Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of Posix advisory file record locking (via fcntl).
Matthew Bradburn (mattbr) 11-May-1992
Revision History:
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "psxsrv.h"
#include "psxmsg.h"
void InsertFlock( PIONODE IoNode, PSYSFLOCK l );
void WakeAllFlockers( PIONODE IoNode );
int found_region( PPSX_PROCESS Proc, PIONODE IoNode, int command, PSYSFLOCK list, struct flock *new, off_t *new_off, ULONG FileLength, OUT int *error );
VOID FlockHandler( IN PPSX_PROCESS p, IN PINTCB IntControlBlock, IN PSX_INTERRUPTREASON InterruptReason, IN int Signal );
// These macros take care of the notion that if the length is
// 0, it means the lock goes until EOF
#define LEN_A(a) ((a)->l_len == 0 ? (off_t)(FileLength - abs_off) : (a)->l_len)
#define LEN_B(b) ((b)->Len == 0 ? (off_t)(FileLength - (b)->Start) : (b)->Len)
#define OVERLAP(a, b) \
((abs_off >= (b)->Start && \ abs_off < (b)->Start + LEN_B(b)) \ || (abs_off + LEN_A(a) >= (b)->Start && \ abs_off + LEN_A(a) <= (b)->Start + LEN_B(b)) \ || (abs_off <= (b)->Start && \ abs_off + LEN_A(a) >= (b)->Start + LEN_B(b)))
// Return values from found_region
#define DONE 1
#define CONTINUE 2
#define WAIT 3
#define ERROR 4
// DoFlockStuff -- do fcntl commands related to advisory file-record
// locking.
// Locking: the caller holds the IoNode locked throughout.
// Returns: TRUE if the caller should reply to the api request, FALSE
// if the process has been blocked (F_SETLKW) and no reply
// should be sent.
BOOLEAN DoFlockStuff( PPSX_PROCESS Proc, PPSX_API_MSG m, int command, IN PFILEDESCRIPTOR Fd, IN OUT struct flock *new, OUT int *error) { PSYSFLOCK p; PSYSFLOCK l; off_t abs_off; NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStat; FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION FilePosition; FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION FileStandardInfo; PIONODE IoNode; int did_find_overlap = 0; // were changes made?
ULONG FileLength;
if (new->l_start < 0) { *error = EINVAL; return TRUE; } if (new->l_type < F_RDLCK || new->l_type > F_WRLCK) { *error = EINVAL; return TRUE; }
IoNode = Fd->SystemOpenFileDesc->IoNode;
Status = NtQueryInformationFile( Fd->SystemOpenFileDesc->NtIoHandle, &IoStat, &FileStandardInfo, sizeof(FileStandardInfo), FileStandardInformation);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *error = ENOMEM; return TRUE; }
ASSERT(0 == FileStandardInfo.EndOfFile.HighPart);
FileLength = FileStandardInfo.EndOfFile.LowPart;
// Convert l_whence and l_start into the absolute position of the
// start of the region described.
switch (new->l_whence) { case SEEK_SET: abs_off = 0L; break; case SEEK_CUR: Status = NtQueryInformationFile( Fd->SystemOpenFileDesc->NtIoHandle, &IoStat, &FilePosition, sizeof(FilePosition), FilePositionInformation); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); ASSERT(0 == FilePosition.CurrentByteOffset.HighPart); abs_off = FilePosition.CurrentByteOffset.LowPart; break; case SEEK_END: abs_off = FileLength; break; default: *error = EINVAL; return TRUE; } abs_off += new->l_start;
// If we're actually trying to modify an already-locked region
// or create an additional locked, region, we scan the list of
// locks to see whether we can succeed. If we can, we go through
// the list a second time and perform the action.
if ((F_SETLK == command || F_SETLKW == command) && (F_UNLCK != new->l_type)) {
// If the regions overlap, they must either both
// be of type F_RDLCK, or they must have the same
// owner. Otherwise we do not succeed (may block).
for (p = (PSYSFLOCK)IoNode->Flocks.Flink; p != (PSYSFLOCK)&IoNode->Flocks; p = (PSYSFLOCK)p->Links.Flink) { if (!OVERLAP(new, p)) { continue; } if ((F_RDLCK == new->l_type && F_RDLCK == p->Type) || (Proc->Pid == p->Pid)) { continue; } if (F_SETLK == command) { *error = EAGAIN; return TRUE; } ASSERT(F_SETLKW == command);
// BLOCK the process.
Status = BlockProcess(Proc, Proc, FlockHandler, m, &IoNode->Waiters, &IoNode->IoNodeLock); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { m->Error = PsxStatusToErrno(Status); return TRUE; }
// Successfully blocked -- don't reply to api request.
return FALSE; } }
// Traverse the list of flocks, looking for locks describing
// regions that overlap the given lock. Peform the indicated
// operation on each.
p = (PVOID)IoNode->Flocks.Flink;
while (p != (PVOID)&IoNode->Flocks) {
// Get the "next" pointer here, so that if found_region
// frees the entry pointed to by p we'll still be able to
// traverse the list.
l = (PVOID)p->Links.Flink;
// Find out whether the regions overlap or not: does the
// new region start in this region, or does it end in this
// region?
if (OVERLAP(new, p)) { if ((F_SETLK == command || F_SETLKW == command) && F_UNLCK == new->l_type) {
// The process is only allowed to unlock locks
// that he owns.
if (p->Pid != Proc->Pid) { continue; } } did_find_overlap++; switch (found_region(Proc, IoNode, command, p, new, &abs_off, FileLength, error)) { case DONE: *error = 0; return TRUE; case CONTINUE: p = l; continue; case ERROR: return TRUE; default: ASSERT(0); } } if (p->Start > abs_off) { break; }
p = l; }
// we have come to the end of the list, or we have come to a
// place that our region should have been before.
if (F_GETLK == command) { // no such region; the lock type is set to
new->l_type = F_UNLCK; *error = 0; return TRUE; } if ((F_SETLK == command || F_SETLKW == command) && F_UNLCK == new->l_type) {
// Return an error only if nothing was found to unlock.
// We do this to allow the user to give a single unlock
// command spanning the entire file, this to unlock all his
// locks. 1003.1-90 isn't really clear on how this stuff
// should work.
if (!did_find_overlap) { *error = EINVAL; return TRUE; }
*error = 0; return TRUE; }
// We're setting a lock, and the type is not UNLOCK.
// So insert a new region here.
l = RtlAllocateHeap(PsxHeap, 0, sizeof(*l)); if (NULL == l) { *error = ENOMEM; return TRUE; } l->Start = abs_off; l->Len = new->l_len; l->Pid = Proc->Pid; l->Type = new->l_type;
InsertFlock(IoNode, l); *error = 0; return TRUE; }
// found_region -- this gets called when there is a region overlapping the
// one the user is interested in. Actually, the user's request may
// span several regions, in which case this routine will get called
// for each one.
int found_region( PPSX_PROCESS Proc, // the process making the request
PIONODE IoNode, // our IoNode.
int command, // what to do
PSYSFLOCK list, // region that matches new region
struct flock *new, // new region
IN OUT off_t *new_off, // absolute offset, start of new region
ULONG FileLength, // current length of the file
OUT int *error // returned errno
) { off_t abs_off = *new_off;
if (F_GETLK == command) {
// If we own the overlapping region, we wouldn't block on
// it. So we must continue searching.
if (list->Pid == Proc->Pid) { return CONTINUE; }
// If both lock types are F_RDLCK, then we have not
// yet found a lock the user would block against; we
// must continue searching.
if (new->l_type == F_RDLCK && list->Type == F_RDLCK) { return CONTINUE; }
new->l_pid = list->Pid; new->l_type = list->Type; new->l_whence = SEEK_SET; new->l_start = list->Start; new->l_len = list->Len; return DONE; }
if (F_SETLK != command && F_SETLKW != command) { KdPrint(("PSXSS: found_region: command %d\n", command)); } ASSERT(F_SETLK == command || F_SETLKW == command);
// If this user doesn't own the found region, and they're both
// read locks, we just add a shared lock.
if (list->Pid != Proc->Pid && F_RDLCK == list->Type && F_RDLCK == new->l_type) { PSYSFLOCK l;
// set a shared lock.
l = RtlAllocateHeap(PsxHeap, 0, sizeof(*l)); if (NULL == l) { *error = ENOMEM; return ERROR; } l->Start = *new_off; l->Len = new->l_len; l->Type = new->l_type; l->Pid = Proc->Pid; InsertFlock(IoNode, l); return DONE; }
// The only way we should get here is if we're unlocking a region
// or if we are changing the type of a region we own. In each case
// we should own the region.
ASSERT(list->Pid == Proc->Pid);
if (*new_off == list->Start && LEN_A(new) == LEN_B(list)) {
// The found region exactly matches the region in
// the argument.
if (F_UNLCK == new->l_type) { PSYSFLOCK p;
RemoveEntryList(&list->Links); RtlFreeHeap(PsxHeap, 0, list);
// Wake all procs sleeping on this IoNode.
return DONE; }
list->Type = new->l_type; return DONE; }
if (*new_off == list->Start && LEN_A(new) < LEN_B(list)) { PSYSFLOCK l;
// The new region starts at the same place as the found
// region, but does not extend all the way to its end.
if (F_UNLCK == new->l_type) { list->Start += LEN_A(new); list->Len = LEN_B(list); list->Len -= LEN_A(new);
// We've changed this entry's starting point, so
// we may have changed it's order in the list.
RemoveEntryList(&list->Links); InsertFlock(IoNode, list); return DONE; }
// Change the type. The region gets split in
// two.
l = RtlAllocateHeap(PsxHeap, 0, sizeof(*l)); if (NULL == l) { *error = ENOMEM; return ERROR; } l->Start = *new_off; l->Len = LEN_A(new); l->Type = new->l_type; l->Pid = Proc->Pid; InsertFlock(IoNode, l);
list->Start += new->l_len; list->Len = LEN_B(list); list->Len -= LEN_A(new);
// re-sort
RemoveEntryList(&list->Links); InsertFlock(IoNode, list); return DONE; } if (*new_off == list->Start && LEN_A(new) > LEN_B(list)) { //
// The new region starts at the same place as the found
// region, but extends beyond it, perhaps into some number
// of additional regions
if (F_UNLCK == new->l_type) {
// We are unlocking all of this region and maybe
// some other stuff, too.
RemoveEntryList(&list->Links); RtlFreeHeap(PsxHeap, 0, list);
return CONTINUE; }
// Just change the type.
list->Type = new->l_type; new->l_start += list->Len; *new_off = new->l_start; new->l_len = LEN_A(new); new->l_len -= LEN_B(list);
return CONTINUE; } if (*new_off > list->Start && *new_off + LEN_A(new) == list->Start + LEN_B(list)) { PSYSFLOCK l;
// The new region starts inside the found one and extends
// to its end.
if (F_UNLCK == new->l_type) { ASSERT(list->Pid == Proc->Pid);
// unlocking the last portion of a region
list->Len = *new_off - list->Start; return DONE; }
// need to split the region.
list->Len = *new_off - list->Start;
l = RtlAllocateHeap(PsxHeap, 0, sizeof(*l)); if (NULL == l) { *error = ENOMEM; return ERROR; } l->Start = *new_off; l->Len = LEN_A(new); l->Pid = Proc->Pid; l->Type = new->l_type; InsertFlock(IoNode, l);
return DONE; } if (*new_off > list->Start && *new_off + LEN_A(new) < list->Start + LEN_B(list)) { PSYSFLOCK l;
// The new region starts inside the found region and does
// not extend to its end.
if (F_UNLCK == new->l_type) {
// The list region gets split into two.
// Change the list region to be the left
// side, and add another region for the right side.
l = RtlAllocateHeap(PsxHeap, 0, sizeof(*l)); if (NULL == l) { *error = ENOMEM; return ERROR; } l->Start = *new_off + LEN_A(new); l->Len = (list->Start + LEN_B(list)) - (*new_off + LEN_A(new)); l->Type = list->Type; l->Pid = Proc->Pid;
InsertFlock(IoNode, l);
// list->Start stays the same;
list->Len = *new_off - list->Start;
return DONE; }
// changing the type of a sub-region; we end up
// splitting the region into three.
// the right region
l = RtlAllocateHeap(PsxHeap, 0, sizeof(*l)); if (NULL == l) { *error = ENOMEM; return ERROR; } l->Start = *new_off + LEN_A(new); l->Len = (list->Start + LEN_B(list)) - (*new_off + LEN_A(new)); l->Pid = Proc->Pid; l->Type = list->Type; InsertFlock(IoNode, l);
// the left region
list->Len = *new_off - list->Start; // list->Start stays the same
// the center region
l = RtlAllocateHeap(PsxHeap, 0, sizeof(*l)); if (NULL == l) { *error = ENOMEM; return ERROR; } l->Start = *new_off; l->Len = LEN_A(new); l->Type = new->l_type; l->Pid = Proc->Pid; InsertFlock(IoNode, l);
return DONE; }
if (*new_off > list->Start && *new_off + LEN_A(new) > list->Start + LEN_B(list)) { PSYSFLOCK l;
// The new region starts in the found region and extends
// beyond it.
if (F_UNLCK == new->l_type) {
new->l_start = list->Start + LEN_B(list) + 1; list->Len = *new_off - list->Start; new->l_whence = SEEK_SET; new->l_len = LEN_A(new) - (new->l_start - *new_off); *new_off = new->l_start;
return CONTINUE; }
// changing the lock type of a region starting in this
// region, presumably extending into the next region.
// this involves creating a new region for the change
// and continuing on.
l = RtlAllocateHeap(PsxHeap, 0, sizeof(*l)); if (NULL == l) { *error = ENOMEM; return ERROR; } l->Start = *new_off; l->Whence = SEEK_SET; l->Len = (list->Start + LEN_B(list)) - *new_off; l->Pid = Proc->Pid; l->Type = new->l_type; InsertFlock(IoNode, l);
new->l_start = list->Start + LEN_B(list); new->l_whence = SEEK_SET; new->l_len = LEN_A(new) - (new->l_start - *new_off); *new_off = new->l_start;
list->Len = l->Start - list->Start;
return CONTINUE; } if (*new_off < list->Start && *new_off + LEN_A(new) < list->Start + LEN_B(list)) { off_t new_end = *new_off + (LEN_A(new) - 1); PSYSFLOCK l;
// The new region starts before the list region and ends
// in the midst of it.
if (F_UNLCK == new->l_type) {
list->Len = (list->Start + LEN_B(list) - 1) - new_end; list->Start = new_end + 1;
return DONE; }
// The list region gets split into two.
l = RtlAllocateHeap(PsxHeap, 0, sizeof(*l)); if (NULL == l) { return ERROR; } l->Start = *new_off; l->Len = LEN_A(new); l->Type = new->l_type; l->Whence = SEEK_SET; l->Pid = Proc->Pid; InsertFlock(IoNode, l);
list->Len = (list->Start + LEN_B(list) - 1) - new_end; list->Start = new_end + 1;
return DONE; } if (*new_off < list->Start && *new_off + LEN_A(new) == list->Start + LEN_B(list)) {
// The new region starts before the list region and
// ends at the same place.
if (F_UNLCK == new->l_type) { RemoveEntryList(&list->Links); RtlFreeHeap(PsxHeap, 0, list); return DONE; }
list->Start = *new_off; list->Type = new->l_type; list->Len = LEN_A(new); return DONE; } if (*new_off < list->Start && *new_off + LEN_A(new) > list->Start + LEN_B(list)) { //
// The new region starts before the list region and
// ends after it.
if (F_UNLCK == new->l_type) { //
// there may be stuff still to unlock when we're
// done.
new->l_start = *new_off + LEN_A(new) + 1; new->l_len = (*new_off + LEN_A(new)) - (list->Start + LEN_B(list)); new->l_whence = SEEK_SET;
RemoveEntryList(&list->Links); RtlFreeHeap(PsxHeap, 0, list);
return CONTINUE; }
// The new lock subsumes the one we've found on
// the list.
RemoveEntryList(&list->Links); RtlFreeHeap(PsxHeap, 0, list); return CONTINUE; }
ASSERT(0); // shouldn't get here.
return ERROR; }
void ReleaseFlocksByPid( PIONODE IoNode, pid_t pid ) { PSYSFLOCK p; PINTCB IntCb; PPSX_PROCESS Waiter; PLIST_ENTRY next;
// Remove all the locks that we hold.
for (p = CONTAINING_RECORD(IoNode->Flocks.Flink, SYSFLOCK, Links); p != (PVOID)&IoNode->Flocks; /* null */) {
next = CONTAINING_RECORD(p->Links.Flink, SYSFLOCK, Links);
if (pid == p->Pid) { RemoveEntryList(&p->Links); RtlFreeHeap(PsxHeap, 0, (PVOID)p); }
p = next; }
// Wake all procs sleeping on this IoNode; since we've released
// all flocks belonging to the given pid, maybe one of the
// blocked procs can run.
WakeAllFlockers(IoNode); }
#if DBG
void DumpFlockList(PIONODE IoNode) { PSYSFLOCK p; int i;
for (i = 0, p = (PSYSFLOCK)IoNode->Flocks.Flink; p != (PSYSFLOCK)&IoNode->Flocks; p = (PSYSFLOCK)p->Links.Flink, ++i) { KdPrint(("Flock %d:\n", i)); KdPrint(("\t Start %d\n", p->Start)); KdPrint(("\t Length %d\n", p->Len)); KdPrint(("\t Type %d\n", p->Type)); KdPrint(("\t Pid 0x%x\n", p->Pid)); }
} #endif
// InsertFlock -- insert the flock in the list. The list is ordered
// according to the starting offset.
for (p = CONTAINING_RECORD(IoNode->Flocks.Flink, SYSFLOCK, Links); p != (PVOID)&IoNode->Flocks; p = CONTAINING_RECORD(p->Links.Flink, SYSFLOCK, Links)) {
if (p->Start >= l->Start) { InsertTailList(&p->Links, &l->Links); return; } }
InsertTailList(&IoNode->Flocks, &l->Links); }
VOID WakeAllFlockers( PIONODE IoNode ) { PINTCB IntCb; PPSX_PROCESS Waiter; PVOID p, prev;
// We go through the list of blocked processes and wake them
// all up. Each calls the FlockHandler routine below. This is
// a terrible kludge: we go through the list from end to beginning
// because if any of the processed we've waked are added to the
// list, they get added at the end (BlockProcess() calls Insert-
// TailList()).
for (p = (PVOID)IoNode->Waiters.Blink; p != (PVOID)&IoNode->Waiters; p = prev) {
Waiter = (PPSX_PROCESS)IntCb->IntContext; ASSERT(NULL != Waiter);
prev = IntCb->Links.Blink;
UnblockProcess(Waiter, WaitSatisfyInterrupt, TRUE, 0);
RtlEnterCriticalSection(&BlockLock); }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&BlockLock); }
VOID FlockHandler( IN PPSX_PROCESS p, IN PINTCB IntControlBlock, IN PSX_INTERRUPTREASON InterruptReason, IN int Signal // signal causing wakeup, if any
) /*++
Routine Description:
This procedure is called when a process releases a lock.
p - Supplies the address of the sleeping process.
IntControlBlock - Supplies the address of the interrupt control block.
InterruptReason - Why the sleep is being interrupted.
Return value:
m = IntControlBlock->IntMessage;
if (InterruptReason == SignalInterrupt) { //
// The sleep is being interrupted by a signal. We return
// EINTR to the Posix process.
RtlFreeHeap(PsxHeap, 0, (PVOID)IntControlBlock); m->Error = EINTR; m->Signal = Signal; ApiReply(p, m, NULL); RtlFreeHeap(PsxHeap, 0, (PVOID)m); return; }
args = &m->u.Fcntl;
RtlFreeHeap(PsxHeap, 0, (PVOID)IntControlBlock);
if (PsxFcntl(p, m)) { ApiReply(p, m, NULL); } RtlFreeHeap(PsxHeap, 0, m); }