Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains miscellaneous Configuration Manager API routines.
CMP_RegisterNotification CMP_UnregisterNotification
Jim Cavalaris (jamesca) 05-05-2001
User mode only.
Revision History:
05-May-2001 jamesca
Creation and initial implementation (moved from cfgmgr32\misc.c).
// includes
#include "precomp.h"
#include "cfgi.h"
#include "winsvcp.h"
// global data
#ifndef _WIN64
extern BOOL IsWow64; // set if we're running under WOW64, externed from setupapi\dll.c
#endif // _WIN64
// GetModuleFileNameExW, dynamically loaded by CMP_RegisterNotification
CONFIGRET CMP_RegisterNotification( IN HANDLE hRecipient, IN LPBYTE NotificationFilter, IN DWORD Flags, OUT PNP_NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT *Context )
Routine Description:
This routine registers the specified handle for the type of Plug and Play device event notification specified by the NotificationFilter.
hRecipient - Handle to register as the notification recipient. May be a window handle or service status handle, and must be specified with the appropriate flags.
NotificationFilter - Specifies a notification filter that specifies the type of events to register for. The Notification filter specifies a pointer to a DEV_BROADCAST_HEADER structure, whose dbch_devicetype member indicates the actual type of the NotificationFilter.
Currently, may be one of the following:
Flags - Specifies additional flags for the operation. The following flags are currently defined:
DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE - hRecipient specifies a window handle.
DEVICE_NOTIFY_SERVICE_HANDLE - hRecipient specifies a service status handle.
DEVICE_NOTIFY_COMPLETION_HANDLE - Not currently implemented.
DEVICE_NOTIFY_ALL_INTERFACE_CLASSES - Specifies that the notification request is for all device interface change events. Only valid with a DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE NotificationFilter. If this flag is specified the dbcc_classguid field is ignored.
Context - Receives a notification context. This context is supplied to the server via PNP_UnregisterNotification to unregister the corresponding notification handle.
Return Value:
Returns CR_SUCCESS if the component was successfully registered for notification. Returns CR_FAILURE otherwise.
This CM API does not allow the client to specify a server name because the RPC call is always made to the local server. This routine will never call the corresponding RPC server interface (PNP_RegisterNotification) remotely. Additionally, this routine is private, and should only be called via user32!RegisterDeviceNotification.
{ CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; NTSTATUS ntStatus; handle_t hBinding = NULL; ULONG ulSize; PPNP_CLIENT_CONTEXT ClientContext; ULONG64 ClientContext64; WCHAR ClientName[MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN];
try { //
// validate parameters
if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Context)) { Status = CR_INVALID_POINTER; goto Clean0; }
*Context = NULL;
if ((!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(NotificationFilter)) || (hRecipient == NULL)) { Status = CR_INVALID_POINTER; goto Clean0; }
// DEVICE_NOTIFY_BITS is a private mask, defined specifically for
// validation by the client and server. It contains the bitmask for all
// handle types (DEVICE_NOTIFY_COMPLETION_HANDLE specifically excluded
// by the server), and all other flags that are currently defined - both
// public and reserved.
if (INVALID_FLAGS(Flags, DEVICE_NOTIFY_BITS)) { Status = CR_INVALID_FLAG; goto Clean0; }
// Make sure the caller didn't specify any private flags. Flags in this
// range are currently reserved for use by CFGMGR32 and UMPNPMGR only!!
if ((Flags & DEVICE_NOTIFY_RESERVED_MASK) != 0) { Status = CR_INVALID_FLAG; goto Clean0; }
// validate the notification filter. UlSize is used as an explicit
// parameter to let RPC know how much data to marshall, though the
// server validates the size in the structure against it as well.
ulSize = ((PDEV_BROADCAST_HDR)NotificationFilter)->dbch_size;
if (ulSize < sizeof(DEV_BROADCAST_HDR)) { Status = CR_INVALID_DATA; goto Clean0; }
#ifndef _WIN64
// Determine if the 32 bit client is running on WOW64, and set the
// reserved flags appropriately.
if (IsWow64) { Flags |= DEVICE_NOTIFY_WOW64_CLIENT; } #endif // _WIN64
// setup rpc binding handle (don't need string table handle)
if (!PnPGetGlobalHandles(NULL, NULL, &hBinding)) { Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
// Allocate client context handle from the local process heap.
ClientContext = LocalAlloc(0, sizeof(PNP_CLIENT_CONTEXT));
if (ClientContext == NULL) { Status = CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto Clean0; }
// Put a signature on the client context, to be checked (and
// invalidated) at unregistration time.
ClientContext->PNP_CC_Signature = CLIENT_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE; ClientContext->PNP_CC_ContextHandle = 0;
memset(ClientName, 0, sizeof(ClientName));
DWORD dwLength = 0;
// first, try to retrieve the window text of the window being
// registered for device event notification. we'll pass this into
// UMPNPMGR for use as an identifier when the window vetoes device
// event notifications.
dwLength = GetWindowText(hRecipient, ClientName, MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN); if (dwLength == 0) { //
// GetWindowText did not return any text. Attempt to retrieve
// the process module name instead.
// get the id of the process that this window handle is
// associated with.
if (GetWindowThreadProcessId(hRecipient, &dwProcessId)) {
if (hProcess) {
// load the psapi.dll library and find the the
// GetModuleFileNameExW entry point.
hPsApiDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("psapi.dll"));
if (hPsApiDll) {
pfnGetModuleFileNameExW = (PFN_GETMODULEFILENAMEEXW)GetProcAddress(hPsApiDll, "GetModuleFileNameExW");
if (pfnGetModuleFileNameExW) { //
// retrieve the module file name for the process
// this window handle is associated with.
dwLength = pfnGetModuleFileNameExW(hProcess, NULL, ClientName, MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN); } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID, DBGF_ERRORS | DBGF_EVENT, "CFGMGR32: CMP_RegisterNotification: GetProcAddress returned error = %d\n", GetLastError())); }
FreeLibrary(hPsApiDll); } CloseHandle(hProcess); } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID, DBGF_ERRORS | DBGF_EVENT, "CFGMGR32: CMP_RegisterNotification: OpenProcess returned error = %d\n", GetLastError())); }
} else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID, DBGF_ERRORS | DBGF_EVENT, "CFGMGR32: CMP_RegisterNotification: GetWindowThreadProcessId returned error = %d\n", GetLastError())); } }
if (dwLength == 0) { //
// could not retrieve any identifier for this window.
ClientName[0] = UNICODE_NULL;
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID, DBGF_WARNINGS | DBGF_EVENT, "CFGMGR32: CMP_RegisterNotification: Could not retieve any name for window %d!!\n", hRecipient)); }
// Get the name of the service corresponding to the service status
// handle supplied.
if (NO_ERROR != I_ScPnPGetServiceName(hRecipient, ClientName, MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN)) { Status = CR_INVALID_DATA; LocalFree(ClientContext); goto Clean0; }
// Just set this to point to the buffer we use. PNP_RegisterNotification will unpack it.
hRecipient = ClientName; }
// The client context pointer is now always transmitted to the server as
// a 64-bit value - which is large enough to hold the pointer in both
// the 32-bit and 64-bit cases. This standardizes the RPC interface for
// all clients, since RPC will always marshall a 64-bit value. The
// server will also store the value internally as a 64-bit value, but
// cast it to an HDEVNOTIFY of appropriate size for the client.
// Note that we have RPC transmit this parameter simply as a pointer to
// a ULONG64 (which is actually a pointer itself). We don't transmit it
// as a pointer to a PPNP_CLIENT_CONTEXT (which is also a pointer)
// because RPC would instead allocate the memory to marshall the
// contents of the structure to the server. The server would get a
// pointer to RPC allocated memory, not the actual value of the client
// pointer - which is all we really want to send in the first place.
// The server does not actually use this value as a pointer to anything.
ClientContext64 = (ULONG64)ClientContext;
RpcTryExcept { //
// call rpc service entry point
Status = PNP_RegisterNotification( hBinding, (ULONG_PTR)hRecipient, ClientName, NotificationFilter, ulSize, Flags, &((PNP_NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT)(ClientContext->PNP_CC_ContextHandle)), GetCurrentProcessId(), &((ULONG64)ClientContext64));
} RpcExcept (I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID, DBGF_WARNINGS | DBGF_EVENT, "PNP_RegisterNotification caused an exception (%d)\n", RpcExceptionCode()));
Status = MapRpcExceptionToCR(RpcExceptionCode()); } RpcEndExcept
if (Status != CR_SUCCESS) { //
// Something went wrong. If we built a context handle
// let it dangle; we can't tell RPC it's gone. (will get rundown)
// If it's NULL, free the memory.
// Don't tell the client we succeeded
if (ClientContext->PNP_CC_ContextHandle == 0) { LocalFree (ClientContext); } *Context = NULL; } else { *Context = (PNP_NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT)ClientContext; }
Clean0: NOTHING;
return Status;
} // CMP_RegisterNotification
CONFIGRET CMP_UnregisterNotification( IN ULONG_PTR Context )
Routine Description:
This routine unregisters the Plug and Play device event notification entry represented by the specified notification context.
Context - Supplies a client notification context.
Return Value:
Returns CR_SUCCESS if the component was successfully unregistered for notification. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following:
This CM API does not allow the client to specify a server name because the RPC call is always made to the local server. This routine will never call the corresponding RPC server interface (PNP_UnregisterNotification) remotely. Additionally, this routine is private, and should only be called via user32!UnregisterDeviceNotification.
{ CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; handle_t hBinding = NULL; PPNP_CLIENT_CONTEXT ClientContext = (PPNP_CLIENT_CONTEXT)Context;
try { //
// validate parameters
if (Context == 0 || Context == (ULONG_PTR)(-1)) { Status = CR_INVALID_POINTER; goto Clean0; }
// make sure the client context signature is valid
if (ClientContext->PNP_CC_Signature != CLIENT_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID, DBGF_ERRORS, "CMP_UnregisterNotification: bad signature on client handle\n")); Status = CR_INVALID_POINTER; goto Clean0; }
// setup rpc binding handle (don't need string table handle)
if (!PnPGetGlobalHandles(NULL, NULL, &hBinding)) { Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
RpcTryExcept { //
// call rpc service entry point
Status = PNP_UnregisterNotification( hBinding, (PPNP_NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT)&(ClientContext->PNP_CC_ContextHandle));
} RpcExcept (I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID, DBGF_WARNINGS | DBGF_EVENT, "PNP_UnregisterNotification caused an exception (%d)\n", RpcExceptionCode()));
Status = MapRpcExceptionToCR(RpcExceptionCode()); } RpcEndExcept
if (Status == CR_SUCCESS) { //
// invalidate the client context signature and free the client
// context structure.
ClientContext->PNP_CC_Signature = 0; LocalFree((PVOID)Context); }
Clean0: NOTHING;
return Status;
} // CMP_UnregisterNotification