Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This is a small service that simply calls NotifyBootConfigStatus to indicate that the boot is acceptable. This service is to go at the end of the service dependency list.
The assumption is that if we got far enough to start this service, the the boot must be ok.
Dan Lafferty (danl) 06 May-1991
User Mode -Win32
Revision History:
// Includes
#include <nt.h> // DbgPrint prototype
#include <ntrtl.h> // DbgPrint prototype
#include <windef.h>
#include <nturtl.h> // needed for winbase.h
#include <winbase.h>
#include <winsvc.h>
#include <tstr.h> // Unicode string macros
// Defines
#define SERVICE_WAIT_TIME 0xffffffff // infinite
#define BV_SERVICE_NAME L"BootVerification"
// The following allow debug print syntax to look like:
// BV_LOG(DEBUG_TRACE, "An error occured %x\n",status)
#if DBG
#define STATIC
#define BV_LOG0(level, string) \
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_BOOTVRFY_ID, \ DEBUG_##level, \ "[BootVrfy]" string))
#define BV_LOG1(level, string, var1) \
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_BOOTVRFY_ID, \ DEBUG_##level, \ "[BootVrfy]" string, \ var1))
#define BV_LOG2(level, string, var1, var2) \
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_BOOTVRFY_ID, \ DEBUG_##level, \ "[BootVrfy]" string, \ var1, \ var2))
#define STATIC static
#define BV_LOG0(level, string)
#define BV_LOG1(level, string, var)
#define BV_LOG2(level, string, var1, var2)
// Debug output is filtered at two levels: A global level and a component
// specific level.
// Each debug output request specifies a component id and a filter level
// or mask. These variables are used to access the debug print filter
// database maintained by the system. The component id selects a 32-bit
// mask value and the level either specified a bit within that mask or is
// as mask value itself.
// If any of the bits specified by the level or mask are set in either the
// component mask or the global mask, then the debug output is permitted.
// Otherwise, the debug output is filtered and not printed.
// The component mask for filtering the debug output of this component is
// Kd_BOOTVRFY_Mask and may be set via the registry or the kernel debugger.
// The global mask for filtering the debug output of all components is
// Kd_WIN2000_Mask and may be set via the registry or the kernel debugger.
// The registry key for setting the mask value for this component is:
// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ // Session Manager\Debug Print Filter\BOOTVRFY
// The key "Debug Print Filter" may have to be created in order to create
// the component key.
// The following levels are used to filter debug output.
#define DEBUG_ERROR (0x00000001 | DPFLTR_MASK)
#define DEBUG_TRACE (0x00000004 | DPFLTR_MASK)
#define DEBUG_ALL (0xffffffff | DPFLTR_MASK)
// Globals
SERVICE_STATUS BootVerificationStatus;
HANDLE BootVerificationDoneEvent;
SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE BootVerificationStatusHandle;
// Function Prototypes
STATIC VOID BootVerificationStart ( DWORD argc, LPWSTR *argv );
STATIC VOID BootVerificationCtrlHandler ( IN DWORD opcode );
/****************************************************************************/ VOID __cdecl main(void) { DWORD status;
SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYW DispatchTable[] = { { BV_SERVICE_NAME, BootVerificationStart }, { NULL, NULL } };
status = StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW( DispatchTable);
BV_LOG0(TRACE,"The Service Process is Terminating....\n");
// BootVerification will take a long time to respond to pause
VOID BootVerificationStart ( DWORD argc, LPWSTR *argv ) { DWORD status; SC_HANDLE hScManager; SC_HANDLE hService; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus;
BV_LOG0(TRACE,"Inside the BootVerification Service Thread\n");
BootVerificationDoneEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE,NULL);
// Fill in this services status structure
BootVerificationStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32; BootVerificationStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; BootVerificationStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP; BootVerificationStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; BootVerificationStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; BootVerificationStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; BootVerificationStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
// Register the Control Handler routine.
BV_LOG0(TRACE,"Getting Ready to call RegisterServiceCtrlHandler\n");
BootVerificationStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW( BV_SERVICE_NAME, BootVerificationCtrlHandler);
if (BootVerificationStatusHandle == (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE)0) { BV_LOG1(ERROR,"RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW failed %d\n", GetLastError()); }
// Return the status
if (!SetServiceStatus (BootVerificationStatusHandle, &BootVerificationStatus)) { status = GetLastError(); BV_LOG1(ERROR,"SetServiceStatus error %ld\n",status); }
// Tell Service Controller that the Boot is OK.
BV_LOG0(TRACE,"Tell Service Controller that the boot is ok\n"); if (!NotifyBootConfigStatus(TRUE)) { BV_LOG0(ERROR,"NotifyBootConfigStatus Failed\n"); }
// Tell the Service Controller that we want to shut down now.
// If anything fails along the way, just exit process, and allow
// the service controller to clean up.
BV_LOG0(TRACE,"Send Control to Service Controller to shut down BOOTVFY\n");
if (hScManager == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); BV_LOG1(ERROR,"OpenSCManager failed %d\n",status); BootVerificationStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = status; SetServiceStatus (BootVerificationStatusHandle, &BootVerificationStatus); ExitProcess(0); }
hService = OpenServiceW( hScManager, BV_SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_STOP);
if (hService == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); BV_LOG1(ERROR,"OpenService failed %d\n",status); BootVerificationStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = status; SetServiceStatus (BootVerificationStatusHandle, &BootVerificationStatus); ExitProcess(0); }
if (!ControlService (hService,SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP,&ServiceStatus)) { status = GetLastError(); BV_LOG1(ERROR,"OpenService failed %d\n",status); BootVerificationStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = status; SetServiceStatus (BootVerificationStatusHandle, &BootVerificationStatus); ExitProcess(0); }
// Wait forever until we are told to terminate.
status = WaitForSingleObject ( BootVerificationDoneEvent, SERVICE_WAIT_TIME);
BV_LOG0(TRACE,"Leaving the BootVerification service\n");
BootVerificationStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; BootVerificationStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; if (!SetServiceStatus (BootVerificationStatusHandle, &BootVerificationStatus)) { status = GetLastError(); BV_LOG1(ERROR,"SetServiceStatus error %ld\n",status); }
ExitThread(NO_ERROR); return; }
/****************************************************************************/ VOID BootVerificationCtrlHandler ( IN DWORD Opcode ) {
DWORD status;
BV_LOG1(TRACE,"opcode = %ld\n", Opcode);
// Find and operate on the request.
switch(Opcode) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE: break;
BootVerificationStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; BootVerificationStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING;
SetEvent(BootVerificationDoneEvent); break;
default: BV_LOG1(ERROR,"Unrecognized opcode %ld\n", Opcode); }
// Send a status response.
if (!SetServiceStatus (BootVerificationStatusHandle, &BootVerificationStatus)) { status = GetLastError(); BV_LOG1(ERROR,"SetServiceStatus error %ld\n",status); } return; }