// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// File: svchost.c
// Contents: Generic Host Process for Win32 Services
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 3-30-98 RichardW Created
// 3-31-98 ShaunCo Took ownership.
// Finished off basic implementation.
// 1-24-00 JSchwart Took ownership.
// Adapted to run NT intrinsic services.
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "globals.h"
#include "registry.h"
#include "security.h"
// Generic Service Process:
// This process will grovel the service portion of the registry, looking
// for instances of itself (details below), and constructing a list of services
// to submit to the service controller. As an individual service is started,
// the DLL is loaded and the entry point called. Services in these DLLs are
// expected to play nicely with others, that is, use the common thread pool,
// not stomp memory, etc.
// Loading.
// Each service that will be resident in this process must have svchost.exe as
// the ImagePath, with the same parameters. Additionally, the service must
// have under its Parameters key, these values:
// ServiceDll = REG_EXPAND_SZ <path to DLL>
// ServiceMain = REG_SZ <pszFunctionName> OPTIONAL
// If ServiceMain is not present, then it defaults to "ServiceMain".
// Multiple Service Groups
// Multiple service groups can be accomplished by supplying parameters to the
// svchost.exe on the ImagePath.
// svchost.exe -k "Key"
// will grovel the services and only load those with matching ImagePath.
#define REGSTR_PATH_SVCHOST TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Svchost")
typedef struct _COMMAND_OPTIONS { PTSTR CommandLineBuffer; PTSTR ImageName;
BOOL fServiceGroup; PTSTR ServiceGroupName;
// dwCoInitializeSecurityParam is a DWORD read from the registry for the
// service group we were instantiated for. If non-zero, we will
// call CoInitializeSecurity in a way based on the value.
DWORD dwCoInitializeSecurityParam; DWORD dwAuthLevel; DWORD dwImpersonationLevel; DWORD dwAuthCapabilities;
// Default stack size for RPC threads (to prevent stack overflow)
typedef struct _SERVICE { PTSTR pszName; PSERVICE_DLL pDll; PSTR pszEntryPoint; } SERVICE, * PSERVICE;
// Global variables.
// ListLock protects access to the Dll list and Service array.
// DllList is a list of SERVICE_DLL structures representing the DLL's
// which host entry points for the services hosted by this process.
// ServiceArray is an array of SERVICE structures representing the services
// hosted by this process.
PSERVICE ServiceArray;
// ServiceCount is the count of SERVICE entries in ServiceList.
UINT ServiceCount;
// ServiceNames is the multi-sz read from the registry for the
// service group we were instantiated for.
PTSTR ServiceNames;
// Local function prototypes
VOID SvchostCharLowerW( LPWSTR pszString );
VOID DummySvchostCtrlHandler( DWORD Opcode ) { return; }
VOID AbortSvchostService( // used if cant find Service DLL or entrypoint
LPWSTR ServiceName, DWORD Error ) { SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE GenericServiceStatusHandle; SERVICE_STATUS GenericServiceStatus;
GenericServiceStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32; GenericServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; GenericServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP; GenericServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; GenericServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; GenericServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = Error; GenericServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0;
GenericServiceStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(ServiceName, DummySvchostCtrlHandler);
if (GenericServiceStatusHandle == NULL) { SVCHOST_LOG1(ERROR, "AbortSvchostService: RegisterServiceCtrlHandler failed %d\n", GetLastError()); } else if (!SetServiceStatus (GenericServiceStatusHandle, &GenericServiceStatus)) { SVCHOST_LOG1(ERROR, "AbortSvchostService: SetServiceStatus error %ld\n", GetLastError()); }
return; }
FARPROC GetServiceDllFunction ( PSERVICE_DLL pDll, PCSTR pszFunctionName, LPDWORD lpdwError OPTIONAL ) { FARPROC pfn; HMODULE hmod;
// Load the module if neccessary.
hmod = pDll->hmod; if (!hmod) { hmod = LoadLibraryEx ( pDll->pszDllPath, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH);
if (hmod) { pDll->hmod = hmod; } else { if (lpdwError) { *lpdwError = GetLastError(); }
SVCHOST_LOG2(ERROR, "LoadLibrary (%ws) failed. Error %d.\n", pDll->pszDllPath, GetLastError());
return NULL; } }
ASSERT (hmod);
pfn = GetProcAddress(hmod, pszFunctionName);
if (!pfn) { if (lpdwError) { *lpdwError = GetLastError(); }
SVCHOST_LOG3(TRACE, "GetProcAddress (%s) failed on DLL %ws. Error = %d.\n", pszFunctionName, pDll->pszDllPath, GetLastError()); }
return pfn; }
ASSERT (pszDllPath);
EnterCriticalSection (&ListLock);
pNode = DllList.Flink;
while (pNode != &DllList) { pDll = CONTAINING_RECORD (pNode, SERVICE_DLL, List);
if (0 == lstrcmp (pDll->pszDllPath, pszDllPath)) { break; }
pDll = NULL;
pNode = pNode->Flink; }
LeaveCriticalSection (&ListLock);
return pDll; }
ASSERT (pszDllPath); ASSERT (*pszDllPath);
pDll = MemAlloc (HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof (SERVICE_DLL) + (lstrlen (pszDllPath) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR));
if (pDll) { // Set the structure members.
pDll->pszDllPath = (PTSTR) (pDll + 1); lstrcpy (pDll->pszDllPath, pszDllPath);
// Add the entry to the list.
EnterCriticalSection (&ListLock);
InsertTailList (&DllList, &pDll->List);
LeaveCriticalSection (&ListLock); } else { *lpdwError = GetLastError(); }
return pDll; }
LONG OpenServiceParametersKey ( LPCTSTR pszServiceName, HKEY* phkey ) { LONG lr; HKEY hkeyServices;
ASSERT (phkey);
// Open the Services key.
if (!lr) { HKEY hkeySvc;
// Open the service key.
lr = RegOpenKeyEx ( hkeyServices, pszServiceName, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeySvc);
if (!lr) { // Open the Parameters key.
lr = RegOpenKeyEx ( hkeySvc, TEXT("Parameters"), 0, KEY_READ, phkey);
RegCloseKey (hkeySvc); }
RegCloseKey (hkeyServices); }
return lr; }
#if DBG
BOOL FDebugBreakForService ( LPCWSTR pszwService ) { BOOL fAttach = FALSE; LONG lr; HKEY hkeySvchost;
// Open the Svchost key.
if (!lr) { HKEY hkeyServiceOptions;
// Look for the key with the same name as the service.
lr = RegOpenKeyExW ( hkeySvchost, pszwService, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyServiceOptions);
if (!lr) { DWORD dwValue;
lr = RegQueryDword ( hkeyServiceOptions, TEXT("DebugBreak"), &dwValue);
if (!lr) { fAttach = !!dwValue; }
RegCloseKey (hkeyServiceOptions); }
RegCloseKey (hkeySvchost); }
return fAttach; } #endif
VOID GetServiceMainFunctions ( PSERVICE pService, LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION *ppfnServiceMain, LPSVCHOST_PUSH_GLOBAL_FUNCTION *ppfnPushGlobals, LPDWORD lpdwError ) { LPCSTR pszEntryPoint;
*lpdwError = NO_ERROR;
// Get the dll and entrypoint for this service if we don't have it yet.
if (!pService->pDll) { LONG lr; HKEY hkeyParams;
lr = OpenServiceParametersKey (pService->pszName, &hkeyParams); if (!lr) { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; WCHAR pszDllName [MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR pszExpandedDllName [MAX_PATH + 1];
// Look for the service dll path and expand it.
dwSize = sizeof(pszDllName); lr = RegQueryValueEx ( hkeyParams, TEXT("ServiceDll"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pszDllName, &dwSize);
if (!lr && (REG_EXPAND_SZ == dwType) && *pszDllName) { PSERVICE_DLL pDll;
// Expand the dll name and lower case it for comparison
// when we try to find an existing dll record.
ExpandEnvironmentStrings ( pszDllName, pszExpandedDllName, MAX_PATH);
SvchostCharLowerW (pszExpandedDllName);
// Try to find an existing dll record that we might have and
// if we don't, add this as a new record.
pDll = FindDll (pszExpandedDllName); if (!pDll) { pDll = AddDll (pszExpandedDllName, lpdwError); }
// Remember this dll for this service for next time.
ASSERT (!pService->pDll); pService->pDll = pDll;
// Look for an explicit entrypoint name for this service.
// (Optional)
RegQueryStringA ( hkeyParams, TEXT("ServiceMain"), REG_SZ, &pService->pszEntryPoint); } else if (NOERROR != lr) { *lpdwError = lr;
SVCHOST_LOG2(ERROR, "RegQueryValueEx for the ServiceDll parameter of the " "%ws service returned %u\n", pService->pszName, lr); } else if (REG_EXPAND_SZ != dwType) { *lpdwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
SVCHOST_LOG1(ERROR, "The ServiceDll parameter for the %ws service is not " "of type REG_EXPAND_SZ\n", pService->pszName); } else { *lpdwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; }
RegCloseKey (hkeyParams); } else { *lpdwError = lr; }
// If we don't have the service dll record by now, we're through.
if (!pService->pDll) { ASSERT(*lpdwError != NO_ERROR); return; } }
// We should have it the dll by now, so proceed to load the entry point.
ASSERT (pService->pDll);
// Default the entry point if we don't have one specified.
if (pService->pszEntryPoint) { pszEntryPoint = pService->pszEntryPoint; } else { pszEntryPoint = "ServiceMain"; }
// Get the address for the service's ServiceMain
*ppfnServiceMain = (LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION) GetServiceDllFunction( pService->pDll, pszEntryPoint, lpdwError);
// Get the address for the "push the globals" function (optional)
*ppfnPushGlobals = (LPSVCHOST_PUSH_GLOBAL_FUNCTION) GetServiceDllFunction( pService->pDll, "SvchostPushServiceGlobals", NULL); }
LONG ReadPerInstanceRegistryParameters( IN HKEY hkeySvchost, IN OUT PCOMMAND_OPTIONS pOptions ) { HKEY hkeySvchostGroup; LONG lr;
// Read the value corresponding to this service group.
ASSERT (pOptions->ServiceGroupName);
lr = RegQueryString ( hkeySvchost, pOptions->ServiceGroupName, REG_MULTI_SZ, &ServiceNames);
if (!lr && (!ServiceNames || !*ServiceNames)) { lr = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; }
// Read any per-instance parameters from the service group subkey
// if it exists.
if (!RegOpenKeyEx ( hkeySvchost, pOptions->ServiceGroupName, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeySvchostGroup)) { DWORD dwValue;
if (!RegQueryDword ( hkeySvchostGroup, TEXT("CoInitializeSecurityParam"), &dwValue)) { pOptions->dwCoInitializeSecurityParam = dwValue; }
if (pOptions->dwCoInitializeSecurityParam) { if (!RegQueryDword ( hkeySvchostGroup, TEXT("AuthenticationLevel"), &dwValue)) { pOptions->dwAuthLevel = dwValue; } else { pOptions->dwAuthLevel = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT; }
if (!RegQueryDword ( hkeySvchostGroup, TEXT("ImpersonationLevel"), &dwValue)) { pOptions->dwImpersonationLevel = dwValue; } else { pOptions->dwImpersonationLevel = RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE; }
if (!RegQueryDword ( hkeySvchostGroup, TEXT("AuthenticationCapabilities"), &dwValue)) { pOptions->dwAuthCapabilities = dwValue; } else { pOptions->dwAuthCapabilities = EOAC_NO_CUSTOM_MARSHAL | EOAC_DISABLE_AAA; } }
if (!RegQueryDword ( hkeySvchostGroup, TEXT("DefaultRpcStackSize"), &dwValue)) { pOptions->dwDefaultRpcStackSize = dwValue; }
RegCloseKey (hkeySvchostGroup); }
return lr; }
VOID CallPerInstanceInitFunctions( IN OUT PCOMMAND_OPTIONS pOptions ) { if (pOptions->dwCoInitializeSecurityParam) { InitializeSecurity ( pOptions->dwCoInitializeSecurityParam, pOptions->dwAuthLevel, pOptions->dwImpersonationLevel, pOptions->dwAuthCapabilities); }
if (pOptions->dwDefaultRpcStackSize) { RpcMgmtSetServerStackSize(pOptions->dwDefaultRpcStackSize * 1024); } else { //
// Make sure the default RPC stack size will be at least as
// large as the default thread stack size for the process so
// a random service calling RpcMgmtSetServerStackSize can't
// set it to a value that's too low, causing overflows.
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders = RtlImageNtHeader(NtCurrentPeb()->ImageBaseAddress);
if (NtHeaders != NULL) { RpcMgmtSetServerStackSize((ULONG) NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfStackCommit); } } }
VOID BuildServiceArray ( IN OUT PCOMMAND_OPTIONS pOptions ) { LONG lr; HKEY hkeySvchost;
// Open the Svchost key.
if (!lr) { lr = ReadPerInstanceRegistryParameters(hkeySvchost, pOptions);
RegCloseKey (hkeySvchost); }
if (!lr) { PTSTR pszServiceName;
EnterCriticalSection (&ListLock);
// Count the number of service names read.
ServiceCount = 0; for (pszServiceName = ServiceNames; *pszServiceName; pszServiceName += lstrlen(pszServiceName) + 1) { ServiceCount++; } ASSERT (ServiceCount);
// Allocate memory for the service array.
ServiceArray = MemAlloc (HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof (SERVICE) * ServiceCount); if (ServiceArray) { PSERVICE pService;
// Initialize the service array.
pService = ServiceArray;
for (pszServiceName = ServiceNames; *pszServiceName; pszServiceName += lstrlen(pszServiceName) + 1) { pService->pszName = pszServiceName;
pService++; }
ASSERT (pService == ServiceArray + ServiceCount); }
LeaveCriticalSection (&ListLock); } }
VOID WINAPI ServiceStarter( DWORD argc, PWSTR argv[] ) { LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION pfnServiceMain = NULL; LPSVCHOST_PUSH_GLOBAL_FUNCTION pfnPushGlobals = NULL; LPCWSTR pszwService = argv[0]; LPWSTR pszwAbort = NULL; DWORD dwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
EnterCriticalSection (&ListLock); { UINT i;
for (i = 0; i < ServiceCount; i++) { if (0 == lstrcmpi (pszwService, ServiceArray[i].pszName)) { #if DBG
if (FDebugBreakForService (pszwService)) { SVCHOST_LOG1(TRACE, "Attaching debugger before getting ServiceMain for %ws...", pszwService);
DebugBreak (); } #endif
GetServiceMainFunctions(&ServiceArray[i], &pfnServiceMain, &pfnPushGlobals, &dwError);
if (pfnServiceMain && pfnPushGlobals && !g_pSvchostSharedGlobals) { SvchostBuildSharedGlobals(); }
pszwAbort = argv[0]; break; } } } LeaveCriticalSection (&ListLock);
if (pfnPushGlobals && g_pSvchostSharedGlobals) { pfnPushGlobals (g_pSvchostSharedGlobals);
if (pfnServiceMain) { SVCHOST_LOG1(TRACE, "Calling ServiceMain for %ws...\n", pszwService);
pfnServiceMain (argc, argv); } else if (pszwAbort) { AbortSvchostService(pszwAbort, dwError); } } else if (pfnServiceMain && !pfnPushGlobals) { SVCHOST_LOG1(TRACE, "Calling ServiceMain for %ws...\n", pszwService);
pfnServiceMain (argc, argv); } else if (pszwAbort) { AbortSvchostService(pszwAbort, dwError); } }
EnterCriticalSection (&ListLock);
// Allocate one extra entry and zero the entire range. The extra entry
// is the table terminator required by StartServiceCtrlDispatcher.
pServiceTable = MemAlloc (HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof (SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY) * (ServiceCount + 1));
if (pServiceTable) { UINT i;
for (i = 0; i < ServiceCount; i++) { pServiceTable[i].lpServiceName = ServiceArray[i].pszName; pServiceTable[i].lpServiceProc = ServiceStarter;
SVCHOST_LOG1(TRACE, "Added service table entry for %ws\n", pServiceTable[i].lpServiceName); } }
LeaveCriticalSection (&ListLock);
return pServiceTable; }
PCOMMAND_OPTIONS BuildCommandOptions ( LPCTSTR pszCommandLine ) { PCOMMAND_OPTIONS pOptions; ULONG cbCommandLine;
if (pszCommandLine == NULL) { return NULL; }
cbCommandLine = (lstrlen(pszCommandLine) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR);
pOptions = MemAlloc (HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof (COMMAND_OPTIONS) + cbCommandLine); if (pOptions) { TCHAR* pch; TCHAR* pArgumentStart; PTSTR* ppNextArgument = NULL;
pOptions->CommandLineBuffer = (PTSTR) (pOptions + 1); RtlCopyMemory ( pOptions->CommandLineBuffer, pszCommandLine, cbCommandLine);
pch = pOptions->CommandLineBuffer; ASSERT (pch);
// Skip the name of the executable.
pOptions->ImageName = pch; while (*pch && (L' ' != *pch) && (L'\t' != *pch)) { pch++; } if (*pch) { *pch++ = 0; }
SvchostCharLowerW (pOptions->ImageName);
while (1) { // Skip whitespace.
while (*pch && ((L' ' == *pch) || (L'\t' == *pch))) { pch++; }
// End of string?
if (!*pch) { break; }
// Is it a '-' or '/' argument?
if (((L'-' == *pch) || (L'/' == *pch)) && *(++pch)) { if ((L'k' == *pch) || (L'K' == *pch)) { pOptions->fServiceGroup = TRUE; ppNextArgument = &pOptions->ServiceGroupName; }
pch++; continue; }
// This is the start of an argument.
pArgumentStart = pch;
// If the argument starts with a quote, skip it and scan to the
// next quote to terminate it.
if ((L'\"' == *pch) && *(++pch)) { pArgumentStart = pch;
while (*pch && (L'\"' != *pch)) { pch++; } }
// otherwise, skip to the next whitespace and this will be
// our argument.
else { while (*pch && (L' ' != *pch) && (L'\t' != *pch)) { pch++; } }
if (*pch) { // terminate the newly found argument string.
*pch++ = 0; }
if (ppNextArgument) { *ppNextArgument = pArgumentStart; ppNextArgument = NULL; } }
pOptions->fServiceGroup = !!pOptions->ServiceGroupName;
SVCHOST_LOG1(TRACE, "Command line : %ws\n", pszCommandLine);
SVCHOST_LOG1(TRACE, "Service Group : %ws\n", (pOptions->fServiceGroup) ? pOptions->ServiceGroupName : L"No");
// Validate the options.
if (!pOptions->fServiceGroup) { SVCHOST_LOG2(TRACE, "Generic Service Host\n\n" "%ws [-k <key>] | [-r] | <service>\n\n" " -k <key> Host all services whose ImagePath matches\n" " %ws -k <key>.\n\n", pOptions->CommandLineBuffer, pOptions->CommandLineBuffer);
MemFree (pOptions); pOptions = NULL; } }
return pOptions; }
VOID SvchostCharLowerW( LPWSTR pszString ) { //
// LocalVersion of CharLower to avoid pulling in user32.dll
int cwchT; DWORD cwch;
if (pszString == NULL) { return; }
cwch = (DWORD) wcslen(pszString) + 1;
cwchT = LCMapStringW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LCMAP_LOWERCASE, pszString, cwch, pszString, cwch);
if (cwchT == 0) { SVCHOST_LOG1(ERROR, "SvchostCharLowerW failed for %ws\n", pszString); }
return; }
LONG WINAPI SvchostUnhandledExceptionFilter( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo ) { return RtlUnhandledExceptionFilter(ExceptionInfo); }
VOID wmainCRTStartup ( VOID ) { LPSERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY pServiceTable = NULL; PCOMMAND_OPTIONS pOptions; PCWSTR pszwCommandLine;
// Prevent critical errors from raising hard error popups and
// halting svchost.exe. The flag below will have the system send
// the errors to the process instead.
// Initialize our HeapAlloc wrapper to use the process heap.
MemInit (GetProcessHeap());
// Initialize our global DLL list, Service array, and the critical
// section that protects them. InitializeCriticalSection can throw a
// STATUS_NO_MEMORY exception. We want the process to exit if that
// happens, so the default exception handler is fine.
InitializeListHead (&DllList); InitializeCriticalSection (&ListLock);
// Build a COMMAND_OPTIONS structure and use it to grovel the registry
// and create the service entry table.
pszwCommandLine = GetCommandLine ();
pOptions = BuildCommandOptions (pszwCommandLine); if (pOptions) { BuildServiceArray (pOptions);
pServiceTable = BuildServiceTable ();
if (pServiceTable) { CallPerInstanceInitFunctions(pOptions); }
MemFree (pOptions); }
// If we have a valid service entry table, use it to transfer control
// to the service controller. StartServiceCtrlDispatcher won't return
// until all services are stopped.
if (pServiceTable) { StartServiceCtrlDispatcher (pServiceTable); }
SVCHOST_LOG1(TRACE, "Calling ExitProcess for %ws\n", pszwCommandLine);
ExitProcess (0); }