#include "stdinc.h" // actually from dll\whistler directory
Side X ("by") Side Test -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "nt.h"
#include "ntrtl.h"
#include "nturtl.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "fusionlastwin32error.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4511)
#pragma warning(disable: 4512)
#pragma warning(disable: 4663)
#include <yvals.h>
#pragma warning(disable: 4663)
#include <string>
#include <deque>
#include <vector>
#pragma warning(pop)
#include "FusionBuffer.h"
#include "fusion.h"
#include "sxsasmname.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "filestream.cpp"
#include "sxsapi.h"
#include "fusiontrace.h"
#include "cresourcestream.cpp"
#include "cmemorystream.cpp"
#include "wintrust.h"
#include "softpub.h"
#include "perfclocking.h"
#include "strongname.h"
#include "fusionversion.h"
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <string>
#include "commctrl.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "fusionsha1.h"
#include "cguid.h"
#include "winbasep.h"
#undef LoadLibraryA
#undef LoadLibraryW
#undef LoadLibraryExA
#undef LoadLibraryExW
#undef InitCommonControls
BOOL IamExe; BOOL IamDll; extern "C" { void (__cdecl * _aexit_rtn)(int); }
void __cdecl Trace(const char* FormatString, ...) { char buffer[2000]; va_list args;
va_start(args, FormatString); _vsnprintf(buffer, RTL_NUMBER_OF(buffer), FormatString, args); buffer[RTL_NUMBER_OF(buffer) - 1] = 0; for (PSTR s = buffer ; *s != 0 ; ) { PSTR t = strchr(s, '\n');
if (t != NULL) *t = 0;
printf("stdout : %s\n", s); OutputDebugStringA("debugger: "); OutputDebugStringA(s); OutputDebugStringA("\n");
if (t != NULL) s = t + 1; } va_end(args); }
typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PSXSPGENERATEMANIFESTPATHONASSEMBLYIDENTITY)( PWSTR str, // input string, must have name, version, langid and processorarchitecture
PWSTR psz, // output string, like x86_cards_strongname,.......
SIZE_T * pCch, // IN : length of psz, OUT : used
PASSEMBLY_IDENTITY *ppAssemblyIdentity // could be NULL
work around the fact that SxsHeap doesn't let us use a non debug operator new -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ template <typename T> class Allocator : public std::allocator<T> { public: pointer allocate(size_type n, const void*) { return reinterpret_cast<pointer>(malloc(n * sizeof(T))); }
char* _Charalloc(size_type n) { return reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(n)); }
void deallocate(void* p, size_type) { free(p); } };
#define SXSTEST_BEGIN_INSTALL (0x4000000000000000i64)
#define SXSTEST_INSTALL (0x2000000000000000i64)
#define SXSTEST_END_INSTALL (0x1000000000000000i64)
#define SXSTEST_INSTALL_MY_QUEUE (0x0800000000000000i64)
#define SXSTEST_INSTALL_SETUPAPI_QUEUE (0x0400000000000000i64)
#define SXSTEST_END_OF_FLAGS (0x0200000000000000i64)
#define SXSTEST_THREADS (0x0100000000000000i64)
#define SXSTEST_CREATEPROCESS (0x0080000000000000i64)
inline int PRINTABLE(int ch) { return isprint(ch) ? ch : '.'; }
void PrintIfAnyCriticalSectionsHeld(const char* file, int line, const char* function) #define PrintIfAnyCriticalSectionsHeld() PrintIfAnyCriticalSectionsHeld(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
{ const DWORD dwLastError = ::GetLastError(); PTEB teb; teb = NtCurrentTeb(); if (teb->CountOfOwnedCriticalSections != 0) { DbgPrint("%s(%d):%s teb->CountOfOwnedCriticalSections %d\n", file, line, function, teb->CountOfOwnedCriticalSections); } SetLastError(dwLastError); }
static VOID PrintBlob( FILE *pf, PVOID Data, SIZE_T Length, PCWSTR PerLinePrefix );
BOOL TestLeakMemory(DWORD Amount); BOOL TestAssemblyProbing(int argc, wchar_t **argv, int *piNext); BOOL TestDirectoryChangeWatcher(int argc, wchar_t **argv, int *piNext); BOOL TestXMLParsing(int argc, wchar_t **argv, int *piNext); BOOL TestMultiAct(int argc, wchar_t **argv); BOOL TestManifestSchema(int argc, wchar_t **argv, int *piNext); BOOL TestDirect(int argc, wchar_t **argv, int *piNext); void TestWin32(wchar_t** argv); BOOL TestAct(int argc, wchar_t **argv, int *piNext); BOOL TestInstall(PCWSTR manifest, __int64 flags, DWORD beginInstallFlags, DWORD installFlags, DWORD endInstallFlags); int TestDiffDir(PCWSTR dir1, PCWSTR dir2); BOOL TestSearchPath(int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piNext); BOOL TestMSIInstall(int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piNext); int TestDirWalk(PCWSTR root, PWSTR filter); BOOL TestLoadLibrary(int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piNext); int TestAssemblyName(VOID); int TestPrecomiledManifest(PCWSTR szFileName); int TestPCMTime(PCWSTR manifestFilename); int TestCreateProcess(wchar_t** argv); int TestCreateProcess2(wchar_t** argv); BOOL TestInstallPrivateAssembly(int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piNext); BOOL TestManifestProbing(int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piNext); int TestCreateMultiLevelDirectory(PCWSTR dirs); BOOL TestXMLDOM(PCWSTR xmlfilename); BOOL TestFusionArray(PCWSTR, PCWSTR); BOOL TestGeneratePathFromIdentityAttributeString(PCWSTR str); BOOL TestRefreshAssembly(PCWSTR wsAssembly); BOOL TestInstallWithInstallInfo(PCWSTR wsAssemblyManifest, PCWSTR wsReference); BOOL TestOpeningStuff(PCWSTR wsSourceName, PCWSTR wsType, PCWSTR wsCount); BOOL TestVerifyFileSignature(PCWSTR wsFilename); BOOL TestInstallLikeWindowsSetup(PCWSTR szDirectory, PCWSTR szCodebase); BOOL TestDumpContainedManifests(PCWSTR wsFilename); BOOL TestGenerateStringWithIdenticalHash(WCHAR iString[33]); BOOL TestAssemblyIdentityHash(); void TestInherit(); void TestNoInherit(); void TestEmpty(); BOOL TestMessagePerf(int argc, wchar_t **arg, int *piNext); LRESULT CALLBACK TestMessagePerfWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void TestTrickyMultipleAssemblyCacheItems(PCWSTR); void TestSfcScanKickoff(); void GenerateStrongNameAndPublicKey(PCWSTR wsCertificate); VOID TestCreateActctxLeakHandles(DWORD num); BOOL TestSystemDefaultActivationContextGeneration(); BOOL TestAsyncIO(int argc, wchar_t **argv, int *piNext); void TestRefCount(); void TestGuidSort(); void TestStringSort(); BOOL TestNewCatalogSignerThingy(PCWSTR pcwszCatalog); void TestExeDll(); int TestThreadInheritLeak(); BOOL TestSxsSfcUI(); void TestGetModuleHandleEx(); void TestGetFullPathName(PCWSTR); void TestCreateFile(PCWSTR); void TestGetPathBaseName(LPCWSTR Path); PCSTR PrintPathToString(RTL_PATH_TYPE); void TestPathType(PCWSTR*); void TestVersion(); void TestGetProcessImageFileName(); void TestErrorInfra(); void TestQueryActCtx(); void TestQueryActCtx2(); void Test64k(); void TestDotLocalSingleInstancing(); void TestCreateActCtx(int nCreations, wchar_t **rgCreations); void TestCreateActctxLikeCreateProcess(); void TestCreateActctxAdminOverride(); void TestQueryManifestInformationBasic(PCWSTR pszManifest); void TestCreateActctxWindowsShellManifest(); void TestCreateGlobalEvent(); void TestHandleLeaks(void); void TestCRuntimeAsms(void); BOOL TestMfcCreateAndMarshal(void); void TestAtlCreate(void); void TestAlignment(void); BOOL TestPrivateSha1Impl(PCWSTR pcwszDirName); BOOL TestNewSxsInstallAPI(PCWSTR pcwszManifest); void TestImage(void); void TestInterlockedAlignment(void); void TestCreateActCtx_PE_flags0(void); void TestUninstall(PCWSTR ManifestPath, PCWSTR ReferenceString); PCWSTR GetLastErrorMessage(); BOOL SimpleTestFindAndUseSurrogateInformation(PCWSTR filename, PCWSTR GuidToDisplay); BOOL TestSxsExportedSurrogateStuff(PCWSTR pcwszManifest, PCWSTR pcwszWhat, PCWSTR pcwszData);
DWORD LastError;
static void LoadSxs(); static int Main(int argc, wchar_t** argv); static void SetLastOperation(const wchar_t* format, ...); static const wchar_t* GetLastOperation(const wchar_t* format, ...); static int Usage(const char* argv0); template <typename PFN> void GetSxsProc(PCSTR name, PFN* ppfn); template <typename PFN> void GetSxsProc(int name, PFN* ppfn);
BOOL ParseProcessorArchitecture(int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piCurrent); BOOL ParseLangId(int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piCurrent);
PCWSTR FusionpThreadUnsafeGetLastWin32ErrorMessageW() { CSxsPreserveLastError ple; static WCHAR LastErrorMessage[4096];
LastErrorMessage[0] = 0;
::FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error(), 0, LastErrorMessage, RTL_NUMBER_OF(LastErrorMessage), NULL); if (LastErrorMessage[0] != 0) { PWSTR p = LastErrorMessage + ::StringLength(LastErrorMessage) - 1; while (p != LastErrorMessage && (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r' || *p == ' ' || *p == '\t')) { *p-- = 0; } } ple.Restore(); return LastErrorMessage; }
void __stdcall ThrowLastError(DWORD error = ::GetLastError()) { RaiseException(error, 0, 0, NULL); //throw HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(error);
void __stdcall ThrowWin32(ULONG_PTR error = ::GetLastError()) { ThrowLastError(static_cast<DWORD>(error)); }
void __stdcall CheckHresult(HRESULT hr) { if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr; }
void SetDllBitInPeImage(PCWSTR Path) /*++
.exes and .dlls are the same format except one bit in the headers distinguishes them. --*/ { CFusionFile File; CFileMapping FileMapping; CMappedViewOfFile MappedViewOfFile;
if (!File.Win32CreateFile(Path, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING)) ThrowLastError(); if (!FileMapping.Win32CreateFileMapping(File, PAGE_READWRITE)) ThrowLastError(); if (!MappedViewOfFile.Win32MapViewOfFile(FileMapping, FILE_MAP_WRITE)) ThrowLastError();
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders = RtlImageNtHeader(static_cast<PVOID>(MappedViewOfFile)); if (NtHeaders == NULL) ThrowLastError(ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT);
// This is correct for PE32 or PE32+.
NtHeaders->FileHeader.Characteristics |= IMAGE_FILE_DLL;
if (!MappedViewOfFile.Win32Close()) ThrowLastError(); if (!FileMapping.Win32Close()) ThrowLastError(); if (!File.Win32Close()) ThrowLastError(); }
PCSTR PrintPathToString(RTL_PATH_TYPE PathType) { switch (PathType) { #define X(x) case x: return #x;
X(RtlPathTypeUnknown) X(RtlPathTypeUncAbsolute) X(RtlPathTypeDriveAbsolute) X(RtlPathTypeDriveRelative) X(RtlPathTypeRooted) X(RtlPathTypeRelative) X(RtlPathTypeLocalDevice) X(RtlPathTypeRootLocalDevice) #undef X
default: return "unknown"; } }
void TestPathType(const PCWSTR* argv) { if (*argv != NULL) { while (*argv != NULL) { RTL_PATH_TYPE PathType = SxspDetermineDosPathNameType(*argv); printf("%ls -> %s\n", *argv, PrintPathToString(PathType)); argv += 1; } } else { const static PCWSTR args[] = { L"a", L"\\a", L"\\\\a", L"\\\\\\a", L"a:", L"a:\\", L"\\?", L"\\.", L"\\\\?", L"\\\\.", L"\\\\?\\", L"\\\\.\\", L"\\\\?\\a", L"\\\\.\\a", L"\\\\?\\a:", L"\\\\.\\a:", L"\\\\?\\a:\\", L"\\\\.\\a:\\", L"\\\\?\\unc", L"\\\\.\\unc", L"\\\\?\\unc\\", L"\\\\.\\unc\\", NULL }; TestPathType(args); } }
class CUnknown : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** ppv) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } virtual ULONG __stdcall AddRef() { return 1; } virtual ULONG __stdcall Release() { return 1; } };
struct G { HINSTANCE sxsDll; USHORT wProcessorArchitecture; LANGID wLangId; HANDLE MainThread; INT NumberOfThreads; HANDLE Threads[MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS]; HANDLE ThreadExitEvent; wchar_t lastOperation[256]; CUnknown unknown;
CSmartRef<IGlobalInterfaceTable> GlobalInterfaceTable;
// the start of some automation / record keeping..
ULONG Failures; ULONG Successes; } g;
const static struct { DWORD (WINAPI* GetModuleFileNameW)(HMODULE, LPWSTR, DWORD); SIZE_T (WINAPI* VirtualQuery)(LPCVOID, PMEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION, SIZE_T); } Kernel32 = { GetModuleFileNameW, VirtualQuery };
const static struct { HRESULT (WINAPI* IIDFromString)(LPOLESTR, LPIID); HRESULT (WINAPI* CLSIDFromString)(LPOLESTR, LPIID); HRESULT (WINAPI* CoCreateInstance)(REFCLSID, LPUNKNOWN, DWORD, REFIID, LPVOID*); HRESULT (WINAPI* CoInitialize)(LPVOID); void (WINAPI* CoUninitialize)(); } Ole32 = { IIDFromString, CLSIDFromString, CoCreateInstance, CoInitialize, CoUninitialize };
void ManifestStringToTempFile( PCWSTR ManifestString, CBaseStringBuffer &rTempFilePath ) { CFusionFile File; WCHAR xTempFilePath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR TempDirectory[MAX_PATH]; const static WCHAR NativeUnicodeByteOrderMark = 0xfeff; DWORD BytesWritten;
//if (!::GetTempPathW(NUMBER_OF(TempDirectory), TempDirectory))
// ThrowLastError();
::GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, TempDirectory, NUMBER_OF(TempDirectory)); *wcsrchr(TempDirectory, '\\') = 0; ::Trace("TempDirectory:%ls\n", TempDirectory); if (!::GetTempFileNameW(TempDirectory, L"", 0, xTempFilePath)) ::ThrowLastError(); rTempFilePath.Win32Assign(xTempFilePath, wcslen(xTempFilePath));
::Trace("xTempFilePath:%ls\n", xTempFilePath); ::Trace("TempFilePath:%ls\n", static_cast<PCWSTR>(xTempFilePath));
if (!File.Win32CreateFile(rTempFilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS)) ::ThrowLastError();
if (!::WriteFile(File, &NativeUnicodeByteOrderMark, sizeof(NativeUnicodeByteOrderMark), &BytesWritten, NULL)) ::ThrowLastError();
if (!::WriteFile(File, ManifestString, static_cast<DWORD>(sizeof(*ManifestString) * StringLength(ManifestString)), &BytesWritten, NULL)) ::ThrowLastError(); }
HANDLE CreateActivationContextFromStringW( PCWSTR ManifestString ) { CStringBuffer TempFilePath;
::ManifestStringToTempFile(ManifestString, TempFilePath);
ACTCTXW ActivationContextCreate = { sizeof(ActivationContextCreate) }; ActivationContextCreate.lpSource = TempFilePath; HANDLE ActivationContextHandle = ::CreateActCtxW(&ActivationContextCreate); DWORD Error = ::GetLastError(); ::DeleteFileW(TempFilePath); if (ActivationContextHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ::ThrowLastError(Error); return ActivationContextHandle; }
int Usage(const wchar_t* argv0) { std::wstring strargv0 = argv0; fprintf(stderr, "%ls", ( L"Usage: \n" L" " + strargv0 + L" [install-flags] manifest-or-image-with-manifest-resource-path\n" L" " + strargv0 + L" [-pa processor-architecture] [-langid langid] -d manifest-path ...\n" L" " + strargv0 + L" [-pa processor-architecture] [-langid langid] -p manifest-path ...\n" L" " + strargv0 + L" [-pa processor-architecture] [-langid langid] -w32 manifest-path ...\n" L" " + strargv0 + L" [-pa processor-architecture] [-langid langid] -msi msi-script...\n" L" " + strargv0 + L" -tcreateprocess ...\n" L" " + strargv0 + L" -tsearchpath ...\n" L" " + strargv0 + L" -tcreateprocess ...\n" L" " + strargv0 + L" -tempty test pushing a special empty context ...\n" L" " + strargv0 + L" -tinherit test the usual default inheritance ...\n" L" " + strargv0 + L" -tnoinherit test the noinherit bit ...\n" L" " + strargv0 + L" [-threads n] create n threads for some tests ...\n" L" " + strargv0 + L" probably other choices, use the source\n" L"\n" L"install-flags:\n" L" -i\n" L" -install\n" L" -install-my-queue\n" L" -install-setupapi-queue\n" L" -install-from-resource\n" L" -install-move\n" L" -install-my-queue\n" L" -install-setupapi-queue [requires debugger]\n" L" -install-from-resource\n" ).c_str() );
return EXIT_FAILURE; }
const wchar_t* GetLastOperation() { return g.lastOperation; }
void SetLastOperation(const wchar_t* format, ...) { va_list args;
g.lastOperation[0] = 0; g.lastOperation[NUMBER_OF(g.lastOperation) - 1] = 0;
va_start(args, format); _vsnwprintf(g.lastOperation, NUMBER_OF(g.lastOperation) - 1, format, args); va_end(args); }
HANDLE DuplicateHandle(HANDLE handle) { HANDLE newHandle = NULL; if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), handle, GetCurrentProcess(), &newHandle, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) { ThrowLastError(); } return newHandle; }
__int64 IsFlag(PCWSTR arg) { const static struct { WCHAR name[32]; __int64 value; } flags[] = { { L"i", SXSTEST_BEGIN_INSTALL}, { L"install", SXSTEST_BEGIN_INSTALL},
{ L"install-my-queue", SXSTEST_INSTALL_MY_QUEUE }, { L"install-setupapi-queue", SXSTEST_INSTALL_SETUPAPI_QUEUE },
{ L"threads", SXSTEST_THREADS },
{ L"-", SXSTEST_END_OF_FLAGS } }; if (*arg == '-') { arg += 1; for (ULONG i = 0 ; i != NUMBER_OF(flags) ; ++i) { if (_wcsicmp(flags[i].name, arg) == 0) return flags[i].value; } } return 0; }
DWORD __stdcall ThreadMain(PVOID) { //
// We run stuff in other threads via QueueUserAPC.
__try { WaitForSingleObjectEx(g.ThreadExitEvent, INFINITE, TRUE); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { #if DBG
if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { FUSION_DEBUG_BREAK(); } #endif
QueueUserAPC(ThrowWin32, g.MainThread, GetExceptionCode()); } return 0; }
void CreateThreads() { INT i; g.MainThread = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentThread()); g.ThreadExitEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (g.ThreadExitEvent == NULL) { ThrowLastError(); } for (i = 0 ; i < g.NumberOfThreads ; i++) { g.Threads[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadMain, NULL, 0, NULL); if (g.Threads[i] == NULL) { int error = ::GetLastError(); if (i > 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Only able to created %d threads, error=%d, continuing\n", i, error); g.NumberOfThreads = i; break; } fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create threads, error=%d, terminating\n", error); ThrowWin32(error); } } }
void GetFlags( wchar_t**& argv, __int64& flags, DWORD& beginInstallFlags, DWORD& installFlags, DWORD& endInstallFlags ) { __int64 flag; while (flag = IsFlag(argv[1])) { ++argv; if (flag & SXSTEST_END_OF_FLAGS) { break; } else if (flag & SXSTEST_BEGIN_INSTALL) { beginInstallFlags |= flag; } else if (flag & SXSTEST_INSTALL) { installFlags |= flag; } else if (flag & SXSTEST_END_INSTALL) { endInstallFlags |= flag; } else if (flag & SXSTEST_THREADS) { g.NumberOfThreads = _wtoi(*++argv); if (g.NumberOfThreads > NUMBER_OF(g.Threads)) { g.NumberOfThreads = NUMBER_OF(g.Threads); } }
// always set flags because normal installation is 0 now
flags |= flag; } }
VOID FusionpSetSystemSetupInProgress(bool f) { CFusionRegKey Regkey; CFusionRegKey RegkeyLocalMachine(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
if (!RegkeyLocalMachine.OpenSubKey(Regkey, L"System\\Setup", KEY_ALL_ACCESS)) return; Regkey.SetValue(L"SystemSetupInProgress", f ? 1 : 0); }
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI SxsDllMain( HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD dwReason, PVOID pvReserved );
int Main(int argc, wchar_t** argv) { int i = 0; __int64 flags = 0; //__int64 flag = 0;
DWORD beginInstallFlags = 0; DWORD installFlags = 0; DWORD endInstallFlags = 0; wchar_t* argv0 = argv[0];
g.wProcessorArchitecture = SxspGetSystemProcessorArchitecture(); g.wLangId = ::GetUserDefaultLangID(); if (argc > 1) { FusionpSetSystemSetupInProgress(false); __try { __try { if (!SxsDllMain(GetModuleHandle(NULL), DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, NULL)) ThrowLastError(); GetFlags(argv, flags, beginInstallFlags, installFlags, endInstallFlags);
i = 1;
// consume global flags...
for (;;) { if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-pa") == 0) { if (!ParseProcessorArchitecture(argc, argv, &i)) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-langid") == 0) { if (!ParseLangId(argc, argv, &i)) goto Exit; } else break; }
if (false) { } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-id") == 0) { DWORD index = 0; if (argv[3]){ // have an index present
index = argv[3][0] - L'0'; } i = TestGeneratePathFromIdentityAttributeString(argv[2]); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tPathType") == 0) { TestPathType(argv + i + 1); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-systemdefault") == 0) { i = TestSystemDefaultActivationContextGeneration(); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-dom") == 0) { i = TestXMLDOM(argv[2]); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-hash") == 0) { i = TestGenerateStringWithIdenticalHash(argv[2]); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tasyncio") == 0) { i++; i = TestAsyncIO(argc, argv, &i); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-assemblyidentityhash") == 0) { i = TestAssemblyIdentityHash(); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-array") == 0) { i = TestFusionArray(argv[2], argv[3]); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-diffdir") == 0) { i = TestDiffDir(argv[i + 1], argv[i + 2]); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[1], L"-pcm") == 0) { i = TestPrecomiledManifest(argv[2]); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[1], L"-testpcm") == 0) { i = TestPCMTime(argv[2]); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[1], L"-cd") == 0) { i = TestCreateMultiLevelDirectory(argv[2]); } else if (!::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-manifests")) { TestDumpContainedManifests(argv[++i]); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[1], L"-dirwalk") == 0) { i = TestDirWalk(argv[i + 1], argv[i + 2]); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[1], L"-tmultiact") == 0) { i = TestMultiAct(argc, argv); } else if (flags) { PrintIfAnyCriticalSectionsHeld(); i = TestInstall(argv[i], flags, beginInstallFlags, installFlags, endInstallFlags); PrintIfAnyCriticalSectionsHeld(); } else if (!::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-sfcui")) { if ( !TestSxsSfcUI() ) goto Exit; i++; } else if ( !FusionpStrCmpI( argv[i], L"-installwithinfo" ) ) { TestInstallWithInstallInfo( ( i + 1 < argc ) ? argv[i + 1] : NULL, ( i + 2 < argc ) ? argv[i+2] : NULL); i += 2; } else if (!::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-multicache")) { TestTrickyMultipleAssemblyCacheItems(argv[i + 1]); i++; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-d") == 0) { if (!TestDirect(argc, argv, &i)) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-probe") == 0) { i++; argv[i] = L"foo,type=\"win32\",processorArchitecture=\"x86\",version=\"\",publicKeyToken=\"6595b64144ccf1df\""; if (!TestAssemblyProbing(argc, argv, &i)) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-dirchanges") == 0) { if (!TestDirectoryChangeWatcher(argc, argv, &i)) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-newinstall") == 0) { if (!TestNewSxsInstallAPI(argv[++i])) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tuninstall") == 0 || ::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-uninstall") == 0) { TestUninstall(argv[i + 1], argv[i + 2]); goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-probemanifest") == 0) { if (!TestManifestProbing(argc, argv, &i)) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-p") == 0) { if (!TestXMLParsing(argc, argv, &i)) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-w32") == 0) { TestWin32(argv + i + 1); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-msi") == 0) { if (!TestMSIInstall(argc, argv, &i)) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-mp") == 0) { if (!TestManifestSchema(argc, argv, &i)) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-act") == 0) { if (!TestAct(argc, argv, &i)) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-shatest") == 0) { if (!TestPrivateSha1Impl(argv[++i])) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[1], L"-am") == 0) { i = TestAssemblyName(); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tsurrogates") == 0) { if (!SimpleTestFindAndUseSurrogateInformation(argv[i+1], argv[i+2])) goto Exit; i += 2; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-clrhelpers") == 0) { if (!TestSxsExportedSurrogateStuff(argv[i+1], argv[i+2], argv[i+3])) goto Exit; i += 3; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tsearchpath") == 0) { if (!TestSearchPath(argc, argv, &i)) goto Exit; } else if (!::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-testmapping")) { if (!TestOpeningStuff(argv[i+1], argv[i+2], argv[i+3])) goto Exit; i += 3; } else if (!::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-validatefile")) { if (!TestVerifyFileSignature(argv[++i])) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tloadlibrary") == 0) { if (!TestLoadLibrary(argc, argv, &i)) goto Exit; } else if (!::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-refresh")) { if (!TestRefreshAssembly(argv[i+1])) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-leak") == 0) { //
// We dump a little bit of memory
UINT iAmount = 0; iAmount = _wtoi(argv[++i]); if (!TestLeakMemory(iAmount)) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tcreateprocess") == 0) { if (!TestCreateProcess(argv + i + 1)) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tcreateprocess2") == 0) { if (!TestCreateProcess2(argv + i + 1)) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tinherit") == 0) { TestInherit(); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tnoinherit") == 0) { TestNoInherit(); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tempty") == 0) { TestEmpty(); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-ttsappcmp") == 0) { TestCreateGlobalEvent(); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tmsgperf") == 0) { i++; if (!TestMessagePerf(argc, argv, &i)) goto Exit; } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-twinsetup") == 0) { FusionpSetSystemSetupInProgress(true); if (!TestInstallLikeWindowsSetup(argv[i + 1], (argv[i + 2] != NULL) ? argv[i + 2] : argv[i + 1])) goto Exit; i += 3; } else if (!::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-sfcscan")) { TestSfcScanKickoff(); } else if (!::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-certinfo")) { GenerateStrongNameAndPublicKey(argv[++i]); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-thandle") == 0) { DWORD iAmount = 0; iAmount = _wtoi(argv[++i]);
TestCreateActctxLeakHandles(iAmount); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-catsigner") == 0) { TestNewCatalogSignerThingy(argv[++i]); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-trefcount") == 0) { TestRefCount(); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-ttileak") == 0) { TestThreadInheritLeak(); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tguidsort") == 0) { TestGuidSort(); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tstringsort") == 0) { TestStringSort(); } else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tExeDll") == 0) { TestExeDll(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tExitProcess") == 0) { LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc(SXSP_DEBUG_ORDINAL, &pfnSxspDebug); pfnSxspDebug(SXS_DEBUG_EXIT_PROCESS, 0, 0, NULL); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tTerminateProcess") == 0) { LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc(SXSP_DEBUG_ORDINAL, &pfnSxspDebug); pfnSxspDebug(SXS_DEBUG_TERMINATE_PROCESS, 0, 0, NULL); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tLastError") == 0) { ::SetLastError(123); printf("%lu\n", FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); printf("%lu\n", ::GetLastError()); ::FusionpSetLastWin32Error(456); printf("%lu\n", FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); printf("%lu\n", ::GetLastError()); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tGetModuleHandleEx") == 0) { TestGetModuleHandleEx(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tGetFullPathName") == 0) { TestGetFullPathName(argv[i + 1]); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tCreateFile") == 0) { TestCreateFile(argv[i + 1]); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tGetPathBaseName") == 0) { TestGetPathBaseName(argv[i + 1]); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tVersion") == 0) { TestVersion(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tGetProcessImageFileName") == 0) { TestGetProcessImageFileName(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tErrorInfra") == 0) { TestErrorInfra(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tQueryActCtx") == 0) TestQueryActCtx(); else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tQueryActCtx2") == 0) TestQueryActCtx2(); else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tqmib") == 0) { TestQueryManifestInformationBasic(argv[i+1]); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-t64k") == 0) { Test64k(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tcreateactctx") == 0) { TestCreateActCtx(argc - (i + 1), &argv[i+1]); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-TestCreateActCtx_PE_flags0") == 0) { TestCreateActCtx_PE_flags0(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tDotLocalSingleInstancing") == 0) { TestDotLocalSingleInstancing(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tCreateActctxLikeCreateProcess") == 0) { TestCreateActctxLikeCreateProcess(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tCreateActctxLikeCreateProcess") == 0) { TestCreateActctxLikeCreateProcess(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tCreateActctxAdminOverride") == 0) { TestCreateActctxAdminOverride(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tCreateActctxWindowsShellManifest") == 0) { TestCreateActctxWindowsShellManifest(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tHandleLeak") == 0) { //for (ULONG i = 0 ; i != 5 ; i += 1)
TestHandleLeaks(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tMfcCreateAndMarshal") == 0) { TestMfcCreateAndMarshal(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-tAtlCreate") == 0) { TestAtlCreate(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-TestAlignment") == 0) { TestAlignment(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-DoNothingJustSeeIfItRuns") == 0) { printf("%wZ ran successfully\n", &NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ImagePathName); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-TestImage") == 0) { TestImage(); } else if (FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-TestInterlockedAlignment") == 0) { TestInterlockedAlignment(); } else { i = Usage(argv0); } if (g.ThreadExitEvent) { SetEvent(g.ThreadExitEvent); WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(g.NumberOfThreads, g.Threads, TRUE, INFINITE, TRUE); } if (g.sxsDll != NULL) { FreeLibrary(g.sxsDll); } } __finally { FusionpSetSystemSetupInProgress(false); } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { #if DBG
if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { FUSION_DEBUG_BREAK(); } #endif
i = GetExceptionCode(); WCHAR message[128]; DWORD flags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM; FormatMessageW(flags, NULL, i, 0, message, NUMBER_OF(message), NULL); PWSTR end = message + wcslen(message); while (end != message && isspace(*(end - 1))) { --end; } *end = 0; ::Trace("%ls failed, %d, %#x, %ls", g.lastOperation, i, i, message); } PTEB teb; teb = NtCurrentTeb(); if (teb->CountOfOwnedCriticalSections != 0) { DbgPrint("teb->CountOfOwnedCriticalSections %d\n", teb->CountOfOwnedCriticalSections); //ASSERT(teb->CountOfOwnedCriticalSections == 0);
return i ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; } return Usage(argv[0]);
Exit: return ::GetLastError(); }
extern "C" int __cdecl wmain(int argc, wchar_t** argv) { // NtCurrentTeb()->CountOfOwnedCriticalSections = 0;
PrintIfAnyCriticalSectionsHeld(); int i = Main(argc, argv); PrintIfAnyCriticalSectionsHeld(); return i; }
int TestDiffDir(PCWSTR dir1, PCWSTR dir2) { CFusionDirectoryDifference diff; CStringBuffer buf1; CStringBuffer buf2; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if (!buf1.Win32Assign(dir1, ::wcslen(dir1))) goto Exit; if (!buf2.Win32Assign(dir2, ::wcslen(dir2))) goto Exit;
if (!::FusionpCompareDirectoriesSizewiseRecursively(&diff, buf1, buf2)) goto Exit;
diff.DbgPrint(buf1, buf2);
fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }
PCWSTR GetUser() { static bool fInited; static WCHAR userName[MAX_PATH]; if (!fInited) { DWORD size = NUMBER_OF(userName); userName[0] = 0; userName[1] = 0; GetUserNameW(userName, &size); if (userName[1] == '-') { wmemcpy(userName, 2+userName, 1+wcslen(2+userName)); } fInited = true; } return userName; }
void UserBreakPoint(PCWSTR user) { if (::IsDebuggerPresent() && _wcsicmp(GetUser(), user) == 0) { ASSERT2_NTC(FALSE, __FUNCTION__); } }
void LoadSxs() { WCHAR ExePath[MAX_PATH]; if (g.sxsDll == NULL) { SetLastOperation(L"LoadLibrary(SXS.DLL)"); // sxstest is often run from nt\base\win32\fusion\tests\sxstest\whistler\obj\i386\sxstest.exe; try loading sxs.dll
// via a relative path first
g.sxsDll = ::LoadLibraryW(L"..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\dll\\whistler\\obj\\i386\\SXS.DLL"); if (g.sxsDll == NULL) { GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, ExePath, NUMBER_OF(ExePath)); wcscpy(1 + wcsrchr(ExePath, '\\'), L"SXS.DLL"); g.sxsDll = ::LoadLibraryW(ExePath); } if (g.sxsDll == NULL) g.sxsDll = ::LoadLibraryW(L"SXS.DLL"); if (g.sxsDll == NULL) ThrowLastError(); UserBreakPoint(L"JayKrell"); } }
template <typename PFN> void GetSxsProc(int name, PFN* ppfn) { SetLastOperation(L"GetProcAddress(#%d)", name); if (!(*ppfn = reinterpret_cast<PFN>(GetProcAddress(g.sxsDll, reinterpret_cast<PCSTR>(IntToPtr(name)))))) { ThrowLastError(); } }
template <typename PFN> void GetSxsProc(PCSTR name, PFN* ppfn) { SetLastOperation(L"GetProcAddress(%hs)", name); if (!(*ppfn = reinterpret_cast<PFN>(GetProcAddress(g.sxsDll, name)))) { ThrowLastError(); } }
class CCopyQueueElement : public std::pair<std::wstring, std::wstring> { typedef std::pair<std::wstring, std::wstring> Base; public: CCopyQueueElement() { }
CCopyQueueElement(const first_type& source, const second_type& target) : Base(source, target) { }
first_type& Source() { return first; } const first_type& Source() const { return first; } second_type& Target() { return second; } const second_type& Target() const { return second; } };
template <typename T> class StdDeque : public std::deque<T, Allocator<T> > { }; template <typename T> class StdVector : public std::vector<T, Allocator<T> > { };
class CCopyQueue : public StdDeque<CCopyQueueElement> { typedef StdDeque<CCopyQueueElement> Base; public: BOOL Callback( PSXS_INSTALLATION_FILE_COPY_CALLBACK_PARAMETERS parameters ) { push_back(value_type(parameters->pSourceFile, parameters->pDestinationFile));
static BOOL WINAPI StaticCallback( PSXS_INSTALLATION_FILE_COPY_CALLBACK_PARAMETERS parameters ) { CCopyQueue* pThis = reinterpret_cast<CCopyQueue*>(parameters->pvContext); BOOL fResult = pThis->Callback(parameters); return fResult; }
BOOL Flush() { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; for (; !empty() ; pop_back()) { const std::wstring& target = back().Target(); const std::wstring targetDir = target.substr(0, target.find_last_of('\\')); FusionpCreateDirectories(targetDir.c_str(), ::wcslen(targetDir.c_str())); if (!CopyFileW(back().Source().c_str(), target.c_str(), TRUE)) { goto Exit; } } fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } };
int TestInstall( PCWSTR manifest, __int64 flags, DWORD beginInstallFlags, DWORD installFlags, DWORD endInstallFlags ) { PrintIfAnyCriticalSectionsHeld();
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; PVOID installCookie = NULL; PSXS_BEGIN_ASSEMBLY_INSTALL sxsBeginAssemblyInstall = NULL; PSXS_INSTALL_ASSEMBLY_W sxsInstallAssemblyW = NULL; PSXS_END_ASSEMBLY_INSTALL sxsEndAssemblyInstall = NULL; CCopyQueue copyQueue; BOOL fCleanup = FALSE; SXS_INSTALL_SOURCE_INFO SxsInstallInfo = {0};
PSXS_INSTALLATION_FILE_COPY_CALLBACK callback = NULL; PVOID context = NULL; HSPFILEQ hSetupCopyQueue = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PVOID pDefaultSetupCopyQueueContext = NULL; LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc("SxsBeginAssemblyInstall", &sxsBeginAssemblyInstall); GetSxsProc("SxsInstallAssemblyW", &sxsInstallAssemblyW); GetSxsProc("SxsEndAssemblyInstall", &sxsEndAssemblyInstall);
if (flags & SXSTEST_INSTALL_MY_QUEUE) { callback = &CCopyQueue::StaticCallback; context = ©Queue; } else if (flags & SXSTEST_INSTALL_SETUPAPI_QUEUE) { callback = SXS_INSTALLATION_FILE_COPY_CALLBACK_SETUP_COPY_QUEUE; if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (hSetupCopyQueue = SetupOpenFileQueue())) { goto Exit; } context = hSetupCopyQueue; // random non NULL, step through, then stop debugging
#if DBG
if (!(*sxsBeginAssemblyInstall)( beginInstallFlags, callback, context, NULL, // ImpersonationCallback,
NULL, // ImpersonationContext,
&installCookie)) { goto Exit; } fCleanup = TRUE;
memset(&SxsInstallInfo, 0, sizeof(SxsInstallInfo)); SxsInstallInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SxsInstallInfo); SxsInstallInfo.dwFlags = SXSINSTALLSOURCE_INSTALLING_SETUP | SXSINSTALLSOURCE_HAS_CODEBASE; SxsInstallInfo.pcwszCodebaseName = manifest;
fSuccess = sxsInstallAssemblyW( installCookie, installFlags | SXS_INSTALL_ASSEMBLY_FLAG_FROM_DIRECTORY_RECURSIVE | SXS_INSTALL_ASSEMBLY_FLAG_INCLUDE_CODEBASE, manifest, &SxsInstallInfo);
fSuccess = copyQueue.Flush(); Exit: if (fCleanup) { if (flags & SXSTEST_INSTALL_SETUPAPI_QUEUE) { if (!(pDefaultSetupCopyQueueContext = ::SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback(NULL))) { fSuccess = FALSE; } if (fSuccess && !::SetupCommitFileQueue(NULL, hSetupCopyQueue, SetupDefaultQueueCallback, pDefaultSetupCopyQueueContext)) { fSuccess = FALSE; } if (hSetupCopyQueue != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ::SetupCloseFileQueue(hSetupCopyQueue); hSetupCopyQueue = NULL; } }
sxsEndAssemblyInstall(installCookie, endInstallFlags | (fSuccess ? SXS_END_ASSEMBLY_INSTALL_FLAG_COMMIT : SXS_END_ASSEMBLY_INSTALL_FLAG_ABORT), NULL); }
if (!fSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
BOOL TestManifestSchema( int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piNext ) { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION& pfn = pfnSxspDebug; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
int i = (*piNext) + 1;
if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%S: Missing parameter after \"%S\"\n", argv[0], argv[i-1]); goto Exit; }
fSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_CHECK_MANIFEST_SCHEMA, 0, argv[i++], NULL);
if (!fSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); goto Exit; }
*piNext = i; fSuccess = TRUE;
Exit: return fSuccess; }
BOOL TestXMLParsing( int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piNext) { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; int i = (*piNext) + 1;
if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%S: missing parameter after \"%S\"\n", argv[0], argv[i-1]); goto Exit; }
fSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_XML_PARSER, 0, argv[i], NULL);
if (!fSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); goto Exit; }
*piNext = i + 1; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; }
BOOL TestDirect( int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piNext) { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; int i = (*piNext) + 1;
if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%S: missing parameter after \"%S\"\n", argv[0], argv[i-1]); goto Exit; }
fSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_DLL_REDIRECTION, 0, argv[i], NULL);
if (!fSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); goto Exit; }
*piNext = i + 1; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess;
VOID PrintBlob( FILE *pf, PVOID Data, SIZE_T Length, PCWSTR PerLinePrefix ) { ULONG Offset = 0;
if (PerLinePrefix == NULL) PerLinePrefix = L"";
// we'll output in 8-byte chunks as shown:
// [prefix]Binary section %p (%d bytes)
// [prefix] 00000000: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (........)
// [prefix] 00000008: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (........)
// [prefix] 00000010: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (........)
while (Length >= 8) { BYTE *pb = (BYTE *) (((ULONG_PTR) Data) + Offset);
fprintf( pf, "%S %08lx: %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x (%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c)\n", PerLinePrefix, Offset, pb[0], pb[1], pb[2], pb[3], pb[4], pb[5], pb[6], pb[7], PRINTABLE(pb[0]), PRINTABLE(pb[1]), PRINTABLE(pb[2]), PRINTABLE(pb[3]), PRINTABLE(pb[4]), PRINTABLE(pb[5]), PRINTABLE(pb[6]), PRINTABLE(pb[7]));
Offset += 8; Length -= 8; }
if (Length != 0) { CStringBuffer buffTemp; bool First = true; ULONG i; BYTE *pb = (BYTE *) (((ULONG_PTR) Data) + Offset);
buffTemp.Win32ResizeBuffer(48, eDoNotPreserveBufferContents);
buffTemp.Win32Format(L" %08lx: ", Offset);
for (i=0; i<8; i++) { if (Length > 0) { if (!First) buffTemp.Win32Append("-", 1); else First = false;
buffTemp.Win32FormatAppend(L"%02x", pb[i]);
Length--; } else { buffTemp.Win32Append(" ", 3); } }
buffTemp.Win32Append(" (", 2);
i = 0;
while (Length != 0) { CHAR chTemp = static_cast<CHAR>(PRINTABLE(pb[i])); i++; buffTemp.Win32Append(&chTemp, 1); Length--; }
buffTemp.Win32Append(L")", 1);
fprintf( pf, "%S%S\n", PerLinePrefix, static_cast<PCWSTR>(buffTemp)); } }
void __stdcall TestWin32Apc(ULONG_PTR arg) { ACTCTXW ac = {sizeof(ac)}; int error = 0; PWSTR source = reinterpret_cast<PWSTR>(arg); HANDLE hActCtx = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
ac.lpSource = source; PWSTR pound = wcschr(source, '#'); if (pound != NULL) { *pound = 0; ac.lpResourceName = pound + 1; ac.dwFlags |= ACTCTX_FLAG_RESOURCE_NAME_VALID; } ac.wProcessorArchitecture = g.wProcessorArchitecture; ac.wLangId = g.wLangId; hActCtx = ::CreateActCtxW(&ac); if (hActCtx == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { error = ::GetLastError(); fwprintf(stderr, L"CreateActCtxW(%ls) failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", source, error); goto Exit; } //fSuccess = ::ReleaseActCtx(hActCtx);
fSuccess = TRUE; hActCtx = NULL; if (!fSuccess) { error = ::GetLastError(); goto Exit; } Exit: if (error) ThrowWin32(error); }
void TestWin32( wchar_t** argv ) { CreateThreads(); int i = 0;
for (i = 0 ; argv[i] ; ++i) { if (g.NumberOfThreads) { if (!QueueUserAPC(TestWin32Apc, g.Threads[i % g.NumberOfThreads], reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(argv[i]))) { fprintf(stderr, "QueueUserAPC() failed\n"); ThrowWin32(((ULONG_PTR) (LONG_PTR) -1)); } } else { TestWin32Apc(reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(argv[i])); } } } #if BETA1
const static WCHAR InheritManifest[] = L"<assembly manifestversion=\"1.0\" name=\"InheritManifest\">" L"<dependency assemblyname=\"Microsoft-Visual-CPlusPlus-Runtime-Libraries\" version=\"\" language=\"0000\"/>" L"</assembly>" ; #else // suppose to be BETA2 or later
const static WCHAR InheritManifest[] = L"<assembly xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\" manifestVersion=\"1.0\">" L"<assemblyIdentity type=\"win32\" name=\"Microsoft.Windows.SystemCompatibleAssembly\" version=\"\" processorArchitecture=\"x86\" />" L"<description>System Compatible Default</description> " L"<dependency> <dependentAssembly>" L"<assemblyIdentity type=\"win32\" name=\"Microsoft.Tools.VisualCPlusPlus.Runtime-Libraries\" version=\"\" language=\"*\" processorArchitecture=\"x86\" publicKeyToken=\"6595b64144ccf1df\" />" L"</dependentAssembly> </dependency></assembly>" ; #endif
const static WCHAR NoInheritManifest[] = L"<assembly manifestversion=\"1.0\" name=\"InheritManifest\">" L"<dependency assemblyname=\"Microsoft-Visual-CPlusPlus-Runtime-Libraries\" version=\"\" language=\"0000\"/>" L"<noinherit/>" L"</assembly>" ;
const static WCHAR RefCountManifest[] = L"<assembly xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\" manifestVersion=\"1.0\">" L"<assemblyIdentity type=\"win32\" name=\"Microsoft.Windows.SxsTest.RefCount\" version=\"\" processorArchitecture=\"x86\" />" L"<description>blah</description> " L"<dependency><dependentAssembly>" //L"<assemblyIdentity type=\"win32\" name=\"Microsoft.Windows.SxsTest1\" version=\"\" language=\"*\" processorArchitecture=\"x86\" publicKeyToken=\"6595b64144ccf1df\" />"
L"<assemblyIdentity type=\"win32\" name=\"Microsoft.Tools.VisualCPlusPlus.Runtime-Libraries\" version=\"\" language=\"*\" processorArchitecture=\"x86\" publicKeyToken=\"6595b64144ccf1df\" />" L"</dependentAssembly> </dependency></assembly>" ;
// to test the empty actctx, we push this, probe, push empty, probe
const static PCWSTR DependentOnMsvc6Manifest = InheritManifest;
WCHAR SearchPathResult[MAX_PATH];
void ProbeContext(const char* Function, PCWSTR Dll = L"msvcrt.dll") { SearchPathResult[0] = 0; SearchPathW(NULL, Dll, NULL, NUMBER_OF(SearchPathResult), SearchPathResult, NULL);
DbgPrint("%s %ls\n", Function, SearchPathResult); }
DWORD CALLBACK InheritThreadMain(VOID*) { ProbeContext(__FUNCTION__); return 0; }
DWORD CALLBACK NoinheritThreadMain(VOID*) { ProbeContext(__FUNCTION__); return 0; }
void TestInherit() { ProbeContext(__FUNCTION__); HANDLE ActivationContextHandle = ::CreateActivationContextFromStringW(InheritManifest); ULONG_PTR Cookie; ActivateActCtx(ActivationContextHandle, &Cookie); ProbeContext(__FUNCTION__); DWORD ThreadId; WaitForSingleObject(CreateThread(NULL, 0, InheritThreadMain, NULL, 0, &ThreadId), INFINITE); }
void TestNoInherit() { ProbeContext(__FUNCTION__); HANDLE ActivationContextHandle = ::CreateActivationContextFromStringW(NoInheritManifest); ULONG_PTR Cookie; ActivateActCtx(ActivationContextHandle, &Cookie); ProbeContext(__FUNCTION__); DWORD ThreadId; WaitForSingleObject(CreateThread(NULL, 0, NoinheritThreadMain, NULL, 0, &ThreadId), INFINITE); }
void TestEmpty() { ProbeContext(__FUNCTION__); HANDLE ActivationContextHandle = ::CreateActivationContextFromStringW(DependentOnMsvc6Manifest); ULONG_PTR Cookie1, Cookie2; ActivateActCtx(ActivationContextHandle, &Cookie1); ProbeContext(__FUNCTION__); ActivateActCtx(ACTCTX_EMPTY, &Cookie2); ProbeContext(__FUNCTION__); DeactivateActCtx(0, Cookie2); ProbeContext(__FUNCTION__); DeactivateActCtx(0, Cookie1); ProbeContext(__FUNCTION__); }
#if 0
(\ OUT PHANDLE FileHandle, \ IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, \ IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, \ OUT PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, \ IN ULONG ShareAccess, \ IN ULONG OpenOptions \ )
(\ OUT PHANDLE FileHandle, \ IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, \ IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, \ OUT PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, \ IN PLARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize OPTIONAL, \ IN ULONG FileAttributes, \ IN ULONG ShareAccess, \ IN ULONG CreateDisposition, \ IN ULONG CreateOptions, \ IN PVOID EaBuffer OPTIONAL, \ IN ULONG EaLength \ )
void TestRefCount() { //
// 1) newly created actctx has refcount==1
// 2) activated actctx has refcount==1
// 3) load a library with no deps with actctx, refcount==2
// 4) freelibrary, refcount==1
// directory of library is closed
// 5) release actctx refcount==0
// First order, just step through the code to look at the refcount.
// Second order, "detour" like crazy and look at the memory
// (including detouring away RtlFreeHeap, NtUnmapViewOfSection)
HANDLE ActivationContextHandle = ::CreateActivationContextFromStringW(RefCountManifest); ULONG_PTR Cookie1; ActivateActCtx(ActivationContextHandle, &Cookie1); FreeLibrary(LoadLibraryW(L"msvcrt.dll")); DeactivateActCtx(0, Cookie1); ReleaseActCtx(ActivationContextHandle);
#if 0
WCHAR RenameDirectorySource[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR RenameDirectoryDestination[MAX_PATH];
// Try to rename the directory.
DbgPrint("dll was loaded from %ls, now see if we can rename that directory\n", SearchPathResult);
wcscpy(RenameDirectorySource, SearchPathResult); *wcsrchr(SearchPathResult, '\\') = 0; wcscpy(RenameDirectoryDestination, RenameDirectorySource); wcscpy(wcsrchr(RenameDirectoryDestination, '\\'), L"blah");
BOOL Success = MoveFileW(RenameDirectorySource, RenameDirectoryDestination); int Error = ::GetLastError(); DbgPrint("MoveFile(%ls -> %ls) %s, Error=%d\n", RenameDirectorySource, RenameDirectoryDestination, Success ? "succeeded" : "failed", Error); #endif
GUID Guids[100]; WCHAR GuidStrings[100][64];
void FormatGuid(WCHAR* String, const GUID& Guid) { swprintf( String, L"%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", Guid.Data1, Guid.Data2, Guid.Data3, Guid.Data4[0], Guid.Data4[1], Guid.Data4[2], Guid.Data4[3], Guid.Data4[4], Guid.Data4[5], Guid.Data4[6], Guid.Data4[7]); }
extern "C" HRESULT __stdcall DllGetClassObject( REFCLSID rclsid, //CLSID for the class object
REFIID riid, //Reference to the identifier of the interface
// that communicates with the class object
LPVOID * ppv //Address of output variable that receives the
// interface pointer requested in riid
) { WCHAR GuidString[64];
FormatGuid(GuidString, rclsid); printf("%s : {%ls}\n", __FUNCTION__, GuidString);
if (riid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppv = &g.unknown; return S_OK; } else { return E_NOINTERFACE; } }
void TestGuidSort() { const int MAX = 100; FN_TRACE_SMART_TLS();
CStringBuffer Manifest; int i = 0;
Manifest.Win32ResizeBuffer(1 << 15, eDoNotPreserveBufferContents); Manifest.Win32Format( L"<assembly xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\" manifestVersion=\"1.0\"> \
<assemblyIdentity \ type=\"win32\" \
name=\"Microsoft.Windows.SxsTest.GuidSort\" \
version=\"\" \
processorArchitecture=\"x86\" \
publicKeyToken=\"6595b64144ccf1df\" \
/> \ <file name=\"sxstest.exe\">");
for (i = 0 ; i < MAX ; ++i) { GUID& Guid = Guids[i]; CoCreateGuid(&Guid);
FormatGuid(GuidStrings[i], Guid); if (!Manifest.Win32FormatAppend( L"\n<comClass description=\"a%d\" clsid=\"{%ls}\"/>", i, static_cast<PCWSTR>(GuidStrings[i]))) ThrowLastError(); }
if (!Manifest.Win32FormatAppend(L"\n</file>\n</assembly>")) ThrowLastError();
//GetSxsProc(SXSP_DEBUG_ORDINAL, &pfn);
//fSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_DLL_REDIRECTION, 0, argv[i], NULL);
printf("%ls\n", static_cast<PCWSTR>(Manifest));
HANDLE ActivationContextHandle = ::CreateActivationContextFromStringW(Manifest); ULONG_PTR Cookie1; ActivateActCtx(ActivationContextHandle, &Cookie1); for (i = 0 ; i < MAX ; ++i) { HRESULT hr; PVOID pv = NULL;
hr = Ole32.CoCreateInstance(Guids[i], NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IUnknown, &pv); printf("CoCreateInstance({%ls}): %08lx%s%s%s\n",
static_cast<unsigned long>(hr),
( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) || hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG || hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)) || hr == E_NOINTERFACE ? ")" : ""); } DeactivateActCtx(0, Cookie1); ReleaseActCtx(ActivationContextHandle); }
void TestStringSort() { /*
Mike says this takes between 2 and 7 to visit the code. */ const int MAX = 50; FN_TRACE_SMART_TLS(); WCHAR ExePath[MAX_PATH]; CStringBuffer DllPaths[MAX];
CStringBuffer Manifest; int i = 0;
if (!Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, ExePath, RTL_NUMBER_OF(ExePath))) ThrowLastError();
if (!Manifest.Win32ResizeBuffer(1 << 15, eDoNotPreserveBufferContents)) ThrowLastError(); if (!Manifest.Win32Format( L"<assembly xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\" manifestVersion=\"1.0\"> \
<assemblyIdentity \ type=\"win32\" \
name=\"Microsoft.Windows.SxsTest.StringSort\" \
version=\"\" \
processorArchitecture=\"x86\" \
publicKeyToken=\"6595b64144ccf1df\" \
/> \ <file name=\"sxstest.exe\"/>")) ThrowLastError(); for (i = 0 ; i < MAX ; ++i) { if (!DllPaths[i].Win32Format(L"%ls.%d.dll", ExePath, i)) ThrowLastError();
if (!::CopyFileW(ExePath, DllPaths[i], FALSE)) ThrowLastError();
if (!Manifest.Win32FormatAppend(L"\n<file name=\"%ls\"/>\n", 1 + wcsrchr(static_cast<PCWSTR>(DllPaths[i]), '\\'))) ThrowLastError(); } if (!Manifest.Win32FormatAppend(L"\n</assembly>")) ThrowLastError();
//GetSxsProc(SXSP_DEBUG_ORDINAL, &pfn);
//fSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_DLL_REDIRECTION, 0, argv[i], NULL);
printf("%ls\n", static_cast<PCWSTR>(Manifest));
HANDLE ActivationContextHandle = ::CreateActivationContextFromStringW(Manifest); ULONG_PTR Cookie1; ActivateActCtx(ActivationContextHandle, &Cookie1); for (i = 0 ; i < MAX ; ++i) { HMODULE h; PCWSTR DllName = 1 + wcsrchr(DllPaths[i], '\\');
h = ::LoadLibraryW(DllName); printf("LoadLibrary(%ls):%p, LastError=%d\n", DllName, h, ::GetLastError()); //FreeLibrary(h);
::DeleteFileW(DllPaths[i]); } DeactivateActCtx(0, Cookie1); ReleaseActCtx(ActivationContextHandle); }
int TestSearchPathHelper1( PCSTR RunId, PCWSTR Path, PCWSTR File, PCWSTR Extension, bool GetFilePart, ULONG cch ) { WCHAR Buffer[65536]; // we know that the underlying code can never use a buffer this big
PWSTR FilePart = NULL; PWSTR *lpFilePart = (GetFilePart ? &FilePart : NULL); SetLastError(ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); ULONG Result = ::SearchPathW( Path, File, Extension, 0, NULL, lpFilePart);
printf("SearchPath() RunId = %s (Path %s; File %s; Extension %s; GetFilePart %s; cch = %lu; buffer=null) result = %lu ::GetLastError() = %u; FilePart = %s %u\n", RunId, Path ? "present" : "null", File ? "present" : "null", Extension ? "present" : "null", GetFilePart ? "true" : "false", 0, Result, ::GetLastError(), FilePart ? "present" : "null", FilePart ? (FilePart - Buffer) : 0);
SetLastError(ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); FilePart = NULL; ULONG NewResult = ::SearchPathW( Path, File, Extension, Result, Buffer, lpFilePart);
printf("SearchPath() RunId = %s (Path %s; File %s; Extension %s; GetFilePart %s; cch = %lu) result = %lu ::GetLastError() = %u; FilePart = %s %u\n", RunId, Path ? "present" : "null", File ? "present" : "null", Extension ? "present" : "null", GetFilePart ? "true" : "false", Result, NewResult, ::GetLastError(), FilePart ? "present" : "null", FilePart ? (FilePart - Buffer) : 0);
SetLastError(ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); FilePart = NULL; Result = ::SearchPathW( Path, File, Extension, cch, Buffer, lpFilePart);
printf("SearchPath() RunId = %s (Path %s; File %s; Extension %s; GetFilePart %s; cch = %lu) result = %lu ::GetLastError() = %u; FilePart = %s %u\n", RunId, Path ? "present" : "null", File ? "present" : "null", Extension ? "present" : "null", GetFilePart ? "true" : "false", cch, Result, ::GetLastError(), FilePart ? "present" : "null", FilePart ? (FilePart - Buffer) : 0);
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int TestSearchPathHelper2( PCSTR RunId, PCWSTR Path, PCWSTR File, PCWSTR Extension, ULONG cch ) { TestSearchPathHelper1(RunId, NULL, File, NULL, true, cch); TestSearchPathHelper1(RunId, NULL, File, NULL, false, cch); TestSearchPathHelper1(RunId, Path, File, NULL, true, cch); TestSearchPathHelper1(RunId, Path, File, NULL, false, cch); TestSearchPathHelper1(RunId, NULL, File, Extension, true, cch); TestSearchPathHelper1(RunId, NULL, File, Extension, false, cch); TestSearchPathHelper1(RunId, Path, File, Extension, true, cch); TestSearchPathHelper1(RunId, Path, File, Extension, false, cch);
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int TestSearchPathHelper3( PCSTR RunId, PCWSTR Path, PCWSTR File, PCWSTR Extension ) { ULONG i;
for (i=0; i<5; i++) TestSearchPathHelper2(RunId, Path, File, Extension, i);
for (i=MAX_PATH-5; i<(MAX_PATH+5); i++) TestSearchPathHelper2(RunId, Path, File, Extension, i);
for (i=32760; i<32770; i++) TestSearchPathHelper2(RunId, Path, File, Extension, i);
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
BOOL TestSearchPath( int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piNext ) { ULONG i; PWSTR PathToSearch = (PWSTR) malloc(100000* sizeof(WCHAR)); int iNext = (*piNext) + 1;
PathToSearch[0] = L'C'; PathToSearch[1] = L'\\'; for (i=2; i<60000; i++) PathToSearch[i] = L'X'; wcscpy(&PathToSearch[i], L";C:\\");
TestSearchPathHelper3("1.0", L"C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist;C:\\", L"boot.ini", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("1.1", L"C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist;C:\\", L"boot.", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("1.2", L"C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist;C:\\", L"boot", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("1.3", L"C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist;C:\\", L"doesnotexist.doesnotexist", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("1.4", L"C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist;C:\\", L"d:\\readme.txt", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("1.5", L"C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist;C:\\", L"kernel32.dll", L".dll"); TestSearchPathHelper3("1.6", L"C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist;C:\\", L"kernel32.", L".dll"); TestSearchPathHelper3("1.7", L"C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist;C:\\", L"kernel32", L".dll"); TestSearchPathHelper3("1.8", L"C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist;C:\\", L"kernel32.dll", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("1.9", L"C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist;C:\\", L"kernel32.", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("1.10", L"C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist;C:\\", L"kernel32", L".ini");
TestSearchPathHelper3("2.0", L"C:\\;C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist", L"boot.ini", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("2.1", L"C:\\;C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist", L"boot.", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("2.2", L"C:\\;C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist", L"boot", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("2.3", L"C:\\;C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist", L"doesnotexist.doesnotexist", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("2.4", L"C:\\;C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist", L"d:\\readme.txt", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("2.5", L"C:\\;C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist", L"kernel32.dll", L".dll"); TestSearchPathHelper3("2.6", L"C:\\;C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist", L"kernel32.", L".dll"); TestSearchPathHelper3("2.7", L"C:\\;C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist", L"kernel32", L".dll"); TestSearchPathHelper3("2.8", L"C:\\;C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist", L"kernel32.dll", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("2.9", L"C:\\;C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist", L"kernel32.", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("2.10", L"C:\\;C:\\DirectoryDoesNotExist", L"kernel32", L".ini");
TestSearchPathHelper3("3.0", PathToSearch, L"boot.ini", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("3.1", PathToSearch, L"boot", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("3.1", PathToSearch, L"boot.", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("3.2", PathToSearch, L"doesnotexist.doesnotexist", L".ini"); TestSearchPathHelper3("3.3", PathToSearch, L"d:\\readme.txt", L".ini");
*piNext = iNext;
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
BOOL TestAct( int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piNext) { ULONG i, c; ULONG_PTR *prgCookies = NULL; HANDLE hActCtx = NULL; CHAR buffer[1024]; int iNext = (*piNext + 1); BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if (iNext >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%S: missing parameter after \"%S\"\n", argv[0], argv[iNext - 1]); goto Exit; }
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, argv[iNext++], -1, buffer, NUMBER_OF(buffer), NULL, NULL);
ac.cbSize = sizeof(ac); ac.dwFlags = 0; ac.lpSource = buffer; ac.wProcessorArchitecture = g.wProcessorArchitecture; ac.wLangId = g.wLangId;
hActCtx = ::CreateActCtxA(&ac); if (hActCtx == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr, "CreateActCtxA() failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", ::GetLastError()); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
c = 0;
if (argc > iNext) c = _wtoi(argv[iNext++]);
if (c == 0) c = 100;
prgCookies = NEW(ULONG_PTR[c]); if (prgCookies == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate %lu cookies.\n", c); goto Exit; }
for (i=0; i<c; i++) { if (!ActivateActCtx(hActCtx, &prgCookies[i])) { fprintf(stderr, "Attempt to activate to depth %lu failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", i, ::GetLastError()); goto Exit; } }
for (i=0; i<c; i++) { ULONG j = (c - i) - 1; DeactivateActCtx(0, prgCookies[j]); }
fSuccess = TRUE; *piNext = iNext;
Exit: delete []prgCookies;
return fSuccess; }
HRESULT Helper_WriteStream(CBaseStringBuffer * pFileNameBuf, IStream *pStream) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPBYTE pBuf[0x4000]; DWORD cbBuf = 0x4000; DWORD dwWritten = 0; DWORD cbRead = 0; HANDLE hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
hf = ::CreateFileW(static_cast<PCWSTR>(*pFileNameBuf), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (hf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
while (::ReadFile(hf, pBuf, cbBuf, &cbRead, NULL) && cbRead){ hr = pStream->Write(pBuf, cbRead, &dwWritten); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; }
if (! SUCCEEDED(hr =pStream->Commit(0))) goto Exit;
Exit: return hr; }
BOOL TestMSIInstall( int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piNext ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); CSmartRef<IAssemblyCache> pCache; CSmartRef<IAssemblyCacheItem> ppCacheItem[4]; CSmartRef<IStream> pStream; PFNCreateAssemblyCache pCreateAssemblyCache = NULL; CStringBuffer SourceFilePathBuf; CStringBuffer SourceFileNameBuf;
CHAR buf[1024]; FILE* fp = NULL; LPSTR p1, pbuf ; int i, cAsm;
int iArg = (*piNext) + 1; if (iArg >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%S: missing parameter after \"%S\"\n", argv[0], argv[iArg-1]); goto Exit; }
LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc("CreateAssemblyCache", &pCreateAssemblyCache); IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(pCreateAssemblyCache(&pCache, 0));
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, argv[iArg], -1, buf, NUMBER_OF(buf), NULL, NULL); fp = fopen(buf, "r"); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "%S: Error opening script file \"%S\"\n", argv[0], argv[iArg]); goto Exit; } cAsm = 0; while (! feof(fp)) { if (! fgets(buf, 80, fp)) { // end of file or error
if (ferror(fp)){ // error occur
fprintf(stderr, "%S: Error occur while reading the script file\n", argv[0]); goto Exit; } else{ // end of file
fprintf(stderr, "%S: end of script file\n", argv[0]); break; } } // trim the string
i = 0 ; while (buf[i] == ' ') i++; // skip the whitespace at the beginning of the line
pbuf = buf + i ; // pointer to the first un-whitespace char in the line
i = 0 ; while (pbuf[i] != '\n') i++; pbuf[i] = '\0';
p1 = NULL; p1 = strchr(pbuf, ' '); if (p1 == NULL) { // instruction line
if (strcmp(pbuf, "BeginAsmCacheItem") == 0) { IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(pCache->CreateAssemblyCacheItem(0, NULL, &ppCacheItem[cAsm], NULL)); }else if (strcmp(pbuf, "EndAsmCacheItem") == 0) { IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(ppCacheItem[cAsm]->Commit(0, NULL)); cAsm ++; } } else { // get the first word of the line
*p1 = '\0'; p1++; // p1 points to the filename now
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(SourceFileNameBuf.Win32Assign(p1, ::strlen(p1))); if (strcmp(pbuf,"SourceFilePath") == 0) { // fullpath of source files, which would be in a CD
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(SourceFilePathBuf.Win32Assign(p1, ::strlen(p1))); SourceFilePathBuf.Win32EnsureTrailingPathSeparator(); }else if (strcmp(pbuf, "FILE") == 0) { IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(ppCacheItem[cAsm]->CreateStream(0, SourceFileNameBuf, STREAM_FORMAT_WIN32_MODULE, 0, &pStream, NULL)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(SourceFileNameBuf.Win32Assign(SourceFilePathBuf, ::wcslen(SourceFilePathBuf))); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(SourceFileNameBuf.Win32Append(p1, ::strlen(p1))); // containing full-path of the source file
IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(Helper_WriteStream(&SourceFileNameBuf, pStream)); pStream.Release(); // stream should be released since writtingfile has been done
}else if (strcmp(pbuf, "MANIFEST") == 0) { IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(ppCacheItem[cAsm]->CreateStream(0, SourceFileNameBuf, STREAM_FORMAT_WIN32_MANIFEST, 0, &pStream, NULL)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(SourceFileNameBuf.Win32Assign(SourceFilePathBuf, SourceFilePathBuf.Cch())); // containing full-path of the source file
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(SourceFileNameBuf.Win32Append(p1, ::strlen(p1))); IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(Helper_WriteStream(&SourceFileNameBuf, pStream)); pStream.Release(); // stream should be released since writtingfile has been done
} } // end of else
}// end of while
fSuccess = TRUE; *piNext = iArg; Exit: fp ? fclose(fp) : 0; return fSuccess; }
CDirWalk::ECallbackResult DirWalkCallback( CDirWalk::ECallbackReason reason, CDirWalk* dirWalk, DWORD dwFlags ) { PCWSTR parent = dirWalk->m_strParent; PCWSTR leaf = dirWalk->m_fileData.cFileName; if (reason == CDirWalk::eFile) printf("file %lu, %ls, %ls\n", reason, parent, leaf); else printf("directory %lu, %ls\n", reason, parent); return CDirWalk::eKeepWalking; }
int TestDirWalk( PCWSTR root, PWSTR filter ) { CDirWalk dirWalk; StdVector<std::wstring> vstrFilter; StdVector<PCWSTR> vstrFilter2; PWSTR filterTok;
if (filterTok = wcstok(filter, L";")) { do { vstrFilter.push_back(filterTok); vstrFilter2.push_back(vstrFilter.back().c_str()); } while (filterTok = wcstok(NULL, L";")); } dirWalk.m_fileFiltersBegin = &*vstrFilter2.begin(); dirWalk.m_fileFiltersEnd = &*vstrFilter2.end(); dirWalk.m_strParent.Win32Assign(root, ::wcslen(root)); dirWalk.m_callback = DirWalkCallback; dirWalk.Walk(); return 0; }
int TestMultiAct( int argc, wchar_t **argv ) { HANDLE h1, h2; ACTCTXW acw;
memset(&acw, 0, sizeof(acw));
acw.cbSize = sizeof(acw); acw.dwFlags = ACTCTX_FLAG_RESOURCE_NAME_VALID; acw.lpSource = argv[2]; acw.lpResourceName = MAKEINTRESOURCEW(1);
h1 = ::CreateActCtxW(&acw); if (h1 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr, "1st CreateActCtxW() failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", ::GetLastError()); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
h2 = ::CreateActCtxW(&acw); if (h2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr, "2nd CreateActCtxW() failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", ::GetLastError()); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
BOOL ParseProcessorArchitecture( int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piCurrent ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
int i = *piCurrent;
if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%S: missing parameter after %S\n", argv[0], argv[i - 1]); goto Exit; }
if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"x86") == 0) g.wProcessorArchitecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL; else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"i386") == 0) g.wProcessorArchitecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL; else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"ia64") == 0) g.wProcessorArchitecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64; else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"alpha64") == 0) g.wProcessorArchitecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ALPHA64; else { fprintf(stderr, "%S: invalid -pa value \"%S\"\n", argv[0], argv[i]); goto Exit; }
*piCurrent = i + 1;
fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; }
BOOL ParseLangId( int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piCurrent ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
int i = *piCurrent;
if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%S: missing parameter after %S\n", argv[0], argv[i - 1]); goto Exit; }
swscanf(argv[i], L"%hx", &g.wLangId);
*piCurrent = i + 1;
fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; }
BOOL TestLoadLibrary( int argc, wchar_t** argv, int* piNext ) { int i = (*piNext) + 1; HINSTANCE hInstance = NULL; BOOL fExpectedToFail = FALSE; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
while (i < argc) { if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-fail-") == 0) fExpectedToFail = TRUE; else if (::FusionpStrCmpI(argv[i], L"-succeed-") == 0) fExpectedToFail = FALSE; else { hInstance = LoadLibraryW(argv[i]); if (hInstance == NULL) { if (!fExpectedToFail) { fprintf(stderr, "%S: Failed to LoadLibraryW(\"%S\"); ::GetLastError() = %d\n", argv[0], argv[i], ::GetLastError()); } } else { if (fExpectedToFail) { WCHAR LibraryPath[4096];
Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(hInstance, LibraryPath, NUMBER_OF(LibraryPath));
fprintf(stderr, "%S: LoadLibraryW(\"%S\") was supposed to fail, but instead we got \"%S\"\n", argv[0], argv[i], LibraryPath); }
::FreeLibrary(hInstance); hInstance = NULL; } }
i++; }
fSuccess = TRUE; // Exit:
return fSuccess; }
int TestAssemblyName() { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if (! fSuccess){ fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else return EXIT_SUCCESS;
int TestPrecomiledManifest(PCWSTR manifestFileName) { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
fSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_PRECOMPILED_MANIFEST, 0, manifestFileName, NULL);
if (! fSuccess){ fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int TestPCMTime(PCWSTR manifestFilename) { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
fSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_TIME_PCM, 0, manifestFilename, NULL);
if (! fSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int TestCreateMultiLevelDirectory(PCWSTR dirs) { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if (! fSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
BOOL TestLeakMemory( DWORD dwAmount ) { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if (dwAmount < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s got a bad parameter, %d; rectifying to 1.\n", __FUNCTION__, dwAmount); dwAmount = 1; }
fSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_FORCE_LEAK, 0, NULL, (PDWORD)&dwAmount);
if (! fSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed to leak %d bytes of memory!\n", __FUNCTION__, dwAmount); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { fprintf(stdout, "%s leaked %d bytes of memory.\n", __FUNCTION__, dwAmount); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } }
BOOL TestManifestProbing( int argc, wchar_t **argv, int *piNext ) { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; LoadSxs();
fSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_PROBE_MANIFST, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (! fSuccess){ fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else return EXIT_SUCCESS;
BOOL TestAssemblyProbing( int argc, wchar_t **argv, int *piNext ) { PSXS_PROBE_ASSEMBLY_INSTALLATION pfn; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; DWORD dwDisposition = 0;
fSuccess = (*pfn)(0, argv[*piNext], &dwDisposition);
return (fSuccess ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); }
int TestCreateProcess2(wchar_t** argv) { STARTUPINFOW StartupInfo = { sizeof(StartupInfo) }; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation = {0};
*argv += wcsspn(*argv, L" \t\r\n");
BOOL f = ::CreateProcessW( *argv, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInformation); printf("CreateProcess(%S) returned %s\n", *argv, f ? "True" : "False");
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int TestCreateProcess(wchar_t** argv) { CUnicodeStringBuffer CommandLine; STARTUPINFOW StartupInfo = { sizeof(StartupInfo) }; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation = {0};
while (*argv) { CommandLine.Win32Append(L" ", 1); CommandLine.Win32Append(*argv, ::wcslen(*argv)); argv++; }
CUnicodeStringBufferAccessor MutableCommandLine(&CommandLine); BOOL f = ::CreateProcessW( NULL, MutableCommandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInformation); printf("CreateProcess(%S) returned %s\n", static_cast<PCWSTR>(MutableCommandLine), f ? "True" : "False");
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
// XMLDOM Helper function:
HRESULT XMLDOMHelper_WalkTree(IXMLDOMNode* node, int level) { IXMLDOMNode* pChild, *pNext; BSTR nodeName; IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap* pattrs;
node->get_nodeName(&nodeName); for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) printf(" "); printf("%S",nodeName); SysFreeString(nodeName);
if (SUCCEEDED(node->get_attributes(&pattrs)) && pattrs != NULL) { pattrs->nextNode(&pChild); while (pChild) { BSTR name; pChild->get_nodeName(&name); printf(" %S='", name); ::SysFreeString(name);
VARIANT value; pChild->get_nodeValue(&value); if (value.vt == VT_BSTR) { printf("%S", V_BSTR(&value)); } printf("'"); VariantClear(&value); pChild->Release(); pattrs->nextNode(&pChild); } pattrs->Release(); } printf("\n");
node->get_firstChild(&pChild); while (pChild) { XMLDOMHelper_WalkTree(pChild, level+1); pChild->get_nextSibling(&pNext); pChild->Release(); pChild = pNext; }
return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// XMLDOM Helper function:
HRESULT XMLDOMHelper_ReportError(IXMLDOMParseError *pXMLError) { long line, linePos; LONG errorCode; BSTR pBURL = NULL, pBReason = NULL; HRESULT hr;
hr = pXMLError->get_line(&line); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
hr = pXMLError->get_linepos(&linePos); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
hr = pXMLError->get_errorCode(&errorCode); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
hr = pXMLError->get_url(&pBURL); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
hr = pXMLError->get_reason(&pBReason); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
fprintf(stderr, "%S", pBReason); if (line > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error on line %d, position %d in \"%S\".\n", line, linePos, pBURL); } hr= E_FAIL;
Exit: SysFreeString(pBURL); SysFreeString(pBReason);
return hr; }
// XMLDOM Helper function: Check load results
HRESULT XMLDOMHelper_CheckLoad(IXMLDOMDocument* pDoc) { // And since we don't have the VARIANT_BOOL from load we
// need to check the parse Error errorCode property to see
// if everything went ok.
IXMLDOMParseError *pXMLError = NULL; LONG errorCode; HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
hr = pDoc->get_parseError(&pXMLError); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
hr = pXMLError->get_errorCode(&errorCode); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
if (errorCode != 0){ hr = XMLDOMHelper_ReportError(pXMLError); goto Exit; }
hr = NOERROR; Exit: if (pXMLError) pXMLError->Release();
return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// XMLDOM Helper function:
hr = pDoc->put_async(VARIANT_FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
// Load xml document from the given URL or file path
VariantInit(&vURL); vURL.vt = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&vURL) = pBURL; hr = pDoc->load(vURL, &vb); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
hr = XMLDOMHelper_CheckLoad(pDoc); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
Exit: if (pXMLError) pXMLError->Release();
return hr; }
// Create an empty XML document
hr = Ole32.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DOMDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IXMLDOMDocument, (void**)&pDoc); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
pBURL = SysAllocString(pswzXMLFileName); hr = XMLDOMHelper_LoadDocumentSync(pDoc, pBURL); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
// Now walk the loaded XML document dumping the node names to stdout.
hr = pDoc->QueryInterface(IID_IXMLDOMNode,(void**)&pNode); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
hr = XMLDOMHelper_WalkTree(pNode,0); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
Exit: if (pDoc) pDoc->Release(); SysFreeString(pBURL); if (pNode) pNode->Release();
return hr == 0 ? 0 : 1;
BOOL TestFusionArray(PCWSTR dir1, PCWSTR dir2) { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; LoadSxs();
fSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_FUSION_ARRAY, 0, dir1, (PVOID)dir2);
if (! fSuccess){ fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; WCHAR folderName[5000]; SIZE_T cch = NUMBER_OF(folderName);
GetSxsProc("SxspGenerateManifestPathOnAssemblyIdentity", &pfn);
fSuccess = (*pfn)((PWSTR) str, folderName, &cch, NULL);
if (! fSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { wprintf(L"Folder name returned is %s\n", folderName); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
BOOL TestDirectoryChangeWatcher( int argc, wchar_t **argv, int *piNext ) { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn; BOOL fSuccess;
LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc(SXSP_DEBUG_ORDINAL, &pfn); fSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_DIRECTORY_WATCHER, 0, NULL, NULL); return (fSuccess ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); }
BOOL TestRefreshAssembly( PCWSTR wsAssemblyManifest ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; PSXS_INSTALL_ASSEMBLY_W sxsInstallAssemblyW = NULL;
LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc("SxsInstallAssemblyW", &sxsInstallAssemblyW);
if (!sxsInstallAssemblyW( NULL, SXS_INSTALL_ASSEMBLY_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING, wsAssemblyManifest, NULL)) { fwprintf( stderr, L"Failed reinstalling assembly '%ls', 0x%08X\n", wsAssemblyManifest, ::GetLastError()); } else { fSuccess = TRUE; }
return fSuccess; }
BOOL TestInstallWithInstallInfo( PCWSTR wsAssemblyManifest, PCWSTR wsReferenceString ) { #define SXS_TEST
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); PSXS_INSTALL_W_ROUTINE sxsInstallW = NULL; SXS_INSTALLW InstallParameters = {sizeof(InstallParameters)}; SXS_INSTALL_REFERENCEW InstallReference = {sizeof(InstallReference)};
LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc("SxsInstallW", &sxsInstallW);
InstallParameters.dwFlags = //SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_MOVE |
SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING | SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_CODEBASE_URL_VALID | SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_VALID | SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_REFRESH_PROMPT_VALID; InstallParameters.lpCodebaseURL = wsAssemblyManifest; InstallParameters.lpManifestPath = wsAssemblyManifest; InstallParameters.lpReference = &InstallReference; InstallParameters.lpRefreshPrompt = L"boop";
InstallReference.guidScheme = SXS_INSTALL_REFERENCE_SCHEME_OPAQUESTRING; InstallReference.lpIdentifier = wsReferenceString ? wsReferenceString : L"TempRef";
if (!(*sxsInstallW)(&InstallParameters)) { goto Exit; }
fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: if (!fSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
BOOL TestInstallLikeWindowsSetup( PCWSTR wsAssemblyManifest, PCWSTR wsCodebase ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); PSXS_BEGIN_ASSEMBLY_INSTALL sxsBeginAssemblyInstall = NULL; PSXS_INSTALL_W_ROUTINE sxsInstallW = NULL; PSXS_END_ASSEMBLY_INSTALL sxsEndAssemblyInstall = NULL; SXS_INSTALLW InstallParameters = {sizeof(InstallParameters)}; SXS_INSTALL_REFERENCEW InstallReference = {sizeof(InstallReference)};
LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc("SxsBeginAssemblyInstall", &sxsBeginAssemblyInstall); GetSxsProc("SxsInstallW", &sxsInstallW); GetSxsProc("SxsEndAssemblyInstall", &sxsEndAssemblyInstall);
InstallReference.guidScheme = SXS_INSTALL_REFERENCE_SCHEME_OSINSTALL; InstallReference.lpNonCanonicalData = L"Foom"; InstallParameters.dwFlags |= SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_CODEBASE_URL_VALID | SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_FROM_DIRECTORY | SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_FROM_DIRECTORY_RECURSIVE | SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_REFRESH_PROMPT_VALID | SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_INSTALL_COOKIE_VALID | SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_VALID ; InstallParameters.lpCodebaseURL = wsCodebase; InstallParameters.lpRefreshPrompt = L"like..Windows CD.."; InstallParameters.lpManifestPath = wsAssemblyManifest; InstallParameters.lpReference = &InstallReference;
IFW32FALSE_EXIT( (*sxsEndAssemblyInstall)( InstallParameters.pvInstallCookie, SXS_END_ASSEMBLY_INSTALL_FLAG_COMMIT, NULL)); InstallParameters.pvInstallCookie = NULL;
fSuccess = TRUE; Exit:
if (InstallParameters.pvInstallCookie != NULL) { CSxsPreserveLastError ple; (void) (*sxsEndAssemblyInstall)(InstallParameters.pvInstallCookie, SXS_END_ASSEMBLY_INSTALL_FLAG_ABORT, NULL); ple.Restore(); }
if (!fSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
//#define ASM_CPUID { __asm __emit 0fh __asm __emit 0a2h }
#define ASM_CPUID { __asm cpuid }
#define ASM_RDTSC { __asm rdtsc }
inline VOID GetCpuIdLag(LARGE_INTEGER *ref) { #if !defined(_WIN64)
LARGE_INTEGER temp, temp2; _asm { cpuid cpuid cpuid cpuid cpuid rdtsc mov temp.LowPart, eax mov temp.HighPart, edx cpuid rdtsc mov temp2.LowPart, eax mov temp2.HighPart, edx }
ref->QuadPart = temp2.QuadPart - temp.QuadPart; #else
ref->QuadPart = 0; #endif
BOOL TestOpeningStuff(PCWSTR wsSourceName, PCWSTR wsType, PCWSTR wsCount) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; LARGE_INTEGER llStartCount, llEndCount, llCountsPerSec, llTotalSizeSoFar; LARGE_INTEGER CpuIdLag; BYTE bBuffer[65536]; SIZE_T cNumTries = _wtol(wsCount); double dCountsPerSecond, dSeconds, dCountsPerIteration, dSecondsPerIteration; int iFinalIterationsPerSecond;
llTotalSizeSoFar.QuadPart = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[0], hFile = ::CreateFileW(wsSourceName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL)); PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[1], ::CloseHandle(hFile)); }
// Map the DLL as a resource a few thousand times.
if ((wsType[0] == L'd') || (wsType[0] == L's')) { FUSION_PERF_INFO PerfInfo[7];
HMODULE hDllModule; HRSRC hManifestResource; HGLOBAL hResource; PVOID pvResourceData; SIZE_T cbResourceSize;
for (SIZE_T i = 0; i < cNumTries; i++) { PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[0], hDllModule = ::LoadLibraryExW(wsSourceName, NULL, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES | LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)); PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[1], hManifestResource = ::FindResourceW(hDllModule, L"#1", MAKEINTRESOURCEW(RT_MANIFEST))); PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[2], hResource = ::LoadResource(hDllModule, hManifestResource)); PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[3], pvResourceData = ::LockResource(hResource)); PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[4], cbResourceSize = ::SizeofResource(hDllModule, hManifestResource));
PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[5], { for (SIZE_T i2 = 0; i2 < cbResourceSize; i2++) bBuffer[i2] = ((PBYTE)pvResourceData)[i2]; } );
PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[6], FreeLibrary(hDllModule)) }
FusionpReportPerfInfo( FUSIONPERF_DUMP_TO_STDOUT | FUSIONPERF_DUMP_ALL_STATISTICS | FUSIONPERF_DUMP_ALL_SOURCEINFO, PerfInfo, NUMBER_OF(PerfInfo)); } else if (wsType[0] == L'x') { HANDLE hFile; HANDLE hFileMapping; PVOID pvFileData; SIZE_T cbFileSize;
for (SIZE_T i = 0; i < cNumTries; i++) { PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[0], hFile = ::CreateFileW(wsSourceName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL)); PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[1], cbFileSize = ::GetFileSize(hFile, 0)); PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[2], hFileMapping = ::CreateFileMappingW(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL)); PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[3], pvFileData = ::MapViewOfFile(hFileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0));
PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[4], { for (SIZE_T i2 = 0; i2 < cbFileSize; i2++) PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[8], bBuffer[i2] = ((PBYTE)pvFileData)[i2]); });
PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[5], ::UnmapViewOfFile(pvFileData)); PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[6], ::CloseHandle(hFileMapping)); PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[7], ::CloseHandle(hFile)); }
FusionpReportPerfInfo( FUSIONPERF_DUMP_TO_STDOUT | FUSIONPERF_DUMP_ALL_STATISTICS | FUSIONPERF_DUMP_ALL_SOURCEINFO, PerfInfo, NUMBER_OF(PerfInfo)); } else if (wsType[0] == L'r') { BYTE bTempBlock[8192]; ULONG cbReadCount; FUSION_PERF_INFO PerfInfo[3];
for (SIZE_T i = 0; i < cNumTries; i++) { CResourceStream RStream;
PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[0], RStream.Initialize(wsSourceName, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(RT_MANIFEST))); PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[1], RStream.Read(bTempBlock, sizeof(bTempBlock), &cbReadCount));
PERFINFOTIME(&PerfInfo[2], for (SIZE_T i2 = 0; i2 < cbReadCount; i2++) { bBuffer[i2] = bTempBlock[i2]; } );
wprintf(L"%s", bBuffer);
QueryPerformanceCounter(&llEndCount); llTotalSizeSoFar.QuadPart += llEndCount.QuadPart - llStartCount.QuadPart; }
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF(PerfInfo); i++) { FusionpDumpPerfInfo(FUSIONPERF_DUMP_TO_STDOUT, PerfInfo + i); } } else if (wsType[0] == L'f') { BYTE bTempBlock[8192]; ULONG cbReadCount;
for (SIZE_T i = 0; i < cNumTries; i++) { CFileStream RStream;
RStream.OpenForRead( wsSourceName, CImpersonationData(), FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN);
RStream.Read(bTempBlock, sizeof(bTempBlock), &cbReadCount);
for (SIZE_T i2 = 0; i2 < cbReadCount; i2++) { bBuffer[i2] = bTempBlock[i2]; }
QueryPerformanceCounter(&llEndCount); llTotalSizeSoFar.QuadPart += llEndCount.QuadPart - llStartCount.QuadPart; } }
dCountsPerIteration = (double)llTotalSizeSoFar.QuadPart / cNumTries; dCountsPerSecond = (double)llCountsPerSec.QuadPart; dSeconds = (double)llTotalSizeSoFar.QuadPart / dCountsPerSecond; dSecondsPerIteration = dCountsPerIteration / dCountsPerSecond;
iFinalIterationsPerSecond = static_cast<int>(1.0 / dSecondsPerIteration);
fwprintf( stdout, L"Completed %d runs: %d attempts per second available\n", cNumTries, iFinalIterationsPerSecond);
fSuccess = TRUE;
return fSuccess; }
BOOL TestVerifyFileSignature(PCWSTR wsFilename) { WINTRUST_FILE_INFO fInfo; WINTRUST_DATA wtData; GUID guidTrustType = WINTRUST_ACTION_GENERIC_VERIFY_V2; HRESULT hResult = E_FAIL; PWSTR pwszMessageText = NULL;
ZeroMemory(&wtData, sizeof(wtData)); ZeroMemory(&fInfo, sizeof(fInfo));
fInfo.cbStruct = sizeof(fInfo); fInfo.pcwszFilePath = wsFilename; fInfo.hFile = NULL;
wtData.cbStruct = sizeof(wtData); wtData.dwUIChoice = WTD_UI_ALL; wtData.fdwRevocationChecks = WTD_REVOKE_WHOLECHAIN; wtData.dwUnionChoice = WTD_CHOICE_FILE; wtData.pFile = &fInfo;
hResult = WinVerifyTrust(0, &guidTrustType, &wtData);
if (FAILED(hResult)) { ::FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, NULL, hResult, 0, (PWSTR)&pwszMessageText, 500, NULL);
fwprintf(stdout, L"Error: %ls (code 0x%08x)\n", pwszMessageText, hResult); LocalFree(pwszMessageText); } else { fwprintf(stdout, L"File signature(s) are valid."); }
return TRUE; }
__inline ULONGLONG GetCycleCount(void) { #if defined(_X86_)
__asm { RDTSC } #else
return 0; #endif // defined(_X86_)
BOOL TestMessagePerf(int argc, wchar_t **argv, int *piNext) { ATOM a; WNDCLASSEXW wc; ULONGLONG cc1, cc2, cc3, cc4; ULONG i, t; HWND hwnd; MSG m; ULONG mcount; HANDLE hActCtx = NULL; ULONG_PTR ulCookie;
wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc); wc.style = 0; wc.lpfnWndProc = &TestMessagePerfWndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = NULL; wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.hCursor = NULL; wc.hbrBackground = NULL; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = L"SxsMsgPerfTest"; wc.hIconSm = NULL;
printf("Beginning message perf test...\n");
a = ::RegisterClassExW(&wc); if (a == NULL) { printf("RegisterClassExW() failed; ::GetLastError = %d\n", ::GetLastError()); return FALSE; }
if (argv[*piNext][0] != L'*') { ACTCTXW ac;
ac.cbSize = sizeof(ac); ac.dwFlags = 0; ac.lpSource = argv[*piNext]; hActCtx = ::CreateActCtxW(&ac); if (hActCtx == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("CreateActCtxW() failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", ::GetLastError()); goto ErrorExit; } }
if (!ActivateActCtx(hActCtx, &ulCookie)) { printf("ActivateActCtx() failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", ::GetLastError()); goto ErrorExit; }
hwnd = ::CreateWindowW( (LPCWSTR) a, L"PerfTestWindow", WS_VISIBLE, 0, // x
0, // y
100, // width
100, // height
NULL, // hwndParent
NULL, // hMenu
NULL, // hInstance
NULL); // lpParam
if (hwnd == NULL) return FALSE;
t = _wtoi(argv[*piNext]); (*piNext)++;
mcount = 0; cc3 = 0; cc4 = 0;
for (i=0; i<t; i++) { if (!PostMessageW(hwnd, WM_USER, 0, 0)) { printf("PostMessageW() failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", ::GetLastError()); goto ErrorExit; }
cc1 = GetCycleCount();
while (::PeekMessage(&m, hwnd, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { mcount++; ::TranslateMessage(&m); ::DispatchMessage(&m); }
cc2 = GetCycleCount();
// accumulate the time spend just processing the message...
cc3 = cc3 + (cc2 - cc1); }
printf("%lu messages in %I64u cycles\n", mcount, cc3); printf(" avg cycles/msg: %I64u\n", static_cast<ULONGLONG>((cc3 / static_cast<ULONGLONG>(mcount))));
return TRUE;
ErrorExit: return FALSE; }
LRESULT CALLBACK TestMessagePerfWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
void TestTrickyMultipleAssemblyCacheItems(PCWSTR pvManifest) { PFNCreateAssemblyCacheItem pCreateAssemblyCacheItem; PFNCreateAssemblyCache pCreateAssemblyCache; CSmartRef<IAssemblyCache> AssemblyCache; CSmartRef<IAssemblyCacheItem> AssemblyCacheItems[2]; CStringBuffer sbManifestName; HRESULT hr;
LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc("CreateAssemblyCache", &pCreateAssemblyCache); GetSxsProc("CreateAssemblyCacheItem", &pCreateAssemblyCacheItem);
sbManifestName.Win32Assign(pvManifest, wcslen(pvManifest));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { CSmartRef<IStream> pStream; CSmartRef<IAssemblyCacheItem> AssemblyItemTemp; CStringBuffer TempStreamName;
hr = pCreateAssemblyCacheItem( &AssemblyItemTemp, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
// Manifest
hr = AssemblyItemTemp->CreateStream(0, pvManifest, STREAM_FORMAT_WIN32_MANIFEST, 0, &pStream, NULL); TempStreamName.Win32Assign(sbManifestName); hr = Helper_WriteStream(&TempStreamName, pStream); pStream.Release();
// Dll
sbManifestName.Win32ChangePathExtension(L".dll", 4, eAddIfNoExtension); hr = AssemblyItemTemp->CreateStream(0, static_cast<PCWSTR>(TempStreamName), STREAM_FORMAT_WIN32_MODULE, 0, &pStream, NULL); hr = Helper_WriteStream(&TempStreamName, pStream); pStream.Release();
hr = AssemblyItemTemp->Commit(0, NULL); AssemblyCacheItems[i] = AssemblyItemTemp; } /*
hr = pCreateAssemblyCache(&AssemblyCache, 0); hr = AssemblyCache->MarkAssembliesVisible((IUnknown**)AssemblyCacheItems, 2, 0); */ }
void TestSfcScanKickoff() { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc(SXSP_DEBUG_ORDINAL, &pfn);
fSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_SFC_SCANNER, 0, NULL, NULL); }
void GenerateStrongNameAndPublicKey(PCWSTR wsCertificate) { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
CStringBuffer sbStrings[3]; PCCERT_CONTEXT pContext = NULL; SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn; HCERTSTORE hCertStore = NULL;
LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc(SXSP_DEBUG_ORDINAL, &pfn);
while (pContext = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hCertStore, pContext)) { bSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_GET_STRONGNAME, 0, (PCWSTR)pContext, (PVOID)sbStrings);
wprintf(L"Signer display name: %ls\n\tPublic Key: %ls\n\tPublic Key Token: %ls\n", static_cast<PCWSTR>(sbStrings[0]), static_cast<PCWSTR>(sbStrings[1]), static_cast<PCWSTR>(sbStrings[2]));
bSuccess = TRUE;
if (pContext) CertFreeCertificateContext(pContext); if (hCertStore) CertCloseStore(hCertStore, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_FORCE_FLAG); }
BOOL CALLBACK DumpResourceWorker( HMODULE hModule, PCWSTR lpszType, PWSTR lpszName, LONG_PTR lParam ) { HGLOBAL hGlobal; HRSRC hResource; PVOID pvData; SIZE_T cbResource;
hResource = ::FindResourceW(hModule, lpszName, lpszType); hGlobal = ::LoadResource(hModule, hResource); pvData = ::LockResource(hGlobal);
if (lpszName < (PCWSTR)0xFFFF) { wprintf(L"----\nResource id: %p\n", lpszName); } else { wprintf(L"----\nResource name: %ls\n", lpszName); }
cbResource = ::SizeofResource(hModule, hResource);
for (SIZE_T i = 0; i < cbResource; i++) { wprintf(L"%c", ((char*)pvData)[i]); } wprintf(L"\n");
return TRUE; }
BOOL TestDumpContainedManifests(PCWSTR wsFilename) { HMODULE hThing;
hThing = ::LoadLibraryExW(wsFilename, NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE);
if ((hThing == NULL) || (hThing == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { wprintf(L"Bad mojo: can't open %ls for enumeration.\n", wsFilename); return FALSE; }
if (!::EnumResourceNamesW(hThing, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(RT_MANIFEST), DumpResourceWorker, NULL)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND) { wprintf(L"No manifests found in %ls\n", wsFilename); } else { wprintf(L"Bad mojo: can't enumerate resources from %ls, error=0x%08x\n", wsFilename, ::GetLastError()); } } ::FreeLibrary(hThing);
return TRUE; }
BOOL TestGenerateStringWithIdenticalHash(WCHAR iString[33]) { #define START_VALUE 1
#define STR_LEN 32
#define HASH_SEED 65599
#define MAGIC_ARRAY {1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1,-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1} ;
#define UPPER(ch) if (ch >=L'a' && ch <= L'z') ch = ch- L'a' + L'A';
WCHAR oString[STR_LEN + 1]; DWORD i, nLen, a[STR_LEN]; ULONG hash1, hash2; WCHAR ch;
a[0] = a[1] = START_VALUE; nLen = 2; while(nLen < STR_LEN) { for(i = nLen; i < nLen*2; i++) a[i] = static_cast<ULONG>(-static_cast<LONG>(a[i-nLen])); nLen *= 2; }
oString[32] = iString[32] = L'\0';
// generate the new string
for (i = 0; i< 32; i++) oString[i] = static_cast<WCHAR>(iString[i] + a[i]);
// verify that these two string have the same hash
hash1 = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i<STR_LEN; i++) { ch = iString[i]; UPPER(ch); hash1 = hash1*HASH_SEED + ch; }
hash2 = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i<STR_LEN; i++){ ch = oString[i]; UPPER(ch); hash2 = hash2*HASH_SEED + ch; }
return (hash1 == hash2)? TRUE : FALSE;
#undef STR_LEN
#undef HASH_SEED
BOOL TestAssemblyIdentityHash() { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; LoadSxs();
if (! fSuccess){ fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
const static WCHAR Beta2Manifest[] = L"<assembly xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\" manifestVersion=\"1.0\">" L" <assemblyIdentity type=\"win32\" name=\"cards\" version=\"\" processorArchitecture=\"X86\" language=\"en-us\" />" L" <file name=\"cards.dll\"/>" L"</assembly>;" ;
// check whether the handle counter of csrss has changed dramatically after running this code.....
VOID TestCreateActctxLeakHandles(DWORD dwCallCounter) { int result = -1; BOOL fSuccess;
for (DWORD i =0 ; i < dwCallCounter ; i ++) { HANDLE ActivationContextHandle = ::CreateActivationContextFromStringW(InheritManifest); if (ActivationContextHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { result = i ; break; }
ULONG_PTR Cookie; ActivateActCtx(ActivationContextHandle, &Cookie);
HINSTANCE hInstanceKernel32 = ::GetModuleHandleW(L"KERNEL32.DLL"); PQUERYACTCTXW_FUNC pQueryActCtxW = (PQUERYACTCTXW_FUNC) ::GetProcAddress(hInstanceKernel32, "QueryActCtxW");
SIZE_T CbWritten;
if (pQueryActCtxW != NULL) { for ( ULONG ulInfoClass = ActivationContextBasicInformation; ulInfoClass <= FileInformationInAssemblyOfAssemblyInActivationContext; ulInfoClass ++) { switch (ulInfoClass) { case ActivationContextBasicInformation : break;
case ActivationContextDetailedInformation : { struct { ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DETAILED_INFORMATION acdi; WCHAR Buffer[_MAX_PATH * 3]; // manifest, policy and appdir
} Data; ULONG index = 0 ; fSuccess = (*pQueryActCtxW)(0, ActivationContextHandle, &index, ulInfoClass, &Data, sizeof(Data), &CbWritten); fprintf(stderr, "\ncall QueryActCtxW with ActivationContextDetailedInformation\n" ); if (fSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "1st string: %ls\n", Data.acdi.lpAppDirPath); fprintf(stderr, "2nd string: %ls\n", Data.acdi.lpRootManifestPath); } else fprintf(stderr, "QueryActCtxW() failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", ::GetLastError());
case AssemblyDetailedInformationInActivationContext: { struct { ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_ASSEMBLY_DETAILED_INFORMATION acdi; WCHAR Buffer[_MAX_PATH * 4]; } Data; ULONG AssemblyIndex = 1; fSuccess = (*pQueryActCtxW)(0, ActivationContextHandle, &AssemblyIndex, ulInfoClass, &Data, sizeof(Data), &CbWritten);
fprintf(stderr, "\ncall QueryActCtxW with AssemblyDetailedInformationInActivationContext\n" ); if (fSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Encoded assembly Identity: %ls\n", Data.acdi.lpAssemblyEncodedAssemblyIdentity); fprintf(stderr, "manifest path: %ls\n", Data.acdi.lpAssemblyManifestPath); fprintf(stderr, "policy path: %ls\n", Data.acdi.lpAssemblyPolicyPath); fprintf(stderr, "Assembly Directory: %ls\n", Data.acdi.lpAssemblyDirectoryName); } else fprintf(stderr, "QueryActCtxW() failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", ::GetLastError()); } break;
case FileInformationInAssemblyOfAssemblyInActivationContext: { struct { ASSEMBLY_DLL_REDIRECTION_DETAILED_INFORMATION acdi; WCHAR Buffer[_MAX_PATH * 2]; } Data; ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_QUERY_INDEX index; index.ulAssemblyIndex = 1; index.ulFileIndexInAssembly = 0;
fSuccess = (*pQueryActCtxW)(0, ActivationContextHandle, &index, ulInfoClass, &Data, sizeof(Data), &CbWritten);
fprintf(stderr, "\ncall QueryActCtxW with FileInformationInAssemblyOfAssemblyInActivationContext\n" ); if (fSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "file name: %ls\n", Data.acdi.lpFileName); fprintf(stderr, "file path: %ls\n", Data.acdi.lpFilePath); } else fprintf(stderr, "QueryActCtxW() failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", ::GetLastError()); } } // end of switch
}// end of for
DeactivateActCtx(0, Cookie); // CloseHandle(ActivationContextHandle);
} return; }
BOOL TestSystemDefaultActivationContextGeneration() { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if (! fSuccess){ fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
CHAR g_AsyncIOBuffer[16384];
struct AsyncIOBlock { OVERLAPPED ol_input; OVERLAPPED ol_output; HANDLE hInputFile; HANDLE hOutputFile; } g_AsyncIOBlock;
bool g_AsyncIODone = false; DWORD g_AsyncIOError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
VOID CALLBACK AsyncReadCompleted( DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwBytesTransferred, LPOVERLAPPED ol );
VOID CALLBACK AsyncWriteCompleted( DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwBytesTransferred, LPOVERLAPPED ol );
VOID CALLBACK AsyncReadCompleted( DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwBytesTransferred, LPOVERLAPPED ol ) { if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Error passed to AsyncReadCompleted(); error code = %ul; bytes transferred = %ul\n", dwErrorCode, dwBytesTransferred); g_AsyncIOError = dwErrorCode; g_AsyncIODone = true; } else { g_AsyncIOBlock.ol_input.Offset += dwBytesTransferred; if (!::WriteFileEx(g_AsyncIOBlock.hOutputFile, g_AsyncIOBuffer, dwBytesTransferred, &g_AsyncIOBlock.ol_output, &AsyncWriteCompleted)) { g_AsyncIOError = ::GetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "WriteFileEx() failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", g_AsyncIOError); g_AsyncIODone = true; } } }
VOID CALLBACK AsyncWriteCompleted( DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwBytesTransferred, LPOVERLAPPED ol ) { if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Error passed to AsyncWriteCompleted(); error code = %ul; dwBytesTransferred = %ul\n", dwErrorCode, dwBytesTransferred); g_AsyncIOError = dwErrorCode; g_AsyncIODone = true; } else { g_AsyncIOBlock.ol_output.Offset += dwBytesTransferred; if (!::ReadFileEx(g_AsyncIOBlock.hInputFile, g_AsyncIOBuffer, sizeof(g_AsyncIOBuffer), &g_AsyncIOBlock.ol_input, &AsyncReadCompleted)) { g_AsyncIOError = ::GetLastError(); if (g_AsyncIOError != ERROR_HANDLE_EOF) fprintf(stderr, "ReadFileEx() failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", g_AsyncIOError); else g_AsyncIOError = ERROR_SUCCESS; g_AsyncIODone = true; } } }
BOOL TestAsyncIO(int argc, wchar_t **argv, int *piNext) { HANDLE hFileIn; HANDLE hFileOut; HANDLE hActCtx = NULL; ULONG_PTR cookie = 0; PCWSTR pszManifest; PCWSTR pszInputFile; PCWSTR pszOutputFile; ACTCTXW acw;
pszManifest = argv[(*piNext)++]; pszInputFile = argv[(*piNext)++]; pszOutputFile = argv[(*piNext)++];
if (wcscmp(pszManifest, L"-") != 0) { acw.cbSize = sizeof(acw); acw.dwFlags = 0; acw.lpSource = pszManifest;
hActCtx = ::CreateActCtxW(&acw); if (hActCtx == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr, "CreateActCtxW() on %ls failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", pszManifest, ::GetLastError()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
hFileIn = ::CreateFileW(pszInputFile, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED | FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (hFileIn == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr, "CreateFileW() on %ls failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", pszInputFile, ::GetLastError()); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
hFileOut = ::CreateFileW(pszOutputFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED | FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, NULL); if (hFileOut == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr, "CreateFileW() on %ls failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", pszOutputFile, ::GetLastError()); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
ActivateActCtx(hActCtx, &cookie);
g_AsyncIOBlock.ol_input.Offset = 0; g_AsyncIOBlock.ol_input.OffsetHigh = 0; g_AsyncIOBlock.ol_output.Offset = 0; g_AsyncIOBlock.ol_output.OffsetHigh = 0; g_AsyncIOBlock.hInputFile = hFileIn; g_AsyncIOBlock.hOutputFile = hFileOut;
if (!::ReadFileEx(hFileIn, &g_AsyncIOBuffer, sizeof(g_AsyncIOBuffer), &g_AsyncIOBlock.ol_input, &AsyncReadCompleted)) { fprintf(stderr, "First ReadFileEx() failed; ::GetLastError() = %d\n", ::GetLastError()); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
while (!g_AsyncIODone) { ::SleepEx(1000, TRUE); }
if (g_AsyncIOError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Async IO test failed; win32 error code = %d\n", g_AsyncIOError); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
CloseHandle(hFileIn); CloseHandle(hFileOut);
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static DWORD WINAPI TestThreadInheritLeakThreadProc( LPVOID lpParameter ) { // Don't need to do anything...
return 1; }
int TestThreadInheritLeak() { HANDLE ActivationContextHandle = ::CreateActivationContextFromStringW(InheritManifest); DWORD dwThreadId; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie; HANDLE hThread = NULL;
::ActivateActCtx(ActivationContextHandle, &ulpCookie); hThread = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, &TestThreadInheritLeakThreadProc, NULL, 0, &dwThreadId);
if (hThread == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "CreateThread() failed with ::GetLastError = %d\n", ::GetLastError()); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);
fprintf(stderr, "Created thread %lu\n", dwThreadId); ::DeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); ::ReleaseActCtx(ActivationContextHandle);
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
BOOL TestNewCatalogSignerThingy( PCWSTR CatalogName ) { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
fSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_CATALOG_SIGNER_CHECK, 0, CatalogName, NULL);
return fSuccess; }
HMODULE MyHandle; WCHAR MyModuleFullPath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR MyModuleFullPathWithoutExtension[MAX_PATH];
see \\scratch\scratch\JayK\exedll for a slightly different approach */ HANDLE GetExeHandle() { return GetModuleHandle(NULL); }
extern "C" { extern IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase; }
HMODULE GetMyHandle() { //Trace("GetMyHandle():%p\n", &__ImageBase);
return (HMODULE)&__ImageBase; }
BOOL AmITheExe() { IamExe = (GetExeHandle() == GetMyHandle()); IamDll = !IamExe; return IamExe; }
PCWSTR GetMyModuleFullPath() { return ((MyModuleFullPath[0] || ::GetModuleFileNameW(GetMyHandle(), MyModuleFullPath, RTL_NUMBER_OF(MyModuleFullPath))), MyModuleFullPath); }
PCWSTR GetMyModuleFullPathWithoutExtension() { //
// not thread safe
wcscpy(MyModuleFullPathWithoutExtension, GetMyModuleFullPath()); *wcsrchr(MyModuleFullPathWithoutExtension, '.') = 0; return MyModuleFullPathWithoutExtension; }
void TestExeDll() { #if defined(_X86_)
WCHAR x[MAX_PATH]; CStringBuffer y;
Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, x, RTL_NUMBER_OF(x)); if (!y.Win32Assign(x, StringLength(x))) ThrowLastError();
if (!y.Win32ChangePathExtension(L"dll", 3, eAddIfNoExtension)) ThrowLastError();
if (!CopyFileW(x, y, FALSE)) ThrowLastError();
FreeLibrary(LoadLibraryW(y)); #endif
void PrintDll() { //Trace("dll %ls\n", GetMyModuleFullPath());
void PrintExe() { //Trace("exe %ls\n", GetMyModuleFullPath());
extern "C" void __cdecl wmainCRTStartup(); extern "C" BOOL __stdcall _DllMainCRTStartup(HINSTANCE, DWORD, PVOID);
extern "C" BOOL __stdcall DllMain(HINSTANCE DllHandle, DWORD Reason, PVOID SemiReserved) { //Trace("Enter DllMain\n");
switch (Reason) { default: break; case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: if ( wcsstr(GetCommandLineW(), L" -tQueryActCtx") || wcsstr(GetCommandLineW(), L" -tqueryactctx") || wcsstr(GetCommandLineW(), L" /tQueryActCtx") || wcsstr(GetCommandLineW(), L" /tqueryactctx") ) { TestQueryActCtx(); } } //Trace("Exit DllMain\n");
return TRUE; }
#if defined(_X86_)
extern "C" void __declspec(naked) Entry() // This works for .dlls or .exes.
// void ExeMain(void)
// BOOL __stdcall DllMain(HINSTANCE dll, DWORD reason, void* reserved)
{ static const char* DllReason[] = { "DllProcessDetach %ls\n", "DllProcessAttach %ls\n", "DllThreadAttach %ls\n", "DllThreadDetach %ls\n" }; __asm { //int 3
call AmITheExe test eax,eax jne Lexe //Ldll:
call GetMyModuleFullPath push eax mov eax, [esp+12] mov eax, DllReason[eax*4] push eax call Trace add esp,8 jmp _DllMainCRTStartup Lexe: call PrintExe jmp wmainCRTStartup } }
extern "C" void Entry() { wmainCRTStartup(); }
BOOL TestSxsSfcUI() { SXSP_DEBUG_FUNCTION pfn = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; LoadSxs();
fSuccess = (*pfn)(SXS_DEBUG_SFC_UI_TEST, 0, 0, NULL);
if (! fSuccess){ fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else return EXIT_SUCCESS;
return fSuccess; }
void TestGetModuleHandleEx() { HMODULE p; BOOL f; HMODULE q; unsigned u; #define GetModuleHandleExA pfnGetModuleHandleExA
#define GetModuleHandleExW pfnGetModuleHandleExW
HMODULE kernel32 = GetModuleHandleW(L"Kernel32"); PGET_MODULE_HANDLE_EXA GetModuleHandleExA = reinterpret_cast<PGET_MODULE_HANDLE_EXA>(GetProcAddress(kernel32, "GetModuleHandleExA")); PGET_MODULE_HANDLE_EXW GetModuleHandleExW = reinterpret_cast<PGET_MODULE_HANDLE_EXW>(GetProcAddress(kernel32, "GetModuleHandleExW"));
if (GetModuleHandleExA == NULL || GetModuleHandleExW == NULL) { return; }
union { CHAR BufferA[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR BufferW[MAX_PATH]; }; BufferA[0] = 0; GetWindowsDirectoryA(BufferA, MAX_PATH); std::string windowsA = BufferA; std::string systemA = windowsA + "System32";
BufferW[0] = 0; GetWindowsDirectoryW(BufferW, MAX_PATH); std::wstring windowsW = BufferW; std::wstring systemW = windowsW + L"System32";
#define X(x) SetLastError(NO_ERROR); p = x; printf("%s:%p,%d\n", #x, p, ::GetLastError());
#define Y(x) SetLastError(NO_ERROR); f = x; printf("%s:%s,%p,%d\n", #x, "false\0true"+f*6, p, ::GetLastError());
printf("first some basic GetModuleHandle testing\n\n"); X(GetModuleHandleA(NULL)); X(GetModuleHandleW(NULL)); X(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll")); X(GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll.dll")); X(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll")); X(GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll")); X(GetModuleHandleA("c:\\ntdll")); X(GetModuleHandleW(L"c:\\ntdll")); X(GetModuleHandleA((systemA + "\\ntdll").c_str())); X(GetModuleHandleW((systemW + L"\\ntdll").c_str())); X(GetModuleHandleA((systemA + "\\ntdll.dll").c_str())); X(GetModuleHandleW((systemW + L"\\ntdll.dll").c_str())); X(GetModuleHandleA("sxs")); X(GetModuleHandleW(L"sxs.dll"));
printf("\n\nnow show that FreeLibrary \"works\", GetModuleHandle honors it\n\n"); X(LoadLibraryA("Sxs.dll")); X(GetModuleHandleA("sxs")); X(GetModuleHandleW(L"sxs.dll")); Y(FreeLibrary(p = GetModuleHandleA("Sxs.dll"))); X(GetModuleHandleA("sxs")); X(GetModuleHandleW(L"sxs.dll")); X(LoadLibraryW(L"Sxs.dll")); Y(GetModuleHandleExA(0, NULL, &p)); Y(GetModuleHandleExW(0, NULL, &p));
printf("\n\nsome invalid parameters (%d)\n\n", ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
Y(GetModuleHandleExA(PIN | NOCHANGE, "sxs", &p)); Y(GetModuleHandleExW(PIN | NOCHANGE, L"sxs", &p)); Y(GetModuleHandleExA(PIN | NOCHANGE, "ntdll", &p)); Y(GetModuleHandleExW(PIN | NOCHANGE, L"ntdll", &p));
printf("\n\nshow NOCHANGE's equiv to regular\n\n");
Y(GetModuleHandleExA(NOCHANGE, "sxs", &p)); Y(GetModuleHandleExW(NOCHANGE, L"sxs", &p)); Y(FreeLibrary(p = GetModuleHandleA("Sxs.dll"))); Y(GetModuleHandleExA(NOCHANGE, "sxs", &p)); Y(GetModuleHandleExW(NOCHANGE, L"sxs", &p));
printf("\n\nshow PIN works\n\n");
X(LoadLibraryW(L"Sxs.dll")); Y(GetModuleHandleExA(PIN, "sxs", &p)); Y(FreeLibrary(p = GetModuleHandleA("Sxs.dll"))); Y(GetModuleHandleExW(0, L"sxs", &(q = p))); Y(GetModuleHandleExW(0, L"c:\\sxs", &p));
printf("\n\nshow the VirtualQuery form\n\n");
Y(GetModuleHandleExA(ADDRESS, "sxs", &p)); // string, actually in .exe
Y(GetModuleHandleExW(ADDRESS, L"c:\\sxs", &p));
Y(GetModuleHandleExA(ADDRESS, reinterpret_cast<LPCSTR>(q), &p)); Y(GetModuleHandleExW(ADDRESS, reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(q), &p));
printf("\n\nsome more invalid parameters (%d)\n\n", ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
Y(GetModuleHandleExA(0, NULL, NULL)); Y(GetModuleHandleExW(0, NULL, NULL));
printf("\n\nshow that static loads can't be unloaded\n\n"); for (u = 0 ; u < 4 ; ++u) { printf("%#x\n", u); Y(FreeLibrary(p = GetModuleHandleA("kernel32"))); Y(FreeLibrary(p = GetModuleHandleW(L"sxstest.exe"))); Y(FreeLibrary(p = GetModuleHandleA("msvcrt.dll"))); }
printf("\n\ntry all flag combinations, including invalids ones\n\n"); for (u = 0 ; u <= (PIN | ADDRESS | NOCHANGE) ; ++u) { printf("%#x\n", u); p = NULL; Y( GetModuleHandleExA(u, NULL, NULL)); p = NULL; Y( GetModuleHandleExW(u, NULL, NULL)); p = NULL; Y( GetModuleHandleExA(u, NULL, &p)); p = NULL; Y( GetModuleHandleExW(u, NULL, &p)); p = NULL; if (u & ADDRESS) { Y( GetModuleHandleExA(u, "", NULL)); p = NULL; Y( GetModuleHandleExW(u, reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(GetModuleHandleExA), NULL)); p = NULL; Y( GetModuleHandleExW(u, reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(atexit), NULL)); p = NULL;
Y( GetModuleHandleExA(u, "", &p)); p = NULL; Y( GetModuleHandleExW(u, reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(GetModuleHandleExA), &p)); p = NULL; Y( GetModuleHandleExW(u, reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(atexit), &p)); p = NULL; } else { Y( GetModuleHandleExA(u, "foo32", NULL)); p = NULL; Y( GetModuleHandleExW(u, L"kernel32", NULL)); p = NULL;
Y( GetModuleHandleExA(u, "foo32", &p)); p = NULL; Y( GetModuleHandleExW(u, L"kernel32", &p)); p = NULL; } } printf("\n\ntry all bits of flags, should be mostly invalid (%d)\n\n", ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); for (u = 0 ; u < RTL_BITS_OF(u) ; ++u) { printf("%#x\n", u); Y(GetModuleHandleExW(1<<u, L"kernel32", &p)); }
printf("\n\nPIN | ADDRESS wasn't covered\n\n", ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
X(GetModuleHandleW(L"shell32")); X(q = LoadLibraryA("shell32")); Y(FreeLibrary(GetModuleHandleA("shell32"))); Y(GetModuleHandleExW(PIN | ADDRESS, reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(q), &p));
X(q = LoadLibraryW(L"shell32")); Y(GetModuleHandleExW(PIN | ADDRESS, reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(q) + 100, &p)); Y(FreeLibrary(q)); Y(FreeLibrary(q)); Y(FreeLibrary(q)); X(GetModuleHandleW(L"shell32.dll")); Y(GetModuleHandleExW(ADDRESS, reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(q) + 1000, &p));
#undef X
#undef Y
#undef PIN
#undef ADDRESS
void TestGetFullPathName( PCWSTR s ) { WCHAR FullPath[MAX_PATH * 2]; PWSTR FilePart = L""; DWORD dw; DWORD dwError;
SetLastError(NO_ERROR); dw = GetFullPathNameW(s, RTL_NUMBER_OF(FullPath), FullPath, &FilePart); dwError = ::GetLastError(); printf( "GetFullPathNameW(%ls):%lu,lastError=%lu,filePart=%ls\n", FullPath, dw, dwError, FilePart ); }
void TestCreateFile( PCWSTR s ) { HANDLE handle; DWORD dwError;
SetLastError(NO_ERROR); handle = CreateFileW( s, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); dwError = ::GetLastError(); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(handle); printf( "CreateFileW(%ls):%p,lastError=%lu\n", s, handle, dwError ); }
from base\ntsetup\dll\sxs.c */ VOID SxspGetPathBaseName( LPCWSTR Path, LPWSTR Base ) { LPCWSTR Dot = wcsrchr(Path, '.'); LPCWSTR Slash = wcsrchr(Path, '\\'); //
// beware \foo.txt\bar
// beware \bar
// beware bar
// beware .bar
// beware \.bar
*Base = 0; if (Slash == NULL) Slash = Path; else Slash += 1; if (Dot == NULL || Dot < Slash) Dot = Path + StringLength(Path); CopyMemory(Base, Slash, (Dot - Slash) * sizeof(*Base)); Base[Dot - Slash] = 0; }
VOID TestGetPathBaseName( LPCWSTR Path ) { WCHAR Base[MAX_PATH];
SxspGetPathBaseName(Path, Base); printf("\"%ls\" -> \"%ls\"\n", Path, Base);
void TestVersion() { printf( "Windows NT %lu.%lu.%lu\n", FusionpGetWindowsNtMajorVersion(), FusionpGetWindowsNtMinorVersion(), FusionpGetWindowsNtBuildVersion() ); }
void TestGetProcessImageFileName() { UNICODE_STRING s;
FusionpGetProcessImageFileName(&s); printf("%wZ\n", &s); }
void TestErrorInfra() { #define X(x) DbgPrint("%s\n", #x); x()
X(TestErrorInfra1); X(TestErrorInfra2); X(TestErrorInfra3); X(TestErrorInfra4); X(TestErrorInfra5); X(TestErrorInfra7); X(TestErrorInfra8); X(TestErrorInfra9); X(TestErrorInfra10); X(TestErrorInfra11); X(TestErrorInfra12); X(TestErrorInfra13); X(TestErrorInfra14); #undef X
RtlZeroMemory(&QueryBuffer, sizeof(QueryBuffer));
if (IS_SPECIAL_ACTCTX(ActCtxHandle)) decimalContext.Win32Format(L" (%Id)", reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(ActCtxHandle));
#define QueryFailed(x,n) Trace("%s:%ld:QueryActCtx(%s) failed %lu\n", __FUNCTION__, ULONG(n), x, GetLastError())
if (!QueryActCtxW( Flags, ActCtxHandle, NULL, ActivationContextBasicInformation, &QueryBuffer, sizeof(QueryBuffer), &BytesWrittenOrRequired )) QueryFailed("ActivationContextBasicInformation", __LINE__ - 1); else { if (IS_SPECIAL_ACTCTX(BasicInfo->hActCtx)) decimalContext.Win32Format(L" (%Id)", reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(BasicInfo->hActCtx)); Trace( "BytesWrittenOrRequired : 0x%lx\n" "BasicInfo->hActCtx : %p%ls\n" "BasicInfo->Flags : 0x%lx\n", BytesWrittenOrRequired, BasicInfo->hActCtx, static_cast<PCWSTR>(decimalContext), BasicInfo->Flags ); } Flags = (Flags & ~QUERY_ACTCTX_FLAG_NO_ADDREF); if (!QueryActCtxW(Flags, ActCtxHandle, NULL, ActivationContextDetailedInformation, ContextDetailed, 4096, &BytesWrittenOrRequired)) QueryFailed("ActivationContextDetailedInformation", __LINE__ - 1); else { Trace( "BytesWrittenOrRequired : 0x%lx\n" "ContextDetailed->dwFlags : 0x%lx\n" "ContextDetailed->ulFormatVersion : 0x%lx\n" "ContextDetailed->ulAssemblyCount : 0x%lx\n" "ContextDetailed->ulRootManifestPathType : 0x%lx\n" "ContextDetailed->ulRootManifestPathChars : 0x%lx\n" "ContextDetailed->ulRootConfigurationPathType : 0x%lx\n" "ContextDetailed->ulRootConfigurationPathChars : 0x%lx\n" "ContextDetailed->ulAppDirPathType : 0x%lx\n" "ContextDetailed->ulAppDirPathChars : 0x%lx\n" "ContextDetailed->lpRootManifestPath : %ls\n" "ContextDetailed->lpRootConfigurationPath : %ls\n" "ContextDetailed->lpAppDirPath : %ls\n" , BytesWrittenOrRequired, ContextDetailed->dwFlags, ContextDetailed->ulFormatVersion, ContextDetailed->ulAssemblyCount, ContextDetailed->ulRootManifestPathType, ContextDetailed->ulRootManifestPathChars, ContextDetailed->ulRootConfigurationPathType, ContextDetailed->ulRootConfigurationPathChars, ContextDetailed->ulAppDirPathType, ContextDetailed->ulAppDirPathChars, ContextDetailed->lpRootManifestPath, ContextDetailed->lpRootConfigurationPath, ContextDetailed->lpAppDirPath ); } { ULONG AssemblyIndex = 0; ULONG FileInAssemblyIndex = 0;
for (AssemblyIndex = 0 ; AssemblyIndex <= ContextDetailed->ulAssemblyCount ; AssemblyIndex += 1) { if (!QueryActCtxW(Flags, ActCtxHandle, &AssemblyIndex, AssemblyDetailedInformationInActivationContext, AssemblyDetailed, 4096, &BytesWrittenOrRequired)) { Trace( "%s(%lu):QueryActCtx(Flags=0x%lx, ActCtxHandle=%p%ls, AssemblyIndex=0x%lx, AssemblyDetailedInformationInActivationContext) LastError=%lu (%ls)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ - 1, Flags, ActCtxHandle, static_cast<PCWSTR>(decimalContext), AssemblyIndex, ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error(), ::FusionpThreadUnsafeGetLastWin32ErrorMessageW() ); } else { Trace( "AssemblyIndex : 0x%lx\n" "BytesWrittenOrRequired : 0x%lx\n" "AssemblyDetailed->ulFlags : 0x%lx\n" "AssemblyDetailed->ulEncodedAssemblyIdentityLength : 0x%lx\n" "AssemblyDetailed->ulManifestPathType : 0x%lx\n" "AssemblyDetailed->ulManifestPathLength : 0x%lx\n" "AssemblyDetailed->liManifestLastWriteTime : 0x%I64x\n" "AssemblyDetailed->ulPolicyPathType : 0x%lx\n" "AssemblyDetailed->ulPolicyPathLength : 0x%lx\n" "AssemblyDetailed->liPolicyLastWriteTime : 0x%I64x\n" "AssemblyDetailed->ulMetadataSatelliteRosterIndex : 0x%lx\n" "AssemblyDetailed->ulManifestVersionMajor : 0x%lx\n" "AssemblyDetailed->ulManifestVersionMinor : 0x%lx\n" "AssemblyDetailed->ulPolicyVersionMajor : 0x%lx\n" "AssemblyDetailed->ulPolicyVersionMinor : 0x%lx\n" "AssemblyDetailed->ulAssemblyDirectoryNameLength : 0x%lx\n" "AssemblyDetailed->lpAssemblyEncodedAssemblyIdentity : %ls\n" "AssemblyDetailed->lpAssemblyManifestPath : %ls\n" "AssemblyDetailed->lpAssemblyPolicyPath : %ls\n" "AssemblyDetailed->lpAssemblyDirectoryName : %ls\n" "AssemblyDetailed->ulFileCount : 0x%lx\n" , AssemblyIndex, BytesWrittenOrRequired, AssemblyDetailed->ulFlags, AssemblyDetailed->ulEncodedAssemblyIdentityLength, AssemblyDetailed->ulManifestPathType, AssemblyDetailed->ulManifestPathLength, AssemblyDetailed->liManifestLastWriteTime.QuadPart, AssemblyDetailed->ulPolicyPathType, AssemblyDetailed->ulPolicyPathLength, AssemblyDetailed->liPolicyLastWriteTime.QuadPart, AssemblyDetailed->ulMetadataSatelliteRosterIndex, AssemblyDetailed->ulManifestVersionMajor, AssemblyDetailed->ulManifestVersionMinor, AssemblyDetailed->ulPolicyVersionMajor, AssemblyDetailed->ulPolicyVersionMinor, AssemblyDetailed->ulAssemblyDirectoryNameLength, AssemblyDetailed->lpAssemblyEncodedAssemblyIdentity, AssemblyDetailed->lpAssemblyManifestPath, AssemblyDetailed->lpAssemblyPolicyPath, AssemblyDetailed->lpAssemblyDirectoryName, AssemblyDetailed->ulFileCount );
QueryIndex.ulAssemblyIndex = AssemblyIndex; SetLastError(NO_ERROR); if (AssemblyDetailed->ulFileCount == 0) { Trace("AssemblyDetailed->ulFileCount is 0, working around bug, setting it to 4.\n"); AssemblyDetailed->ulFileCount = 4; // bug workaround
} for (FileInAssemblyIndex = 0 ; FileInAssemblyIndex != AssemblyDetailed->ulFileCount ; FileInAssemblyIndex += 1) { QueryIndex.ulFileIndexInAssembly = FileInAssemblyIndex; if (!QueryActCtxW(Flags, ActCtxHandle, &QueryIndex, FileInformationInAssemblyOfAssemblyInActivationContext, DllRedir, 4096, &BytesWrittenOrRequired)) { Trace( "%s(%lu):QueryActCtx(Flags=0x%lx, ActCtxHandle=%p%ls, QueryIndex={ulAssemblyIndex=0x%lx, ulFileIndexInAssembly=0x%lx}, FileInformationInAssemblyOfAssemblyInActivationContext) LastError=%lu (%ls)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, Flags, ActCtxHandle, static_cast<PCWSTR>(decimalContext), QueryIndex.ulAssemblyIndex, QueryIndex.ulFileIndexInAssembly, ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error(), ::FusionpThreadUnsafeGetLastWin32ErrorMessageW() ); //break;
} else { Trace( "AssemblyIndex : 0x%lx\n" "FileIndex : 0x%lx\n" "BytesWrittenOrRequired : 0x%lx\n" "DllRedir[0x%lx,0x%lx]->ulFlags : 0x%lx\n" "DllRedir[0x%lx,0x%lx]->ulFilenameLength : 0x%lx\n" "DllRedir[0x%lx,0x%lx]->ulPathLength : 0x%lx\n" "DllRedir[0x%lx,0x%lx]->lpFileName : %ls\n" "DllRedir[0x%lx,0x%lx]->lpFilePath : %ls\n" , AssemblyIndex, FileInAssemblyIndex, BytesWrittenOrRequired, AssemblyIndex, FileInAssemblyIndex, DllRedir->ulFlags, AssemblyIndex, FileInAssemblyIndex, DllRedir->ulFilenameLength, AssemblyIndex, FileInAssemblyIndex, DllRedir->ulPathLength, AssemblyIndex, FileInAssemblyIndex, DllRedir->lpFileName, AssemblyIndex, FileInAssemblyIndex, DllRedir->lpFilePath ); } } } } } }
void TestQueryActCtx2() { { CFusionActCtxHandle LogonuiActCtxHandle; { WCHAR LogonuiManifest[MAX_PATH * 2]; ACTCTXW LogonuiActCtx = {sizeof(LogonuiActCtx)};
LogonuiManifest[0] = 0; GetSystemDirectoryW(LogonuiManifest, MAX_PATH); wcscat(LogonuiManifest, L"\\logonui.exe.manifest"); LogonuiActCtx.lpSource = LogonuiManifest; LogonuiActCtxHandle.Win32Create(&LogonuiActCtx); } { CFusionActCtxScope LogonuiActCtxScope; LogonuiActCtxScope.Win32Activate(LogonuiActCtxHandle);
void TestQueryActCtx() { WCHAR ExePath[MAX_PATH]; CStringBuffer DllPath; HMODULE hmod = NULL; WCHAR buffer[200];
if (IamExe) { if (!Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, ExePath, RTL_NUMBER_OF(ExePath))) ThrowLastError(); if (!DllPath.Win32Format(L"%ls.dll", ExePath)) ThrowLastError(); ::CopyFileW(ExePath, DllPath, FALSE); }
if (IamDll) { hmod = NULL; hmod = (HMODULE)RtlPcToFileHeader(InitCommonControls, (PVOID*)&hmod); wcscpy(buffer, L"FAILED"); if (hmod != NULL) Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(hmod, buffer, RTL_NUMBER_OF(buffer)); Trace("from dll static dep: %p %ls\n", hmod, buffer);
hmod = IsolationAwareLoadLibraryW(L"comctl32.dll"); LastError = ::GetLastError(); wcscpy(buffer, L"FAILED"); if (hmod != NULL) Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(hmod, buffer, RTL_NUMBER_OF(buffer)); Trace("from dll IsolationAwareLoadLibraryW: %p %ls\n", hmod, buffer); #endif
hmod = LoadLibraryW(L"comctl32.dll"); LastError = ::GetLastError(); wcscpy(buffer, L"FAILED"); if (hmod != NULL) Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(hmod, buffer, RTL_NUMBER_OF(buffer)); Trace("from dll LoadLibraryW: %p %ls\n", hmod, buffer);
return; }
{ hmod = NULL; hmod = (HMODULE)RtlPcToFileHeader(InitCommonControls, (PVOID*)&hmod); wcscpy(buffer, L"FAILED"); if (hmod != NULL) Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(hmod, buffer, RTL_NUMBER_OF(buffer)); Trace("from exe static dep: %p %ls\n", hmod, buffer);
hmod = IsolationAwareLoadLibraryW(L"comctl32.dll"); LastError = ::GetLastError(); wcscpy(buffer, L"FAILED"); if (hmod != NULL) Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(hmod, buffer, RTL_NUMBER_OF(buffer)); Trace("from exe IsolationAwareLoadLibraryW: %p %ls\n", hmod, buffer); #endif
hmod = LoadLibraryW(L"comctl32.dll"); LastError = ::GetLastError(); wcscpy(buffer, L"FAILED"); if (hmod != NULL) Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(hmod, buffer, RTL_NUMBER_OF(buffer)); Trace("from exe LoadLibraryW: %p %ls\n", hmod, buffer);
SetDllBitInPeImage(DllPath); Trace("Enter LoadLibraryW\n"); hmod = LoadLibraryW(DllPath); LastError = ::GetLastError(); Trace("Exit LoadLibraryW\n"); void (*pfn)(void) = reinterpret_cast<void (*)(void)>(GetProcAddress(hmod, "TestQueryActCtx")); Trace("Enter non DllMain call to TestQueryActCtx\n"); pfn(); Trace("Exit non DllMain call to TestQueryActCtx\n"); FreeLibrary(hmod); DeleteFileW(DllPath); }
DWORD WINAPI Test64kThreadMain(void* pv) { LONG_PTR i = 0; HANDLE h = 0; ULONG_PTR cookie = 0; LONG_PTR j = reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(pv);
ActivateActCtx(h, &cookie); printf("%Id ", cookie); if (cookie == 0) printf("cookie 0\n"); ActivateActCtx(h, &cookie); printf("%Id ", cookie); if (cookie == 0) printf("cookie 0\n");
__try { for (i = 0 ; i < j ; ++i) { if (!ActivateActCtx(h, &cookie)) printf("activate error %lu\n", ::GetLastError()); else { if (cookie == 0) printf("cookie 0\n"); //printf("%Id ", cookie);
if (!DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie)) printf("deactivate error %lu\n", ::GetLastError()); } } } __except(printf("exception %lx\n", GetExceptionCode()),EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } printf("final cookie value %Id\n", cookie); return 0; }
void Test64k() { HANDLE h = 0; ULONG_PTR cookie = 0; DWORD threadId = 0; LONG_PTR i = 0; LONG_PTR j = 0; HANDLE thread = 0;
ActivateActCtx(h, &cookie); if (cookie == 0) printf("cookie 0\n"); printf("%Id ", cookie); ActivateActCtx(h, &cookie); if (cookie == 0) printf("cookie 0\n"); printf("%Id ", cookie);
for (j = 0 ; j < 0xfff0 ; ++j) { if (!ActivateActCtx(h, &cookie)) printf("activate error %lu\n", ::GetLastError()); else { if (cookie == 0) printf("cookie 0\n"); if (!DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie)) printf("deactivate error %lu\n", ::GetLastError()); } } for ( ; j < 0xffff + 0xf ; ++j) { if (!ActivateActCtx(h, &cookie)) printf("activate error %lu\n", ::GetLastError()); printf("%Id ", cookie); if (cookie == 0) printf("cookie 0\n"); thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, Test64kThreadMain, reinterpret_cast<void*>(j), 0, &threadId); } WaitForSingleObject(thread, INFINITE); }
void TestDotLocalSingleInstancing() { FILE* File = 0; HMODULE DllHandle = 0;
{ WCHAR DotLocal[MAX_PATH]; if (!Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(GetMyHandle(), DotLocal, NUMBER_OF(DotLocal) - sizeof(".local"))) ThrowLastError(); wcscat(DotLocal, L".local"); File = _wfopen(DotLocal, L"w"); fprintf(File, "\n"); fclose(File); } { WCHAR System32Mshtml[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR LocalMshtml[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR ResultingMshtml[MAX_PATH];
if (!GetSystemDirectoryW(System32Mshtml, NUMBER_OF(System32Mshtml) - sizeof("\\Mshtml.dll"))) ThrowLastError(); wcscat(System32Mshtml, L"\\Mshtml.dll");
if (!Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(GetMyHandle(), LocalMshtml, NUMBER_OF(LocalMshtml) - sizeof("\\Mshtml.dll"))) ThrowLastError(); *wcsrchr(LocalMshtml, '\\') = 0; wcscat(LocalMshtml, L"\\Mshtml.dll");
//DllHandle = LoadLibraryW(L"Mshtml.dll");
//Trace("LoadLibrary(Mshtml): %p\n", DllHandle);
if (!CopyFileW(System32Mshtml, LocalMshtml, FALSE)) ThrowLastError(); Trace("copy %ls -> %ls\n", System32Mshtml, LocalMshtml);
ULONG i; for (i = 0 ; i != 4 ; i += 1) { DllHandle = LoadLibraryW(System32Mshtml); wcscpy(ResultingMshtml, L"FAILED"); if (DllHandle != NULL) Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(DllHandle, ResultingMshtml, RTL_NUMBER_OF(ResultingMshtml)); Trace("LoadLibrary(%ls): %p %ls\n", System32Mshtml, DllHandle, ResultingMshtml); } } }
void TestCreateActCtx( int n, wchar_t **args ) { ACTCTXW acw; int i; WCHAR rgwchSource[MAX_PATH]; PCWSTR pszResource; HANDLE hActCtx; DWORD dwLastError;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) { PCWSTR arg = args[i]; PCWSTR semi = wcschr(arg, L';');
memset(&acw, 0, sizeof(acw));
acw.cbSize = sizeof(acw);
if (semi == NULL) { acw.lpSource = arg; } else { int cch = (int) (semi - arg);
if (cch >= NUMBER_OF(rgwchSource)) cch = NUMBER_OF(rgwchSource) - 1;
memcpy(rgwchSource, arg, cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); rgwchSource[cch] = L'\0';
if (semi[1] == L'#') { wchar_t *pszDummy; pszResource = MAKEINTRESOURCEW(wcstoul(semi+1, &pszDummy, 10)); } else { pszResource = semi+1; }
acw.lpSource = rgwchSource; acw.lpResourceName = pszResource; acw.dwFlags |= ACTCTX_FLAG_RESOURCE_NAME_VALID; }
hActCtx = ::CreateActCtxW(&acw); dwLastError = ::GetLastError(); printf("CreateActCtxW() on \"%ls\" returned %p\n", arg, hActCtx); if (hActCtx == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf(" ::GetLastError() = %lu\n", dwLastError); }
::ReleaseActCtx(hActCtx); } }
const char comctlv6manifest[]= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>" "<assembly xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\" manifestVersion=\"1.0\">" "<assemblyIdentity" " name=\"Microsoft.Windows.Shell.notepad\"" " processorArchitecture=\"x86\"" " version=\"\"" " type=\"win32\"/>" "<dependency>" " <dependentAssembly>" " <assemblyIdentity" " type=\"win32\"" " name=\"Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls\"" " version=\"\"" " processorArchitecture=\"x86\"" " publicKeyToken=\"6595b64144ccf1df\"" " language=\"*\"" " />" " </dependentAssembly>" "</dependency>" "</assembly>" ;
const char comctlv5manifest[]= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>" "<assembly xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\" manifestVersion=\"1.0\">" "<assemblyIdentity" " name=\"Microsoft.Windows.Shell.notepad\"" " processorArchitecture=\"x86\"" " version=\"\"" " type=\"win32\"/>" "</assembly>" ;
void TestCreateActctxAdminOverride() { WCHAR exe[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR dll[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR comctl[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR manifest[MAX_PATH]; ACTCTXW Actctx = {sizeof(Actctx)}; FILE* File = NULL; ULONG_PTR ulCookie = 0; HMODULE DllHandle = 0; HANDLE ActctxHandle; GUID Guid = { 0 };
wcscpy(exe, GetMyModuleFullPath()); wcscpy(dll, GetMyModuleFullPath()); wcscat(dll, L".dll"); CopyFileW(exe, dll, FALSE); SetDllBitInPeImage(dll);
#if 0
wcscpy(String, GetMyModuleFullPath()); wcscat(String, L".Manifest"); DeleteFileW(String); Trace("DeleteFile(%ls)\n", String);
wcscpy(String, GetMyModuleFullPath()); wcscat(String, L".2.Manifest"); DeleteFileW(String); Trace("DeleteFile(%ls)\n", String);
wcscpy(String, GetMyModuleFullPath()); wcscat(String, L".3.Manifest"); DeleteFileW(String); Trace("DeleteFile(%ls)\n", String); #endif
Actctx.lpSource = dll; /*
ActctxHandle = CreateActCtxW(&Actctx); if (ActctxHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; Trace("CreateActCtxW succeeded\n"); */
// manfile is number to put in the manifest file name, 0 for none
// good is what the contents of the file are, 0=>bad, 1=>v5, 2=>v6
// res is what resource id to ask for
for (int manfile = 0 ; manfile != 4 ; manfile += 1) { WCHAR Number[RTL_BITS_OF(ULONG_PTR) + 3]; for (int good = 0 ; good != 3 ; good += 1) { for (int res = -1 ; res != 4 ; res += 1) { Trace("---------------------------------------------------------------\n"); Trace("resourceid is %d%s\n", res, (res != -1) ? "" : " (flag not set)"); if (res != -1) { Actctx.lpResourceName = MAKEINTRESOURCEW(res); Actctx.dwFlags |= ACTCTX_FLAG_RESOURCE_NAME_VALID; Actctx.lpResourceName = MAKEINTRESOURCEW(res); } else { Actctx.dwFlags &= ~ACTCTX_FLAG_RESOURCE_NAME_VALID; } for (int delman = 0 ; delman != 4 ; delman += 1) { Number[0] = 0; if (delman) swprintf(Number, L".%d", delman); swprintf(manifest, L"%ls%ls%ls%ls", GetMyModuleFullPathWithoutExtension(), L".dll", Number, L".Manifest"); /*
CoCreateGuid(&Guid); swprintf(String3, L"%ls%I64x%I64x", GetMyModuleFullPath(), *reinterpret_cast<__int64*>(&Guid), *(1+reinterpret_cast<__int64*>(&Guid))); if (!MoveFileW(String, String3) && ::GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) Trace("MoveFile(%ls -> %ls) FAILED %d\n", String, String3, ::GetLastError()); else ;//Trace("MoveFile(%ls -> %ls)\n", String, String3);
*/ if (!DeleteFileW(manifest) && ::GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) Trace("DeleteFile(%ls) FAILED %d\n", manifest, ::GetLastError()); else ;//Trace("DeleteFile(%ls)\n", String3);
} Number[0] = 0; if (manfile != 0) { swprintf(Number, L".%d", manfile); } swprintf(manifest, L"%ls%ls%ls%ls", GetMyModuleFullPathWithoutExtension(), L".dll", Number, L".Manifest"); //Trace("fopen(%ls)\n", String);
File = _wfopen(manifest, L"w+"); if (File == NULL) { perror("fopen"); } switch (good) { case 0: fprintf(File, "bad"); Trace("%ls is bad\n", manifest); break; case 1: fprintf(File, "%s", comctlv5manifest); Trace("%ls is comctlv5manifest\n", manifest); break; case 2: fprintf(File, "%s", comctlv6manifest); Trace("%ls is comctlv6manifest\n", manifest); break; } fclose(File);
ActctxHandle = CreateActCtxW(&Actctx); if (ActctxHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Trace("CreateActCtxW failed %d\n", ::GetLastError()); ulCookie = 0; } else { Trace("CreateActCtxW succeeded %p\n", ActctxHandle); ActivateActCtx(ActctxHandle, &ulCookie); } __try { PWSTR filePart; comctl[0] = 0; SearchPathW(NULL, L"comctl32.dll", NULL, RTL_NUMBER_OF(comctl), comctl, &filePart); } __finally { if (ActctxHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) DeactivateActCtx(0, ulCookie); } Trace("SearchPathW(comctl32.dll): %ls\n", comctl); } } } }
void TestCreateActctxLikeCreateProcess() { #if defined(ACTCTX_FLAG_LIKE_CREATEPROCESS)
WCHAR comctl[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR manifest[MAX_PATH]; ACTCTXW Actctx = {sizeof(Actctx)}; FILE* File = NULL; ULONG_PTR ulCookie = 0; HMODULE DllHandle = 0; HANDLE ActctxHandle; PWSTR filePart;
Actctx.lpSource = GetMyModuleFullPath(); Actctx.dwFlags = ACTCTX_FLAG_LIKE_CREATEPROCESS;
wcscpy(manifest, GetMyModuleFullPath()); wcscat(manifest, L".Manifest"); DeleteFileW(manifest); //Trace("DeleteFile(%ls)\n", manifest);
ActctxHandle = CreateActCtxW(&Actctx); if (ActctxHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Trace("CreateActCtxW failed %d\n", ::GetLastError()); ulCookie = 0; } else { Trace("CreateActCtxW succeeded %p\n", ActctxHandle); ActivateActCtx(ActctxHandle, &ulCookie); } __try { comctl[0] = 0; SearchPathW(NULL, L"comctl32.dll", NULL, RTL_NUMBER_OF(comctl), comctl, &filePart); } __finally { if (ActctxHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) DeactivateActCtx(0, ulCookie); } Trace("SearchPathW(comctl32.dll): %ls\n", comctl);
File = _wfopen(manifest, L"w"); fprintf(File, "%s", comctlv5manifest); fclose(File); Trace("%ls == comctlv5manifest\n", manifest);
ActctxHandle = CreateActCtxW(&Actctx); if (ActctxHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Trace("CreateActCtxW failed %d\n", ::GetLastError()); ulCookie = 0; } else { Trace("CreateActCtxW succeeded %p\n", ActctxHandle); ActivateActCtx(ActctxHandle, &ulCookie); } __try { comctl[0] = 0; SearchPathW(NULL, L"comctl32.dll", NULL, RTL_NUMBER_OF(comctl), comctl, &filePart); } __finally { if (ActctxHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) DeactivateActCtx(0, ulCookie); } Trace("SearchPathW(comctl32.dll): %ls\n", comctl);
File = _wfopen(manifest, L"w"); fprintf(File, "%ls", comctlv6manifest); fclose(File); Trace("%ls == comctlv6manifest\n", manifest);
ActctxHandle = CreateActCtxW(&Actctx); if (ActctxHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Trace("CreateActCtxW failed %d\n", ::GetLastError()); ulCookie = 0; } else { Trace("CreateActCtxW succeeded %p\n", ActctxHandle); ActivateActCtx(ActctxHandle, &ulCookie); } __try { comctl[0] = 0; SearchPathW(NULL, L"comctl32.dll", NULL, RTL_NUMBER_OF(comctl), comctl, &filePart); } __finally { if (ActctxHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) DeactivateActCtx(0, ulCookie); } Trace("SearchPathW(comctl32.dll): %ls\n", comctl); #endif
void TestQueryManifestInformationBasic( PCWSTR pszManifest ) { PSXS_QUERY_MANIFEST_INFORMATION pfn = NULL; LoadSxs(); struct { SXS_MANIFEST_INFORMATION_BASIC mib; WCHAR rgwchSpaceForIdentity[1024]; WCHAR rgwchSpaceForDirName[1024]; } buff;
GetSxsProc("SxsQueryManifestInformation", &pfn);
if (!(*pfn)(0, pszManifest, SXS_QUERY_MANIFEST_INFORMATION_INFOCLASS_BASIC, 0, sizeof(buff), &buff, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); } }
printf("ImageResourceDirectory %p\n", ImageResourceDirectory); printf("ImageResourceDirectory + 1 %p\n", ImageResourceDirectory + 1);
printf("ImageResourceDirectoryEntry %p\n", ImageResourceDirectoryEntry); printf("ImageResourceDirectoryEntry + 1 %p\n", ImageResourceDirectoryEntry + 1); }
class CSxsTestCleanup : public CCleanupBase { public: VOID DeleteYourself() { } ~CSxsTestCleanup() { } };
#define private public
#include "sxsprotect.h"
#undef private
void TestInterlockedAlignment() { __declspec(align(16)) SLIST_HEADER SlistHeader;
CSxsTestCleanup* pc = new CSxsTestCleanup(); printf("%p\n", pc); printf("%p\n", static_cast<SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY*>(pc)); SxspAtExit(pc);
CProtectionRequestRecord* pr = new CProtectionRequestRecord; printf("%p\n", pr); printf("%p\n", &pr->m_ListHeader);
CStringListEntry* psle = new CStringListEntry; printf("%p\n", psle); printf("%p\n", static_cast<SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY*>(psle));
RtlInterlockedPushEntrySList(&SlistHeader, pc); RtlInterlockedPushEntrySList(&SlistHeader, psle); RtlQueryDepthSList(&SlistHeader); RtlInterlockedPopEntrySList(&SlistHeader); RtlInterlockedFlushSList(&SlistHeader); // untested: RtlInterlockedPushListSList
RtlInterlockedPushEntrySList(&pr->m_ListHeader, pc); RtlInterlockedPushEntrySList(&pr->m_ListHeader, psle); RtlQueryDepthSList(&pr->m_ListHeader); RtlInterlockedPopEntrySList(&pr->m_ListHeader); RtlInterlockedFlushSList(&pr->m_ListHeader); // untested: RtlInterlockedPushListSList
printf("success\n"); }
void TestCreateActctxWindowsShellManifest() { WCHAR WindowsShellManifestFileName[MAX_PATH]; ACTCTXW ActCtx = { sizeof(ActCtx) }; HANDLE ActCtxHandle = 0; WindowsShellManifestFileName[0] = 0;
GetWindowsDirectoryW(WindowsShellManifestFileName, NUMBER_OF(WindowsShellManifestFileName) - 64); wcscat(WindowsShellManifestFileName, L"\\WindowsShell.Manifest"); ActCtx.lpSource = WindowsShellManifestFileName;
ActCtxHandle = CreateActCtxW(&ActCtx); Trace("TestCreateActctxWindowsShellManifest: %p, %lu\n", ActCtxHandle, ::GetLastError()); ReleaseActCtx(ActCtxHandle); }
class CObjectTypes { protected: std::vector<BYTE> m_ByteBuffer; PSYSTEM_OBJECTTYPE_INFORMATION m_TypedBuffer; public: };
void TestCreateGlobalEvent() { if (!::CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, L"MGRIER")) return; Sleep(500000); }
class CObjectSnapshot { protected: //
// This interface is not very good, but it's easy..the entries
// are of variable size...
std::vector<BYTE> m_ByteBuffer; SIZE_T m_Size;
// Some operations, like sorting, require us to move all the string data
// out of the elements. We do not manage this data in a lossless way.
// Ultimately, you may benefit from copying/transforming the data completely.
std::vector<BYTE> m_StringData; public:
SIZE_T size() const { return m_Size; }
class iterator;
class const_iterator { protected: const SYSTEM_OBJECT_INFORMATION* m_p; public: ~const_iterator() { }
void operator=(const const_iterator& x) { m_p = x.m_p; } const_iterator(const const_iterator& x) : m_p(x.m_p) { } const_iterator(const BYTE* p = NULL) : m_p(reinterpret_cast<const SYSTEM_OBJECT_INFORMATION*>(p)) { }
//void operator=(const iterator& x);
//const_iterator(const iterator& x);
bool operator==(const const_iterator& i) const { return (m_p == i.m_p); }
bool operator!=(const const_iterator& i) const { return (m_p != i.m_p); }
const SYSTEM_OBJECT_INFORMATION& operator*() const { return *m_p; }
void operator++() { if (m_p != NULL) { if (m_p->NextEntryOffset != 0) m_p = reinterpret_cast<const SYSTEM_OBJECT_INFORMATION*>(reinterpret_cast<const BYTE*>(m_p) + m_p->NextEntryOffset); else m_p = NULL; // end
} }
const_iterator operator++(int) { const_iterator tmp = *this; ++*this;; return tmp; } };
class iterator : public const_iterator { private: void operator=(const const_iterator&); public: ~iterator() { } iterator(BYTE* p = NULL) : const_iterator(p) { }
SYSTEM_OBJECT_INFORMATION& operator*() { return const_cast<SYSTEM_OBJECT_INFORMATION&>(*m_p); } };
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(&m_ByteBuffer[0]); } iterator begin() { return iterator(&m_ByteBuffer[0]); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(); } iterator end() { return iterator(); }
void swap(CObjectSnapshot& x) { std::swap(m_ByteBuffer, x.m_ByteBuffer); std::swap(m_Size, x.m_Size); }
CObjectSnapshot() { } ~CObjectSnapshot() { } };
class CHandleSnapshot { protected: std::vector<BYTE> m_ByteBuffer; PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX m_TypedBuffer; public:
SIZE_T size() const { return m_TypedBuffer->NumberOfHandles; }
SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX* begin() { return &m_TypedBuffer->Handles[0]; } const SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX* begin() const { return &m_TypedBuffer->Handles[0]; }
SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX* end() { return begin() + size(); } const SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX* end() const { return begin() + size(); }
SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX& operator[](size_t index) { return *(begin() + index); } const SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX& operator[](size_t index) const { return *(begin() + index); }
void reserve(SIZE_T n) { resize(n); // since there's no constructor..
void resize(SIZE_T n) { m_ByteBuffer.resize(sizeof(SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX) + (n - 1) * sizeof(SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX)); Resync(); m_TypedBuffer->NumberOfHandles = n; }
void swap(CHandleSnapshot& x) { std::swap(m_ByteBuffer, x.m_ByteBuffer); x.Resync(); Resync(); }
CHandleSnapshot() : m_TypedBuffer(NULL) { } ~CHandleSnapshot() { }
void GetHandlesForCurrentProcess() { GetHandlesForProcess(GetCurrentProcessId()); }
void GetHandlesForProcess(ULONG_PTR pid) { GetHandlesForSystem(); FilterByProcessId(pid); }
void GetHandlesForSystem() { //
// the actual needed size can be very large, over 256k
ULONG Size = 0;
m_TypedBuffer = NULL; m_ByteBuffer.resize(sizeof(SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX)); NTSTATUS Status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemExtendedHandleInformation, &m_ByteBuffer[0], static_cast<ULONG>(m_ByteBuffer.size()), &Size); while (Status == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH && Size != 0) { //
// since it is transient, let's be safe and double it
m_ByteBuffer.resize(Size * 2); Status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemExtendedHandleInformation, &m_ByteBuffer[0], static_cast<ULONG>(m_ByteBuffer.size()), &Size); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Trace("NtQuerySystemInformation failed 0x%lx\n", Status); return; } m_ByteBuffer.resize(Size); m_TypedBuffer = reinterpret_cast<PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX>(&m_ByteBuffer[0]); Trace("%Id total handles system-wide\n", m_TypedBuffer->NumberOfHandles); }
void FilterByProcessId(ULONG_PTR pid) { SIZE_T Scan = 0; SIZE_T Keep = 0;
for (Scan = 0 ; Scan != m_TypedBuffer->NumberOfHandles ; Scan += 1) { if (m_TypedBuffer->Handles[Scan].UniqueProcessId == pid) { if (Keep != Scan) m_TypedBuffer->Handles[Keep] = m_TypedBuffer->Handles[Scan]; // struct copy
Keep += 1; } } m_TypedBuffer->NumberOfHandles = Keep; }
void Resync() { m_TypedBuffer = reinterpret_cast<PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX>(&m_ByteBuffer[0]); }
CHandleSnapshot(const CHandleSnapshot& x) : m_TypedBuffer(NULL) { this->m_ByteBuffer = x.m_ByteBuffer; Resync(); }
void operator=(const CHandleSnapshot& x) { this->m_ByteBuffer = x.m_ByteBuffer; Resync(); }
class CHandleValueOperatorLessThan { public: bool operator()(const SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX& x, const SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX& y) { return (x.HandleValue < y.HandleValue); } };
void SortByHandleValue() { std::sort(begin(), end(), CHandleValueOperatorLessThan()); }
void operator-=(/*const*/CHandleSnapshot& x) { SortByHandleValue(); x.SortByHandleValue(); CHandleSnapshot temp(*this); resize( std::set_difference(temp.begin(), temp.end(), x.begin(), x.end(), begin(), CHandleValueOperatorLessThan()) - begin()); }
void Dump() { } };
class CHandleSnapshots { public: void Begin() { m_Begin.GetHandlesForCurrentProcess(); } void End() { m_End.GetHandlesForCurrentProcess(); m_Diff = m_Begin; m_Diff -= m_End; }
CHandleSnapshot m_Begin; CHandleSnapshot m_End; CHandleSnapshot m_Diff; };
void Pause() { Trace("Press a key to continue\n"); getchar(); }
void TestHandleLeaks() { WCHAR WindowsDirectory[MAX_PATH]; ULONG i = 0; CFusionFile DevNull; //SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes = { sizeof(SecurityAttributes), NULL, TRUE};
WindowsDirectory[0] = 0;
DevNull = CreateFileW(L"nul:", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL/*&SecurityAttributes*/, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (DevNull == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) Trace("Open(nul:) failed %ld\n", ::GetLastError());
GetWindowsDirectoryW(WindowsDirectory, NUMBER_OF(WindowsDirectory) - 64);
{ const WCHAR SubFunction[] = L"CreateActCtx";
CHandleSnapshots handleSnapshots; handleSnapshots.Begin(); Trace("%s Begin %ls : %Id handles\n", __FUNCTION__, SubFunction, handleSnapshots.m_Begin.size()); { WCHAR WindowsShellManifestFileName[MAX_PATH]; ACTCTXW ActCtx = { sizeof(ActCtx) }; HANDLE ActCtxHandle = 0;
WindowsShellManifestFileName[0] = 0; wcscpy(WindowsShellManifestFileName, WindowsDirectory); wcscat(WindowsShellManifestFileName, L"\\WindowsShell.Manifest"); ActCtx.lpSource = WindowsShellManifestFileName;
for (i = 0 ; i != 100 ; ++i) { HANDLE ActCtxHandle = CreateActCtxW(&ActCtx); if (ActCtxHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) Trace("TestCreateActctxWindowsShellManifest: %p, %lu\n", ActCtxHandle, ::GetLastError()); else ReleaseActCtx(ActCtxHandle); } } handleSnapshots.End(); Trace("%s End %ls : %Id handles\n", __FUNCTION__, SubFunction, handleSnapshots.m_End.size());
if (handleSnapshots.m_Diff.size() != 0) { Trace("%s Diff %ls : %Id handles\n", __FUNCTION__, SubFunction, handleSnapshots.m_Diff.size()); } }
Pause(); { const WCHAR SubFunction[] = L"CreateActCtx + LoadLibrary(comctl32)";
CHandleSnapshots handleSnapshots; handleSnapshots.Begin(); Trace("%s Begin %ls : %Id handles\n", __FUNCTION__, SubFunction, handleSnapshots.m_Begin.size()); { WCHAR WindowsShellManifestFileName[MAX_PATH]; ACTCTXW ActCtx = { sizeof(ActCtx) }; HANDLE ActCtxHandle = 0;
WindowsShellManifestFileName[0] = 0; wcscpy(WindowsShellManifestFileName, WindowsDirectory); wcscat(WindowsShellManifestFileName, L"\\WindowsShell.Manifest"); ActCtx.lpSource = WindowsShellManifestFileName;
for (i = 0 ; i != 100 ; ++i) { ULONG_PTR ulCookie = 0;
HANDLE ActCtxHandle = CreateActCtxW(&ActCtx); if (ActCtxHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) Trace("TestCreateActctxWindowsShellManifest: %p, %lu\n", ActCtxHandle, ::GetLastError()); else { ActivateActCtx(ActCtxHandle, &ulCookie); HMODULE Comctl = LoadLibraryW(L"comctl32.dll"); if (i == 1) { CHandleSnapshot handleSnapshot; handleSnapshot.GetHandlesForCurrentProcess(); Trace("Comctl32.dll loaded first time %Id\n", handleSnapshot.size()); Pause(); } FreeLibrary(Comctl); if (i == 1) { CHandleSnapshot handleSnapshot; handleSnapshot.GetHandlesForCurrentProcess(); Trace("Comctl32.dll unloaded first time %Id\n", handleSnapshot.size()); Pause(); } if (ulCookie != 0) DeactivateActCtx(0, ulCookie); ReleaseActCtx(ActCtxHandle); if (i == 1) { CHandleSnapshot handleSnapshot; handleSnapshot.GetHandlesForCurrentProcess(); Trace("Comctl32.dll unloaded + ReleaseActCtxfirst time %Id\n", handleSnapshot.size()); Pause(); } } } } handleSnapshots.End(); Trace("%s End %ls : %Id handles\n", __FUNCTION__, SubFunction, handleSnapshots.m_End.size());
if (handleSnapshots.m_Diff.size() != 0) { Trace("%s Diff %ls : %Id handles\n", __FUNCTION__, SubFunction, handleSnapshots.m_Diff.size()); } }
Pause(); { WCHAR Me[MAX_PATH]; STARTUPINFOW StartupInfo = {sizeof(StartupInfo)}; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo = {0}; static const WCHAR SubFunction[] = L"CreateProcess";
Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, Me, NUMBER_OF(Me));
CHandleSnapshots handleSnapshots; handleSnapshots.Begin(); Trace("%s Begin %ls : %Id handles\n", __FUNCTION__, SubFunction, handleSnapshots.m_Begin.size());
for (i = 0 ; i != 100 ; ++i) { StartupInfo.hStdOutput = DevNull; StartupInfo.hStdError = DevNull; StartupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
if (!CreateProcessW(Me, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo)) { Trace("CreateProcess failed %ld\n", ::GetLastError()); } else { WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hThread, INFINITE); if (!CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess)) Trace("CloseHandle(Process %p) failed %ld\n", ProcessInfo.hProcess, ::GetLastError()); if (!CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread)) Trace("CloseHandle(Thread %p) failed %ld\n", ProcessInfo.hThread, ::GetLastError()); } } handleSnapshots.End(); Trace("%s End %ls : %Id handles\n", __FUNCTION__, SubFunction, handleSnapshots.m_End.size());
if (handleSnapshots.m_Diff.size() != 0) { Trace("%s Diff %ls : %Id handles\n", __FUNCTION__, SubFunction, handleSnapshots.m_Diff.size()); } } Pause(); { WCHAR SubFunction[sizeof("LoadLibrary xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")]; WCHAR DllPath[MAX_PATH]; ULONG j = 0;
const static PCWSTR Leaves[] = { L"mshtml.dll", L"wintrust.dll", L"shell32.dll", L"crypt32.dll", L"msxml.dll", L"shdocvw.dll", L"msxml2.dll", L"msxml3.dll" };
for (j = 0 ; j != NUMBER_OF(Leaves) ; ++j) { SubFunction[0] = 0; wcscat(SubFunction, L"LoadLibrary "); wcscat(SubFunction, Leaves[j]);
DllPath[0] = 0; wcscat(DllPath, WindowsDirectory); wcscat(DllPath, L"\\system32\\"); wcscat(DllPath, Leaves[j]);
CHandleSnapshots handleSnapshots; handleSnapshots.Begin(); Trace("%s Begin %ls : %Id handles\n", __FUNCTION__, SubFunction, handleSnapshots.m_Begin.size()); for (i = 0 ; i != 20 ; ++i) { HMODULE DllHandle;
if ((DllHandle = LoadLibraryW(DllPath)) != NULL) FreeLibrary(DllHandle); else Trace("LoadLibraryW(%ls) failed %ld\n", DllPath, ::GetLastError()); } handleSnapshots.End(); Trace("%s End %ls : %Id handles\n", __FUNCTION__, SubFunction, handleSnapshots.m_End.size()); if (handleSnapshots.m_Diff.size() != 0) { Trace("%s Diff %s : %Id handles\n", __FUNCTION__, SubFunction, handleSnapshots.m_Diff.size()); } } } Pause(); }
#define YET_ANOTHER_PASTE(x,y) x##y
const WCHAR ToolsCrtManifest[]= L"<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"yes\"?>" L"<assembly xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\" manifestVersion=\"1.0\">" L"<assemblyIdentity" L" name=\"Microsoft.Windows.SxsTest.ToolsCrtClient\"" L" processorArchitecture=\"" LSXS_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE L"\"" /* Note that this only actually exists on x86 */ L" version=\"\"" L" type=\"win32\"/>" L"<dependency>" L" <dependentAssembly>" L" <assemblyIdentity" L" type=\"win32\"" L" name=\"Microsoft.Tools.VisualCPlusPlus.Runtime-Libraries\"" L" version=\"\"" L" processorArchitecture=\"" LSXS_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE L"\"" L" publicKeyToken=\"6595b64144ccf1df\"" L" language=\"*\"" L" />" L" </dependentAssembly>" L"</dependency>" L"</assembly>" ;
const WCHAR WindowsCrtManifest[]= L"<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"yes\"?>" L"<assembly xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\" manifestVersion=\"1.0\">" L"<assemblyIdentity" L" name=\"Microsoft.Windows.SxsTest.WindowsCrtClient\"" L" processorArchitecture=\"" LSXS_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE L"\"" L" version=\"\"" L" type=\"win32\"/>" L"<dependency>" L" <dependentAssembly>" L" <assemblyIdentity" L" type=\"win32\"" L" name=\"Microsoft.Windows.CPlusPlusRuntime\"" L" version=\"\"" L" processorArchitecture=\"" LSXS_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE L"\"" L" publicKeyToken=\"6595b64144ccf1df\"" L" language=\"*\"" L" />" L" </dependentAssembly>" L"</dependency>" L"</assembly>" ;
void TestCRuntimeAsms() { CFusionActCtxHandle WindowsCrtActCtxHandle; CFusionActCtxHandle ToolsCrtActCtxHandle;
WindowsCrtActCtxHandle = ::CreateActivationContextFromStringW(WindowsCrtManifest); if (WindowsCrtActCtxHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ::Trace("CreateActCtx(WindowsCrtManifest %p) failed %ld\n", WindowsCrtManifest, ::GetLastError()); ToolsCrtActCtxHandle = ::CreateActivationContextFromStringW(ToolsCrtManifest); if (ToolsCrtActCtxHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ::Trace("CreateActCtx(WindowsCrtManifest %p) failed %ld\n", WindowsCrtManifest, ::GetLastError());
CFusionActCtxScope ToolsCrtActCtxScope; CFusionActCtxScope WindowsCrtActCtxScope;
if (!WindowsCrtActCtxScope.Win32Activate(WindowsCrtActCtxHandle)) ::Trace("Activate(WindowsCrtActCtxHandle %p) failed %ld\n", WindowsCrtActCtxHandle, ::GetLastError());
if (!ToolsCrtActCtxScope.Win32Activate(ToolsCrtActCtxHandle)) ::Trace("Activate(ToolsCrtActCtxHandle %p) failed %ld\n", ToolsCrtActCtxHandle, ::GetLastError());
CStringBuffer MsvcrtBuffer; CStringBuffer AtlBuffer;
<comInterfaceExternalProxyStub name="IPropertyPage" iid="{B196B28D-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07}" proxyStubClsid32="{B196B286-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07}" numMethods="14" baseInterface="{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" >
<comInterfaceExternalProxyStub name="IPropertyPage2" iid="{01E44665-24AC-101B-84ED-08002B2EC713}" proxyStubClsid32="{B196B286-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07}" numMethods="15" baseInterface="{B196B28D-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07}" >
<comInterfaceExternalProxyStub name="IPropertyNotifySink" iid="{9BFBBC02-EFF1-101A-84ED-00AA00341D07}" proxyStubClsid32="{B196B286-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07}" baseInterface="{00000000-0000-0000-C000-00 00 00 00 00 46}" numMethods="5" > */
#if 0
BOOL Win32FormatGuid( CBaseStringBuffer& buff REFGUID guid ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 IFW32FALSE_EXIT(this->Win32ResizeBuffer(64)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buff.Win32Format(L"{%08lx-%04x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}", guid.Data1, guid.Data2, guid.Data3, guid.Data4[0], guid.Data4[1], guid.Data4[2], guid.Data4[3], guid.Data4[4], guid.Data4[5], guid.Data4[6], guid.Data4[7], )); FN_EPILOG } #endif
BOOL Win32Append( CBaseStringBuffer& s, PCWSTR t ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 IFW32FALSE_EXIT(s.Win32Append(t, wcslen(t))); FN_EPILOG }
ULONG Type; PCWSTR Name; // for debugging/tracing purposes (should coincide with InterfaceName)
PCWSTR Guid; union { struct { WCHAR InprocServerFilePath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR ThreadingModel[64]; }; struct { WCHAR InterfaceName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR NumMethods[64]; WCHAR ProxyStubClsid[64]; //
// These usually aren't provided.
// WCHAR BaseInterface[64];
// WCHAR OLEViewerIViewerCLSID[64];
// It is perhaps a bit inelegant to put this data here, perhaps not..
// We are deliberately a bit sloppy on the refcounting of these right now.
FUSIONTESTP_PLAIN_COM_POINTER(IUnknown) CoCreatedObject; //FUSIONTESTP_PLAIN_COM_POINTER(IUnknown) InterfaceIntoObjectInCreatingThread;
//FUSIONTESTP_PLAIN_COM_POINTER(IUnknown) InterfaceIntoObjectInAnotherThread;
//WCHAR ModulePathInOtherThread[MAX_PATH]; // expected to be oleaut32.dll, but possibly already unloaded
//IID InterfaceIdOfObject;
#if 0
// In reality, all three MFC classes implement all three interfaces, but let's broaden
// our minds a bit, ok?
BOOL FusionTestpDynamicallyFindAnyInterfaceIntoObjectExceptIUnknown( IUnknown* Object, PCFUSIONTESTP_REG_DATA RegData, // too broad of a type really, but ok
SIZE_T Count, FUSIONTESTP_PLAIN_COM_POINTER(IUnknown)& InterfaceIntoObject, SIZE_T& InterfaceId ) { BOOL Success = FALSE; FN_PROLOG_WIN32(Success); IID LocalInterfaceId = { 0 }; FUSIONTESTP_PLAIN_COM_POINTER(IUnknown) LocalInterfaceIntoObject = NULL; SIZE_T InterfaceIndex = 0;
InterfaceIntoObject = LocalInterfaceIntoObject; InterfaceId = LocalInterfaceId;
for ( LocalInterfaceIndex = 0; LocalInterfaceIndex != Count ; LocalInterfaceIndex += 1) { FUSIONTESTP_REG_DATA* const p = &RegData[LocalInterfaceIndex];
IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(hr = Ole32.IIDFromString(const_cast<PWSTR>(p->Guid), &InterfaceId));
if (InterfaceId == IID_IUnknown) // shouldn't happen, but easy enough to handle
hr = Object->QueryInterface(InterfaceId, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&LocalInterfaceIntoObject)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ::Trace("%s found interface %ls\n", __FUNCTION__, p->Name); InterfaceIntoObject = LocalInterfaceIntoObject; InterfaceId = LocalInterfaceId; Success = TRUE; goto Exit; } } FN_EPILOG } #endif
#define OLEAUT_MARSHALER_CLSID_STRING L"{B196B286-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07}"
FUSIONTESTP_REG_DATA FusionTestpMfcRegData[] = { { FUSIONTESTP_REG_TYPE_CLASS, L"Font Property Page", L"{0BE35200-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851}" }, { FUSIONTESTP_REG_TYPE_CLASS, L"Color Property Page", L"{0BE35201-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851}" }, { FUSIONTESTP_REG_TYPE_CLASS, L"Picture Property Page", L"{0BE35202-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851}" }, { FUSIONTESTP_REG_TYPE_INTERFACE, L"IPropertyPage", L"{B196B28D-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07}" }, { FUSIONTESTP_REG_TYPE_INTERFACE, L"IPropertyPage2", L"{01E44665-24AC-101B-84ED-08002B2EC713}" }, { FUSIONTESTP_REG_TYPE_INTERFACE, L"IPropertyNotifySink", L"{9BFBBC02-EFF1-101A-84ED-00AA00341D07}" }, // Leave this registered, since the manifest does not specify a file.
FUSIONTESTP_REG_DATA FusionTestpAtlRegData[1];
const HKEY FusionTestpHkeyRoots[] = { NULL, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT }; const PCWSTR FusionTestpClassStringRoots[] = { NULL, L"Software\\Classes\\CLSID\\", L"Software\\Classes\\CLSID\\", L"CLSID\\" }; const PCWSTR FusionTestpInterfaceStringRoots[] = { NULL, L"Software\\Classes\\Interface\\", L"Software\\Classes\\Interface\\", L"Interface\\" }; const PCWSTR* FusionTestpStringRoots[] = { NULL, FusionTestpInterfaceStringRoots, FusionTestpClassStringRoots};
BOOL FusionTestpEnumerateRegistryData(FUSIONTESTP_REG_DATA* RegData, ULONG Count, ULONG Mode) { BOOL Success = FALSE; FN_PROLOG_WIN32(Success);
for (ULONG i = 0 ; i != Count ; i += 1) { FUSIONTESTP_REG_DATA* const p = &RegData[i]; ULONG MinRoot = 0; ULONG MaxRoot = 0; switch (Mode) { case FUSIONTESTP_REG_RESTORE: case FUSIONTESTP_REG_DELETE: MinRoot = p->Root; if (MinRoot == 0) continue; MaxRoot = MinRoot; break; case FUSIONTESTP_REG_BACKUP: MinRoot = 1; MaxRoot = 3; break; } //
// It'd be nice if you could embed the if within a switch..
for (ULONG root = MinRoot ; root <= MaxRoot ; root += 1) { CFusionRegKey regKey; CFusionRegKey inprocServerKey; CStringBuffer stringBuffer; CFusionRegKey numMethodsKey; CFusionRegKey proxyStubClsidKey; DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwType = 0;
CFusionRegKey rootKey(FusionTestpHkeyRoots[root]);
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Win32Append(stringBuffer, FusionTestpStringRoots[p->Type][root])); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Win32Append(stringBuffer, p->Guid)); switch (Mode) { case FUSIONTESTP_REG_DELETE: case FUSIONTESTP_REG_BACKUP: rootKey.OpenSubKey(regKey, stringBuffer); break; case FUSIONTESTP_REG_RESTORE: IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rootKey.OpenOrCreateSubKey(regKey, stringBuffer)); break; } if (regKey != regKey.GetInvalidValue()) { switch (Mode) { case FUSIONTESTP_REG_BACKUP: p->Root = root; break; case FUSIONTESTP_REG_DELETE: case FUSIONTESTP_REG_RESTORE: break; } switch (p->Type) { case FUSIONTESTP_REG_TYPE_CLASS: switch (Mode) { case FUSIONTESTP_REG_BACKUP: #define FusionTestpQueryRegString(hkey, name, value) \
do { dwSize = sizeof(value); \ RegQueryValueExW(hkey, name, NULL, &dwType, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(value), &dwSize); \ } while(false) if (regKey.OpenSubKey(inprocServerKey, L"InprocServer32")) { FusionTestpQueryRegString(inprocServerKey, NULL, p->InprocServerFilePath); FusionTestpQueryRegString(inprocServerKey, L"ThreadingModel", p->ThreadingModel); } break; case FUSIONTESTP_REG_RESTORE: if (regKey.OpenOrCreateSubKey(inprocServerKey, L"InprocServer32")) { #define FusionTestpRegStringSize(x) static_cast<ULONG>(((wcslen(x) + 1)*sizeof((x)[0])))
#define FusionTestpSetRegString(hkey, name, value) \
do { if (value[0] != 0) \ RegSetValueExW(hkey, name, NULL, REG_SZ, reinterpret_cast<const BYTE*>(value), FusionTestpRegStringSize(value)); \ } while(false) FusionTestpSetRegString(inprocServerKey, NULL, p->InprocServerFilePath); FusionTestpSetRegString(inprocServerKey, L"ThreadingModel", p->ThreadingModel); } break; case FUSIONTESTP_REG_DELETE: break; } break; case FUSIONTESTP_REG_TYPE_INTERFACE: switch (Mode) { case FUSIONTESTP_REG_BACKUP: FusionTestpQueryRegString(regKey, NULL, p->InterfaceName); if (regKey.OpenSubKey(numMethodsKey, L"NumMethods")) FusionTestpQueryRegString(numMethodsKey, NULL, p->NumMethods); if (regKey.OpenSubKey(proxyStubClsidKey, L"ProxyStubClsid32")) FusionTestpQueryRegString(proxyStubClsidKey, NULL, p->ProxyStubClsid); break; case FUSIONTESTP_REG_RESTORE: FusionTestpSetRegString(regKey, NULL, p->InterfaceName); if (regKey.OpenOrCreateSubKey(numMethodsKey, L"NumMethods")) FusionTestpSetRegString(numMethodsKey, NULL, p->NumMethods); if (regKey.OpenOrCreateSubKey(proxyStubClsidKey, L"ProxyStubClsid32")) FusionTestpSetRegString(proxyStubClsidKey, NULL, p->ProxyStubClsid); case FUSIONTESTP_REG_DELETE: break; } break; } switch (Mode) { case FUSIONTESTP_REG_DELETE: regKey.DestroyKeyTree(); break; case FUSIONTESTP_REG_BACKUP: case FUSIONTESTP_REG_RESTORE: break; } break; } } } FN_EPILOG }
#if 0 // Use CoWaitForMultipleHandles instead, it is much safer because it only
// pumps particular messages.
void FusionTestpPumpMessages() { MSG msg; BOOL bRet; while ((bRet = ::GetMessageW(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) != 0) { if (bRet == -1) return; else { ::TranslateMessage(&msg); if (::IsWindowUnicode(msg.hwnd)) ::DispatchMessageW(&msg); else ::DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } #endif
HMODULE FusionTestpHmoduleFromComObject(IUnknown* unk) { void** ppv = reinterpret_cast<void**>(unk); void* pv = *ppv; MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION MemBasicInfo = { 0 }; SIZE_T dw = 0;
if ((dw = Kernel32.VirtualQuery(pv, &MemBasicInfo, sizeof(MemBasicInfo))) == 0 || (dw < RTL_SIZEOF_THROUGH_FIELD(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION, BaseAddress))) { ::Trace("VirtualQuery(%p) failed %lu\n", pv, ::GetLastError()); return NULL; } return reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(MemBasicInfo.AllocationBase); }
DWORD WINAPI FusionTestpMfcCreateAndMarshalThreadMain(LPVOID pvShouldBeAbleToMarshal) { BOOL Success = FALSE; FN_PROLOG_WIN32(Success); HRESULT hr = 0; const bool ShouldBeAbleToMarshal = (pvShouldBeAbleToMarshal != NULL ? true : false); Ole32.CoInitialize(NULL);
// For each interface, make sure we can unmarshal at least one object.
for (ULONG InterfaceIndex = 0 ; InterfaceIndex != NUMBER_OF(::FusionTestpMfcRegData) ; InterfaceIndex += 1) { FUSIONTESTP_REG_DATA* const pi = &::FusionTestpMfcRegData[InterfaceIndex];
switch (pi->Type) { case FUSIONTESTP_REG_TYPE_CLASS: continue; case FUSIONTESTP_REG_TYPE_INTERFACE: IID InterfaceId = { 0 }; FUSIONTESTP_PLAIN_COM_POINTER(IUnknown) InterfaceIntoObjectInAnotherThread = NULL;
IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(hr = Ole32.IIDFromString(const_cast<PWSTR>(pi->Guid), &InterfaceId));
// nested loop..
for (ULONG ClassIndex = 0 ; ClassIndex != NUMBER_OF(::FusionTestpMfcRegData) ; ClassIndex += 1) { CLSID ClassId = { 0 }; FUSIONTESTP_REG_DATA* const pc = &::FusionTestpMfcRegData[ClassIndex];
WCHAR ModulePathInOtherThread[MAX_PATH]; ModulePathInOtherThread[0] = 0;
ASSERT(pc->GlobalInterfaceTableCookie != 0); IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(hr = Ole32.CLSIDFromString(const_cast<PWSTR>(pc->Guid), &ClassId));
hr = g.GlobalInterfaceTable->GetInterfaceFromGlobal( pc->GlobalInterfaceTableCookie, InterfaceId, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&InterfaceIntoObjectInAnotherThread));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW( ::FusionTestpHmoduleFromComObject(InterfaceIntoObjectInAnotherThread), ModulePathInOtherThread, NUMBER_OF(ModulePathInOtherThread))); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ShouldBeAbleToMarshal) { Trace("%s SUCCESSfully marshaled interface %ls on class %ls using proxy/stub in %ls\n", __FUNCTION__, pi->Name, pc->Name, ModulePathInOtherThread); g.Successes += 1; } else if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !ShouldBeAbleToMarshal) { // unexpected success -> ERROR
Trace("%s FAILED to fail to marshal interface %ls on class %ls (using proxy/stub in %ls)\n", __FUNCTION__, pi->Name, pc->Name, ModulePathInOtherThread); g.Failures += 1; } else if (FAILED(hr) && ShouldBeAbleToMarshal) { // keep looping, try other objects
} else if (FAILED(hr) && !ShouldBeAbleToMarshal) { // keep looping, make sure none succeed
//::Trace("%s OK Unable to marshal interface %ls (%ls) 0x%lx (fac 0x%lx code 0x%lx)\n", __FUNCTION__, pi->Name, pi->Guid, hr, HRESULT_FACILITY(hr), HRESULT_CODE(hr));
} break; } if (InterfaceIntoObjectInAnotherThread != NULL && ShouldBeAbleToMarshal) { // one successful unmarshal is enough
break; } } // use the nullness of InterfaceIntoObjectInAnotherThread as a summary of the loop
if (InterfaceIntoObjectInAnotherThread == NULL && ShouldBeAbleToMarshal) { ::Trace("%s FAILURE Unable to marshal interface %ls (%ls)\n", __FUNCTION__, pi->Name, pi->Guid); g.Failures += 1; } else if (InterfaceIntoObjectInAnotherThread == NULL && !ShouldBeAbleToMarshal) { ::Trace("%s GOOD Unable to marshal interface %ls without actctx as expected\n", __FUNCTION__, pi->Name); g.Successes += 1; } break; } } Ole32.CoUninitialize(); FN_EPILOG }
BOOL TestMfcCreateAndMarshal() { BOOL Success = FALSE; FN_PROLOG_WIN32(Success);
ULONG i = 0; HRESULT hr = 0; HANDLE ThreadHandle = 0; DWORD Ignored = 0;
CFusionActCtxHandle ToolsCrtActCtxHandle;
::FusionTestpEnumerateRegistryData(::FusionTestpMfcRegData, NUMBER_OF(::FusionTestpMfcRegData), FUSIONTESTP_REG_BACKUP); ::FusionTestpEnumerateRegistryData(::FusionTestpMfcRegData, NUMBER_OF(::FusionTestpMfcRegData), FUSIONTESTP_REG_DELETE);
// Verify that we cannot create any of the classes.
for (i = 0 ; i != NUMBER_OF(::FusionTestpMfcRegData) ; i += 1) { CSmartRef<IUnknown> unk; CLSID ClassId = { 0 };
FUSIONTESTP_REG_DATA* const p = &::FusionTestpMfcRegData[i]; switch (p->Type) { case FUSIONTESTP_REG_TYPE_INTERFACE: break; case FUSIONTESTP_REG_TYPE_CLASS: IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(hr = Ole32.CLSIDFromString(const_cast<PWSTR>(p->Guid), &ClassId)); hr = Ole32.CoCreateInstance(ClassId, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUnknown, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&unk)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ::Trace("%s BAD, no registry, no actctx CoCreate(%ls) SUCCEEDED, not expected\n", __FUNCTION__, p->Name); g.Failures += 1; } else { ::Trace("%s GOOD, no registry, no actctx CoCreate(%ls) FAILed 0x%lx, as expected\n", __FUNCTION__, p->Name, hr); g.Successes += 1; } break; } }
// Create and activate the context.
ToolsCrtActCtxHandle = ::CreateActivationContextFromStringW(ToolsCrtManifest); if (ToolsCrtActCtxHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ::Trace("CreateActCtx(WindowsCrtManifest %p) failed %ld\n", WindowsCrtManifest, ::GetLastError());
{ CFusionActCtxScope ToolsCrtActCtxScope; if (!ToolsCrtActCtxScope.Win32Activate(ToolsCrtActCtxHandle)) ::Trace("Activate(ToolsCrtActCtxHandle %p) failed %ld\n", ToolsCrtActCtxHandle, ::GetLastError());
// Now create each class and print the .dll it came from.
// And put it in the global interface table for later unmarshalling.
IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(hr = Ole32.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StdGlobalInterfaceTable,NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IGlobalInterfaceTable, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&g.GlobalInterfaceTable)));
for (i = 0 ; i != NUMBER_OF(::FusionTestpMfcRegData) ; i += 1) { CLSID ClassId = { 0 };
FUSIONTESTP_REG_DATA* const p = &::FusionTestpMfcRegData[i];
// We are not supposed to be able to cocreate this here.
if (FusionpStrCmpI(p->Guid, OLEAUT_MARSHALER_CLSID_STRING) == 0) continue;
switch (p->Type) { case FUSIONTESTP_REG_TYPE_INTERFACE: break; case FUSIONTESTP_REG_TYPE_CLASS: IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(hr = Ole32.CLSIDFromString(const_cast<PWSTR>(p->Guid), &ClassId)); hr = Ole32.CoCreateInstance(ClassId, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUnknown, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&p->CoCreatedObject)); if (FAILED(hr)) { Trace("%s Failure: CoCreate(%ls) FAILED\n", __FUNCTION__, p->Name); g.Failures += 1; } else { WCHAR ComObjectModule[MAX_PATH]; ComObjectModule[0] = 0; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW( ::FusionTestpHmoduleFromComObject(p->CoCreatedObject), ComObjectModule, NUMBER_OF(ComObjectModule))); Trace("%s SUCCESSfully cocreated %p of type %ls from %ls with actctx influence\n", __FUNCTION__, p->CoCreatedObject, p->Name, ComObjectModule);
g.Successes += 1;
#if 0
// Put it in the global interface table for later marshalling.
// It does not make sense to use IUnknown here, because ole32 can always
// marshal IUnknown itself without any proxy/stubs found via the
// registry or fusion (see also my special message pumper in vsee that
// takes advantage of this feature...)
IFW32FALSE_EXIT( FusionTestpDynamicallyFindAnyInterfaceIntoObjectExceptIUnknown( p->CoCreatedObject, ::FusionTestpMfcRegData, RTL_NUMBER_OF(::FusionTestpMfcRegData), p->InterfaceIntoObjectInCreatingThread, p->InterfaceIdOfObject ));
IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(hr = g.GlobalInterfaceTable->RegisterInterfaceInGlobal( p->InterfaceIntoObjectInCreatingThread, p->InterfaceIdOfObject, &p->GlobalInterfaceTableCookie )); #else
// It'll still have to look for the proxy/stub at unmarshal time. This is fine.
IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(hr = g.GlobalInterfaceTable->RegisterInterfaceInGlobal( p->CoCreatedObject, IID_IUnknown, &p->GlobalInterfaceTableCookie )); #endif
} break; } } }
{ CFusionActCtxScope ToolsCrtActCtxScope; if (!ToolsCrtActCtxScope.Win32Activate(ToolsCrtActCtxHandle)) ::Trace("Activate(ToolsCrtActCtxHandle %p) failed %ld\n", ToolsCrtActCtxHandle, ::GetLastError()); //
// try marshalling with the actctx activated, it should work (not NULL => expected success==TRUE)
ThreadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, FusionTestpMfcCreateAndMarshalThreadMain, &Ignored, 0, &Ignored); CoWaitForMultipleHandles(0, INFINITE, 1, &ThreadHandle, &Ignored); CloseHandle(ThreadHandle); }
#if 0
// If interfaces are _really_never_ changed, (but doesn't Fusion let you violate that?),
// this test case isn't valid. COM does caching and prefills caches when you may not expect
// (like when you put stuff in the GlobalInterfaceTable), and it does not invalidate its caches
// because of actctx pushes and pops.
{ //
// try marshalling without the actctx activated, it should NOT work (NULL => expected success==FALSE)
ThreadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, FusionTestpMfcCreateAndMarshalThreadMain, NULL, 0, &Ignored); CoWaitForMultipleHandles(0, INFINITE, 1, &ThreadHandle, &Ignored); CloseHandle(ThreadHandle); } #endif
//::FusionTestpEnumerateRegistryData(::FusionTestpMfcRegData, NUMBER_OF(::FusionTestpMfcRegData), FUSIONTESTP_REG_RESTORE);
void TestAtlCreate() { ::FusionTestpEnumerateRegistryData(FusionTestpAtlRegData, NUMBER_OF(FusionTestpAtlRegData), FUSIONTESTP_REG_BACKUP); ::FusionTestpEnumerateRegistryData(FusionTestpAtlRegData, NUMBER_OF(FusionTestpAtlRegData), FUSIONTESTP_REG_DELETE);
::FusionTestpEnumerateRegistryData(FusionTestpAtlRegData, NUMBER_OF(FusionTestpAtlRegData), FUSIONTESTP_REG_RESTORE); }
BOOL TestPrivateSha1Impl( PCWSTR pcwszDirName ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 CFusionArray<BYTE> rgbShaState; CFusionFile ffInputFile; BYTE bChunkletBuffer[4096]; CSmallStringBuffer sbHashedString; DWORD dwReadData; HCRYPTPROV hProvider; HCRYPTHASH hHash; CFusionHash fHashObject;
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(fHashObject.Win32Initialize(CALG_SHA1)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(ffInputFile.Win32CreateFile( pcwszDirName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING));
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(CryptCreateHash( hProvider, CALG_SHA1, 0, 0, &hHash ));
do { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::ReadFile( ffInputFile, bChunkletBuffer, sizeof(bChunkletBuffer), &dwReadData, NULL)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(fHashObject.Win32HashData(bChunkletBuffer, dwReadData)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(CryptHashData(hHash, bChunkletBuffer, dwReadData, 0)); } while ( dwReadData != 0 );
wprintf(L"%ls (private) hashed to ", pcwszDirName); for ( SIZE_T n = 0; n < rgbShaState.GetSize(); n++ ) { wprintf(L"%02x", rgbShaState[n]); }
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(CryptGetHashParam( hHash, HP_HASHVAL, bChunkletBuffer, &(dwReadData = sizeof(bChunkletBuffer)), 0));
wprintf(L"\n%ls (regular) hashed to ", pcwszDirName); for ( SIZE_T n = 0; n < dwReadData; n++ ) { wprintf(L"%02x", bChunkletBuffer[n]); } IFW32FALSE_EXIT(CryptReleaseContext(hProvider, 0));
void TestAlignment() { CCleanupBase* p = reinterpret_cast<CCleanupBase*>(ULONG_PTR(0xffff0000)); SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY* q = p;
printf("%p %Ix\n", q, ULONG_PTR(q) % 16); }
void TestCreateActCtx_PE_flags0() { WCHAR SyssetupDll[MAX_PATH * 2]; ACTCTXW ActCtx = {sizeof(ActCtx)}; CFusionActCtxHandle ActCtxHandle;
GetSystemDirectoryW(SyssetupDll, MAX_PATH); wcscat(SyssetupDll, L"\\syssetup.dll"); ActCtx.lpSource = SyssetupDll;
printf("%s\n", ActCtxHandle.Win32Create(&ActCtx) ? "true" : "false"); }
void TestUninstall( PCWSTR ManifestPath, PCWSTR ReferenceString ) { SXS_UNINSTALLW UninstallParameters = {sizeof(UninstallParameters)}; SXS_INSTALL_REFERENCEW Reference = {sizeof(Reference)}; PSXS_UNINSTALL_W_ROUTINE Uninstall = NULL; PSXS_QUERY_MANIFEST_INFORMATION QueryManifestInformation; BYTE ManifestInformationBuffer[1UL << 16]; PSXS_MANIFEST_INFORMATION_BASIC ManifestBasicInfo = reinterpret_cast<PSXS_MANIFEST_INFORMATION_BASIC>(&ManifestInformationBuffer); DWORD Disposition = 0; BOOL Success = FALSE;
LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc("SxsUninstallW", &Uninstall); GetSxsProc("SxsQueryManifestInformation", &QueryManifestInformation);
Success = QueryManifestInformation(0, ManifestPath, SXS_QUERY_MANIFEST_INFORMATION_INFOCLASS_BASIC, 0, sizeof(ManifestInformationBuffer), ManifestBasicInfo, NULL);
printf("QueryManifestInformation(%ls)->(%ls, %ls)\n", ManifestPath, ManifestBasicInfo->lpIdentity, ManifestBasicInfo->lpShortName);
UninstallParameters.dwFlags |= SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_VALID; UninstallParameters.lpInstallReference = &Reference; UninstallParameters.lpAssemblyIdentity = ManifestBasicInfo->lpIdentity;
Reference.lpIdentifier = ReferenceString; Reference.guidScheme = SXS_INSTALL_REFERENCE_SCHEME_OPAQUESTRING;
Success = Uninstall(&UninstallParameters, &Disposition);
printf("TestUninstall(%ls, %ls) : %s, 0x%lx\n", ManifestPath, ReferenceString, Success ? "true" : "false", Disposition); }
BOOL TestNewSxsInstallAPI( PCWSTR pcwszManifest ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; PSXS_INSTALL_W sxsInstallW = NULL; PSXS_UNINSTALL_ASSEMBLYW sxsUninstallW = NULL; SXS_INSTALLW Info = {sizeof(Info)}; SXS_INSTALL_REFERENCEW Reference = {sizeof(Reference)}; SXS_UNINSTALLW Uninstall = {sizeof(Uninstall)}; DWORD dwDisposition;
Info.dwFlags = SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING | SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_VALID | SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_CODEBASE_URL_VALID | SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_LOG_FILE_NAME_VALID; Info.lpManifestPath = pcwszManifest; Info.lpCodebaseURL = Info.lpManifestPath; Info.lpReference = &Reference; Info.lpLogFileName = L"c:\\thelogfile";
DWORD dwAttribute = GetFileAttributesW(pcwszManifest); if ( dwAttribute == 0xffffffff) // non-exist
goto Exit; if ( dwAttribute & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) // install from a directory recursively
Reference.guidScheme = SXS_INSTALL_REFERENCE_SCHEME_OPAQUESTRING; Reference.lpIdentifier = L"Sxs installation";
LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc(SXS_INSTALL_W, &sxsInstallW); GetSxsProc(SXS_UNINSTALL_ASSEMBLYW, &sxsUninstallW);
if (!(*sxsInstallW)(&Info)) { goto Exit; }
Uninstall.dwFlags = SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_USE_INSTALL_LOG; Uninstall.lpInstallLogFile = L"c:\\thelogfile"; if (!(*sxsUninstallW)(&Uninstall, &dwDisposition)) { goto Exit; }
fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: if (!fSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
VOID NTAPI SimpleContextNotification( IN ULONG NotificationType, IN PACTIVATION_CONTEXT ActivationContext, IN const VOID *ActivationContextData, IN PVOID NotificationContext, IN PVOID NotificationData, IN OUT PBOOLEAN DisableNotification ) { switch (NotificationType) { case ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_NOTIFICATION_DESTROY: RTL_SOFT_VERIFY(NT_SUCCESS(NtUnmapViewOfSection(NtCurrentProcess(), (PVOID) ActivationContextData))); break;
default: // Otherwise, we don't need to see this notification ever again.
*DisableNotification = TRUE; break; } }
BOOL MakeActCtxFromCurrentSxsDll( PCWSTR pcwszFileName, HANDLE *phActCtx ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32;
SXS_GENERATE_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_PARAMETERS Parameters = {0}; PACTIVATION_CONTEXT pContextCreated = NULL; CStringBuffer AssemblyDirectory; CFileStream SourceManifestStream; PVOID pvMappedSection = NULL; NTSTATUS status; BOOL (WINAPI *pfnSxsGenerateActivationContext)(PSXS_GENERATE_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_PARAMETERS Parameters);
LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc("SxsGenerateActivationContext", &pfnSxsGenerateActivationContext);
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(SourceManifestStream.OpenForRead(pcwszFileName, CImpersonationData(), FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN)); Parameters.Manifest.Path = pcwszFileName; Parameters.Manifest.PathType = ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_PATH_TYPE_WIN32_FILE; Parameters.Manifest.Stream = &SourceManifestStream;
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(AssemblyDirectory.Win32Assign(pcwszFileName, ::wcslen(pcwszFileName))); AssemblyDirectory.RemoveLastPathElement(); Parameters.AssemblyDirectory = AssemblyDirectory; Parameters.ProcessorArchitecture = 0; Parameters.LangId = GetUserDefaultUILanguage();
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(pfnSxsGenerateActivationContext(&Parameters)); IFW32NULL_EXIT(pvMappedSection = MapViewOfFile(Parameters.SectionObjectHandle, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0));
status = RtlCreateActivationContext( 0, pvMappedSection, 0, SimpleContextNotification, NULL, &pContextCreated);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(RtlCreateActivationContext, RtlNtStatusToDosError(status)); }
*phActCtx = pContextCreated;
BOOL SimpleTestFindAndUseSurrogateInformation(PCWSTR filename, PCWSTR GuidToDisplay) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32; SXS_GENERATE_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_PARAMETERS Parameters = {0}; BOOL (WINAPI *pfnSxsGenerateActivationContext)(PSXS_GENERATE_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_PARAMETERS Parameters); CFileStream SourceManifestStream; CStringBuffer AssemblyDirectory; BOOL fCreatedOk = false; GUID GuidToFind; LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc("SxsGenerateActivationContext", &pfnSxsGenerateActivationContext);
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(SxspParseGUID(GuidToDisplay, ::wcslen(GuidToDisplay), GuidToFind));
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(SourceManifestStream.OpenForRead(filename, CImpersonationData(), FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN)); Parameters.Manifest.Path = filename; Parameters.Manifest.PathType = ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_PATH_TYPE_WIN32_FILE; Parameters.Manifest.Stream = &SourceManifestStream;
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(AssemblyDirectory.Win32Assign(filename, ::wcslen(filename))); AssemblyDirectory.RemoveLastPathElement(); Parameters.AssemblyDirectory = AssemblyDirectory; Parameters.ProcessorArchitecture = 0; Parameters.LangId = GetUserDefaultUILanguage();
fCreatedOk = pfnSxsGenerateActivationContext(&Parameters);
// Spiffy, we've got the thing.
if (fCreatedOk && (Parameters.SectionObjectHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (Parameters.SectionObjectHandle != NULL)) { PACTIVATION_CONTEXT pActivationContext = NULL; NTSTATUS status; ULONG_PTR ulCookie; ACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA Data = { sizeof(Data) }; // PCACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA_CLR_SURROGATE pFoundData;
status = RtlCreateActivationContext( 0, Parameters.SectionObjectHandle, 0, SimpleContextNotification, NULL, &pActivationContext); */ if (ActivateActCtx(static_cast<HANDLE>(pActivationContext), &ulCookie)) { status = FindActCtxSectionGuid( 0, NULL, ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_SECTION_CLR_SURROGATES, &GuidToFind, &Data); DeactivateActCtx(0, ulCookie); ReleaseActCtx(static_cast<HANDLE>(pActivationContext)); } }
void TestFindAndUseSurrogateInformation(PCWSTR pcwsz, PCWSTR GuidToDisplay) { ACTCTXW actctx = { sizeof(actctx) }; HANDLE hActCtx = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; GUID GuidToFind; ACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA Data = { sizeof(Data) }; PCACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA_CLR_SURROGATE pFoundData; BOOL status; ULONG_PTR ulCookie;
SxspParseGUID(GuidToDisplay, wcslen(GuidToDisplay), GuidToFind);
actctx.lpSource = pcwsz; hActCtx = CreateActCtxW(&actctx);
if ((hActCtx == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (hActCtx == NULL)) { printf("Sorry, can't find file %ls, error %d", pcwsz, ::GetLastError()); return; }
ActivateActCtx(hActCtx, &ulCookie); __try { status = FindActCtxSectionGuid( 0, NULL, ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_SECTION_CLR_SURROGATES, &GuidToFind, &Data);
wprintf(L"The guid %ls maps to assembly '%.*ls', runtime version '%.*ls', module '%.*ls'\n", GuidToDisplay, pFoundData->TypeNameLength / 2, (PCWSTR)(((PBYTE)pFoundData) + pFoundData->TypeNameOffset), pFoundData->VersionLength / 2, (PCWSTR)(((PBYTE)pFoundData) + pFoundData->VersionOffset));
} __finally { if (ulCookie != 0) DeactivateActCtx(0, ulCookie); }
BOOL TestSxsExportedSurrogateStuff( PCWSTR pcwszManifest, PCWSTR pcwszWhat, PCWSTR pcwszData ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32; PFN_SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_INFO pfnClrClass = NULL; PFN_SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_INFO pfnClrSurrogate = NULL; PFN_SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID pfnClrLookup = NULL; SIZE_T cbRequired = 0; BOOL f = false; PVOID pvTargetBuffer = NULL; PCSXS_CLR_SURROGATE_INFORMATION pSurrogateInfo = NULL; PCSXS_CLR_CLASS_INFORMATION pClassInfo = NULL; CFusionActCtxHandle hActCtxCreated; CFusionActCtxScope ActivationScope; ACTCTXW ActCtxStruct = {sizeof(ActCtxStruct)};
LoadSxs(); GetSxsProc(SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_INFO, &pfnClrSurrogate); GetSxsProc(SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_INFO, &pfnClrClass); GetSxsProc(SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID, &pfnClrLookup);
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(MakeActCtxFromCurrentSxsDll(pcwszManifest, &hActCtxCreated)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(ActivationScope.Win32Activate(hActCtxCreated));
if (lstrcmpiW(pcwszWhat, L"clrprogid") == 0) { f = pfnClrClass( SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_SEARCH_PROGID | SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_ALL, (PVOID)pcwszData, hActCtxCreated, NULL, 0, &cbRequired);
if (!f) { SIZE_T cbWritten = 0; pvTargetBuffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cbRequired); pfnClrClass( SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_SEARCH_PROGID | SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_ALL, (PVOID)pcwszData, hActCtxCreated, pvTargetBuffer, cbRequired, &cbWritten);
pClassInfo = (PCSXS_CLR_CLASS_INFORMATION)pvTargetBuffer; } } else if (lstrcmpiW(pcwszWhat, L"clrguid") == 0) { GUID ParsedGuid; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(SxspParseGUID(pcwszData, wcslen(pcwszData), ParsedGuid));
f = pfnClrClass( SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_SEARCH_GUID | SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_ALL, (PVOID)&ParsedGuid, hActCtxCreated, NULL, 0, &cbRequired);
if (!f) { SIZE_T cbWritten = 0; pvTargetBuffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cbRequired); pfnClrClass( SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_SEARCH_GUID | SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_ALL, (PVOID)&ParsedGuid, hActCtxCreated, pvTargetBuffer, cbRequired, &cbWritten);
pClassInfo = (PCSXS_CLR_CLASS_INFORMATION)pvTargetBuffer; } } else if (lstrcmpiW(pcwszWhat, L"lookup") == 0) { GUID ParsedGuid; PCSXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR pGuidInfo = NULL;
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(SxspParseGUID(pcwszData, wcslen(pcwszData), ParsedGuid));
f = pfnClrLookup( SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_FIND_ANY, &ParsedGuid, hActCtxCreated, NULL, 0, &cbRequired);
if (!f) { SIZE_T cbWritten = 0; pvTargetBuffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cbRequired); f = pfnClrLookup( SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_FIND_ANY, &ParsedGuid, hActCtxCreated, pvTargetBuffer, cbRequired, &cbWritten);
pGuidInfo = (PCSXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR)pvTargetBuffer; } } else if (lstrcmpiW(pcwszWhat, L"surrogate") == 0) { GUID ParsedGuid;
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(SxspParseGUID(pcwszData, wcslen(pcwszData), ParsedGuid));
f = pfnClrSurrogate( SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_USE_ACTCTX | SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_GET_ALL, &ParsedGuid, hActCtxCreated, NULL, 0, &cbRequired);
if (!f) { SIZE_T cbWritten = 0; pvTargetBuffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cbRequired); pfnClrSurrogate( SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_USE_ACTCTX | SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_GET_ALL, &ParsedGuid, hActCtxCreated, pvTargetBuffer, cbRequired, &cbWritten);
pSurrogateInfo = (PCSXS_CLR_SURROGATE_INFORMATION)pvTargetBuffer; } }