#ifndef FILETREE_H
#define FILETREE_H
class FileNode; class DirectoryNode; class FileTree;
// MULTI_THREAD_STRUCT, a parameter container, used when passing parameters to
// a thread for file processing
typedef struct _MULTI_THREAD_STRUCT { FileTree* pThis; DirectoryNode* pParent; WCHAR filename[STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR path[STRING_LENGTH]; DWORD attributes; FILETIME filetime; FILETIME creation; __int64 filesize; FileTree* pTree; BOOL blnInUse; } MULTI_THREAD_STRUCT;
// FileNode, each file would have its own filenode object to store and
// determine what to do about this file
class FileNode { friend class DirectoryNode;
public: FileNode(IN DirectoryNode* pParent, IN CONST WCHAR* pwszFileName, IN FILETIME ftLastModified, IN __int64 iFileSize); ~FileNode(VOID); INT ComputeHash(VOID); INT Match(IN FileTree* pBaseTree); INT BuildPatch(IN WCHAR* pwszBaseFileName, IN WCHAR* pwszLocFileName, IN OUT WCHAR* pwszTempPatchFileName, OUT __int64* pcbPatchSize); public: WCHAR m_wszLongFileName[STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR* m_wszFileName; // name of this file, ie, "kernel32.dll"
FileNode* m_pNextNameHash; // next file with same filename hash
private: FileNode* m_pNextHashHash; // next file with same hash hash
DirectoryNode* m_pParent; // parent directory
FILETIME m_ftLastModified; // last-modified timestamp
__int64 m_iFileSize; // size of file in bytes
INT m_fPostCopySource; // another file plans to postcopy this one
unsigned m_FileNameHash; // hash of m_wszFileName
BYTE m_Hash[16]; // file content's MD5 signature
INT m_cchFileName; // length of m_wszFileName in characters, excl. term.
// DirectoryNode, each directory is associated with its own dirctorynode, which
// contains all information about this directory
class DirectoryNode { friend class FileNode;
public: DirectoryNode(IN FileTree* pRoot, IN DirectoryNode* pParent, IN CONST WCHAR* pwszDirectoryName); ~DirectoryNode(VOID); WCHAR* GetDirectoryName(VOID);
INT Match(IN FileTree* pBaseTree);
public: WCHAR m_wszLongDirectoryName[STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR* m_wszDirectoryName; // name of this directory, ie, "system32"
private: FileTree* m_pRoot; // pointer to FileTree
DirectoryNode* m_pParent; // parent of this node
DirectoryNode* m_pNext; // next sibling of this node
DirectoryNode* m_pFirstChild; // first child directory
DirectoryNode* m_pMatchingDirectory; // ptr to mate in base tree
unsigned m_DirectoryNameHash; // hash of m_wszDirectoryName
INT m_cchDirectoryName; // length of m_wszDirectoryName in characters, excl. term.
// FileTree, a tree of directory and file nodes, used to match with another
// filetree using hashing techniques
class FileTree { friend class FileNode; friend class DirectoryNode;
public: static BOOL CreateMultiThreadStruct(IN ULONG iNumber); static VOID DeleteMultiThreadStruct(VOID); static INT Create(IN PPATCH_LANGUAGE pInLanguage, IN AnswerParser* pInAnsParse, OUT FileTree** ppTree, IN BOOL blnBase, IN DWORD iInBestMethod, IN BOOL blnInCollectStat, IN BOOL blnInFullLog); FileTree(IN CONST WCHAR* pwszPath); ~FileTree(VOID); INT Load(IN FileTree* pTree); BOOL CreateNewDirectory(IN WCHAR* pwszLocal, IN CONST WCHAR* pwszBuffer); BOOL CopyFileTo(IN FileTree* pThis, IN CONST WCHAR* pwszWhat, IN WCHAR* pwszLocal, IN CONST WCHAR* pwszFileName, IN WCHAR* pwszOldFile, IN DWORD attributes); VOID ToScriptFile(IN FileTree* pThis, IN HANDLE hFile, IN CONST WCHAR* pwszWhat, IN CONST WCHAR* pwszFirst, IN WCHAR* pwszSecond, IN BOOL blnFlush);
public: WCHAR m_wszLocalRoot[STRING_LENGTH]; // local path to this tree's root, ie, "C:\SRC\"
private: static FN_DIRECTORY NotifyDirectory; static FN_FILE NotifyFile; static FN_DIRECTORY_END NotifyDirectoryEnd;
static DWORD WINAPI StartFileThread(IN LPVOID lpParam); static INT ProcessFile( IN FileTree* pThis, IN DirectoryNode* pParent, IN CONST WCHAR* filename, IN CONST WCHAR* path, IN DWORD attributes, IN FILETIME filetime, IN FILETIME creation, IN __int64 filesize, IN FileTree* pTree, IN VOID* pStruct );
CRITICAL_SECTION CSScriptFile; PPATCH_LANGUAGE m_pLanguage; AnswerParser* m_pAnsParse; BOOL m_blnBase; WCHAR m_strWriteBuffer[SUPER_LENGTH]; ULONG m_iSize;
DirectoryNode m_Root; __int64 m_cDirectories; __int64 m_cFiles; __int64 m_cFilesDetermined; __int64 m_cbTotalFileSize; __int64 m_cFilesExisting; __int64 m_cFilesZeroLength; __int64 m_cFilesRenamed; __int64 m_cFilesCopied; __int64 m_cFilesChanged; __int64 m_cbChangedFileSize; __int64 m_cbChangedFilePatchedSize; __int64 m_cbChangedFileNotPatchedSize; __int64 m_cFilesNoMatch; __int64 m_cbNoMatchFileSize; FileNode* m_aHashTable[HASH_SIZE]; FileNode* m_aNameTable[HASH_SIZE]; INT m_cchLocalRoot; // length of m_wszLocalRoot in characters, excl. term.
#endif // FILETREE_H