Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the API routines that operate directly on ranges.
CM_Add_Range CM_Create_Range_List CM_Delete_Range CM_Dup_Range_List CM_Find_Range CM_First_Range CM_Free_Range_List CM_Intersect_Range_List CM_Invert_Range_List CM_Merge_Range_List CM_Next_Range CM_Test_Range_Available
Paula Tomlinson (paulat) 10-17-1995
User mode only.
Revision History:
17-Oct-1995 paulat
Creation and initial implementation.
// includes
#include "precomp.h"
#include "cfgi.h"
#include "setupapi.h"
#include "spapip.h"
// Private prototypes
BOOL IsValidRangeList( IN RANGE_LIST rlh );
CONFIGRET AddRange( IN PRange_Element pParentElement, IN DWORDLONG ullStartValue, IN DWORDLONG ullEndValue, IN ULONG ulFlags );
CONFIGRET InsertRange( IN PRange_Element pParentElement, IN DWORDLONG ullStartValue, IN DWORDLONG ullEndValue );
CONFIGRET DeleteRange( IN PRange_Element pParentElement );
CONFIGRET JoinRange( IN PRange_Element pParentElement, IN DWORDLONG ullStartValue, IN DWORDLONG ullEndValue );
CONFIGRET CopyRanges( IN PRange_Element pFromRange, IN PRange_Element pToRange );
CONFIGRET ClearRanges( IN PRange_Element pRange );
CONFIGRET TestRange( IN PRange_Element rlh, IN DWORDLONG ullStartValue, IN DWORDLONG ullEndValue, OUT PRange_Element *pConflictingRange );
// global data
Routine Description:
This routine adds a memory range to a range list.
ullStartValue Low end of the range.
ullEndValue High end of the range.
rlh Handle of a range list.
ulFlags Supplies flags specifying options for ranges that conflict with ranges alread in the list. May be one of the following values:
CM_ADD_RANGE_ADDIFCONFLICT New range is merged with the ranges it conflicts with. CM_ADD_RANGE_DONOTADDIFCONFLICT Returns CR_FAILURE if there is a conflict.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is CR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: CR_FAILURE, CR_INVALID_FLAG, CR_INVALID_RANGE, CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST, or CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY. --*/
try { //
// validate parameters
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlh)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (INVALID_FLAGS(ulFlags, CM_ADD_RANGE_BITS)) { Status = CR_INVALID_FLAG; goto Clean0; }
if (ullStartValue > ullEndValue) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE; goto Clean0; }
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlh)->RLH_Lock); bLock = TRUE;
Status = AddRange((PRange_Element)rlh, ullStartValue, ullEndValue, ulFlags);
Clean0: NOTHING;
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bLock = bLock; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
Status = CR_FAILURE; }
if (bLock) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlh)->RLH_Lock); }
return Status;
} // CM_Add_Range
CONFIGRET CM_Create_Range_List( OUT PRANGE_LIST prlh, IN ULONG ulFlags )
Routine Description:
This routine creates a list of ranges.
prlh Supplies the address of the variable that receives a handle to the new range list.
ulFlags Must be zero.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is CR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: CR_INVALID_FLAG, CR_INVALID_POINTER, or CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY.
{ CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; PRange_List_Hdr pRangeHdr = NULL;
try { //
// validate parameters
if (INVALID_FLAGS(ulFlags, 0)) { Status = CR_INVALID_FLAG; goto Clean0; }
if (prlh == NULL) { Status = CR_INVALID_POINTER; goto Clean0; }
// allocate a buffer for the range list header struct
pRangeHdr = pSetupMalloc(sizeof(Range_List_Hdr));
if (pRangeHdr == NULL) { Status = CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto Clean0; }
// initialize the range list header buffer
pRangeHdr->RLH_Head = 0; pRangeHdr->RLH_Header = (ULONG_PTR)pRangeHdr; pRangeHdr->RLH_Signature = Range_List_Signature;
// initialize the private resource lock
// return a pointer to range list buffer to the caller
*prlh = (RANGE_LIST)pRangeHdr;
Clean0: NOTHING;
return Status;
} // CM_Create_Range_List
CONFIGRET CM_Delete_Range( IN DWORDLONG ullStartValue, IN DWORDLONG ullEndValue, IN RANGE_LIST rlh, IN ULONG ulFlags )
Routine Description:
This routine deletes a range from a range list. If ullStartValue and ullEndValue are set to 0 and DWORD_MAX, this API carries out a special case, quickly emptying the lower 4 Gigabytes of the range. If ullEndValue is instead DWORDLONG_MAX, the entire range list is cleared, without having to process each element.
ullStartValue Low end of the range.
ullEndValue High end of the range.
rlh Handle of a range list.
ulFlags Must be zero.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is CR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: CR_FAILURE, CR_INVALID_FLAG, CR_INVALID_RANGE, CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST, or CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY.
{ CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; PRange_Element pRange = NULL, pPrevious = NULL, pCurrent = NULL; BOOL bLock = FALSE;
try { //
// validate parameters
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlh)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (INVALID_FLAGS(ulFlags, 0)) { Status = CR_INVALID_FLAG; goto Clean0; }
if (ullStartValue > ullEndValue) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE; goto Clean0; }
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlh)->RLH_Lock); bLock = TRUE;
pPrevious = (PRange_Element)rlh;
// first check the special case range values
if (ullStartValue == 0) {
if (ullEndValue == DWORDLONG_MAX) { //
// quick clear of all ranges
ClearRanges(pPrevious); }
else if (ullEndValue == DWORD_MAX) { //
// quick clear of lower 4 GB ranges
while (pPrevious->RL_Next != 0) { pCurrent = (PRange_Element)pPrevious->RL_Next;
if (pCurrent->RL_Start >= DWORD_MAX) { goto Clean0; // done
if (pCurrent->RL_End >= DWORD_MAX) { pCurrent->RL_Start = DWORD_MAX; goto Clean0; // done
DeleteRange(pPrevious); // pass the parent
} goto Clean0; } }
// search through each range in this list, if any part of the
// specified range is contained in this range list, remove the
// intersections
while (pPrevious->RL_Next != 0) { pRange = (PRange_Element)pPrevious->RL_Next;
// if this range is completely before the current range, then
// we can stop
if (ullEndValue < pRange->RL_Start) { break; }
// if this range is completely after the current range, then
// skip to the next range
if (ullStartValue > pRange->RL_End) { goto NextRange; }
// if the range is completely contained, then delete the whole
// thing
if (ullStartValue <= pRange->RL_Start && ullEndValue >= pRange->RL_End) {
DeleteRange(pPrevious); // pass the parent range
// don't goto next range because that would increment the
// pPrevious counter. Since the current range was just deleted,
// we need to process the current spot still.
continue; }
// if the start of the specified range intersects the current range,
// adjust the current range to exclude it
if (ullStartValue > pRange->RL_Start && ullStartValue <= pRange->RL_End) { //
// if the specified range is in the middle of this range, then
// in addition to shrinking the first part of the range, I'll
// have to create a range for the second part
// | |<-- delete --->| |
if (ullEndValue < pRange->RL_End) { AddRange(pRange, ullEndValue+1, pRange->RL_End, CM_ADD_RANGE_ADDIFCONFLICT); }
pRange->RL_End = ullStartValue-1;
// reset the delete range for further processing
if (ullEndValue > pRange->RL_End) { ullStartValue = pRange->RL_End+1; } }
// if the end of the specified range intersects the current range,
// adjust the current range to exclude it
if (ullEndValue >= pRange->RL_Start && ullEndValue <= pRange->RL_End) {
pRange->RL_Start = ullEndValue+1;
// reset the delete range for further processing
if (ullEndValue > pRange->RL_End) { ullStartValue = pRange->RL_End+1; } }
pPrevious = (PRange_Element)pPrevious->RL_Next; }
Clean0: NOTHING;
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bLock = bLock; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
Status = CR_FAILURE; }
if (bLock) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlh)->RLH_Lock); }
return Status;
} // CM_Delete_Range
Routine Description:
This routine copies a range list.
rlhOld Supplies the handle of the range list to copy.
rlhNew Supplies the handle of a valid range list into which rlhOld is copied. Anything contained in the rlhNew range list is removed by the copy operation.
ulFlags Must be zero.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is CR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: CR_INVALID_FLAG, CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST, or CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY
{ CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; PRange_Element pRangeNew = NULL, pRangeOld = NULL; BOOL bLockOld = FALSE, bLockNew = FALSE;
try { //
// validate parameters
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlhOld)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlhNew)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (INVALID_FLAGS(ulFlags, 0)) { Status = CR_INVALID_FLAG; goto Clean0; }
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhOld)->RLH_Lock); bLockOld = TRUE;
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhNew)->RLH_Lock); bLockNew = TRUE;
pRangeNew = (PRange_Element)rlhNew; pRangeOld = (PRange_Element)rlhOld;
// If the new range list is not empty, then delete ranges
if (pRangeNew->RL_Next != 0) { ClearRanges(pRangeNew); }
Status = CR_SUCCESS; // reset status flag to okay
// duplicate each of the old ranges
pRangeOld = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld->RL_Next; CopyRanges(pRangeOld, pRangeNew);
Clean0: NOTHING;
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bLockOld = bLockOld; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
bLockNew = bLockNew; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
Status = CR_FAILURE; }
if (bLockOld) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhOld)->RLH_Lock); } if (bLockNew) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhNew)->RLH_Lock); }
return Status;
} // CM_Dup_Range_List
Routine Description:
This routine attempts to find a range in the supplied range list that will accommodate the range requirements specified. [TBD: Verify that this description is correct.]
pullStart Supplies the address of a variable that receives the starting value of the allocated range.
ullStart Supplies the starting address that the range can have.
ulLength Supplies the length needed for the allocated range.
ullAlignment Supplies the alignment bitmask that specifies where the allocated range can start. [TBD: verify that this is indeed a bitmask]
ullEnd Supplies the ending address of the area from which the range may be allocated.
rlh Supplies a handle to a range list in which the specified range is to be found.
ulFlags TBD
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is CR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: CR_INVALID_FLAG, CR_INVALID_POINTER, CR_FAILURE
{ CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; PRange_Element pRange = NULL; DWORDLONG ullNewEnd; BOOL bLock = FALSE;
try { //
// validate parameters
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlh)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (pullStart == NULL) { Status = CR_INVALID_POINTER; goto Clean0; }
if (INVALID_FLAGS(ulFlags, 0)) { Status = CR_INVALID_FLAG; goto Clean0; }
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlh)->RLH_Lock); bLock = TRUE;
// Normalize aligment. Alignments are now like 0x00000FFF.
ullAlignment =~ ullAlignment;
// Test for impossible alignments (-1, not a power of 2 or start is
// less than alignment away from wrapping). Also test for invalid
// length.
if ((ullAlignment == DWORD_MAX) | (ulLength == 0) | ((ullAlignment & (ullAlignment + 1)) != 0) | (ullStart + ullAlignment < ullStart)) {
Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
// Align the base.
ullStart += ullAlignment; ullStart &= ~ullAlignment;
// Compute the new end.
ullNewEnd = ullStart + ulLength - 1;
// Make sure we do have space.
if ((ullNewEnd < ullStart) || (ullNewEnd > ullEnd)) { Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
// Check if that range fits
if (TestRange((PRange_Element)rlh, ullStart, ullStart + ulLength - 1, &pRange) == CR_SUCCESS) { //
// We got it then, on the first try.
*pullStart = ullStart; goto Clean0; }
// Search for a spot where this range will fit.
while (TRUE) { //
// Start at the end of the conflicting range.
ullStart = pRange->RL_End + 1;
// Check for wrapping.
if (!ullStart) { Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
// Make sure the alignment adjustment won't wrap.
if (ullStart + ullAlignment < ullStart) { Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
// Adjust the alignment.
ullStart += ullAlignment; ullStart &= ~ullAlignment;
// Compute the new end.
ullNewEnd = ullStart + ulLength - 1;
// Make sure the new end does not wrap and is still valid.
if ((ullNewEnd < ullStart) | (ullStart + ulLength - 1 > ullEnd)) { Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
// Skip any prls which existed only below our new range
// (because we moved ulStart upward of them).
while ((pRange = (PRange_Element)pRange->RL_Next) != NULL && ullStart > pRange->RL_End) { }
// If we don't have a prl or it's begining is after our end
if (pRange == NULL || ullNewEnd < pRange->RL_Start) { *pullStart = ullStart; goto Clean0; }
// Otherwise try with the new prl.
Clean0: NOTHING;
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bLock = bLock; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
Status = CR_FAILURE; }
if (bLock) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlh)->RLH_Lock); }
return Status;
} // CM_Find_Range
Routine Description:
This routine retrieves the first range element in a range list.
rlh Supplies the handle of a range list.
pullStart Supplies the address of a variable that receives the starting value of the first range element.
pullEnd Supplies the address of a variable that receives the ending value of the first range element.
preElement Supplies the address of a variable that receives the handle of the next range element.
ulFlags Must be zero.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is CR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: CR_FAILURE, CR_INVALID_FLAG, CR_INVALID_POINTER, or CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST.
{ CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; PRange_Element pRange = NULL; BOOL bLock = FALSE;
try { //
// validate parameters
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlh)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (pullEnd == NULL || pullStart == NULL || preElement == NULL) { Status = CR_INVALID_POINTER; goto Clean0; }
if (INVALID_FLAGS(ulFlags, 0)) { Status = CR_INVALID_FLAG; goto Clean0; }
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlh)->RLH_Lock); bLock = TRUE;
pRange = (PRange_Element)rlh;
// is the range list empty?
if (pRange->RL_Next == 0) { Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
// skip over the header to the first element
pRange = (PRange_Element)pRange->RL_Next;
*pullStart = pRange->RL_Start; *pullEnd = pRange->RL_End; *preElement = (RANGE_ELEMENT)pRange->RL_Next;
Clean0: NOTHING;
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bLock = bLock; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
Status = CR_FAILURE; }
if (bLock) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlh)->RLH_Lock); }
return Status;
} // CM_First_Range
CONFIGRET CM_Free_Range_List( IN RANGE_LIST rlh, IN ULONG ulFlags )
Routine Description:
This routine frees the specified range list and the memory allocated for it.
rlh Supplies the handle of the range list to be freed.
ulFlags Must be zero.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is CR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: CR_INVALID_FLAG, CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST.
try { //
// validate parameters
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlh)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (INVALID_FLAGS(ulFlags, 0)) { Status = CR_INVALID_FLAG; goto Clean0; }
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlh)->RLH_Lock); bLock = TRUE;
while (Status1 == CR_SUCCESS) { //
// keep deleting the first range after the header (pass parent
// of range to delete)
Status1 = DeleteRange((PRange_Element)rlh); }
// destroy the private resource lock
// delete the range header
((PRange_List_Hdr)rlh)->RLH_Signature = 0; pSetupFree((PRange_Element)rlh); bLock = FALSE;
Clean0: NOTHING;
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bLock = bLock; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
Status = CR_FAILURE; }
if (bLock) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlh)->RLH_Lock); }
return Status;
} // CM_Free_Range_List
CONFIGRET CM_Intersect_Range_List( IN RANGE_LIST rlhOld1, IN RANGE_LIST rlhOld2, IN RANGE_LIST rlhNew, IN ULONG ulFlags )
Routine Description:
This routine creates a range list from the intersection of two specified range lists. If this API returns CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, rlhNew is the handle of a valid but empty range list.
rlhOld1 Supplies the handle of a range list to be used as part of the intersection.
rlhOld2 Supplies the handle of a range list to be used as part of the intersection.
rlhNew Supplies the handle of the range list that receives the intersection of rlhOld1 and rlhOld2. Anything previously contained in the rlhNew ragne list is removed by this operation.
ulFlags Must be zero.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is CR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: CR_INVALID_FLAG, CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST, or CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY.
{ CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; DWORDLONG ulStart = 0, ulEnd = 0; PRange_Element pRangeNew = NULL, pRangeOld1 = NULL, pRangeOld2 = NULL; BOOL bLock1 = FALSE, bLock2 = FALSE, bLockNew = FALSE;
try { //
// validate parameters
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlhOld1)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlhOld2)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlhNew)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (INVALID_FLAGS(ulFlags, 0)) { Status = CR_INVALID_FLAG; goto Clean0; }
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhOld1)->RLH_Lock); bLock1 = TRUE;
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhOld2)->RLH_Lock); bLock2 = TRUE;
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhNew)->RLH_Lock); bLockNew = TRUE;
pRangeNew = (PRange_Element)rlhNew; pRangeOld1 = (PRange_Element)rlhOld1; pRangeOld2 = (PRange_Element)rlhOld2;
// If the new range list is not empty, then delete ranges
if (pRangeNew->RL_Next != 0) { ClearRanges(pRangeNew); }
// Special case: if either range is empty then there is no
// intersection by definition
if (pRangeOld1->RL_Next == 0 || pRangeOld2->RL_Next == 0) { goto Clean0; }
pRangeOld1 = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld1->RL_Next; pRangeOld2 = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld2->RL_Next;
while (TRUE) { //
// skip over Old2 ranges until intersects with or exceeds
// current Old1 range (or no more Old2 ranges left)
while (pRangeOld2->RL_End < pRangeOld1->RL_Start) {
if (pRangeOld2->RL_Next == 0) { goto Clean0; // Old2 exhausted, we're done
} pRangeOld2 = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld2->RL_Next; }
// if this Old2 range exceeds Old1 range, then go to the
// next Old1 range and go through the main loop again
if (pRangeOld2->RL_Start > pRangeOld1->RL_End) {
if (pRangeOld1->RL_Next == 0) { goto Clean0; // Old1 exhausted, we're done
} pRangeOld1 = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld1->RL_Next; continue; }
// if we got here there must be an intersection so add
// the intersected range to New
ulStart = max(pRangeOld1->RL_Start, pRangeOld2->RL_Start); ulEnd = min(pRangeOld1->RL_End, pRangeOld2->RL_End);
Status = InsertRange(pRangeNew, ulStart, ulEnd); if (Status != CR_SUCCESS) { goto Clean0; } pRangeNew = (PRange_Element)pRangeNew->RL_Next;
// after handling the intersection, skip to next ranges in
// Old1 and Old2 as appropriate
if (pRangeOld1->RL_End <= ulEnd) { if (pRangeOld1->RL_Next == 0) { goto Clean0; // Old1 exhausted, we're done
} pRangeOld1 = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld1->RL_Next; }
if (pRangeOld2->RL_End <= ulEnd) { if (pRangeOld2->RL_Next == 0) { goto Clean0; // Old1 exhausted, we're done
} pRangeOld2 = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld2->RL_Next; } }
Clean0: NOTHING;
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bLock1 = bLock1; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
bLock2 = bLock2; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
bLockNew = bLockNew; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
Status = CR_FAILURE; }
if (bLock1) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhOld1)->RLH_Lock); } if (bLock2) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhOld2)->RLH_Lock); } if (bLockNew) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhNew)->RLH_Lock); }
return Status;
} // CM_Intersect_Range_List
CONFIGRET CM_Invert_Range_List( IN RANGE_LIST rlhOld, IN RANGE_LIST rlhNew, IN DWORDLONG ullMaxValue, IN ULONG ulFlags )
Routine Description:
This routine creates a range list that is the inverse of a specified range list; all claimed ranges in the new list are specified as free in the old list, and vice-versa. For example, the inversion of {[2,4],[6,8]} when the ulMaxValue parameter is 15 is {[0,1],[5,5],[9,15]}. If this API returns CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, rlhNew is the handle of a valid but empty range list.
rlhOld Supplies the handle of a range list to be inverted.
rlhNew Supplies the handle of the range list that receives the inverted copy of rlhOld. Anything previously contained in the rlhNew range list is removed by this operation.
ullMaxValue Uppermost value of the inverted range list.
ulFlags Must be zero.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is CR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: CR_INVALID_FLAG, CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST, CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY.
{ CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; PRange_Element pRangeNew = NULL, pRangeOld = NULL; DWORDLONG ullStart = 0, ullEnd = 0; BOOL bLockOld = FALSE, bLockNew = FALSE;
try { //
// validate parameters
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlhOld)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlhNew)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (INVALID_FLAGS(ulFlags, 0)) { Status = CR_INVALID_FLAG; goto Clean0; }
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhOld)->RLH_Lock); bLockOld = TRUE;
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhNew)->RLH_Lock); bLockNew = TRUE;
pRangeNew = (PRange_Element)rlhNew; pRangeOld = (PRange_Element)rlhOld;
// If the new range list is not empty, then delete ranges
if (pRangeNew->RL_Next != 0) { ClearRanges(pRangeNew); }
// special case: if the old range is empty, then the new range
// is the entire range (up to max)
if (pRangeOld->RL_Next == 0) { Status = InsertRange(pRangeNew, 0, ullMaxValue); goto Clean0; }
// invert each of the old ranges
ullStart = ullEnd = 0;
while (pRangeOld->RL_Next != 0) {
pRangeOld = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld->RL_Next;
// Special start case: if range starts at 0, skip over it
if (pRangeOld->RL_Start != 0) {
// Special end case: check if we've hit the max for the new range
if (pRangeOld->RL_End >= ullMaxValue) {
ullEnd = min(ullMaxValue, pRangeOld->RL_Start - 1); Status = InsertRange(pRangeNew, ullStart, ullEnd); goto Clean0; // we're done
Status = InsertRange(pRangeNew, ullStart, pRangeOld->RL_Start - 1); if (Status != CR_SUCCESS) { goto Clean0; }
pRangeNew = (PRange_Element)pRangeNew->RL_Next; }
ullStart = pRangeOld->RL_End + 1; }
// add the range that incorporates the end of the old range up to
// the max value specified
if (ullStart <= ullMaxValue) { Status = InsertRange(pRangeNew, ullStart, ullMaxValue); }
Clean0: NOTHING;
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bLockOld = bLockOld; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
bLockNew = bLockNew; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
Status = CR_FAILURE; }
if (bLockOld) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhOld)->RLH_Lock); } if (bLockNew) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhNew)->RLH_Lock); }
return Status;
} // CM_Invert_Range_List
CONFIGRET CM_Merge_Range_List( IN RANGE_LIST rlhOld1, IN RANGE_LIST rlhOld2, IN RANGE_LIST rlhNew, IN ULONG ulFlags )
Routine Description:
This routine creates a range list from the union of two specified range lists. If this API returns CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, rlhNew is the handle of a valid but empty range list.
rlhOld1 Supplies the handle of a range list to be used as part of the union.
rlhOld2 Supplies the handle of a range list to be used as part of the union.
rlhNew Supplies the handle of the range list that receives the union of rlhOld1 and rlhOld2. Anything previously contained in the rlhNew range list is removed by this operation.
ulFlags Must be zero.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is CR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: CR_INVALID_FLAG, CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST, or CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY.
{ CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; DWORDLONG ullStart = 0, ullEnd = 0; BOOL bOld1Empty = FALSE, bOld2Empty = FALSE; PRange_Element pRangeNew = NULL, pRangeOld1 = NULL, pRangeOld2 = NULL; BOOL bLock1 = FALSE, bLock2 = FALSE, bLockNew = FALSE;
try { //
// validate parameters
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlhOld1)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlhOld2)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlhNew)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (INVALID_FLAGS(ulFlags, 0)) { Status = CR_INVALID_FLAG; goto Clean0; }
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhOld1)->RLH_Lock); bLock1 = TRUE;
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhOld2)->RLH_Lock); bLock2 = TRUE;
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhNew)->RLH_Lock); bLockNew = TRUE;
pRangeNew = (PRange_Element)rlhNew; pRangeOld1 = (PRange_Element)rlhOld1; pRangeOld2 = (PRange_Element)rlhOld2;
// If the new range list is not empty, then clear it
if (pRangeNew->RL_Next != 0) { ClearRanges(pRangeNew); }
// Special case: if both ranges are empty then there is no
// union by definition
if (pRangeOld1->RL_Next == 0 && pRangeOld2->RL_Next == 0) { goto Clean0; }
// Special case: if one range is empty, then the union is just the other
if (pRangeOld1->RL_Next == 0) { pRangeOld2 = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld2->RL_Next; CopyRanges(pRangeOld2, pRangeNew); // from -> to
goto Clean0; }
if (pRangeOld2->RL_Next == 0) { pRangeOld1 = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld1->RL_Next; CopyRanges(pRangeOld1, pRangeNew); // from -> to
goto Clean0; }
pRangeOld1 = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld1->RL_Next; pRangeOld2 = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld2->RL_Next;
while (TRUE) { //
// Pick whichever range comes first between current Old1 range
// and current Old2 range
if (pRangeOld1->RL_Start <= pRangeOld2->RL_Start) {
ullStart = pRangeOld1->RL_Start; ullEnd = pRangeOld1->RL_End;
if (pRangeOld1->RL_Next == 0) { bOld1Empty = TRUE; } else { pRangeOld1 = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld1->RL_Next; }
} else {
ullStart = pRangeOld2->RL_Start; ullEnd = pRangeOld2->RL_End;
if (pRangeOld2->RL_Next == 0) { bOld2Empty = TRUE; } else { pRangeOld2 = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld2->RL_Next; } }
// gather any ranges in Old1 that intersect (ullStart,ullEnd)
while (pRangeOld1->RL_Start <= ullEnd) {
ullEnd = max(ullEnd, pRangeOld1->RL_End);
if (pRangeOld1->RL_Next == 0) { bOld1Empty = TRUE; break; } pRangeOld1 = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld1->RL_Next; }
// gather any ranges in Old2 that intersect (ullStart,ullEnd)
while (pRangeOld2->RL_Start <= ullEnd) {
ullEnd = max(ullEnd, pRangeOld2->RL_End);
if (pRangeOld2->RL_Next == 0) { bOld2Empty = TRUE; break; } pRangeOld2 = (PRange_Element)pRangeOld2->RL_Next; }
// add (ullStart,ullEnd) to the new range
Status = InsertRange(pRangeNew, ullStart, ullEnd); if (Status != CR_SUCCESS) { goto Clean0; } pRangeNew = (PRange_Element)pRangeNew->RL_Next;
// As an optimization, if either range is exhausted first,
// then only need to duplicate the other remaining ranges.
if (bOld1Empty && bOld2Empty) { goto Clean0; // both exhausted during last pass, we're done
if (bOld1Empty) { // Old1 exhausted, copy remaining from Old2
CopyRanges(pRangeOld2, pRangeNew); goto Clean0; }
if (bOld2Empty) { // Old2 exhausted, copy remaining from Old1
CopyRanges(pRangeOld1, pRangeNew); goto Clean0; } }
Clean0: NOTHING;
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bLock1 = bLock1; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
bLock2 = bLock2; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
bLockNew = bLockNew; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
Status = CR_FAILURE; }
if (bLock1) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhOld1)->RLH_Lock); } if (bLock2) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhOld2)->RLH_Lock); } if (bLockNew) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlhNew)->RLH_Lock); }
return Status;
} // CM_Merge_Range_List
Routine Description:
This routine returns the next range element in a range list. This API returns CR_FAILURE if there are no more elements in the range list.
preElement Supplies the address of the handle for the current range element. Upon return, this variable receives the handle of the next range element.
pullStart Supplies the address of the variable that receives the starting value of the next range.
pullEnd Supplies the address of the variable that receives the ending value of the next range.
ulFlags Must be zero.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is CR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: CR_FAILURE, CR_INVALID_FLAG, CR_INVALID_POINTER, or CR_INVALID_RANGE.
{ CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; PRange_Element pRange = NULL; BOOL bLock = FALSE; PRange_List_Hdr prlh = NULL;
try { //
// validate parameters
if (preElement == NULL || *preElement == 0) { Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
if (pullEnd == NULL || pullStart == NULL) { Status = CR_INVALID_POINTER; goto Clean0; }
if (INVALID_FLAGS(ulFlags, 0)) { Status = CR_INVALID_FLAG; goto Clean0; }
prlh = (PRange_List_Hdr)((PRange_Element)(*preElement))->RL_Header; LockPrivateResource(&(prlh->RLH_Lock)); bLock = TRUE;
pRange = (PRange_Element)(*preElement);
*pullStart = pRange->RL_Start; *pullEnd = pRange->RL_End; *preElement = (RANGE_ELEMENT)pRange->RL_Next;
Clean0: NOTHING;
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bLock = bLock; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
Status = CR_FAILURE; }
if (bLock) { UnlockPrivateResource(&(prlh->RLH_Lock)); }
return Status;
} // CM_Next_Range
CONFIGRET CM_Test_Range_Available( IN DWORDLONG ullStartValue, IN DWORDLONG ullEndValue, IN RANGE_LIST rlh, IN ULONG ulFlags )
Routine Description:
This routine checks a range against a range list to ensure that no conflicts exist.
ullStartValue Supplies the low end of the range.
ullEndValue Supplies the high end of the range.
rlh Supplies the handle to a range list.
ulFlags Must be zero.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is CR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: CR_FAILURE, CR_INVALID_FLAG, CR_INVALID_RANGE, or CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST.
{ CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; PRange_Element pRange = NULL; BOOL bLock = FALSE;
try { //
// validate parameters
if (!IsValidRangeList(rlh)) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST; goto Clean0; }
if (INVALID_FLAGS(ulFlags, 0)) { Status = CR_INVALID_FLAG; goto Clean0; }
if (ullEndValue < ullStartValue) { Status = CR_INVALID_RANGE; goto Clean0; }
LockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlh)->RLH_Lock); bLock = TRUE;
pRange = (PRange_Element)rlh;
// check each range for a conflict
while (pRange->RL_Next != 0) {
pRange = (PRange_Element)pRange->RL_Next;
// If I've already passed the test range, then it's available
if (ullEndValue < pRange->RL_Start) { goto Clean0; }
// check if the start of the test range intersects the current range
if (ullStartValue >= pRange->RL_Start && ullStartValue <= pRange->RL_End) {
Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
// check if the end of the test range intersects the current range
if (ullEndValue >= pRange->RL_Start && ullEndValue <= pRange->RL_End) {
Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
// check if it's a complete overlap
if (ullStartValue <= pRange->RL_Start && ullEndValue >= pRange->RL_End) {
Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; } }
// if we got this far, then we made it through the range list
// without hitting a conflict
Clean0: NOTHING;
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bLock = bLock; // needed to prevent optimizing this flag away
Status = CR_FAILURE; }
if (bLock) { UnlockPrivateResource(&((PRange_List_Hdr)rlh)->RLH_Lock); }
return Status;
} // CM_Test_Range_Available
// Private Utility Functions
BOOL IsValidRangeList( IN RANGE_LIST rlh ) { BOOL Status = TRUE; PRange_List_Hdr pRangeHdr = NULL;
try {
if (rlh == 0 || rlh == (DWORD)-1) { return FALSE; }
pRangeHdr = (PRange_List_Hdr)rlh;
if (pRangeHdr->RLH_Signature != Range_List_Signature) { Status = FALSE; }
return Status;
} // IsValidRangeList
CONFIGRET AddRange( IN PRange_Element prlh, IN DWORDLONG ullStartValue, IN DWORDLONG ullEndValue, IN ULONG ulFlags ) { CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; PRange_Element pPrevious = NULL, pCurrent = NULL;
try {
pPrevious = prlh;
if (pPrevious->RL_Next == 0) { //
// the range is empty
Status = InsertRange(pPrevious, ullStartValue, ullEndValue); goto Clean0; }
while (pPrevious->RL_Next != 0) {
pCurrent = (PRange_Element)pPrevious->RL_Next;
if (ullStartValue < pCurrent->RL_Start) {
if (ullEndValue < pCurrent->RL_Start) { //
// new range completely contained before this one,
// add new range between previous and current range
Status = InsertRange(pPrevious, ullStartValue, ullEndValue); goto Clean0; }
if (ullEndValue <= pCurrent->RL_End) { //
// new range intersects current range, on the low side,
// enlarge this range to include the new range
if (ulFlags == CM_ADD_RANGE_DONOTADDIFCONFLICT) { Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
pCurrent->RL_Start = ullStartValue; goto Clean0; }
if ((pCurrent->RL_Next == 0) || (ullEndValue < ((PRange_Element)(pCurrent->RL_Next))->RL_Start)) { //
// new range intersects current range on high and low
// side, extent range to include the new range
if (ulFlags == CM_ADD_RANGE_DONOTADDIFCONFLICT) { Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
pCurrent->RL_Start = ullStartValue; pCurrent->RL_End = ullEndValue; goto Clean0; }
// new range intersects more than one range, needs to be
// merged
if (ulFlags == CM_ADD_RANGE_DONOTADDIFCONFLICT) { Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
Status = JoinRange(pPrevious, ullStartValue, ullEndValue); goto Clean0; }
if (ullStartValue <= pCurrent->RL_End+1) {
if (ullEndValue <= pCurrent->RL_End) { //
// new range is completely contained inside the current
// range so nothing to do
if (ulFlags == CM_ADD_RANGE_DONOTADDIFCONFLICT) { Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
goto Clean0; }
if ((pCurrent->RL_Next == 0) || (ullEndValue < ((PRange_Element)(pCurrent->RL_Next))->RL_Start)) { //
// new range intersects current range on high end only,
// extend range to include the new range
if (ulFlags == CM_ADD_RANGE_DONOTADDIFCONFLICT) { Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
pCurrent->RL_End = ullEndValue; goto Clean0; }
// new range intersects more than one range, needs to be
// merged
if (ulFlags == CM_ADD_RANGE_DONOTADDIFCONFLICT) { Status = CR_FAILURE; goto Clean0; }
Status = JoinRange(pPrevious, ullStartValue, ullEndValue); goto Clean0; }
// step to the next range
pPrevious = pCurrent; pCurrent = (PRange_Element)pCurrent->RL_Next; }
// if we got here then we need to just insert this range to the end
// of the range list
Status = InsertRange(pPrevious, ullStartValue, ullEndValue);
Clean0: NOTHING;
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = 0; }
return Status;
} // AddRange
CONFIGRET InsertRange( IN PRange_Element pParentElement, IN DWORDLONG ullStartValue, IN DWORDLONG ullEndValue) { PRange_Element pNewElement = NULL;
pNewElement = (PRange_Element)pSetupMalloc(sizeof(Range_Element));
if (pNewElement == NULL) { return CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
pNewElement->RL_Next = pParentElement->RL_Next; // rejoin the link
pNewElement->RL_Start = ullStartValue; pNewElement->RL_End = ullEndValue; pNewElement->RL_Header = pParentElement->RL_Header; pParentElement->RL_Next = (ULONG_PTR)pNewElement;
return CR_SUCCESS;
} // InsertRange
CONFIGRET DeleteRange( IN PRange_Element pParentElement ) { PRange_Element pTemp = NULL;
// must pass a valid parent of the range to delete (in otherwords,
// can't pass the last range)
if (pParentElement == 0) { return CR_FAILURE; }
pTemp = (PRange_Element)(pParentElement->RL_Next); if (pTemp == 0) { return CR_FAILURE; }
pParentElement->RL_Next = ((PRange_Element)(pParentElement->RL_Next))->RL_Next;
return CR_SUCCESS;
} // DeleteRange
CONFIGRET JoinRange( IN PRange_Element pParentElement, IN DWORDLONG ullStartValue, IN DWORDLONG ullEndValue ) { CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; PRange_Element pCurrent = NULL, pNext = NULL;
if (pParentElement->RL_Next == 0) { return CR_SUCCESS; // at the end, nothing to join
// pCurrent is the starting range of intersecting ranges that need
// to be joined
pCurrent = (PRange_Element)pParentElement->RL_Next;
// set start of joined range
if (ullStartValue < pCurrent->RL_Start) { pCurrent->RL_Start = ullStartValue; }
// find the end of the joined range
while (pCurrent->RL_Next != 0) { pNext = (PRange_Element)pCurrent->RL_Next;
// I know this next range needs to be absorbed in all cases so
// reset the end point to at least include the next range
pCurrent->RL_End = pNext->RL_End;
if (ullEndValue <= pNext->RL_End) { DeleteRange(pCurrent); // delete the range following current
break; // we're done
if ((pNext->RL_Next == 0) || (ullEndValue < ((PRange_Element)(pNext->RL_Next))->RL_Start)) { //
// adjust the end point of the newly joined range and then we're done
pCurrent->RL_End = ullEndValue; DeleteRange(pCurrent); // delete the range following current
break; }
DeleteRange(pCurrent); // delete the range following current
// if we got here, there are more ranges to join
return Status;
} // JoinRange
CONFIGRET CopyRanges( IN PRange_Element pFromRange, IN PRange_Element pToRange ) { CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS;
// copy each range in pFromRange to pToRange
while (TRUE) {
Status = AddRange(pToRange, pFromRange->RL_Start, pFromRange->RL_End, CM_ADD_RANGE_ADDIFCONFLICT);
if (Status != CR_SUCCESS) { break; }
pToRange = (PRange_Element)pToRange->RL_Next;
if (pFromRange->RL_Next == 0) { break; }
pFromRange = (PRange_Element)pFromRange->RL_Next; }
return Status;
} // CopyRanges
CONFIGRET ClearRanges( IN PRange_Element pRange ) { CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS;
// If the range list is not empty, then delete ranges
if (pRange->RL_Next != 0) {
while (Status == CR_SUCCESS) { //
// keep deleting the first range after the header (pass parent
// of range to delete)
Status = DeleteRange(pRange); } }
return CR_SUCCESS; // Status is set to end deleting ranges, don't return it
} // ClearRanges
CONFIGRET TestRange( IN PRange_Element rlh, IN DWORDLONG ullStartValue, IN DWORDLONG ullEndValue, OUT PRange_Element *pConflictingRange )
{ PRange_Element pRange = (PRange_Element)rlh;
// check each range for a conflict
while (pRange->RL_Next != 0) {
pRange = (PRange_Element)pRange->RL_Next;
if (pRange->RL_Start > ullEndValue) { //
// We've gone past the range in question so no conflict
return CR_SUCCESS; }
if (pRange->RL_End < ullStartValue) { //
// this range is still below the range in question, skip to next range
continue; }
// otherwise there's a conflict
*pConflictingRange = pRange; return CR_FAILURE; }
return CR_SUCCESS;
} // TestRange