Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the patchdll entry points for the Windows NT Patch Utility.
Sunil Pai (sunilp) Aug 1993
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "rc_ids.h"
#include "patchdll.h"
// Entry Point to Change the File Attributes of a list of files
BOOL ChangeFileAttributes( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { DWORD Attribs = 0; CHAR *ptr = Args[0];
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 2) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
// Determine what the file attributes to set by examining args[0]
while(*ptr) { switch(*ptr) { case 'S': case 's': Attribs |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; break; case 'A': case 'a': Attribs |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; break; case 'H': case 'h': Attribs |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; break; case 'R': case 'r': Attribs |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; break; case 'T': case 't': Attribs |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY; break; default: Attribs |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; } ptr++; }
// Find the file and set the new attribs
if(FFileFound( Args[1] ) && SetFileAttributes( Args[1], Attribs ) ) { SetReturnText( "YES" ); } else { SetReturnText( "NO" ); } return ( TRUE ); }
// Entry point to check build version we are installing on is not greater
// than our patch build version.
BOOL CheckBuildVersion( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { DWORD dwPatch, dwCurVer; CHAR VersionString[16];
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; dwCurVer = (GetVersion() & 0x7fff0000) >> 16; wsprintf( VersionString, "%d", dwCurVer ); SetReturnText( VersionString ); return ( TRUE );
// Entry point to find out if a file is opened with exclusive access
BOOL IsFileOpenedExclusive( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { OFSTRUCT ofstruct; HFILE hFile;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
SetReturnText( "NO" ); if ( FFileFound( Args[0] ) ) { SetFileAttributes( Args[0], FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); if( (hFile = OpenFile( Args[0], &ofstruct, OF_READ | OF_WRITE )) == HFILE_ERROR ) {
CHAR TempPath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR TempName[MAX_PATH]; CHAR *LastSlash;
// Can the file be renamed - generate a temporary name and try
// renaming it to this name. If it works rename it back to the
// old name.
lstrcpy (TempPath, Args[0]); LastSlash = strrchr( TempPath, '\\' ); *LastSlash = '\0';
if (GetTempFileName( TempPath, "temp", 0, TempName) == 0 ) { SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_GENERATETEMP ); return( FALSE ); } else { DeleteFile( TempName ); }
if ( MoveFile ( Args[0], TempName ) ) { MoveFile( TempName, Args[0] ); } else { SetReturnText( "YES" ); } } else { CloseHandle( LongToHandle(hFile) ); } } return ( TRUE ); }
// Entry point to generate a temporary file name
// Args[0] : Directory to create temporary file name in
BOOL GenerateTemporary( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { CHAR TempFile[ MAX_PATH ]; CHAR *sz;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
if (GetTempFileName( Args[0], "temp", 0, TempFile) == 0 ) { SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_GENERATETEMP ); return( FALSE ); }
if (sz = strrchr( TempFile, '\\')) { sz++; SetReturnText(sz); } else { SetReturnText( TempFile ); }
return( TRUE ); }
// Entry point to implement the MoveFileEx functionality to copy the file
// on reboot.
BOOL CopyFileOnReboot( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { CHAR Root[] = "?:\\"; DWORD dw1, dw2; CHAR VolumeFSName[MAX_PATH];
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs < 2) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
// First Copy the security from Args[1] to Args[0] if it is on NTFS volume
Root[0] = Args[1][0]; if(!GetVolumeInformation( Root, NULL, 0, NULL, &dw1, &dw2, VolumeFSName, MAX_PATH )) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_GETVOLINFO); return(FALSE); }
if(!lstrcmpi( VolumeFSName, "NTFS" )) { if(!FTransferSecurity( Args[1], Args[0] )) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_TRANSFERSEC); return( FALSE ); } } if ( MoveFileEx( Args[0], Args[1], MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING | MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT ) ) { SetReturnText( "SUCCESS" ); } else { SetReturnText("FAILURE"); }
return( TRUE ); }
// Entry point to search the setup.log file to determine the hal, kernel and
// boot scsi types.
// 1. Arg[0]: List of files whose source files are to be determined: eg.
// {hal.dll, ntoskrnl.exe, ntbootdd.sys}
BOOL GetFileTypes( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) {
CHAR SetupLogFile[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD nFiles, i, dwAttr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; BOOL Status = TRUE; RGSZ FilesArray = NULL, FilesTypeArray = NULL; PCHAR sz1, sz4;
PCHAR SectionNames = NULL; ULONG BufferSizeForSectionNames; PCHAR CurrentSectionName; ULONG Count; CHAR TmpFileName[ MAX_PATH + 1 ];
// Validate the argument passed in
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); } *ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
// Get the windows directory, check to see if the setup.log file is there
// and if not present, return
if (!GetWindowsDirectory( SetupLogFile, MAX_PATH )) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_GETWINDOWSDIR); return( FALSE ); } strcat( SetupLogFile, "\\repair\\setup.log" ); if( !FFileFound ( SetupLogFile ) ) { SetReturnText( "SETUPLOGNOTPRESENT" ); return( TRUE ); }
// Take the lists passed in and convert them into C Pointer Arrays.
if ((FilesArray = RgszFromSzListValue(Args[0])) == NULL ) { Status = FALSE; SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); goto r0; } nFiles = RgszCount( FilesArray );
// Form return types rgsz
if( !(FilesTypeArray = RgszAlloc( nFiles + 1 )) ) { Status = FALSE; SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); goto r0; }
for ( i = 0; i < nFiles; i++ ) { if( !(FilesTypeArray[i] = SzDup( "" )) ) { Status = FALSE; SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); goto r1; } }
// Set the attributes on the file to normal attributes
if ( dwAttr = GetFileAttributes( SetupLogFile ) == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { Status = FALSE; SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_GETATTRIBUTES); goto r1; } SetFileAttributes( SetupLogFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
BufferSizeForSectionNames = BUFFER_SIZE; SectionNames = ( PCHAR )MyMalloc( BufferSizeForSectionNames ); if( SectionNames == NULL ) { Status = FALSE; SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); goto r2; }
// Find out the names of all sections in setup.log
while( ( Count = GetPrivateProfileString( NULL, "", "", SectionNames, BufferSizeForSectionNames, SetupLogFile ) ) == BufferSizeForSectionNames - 2 ) { if( Count == 0 ) { Status = FALSE; SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_READLOGFILE ); goto r2; }
BufferSizeForSectionNames += BUFFER_SIZE; SectionNames = ( PCHAR )MyRealloc( SectionNames, BufferSizeForSectionNames ); if( SectionNames == NULL ) { Status = FALSE; SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); goto r1; } }
for (i = 0; i < nFiles; i++) { for( CurrentSectionName = SectionNames; *CurrentSectionName != '\0'; CurrentSectionName += lstrlen( CurrentSectionName ) + 1 ) { //
// If the file is supposed to be found in [Files.WinNt] section,
// then use as key name, the full path without the drive letter.
// If the file is supposed to be found in [Files.SystemPartition]
// section, then use as key name the filename only.
// Note that one or neither call to GetPrivateProfileString API
// will succeed. It is necessary to make the two calls, since the
// files logged in [Files.WinNt] and [Files.SystemPartition] have
// different formats.
if( ( ( GetPrivateProfileString( CurrentSectionName, strchr( FilesArray[i], ':' ) + 1, "", TmpFileName, sizeof( TmpFileName ), SetupLogFile ) > 0 ) ||
( GetPrivateProfileString( CurrentSectionName, strrchr( FilesArray[i], '\\' ) + 1, "", TmpFileName, sizeof( TmpFileName ), SetupLogFile ) > 0 )
) && ( lstrlen( TmpFileName ) != 0 ) ) { if ( sz1 = strchr( TmpFileName, ',' )) { *sz1 = '\0'; if( sz1 = strchr( TmpFileName, '.' )) { *sz1 = '\0'; } if( !(sz1 = SzDup( TmpFileName )) ) { Status = FALSE; SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); goto r2; } MyFree( FilesTypeArray[i] ); FilesTypeArray[i] = sz1; break; } } } }
// Convert the rgsz into a list
if( !(sz4 = SzListValueFromRgsz( FilesTypeArray ))) { Status = FALSE; SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); } else { SetReturnText( sz4 ); MyFree( sz4 ); }
r2: SetFileAttributes( SetupLogFile, dwAttr );
r1: //
// Free pointers allocated
if ( FilesTypeArray ) { RgszFree( FilesTypeArray ); }
if ( FilesArray ) { RgszFree( FilesArray ); }
if( SectionNames ) { MyFree( ( PVOID )SectionNames ); } r0: return( Status ); }
PVOID MyMalloc( size_t Size ) { return (PVOID)LocalAlloc( 0, Size ); }
VOID MyFree( PVOID p ) { LocalFree( (HANDLE)p ); }
PVOID MyRealloc( PVOID p, size_t Size ) { return (PVOID)LocalReAlloc( p, Size, LMEM_MOVEABLE ); }
** Purpose: ** Determines if a string is a list value. ** Arguments: ** szValue: non-NULL, zero terminated string to be tested. ** Returns: ** fTrue if a list; fFalse otherwise. ** **************************************************************************/ BOOL FListValue(szValue) SZ szValue; {
if (*szValue++ != '{') return(fFalse);
while (*szValue != '}' && *szValue != '\0') { if (*szValue++ != '"') return(fFalse);
while (*szValue != '\0') { if (*szValue != '"') szValue = SzNextChar(szValue); else if (*(szValue + 1) == '"') szValue += 2; else break; }
if (*szValue++ != '"') return(fFalse);
if (*szValue == ',') if (*(++szValue) == '}') return(fFalse); }
if (*szValue != '}') return(fFalse);
return(fTrue); }
RGSZ RgszAlloc( DWORD Size ) { RGSZ rgsz = NULL; DWORD i;
if ( Size > 0 ) {
if ( (rgsz = MyMalloc( Size * sizeof(SZ) )) ) {
for ( i=0; i<Size; i++ ) { rgsz[i] = NULL; } } }
return rgsz; }
VOID RgszFree( RGSZ rgsz ) {
INT i;
for (i = 0; rgsz[i]; i++ ) { MyFree( rgsz[i] ); }
MyFree(rgsz); }
** Purpose: ** Converts a list value into an RGSZ. ** Arguments: ** szListValue: non-NULL, zero terminated string to be converted. ** Returns: ** NULL if an error occurred. ** Non-NULL RGSZ if the conversion was successful. ** **************************************************************************/ RGSZ RgszFromSzListValue(szListValue) SZ szListValue; { USHORT cItems; SZ szCur; RGSZ rgsz;
if (!FListValue(szListValue)) { if ((rgsz = (RGSZ)MyMalloc((CB)(2 * sizeof(SZ)))) == (RGSZ)NULL || (rgsz[0] = SzDup(szListValue)) == (SZ)NULL) return((RGSZ)NULL); rgsz[1] = (SZ)NULL; return(rgsz); }
if ((rgsz = (RGSZ)MyMalloc((CB)((cListItemsMax + 1) * sizeof(SZ)))) == (RGSZ)NULL) return((RGSZ)NULL);
cItems = 0; szCur = szListValue + 1;
while (*szCur != '}' && *szCur != '\0' && cItems < cListItemsMax) { SZ szValue; SZ szAddPoint;
if( *szCur != '"' ) { return( (RGSZ) NULL ); }
szCur++; if ((szAddPoint = szValue = (SZ)MyMalloc(cbItemMax)) == (SZ)NULL) { rgsz[cItems] = (SZ)NULL; RgszFree(rgsz); return((RGSZ)NULL); }
while (*szCur != '\0') { if (*szCur == '"') { if (*(szCur + 1) != '"') break; szCur += 2; *szAddPoint++ = '"'; } else { SZ szNext = SzNextChar(szCur);
while (szCur < szNext) *szAddPoint++ = *szCur++; } }
*szAddPoint = '\0';
if (*szCur++ != '"' || lstrlen(szValue) >= cbItemMax || (szAddPoint = SzDup(szValue)) == (SZ)NULL) { MyFree((PB)szValue); rgsz[cItems] = (SZ)NULL; RgszFree(rgsz); return((RGSZ)NULL); }
if (*szCur == ',') szCur++; rgsz[cItems++] = szAddPoint; }
rgsz[cItems] = (SZ)NULL;
if (*szCur != '}' || cItems >= cListItemsMax) { RgszFree(rgsz); return((RGSZ)NULL); }
if (cItems < cListItemsMax) rgsz = (RGSZ)MyRealloc((PB)rgsz, (CB)((cItems + 1) * sizeof(SZ)));
return(rgsz); }
** Purpose: ** Converts an RGSZ into a list value. ** Arguments: ** rgsz: non-NULL, NULL-terminated array of zero-terminated strings to ** be converted. ** Returns: ** NULL if an error occurred. ** Non-NULL SZ if the conversion was successful. ** **************************************************************************/ SZ SzListValueFromRgsz(rgsz) RGSZ rgsz; { SZ szValue; SZ szAddPoint; SZ szItem; BOOL fFirstItem = fTrue;
//ChkArg(rgsz != (RGSZ)NULL, 1, (SZ)NULL);
if ((szAddPoint = szValue = (SZ)MyMalloc(cbItemMax)) == (SZ)NULL) return((SZ)NULL);
*szAddPoint++ = '{'; while ((szItem = *rgsz) != (SZ)NULL) { if (fFirstItem) fFirstItem = fFalse; else *szAddPoint++ = ',';
*szAddPoint++ = '"'; while (*szItem != '\0') { if (*szItem == '"') { *szAddPoint++ = '"'; *szAddPoint++ = '"'; szItem++; } else { SZ szNext = SzNextChar(szItem);
while (szItem < szNext) *szAddPoint++ = *szItem++; } }
*szAddPoint++ = '"'; rgsz++; }
*szAddPoint++ = '}'; *szAddPoint = '\0';
//AssertRet(CbStrLen(szValue) < cbItemMax, (SZ)NULL);
szItem = SzDup(szValue); MyFree(szValue);
return(szItem); }
DWORD RgszCount( RGSZ rgsz ) /*
Return the number of elements in an RGSZ */ { DWORD i ;
for ( i = 0 ; rgsz[i] ; i++ ) ;
return i ; }
SZ SzDup( SZ sz ) { SZ NewSz = NULL;
if ( sz ) {
if ( (NewSz = (SZ)MyMalloc( strlen(sz) + 1 )) ) {
strcpy( NewSz, sz ); } }
return NewSz; }
// Return Text Routine
VOID SetReturnText( IN LPSTR Text )
{ lstrcpy( ReturnTextBuffer, Text ); }
VOID SetErrorText( IN DWORD ResID ) { LoadString(ThisDLLHandle,(WORD)ResID,ReturnTextBuffer,sizeof(ReturnTextBuffer)-1); ReturnTextBuffer[sizeof(ReturnTextBuffer)-1] = '\0'; // just in case
BOOL FFileFound( IN LPSTR szPath ) { WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd; HANDLE SearchHandle;
if ( (SearchHandle = FindFirstFile( szPath, &ffd )) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { return( FALSE ); } else { FindClose( SearchHandle ); return( TRUE ); } }
BOOL FTransferSecurity( PCHAR Source, PCHAR Dest ) { #define CBSDBUF 1024
PVOID AllocBuffer = NULL; BOOL Status;
// Get the security information from the source file
Status = GetFileSecurity( Source, Si, Sd, cbSd, &cbSdReq );
if(!Status) { if( cbSdReq > CBSDBUF && (AllocBuffer = malloc( cbSdReq ))) {
Sd = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)AllocBuffer; cbSd = cbSdReq; Status = GetFileSecurity( Source, Si, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)Sd, cbSd, &cbSdReq ); } }
if( !Status ) { return( FALSE ); }
// Set the Security on the dest file
Status = SetFileSecurity( Dest, Si, Sd );
if ( AllocBuffer ) { free( AllocBuffer ); }
return ( Status ); }
DWORD GetSizeOfFile( IN LPSTR szFile ) {
HANDLE hff; WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd; DWORD Size = 0;
// get find file information and get the size information out of
// that
if ((hff = FindFirstFile(szFile, &ffd)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Size = ffd.nFileSizeLow; FindClose(hff); }
return Size; }