[ENTRY] -- Taken from the Dial Up entry name in Win9x
Type=<RASET-code> -- RASET codes are defined in ras.h. They are RASET_Phone (0x1) , RASET_Vpn (0x2), RASET_Direct (0x3), RASET_Internet (0x4). This setting determines what is dialup options are presented to the end user.
Description=<description> -- This is not used by NT5 and nothing is migrated to it.
AutoLogon=<1/0> -- ???????????????
DialParamsUID=<unique-ID> -- ???????????????
Guid=<guid> -- Nothing is migrated to this setting. A GUID will be assigned to the entry the first time it is used on NT 5.0.
UsePwForNetwork=<1/0> -- This is unused on NT 5.0 and nothing is migrated to it.
ServerType=<ST-code> -- This is unused on NT 5.0 and nothing is migrated to it.
BaseProtocol=<BP-code> ;same Authentication=<AS-code> ;same ExcludedProtocols=<NP-bits> ;same LcpExtensions=<1/0> ;same DataEncryption=<DE-code> ;same, but new codes for IpSec SkipNwcWarning=<1/0> ;same SkipDownLevelDialog=<1/0> ;same SwCompression=<1/0> ;same UseCountryAndAreaCodes=<1/0> ;Deleted, becomes "UseDRules" of 1st phone# AreaCode=<string> ;Deleted, becomes "AreaCode" of 1st phone# CountryID=<id> ;Deleted, becomes "CountryID" of 1st # CountryCode=<code> ;Deleted, becomes "CountryCode" of 1st #
ShowMonitorIconInTaskBar=<1/0> -- The answer to this is the value stored in !(<HKR\Remote Access\[DialUi]> & DIALUI_DONT_SHOW_ICON)
CustomAuthKey=<EAP-code> -- Nothing is migrated to this key from Windows9x.
CustomAuthData=<hexdump> -- Nothing is migrated to this key from Windows9x.
AuthRestrictions=<AR-code> -- Nothing is migrate to this key from Windows9x.
OverridePref=<RASOR-bits> -- Set to "15" on upgrade. This ensures that RedialAttempts, RedialSeconds, IdleDisconnectSeconds, and RedialOnLinkFailure are used from the entry. This is also the default set on NT 5.0.
DialMode=<DM-code> -- Nothing migrated currently for this setting. Need to have multilink tested further to see if there is something that can be put there (I do not think that there is..)
DialPercent=<0-100> -- Hardcoded to '90' during migration.
DialSeconds=<1-n> -- Hardcoded to '120' during migration.
HangUpPercent=<0-100> -- Hardcoded to '50' during migration.
HangUpSeconds=<1-n> -- Hardcoded to '120' during migration.
RedialAttempts=<n> -- <HKR\Remote Access\[RedialTry]>
RedialSeconds=<n> -- let d = <HKR\Remote Access\[RedialWait]>, then DialSeconds = HIWORD(d) * 60 + LOWORD(d)
IdleDisconnectSeconds=<-1,0-n> -- Hardcoded to '-1' during migration.
RedialOnLinkFailure=<1/0> -- Defaults to 0 during migration.
CallbackMode=<1/0> -- Defaults to 0 during migration.
CustomDialDll=<path> ;same, i.e. NYI CustomDialFunc=<func-name> ;same, i.e. NYI AuthenticateServer=<1/0> ;same
SecureLocalFiles=<1/0> -- Not used during migration. ShareMsFilePrint=<1/0> -- Not used during migration. BindMsNetClient=<1/0> -- Not used during migration (need to investigate.)
SharedPhoneNumbers=<1/0> ;New PrerequisiteEntry=<entry-name> ;New PreviewUserPw=<1/0> ;New PreviewDomain=<1/0> ;New PreviewPhoneNumber=<1/0> ;New ShowDialingProgress=<1/0> ;New
IpPrioritizeRemote=<1/0> ;same (PPP/SLIP only) IpHeaderCompression=<1/0> ;same (PPP/SLIP only) IpAddress=<a.b.c.d> ;same (PPP/SLIP only) IpAssign=<ASRC-code> ;same (PPP/SLIP only) IpDnsAddress=<a.b.c.d> ;same (PPP/SLIP only) IpDns2Address=<a.b.c.d> ;same (PPP/SLIP only) IpWinsAddress=<a.b.c.d> ;same (PPP/SLIP only) IpWins2Address=<a.b.c.d> ;same (PPP/SLIP only) IpNameAssign=<ASRC-code> ;same (PPP/SLIP only) IpFrameSize=<1006/1500> ;same (SLIP only)
In general each section contains subsections delimited by MEDIA=<something> and DEVICE=<something> lines. There can be any number of DEVICE subsections. There can be multiple MEDIA/DEVICE sets where the position of the set determines it's sub-entry index, the first being 1, the second 2, etc.
For serial media, the program currently expects 1 to 4 DEVICE subsections, representing a preconnect switch, modem, X.25 PAD, and postconnect switch. Following is a full entry:
MEDIA=serial ;same Port=<port-name> ;same Device=<device-name> ;same ConnectBps=<bps> ;same, for old MXS support only
DEVICE=switch ;same Type=<switchname or Terminal> ;Deleted, converted to 2 fields below Name=<switchname> ;New, name of switch or empty if none Terminal=<1/0> ;New, terminal is to run with/without above
DEVICE=modem ;same
PhoneNumber=<phonenumber1> ;same AreaCode=<area-code1> ;New CountryID=<id> ;New CountryCode=<country-code> ;New UseDialingRules=<1/0> ;New Comment=<arbitrary-text1> ;New, 'Description' from upgrade ... PhoneNumber=<phonenumber2> ;same AreaCode=<area-code1> ;New CountryID=<id> ;New CountryCode=<country-code> ;New UseDialingRules=<1/0> ;New Comment=<arbitrary-text2> ;New ... PhoneNumber=<phonenumberN> ;same AreaCode=<area-code1> ;New CountryID=<id> ;New CountryCode=<country-code> ;New UseDialingRules=<1/0> ;New Comment=<arbitrary-textn> ;New
LastSelectedPhone=<index> ;New PromoteAlternates=<1/0> ;same TryNextAlternateOnFail=<1/0> ;New
TapiBlob=<hexdump> ;same, i.e. #if 0'd out ManualDial=<1/0> ;For old MXS support only HwFlowControl=<1/0> ;For old MXS support only Protocol=<1/0> ;For old MXS support only Compression=<1/0> ;For old MXS support only
DEVICE=pad ;same X25Pad=<padtype> ;same X25Address=<X121address> ;same UserData=<userdata> ;same Facilities=<facilities> ;same
DEVICE=switch ;same Type=<switchname or Terminal> ;Deleted, converted to 2 fields below Name=<switchname> ;New, name/path of switch or empty if none Terminal=<1/0> ;New, terminal is to run with/without above
For ISDN media, the program expects exactly 1 DEVICE subsection. Note that ISDN is now identical to the "other" case.
MEDIA=isdn ;same Port=<port-name> ;same Device=<device-name> ;same
DEVICE=isdn ;same
PhoneNumber=<phonenumber1> ;same AreaCode=<area-code1> ;New CountryID=<id> ;New CountryCode=<country-code> ;New UseDialingRules=<1/0> ;New Comment=<arbitrary-text1> ;New, 'Description' from upgrade ... PhoneNumber=<phonenumber2> ;same AreaCode=<area-code1> ;New CountryID=<id> ;New CountryCode=<country-code> ;New UseDialingRules=<1/0> ;New Comment=<arbitrary-text2> ;New ... PhoneNumber=<phonenumberN> ;same AreaCode=<area-code1> ;New CountryID=<id> ;New CountryCode=<country-code> ;New UseDialingRules=<1/0> ;New Comment=<arbitrary-textn> ;New
LastSelectedPhone=<index> ;New PromoteAlternates=<1/0> ;same TryNextPhoneNumberOnFail=<1/0> ;New
LineType=<0/1/2> ;same Fallback=<1/0> ;same EnableCompression=<1/0> ;For old protocol only ChannelAggregation=<channels> ;For old protocol only
For X.25 media, the program expects exactly 1 DEVICE subsection.
MEDIA=x25 ;same Port=<port-name> ;same Device=<device-name> ;same
DEVICE=x25 ;same X25Address=<X121address> ;same UserData=<userdata> ;same Facilities=<facilities> ;same
For other media, the program expects exactly one DEVICE subsection with device name matching the media. "Other" media and devices are created for entries assigned to all non-serial medias including ISDN which now matches the rules for "other".
MEDIA=<media> ;same Port=<port-name> ;same Device=<device-name> ;same
DEVICE=<media> ;same
PhoneNumber=<phonenumber1> ;same AreaCode=<area-code1> ;New CountryID=<id> ;New CountryCode=<country-code> ;New UseDialingRules=<1/0> ;New Comment=<arbitrary-text1> ;New, 'Description' from upgrade ... PhoneNumber=<phonenumber2> ;same AreaCode=<area-code1> ;New CountryID=<id> ;New CountryCode=<country-code> ;New UseDialingRules=<1/0> ;New Comment=<arbitrary-text2> ;New ... PhoneNumber=<phonenumberN> ;same AreaCode=<area-code1> ;New CountryID=<id> ;New CountryCode=<country-code> ;New UseDialingRules=<1/0> ;New Comment=<arbitrary-textn> ;New
LastSelectedPhone=<index> ;New PromoteAlternates=<1/0> ;same TryNextPhoneNumberOnFail=<1/0> ;New
The phonebook also supports the concept of "custom" entries, i.e. entries that fit the MEDIA followed by DEVICE subsection rules but which do not include certain expected key fields. A custom entry is not editable with the UI, but may be chosen for connection. This gives us a story for new drivers added by 3rd parties or after release and not yet fully supported in the UI. (NOTE: Support for this may be dropped in RAS API)