ; Remove the Net card first ;
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(RH_NetCardBase) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) NetCardKey
Ifstr $(NetCardKey) == $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: could not open NetworkCards key" set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE goto RemoveHardwareComponent_Return endif
OpenRegKey $(NetCardKey) "" $(RH_NetCardNum) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) NetCardNumKey
Ifstr $(NetCardNumKey) == $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: could not open NetworkCards Number key" set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE goto RemoveHardwareComponent_Return endif
GetRegValue $(NetCardNumKey),"ServiceName", RH_ServiceNameInfo set RH_ServiceName = *($(RH_ServiceNameInfo), 4)
ifstr(i) $(RH_ServiceName) == "" ; if we cannot get the service name, make a guess set RH_ServiceName = $(RH_ProductName)$(RH_NetCardNum) endif
CloseRegKey $(NetCardNumKey)
DeleteRegTree $(NetCardKey) $(RH_NetCardNum)
CloseRegKey $(NetCardKey)
Shell "", RemoveService, $(RH_ServiceName), "NO"
Set RS_RemoveError = $($R0) Ifint $(RS_RemoveError) != 0 Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: RemoveService wrapper failed, error: "$(RS_RemoveResult) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_REMOVE_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Goto RemoveHardwareComponent_Return Endif
; ; If driver reference count is equal to 0, remove it. ;
Shell "", IsRefCountEqualZero, $(RH_ProductKey)
Ifstr(i) $($R0) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [RemoveHardwareComponent] IsRefCountEqualZero returned "$($R0) goto RemoveHardwareComponent_Return endif
Ifint $($R1) == 1 Debug-Output "Remove software component..." Shell "" RemoveSoftwareComponent, $(RH_Manufacturer), $(RH_ProductName) set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) endif
debug-output "remove netbios information..." LibraryProcedure Result, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), RemoveRouteFromNETBIOS, $(RH_ServiceName)
RemoveHardwareComponent_Return = +
Return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section RemoveHardwareComponent ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: RemoveService ; ; PURPOSE: Remove a specified service from the registry. It is ; called by RemoveSoftwareComponent and ; RemoveHardwareComponent. Or, if the service is ; created by calling "CreateService", we will ; need to use this subroutine to remove it. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Service Name ; $1 "YES" - we use DeleteService to remove the service ; "NO" - we use DeleteRegTree to remove the ; registry tree ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[RemoveService] read-syms InitBaseVars Set RS_SvcName = $($0) Set RS_UseDelSvc = $($1)
; Make sure the service key exists first.
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\"$(RS_SvcName) + $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ServiceKey
Ifstr $(ServiceKey) == $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: could not open SYSTEM Service key "$(RS_SvcName) goto RemoveService_Return endif
; Remove the NbProvider value if it exists
OpenRegKey $(ServiceKey) "" "Parameters" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ParameterKey
Ifstr $(ParameterKey) != $(KeyNull) DeleteRegValue $(ParameterKey) "NbProvider" CloseRegKey $(ParameterKey) Endif
CloseRegKey $(ServiceKey)
ifstr(i) $(RS_UseDelSvc) == "YES"
; Remove the service
Set FLibraryErrCtl = 1 LibraryProcedure RS_RemoveResult $(!NCPA_HANDLE), CPlSetup, + $(!STF_HWND), DELETESVC, $(RS_SvcName) Set FLibraryErrCtl = 0
; Check the return code
Set RS_RemoveError = *($(RS_RemoveResult),1) Ifint $(RS_RemoveError) != 0 Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: RemoveService wrapper failed, error: "$(RS_RemoveResult) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_REMOVE_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Goto RemoveService_Return Endif
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services" + $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ServiceKey
Ifstr $(ServiceKey) == $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: could not open SYSTEM Service key "$(RS_SvcName) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE goto RemoveService_Return endif
DeleteRegTree $(ServiceKey) $(RS_SvcName)
CloseRegKey $(ServiceKey)
RemoveService_Return = + return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section RemoveService ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: IsNetCardAlreadyInstalled ; ; PURPOSE: This subroutine is called by EISA and MCA net card ; setup. Given the bus number and slot number, it will ; return a boolean to idicate whether the card is ; already installed or not. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Bus Number ; $1 Slot Number ; $2 Product Description ; $3 Product Name ; $4 Skip description and name checking ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; $R1 "YES" - if the net card already installed ; "NO" - if the net card is not in the registry ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[IsNetCardAlreadyInstalled] read-syms InitBaseVars
set AlreadyExisted = "NO"
set BusNum = $($0) set SlotNum = $($1) set Description = $($2) set Product = $($3) set SkipDescriptionCheck = $($4) ifstr(i) $(SkipDescriptionCheck) == "" set SkipDescriptionCheck = "NO" endif
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(NetworkCardKeyName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) IE_KeyNetcards
Ifstr $(IE_KeyNetcards) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_OPEN_NETWORKCARD_SECTION goto IE_Return endif
EnumRegKey $(IE_KeyNetcards) IE_KeyNameList
; ; Compare all the NetworkCards entry and see whether they have the ; same title and productname. ; ForListDo $(IE_KeyNameList) set IE_KeyName = *($($),1) OpenRegKey $(IE_KeyNetcards) "" $(IE_KeyName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) IE_Card
Ifstr $(IE_Card) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_OPEN_NETWORKCARD_SECTION goto IE_Return endif
GetRegValue $(IE_Card),"Description", DescriptionInfo GetRegValue $(IE_Card),"ProductName", ProductNameInfo set CardDescription = *($(DescriptionInfo), 4) set CardProductName = *($(ProductNameInfo), 4)
ifstr(i) $(SkipDescriptionCheck) == "YES" set CardDescription = $(Description) set CardProductName = $(Product) endif
ifstr(i) $(CardDescription) == $(Description) ifstr(i) $(CardProductName) == $(Product)
; ; We find the same product type. make sure that it ; does not have the same bus number and slot number ;
GetRegValue $(IE_Card), "ServiceName", ServiceNameInfo set ServiceName = *($(ServiceNameInfo), 4)
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" + $(ServicesBaseName)"\"$(ServiceName)"\Parameters" + $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) IE_KeyService
Ifstr $(IE_KeyService) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_OPEN_NETWORKCARD_SECTION goto IE_Return endif
GetRegValue $(IE_KeyService), "BusNumber", BusInfo GetRegValue $(IE_KeyService), "SlotNumber", SlotInfo set CardBusNum = *($(BusInfo), 4) set CardSlotNum = *($(SlotInfo), 4)
ifint $(CardBusNum) == $(BusNum) ifint $(CardSlotNum) == $(SlotNum) ; ; Don't install this card. It is already installed ; set AlreadyExisted = "YES" endif endif
endif endif EndForListDo
IE_Return = + return $(RegistryErrorIndex) $(AlreadyExisted)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section IsNetCardAlreadyInstalled ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: CopyRegTreeAs ; ; PURPOSE: ; ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Handle to the source reg key ; $1 Handle to the destination reg key ; $2 (optional) Name of the destination key to place the entries in ; $3 (optional) (TRUE|FALSE) Make destination volatile ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; $R1 Handle to destination key (if $2 is "" then returns $1) ; ; REFERENCES: none ; ; MODIFIES: none ; ; ;************************************************************************* [CopyRegTreeAs] read-syms InitBaseVars Set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR set CRTA_SrcKey = $($0) set CRTA_BaseDestKey = $($1) set CRTA_DestName = $($2) set CRTA_DestKey = $($1)
ifstr(i) $(CRTA_DestName) != "" ; ; create the destination key ; CreateRegKey $(CRTA_BaseDestKey) {$(CRTA_DestName),$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" CRTA_DestKey Ifstr(i) $(CRTA_DestKey) == $(KeyNull) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Goto CRTA_Return Endif endif
; ; call into the ncpa to copy the reg tree ; Set FLibraryErrCtl = 1 LibraryProcedure CRTA_CopyResult $(!NCPA_HANDLE), RegCopyTree, $(CRTA_SrcKey), $(CRTA_DestKey) Set FLibraryErrCtl = 0 Set CRTA_CopyError = *($(CRTA_CopyResult),1)
Ifint $(CRTA_CopyError) != 0 Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [CopyRegTreeAs] RegCopyTree returned "$(CRTA_CopyError) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Goto CRTA_Return Endif
CRTA_Return = +
return $(RegistryErrorIndex) $(CRTA_DestKey)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: UpdateWinsockService ; ; PURPOSE: This section creates, if necessary, the WinSock ; service data object. This Registry key is a placeholder ; for all WinSock mapping information. In particular, ; it contains a value called Transports, which contains ; a REG_MULTI_SZ listing the names of all transports ; which export a sockets interface (through a DLL). ; ; Then, we either add or remove the name of this transport ; from the list. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Name of Transport Service supporting WinSock ; $1 TRUE if adding data; FALSE if removing data ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; ; REFERENCES: none ; ; MODIFIES: none ; ; ;************************************************************************* [UpdateWinsockService] read-syms InitBaseVars ; ; Get the base key handle for the services area ; Set UW_NameOfService = $($0) Set UW_Adding = $($1) Set UW_KeyServices = $(KeyNull) Set UW_KeyParameters = $(KeyNull)
Shell "", BaseServiceKey Set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Goto U_W_Return endif Set UW_KeyServices = $($R1)
OpenRegKey $(UW_KeyServices) "" "WinSock\Parameters" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) UW_KeyParameters
Ifstr(i) $(UW_KeyParameters) == $(KeyNull) ; ; Service is not correctly installed or not installed ; set UW_KeyWinSock = $(KeyNull) set UW_RestoreKeys = FALSE set UW_TempKeyName = "" set UW_TempKey = $(KeyNull) OpenRegKey $(UW_KeyServices) "" "WinSock" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) UW_KeyWinSock Ifstr(i) $(UW_KeyWinSock) != $(KeyNull) ; ; Service is not correctly installed, ; save the everything away and then delete the key ; later after it has been installed, reload the saved ; child keys and values ; set UW_RestoreKeys = TRUE set UW_TempKeyName = "WinSockMergeVolatile" Shell "", CopyRegTreeAs $(UW_KeyWinSock) $(UW_KeyServices) $(UW_TempKeyName) set UW_TempKey = $($R1) CloseRegKey $(UW_KeyWinSock) DeleteRegTree $(UW_KeyServices) "WinSock" Endif
Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: Create WinSock Service" Shell "", CreateService, "WinSock", "", "", "adapter", "", {} Set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: CreateService for WinSock returned "$(RegistryErrorIndex) ifstr(i) $(UW_RestoreKeys) == TRUE CloseRegKey $(UW_TempKey) Endif Goto U_W_Return Endif set UW_KeyWinSock = $($R1) Set UW_KeyParameters = $($R2)
; ; Copy the temp key back into the Winsock key, ; then we delete it ; ifstr(i) $(UW_RestoreKeys) == TRUE Shell "", CopyRegTreeAs $(UW_TempKey) $(UW_KeyWinSock) "" CloseRegKey $(UW_TempKey) DeleteRegTree $(UW_KeyServices) "WinSockMergeVolatile" Endif
CloseRegKey $(UW_KeyWinSock) CloseRegKey $($R3) Else Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: Open WinSock Service" Endif
Ifstr(i) $(UW_KeyParameters) == $(KeyNull) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Goto U_W_Return Endif ; ; Get the old REG_MULTI_SZ containing the list of supported transports; ; add the new transport service name to the list or remove it. ; GetRegValue $(UW_KeyParameters) "Transports" UW_TransportsValue Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set UW_TransportsList = *($(UW_TransportsValue), 4) Else Set UW_TransportsList = {} Endif
Ifstr(i) $(UW_TransportsList) == "" Set UW_TransportsList = {} Endif ; ; If we're removing the transport, do so; else, append it to the ; end of the list. ; Ifstr(i) $(UW_Adding) == "TRUE" Set UW_TransportsList = >($(UW_TransportsList), $(UW_NameOfService)) Else Set UW_NewList = {} ForListDo $(UW_TransportsList) Ifstr(i) $($) != $(UW_NameOfService) Set UW_NewList = >($(UW_NewList), $($)) Endif EndForListDo Set UW_TransportsList = $(UW_NewList) Endif
SetRegValue $(UW_KeyParameters) {Transports, $(NoTitle), $(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ), $(UW_TransportsList)}
Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: WinSock transport info added/deleted for "$(UW_NameOfService)
U_W_Return = + Ifstr $(UW_KeyParameters) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(UW_KeyParameters) Endif Ifstr $(UW_KeyServices) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(UW_KeyServices) Endif
Return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section UpdateWinsockService ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: UpdateWinsockMappings ; ; PURPOSE: This function calls into CPLSetup to get new mapping ; information for the protocol ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Service name of transport driver ; $1 DLL name for WinSock interface to transport ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; $R1 Key handle to <service>\Parameters\Winsock ; ; REFERENCES: none ; ; MODIFIES: none ; ;************************************************************************* [UpdateWinsockMappings] read-syms InitBaseVars Set AW_NameOfService = $($0) Set AW_DLLName = $($1)
Shell "", BaseServiceKey Set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0)
Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Goto M_W_Return endif
OpenRegKey $($R1) "" $(AW_NameOfService)"\Parameters\Winsock" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyWinsock
Ifstr(i) $(KeyWinsock) == "" Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Goto M_W_Return Endif
Set FLibraryErrCtl = 1 LibraryProcedure MW_MapResult $(!NCPA_HANDLE), CPlSetup, $(!STF_HWND), WINSOCKMAP, $(AW_DLLName), $(KeyWinsock) Set FLibraryErrCtl = 0 Set AW_MapError = *($(MW_MapResult),1)
Ifint $(AW_MapError) != 0 Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [UpdateWinsockMappings] WINSOCKMAP returned "$(AW_MapError) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_WINSOCK_MAP_INFO Goto M_W_Return Endif
M_W_Return = + Ifstr $(KeyWinsock) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(KeyWinsock) Endif Return $(RegistryErrorIndex) ;************************************************************************* ; end of section AddWinsockInfo ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: AddWinsockInfo ; ; PURPOSE: This function adds WinSock sockets provider info ; to a transport. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Service name of transport driver ; $1 DLL name for WinSock interface to transport ; $2 integer value for MaxSockAddrLength ; $3 integer value for MinSockAddrLength ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; $R1 Key handle to <service>\Parameters\Winsock ; ; REFERENCES: none ; ; MODIFIES: none ; ; ; NOTES: This function/section calls the NCPA function CPlSetup ; to bind to the DLL in question and add the value of the ; export function WSHWinSockMapping() to the Registry under ; the "<service>\Parameters\Winsock:Mapping" value. To do ; this, the Registry key handle in SETUP form is passed ; to the NCPA export. ; ; ;************************************************************************* [AddWinsockInfo] read-syms InitBaseVars ; ; Get the base key handle for the services area ; Set AW_NameOfService = $($0) Set AW_DLLName = $($1) Set AW_MaxAddrLgt = $($2) Set AW_MinAddrLgt = $($3)
Set AW_KeyServices = $(KeyNull) Set AW_KeyParameters = $(KeyNull) Set AW_KeySockets = $(KeyNull)
Shell "", AddAFD Set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0)
Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) == NO_ERROR Shell "", BaseServiceKey Set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Endif
Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Goto A_W_Return endif Set AW_KeyServices = $($R1)
OpenRegKey $(AW_KeyServices) "" $(AW_NameOfService)"\Parameters" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) AW_KeyParameters Ifstr(i) $(AW_KeyParameters) == $(KeyNull) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Goto A_W_Return Endif
OpenRegKey $(AW_KeyParameters) "" "Winsock" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) AW_KeySockets Ifstr(i) $(AW_KeySockets) == $(KeyNull) CreateRegKey $(AW_KeyParameters) {Winsock,$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" AW_KeySockets Endif
Ifstr(i) $(AW_KeySockets) == $(KeyNull) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Goto A_W_Return Endif
Set AW_ValueList = {{HelperDllName ,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_EXPAND_SZ),$(AW_DLLName)},+ {MaxSockAddrLength,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(AW_MaxAddrLgt)},+ {MinSockAddrLength,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(AW_MinAddrLgt)}}
Shell "", AddValueList, $(AW_KeySockets), $(AW_ValueList)
Set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [AddWinsockInfo] Registry error: Add value list" Endif ; ; Extract the WinSock mapping information from the DLL ; Set FLibraryErrCtl = 1 LibraryProcedure AW_MapResult $(!NCPA_HANDLE), CPlSetup, $(!STF_HWND), WINSOCKMAP, $(AW_DLLName), $(AW_KeySockets) Set FLibraryErrCtl = 0
Set AW_MapError = *($(AW_MapResult),1) Ifint $(AW_MapError) != 0 Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [AddWinsockInfo] WINSOCKMAP returned "$(AW_MapError) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_WINSOCK_MAP_INFO Goto A_W_Return Endif ; ; Add this service to the WinSock transports list. ; Shell "" UpdateWinsockService $(AW_NameOfService) TRUE Set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0)
A_W_Return = + Ifstr $(AW_KeySockets) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(AW_KeySockets) Endif Ifstr $(AW_KeyParameters) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(AW_KeyParameters) Endif Ifstr $(AW_KeyServices) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(AW_KeyServices) Endif
Return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section AddWinsockInfo ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: RemoveWinsockInfo ; ; PURPOSE: This function removes WinSock sockets provider ; information from a transport ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Service name of transport driver ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; ; REFERENCES: none ; ; MODIFIES: none ; ; ;************************************************************************* [RemoveWinsockInfo] read-syms InitBaseVars ; ; Get the base key handle for the services area ; Set RW_NameOfService = $($0)
Set RW_KeyServices = $(KeyNull) Set RW_KeySockets = $(KeyNull)
Shell "", BaseServiceKey Set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0)
Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Goto R_W_Return endif
Set RW_KeyServices = $($R1)
OpenRegKey $(RW_KeyServices) "" $(RW_NameOfService)"\Parameters" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) RW_KeySockets Ifstr(i) $(RW_KeySockets) == $(KeyNull) Set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR else ; ; Delete the \Parameters\Winsock key. Ignore errors, since the service ; is almost certainly being deinstalled. ; DeleteRegTree $(RW_KeySockets) "Winsock" Endif ; ; Remove this service from the WinSock transports list. ; Shell "" UpdateWinsockService $(RW_NameOfService) FALSE Set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0)
R_W_Return = + Ifstr $(RW_KeySockets) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(RW_KeySockets) Endif Ifstr $(RW_KeyServices) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(RW_KeyServices) Endif
Return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section RemoveWinsockInfo ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: GetBindingInfo ; ; PURPOSE: This function returns the bindable rules for the given ; manufacturer. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 manufacturer name ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Registry error code or zero if no error ; $R1 Bindable rule ; ; REFERENCES: none ; ; MODIFIES: none ; ; ;*************************************************************************
[BindingInfo-DEC] BindingInfo = {+ "lanceDriver dec100Adapter non exclusive 100",+ "lanceDriver dec101Adapter non exclusive 100",+ "lanceDriver decetherworksturboAdapter non exclusive 100",+ "lanceDriver dec422Adapter non exclusive 100",+ "lanceDriver decpcAdapter non exclusive 100",+ "lanceDriver decstatAdapter non exclusive 100"+ }
[BindingInfo-WD] BindingInfo = {+ "smc8000nDriver smcisaAdapter non exclusive 100",+ "smc8000nDriver wd8003eaAdapter non exclusive 100",+ "smc8000nDriver wd8003waAdapter non exclusive 100",+ "smc8000nDriver wd8013epaAdapter non exclusive 100",+ "smc8000nDriver wd8013wpaAdapter non exclusive 100"+ } [BindingInfo-PROTEON] BindingInfo = {+ "proteonDriver p1990Adapter non exclusive 100",+ "proteonDriver p1390Adapter non exclusive 100"+ }
[BindingInfo-PRONET16] BindingInfo = {+ "pronet16Driver p199XAdapter non exclusive 100",+ "pronet16Driver p139XAdapter non exclusive 100"+ }
[BindingInfo-IBMTOK2E] BindingInfo = {+ "ibmtok2eDriver ibmtok2eAdapter non exclusive 100"+ }
[BindingInfo-IBM] BindingInfo = {"ibmtokDriver ibmtokAdapter non exclusive 100",+ "ibmtokDriver ibmtokmcAdapter non exclusive 100"}
[GetBindingInfo] set BindingInfo = {} read-syms BindingInfo-$($0) return "NO_ERROR", $(BindingInfo)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section GetBindingInfo ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: AddStreams ; ; PURPOSE: Add Streams component ; ; ARGUMENTS: nothing ; ; RETURNS: $R0 error code ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[AddStreams] read-syms InitBaseVars
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ServicesBaseName)"\streams" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) BS_KeyServices
Ifstr $(BS_KeyServices) == $(KeyNull)
set OldOption = $(!NTN_InfOption) set !NTN_InfOption = STREAMS Shell "oemnxpst.inf" InstallOption $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "STREAMS" $(!STF_SRCDIR) $(!NtLmAddCopy) $(!NtLmDoCopy) $(!NtLmDoConfig) set !NTN_InfOption = $(OldOption) else CloseRegKey $(BS_KeyServices) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: streams already installed" endif ; ; Increase the reference counter ; Shell "", IncrementRefCount, "Software\Microsoft\streams\CurrentVersion"
AddStreamsReturn = + return NO_ERROR
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: RemoveStreams ; ; PURPOSE: Remove Streams component ; ; ARGUMENTS: nothing ; ; RETURNS: $R0 error code ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[RemoveStreams] read-syms InitBaseVars
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ServicesBaseName)"\streams" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) BS_KeyServices
Ifstr $(BS_KeyServices) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(BS_KeyServices) Shell "", DecrementRefCount, "Software\Microsoft\streams\CurrentVersion" Shell "", IsRefCountEqualZero, "Software\Microsoft\streams\CurrentVersion" Ifstr(i) $($R0) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [RemoveSoftwareComponent] IsRefCountEqualZero returned "$($R0) goto RemoveStreamsReturn endif
Ifint $($R1) != 1 ; if not zero, remove it next time goto RemoveStreamsReturn endif
set OldOption = $(!NTN_InfOption) set OldInstallMode = $(!NTN_InstallMode) set !NTN_InfOption = STREAMS set !NTN_InstallMode = deinstall Shell "oemnxpst.inf" InstallOption $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "STREAMS" $(!STF_SRCDIR) $(!NtLmAddCopy) $(!NtLmDoCopy) $(!NtLmDoConfig) set !NTN_InfOption = $(OldOption) set !NTN_InstallMode = $(OldInstallMode) endif
RemoveStreamsReturn = + return NO_ERROR
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: AddAFD ; ; PURPOSE: Add AFD component ; ; ARGUMENTS: nothing ; ; RETURNS: $R0 error code ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[AddAFD] read-syms InitBaseVars read-syms AFDVars Set Result = NO_ERROR
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ServicesBaseName)"\AFD" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) BS_KeyServices
Ifstr $(BS_KeyServices) == $(KeyNull)
Shell "", CreateService, $(ProductAFDName),+ $(ProductAFDTitle),+ $(ProductAFDImagePath),+ $(ProductAFDSvcType), "TDI", {}, "",+ "%SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll" Set Result = $($R0) else CloseRegKey $(BS_KeyServices) endif
AddAFDReturn = + return $(Result)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: UpgradeAFD ; ; PURPOSE: Upgrade the AFD component ; ; ARGUMENTS: nothing ; ; RETURNS: $R0 error code ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[UpgradeAFD] read-syms InitBaseVars Set Result = NO_ERROR
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ServicesBaseName)"\AFD" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) BS_KeyServices
Ifstr $(BS_KeyServices) != $(KeyNull) ; ; add group value ; SetRegValue $(BS_KeyServices) {Group,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),"TDI"}
CloseRegKey $(BS_KeyServices) endif
return $(Result)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: GetBusTypeNum ; ; PURPOSE: return the Bus Type Number ; ; ARGUMENTS: nothing ; ; RETURNS: $R0 error code ; $R1 bus number ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[GetBusTypeNum] read-syms InitBaseVars set DetCard = $(!p:DetectedCard) ifstr(i) $(DetCard) == "" set DetCard = FALSE endif ifstr(i) $(DetCard) == FALSE ; Assume it is an ISA Bus set BusType = 1 ifstr(i) $(!STF_BUSTYPE) == "ISA" set BusType = 1 else-ifstr(i) $(!STF_BUSTYPE) == "EISA" set BusType = 2 else-ifstr(i) $(!STF_BUSTYPE) == "Jazz-Internal Bus" set BusType = 0 else-ifstr(i) $(!STF_BUSTYPE) == "MCA" set BusType = 3 else-ifstr(i) $(!STF_BUSTYPE) == "TCChannel" set BusType = 4 else-ifstr(i) $(!STF_BUSTYPE) == "PCI" set BusType = 5 else-ifstr(i) $(!STF_BUSTYPE) == "PCMCIA" ; ; when we have plug and play, we need to change it to 8 (not 1) ; set BusType = 1 else debug-output "Utility.inf: Unknown bus type" endif else set BusType = *($(!STF_NCDETINFO),5) endif return NO_ERROR, $(BusType)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: AddRpcProtocol ; ; PURPOSE: Update the sections of the SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc keys ; to reflect the presenceof a new protocol in the system. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 complete RPC protocol string; e.g., "ncacn_ip_tcp" ; $1 name of client DLL (no path); e.g., "rpclt1.dll" ; $2 name of server DLL (no path); e.g., "rpclt1.dll" ; ; RETURNS: $R0 STATUS_SUCCESSFUL if ok; error otherwise. ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ; ;************************************************************************* [AddRpcProtocol] Set ARP_Protocol = $($0) Set ARP_ClientDll = $($1) Set ARP_ServerDll = $($2) read-syms InitBaseVars Set ARP_KeyRpc = $(KeyNull) Set ARP_KeyRpcServer = $(KeyNull) Set ARP_KeyRpcClient = $(KeyNull) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_SOFTWARE_REG
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ARP_KeyRpc
Ifstr(i) $(ARP_KeyRpc) == $(KeyNull) Goto ARP_Return Endif
OpenRegKey $(ARP_KeyRpc) "" "ClientProtocols" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ARP_KeyClient Ifstr(i) $(ARP_KeyClient) == $(KeyNull) Goto ARP_Return Endif
OpenRegKey $(ARP_KeyRpc) "" "ServerProtocols" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ARP_KeyServer Ifstr(i) $(ARP_KeyServer) == $(KeyNull) Goto ARP_Return Endif
SetRegValue $(ARP_KeyClient) {$(ARP_Protocol),$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ARP_ClientDll)} Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Goto ARP_Return Endif
SetRegValue $(ARP_KeyServer) {$(ARP_Protocol),$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ARP_ServerDll)} Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Goto ARP_Return Endif
Set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
ARP_Return = + Ifstr(i) $(ARP_KeyServer) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(ARP_KeyServer) Endif Ifstr(i) $(ARP_KeyClient) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(ARP_KeyClient) Endif Ifstr(i) $(ARP_KeyRpc) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(ARP_KeyRpc) Endif Return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section AddRpcProtocol ;*************************************************************************
[AddClientRpcProtocol] Set ARP_Protocol = $($0) Set ARP_ClientDll = $($1) read-syms InitBaseVars Set ARP_KeyRpc = $(KeyNull) Set ARP_KeyRpcClient = $(KeyNull) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_SOFTWARE_REG
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ARP_KeyRpc
Ifstr(i) $(ARP_KeyRpc) == $(KeyNull) Goto ARP_Return Endif
OpenRegKey $(ARP_KeyRpc) "" "ClientProtocols" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ARP_KeyClient Ifstr(i) $(ARP_KeyClient) == $(KeyNull) Goto ARP_Return Endif
SetRegValue $(ARP_KeyClient) {$(ARP_Protocol),$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ARP_ClientDll)} Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Goto ARP_Return Endif
Set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
ARP_Return = + Ifstr(i) $(ARP_KeyClient) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(ARP_KeyClient) Endif Ifstr(i) $(ARP_KeyRpc) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(ARP_KeyRpc) Endif Return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
[AddServerRpcProtocol] Set ARP_Protocol = $($0) Set ARP_ServerDll = $($1) read-syms InitBaseVars Set ARP_KeyRpc = $(KeyNull) Set ARP_KeyRpcServer = $(KeyNull) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_SOFTWARE_REG
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ARP_KeyRpc
Ifstr(i) $(ARP_KeyRpc) == $(KeyNull) Goto ARP_Return Endif
OpenRegKey $(ARP_KeyRpc) "" "ServerProtocols" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ARP_KeyServer Ifstr(i) $(ARP_KeyServer) == $(KeyNull) Goto ARP_Return Endif
SetRegValue $(ARP_KeyServer) {$(ARP_Protocol),$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ARP_ServerDll)} Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Goto ARP_Return Endif
Set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
ARP_Return = + Ifstr(i) $(ARP_KeyServer) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(ARP_KeyServer) Endif Ifstr(i) $(ARP_KeyRpc) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(ARP_KeyRpc) Endif Return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: AddMixRpcProtocol ; ; PURPOSE: Update the sections of the SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc keys ; to reflect the presenceof a new protocol in the system. ; Update if and only if two services exist ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 & $1 The two related services ; $2 complete RPC protocol string; e.g., "ncacn_ip_tcp" ; $3 name of client DLL (no path); e.g., "rpclt1.dll" ; $4 name of server DLL (no path); e.g., "rpclt1.dll" ; ; RETURNS: $R0 STATUS_SUCCESSFUL if ok; error otherwise. ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ; ;*************************************************************************
; ; WARNING: If you change the lists below, you will need to modify OemNsvRp.INF lists ; also. See [UpgradeMapConstants] ; [UpgradeRPCMapConstants] ; must be changed to rpclt1.dll DLLClientList = { "rpcltc3.dll", "rpcltc6.dll", "rpcltc5.dll", "rpcltc7.dll", "rpcdgc3.dll", "rpcltccm.dll", "rpcltc1.dll" }
; must be changed to rpclt1.dll DLLServerList = { "rpclts3.dll", "rpclts6.dll", "rpclts5.dll", "rpclts7.dll", "rpcdgs3.dll", "rpcltscm.dll", "rpclts1.dll" }
[AddMixRpcProtocol] set ServiceA = $($0) set ServiceB = $($1) Set ARP_Protocol = $($2) Set ARP_ClientDll = $($3) Set ARP_ServerDll = $($4) read-syms InitBaseVars read-syms UpgradeRPCMapConstants
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\"$(ServiceA) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyServiceA OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\"$(ServiceB) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyServiceB ifstr(i) $(KeyServiceA) != $(KeyNull) ifstr(i) $(KeyServiceB) != $(KeyNull) ; ; if the request is add a old name, change it the new version ; Ifcontains(i) $(ARP_ClientDll) in $(DLLClientList) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: AddMixRpcProtocol tried to add old "$(ARP_ClientDll)", changed to rpclt1.dll!" set ARP_ClientDll = "rpclt1.dll" Endif Ifcontains(i) $(ARP_ServerDll) in $(DLLServerList) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: AddMixRpcProtocol tried to add old "$(ARP_ServerDll)", changed to rpclt1.dll!" set ARP_ServerDll = "rpclt1.dll" Endif
Shell "" AddRpcProtocol $(ARP_Protocol) $(ARP_ClientDll) $(ARP_ServerDll) set ReturnCode = $($R0) endif endif
set ReturnCode = NO_ERROR
return_AddMixRpcProtocl = + return $(ReturnCode)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: RemoveRpcProtocol ; ; PURPOSE: Remove information about an installed RPC protocol. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 complete RPC protocol string (see [AddRpcProtocol]). ; ; RETURNS: $R0 STATUS_SUCCESSFUL if ok; error otherwise. ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ; ;************************************************************************* [RemoveRpcProtocol] Set RRP_Protocol = $($0) read-syms InitBaseVars Set RRP_KeyRpc = $(KeyNull) Set RRP_KeyRpcServer = $(KeyNull) Set RRP_KeyRpcClient = $(KeyNull) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_SOFTWARE_REG
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) RRP_KeyRpc
Ifstr(i) $(RRP_KeyRpc) == $(KeyNull) Goto RRP_Return Endif
OpenRegKey $(RRP_KeyRpc) "" "ClientProtocols" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) RRP_KeyClient Ifstr(i) $(RRP_KeyClient) == $(KeyNull) Goto RRP_Return Endif
OpenRegKey $(RRP_KeyRpc) "" "ServerProtocols" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) RRP_KeyServer Ifstr(i) $(RRP_KeyServer) == $(KeyNull) Goto RRP_Return Endif
DeleteRegValue $(RRP_KeyClient) $(RRP_Protocol) Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Goto RRP_Return Endif
DeleteRegValue $(RRP_KeyServer) $(RRP_Protocol) Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Goto RRP_Return Endif
Set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
RRP_Return = + Ifstr(i) $(RRP_KeyServer) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(RRP_KeyServer) Endif Ifstr(i) $(RRP_KeyClient) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(RRP_KeyClient) Endif Ifstr(i) $(RRP_KeyRpc) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(RRP_KeyRpc) Endif Return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section RemoveRpcProtocl ;*************************************************************************
[RemoveClientRpcProtocol] Set RRP_Protocol = $($0) read-syms InitBaseVars Set RRP_KeyRpc = $(KeyNull) Set RRP_KeyRpcClient = $(KeyNull) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_SOFTWARE_REG
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) RRP_KeyRpc
Ifstr(i) $(RRP_KeyRpc) == $(KeyNull) Goto RRP_Return Endif
OpenRegKey $(RRP_KeyRpc) "" "ClientProtocols" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) RRP_KeyClient Ifstr(i) $(RRP_KeyClient) == $(KeyNull) Goto RRP_Return Endif
DeleteRegValue $(RRP_KeyClient) $(RRP_Protocol) Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Goto RRP_Return Endif
Set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
RRP_Return = + Ifstr(i) $(RRP_KeyClient) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(RRP_KeyClient) Endif Ifstr(i) $(RRP_KeyRpc) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(RRP_KeyRpc) Endif Return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
[RemoveServerRpcProtocol] Set RRP_Protocol = $($0) read-syms InitBaseVars Set RRP_KeyRpc = $(KeyNull) Set RRP_KeyRpcServer = $(KeyNull) Set RegistryErrorIndex = UNABLE_ACCESS_SOFTWARE_REG
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) RRP_KeyRpc
Ifstr(i) $(RRP_KeyRpc) == $(KeyNull) Goto RRP_Return Endif
OpenRegKey $(RRP_KeyRpc) "" "ServerProtocols" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) RRP_KeyServer Ifstr(i) $(RRP_KeyServer) == $(KeyNull) Goto RRP_Return Endif
DeleteRegValue $(RRP_KeyServer) $(RRP_Protocol) Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Goto RRP_Return Endif
Set RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR
RRP_Return = + Ifstr(i) $(RRP_KeyServer) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(RRP_KeyServer) Endif Ifstr(i) $(RRP_KeyRpc) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(RRP_KeyRpc) Endif Return $(RegistryErrorIndex)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: GetInfFileNameFromRegistry ; ; PURPOSE: get the inf file name from the product' NetRules section. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 product key handle ; (ie, system\software\Microsoft\Lance\CurrentVersion) ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Inf file name. ; ; REFERENCES: Nothing ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ; ;*************************************************************************
[GetInfFileNameFromRegistry] read-syms InitBaseVars set KeyProduct = $($0) set InfName = ""
OpenRegKey $(KeyProduct) "" "NetRules" $(!REG_KEY_READ) NetRuleKey Ifstr(i) $(NetRuleKey) != $(KeyNull) GetRegValue $(NetRuleKey) "InfName" NetRuleInfNameList set NetRuleInfName = *($(NetRuleInfNameList), 4) Split-String $(NetRuleInfName), "\", FilenameList QueryListSize ListSize $(FilenameList) set InfName = *($(FilenameList), $(ListSize)) CloseRegKey $(NetRuleKey) endif
return $(InfName)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: ToggleBinding ; ; PURPOSE: Take the named binding from the list of "Disabled" ; bindings and merge it with the active bindings. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 name of service ; $1 number of binding ; $2 "activate" or "disable" ; ; RETURNS: $R0 NO_ERROR if OK; RegistryError if not. ; ; REFERENCES: None ; ; MODIFIES: None ; ; NOTES: This routine takes either the given inactive binding ; and activates it or the given active binding and ; deactivates it. ; ; ;************************************************************************* [ToggleBinding] Set SvcName = $($0) Set BindNumber = $($1) Set Action = $($2) Set Status = UNABLE_ACCESS_CONFIGURE_SERVICE Set KeySvc = "" Set KeyFrom = "" Set KeyTo = ""
read-syms InitBaseVars
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ServicesBaseName)"\"$(SvcName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeySvc Ifstr(i) $(KeySvc) == $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: ToggleBinding: service key open FAILED" Goto TB_Return Endif
Ifstr(i) $(Action) == activate Set FromKeyName = "Linkage\Disabled" Set ToKeyName = "Linkage" Else Set FromKeyName = "Linkage" Set ToKeyName = "Linkage\Disabled" Endif
; Open the Linkage and Linkage\Disabled subkeys
OpenRegKey $(KeySvc) "" $(FromKeyName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyFrom Ifstr(i) $(KeyFrom) == $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: ToggleBinding: from linkage key open FAILED" Goto TB_Return Endif OpenRegKey $(KeySvc) "" $(ToKeyName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyTo Ifstr(i) $(KeyTo) == $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: ToggleBinding: to linkage key open FAILED" Goto TB_Return Endif
; Fetch all their values, allowing for complete absence. ; First, from the "From" key
Set FromBindList = {} Set FromExportList = {} Set FromRouteList = {} Set ToBindList = {} Set ToExportList = {} Set ToRouteList = {} Set ErrorTotal = 0
Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: ToggleBinding; fetch all linkage values"
GetRegValue $(KeyFrom),"Bind",TempValue Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set FromBindList = *($(TempValue),4) Set-add ErrorTotal = $(ErrorTotal),1 Endif
GetRegValue $(KeyFrom),"Export",TempValue Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set FromExportList = *($(TempValue),4) Set-add ErrorTotal = $(ErrorTotal),1 Endif
GetRegValue $(KeyFrom),"Route",TempValue Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set FromRouteList = *($(TempValue),4) Set-add ErrorTotal = $(ErrorTotal),1 Endif
; Next, from the "To" key
GetRegValue $(KeyTo),"Bind",TempValue Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set ToBindList = *($(TempValue),4) Set-add ErrorTotal = $(ErrorTotal),1 Endif
GetRegValue $(KeyTo),"Export",TempValue Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set ToExportList = *($(TempValue),4) Set-add ErrorTotal = $(ErrorTotal),1 Endif
GetRegValue $(KeyTo),"Route",TempValue Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set ToRouteList = *($(TempValue),4) Set-add ErrorTotal = $(ErrorTotal),1 Endif
; We have all the data. Do some sanity checking. ; Are the lists the same size?
Ifint $(ErrorTotal) != 6 Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: ToggleBinding; Bind list retreival error, "$(ErrorTotal) Endif
Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: ToggleBinding; sanity check results"
QueryListSize sz1 $(FromBindList) QueryListSize sz2 $(FromExportList) QueryListSize sz3 $(FromRouteList) Ifint $(sz1) != $(sz2) Goto TB_Return Endif Ifint $(sz1) != $(sz3) Goto TB_Return Endif
QueryListSize sz2 $(ToBindList) QueryListSize sz3 $(ToExportList) QueryListSize sz4 $(ToRouteList) Ifint $(sz2) != $(sz3) Goto TB_Return Endif Ifint $(sz2) != $(sz4) Goto TB_Return Endif
; Does the requested element exist?
Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: ToggleBinding; prepare to move binding"
Ifint $(BindNumber) > $(sz1) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: ToggleBinding; binding to move was invalid" Set Status = INVALID_DATA_PASSED Endif
; We're ready. Move the data around. ; Extract the element from the "From" lists, append it ; to the "To" lists...
Set FromBindItem = *($(FromBindList),$(BindNumber)) Set FromRouteItem = *($(FromRouteList),$(BindNumber)) Set FromExportItem = *($(FromExportList),$(BindNumber))
Set ToBindList = >($(ToBindList),$(FromBindItem)) Set ToRouteList = >($(ToRouteList),$(FromRouteItem)) Set ToExportList = >($(ToExportList),$(FromExportItem))
; Regenerate the "From" lists by iteration.
Set NewBind = {} Set NewExport = {} Set NewRoute = {} Set Index = 0 ForListDo $(FromBindList) Set-add Index = $(Index),1 Ifint $(Index) != $(BindNumber) Set NewBind = >($(NewBind),$($)) Set NewExport = >($(NewExport),*($(FromExportList),$(Index))) Set NewRoute = >($(NewRoute),*($(FromRouteList),$(Index))) Endif EndForListDo
; Replace the old values
Set FromBindList = $(NewBind) Set FromExportList = $(NewExport) Set FromRouteList = $(NewRoute)
; Update the registry.
Set ErrorTotal = 0
SetRegValue $(KeyFrom) {Bind,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(FromBindList)} Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set-add ErrorTotal = $(ErrorTotal),1 Endif SetRegValue $(KeyFrom) {Export,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(FromExportList)} Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set-add ErrorTotal = $(ErrorTotal),1 Endif SetRegValue $(KeyFrom) {Route,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(FromRouteList)} Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set-add ErrorTotal = $(ErrorTotal),1 Endif
SetRegValue $(KeyTo) {Bind,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(ToBindList)} Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set-add ErrorTotal = $(ErrorTotal),1 Endif SetRegValue $(KeyTo) {Export,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(ToExportList)} Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set-add ErrorTotal = $(ErrorTotal),1 Endif SetRegValue $(KeyTo) {Route,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(ToRouteList)} Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set-add ErrorTotal = $(ErrorTotal),1 Endif
Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: ToggleBinding; Registry update error total = "$(ErrorTotal)
Ifint $(ErrorTotal) != 0 Set Status = UNABLE_WRITE_REGISTRY Else Set Status = NO_ERROR Endif
TB_Return = + Ifstr(i) $(KeyFrom) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(KeyFrom) Endif Ifstr(i) $(KeyTo) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(KeyTo) Endif Ifstr(i) $(KeySvc) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(KeySvc) Endif Return $(Status)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section ToggleBinding ;*************************************************************************
;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: SortListIndex ; ; DESCRIPTION: Sort a list into sequence, returning an "index" list, which ; indicates the sort position of each of the original list ; elements. ; ; INPUTS: $0: List to be sorted ; $1: TRUE for ascending sort (FALSE otherwise) ; $2: TRUE for case-insensitive sort (FALSE otherwise) ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: Index list ; ; NOTES: Lists of displayable numeric values will automatically ; be sorted numerically if they are all decimal or hex ; and the sort is case-insensitive (param $2 FALSE). ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SortListIndex] Set List = $($0) Set BoolAscend = $($1) Set BoolCaseSens = $($2)
LibraryProcedure IndexList, $(!LIBHANDLE), GenerateSortedIndexList, $(List), $(BoolAscend), $(BoolCaseSens)
Return $(IndexList)
;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: SortByIndex ; ; DESCRIPTION: Sort a list into the sequence given by an "index list". ; ; INPUTS: $0: List to be sorted ; $1: Index list ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: Index list ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SortByIndex] Set List = $($0) Set IndexList = $($1) Set NewList = {}
ForListDo $(IndexList) Set Index = $($) Set Item = *($(List),$(Index)) Set NewList = >($(NewList),$(Item)) EndForListDo
Return $(NewList)
;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: SortList ; ; DESCRIPTION: Sort a list into sequence, returning a sorted list. ; ; INPUTS: $0: List to be sorted ; $1: TRUE for ascending sort (FALSE otherwise) ; $2: TRUE for case-sensitive sort (FALSE for case-ins) ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: Sorted list ; ; NOTES: Lists of displayable numeric values will automatically ; be sorted numerically if they are all decimal or hex ; and the sort is case-insensitive (param $2 FALSE). ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SortList] Set List = $($0) Shell "" SortListIndex $(List) $($1) $($2) Set IndexList = $($R0) Shell "" SortByIndex $(List) $(IndexList) Set ResultList = $($R0)
return $(ResultList)
;************************************************************************* ; end of file UTILITY.INF ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: UpdateDetectionDllNames ; ; PURPOSE: Search for files of the name ???NCDET.DLL. ; Update the Registry accordingly. ; ; ; ARGUMENTS: None ; ; RETURNS: $R0 STATUS_SUCCESSFUL if Registry updated ; STATUS_USERCANCEL if no update was required ; STATUS_FAILED if failed ; ; NOTES: This routine searches for all DLLs named ???NCDET.DLL ; and adds them to a list containing the name of the ; "standard" detection DLL, MSNCDET.DLL. ; ; Netcard detection is stopped and restarted if the ; Registry is updated. ; ; REFERENCES: ; ; MODIFIES: ; ;************************************************************************* [DetectionDllFiles] DetectionDllsFound = {} ? $(!LIBHANDLE) FindFileInstances $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\???ncdet.dll"
[UpdateDetectionDllNames] Set Status = STATUS_FAILED read-syms InitBaseVars Detect DetectionDllFiles Set DllValueName = "NetcardDlls"
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "System\Setup" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeySetup Ifstr(i) $(KeySetup) == $(KeyNull) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [UpdateDetectionDllNames] cant open System\Setup key" Goto UDDN_Return Endif
; Prefix the list with MSNCDET.DLL
Set NewDllList = {"MSNCDET.DLL"} ForListDo $(DetectionDllsFound) Set NewDllList = >($(NewDllList),$($)) EndForListDo
; Get the old list
Set UpdateRequired = 1 GetRegValue $(KeySetup) $(DllValueName) DllNamesValue Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set DllNames = *($(DllNamesValue),4) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [UpdateDetectionDllNames] DllNames = "$(DllNames) Set UpdateRequired = 0
; See if all the names are already present
ForListDo $(NewDllList) Set DllIndex = ~($(DllNames),$($)) Ifint $(DllIndex) == 0 Set UpdateRequired = 1 Endif EndForListDo Endif
Ifint $(UpdateRequired) == 1 Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: [UpdateDetectionDllNames] new DLL names = "$(NewDllList) Set ValueInfo = {$(DllValueName), $(NoTitle), $(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ), $(NewDllList)} SetRegValue $(KeySetup) $(ValueInfo) Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set Status = STATUS_FAILED Else Shell "NCPARAM.INF" Param_ControlDetection DTEND Shell "NCPARAM.INF" Param_ControlDetection DTSTART Endif Else Set Status = STATUS_USERCANCEL Endif CloseRegKey $(KeySetup)
UDDN_Return = + Return $(Status)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section UpdateDetectionDllNames ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: CheckIfCopyNecessary ; ; PURPOSE: Check a set of files and see if all are present. Used ; to offer the user a "current files" versus "new files" ; choice. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 list of path names corresponding to names ; given in next parameter ; $1 nested list of file names; see NOTES below ; ; RETURNS: $R0 STATUS_SUCCESSFUL or ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; REFERENCES: nothing ; ; MODIFIES: nothing ; ; NOTES: Typical values (taken from OEMNSVWK.INF) might be: ; ; $0: {$(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH),$(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\drivers} ; $1: {{"BOWSVC.DLL","WKSSVC.DLL","LMREPL.EXE"},+ ; {"SMBTRSUP.SYS","BROWSER.SYS","RDR.SYS"}} ; ; ;************************************************************************* [CheckIfCopyNecessary] Set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Set PathList = $($0) Set NamesList = $($1)
Set Index = 0 Set Found = 1 ForListDo $(PathList) Set ThisPath = $($) Set-add Index = Index,1 Set NameList = *($(NamesList),$(Index)) ForListDo $(NameList) Set FileToCheck = $(ThisPath)\$($) LibraryProcedure FilePresent,$(!LIBHANDLE), CheckFileExistance $(FileToCheck) Ifstr(i) $(FilePresent) != "YES" Set Found = 0 Endif EndForListDo EndForListDo
Ifint $(Found) != 1 Set Status = STATUS_FAILED Endif
Return $(Status)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section CheckIfCopyNecessary ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: GetBusTypeDialog ; ; PURPOSE: Call the GetBusDialog function in ncpa.cpl and ; get the location of the network card. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Card name description ; $1 Default bus type ; $2 Default bus number ; ; RETURNS: $R0 NO_ERROR ; $R1 BusType ; $R2 BusNumber ; $R3 DlgReturn - "OK" | "CANCEL" if $R0 is NO_ERROR otherwise "" ; ; REFERENCES: nothing ; ; MODIFIES: nothing ; ;*************************************************************************
[GetBusTypeDialog] set CardName = $($0) set BusInterfaceType = $($1) set BusNumber = $($2) set DlgReturn = ""
ifstr(i) $(BusInterfaceType) == "" set BusInterfaceType = 1 ; ISA endif ifstr(i) $(BusNumber) == "" set BusNumber = 0 ; Bus 0 endif set FLibraryErrCtl = 1 LibraryProcedure BusInfo $(!NCPA_HANDLE), GetBusTypeDialog, $(!STF_HWND), $(CardName), $(BusInterfaceType), $(BusNumber) set FLibraryErrCtl = 0
; return values
ifint *($(BusInfo),1) == 0 set ReturnValue = NO_ERROR set BusInterfaceType = *($(BusInfo),2) set BusNumber = *($(BusInfo),3) set DlgReturn = *($(BusInfo),4) else set ReturnValue = ERROR endif
Return $(ReturnValue), $(BusInterfaceType), $(BusNumber), $(DlgReturn)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section GetBusTypeDialog ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: SetMasterComponent ; ; PURPOSE: This function is used by components which wish ; to be automatically removed when another component is ; remove by the user. It will either add (default) ; the given component as a dependent or remove it. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0: Vendor name of master component ; $1: Product name of master component ; $2: INF file name of dependent (caller) component ; $3: INF option of dependent (caller) component ; $4: "ADD" or "" if adding or "REMOVE" if removing ; ; RETURNS: $R0: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL if ok, or ; STATUS_FAILED if failure ; ; $R1: Registry error code string if failure; ; CANNOT_FIND_COMPONENT_SERVICE, etc. ; ; NOTES: This function and its companion, RemoveDependentComponents, ; update and reference values under ; <Vendor>\<Product>\CurrentVersion: ; ; DependentInfNames REG_MULTI_SZ ; DependentInfOptions REG_MULTI_SZ ; ;************************************************************************* [SetMasterComponent] Read-syms InitBaseVars
Set Vendor = $($0) Set Product = $($1) Set InfName = $($2) Set InfOption = $($3) Set Adding = 1 Ifstr(i) $($4) == REMOVE Set Adding = 0 Endif Set Status = STATUS_FAILED Set Error = "" Set InfNamesList = {} Set InfOptionsList = {} Set InfIndex = 0 Set NameListSize = 0 Set OptionListSize = 0 Set UpdateRequired = 0 Set MasterKey = ""
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(!NTN_SoftwareBase)"\"$(Vendor)"\"$(Product)"\CurrentVersion" + $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) MasterKey
Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set Error = CANNOT_FIND_COMPONENT_SERVICE Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: Cant open master component key: "$(Product) Goto SMC_Return Endif
GetRegValue $(MasterKey) DependentInfNames InfNamesValue
Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set InfNamesList = *($(InfNamesValue),4) Set InfIndex = ~($(InfNamesList),$(InfName)) QueryListSize NameListSize $(InfNamesList) Endif
GetRegValue $(MasterKey) DependentInfOptions InfOptionsValue Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set InfOptionsList = *($(InfOptionsValue),4) QueryListSize OptionListSize $(InfOptionsList) Endif
; ; Check that the two lists are in sync. Bag out if not. ; Ifint $(NameListSize) != $(OptionListSize) Set Error = UNABLE_INSTALL Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: Dependent INF list degenerate: "$(Product) Goto SMC_Return Endif
; ; If Adding and the INF name is not already present, add it; ; else if present, remove the names. ; Ifint $(Adding) == 1 Ifint $(InfIndex) == 0 Set UpdateRequired = 1 Set InfNamesList = >($(InfNamesList),$(InfName)) Set InfOptionsList = >($(InfOptionsList),$(InfOption)) Endif Else Ifint $(InfIndex) != 0 Set UpdateRequired = 1 Set TlistNames = {} Set TlistOptions = {} Set Tindex = 0
ForListDo $(InfNamesList) Set-add Tindex = $(Tindex), 1 Ifstr(i) $($) != $(InfName) Set TlistNames = >($(TlistNames),$($)) Set TlistOptions = >($(TlistOptions),*($(InfOptionsList),$(Tindex))) Endif EndForListDo
Set InfNamesList = TlistNames Set InfOptionsList = TlistOptions Endif Endif
Ifint $(UpdateRequired) == 0 Goto SMC_Return Endif
SetRegValue $(MasterKey) {DependentInfNames,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(InfNamesList)} Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: master component value update failed (1)" Set Status = UNABLE_WRITE_REGISTRY Endif SetRegValue $(MasterKey) {DependentInfOptions,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(InfOptionsList)} Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: master component value update failed (2)" Set Status = UNABLE_WRITE_REGISTRY Endif
SMC_Return =+ Ifstr(i) $(MasterKey) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(MasterKey) Endif
Return $(Status) $(Error)
;************************************************************************* ; end of section SetMasterComponent ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: RemoveDependentComponents ; ; PURPOSE: Remove components which are entirely dependent upon ; the named master component ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0: Vendor name of master component ; $1: Product name of master component ; ; RETURNS: $R0: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL if ok, or ; STATUS_FAILED if failure ; ; $R1: Registry error code string if failure; ; CANNOT_FIND_COMPONENT_SERVICE, etc. ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;************************************************************************* [RemoveDependentComponents] Read-syms InitBaseVars Set Vendor = $($0) Set Product = $($1) Set Status = STATUS_FAILED Set Error = "" Set InfNamesList = {} Set InfOptionsList = {} Set InfIndex = 0 Set NameListSize = 0 Set OptionListSize = 0 Set UpdateRequired = 0 Set MasterKey = ""
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(!NTN_SoftwareBase)"\"$(Vendor)"\"$(Product)"\CurrentVersion" + $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) MasterKey
Ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: Cant open master component key: "$(Product) Set Error = CANNOT_FIND_COMPONENT_SERVICE Goto RDC_Return Endif
GetRegValue $(MasterKey) DependentInfNames InfNamesValue
Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set InfNamesList = *($(InfNamesValue),4) Set InfIndex = ~($(InfNamesList),$(InfName)) QueryListSize NameListSize $(InfNamesList) Endif
GetRegValue $(MasterKey) DependentInfOptions InfOptionsValue Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set InfOptionsList = *($(InfOptionsValue),4) QueryListSize OptionListSize $(InfOptionsList) Endif
; ; Check that the two lists are in sync. Bag out if not. ; Ifint $(NameListSize) != $(OptionListSize) Set Error = UNABLE_INSTALL Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: Dependent INF list degenerate: "$(Product) Goto RDC_Return Endif
; ; If the list is empty, bag out. ; Ifint $(NameListSize) == 0 Set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Goto RDC_Return Endif
; ; "push" the current global variable values ; Set OldOption = $(!NTN_InfOption) Set OldMode = $(!NTN_InstallMode) Set OldInf = $(!NTN_Infname)
Set !NTN_InstallMode = deinstall
; ; Iterate the list, removing each INF and option pair. ; Set Tindex = 0 ForListDo $(InfNamesList) Set-add Tindex = $(Tindex), 1 Set !NTN_InfOption = *($(InfOptionsList),$(Tindex)) Set !NTN_Infname = $($) Debug-Output "UTILITY.INF: Removing "$(Product)" dependent: "$(InfName)":"$(InfOption) Shell $(!NTN_Infname) InstallOption $(!STF_LANGUAGE) $(!NTN_InfOption) $(!STF_SRCDIR) + $(!NtLmAddCopy) $(!NtLmDoCopy) $(!NtLmDoConfig) EndForListDo
; ; "pop" the saved global variable values ; Set !NTN_InfOption = $(OldOption) Set !NTN_InstallMode = $(OldMode) Set !NTN_Infname = $(OldInf)
RDC_Return =+ Ifstr(i) $(MasterKey) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(MasterKey) Endif
return $(Status) $(Error)
;************************************************************************* ; end of RemoveDependentComponents ;*************************************************************************
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: AddDefaultNetCardParameters ; ; PURPOSE: Add default parameter to the system ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0: Service\netcard\parameter key ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;************************************************************************* [AddDefaultNetCardParameters] set KeyParameter = $($0) ForListDo $(!NetCardParameterName) set Name = $($) set Value = *($(!NetCardParameterValue), $(#)) ifstr(i) $(Name) == "NetworkAddress" set Type = $(!REG_VT_SZ) else set Type = $(!REG_VT_DWORD) endif Debug-Output "Name = "$(Name) Debug-Output "Value = "$(Value) SetRegValue $(KeyParameter) {$(Name),$(NoTitle),$(Type),$(Value)} EndForListDo return
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: FindNextNetworkCard ; ; PURPOSE: Find the next network card registry entry ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0: Network Card ID ; $1: Starting Index, 1 to start at top ; ; ; RETURNS: $R0: RegKeyHandle to Netcard location ; $R1: Next Index, pass back in to continue search ; ; MODIFIES: Nothing ; ;************************************************************************* [FindNextNetworkCard] read-syms InitBaseVars
set NetcardName = $($0) set iSearch = $($1) set KeyNetcard = ""
Debug-Output "Utility.Inf: FindNextNetworkCard "$(NetcardName)", "$(iSearch)
checknextnetcard = + set KeyName = $(NetworkCardKeyName)"\"$(iSearch)
Debug-Output "Utility.Inf: FindNextNetworkCard, checking "$(KeyName)
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(KeyName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyNetcard set-add iSearch = $(iSearch), 1
Ifstr $(KeyNetcard) != $(KeyNull) GetRegValue $(KeyNetcard) "ProductName" ValueList ifstr(i) $(NetcardName) != *($(ValueList),4) CloseRegKey $(KeyNetcard) Debug-Output "Utility.Inf: FindNextNetworkCard, its not "*($(ValueList),4)" at "$(iSearch) goto checknextnetcard endif Debug-Output "Utility.Inf: FindNextNetworkCard, Found "*($(ValueList),4)" at "$(iSearch) else Debug-Output "Utility.Inf: FindNextNetworkCard, Last One "$(iSearch) endif
Debug-Output "Utility.Inf: FindNextNetworkCard returning "$(KeyNetcard)","$(iSearch) return $(KeyNetcard) $(iSearch)