Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines to manipulate menu groups and items.
Entry points:
Ted Miller (tedm) 5-Apr-1995 Jaime Sasson (jaimes) 9-Aug-1995
Revision History:
Based on various other code that has been rewritten/modified many times by many people.
#include "setupp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#if 0
#define DDEDBG
#ifdef DDEDBG
#define DBGOUT(x) DbgOut x
VOID DbgOut( IN PCSTR FormatString, ... ) { CHAR Str[256];
va_list arglist;
wsprintfA(Str,"SETUP (%u): ",GetTickCount()); OutputDebugStringA(Str);
va_start(arglist,FormatString); wvsprintfA(Str,FormatString,arglist); va_end(arglist); OutputDebugStringA(Str); OutputDebugStringA("\n"); } #else
#define DBGOUT(x)
BOOL RemoveMenuGroup( IN PCWSTR Group, IN BOOL CommonGroup ) { return( DeleteGroup( Group, CommonGroup ) ); }
BOOL RemoveMenuItem( IN PCWSTR Group, IN PCWSTR Item, IN BOOL CommonGroup ) { return( DeleteItem( Group, CommonGroup, Item, TRUE ) ); }
VOID DeleteMenuGroupsAndItems( IN HINF InfHandle ) { INFCONTEXT InfContext; UINT LineCount,LineNo; PCWSTR SectionName = L"StartMenu.ObjectsToDelete"; PCWSTR ObjectType; PCWSTR ObjectName; PCWSTR ObjectPath; PCWSTR GroupAttribute; BOOL CommonGroup; BOOL IsMenuItem;
// Get the number of lines in the section that contains the objects to
// be deleted. The section may be empty or non-existant; this is not an
// error condition.
LineCount = (UINT)SetupGetLineCount(InfHandle,SectionName); if((LONG)LineCount <= 0) { return; } for(LineNo=0; LineNo<LineCount; LineNo++) {
if(SetupGetLineByIndex(InfHandle,SectionName,LineNo,&InfContext) && (ObjectType = pSetupGetField(&InfContext,1)) && (ObjectName = pSetupGetField(&InfContext,2)) && (GroupAttribute = pSetupGetField(&InfContext,4))) { IsMenuItem = _wtoi(ObjectType); CommonGroup = _wtoi(GroupAttribute); ObjectPath = pSetupGetField(&InfContext,3);
if( IsMenuItem ) { RemoveMenuItem( ObjectPath, ObjectName, CommonGroup ); } else { ULONG Size; PWSTR Path;
Size = lstrlen(ObjectName) + 1; if(ObjectPath != NULL) { Size += lstrlen(ObjectPath) + 1; } Path = MyMalloc(Size * sizeof(WCHAR)); if(!Path) { SetuplogError( LogSevError, SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID, MSG_LOG_MENU_REMGRP_FAIL, ObjectPath, ObjectName, NULL, SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID, MSG_LOG_OUTOFMEMORY, NULL,NULL); } else { if( ObjectPath != NULL ) { lstrcpy( Path, ObjectPath ); pSetupConcatenatePaths( Path, ObjectName, Size, NULL ); } else { lstrcpy( Path, ObjectName ); } RemoveMenuGroup( Path, CommonGroup ); MyFree(Path); } } } } }
BOOL AddItemsToGroup( IN HINF InfHandle, IN PCWSTR GroupDescription, IN PCWSTR SectionName, IN BOOL CommonGroup ) { INFCONTEXT InfContext; UINT LineCount,LineNo; PCWSTR Description; PCWSTR Binary; PCWSTR CommandLine; PCWSTR IconFile; PCWSTR IconNumberStr; INT IconNumber; PCWSTR InfoTip; BOOL b; BOOL DoItem; WCHAR Dummy; PWSTR FilePart; PCTSTR DisplayResourceFile = NULL; DWORD DisplayResource = 0;
// Get the number of lines in the section. The section may be empty
// or non-existant; this is not an error condition.
LineCount = (UINT)SetupGetLineCount(InfHandle,SectionName); if((LONG)LineCount <= 0) { return(TRUE); }
b = TRUE; for(LineNo=0; LineNo<LineCount; LineNo++) {
if(SetupGetLineByIndex(InfHandle,SectionName,LineNo,&InfContext)) {
Description = pSetupGetField(&InfContext,0); Binary = pSetupGetField(&InfContext,1); CommandLine = pSetupGetField(&InfContext,2); IconFile = pSetupGetField(&InfContext,3); IconNumberStr = pSetupGetField(&InfContext,4); InfoTip = pSetupGetField(&InfContext,5); DisplayResourceFile = pSetupGetField( &InfContext, 6); DisplayResource = 0; SetupGetIntField( &InfContext, 7, &DisplayResource );
if(Description && CommandLine ) { if(!IconFile) { IconFile = L""; } IconNumber = (IconNumberStr && *IconNumberStr) ? wcstoul(IconNumberStr,NULL,10) : 0;
// If there's a binary name, search for it. Otherwise do the
// item add unconditionally.
DoItem = (Binary && *Binary) ? (SearchPath(NULL,Binary,NULL,0,&Dummy,&FilePart) != 0) : TRUE;
if(DoItem) {
b &= CreateLinkFileEx( CommonGroup ? CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS : CSIDL_PROGRAMS, GroupDescription, Description, CommandLine, IconFile, IconNumber, NULL, 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL, InfoTip, (DisplayResourceFile && DisplayResourceFile[0]) ? DisplayResourceFile : NULL, (DisplayResourceFile && DisplayResourceFile[0]) ? DisplayResource : 0);
} } } } return(b); }
BOOL DoMenuGroupsAndItems( IN HINF InfHandle, IN BOOL Upgrade ) { INFCONTEXT InfContext; PCWSTR GroupId,GroupDescription; PCWSTR GroupAttribute; BOOL CommonGroup; BOOL b; WCHAR Path[MAX_PATH+1]; PCTSTR DisplayResourceFile = NULL; DWORD DisplayResource = 0;
if( Upgrade ) { //
// In the upgrade case, first delet some groups and items.
DeleteMenuGroupsAndItems( InfHandle ); }
// Iterate the [StartMenuGroups] section in the inf.
// Each line is the name of a group that needs to be created.
if(SetupFindFirstLine(InfHandle,L"StartMenuGroups",NULL,&InfContext)) { b = TRUE; } else { return(FALSE); }
do { //
// Fetch the identifier for the group and its name.
if((GroupId = pSetupGetField(&InfContext,0)) && (GroupDescription = pSetupGetField(&InfContext,1)) && (GroupAttribute = pSetupGetField(&InfContext,2))) {
CommonGroup = ( GroupAttribute && _wtoi(GroupAttribute) );
DisplayResourceFile = pSetupGetField( &InfContext, 3); DisplayResource = 0; SetupGetIntField( &InfContext, 4, &DisplayResource ); //
// Create the group.
b &= CreateGroupEx( GroupDescription, CommonGroup, (DisplayResourceFile && DisplayResourceFile[0]) ? DisplayResourceFile : NULL, (DisplayResourceFile && DisplayResourceFile[0]) ? DisplayResource : 0);
// Now create items within the group. We do this by iterating
// through the section in the inf that relate to the current group.
b &= AddItemsToGroup(InfHandle,GroupDescription,GroupId,CommonGroup); } } while(SetupFindNextLine(&InfContext,&InfContext));
// Create the items (if any) for 'Start Menu'
b &= AddItemsToGroup(InfHandle,NULL,L"StartMenuItems",FALSE);
return(TRUE); }
BOOL CreateStartMenuItems( IN HINF InfHandle ) { return(DoMenuGroupsAndItems(InfHandle,FALSE)); }
BOOL UpgradeStartMenuItems( IN HINF InfHandle ) { return(DoMenuGroupsAndItems(InfHandle,TRUE)); }
BOOL RepairStartMenuItems( ) { HINF InfHandle; BOOL b;
// This function is not called through Gui mode setup.
// but is called by winlogon to repair stuff.
InitializeProfiles(FALSE); InfHandle = SetupOpenInfFile(L"syssetup.inf",NULL,INF_STYLE_WIN4,NULL); if( InfHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { b = FALSE; } else { b = DoMenuGroupsAndItems(InfHandle,FALSE); SetupCloseInfFile(InfHandle); } return(b); }