Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This function contains the default ntsd debugger extensions
Mark Lucovsky (markl) 09-Apr-1991
Revision History:
#include "ntsdextp.h"
WINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS ExtensionApis; HANDLE ExtensionCurrentProcess;
DECLARE_API( version ) { OSVERSIONINFOA VersionInformation; HKEY hkey; DWORD cb, dwType; CHAR szCurrentType[128]; CHAR szCSDString[3+128];
VersionInformation.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(VersionInformation); if (!GetVersionEx( &VersionInformation )) { dprintf("GetVersionEx failed - %u\n", GetLastError()); return; }
szCurrentType[0] = '\0'; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion", 0, KEY_READ, &hkey ) == NO_ERROR ) { cb = sizeof(szCurrentType); if (RegQueryValueEx(hkey, "CurrentType", NULL, &dwType, szCurrentType, &cb ) != 0) { szCurrentType[0] = '\0'; } RegCloseKey(hkey); }
if (VersionInformation.szCSDVersion[0]) { sprintf(szCSDString, ": %s", VersionInformation.szCSDVersion); } else { szCSDString[0] = '\0'; }
dprintf("Version %d.%d (Build %d%s) %s\n", VersionInformation.dwMajorVersion, VersionInformation.dwMinorVersion, VersionInformation.dwBuildNumber, szCSDString, szCurrentType ); return; }
while (*lpArgumentString == ' ') lpArgumentString++;
if (*lpArgumentString == '\0') { dprintf("setupexts help:\n\n"); dprintf("!version - Dump system version and build number\n"); dprintf("!help - This message\n"); dprintf("!ocm [address] [opt. flag] - Dump the OC_MANAGER structure at address, flag increased verbosity\n"); dprintf("!space [address] [opt. flag] - Dump the DISK_SPACE_LIST structure at specified address\n"); dprintf("!st [address] - Dump the contents of a STRING_TABLE structure at specified address\n"); dprintf("!stfind [address] [element] - Dump the specified string table element\n"); dprintf("!queue [address] [opt. flag] - Dump the specified file queue\n"); dprintf("!qcontext [address] - Dump the specified default queue context \n"); dprintf("!infdump [addr] [opt. flag] - Dump the specified hinf \n"); dprintf("!winntflags - Dump some winnt32 global flags \n"); dprintf("!winntstr - Dump some winnt32 global strings\n");
} }
BOOL CheckInterupted( VOID ) { if ( CheckControlC() ) { dprintf( "\nInterrupted\n\n" ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// Simple routine to convert from hex into a string of characters.
// Used by debugger extensions.
// by scottlu
char * HexToString( ULONG dw, CHAR *pch ) { if (dw > 0xf) { pch = HexToString(dw >> 4, pch); dw &= 0xf; }
*pch++ = ((dw >= 0xA) ? ('A' - 0xA) : '0') + (CHAR)dw; *pch = 0;
return pch; }
VOID DumpStringTableHeader( PSTRING_TABLE st ) { //
// dump the string table header
dprintf("\tBase Data ptr:\t0x%08x\n", st->Data); dprintf("\tDataSize:\t0x%08x\n", st->DataSize); dprintf("\tBufferSize:\t0x%08x\n", st->BufferSize); dprintf("\tExtraDataSize:\t0x%08x\n", st->ExtraDataSize);
VOID DumpOcComponent( ULONG_PTR offset, PSTRING_NODEW node, deb_POPTIONAL_COMPONENTW pcomp ) { DWORD i; PLONG count;
dprintf("OC_COMPONENT Data for node %ws : 0x%p\n", node->String, offset ); dprintf( "\t InfStringId:\t\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->InfStringId ); dprintf( "\t TopLevelStringId:\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->TopLevelStringId ); dprintf( "\t ParentStringId:\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->ParentStringId ); dprintf( "\t FirstChildStringId:\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->FirstChildStringId ); dprintf( "\t ChildrenCount:\t\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->ChildrenCount ); dprintf( "\t NextSiblingStringId:\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->NextSiblingStringId );
dprintf( "\t NeedsCount:\t\t%d\n", pcomp->NeedsCount ); count = malloc ( pcomp->NeedsCount * sizeof(LONG) ); if (count) { // read and dump needs list
ReadMemory((DWORD_PTR) pcomp->NeedsStringIds, count, pcomp->NeedsCount*sizeof(LONG), NULL); for (i = 0; i < pcomp->NeedsCount; i++) { dprintf("\t NeedsStringIds #%d:\t0x%08x\n", i, count[i]); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
free(count); }
dprintf( "\t NeededByCount:\t\t%d\n", pcomp->NeededByCount ); count = malloc ( pcomp->NeededByCount * sizeof(LONG) ); if (count) { // read and dump needs list
ReadMemory((DWORD_PTR) pcomp->NeededByStringIds, count, pcomp->NeededByCount*sizeof(LONG), NULL); for (i = 0; i < pcomp->NeededByCount; i++) { dprintf("\t NeededByStringIds #%d: 0x%08x\n", i, count[i]); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
free(count); }
dprintf( "\t ExcludeCount:\t\t%d\n", pcomp->ExcludeCount ); count = malloc ( pcomp->ExcludeCount * sizeof(LONG) ); if (count) { // read and dump Excludes list
ReadMemory((DWORD_PTR) pcomp->ExcludeStringIds, count, pcomp->ExcludeCount*sizeof(LONG), NULL); for (i = 0; i < pcomp->ExcludeCount; i++) { dprintf("\t ExcludeStringIds #%d: 0x%08x\n", i, count[i]); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
free(count); }
dprintf( "\t ExcludedByCount:\t%d\n", pcomp->ExcludedByCount ); count = malloc ( pcomp->ExcludedByCount * sizeof(LONG) ); if (count) { // read and dump Excludes list
ReadMemory((DWORD_PTR) pcomp->ExcludedByStringIds, count, pcomp->ExcludedByCount*sizeof(LONG), NULL); for (i = 0; i < pcomp->ExcludedByCount; i++) { dprintf("\t ExcludesStringIds #%d:\t0x%08x\n", i, count[i]); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
free(count); }
dprintf( "\t InternalFlags:\t\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->InternalFlags );
dprintf( "\t SizeApproximation:\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->SizeApproximation );
dprintf( "\t IconIndex:\t\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->IconIndex ); dprintf( "\t IconDll:\t\t%ws\n", pcomp->IconDll); dprintf( "\t IconResource:\t\t%ws\n", pcomp->IconResource); dprintf( "\t SelectionState:\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->SelectionState ); dprintf( "\t OriginalSelectionState:0x%08x\n", pcomp->OriginalSelectionState ); dprintf( "\t InstalledState:\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->InstalledState ); dprintf( "\t ModeBits:\t\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->ModeBits ); dprintf( "\t Description:\t\t%ws\n", pcomp->Description ); dprintf( "\t Tip:\t\t\t%ws\n", pcomp->Tip );
dprintf( "\t InstallationDllName:\t%ws\n", pcomp->InstallationDllName ); dprintf( "\t InterfaceFunctionName:\t%s\n", pcomp->InterfaceFunctionName ); dprintf( "\t InstallationDll:\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->InstallationDll ); //dprintf( "\t InstallationRoutine:\t%s\n", pcomp->InstallationRoutine );
dprintf( "\t ExpectedVersion:\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->ExpectedVersion ); dprintf( "\t Exists:\t\t0x%08x\n", pcomp->Exists ); dprintf( "\t Flags:\t\t\t0x%08x\n\n\n", pcomp->Flags );
PVOID GetStringTableData( PSTRING_TABLE st ) { LPVOID stdata;
stdata = (PVOID) malloc( st->DataSize ); if (!stdata) { dprintf("error allocation memory (size 0x%08x\n", (ULONG_PTR) st->DataSize); return NULL; }
try { ReadMemory((DWORD_PTR) st->Data, stdata, st->DataSize, NULL); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { free( stdata ); return NULL; }
return stdata; }
PVOID GetStringNodeExtraData( PSTRING_NODEW node ) { PVOID extraData; extraData = node->String + wcslen(node->String) + 1;
return extraData;
PSTRING_NODEW GetNextNode( PVOID stdata, PSTRING_NODEW node, PULONG_PTR offset ) { PVOID next;
if (node->NextOffset == -1) { *offset = 0; return NULL; }
next = (PSTRING_NODEW)((LPBYTE)stdata + node->NextOffset); *offset = node->NextOffset;
return next;
PSTRING_NODEW GetFirstNode( PVOID stdata, ULONG_PTR offset, PULONG_PTR poffset ) { PSTRING_NODEW node;
if (offset == -1) { return NULL; }
node = (PSTRING_NODEW) ((LPBYTE)stdata + offset); *poffset = offset;
return node;
LPCSTR GetWizPage( DWORD i ) { LPCSTR WizPage[] = { "WizPagesWelcome", // welcome page
"WizPagesMode", // setup mode page
"WizPagesEarly", // pages that come after the mode page and before prenet pages
"WizPagesPrenet", // pages that come before network setup
"WizPagesPostnet", // pages that come after network setup
"WizPagesLate", // pages that come after postnet pages and before the final page
"WizPagesFinal", // final page
"WizPagesTypeMax" };
return WizPage[i];
DECLARE_API( st ) /*++
Routine Description:
This debugger extension dumps a string table at the address specified.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD ReturnLength; PVOID pst; STRING_TABLE st; DWORD i; DWORD_PTR offset; PVOID stdata,pextradata; PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
while (*lpArgumentString == ' ') { lpArgumentString++; }
pst = (PVOID)GetExpression( lpArgumentString );
move( st, pst );
dprintf("Base String Table Address:\t0x%p\n", pst);
DumpStringTableHeader( &st );
stdata = GetStringTableData( &st ); if (!stdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// now, dump each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, ((PULONG_PTR)stdata)[i], &offset ); if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { dprintf("Data at hash bucket %d\n", i); while (node) { dprintf("\tEntry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", node->String, offset); pextradata = st.Data + offset + (wcslen(node->String) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DWORD); dprintf("\tExtra Data:\t0x%08x\n", pextradata ); //((LPBYTE)node->String + wcslen(node->String) + 1));
node = GetNextNode( stdata, node, &offset );
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; }
} } } free( stdata );
DECLARE_API( stfind ) /*++
Routine Description:
This debugger extension dumps the data for a given string table number
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD ReturnLength; PVOID pst; STRING_TABLE st; DWORD i; DWORD_PTR offset; PVOID stdata,pextradata; PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
DWORD_PTR element;
while (*lpArgumentString == ' ') { lpArgumentString++; }
pst = (PVOID)GetExpression( lpArgumentString );
while (*lpArgumentString && (*lpArgumentString != ' ') ) { lpArgumentString++; } while (*lpArgumentString == ' ') { lpArgumentString++; }
if (*lpArgumentString) { element = GetExpression( lpArgumentString ); } else { dprintf("bogus usage\n"); }
move( st, pst );
stdata = GetStringTableData( &st ); if (!stdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; } //
// search each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, ((PULONG_PTR)stdata)[i], &offset ); if (!node) {
} else {
while (node) { if (element == offset) { dprintf("\tEntry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", node->String, offset); pextradata = st.Data + offset + (wcslen(node->String) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DWORD); dprintf("\tExtra Data:\t0x%08x\n", pextradata ); free( stdata ); return; }
node = GetNextNode( stdata, node, &offset );
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; }
} } } free( stdata );
dprintf("Couldn't find element\n");
DECLARE_API( ocm ) /*++
Routine Description:
This debugger extension dumps an OC_MANAGER (UNICODE!) structure at the specified address
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD ReturnLength; deb_OC_MANAGERW ocm; PVOID pocm; DWORD i; DWORD_PTR offset; STRING_TABLE inftable,comptable; PVOID infdata,compdata; PSTRING_NODEW node; POC_INF pocinf; deb_POPTIONAL_COMPONENTW pcomp; DWORD Mask = 0; PLONG count;
while (*lpArgumentString == ' ') { lpArgumentString++; }
pocm = (PVOID)GetExpression( lpArgumentString );
while (*lpArgumentString && (*lpArgumentString != ' ') ) { lpArgumentString++; } while (*lpArgumentString == ' ') { lpArgumentString++; }
if (*lpArgumentString) { Mask = (DWORD)GetExpression( lpArgumentString ); }
move( ocm,(LPVOID)pocm);
// dump the OCM structure
dprintf("OC_MANAGER structure at Address:\t0x%08x\n", (ULONG_PTR) pocm); dprintf("\tCallbacks :\n"); dprintf("\t\tFillInSetupDataA:\t0x%08x\n", (ULONG_PTR) ocm.Callbacks.FillInSetupDataA); dprintf("\t\tLogError:\t\t0x%08x\n", (ULONG_PTR) ocm.Callbacks.LogError); dprintf("\t\tSetReboot:\t\t0x%08x\n", (ULONG_PTR) ocm.Callbacks.SetReboot); dprintf("\t\tFillInSetupDataW:\t0x%08x\n", (ULONG_PTR) ocm.Callbacks.FillInSetupDataW);
dprintf("\tMasterOcInf:\t\t0x%08x\n", ocm.MasterOcInf); dprintf("\tUnattendedInf:\t\t0x%08x\n", ocm.UnattendedInf); dprintf("\tMasterOcInfPath:\t%ws\n", ocm.MasterOcInfPath); dprintf("\tUnattendInfPath:\t%ws\n", ocm.UnattendedInfPath); dprintf("\tSourceDir:\t\t%ws\n", ocm.SourceDir); dprintf("\tSuiteName:\t\t%ws\n", ocm.SuiteName); dprintf("\tSetupPageTitle:\t\t%ws\n", ocm.SetupPageTitle); dprintf("\tWindowTitle:\t%ws\n", ocm.WindowTitle); dprintf("\tInfListStringTable:\t0x%08x\n", (ULONG_PTR)ocm.InfListStringTable); dprintf("\tComponentStringTable:\t0x%08x\n", (ULONG_PTR)ocm.ComponentStringTable); dprintf("\tComponentStringTable:\t0x%08x\n", (ULONG_PTR)ocm.OcSetupPage); dprintf("\tSetupMode:\t\t%d\n", ocm.SetupMode); dprintf("\tTopLevelOcCount:\t%d\n", ocm.TopLevelOcCount); // Issue-vijeshs-09/18/2000: from 1 to count
count = malloc ( ocm.TopLevelOcCount * sizeof(LONG) );
if (count) { // read and dump needs list
ReadMemory((LPVOID) ocm.TopLevelOcStringIds, count, ocm.TopLevelOcCount *sizeof(LONG), NULL); for (i = 0; i < ocm.TopLevelOcCount; i++) { dprintf("\t TopLevelOcStringIds #%d:\t0x%08x\n", i, count[i]);
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
free(count); }
dprintf("\tTopLevelParenOcCount:\t%d\n", ocm.TopLevelParentOcCount);
count = malloc ( ocm.TopLevelParentOcCount * sizeof(LONG) );
if (count) { // read and dump needs list
ReadMemory((LPVOID) ocm.TopLevelParentOcStringIds, count, ocm.TopLevelParentOcCount *sizeof(LONG), NULL); for (i = 0; i < ocm.TopLevelParentOcCount; i++) { dprintf("\t TopLevelParentOcStringIds #%d:\t0x%08x\n", i, count[i]); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
free(count); }
dprintf("\tSubComponentsPresent:\t%d\n", ocm.SubComponentsPresent);
// Issue-vijeshs-09/18/2000:WizardPagesOrder there's not really any way to tell the exact upper bound of
// each array, though we know that it's <= TopLevelParentOcCount...since this is the case
// we just dump the point to each array of pages...
for (i = 0; i < WizPagesTypeMax; i++) { dprintf("\tWizardPagesOrder[%i] (%s)\t: 0x%08x\n", i, GetWizPage(i), ocm.WizardPagesOrder[i] ); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
dprintf("\tPrivateDataSubkey:\t%ws\n", ocm.PrivateDataSubkey); dprintf("\thKeyPrivateData:\t0x%08x\n", ocm.hKeyPrivateData); dprintf("\thKeyPrivateDataRoot:\t0x%08x\n", ocm.hKeyPrivateDataRoot); dprintf("\tProgressTextWindow:\t0x%08x\n", ocm.ProgressTextWindow);
dprintf("\tCurrentComponentStringId:\t0x%08x\n", ocm.CurrentComponentStringId); dprintf("\tAbortedCount:\t\t%d\n", ocm.AbortedCount);
count = malloc ( ocm.AbortedCount * sizeof(LONG) );
if (count) { // read and dump needs list
ReadMemory((LPVOID) ocm.AbortedComponentIds, count, ocm.AbortedCount *sizeof(LONG), NULL); for (i = 0; i < (DWORD)ocm.AbortedCount; i++) { dprintf("\t AbortedComponentIds #%d:\t0x%08x\n", i, count[i]); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
free(count); }
dprintf("\tInternalFlags:\t\t0x%08x\n\n\n", ocm.InternalFlags);
dprintf("\tSetupData.SetupMode :\t0x%08x\n", ocm.SetupData.SetupMode ); dprintf("\tSetupData.ProductType :\t0x%08x\n", ocm.SetupData.ProductType ); dprintf("\tSetupData.OperationFlags :\t0x%08x\n", ocm.SetupData.OperationFlags ); dprintf("\tSetupData.SourcePath :\t%ws\n", ocm.SetupData.SourcePath ); dprintf("\tSetupData.UnattendFile :\t%ws\n", ocm.SetupData.UnattendFile );
if ((Mask&1) && ocm.InfListStringTable) { dprintf("\t\t***InfListStringTable***\n"); move (inftable, ocm.InfListStringTable); infdata = GetStringTableData( &inftable ); if (!infdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// now, dump each node with data in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(infdata, ((PULONG_PTR)infdata)[i], &offset ); if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { //dprintf("Data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
while (node) { //dprintf("\tNode Name:%ws\n", node->String);
pocinf = (POC_INF) GetStringNodeExtraData( node ); if (pocinf) { dprintf("\tNode Data for %ws (0x%08x): 0x%08x\n", node->String, offset, pocinf->Handle ); } else { dprintf("\tNo Node Data for %ws\n", node->String ); } node = GetNextNode( infdata, node, &offset ); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } } } free( infdata ); dprintf("\n\n"); }
if ((Mask&1) && ocm.ComponentStringTable) { dprintf("\t\t***ComponentStringTable***\n"); move (comptable, ocm.ComponentStringTable); compdata = GetStringTableData( &comptable ); if (!compdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// dump each node with data in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(infdata, ((PULONG_PTR)infdata)[i], &offset ); if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { //dprintf("Data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
while (node) { //dprintf("\tNode Name:%ws\n", node->String);
pcomp = (deb_POPTIONAL_COMPONENTW) GetStringNodeExtraData( node ); if (pcomp) { DumpOcComponent( offset , node, pcomp ); } else { dprintf("\tNo Node Data for %ws\n", node->String ); }
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; }
node = GetNextNode( infdata, node, &offset ); } } }
free( compdata ); }