Copyright (c) 1989-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This utility locks the memory of all the modules currently mapped in the process address space.
Vijay Jayaseelan (vijayj@microsoft.com) 26'July'2001
Revision History:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <exception>
#include <windows.h>
#include <psapi.h>
using namespace std;
// class abstracting the process with module
// details
class Process { public: //
// constructor
Process(ULONG Pid = 0) { //
// enable the required privileges
if (!PrivilegeEnabled) { EnableRequiredPrivileges(); PrivilegeEnabled = TRUE; }
if (Pid) { ProcessID = Pid; } else { ProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId(); }
SelfProcess = (ProcessID == GetCurrentProcessId()); hProcess = 0; ::ZeroMemory(&hLoadedModules, sizeof(hLoadedModules)); //
// Open the process
hProcess = ::OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, ProcessID);
if (!hProcess) throw new InvalidProcessID(ProcessID, ::GetLastError());
DWORD cbNeeded = 0;
// Get the module details
if (!::EnumProcessModules(hProcess, hLoadedModules, sizeof(hLoadedModules), &cbNeeded)) { ::CloseHandle(hProcess); hProcess = 0; throw new EnumerationError(::GetLastError()); } }
// destructor
~Process() { if (hProcess) { ::CloseHandle(hProcess); } }
DWORD GetTotalWSSize(VOID) const { DWORD TotalSize = 0; for (int Index=0; ((Index < sizeof(hLoadedModules)/sizeof(HMODULE)) && hLoadedModules[Index]); Index++ ) { MODULEINFO ModuleInformation = {0};
if (GetModuleInformation(hProcess, hLoadedModules[Index], &ModuleInformation, sizeof(MODULEINFO))) { TotalSize += ModuleInformation.SizeOfImage; } }
return TotalSize; }
DWORD GetWSSizeLimits( SIZE_T &MinimumSize, SIZE_T &MaximumSize ) { GetProcessWorkingSetSize(hProcess, &MinimumSize, &MaximumSize);
return ::GetLastError(); }
DWORD LockMemory(DWORD &LockedMemorySize) { DWORD Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD TotalSize = GetTotalWSSize();
LockedMemorySize = 0;
// just make the WS limit twice the size of the
// total module size
if (SetProcessWorkingSetSize(hProcess, TotalSize * 2, TotalSize * 2)) { if (SelfProcess) { for (int Index=0; ((Index < sizeof(hLoadedModules)/sizeof(HMODULE)) && hLoadedModules[Index]); Index++ ) { MODULEINFO ModuleInformation = {0};
if (GetModuleInformation(hProcess, hLoadedModules[Index], &ModuleInformation, sizeof(MODULEINFO))) { if (!IsBadCodePtr((FARPROC)ModuleInformation.lpBaseOfDll)) { if (!VirtualLock(ModuleInformation.lpBaseOfDll, ModuleInformation.SizeOfImage)) { Result = ::GetLastError(); } else { LockedMemorySize += ModuleInformation.SizeOfImage; } } else { Result = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } } } } } else { Result = ::GetLastError(); }
return Result; }
// dump utility
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const Process& rhs) { char ModuleName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; os << "Process ID: " << rhs.ProcessID << endl; os << "Loaded Modules: " << endl;
for ( int Index=0; ((Index < sizeof(rhs.hLoadedModules)/sizeof(HMODULE)) && rhs.hLoadedModules[Index]); Index++ ) { if (::GetModuleFileNameExA(rhs.hProcess, rhs.hLoadedModules[Index], ModuleName, sizeof(ModuleName))) { MODULEINFO ModuleInformation = {0};
if (GetModuleInformation(rhs.hProcess, rhs.hLoadedModules[Index], &ModuleInformation, sizeof(MODULEINFO))) { os << ModuleName << " (" << ModuleInformation.lpBaseOfDll << "," << ModuleInformation.SizeOfImage << ")" << endl; } else { os << ModuleName << endl; } } }
DWORD TotalSize = rhs.GetTotalWSSize(); os << "Total Size: " << dec << TotalSize << " Bytes = " << dec << TotalSize / 1024 << " KB = " << dec << TotalSize / (1024 * 1024) << " MB." << endl;
return os; }
protected: //
// data members
HANDLE hProcess; HMODULE hLoadedModules[1024]; ULONG ProcessID; BOOLEAN SelfProcess; static BOOLEAN PrivilegeEnabled;
public: //
// exceptions
struct ProcessException{ ULONG ErrCode; virtual void dump(ostream &os) = 0; }; struct InvalidProcessID : public ProcessException { ULONG ProcessID; InvalidProcessID(ULONG Pid, ULONG Err) : ProcessID(Pid){ ErrCode = Err; }
void dump(ostream &os) { os << *this; }
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const InvalidProcessID& rhs) { os << "Invalid Process ID : " << rhs.ProcessID << " Error Code : " << rhs.ErrCode << endl; return os; } };
struct EnumerationError : public ProcessException { EnumerationError(ULONG Err) { ErrCode=Err; }
void dump(ostream &os) { os << *this; }
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const EnumerationError& rhs) { os << "Enumeration Error : " << rhs.ErrCode << endl; return os; } };
// gives the process the required privileges
DWORD EnableRequiredPrivileges( VOID ) { HANDLE Token ; UCHAR Buf[ sizeof( TOKEN_PRIVILEGES ) + (sizeof( LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES ) * 3) ] = {0}; PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES Privs; DWORD Result = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (::OpenProcessToken(hProcess, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &Token))
{ Privs = (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) Buf ; Privs->PrivilegeCount = 3 ;
LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_DEBUG_NAME, &(Privs->Privileges[0].Luid)); Privs->Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED ;
LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_INC_BASE_PRIORITY_NAME, &(Privs->Privileges[1].Luid)); Privs->Privileges[1].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED ;
LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_LOCK_MEMORY_NAME, &(Privs->Privileges[2].Luid)); Privs->Privileges[2].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED ;
::AdjustTokenPrivileges(Token, FALSE, Privs, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Result = ::GetLastError();
::CloseHandle(Token); } else { Result = ::GetLastError(); }
return Result; } };
struct UsageException{};
// static data member
BOOLEAN Process::PrivilegeEnabled = FALSE;
DWORD LockModules( VOID ) { Process SelfProcess; DWORD LockedMemorySize = 0;
return SelfProcess.LockMemory(LockedMemorySize); }
// global data
const string Usage = "Usage: lm.exe [process-to-execute]\n"; const int MinimumArgs = 2; const string ShowHelp1 = "/?"; const string ShowHelp2 = "-h"; const string SelfProcess = "-self";
/* main() entry point
*/ int __cdecl main( int Argc, char *Argv[] ) { int Result = 0;
try { if (Argc == MinimumArgs) { char *EndPtr = 0; string Arg1(Argv[1]);
// verify arguments
if (Arg1 == ShowHelp1 || Arg1 == ShowHelp2) throw UsageException();
DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; SIZE_T Min = 0, Max = 0; DWORD LockedMemorySize = 0; DWORD WSSize = 0; if (Arg1 != SelfProcess) { PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo = {0}; STARTUPINFOA StartupInfo = {0}; char ExecutableName[MAX_PATH]; strcpy(ExecutableName, Arg1.c_str()); BOOL CreateResult = CreateProcessA(NULL, ExecutableName, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo);
if (CreateResult) { cout << "Waiting for : " << ExecutableName << "..." << endl; WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, 2000);
Process ExecedProcess(ProcessInfo.dwProcessId);
cout << ExecedProcess << endl;
ExecedProcess.GetWSSizeLimits(Min, Max);
cout << "Existing WS Limits : " << dec << Min << ", " << Max << endl;
LastError = ExecedProcess.LockMemory(LockedMemorySize);
ExecedProcess.GetWSSizeLimits(Min, Max);
cout << "New WS Limits : " << dec << Min << ", " << Max << endl; cout << "Locked " << dec << LockedMemorySize << " / " << ExecedProcess.GetTotalWSSize() << " Bytes" << endl; } else { LastError = GetLastError(); } } else { Process SelfProcess; cout << SelfProcess << endl; SelfProcess.GetWSSizeLimits(Min, Max); cout << "Existing WS Limits : " << dec << Min << ", " << Max << endl;
LastError = SelfProcess.LockMemory(LockedMemorySize);
SelfProcess.GetWSSizeLimits(Min, Max); cout << "New WS Limits : " << dec << Min << ", " << Max << endl;
cout << "Locked " << dec << LockedMemorySize << " / " << SelfProcess.GetTotalWSSize() << " Bytes" << endl; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != LastError) { cout << "Error : " << dec << LastError << endl; } } else { cerr << Usage; Result = 1; } } catch(Process::ProcessException *pExp) { pExp->dump(cerr); delete pExp; } catch (...) { cerr << Usage; Result = 1; }
return Result; }