Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
WinDbg Extension Api
Wesley Witt (wesw) 15-Aug-1993
User Mode.
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
DECLARE_API( filecache )
Routine Description:
Displays physical memory usage by drivers.
Return Value:
{ ULONG result; ULONG NumberOfPtes; ULONG PteCount; ULONG ReadCount; ULONG64 SystemCacheWsLoc; ULONG64 SystemCacheStart; ULONG64 SystemCacheEnd; ULONG64 SystemCacheStartPte; ULONG64 SystemCacheEndPte; ULONG Transition = 0; ULONG Valid; ULONG ValidShift, ValidSize; ULONG64 PfnIndex; ULONG PteSize; ULONG PfnSize; ULONG HighPage; ULONG LowPage; ULONG64 Pte; ULONG64 PfnDb; ULONG64 Pfn; ULONG64 PfnStart; ULONG64 PfnArray; ULONG64 PfnArrayOffset; ULONG NumberOfPteToRead; ULONG WorkingSetSize, PeakWorkingSetSize; ULONG64 BufferedAddress=0; CHAR Buffer[2048];
INIT_API(); dprintf("***** Dump file cache******\n");
SystemCacheStart = GetNtDebuggerDataPtrValue( MmSystemCacheStart ); if (!SystemCacheStart) { dprintf("unable to get SystemCacheStart\n"); EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
SystemCacheEnd = GetNtDebuggerDataPtrValue( MmSystemCacheEnd ); if (!SystemCacheEnd) { dprintf("unable to get SystemCacheEnd\n"); EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
SystemCacheWsLoc = GetNtDebuggerData( MmSystemCacheWs ); if (!SystemCacheWsLoc) { dprintf("unable to get MmSystemCacheWs\n"); EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
PfnDb = GetNtDebuggerData( MmPfnDatabase ); if (!PfnDb) { dprintf("unable to get MmPfnDatabase\n"); EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
PteSize = GetTypeSize("nt!_MMPTE"); NumberOfPteToRead = PageSize / PteSize - 16;
if (GetFieldValue(SystemCacheWsLoc, "nt!_MMSUPPORT", "WorkingSetSize", WorkingSetSize)) { dprintf("unable to get system cache list\n"); EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; } GetFieldValue(SystemCacheWsLoc,"nt!_MMSUPPORT","PeakWorkingSetSize",PeakWorkingSetSize);
dprintf("File Cache Information\n"); dprintf(" Current size %ld kb\n",WorkingSetSize* (PageSize / 1024)); dprintf(" Peak size %ld kb\n",PeakWorkingSetSize* (PageSize / 1024));
if (!ReadPointer(PfnDb,&PfnStart)) { dprintf("unable to get PFN database address\n"); EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
SystemCacheStartPte = DbgGetPteAddress (SystemCacheStart); SystemCacheEndPte = DbgGetPteAddress (SystemCacheEnd); NumberOfPtes = (ULONG) ( 1 + (SystemCacheEndPte - SystemCacheStartPte) / PteSize);
// Read in all the PTEs mapping the system cache.
dprintf(" Loading file cache database (%u PTEs)\r", NumberOfPtes); GetBitFieldOffset("nt!_MMPTE", "u.Hard.Valid", &ValidShift, &ValidSize);
// dprintf("Valid off %d, num %d ", ValidShift, ValidSize);
Valid = 0; ZeroMemory(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)); for (PteCount = 0; PteCount < NumberOfPtes; PteCount += 1) {
if (CheckControlC()) { EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; } //
// Read a chunk at a time
if ((SystemCacheStartPte + (PteCount+1)* PteSize) > BufferedAddress + sizeof(Buffer) ) { BufferedAddress = (SystemCacheStartPte + PteCount * PteSize); if (!ReadMemory(BufferedAddress, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), &result)) { dprintf("Unable to read memory at %p\n", BufferedAddress); PteCount += sizeof(Buffer) / PteSize; continue; } }
Pte = (SystemCacheStartPte + PteCount * PteSize) - BufferedAddress;
// Too many ptes, so do the Valid checking directly instead of calling DbgGetValid
if ((*((PULONG) &Buffer[(ULONG) Pte]) >> ValidShift) & 1) { Valid += 1; }
if (!(PteCount % (NumberOfPtes/100))) { dprintf(" Loading file cache database (%02d%% of %u PTEs)\r", PteCount*100/NumberOfPtes, NumberOfPtes); }
dprintf(" File cache PTEs loaded, loading PFNs...\n");
HighPage = Valid; LowPage = 0;
// Allocate a local PFN array (only) large enough to hold data about
// each valid PTE we've found.
dprintf(" File cache has %ld valid pages\n",Valid);
PfnSize = GetTypeSize("nt!_MMPFN");
Pte = SystemCacheStartPte; dprintf(" File cache PFN data extracted\n");
MemoryUsage (PfnStart,LowPage,HighPage, 1); EXIT_API(); return S_OK; }