//======================================================================= // // Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // // File: bits.idl // // Description: // // Interface to the background file copier. // //=======================================================================
#ifndef DO_NO_IMPORTS import "unknwn.idl"; #endif
cpp_quote("#include \"bitsmsg.h\"") cpp_quote("#define BG_SIZE_UNKNOWN (UINT64)(-1)")
#define BG_ENUM_SIZEIS(maxcount) maxcount #define BG_ENUM_LENGTHIS(maxcount,lengthptr) \ lengthptr ? *lengthptr : maxcount
// // ============================= // Marshalled interfaces // =============================
[ uuid(01b7bd23-fb88-4a77-8490-5891d3e4653a), odl ] interface IBackgroundCopyFile : IUnknown { typedef struct _BG_FILE_PROGRESS { UINT64 BytesTotal; UINT64 BytesTransferred; BOOL Transferred; } BG_FILE_PROGRESS;
HRESULT GetRemoteName( [out] LPWSTR *pVal ); HRESULT GetLocalName( [out] LPWSTR *pVal );
HRESULT GetProgress( [out] BG_FILE_PROGRESS *pVal ); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // [ uuid(ca51e165-c365-424c-8d41-24aaa4ff3c40), helpstring("IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles Interface"), odl ] interface IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles : IUnknown { HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG celt, [out, size_is(BG_ENUM_SIZEIS(celt)), length_is(BG_ENUM_LENGTHIS(celt,pceltFetched))] IBackgroundCopyFile **rgelt, [in,out,unique] ULONG *pceltFetched );
HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG celt);
HRESULT Reset();
HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles **ppenum );
HRESULT GetCount( [out] ULONG *puCount ); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- //
[ uuid(19c613a0-fcb8-4f28-81ae-897c3d078f81), helpstring("error object for IBackgroundCopyJob"), odl ] interface IBackgroundCopyError : IUnknown { typedef enum { BG_ERROR_CONTEXT_NONE = 0, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT_UNKNOWN = 1, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT_GENERAL_QUEUE_MANAGER = 2, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT_QUEUE_MANAGER_NOTIFICATION = 3, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT_LOCAL_FILE = 4, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT_REMOTE_FILE = 5, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT_GENERAL_TRANSPORT = 6 } BG_ERROR_CONTEXT;
HRESULT GetError( [out,ref] BG_ERROR_CONTEXT *pContext, [out,ref] HRESULT *pCode );
// Returns BG_E_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE if no file is available HRESULT GetFile( [out] IBackgroundCopyFile ** pVal );
// Return a human readable description of the error. // Use CoTaskMemFree to free the description. HRESULT GetErrorDescription( [in] DWORD LanguageId, [out,ref] LPWSTR *pErrorDescription );
// Return a human readable description of the error context. // Use CoTaskMemFree to free the description. HRESULT GetErrorContextDescription( [in] DWORD LanguageId, [out,ref] LPWSTR *pContextDescription );
// Returns BG_E_PROTOCOL_NOT_AVAILABLE if no protocol is available HRESULT GetProtocol( [out,ref] LPWSTR *pProtocol ); }
// ============================================== // Job Interface [ uuid(37668d37-507e-4160-9316-26306d150b12), helpstring("IBackgroundCopyJob Interface"), odl ] interface IBackgroundCopyJob : IUnknown { typedef struct _BG_FILE_INFO { LPWSTR RemoteName; LPWSTR LocalName; } BG_FILE_INFO;
typedef struct _BG_JOB_PROGRESS { UINT64 BytesTotal; UINT64 BytesTransferred;
ULONG FilesTotal; ULONG FilesTransferred; } BG_JOB_PROGRESS;
typedef struct _BG_JOB_TIMES { FILETIME CreationTime; FILETIME ModificationTime; FILETIME TransferCompletionTime; } BG_JOB_TIMES;
typedef enum { BG_JOB_TYPE_DOWNLOAD
// // Returns E_INVALIDARG if one of the filesets has // - local name is blank // - local name contains invalid characters // - remote name is blank // - remote name has invalid format // // Returns CO_E_NOT_SUPPORTED if // - remote URL contains unsupported protocol // HRESULT AddFileSet( [in] ULONG cFileCount, [in, size_is(cFileCount)] BG_FILE_INFO *pFileSet );
HRESULT AddFile( [in] LPCWSTR RemoteUrl, [in] LPCWSTR LocalName );
// // Gets an enumerator object for all files in the job. // HRESULT EnumFiles( [out] IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles ** pEnum );
// // Pause all activity on the job. The service will take no action until one of // Resume(), Cancel(), Complete() is called. // // if already suspended, just returns S_OK. // HRESULT Suspend();
// // Enable downloading for this job. Job properties cannot be modified // after Resume() until the app calls Suspend(). // // if already running, just returns S_OK. // HRESULT Resume();
// // Permanently stop the job. The service will delete the job metadata and downloaded files. // // If already cancelled or resumed, returns ??? // HRESULT Cancel();
// // Acknowledges receipt of the job-complete notification. The service will delete // the job metadata and leave the downloaded files. // HRESULT Complete();
HRESULT GetId( [out] GUID *pVal );
HRESULT GetType( [out] BG_JOB_TYPE * pVal );
HRESULT GetProgress( [out] BG_JOB_PROGRESS *pVal );
HRESULT GetTimes( [out] BG_JOB_TIMES * pVal );
HRESULT GetState( [out] BG_JOB_STATE *pVal );
HRESULT GetError( [out] IBackgroundCopyError ** ppError );
// // The owner of the job, represented as a string. // Only the owner and admins are allowed to see or change the job. // HRESULT GetOwner( [out] LPWSTR *pVal );
// // name of the job, suitable for display in UI // HRESULT SetDisplayName( [in] LPCWSTR Val ); HRESULT GetDisplayName( [out] LPWSTR *pVal );
// // a field for use by the app // HRESULT SetDescription( [in] LPCWSTR Val ); HRESULT GetDescription( [out] LPWSTR *pVal );
// // the priority of the job in the queue. // default = PRIORITY_NORMAL // values not in BG_JOB_PRIORITY return E_NOTIMPL. // HRESULT SetPriority( [in] BG_JOB_PRIORITY Val ); HRESULT GetPriority( [out] BG_JOB_PRIORITY *pVal );
// // ignores extra flags? // HRESULT SetNotifyFlags( [in] ULONG Val ); HRESULT GetNotifyFlags( [out] ULONG *pVal );
// interface pointer that implements the IBackgroundCallback interface for notifications. // If the pointer becomes invalid, the service will try to create a new notification object // with the notify CLSID. HRESULT SetNotifyInterface( [in] IUnknown * Val ); HRESULT GetNotifyInterface( [out] IUnknown ** pVal );
HRESULT SetMinimumRetryDelay( [in] ULONG Seconds ); HRESULT GetMinimumRetryDelay( [out] ULONG * Seconds );
HRESULT SetNoProgressTimeout( [in] ULONG Seconds ); HRESULT GetNoProgressTimeout( [out] ULONG * Seconds );
HRESULT GetErrorCount( [out] ULONG * Errors );
HRESULT SetProxySettings( [in] BG_JOB_PROXY_USAGE ProxyUsage, [in,string,unique] const WCHAR * ProxyList, [in,string,unique] const WCHAR * ProxyBypassList );
HRESULT GetProxySettings( [out] BG_JOB_PROXY_USAGE *pProxyUsage, [out] LPWSTR *pProxyList, [out] LPWSTR *pProxyBypassList );
HRESULT TakeOwnership();
// ============================================== // IEnumJobs Interface // This interface allows enumerating the jobs under a Job [ uuid(1af4f612-3b71-466f-8f58-7b6f73ac57ad), helpstring("IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs2 Interface"), odl ] interface IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs : IUnknown { HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG celt, [out, size_is(BG_ENUM_SIZEIS(celt)), length_is(BG_ENUM_LENGTHIS(celt,pceltFetched))] IBackgroundCopyJob **rgelt, [in,out,unique] ULONG *pceltFetched );
HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG celt);
HRESULT Reset();
HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs **ppenum );
HRESULT GetCount( [out] ULONG *puCount ); }
cpp_quote("#define BG_NOTIFY_JOB_TRANSFERRED 0x0001") cpp_quote("#define BG_NOTIFY_JOB_ERROR 0x0002") cpp_quote("#define BG_NOTIFY_DISABLE 0x0004") cpp_quote("#define BG_NOTIFY_JOB_MODIFICATION 0x0008")
// ============================================== // IBackgroundCallback Interface // This interface is implemented by the client and is used by the queue manager // to supply progress information to the client. [ uuid(97ea99c7-0186-4ad4-8df9-c5b4e0ed6b22), async_uuid(ca29d251-b4bb-4679-a3d9-ae8006119d54), helpstring("IBackgroundCopyCallback Interface"), odl ] interface IBackgroundCopyCallback : IUnknown { // // A job has transferred successfully. // HRESULT JobTransferred( [in] IBackgroundCopyJob *pJob );
// // An error occurred, and the service has suspended the job. // Fix the error and resume the job. // Get error details by calling (*pFailingJob)->GetStatus(). // HRESULT JobError( [in] IBackgroundCopyJob *pJob, [in] IBackgroundCopyError * pError );
// // The job has been modified. Intendended for user interfaces. // HRESULT JobModification( [in] IBackgroundCopyJob *pJob, [in] DWORD dwReserved );
// // IBackgroundCopyManager is the "root" interface to the background file copy component. // [ uuid(5ce34c0d-0dc9-4c1f-897c-daa1b78cee7c), helpstring("Background Copy interface"), odl ] interface IBackgroundCopyManager : IUnknown {
HRESULT CreateJob( [in] LPCWSTR DisplayName, [in] BG_JOB_TYPE Type, [out] GUID * pJobId, [out] IBackgroundCopyJob **ppJob );
HRESULT GetJob( [in] REFGUID jobID, [out] IBackgroundCopyJob **ppJob );
// // Without this flag, jobs not owned by the caller are excluded from the enumeration. // With this flag, those jobs are included. Only works if the caller is an administrator. // cpp_quote("#define BG_JOB_ENUM_ALL_USERS 0x0001")
HRESULT EnumJobs( [in] DWORD dwFlags, [out] IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs **ppEnum );
HRESULT GetErrorDescription( [in] HRESULT hResult, [in] DWORD LanguageId, [out] LPWSTR *pErrorDescription ); }
[ uuid(1deeb74f-7915-4560-b558-918c83f176a6), helpstring("Microsoft Background Copy Queue Manager 1.0"), lcid(0x0000), version(1.0) ] library BackgroundCopyManager { [ uuid(4991d34b-80a1-4291-83b6-3328366b9097), helpstring("Background copy control class") ] coclass BackgroundCopyManager { [default] interface IBackgroundCopyManager; }; }