Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This file contains functions that return information about a language group, a UI language, a locale, or a calendar.
APIs found in this file: IsValidLanguageGroup IsValidLocale IsValidUILanguage ConvertDefaultLocale GetThreadLocale SetThreadLocale SetThreadUILanguage GetSystemDefaultUILanguage GetUserDefaultUILanguage GetSystemDefaultLangID GetUserDefaultLangID GetSystemDefaultLCID GetUserDefaultLCID VerLanguageNameW VerLanguageNameA GetLocaleInfoW SetLocaleInfoW GetCalendarInfoW SetCalendarInfoW
Revision History:
05-31-91 JulieB Created.
// Include Files.
#include "nls.h"
// Allow this file to build without warnings when the DUnicode switch
// is turned off.
// Global Variables.
LCID gProcessLocale;
// Forward Declarations.
BOOL SetUserInfo( LCTYPE LCType, LPWSTR pData, ULONG DataLength);
BOOL SetCurrentUserRegValue( LCTYPE LCType, LPWSTR pData, ULONG DataLength);
BOOL SetMultipleUserInfo( DWORD dwFlags, int cchData, LPCWSTR pPicture, LPCWSTR pSeparator, LPCWSTR pOrder, LPCWSTR pTLZero, LPCWSTR pTimeMarkPosn);
BOOL SetTwoDigitYearInfo( CALID Calendar, LPCWSTR pYearInfo, int cchData);
void GetInstallLanguageFromRegistry();
// NlsResetProcessLocale
void NlsResetProcessLocale(void) {
// If the thread isn't impersonating, then re-read the process locale
// from the current user's registry.
if (NtCurrentTeb()->IsImpersonating == 0L) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_SLOCALE); NlsGetUserLocale(&gProcessLocale); }
return; }
// IsValidLanguageGroup
// Determines whether or not a language group is installed in the system
// if the LGRPID_INSTALLED flag is set, or whether or not a language group
// is supported in the system if the LGRPID_SUPPORTED flag is set.
// 03-10-98 JulieB Created.
WCHAR pTmpBuf[MAX_PATH]; // temp buffer
UNICODE_STRING ObUnicodeStr; // registry data value string
LPWSTR pData; // ptr to registry data
// Invalid Flags Check:
// - flags other than valid ones
// - more than one of either supported or installed
if ((dwFlags & IVLG_INVALID_FLAG) || (MORE_THAN_ONE(dwFlags, IVLG_SINGLE_FLAG))) { return (FALSE); }
// Open the Language Groups registry key.
// Convert language group value to Unicode string.
if (NlsConvertIntegerToString(LanguageGroup, 16, 1, pTmpBuf, MAX_PATH)) { return (FALSE); }
// Query the registry for the value.
pKeyValueFull = (PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION)pStatic; if ((QueryRegValue( hLangGroupsKey, pTmpBuf, &pKeyValueFull, MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO, NULL ) != NO_ERROR)) { return (FALSE); }
// Language Group is SUPPORTED. If the INSTALLED flag is NOT set, then
// return success.
if (!(dwFlags & LGRPID_INSTALLED)) { return (TRUE); }
// Need to find out if it's installed.
if (pKeyValueFull->DataLength > 2) { pData = GET_VALUE_DATA_PTR(pKeyValueFull); if ((pData[0] == L'1') && (pData[1] == 0)) { return (TRUE); } }
// Return result.
return (FALSE); }
// IsValidLocale
// Determines whether or not a locale is installed in the system if the
// LCID_INSTALLED flag is set, or whether or not a locale is supported in
// the system if the LCID_SUPPORTED flag is set.
// 07-26-93 JulieB Created.
WCHAR pTmpBuf[MAX_PATH]; // temp buffer
UNICODE_STRING ObUnicodeStr; // registry data value string
DWORD Data; // registry data value
LPWSTR pData; // ptr to registry data
BOOL bResult = FALSE; // result value
// Invalid Flags Check:
// - flags other than valid ones
// - more than one of either supported or installed
if ((dwFlags & IVL_INVALID_FLAG) || (MORE_THAN_ONE(dwFlags, IVL_SINGLE_FLAG))) { //
// The ME release of NT 4 did a really bad thing and allowed 0x39
// to be passed in as a valid flag value for Arabic and Hebrew.
// As a result, we need to allow this flag combination for
// the Arabic and Hebrew locales.
// Invalid Locale Check.
if (IS_INVALID_LOCALE(Locale)) { return (FALSE); }
// See if the LOCALE information is in the system for the
// given locale.
if (GetLocHashNode(Locale) == NULL) { //
// Return failure.
return (FALSE); }
// Locale is SUPPORTED. If the INSTALLED flag is NOT set, then
// return success.
if (!(dwFlags & LCID_INSTALLED)) { return (TRUE); }
// Open the Locale, the Alternate Sorts, and the Language Groups
// registry keys.
// Convert locale value to Unicode string.
if (NlsConvertIntegerToString(Locale, 16, 8, pTmpBuf, MAX_PATH)) { return (FALSE); }
// Query the registry for the value.
pKeyValueFull = (PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION)pStatic1; if (((QueryRegValue( hLocaleKey, pTmpBuf, &pKeyValueFull, MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO, NULL ) == NO_ERROR) || (QueryRegValue( hAltSortsKey, pTmpBuf, &pKeyValueFull, MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO, NULL ) == NO_ERROR)) && (pKeyValueFull->DataLength > 2)) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObUnicodeStr, GET_VALUE_DATA_PTR(pKeyValueFull)); if ((RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&ObUnicodeStr, 16, &Data) == NO_ERROR) && (Data != 0)) { pKeyValueFull = (PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION)pStatic2; if ((QueryRegValue( hLangGroupsKey, ObUnicodeStr.Buffer, &pKeyValueFull, MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO, NULL ) == NO_ERROR) && (pKeyValueFull->DataLength > 2)) { pData = GET_VALUE_DATA_PTR(pKeyValueFull); if ((pData[0] == L'1') && (pData[1] == 0)) { bResult = TRUE; } } } }
// Return result.
return (bResult); }
// IsValidUILanguage
// Determines whether or not the specified UI language is installed in the system.
// 12-03-00 YSLin Created.
BOOL WINAPI IsValidUILanguage(LANGID UILangID) { NTSTATUS Status; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING KeyPath, KeyValueName; HANDLE Key; WCHAR UILangIDStr[5]; WCHAR KeyValueBuffer[ 128 ]; PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION KeyValueInformation; ULONG ResultLength;
ULONG Value = 0, Digit, i; WCHAR c;
BOOL Result = FALSE;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyPath, L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Nls\\MUILanguages");
if (!NlsConvertIntegerToHexStringW(UILangID, FALSE, UILangIDStr, sizeof(UILangIDStr)/sizeof(WCHAR))) { return (FALSE); } RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyValueName, UILangIDStr);
InitializeObjectAttributes (&ObjectAttributes, &KeyPath, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
if (NT_SUCCESS(NtOpenKey (&Key, KEY_READ, &ObjectAttributes))) { KeyValueInformation = (PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION)KeyValueBuffer; Status = NtQueryValueKey(Key, &KeyValueName, KeyValuePartialInformation, KeyValueInformation, sizeof( KeyValueBuffer ), &ResultLength ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (KeyValueInformation->Type == REG_SZ && *((PWSTR)(KeyValueInformation->Data)) == L'1') { Result = TRUE; } } NtClose(Key); } return (Result); }
// ConvertDefaultLocale
// Converts any of the special case locale values to an actual locale id.
// If none of the special case locales was given, the given locale id
// is returned.
// 09-01-93 JulieB Created.
LCID WINAPI ConvertDefaultLocale( LCID Locale) { //
// Check for the special locale values.
// Return the locale id.
return (Locale); }
// GetThreadLocale
// Returns the locale id for the current thread.
// 03-11-93 JulieB Moved from base\client.
LCID WINAPI GetThreadLocale() { //
// Return the locale id stored in the TEB.
return ((LCID)(NtCurrentTeb()->CurrentLocale)); }
// SetThreadLocale
// Resets the locale id for the current thread. Any locale-dependent
// functions will reflect the new locale. If the locale passed in is
// not a valid locale id, then FALSE is returned.
// 03-11-93 JulieB Moved from base\client; Added Locale Validation.
BOOL WINAPI SetThreadLocale( LCID Locale) { PLOC_HASH pHashN; // ptr to hash node
// Validate locale id.
VALIDATE_LANGUAGE(Locale, pHashN, 0, FALSE); if (pHashN == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the locale id in the TEB.
NtCurrentTeb()->CurrentLocale = (ULONG)Locale;
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// SetThreadUILanguage
// This routine sets the thread UI language based on the console codepage.
// 9-29-00 WeiWu Created.
LANGID WINAPI SetThreadUILanguage( WORD wReserved) { //
// Cache system locale and CP info
static LCID s_lidSystem = 0; static UINT s_uiSysCp = 0; static UINT s_uiSysOEMCp = 0;
UINT uiUserUICp; UINT uiUserUIOEMCp; WCHAR szData[16];
LANGID lidUserUI = GetUserDefaultUILanguage(); LCID lcidThreadOld = GetThreadLocale();
// Set default thread locale to EN-US
// This allow us to fall back to English UI to avoid trashed characters
// when console doesn't meet the criteria of rendering native UI.
// Make sure nobody uses it yet
ASSERT(wReserved == 0);
// Get cached system locale and CP info.
if (!s_uiSysCp) { LCID lcidSystem = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
if (lcidSystem) { //
// Get ANSI CP
GetLocaleInfoW(lcidSystem, LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, szData, sizeof(szData)/sizeof(WCHAR)); NlsConvertStringToIntegerW(szData, 10, -1, &s_uiSysCp);
// Get OEM CP
GetLocaleInfoW(lcidSystem, LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE, szData, sizeof(szData)/sizeof(WCHAR)); NlsConvertStringToIntegerW(szData, 10, -1, &s_uiSysOEMCp); //
// Cache system primary langauge
s_lidSystem = PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(lcidSystem)); } }
// Don't cache user UI language and CP info, UI language can be changed without system reboot.
if (lidUserUI) { GetLocaleInfoW(MAKELCID(lidUserUI,SORT_DEFAULT), LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, szData, sizeof(szData)/sizeof(WCHAR)); NlsConvertStringToIntegerW(szData, 10, -1, &uiUserUICp);
GetLocaleInfoW(MAKELCID(lidUserUI,SORT_DEFAULT), LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE, szData, sizeof(szData)/sizeof(WCHAR)); NlsConvertStringToIntegerW(szData, 10, -1, &uiUserUIOEMCp); }
// Complex scripts cannot be rendered in the console, so we
// force the English (US) resource.
if (uiConsoleCp && s_lidSystem != LANG_ARABIC && s_lidSystem != LANG_HEBREW && s_lidSystem != LANG_VIETNAMESE && s_lidSystem != LANG_THAI) { //
// Use UI language for console only when console CP, system CP and UI language CP match.
if ((uiConsoleCp == s_uiSysCp || uiConsoleCp == s_uiSysOEMCp) && (uiConsoleCp == uiUserUICp || uiConsoleCp == uiUserUIOEMCp)) { lcidThread = MAKELCID(lidUserUI, SORT_DEFAULT); } }
// Set the thread locale if it's different from the currently set
// thread locale.
if ((lcidThread != lcidThreadOld) && (!SetThreadLocale(lcidThread))) { lcidThread = lcidThreadOld; }
// Return the thread locale that was set.
return (LANGIDFROMLCID(lcidThread)); }
// GetSystemDefaultUILanguage
// Returns the language of the original install.
// 03-10-98 JulieB Created.
LANGID WINAPI GetSystemDefaultUILanguage() { //
// Get the original install language and return it.
if (gSystemInstallLang == 0) { if (NtQueryInstallUILanguage(&gSystemInstallLang) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { gSystemInstallLang = 0; return (NLS_DEFAULT_UILANG); } }
return (gSystemInstallLang); }
// GetUserDefaultUILanguage
// Returns the current User's UI language selection. If the UI language
// is not available, then the chosen default UI language is used
// 03-10-98 JulieB Created.
LANGID WINAPI GetUserDefaultUILanguage() { LANGID DefaultUILang; LANGID SystemUILang;
// Note that the default UI language is coming from HKCU. However,
// in the roaming profile situation, the default UI language for the
// user may be not installed in the roamming machine, therefore we will
// need to check if the DefaultUILang is a valid UI language installed
// in the machine (the check is based in HKLM).
if (NtQueryDefaultUILanguage(&DefaultUILang) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { if ((SystemUILang = GetSystemDefaultUILanguage()) == 0) { return (NLS_DEFAULT_UILANG); } return (SystemUILang); } return (DefaultUILang); }
// GetSystemDefaultLangID
// Returns the default language for the system. If the registry value is
// not readable, then the chosen default language is used
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
LANGID WINAPI GetSystemDefaultLangID() { //
// Get the language id from the locale id stored in the cache
// and return it.
return (LANGIDFROMLCID(gSystemLocale)); }
// GetUserDefaultLangID
// Returns the default language for the current user. If the current user's
// language is not set, then the system default language id is returned.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
LANGID WINAPI GetUserDefaultLangID() { //
// Get the language id from the locale id stored in the cache
// and return it.
return (LANGIDFROMLCID(GetUserDefaultLCID())); }
// GetSystemDefaultLCID
// Returns the default locale for the system.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
LCID WINAPI GetSystemDefaultLCID() { //
// Return the locale id stored in the cache.
return (gSystemLocale); }
// GetUserDefaultLCID
// Returns the default locale for the current user. If current user's locale
// is not set, then the system default locale id is returned.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
LCID WINAPI GetUserDefaultLCID() { LCID Lcid = NtCurrentTeb()->ImpersonationLocale;
switch (Lcid) { case ( -1 ) : { //
// Thread is being impersonated.
if (NT_SUCCESS( NlsGetUserLocale(&Lcid) )) { NtCurrentTeb()->ImpersonationLocale = Lcid; } else { //
// If we can't get it from the registry, then let's use the
// system locale since it won't be resolved by calling
// GetUserDefaultLCID() again.
Lcid = NtCurrentTeb()->ImpersonationLocale = gSystemLocale; } break; } case ( 0 ) : { //
// Thread hasn't been impersonated.
// If we are running in the interactive logged on user, then
// use the one cached in CSRSS if the cache is valid. Otherwise,
// use the process cached locale.
if (gInteractiveLogonUserProcess == (BOOL) -1) { NlsIsInteractiveUserProcess(); }
if ((gInteractiveLogonUserProcess == FALSE) || ((Lcid = pNlsUserInfo->UserLocaleId) == 0)) { if (!gProcessLocale) { if (!NT_SUCCESS (NlsGetUserLocale(&gProcessLocale)) ) { gProcessLocale = gSystemLocale; } }
Lcid = gProcessLocale; }
break; } }
return (Lcid); }
// VerLanguageNameW
// Returns the language name of the given language id in the language of
// the current user.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Moved and Rewrote from Version Library.
DWORD WINAPI VerLanguageNameW( DWORD wLang, LPWSTR szLang, DWORD wSize) { DWORD Length = 0; // length of string
WCHAR pTemp[MAX_REG_VAL_SIZE]; // temp buffer
// Make sure we have a buffer.
if ((wSize == 0) || (szLang == NULL)) { return (0); }
// Try to get the localized language name for the given ID.
pTemp[0] = 0; if (!(Length = GetStringTableEntry( wLang, 0, pTemp, MAX_REG_VAL_SIZE, RC_LANGUAGE_NAME ))) { //
// Can't get the name of the language id passed in, so get
// the "language neutral" name.
Length = GetStringTableEntry( LANG_NEUTRAL, 0, pTemp, MAX_REG_VAL_SIZE, RC_LANGUAGE_NAME ); }
// If the length is too big for the buffer, then reset the length
// to the size of the given buffer.
if (Length >= wSize) { Length = wSize - 1; }
// Copy the string to the buffer and zero terminate it.
if (Length > 0) { wcsncpy(szLang, pTemp, Length); szLang[Length] = 0; }
// Return the number of characters in the string, NOT including
// the null termination.
return (Length); }
// VerLanguageNameA
// Returns the language name of the given language id in the language of
// the current user.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Moved from Version Library.
DWORD WINAPI VerLanguageNameA( DWORD wLang, LPSTR szLang, DWORD wSize) { UNICODE_STRING Language; // unicode string buffer
ANSI_STRING AnsiString; // ansi string buffer
DWORD Status; // return status
// Make sure we have a buffer.
if ((wSize == 0) || (szLang == NULL)) { return (0); }
// Allocate Unicode string structure and set the fields with the
// given parameters.
Language.Buffer = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(WCHAR) * wSize );
Language.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(wSize * sizeof(WCHAR));
// Make sure the allocation succeeded.
if (Language.Buffer == NULL) { return (FALSE); }
// Get the language name (in Unicode).
Status = VerLanguageNameW( wLang, Language.Buffer, wSize );
Language.Length = (USHORT)(Status * sizeof(WCHAR));
// Convert unicode string to ansi.
AnsiString.Buffer = szLang; AnsiString.Length = AnsiString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)wSize; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&AnsiString, &Language, FALSE); Status = AnsiString.Length; RtlFreeUnicodeString(&Language);
// Return the value returned from VerLanguageNameW.
return (Status); }
// GetLocaleInfoW
// Returns one of the various pieces of information about a particular
// locale by querying the configuration registry. This call also indicates
// how much memory is necessary to contain the desired information.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
int WINAPI GetLocaleInfoW( LCID Locale, LCTYPE LCType, LPWSTR lpLCData, int cchData) { PLOC_HASH pHashN; // ptr to LOC hash node
int Length = 0; // length of info string
LPWSTR pString; // ptr to the info string
LPWORD pStart; // ptr to starting point
BOOL UserOverride = TRUE; // use user override
BOOL ReturnNum = FALSE; // return number instead of string
LPWSTR pTmp; // tmp ptr to info string
int Repeat; // # repetitions of same letter
WCHAR pTemp[MAX_REG_VAL_SIZE]; // temp buffer
UNICODE_STRING ObUnicodeStr; // value string
int Base = 0; // base for str to int conversion
static LANGID lidSystem = 0; // system default UI language
// Invalid Parameter Check:
// - validate LCID
// - count is negative
// - NULL data pointer AND count is not zero
// NOTE: invalid type is checked in the switch statement below.
VALIDATE_LOCALE(Locale, pHashN, FALSE); if ( (pHashN == NULL) || (cchData < 0) || ((lpLCData == NULL) && (cchData != 0)) ) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (0); }
// Set the base value to add to in order to get the variable
// length strings.
pStart = (LPWORD)(pHashN->pLocaleHdr);
// Check for NO USER OVERRIDE flag and remove the USE CP ACP flag.
// Flag is set, so set the boolean value and remove the flag
// from the LCType parameter (for switch statement).
UserOverride = FALSE; } if (LCType & LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER) { //
// Flag is set, so set the boolean value and remove the flag
// from the LCType parameter (for switch statement).
ReturnNum = TRUE; } LCType = NLS_GET_LCTYPE_VALUE(LCType);
// Initialize temp buffer.
pTemp[0] = 0;
// Return the appropriate information for the given LCTYPE.
// If user information exists for the given LCTYPE, then
// the user default is returned instead of the system default.
switch (LCType) { case ( LOCALE_ILANGUAGE ) : { Base = 16; pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szILanguage; break; } case ( LOCALE_SLANGUAGE ) : { if (!lidSystem) { lidSystem = GetSystemDefaultUILanguage(); }
// Get the information from the RC file.
// Use system installed language resource if we're not under MUI.
// Otherwise, let resource loader load the default language resource.
Length = GetStringTableEntry( LANGIDFROMLCID(Locale), GetUserDefaultUILanguage() == lidSystem? lidSystem : 0, pTemp, MAX_REG_VAL_SIZE, RC_LANGUAGE_NAME ); if (Length == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (0); } pString = pTemp; break; } case ( LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SEngLanguage; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sAbbrevLangName), NLS_VALUE_SLANGUAGE, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevLang; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevLangISO; break; } case ( LOCALE_SNATIVELANGNAME ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SNativeLang; break; } case ( LOCALE_ICOUNTRY ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iCountry), NLS_VALUE_ICOUNTRY, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szICountry; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SCOUNTRY ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sCountry), NLS_VALUE_SCOUNTRY, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { //
// Get the information from the RC file.
Length = GetStringTableEntry( LANGIDFROMLCID(Locale), 0, pTemp, MAX_REG_VAL_SIZE, RC_COUNTRY_NAME ); if (Length == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (0); } pString = pTemp; break; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SENGCOUNTRY ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SEngCountry; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVCTRYNAME ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevCtry; break; } case ( LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevCtryISO; break; } case ( LOCALE_SNATIVECTRYNAME ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SNativeCtry; break; } case ( LOCALE_IGEOID ) : { Base = 10; pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIGeoID; break; } case ( LOCALE_SSORTNAME ) : { //
// Get the information from the RC file.
Length = GetStringTableEntry( LANGIDFROMLCID(Locale), 0, pTemp, MAX_REG_VAL_SIZE, RC_SORT_NAMES + SORTIDFROMLCID(Locale) ); if (Length == 0) { //
// If the sort name doesn't exist for the given locale id,
// then try to get the Default name. This is stored in the
// 0x0000 entry.
Length = GetStringTableEntry( 0x0000, 0, pTemp, MAX_REG_VAL_SIZE, RC_SORT_NAMES + SORTIDFROMLCID(Locale) ); if (Length == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (0); } } pString = pTemp; break; } case ( LOCALE_IDEFAULTLANGUAGE ) : { Base = 16; pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIDefaultLang; break; } case ( LOCALE_IDEFAULTCOUNTRY ) : { Base = 10; pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIDefaultCtry; break; } case ( LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE ) : { if (ReturnNum) { if (cchData < 2) { if (cchData == 0) { //
// DWORD is needed for this option (2 WORDS),
// so return 2.
return (2); }
SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return (0); }
// Copy the value to lpLCData and return 2
// (2 WORDS = 1 DWORD).
*((LPDWORD)lpLCData) = (DWORD)(pHashN->pLocaleFixed->DefaultACP); return (2); }
pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIDefaultACP; break; } case ( LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE ) : { Base = 10; pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIDefaultOCP; break; } case ( LOCALE_IDEFAULTMACCODEPAGE ) : { Base = 10; pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIDefaultMACCP; break; } case ( LOCALE_IDEFAULTEBCDICCODEPAGE ) : { Base = 10; pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIDefaultEBCDICCP; break; } case ( LOCALE_SLIST ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sList), NLS_VALUE_SLIST, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), FALSE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SList; } break; } case ( LOCALE_IMEASURE ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iMeasure), NLS_VALUE_IMEASURE, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIMeasure; } break; } case ( LOCALE_IPAPERSIZE ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iPaperSize), NLS_VALUE_IPAPERSIZE, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIPaperSize; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SDECIMAL ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sDecimal), NLS_VALUE_SDECIMAL, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), FALSE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SDecimal; } break; } case ( LOCALE_STHOUSAND ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sThousand), NLS_VALUE_STHOUSAND, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), FALSE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SThousand; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SGROUPING ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sGrouping), NLS_VALUE_SGROUPING, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SGrouping; } break; } case ( LOCALE_IDIGITS ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iDigits), NLS_VALUE_IDIGITS, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIDigits; } break; } case ( LOCALE_ILZERO ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iLZero), NLS_VALUE_ILZERO, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szILZero; } break; } case ( LOCALE_INEGNUMBER ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iNegNumber), NLS_VALUE_INEGNUMBER, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szINegNumber; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sNativeDigits), NLS_VALUE_SNATIVEDIGITS, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), FALSE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SNativeDigits; } break; } case ( LOCALE_IDIGITSUBSTITUTION ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iDigitSubstitution), NLS_VALUE_IDIGITSUBST, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIDigitSubstitution; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SCURRENCY ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sCurrency), NLS_VALUE_SCURRENCY, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), FALSE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SCurrency; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SIntlSymbol; break; } case ( LOCALE_SENGCURRNAME ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SEngCurrName; break; } case ( LOCALE_SNATIVECURRNAME ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SNativeCurrName; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sMonDecSep), NLS_VALUE_SMONDECIMALSEP, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), FALSE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonDecSep; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sMonThouSep), NLS_VALUE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), FALSE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonThousSep; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONGROUPING ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sMonGrouping), NLS_VALUE_SMONGROUPING, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonGrouping; } break; } case ( LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iCurrDigits), NLS_VALUE_ICURRDIGITS, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szICurrDigits; } break; } case ( LOCALE_IINTLCURRDIGITS ) : { Base = 10; pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIIntlCurrDigits; break; } case ( LOCALE_ICURRENCY ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iCurrency), NLS_VALUE_ICURRENCY, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szICurrency; } break; } case ( LOCALE_INEGCURR ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iNegCurr), NLS_VALUE_INEGCURR, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szINegCurr; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SPOSITIVESIGN ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sPosSign), NLS_VALUE_SPOSITIVESIGN, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), FALSE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SPositiveSign; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SNEGATIVESIGN ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sNegSign), NLS_VALUE_SNEGATIVESIGN, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), FALSE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SNegativeSign; } break; } case ( LOCALE_IPOSSIGNPOSN ) : { //
// Since there is no positive sign in any of the ICURRENCY
// options, use the INEGCURR options instead. All known
// locales would use the positive sign in the same position
// as the negative sign.
// NOTE: For the 2 options that use parenthesis, put the
// positive sign at the beginning of the string
// (where the opening parenthesis is).
// 1 => 4, 5, 8, 15
// 2 => 3, 11
// 3 => 0, 1, 6, 9, 13, 14
// 4 => 2, 7, 10, 12
Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iNegCurr), NLS_VALUE_INEGCURR, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp;
// Set the appropriate value in pString.
switch (*pString) { case ( L'4' ) : case ( L'5' ) : case ( L'8' ) : { *pString = L'1'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'3' ) : { *pString = L'2'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'0' ) : case ( L'6' ) : case ( L'9' ) : { *pString = L'3'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'2' ) : case ( L'7' ) : { *pString = L'4'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'1' ) : { switch (*(pString + 1)) { case ( 0 ) : case ( L'3' ) : case ( L'4' ) : default : { *pString = L'3'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'0' ) : case ( L'2' ) : { *pString = L'4'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'1' ) : { *pString = L'2'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'5' ) : { *pString = L'1'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } } break; } default : { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIPosSignPosn; break; } } } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIPosSignPosn; } break; } case ( LOCALE_INEGSIGNPOSN ) : { //
// Use the INEGCURR value from the user portion of the
// registry, if it exists.
// 0 => 0, 4, 14, 15
// 1 => 5, 8
// 2 => 3, 11
// 3 => 1, 6, 9, 13
// 4 => 2, 7, 10, 12
Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iNegCurr), NLS_VALUE_INEGCURR, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp;
// Set the appropriate value in pString.
switch (*pString) { case ( L'0' ) : case ( L'4' ) : { *pString = L'0'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'5' ) : case ( L'8' ) : { *pString = L'1'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'3' ) : { *pString = L'2'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'6' ) : case ( L'9' ) : { *pString = L'3'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'2' ) : case ( L'7' ) : { *pString = L'4'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'1' ) : { switch (*(pString + 1)) { case ( 0 ) : case ( L'3' ) : default : { *pString = L'3'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'0' ) : case ( L'2' ) : { *pString = L'4'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'1' ) : { *pString = L'2'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'4' ) : case ( L'5' ) : { *pString = L'0'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } } break; } default : { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szINegSignPosn; break; } } } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szINegSignPosn; } break; } case ( LOCALE_IPOSSYMPRECEDES ) : { //
// Use the ICURRENCY value from the user portion of the
// registry, if it exists.
// 0 => 1, 3
// 1 => 0, 2
Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iCurrency), NLS_VALUE_ICURRENCY, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp;
// Set the appropriate value in pString.
switch (*pString) { case ( L'1' ) : case ( L'3' ) : { *pString = L'0'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'0' ) : case ( L'2' ) : { *pString = L'1'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } default : { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIPosSymPrecedes; break; } } } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIPosSymPrecedes; } break; } case ( LOCALE_IPOSSEPBYSPACE ) : { //
// Use the ICURRENCY value from the user portion of the
// registry, if it exists.
// 0 => 0, 1
// 1 => 2, 3
Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iCurrency), NLS_VALUE_ICURRENCY, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp;
// Set the appropriate value in pString.
switch (*pString) { case ( L'0' ) : case ( L'1' ) : { *pString = L'0'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'2' ) : case ( L'3' ) : { *pString = L'1'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } default : { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIPosSepBySpace; break; } } } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIPosSepBySpace; } break; } case ( LOCALE_INEGSYMPRECEDES ) : { //
// Use the INEGCURR value from the user portion of the
// registry, if it exists.
// 0 => 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15
// 1 => 0, 1, 2, 3, 9, 11, 12, 14
Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iNegCurr), NLS_VALUE_INEGCURR, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp;
// Set the appropriate value in pString.
switch (*pString) { case ( L'4' ) : case ( L'5' ) : case ( L'6' ) : case ( L'7' ) : case ( L'8' ) : { *pString = L'0'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'0' ) : case ( L'2' ) : case ( L'3' ) : case ( L'9' ) : { *pString = L'1'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'1' ) : { if ((*(pString + 1) == L'0') || (*(pString + 1) == L'3') || (*(pString + 1) == L'5')) { *pString = L'0'; *(pString + 1) = 0; } else { *pString = L'1'; *(pString + 1) = 0; } break; } default : { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szINegSymPrecedes; break; } } } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szINegSymPrecedes; } break; } case ( LOCALE_INEGSEPBYSPACE ) : { //
// Use the INEGCURR value from the user portion of the
// registry, if it exists.
// 0 => 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
// 1 => 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iNegCurr), NLS_VALUE_INEGCURR, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp;
// Set the appropriate value in pString.
switch (*pString) { case ( L'0' ) : case ( L'2' ) : case ( L'3' ) : case ( L'4' ) : case ( L'5' ) : case ( L'6' ) : case ( L'7' ) : { *pString = L'0'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'8' ) : case ( L'9' ) : { *pString = L'1'; *(pString + 1) = 0; break; } case ( L'1' ) : { if (*(pString + 1) == 0) { *pString = L'0'; *(pString + 1) = 0; } else { *pString = L'1'; *(pString + 1) = 0; } break; } default : { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szINegSepBySpace; break; } } } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szINegSepBySpace; } break; } case ( LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sTimeFormat), NLS_VALUE_STIMEFORMAT, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->STimeFormat; } break; } case ( LOCALE_STIME ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sTime), NLS_VALUE_STIME, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->STime; } break; } case ( LOCALE_ITIME ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iTime), NLS_VALUE_ITIME, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szITime; } break; } case ( LOCALE_ITLZERO ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iTLZero), NLS_VALUE_ITLZERO, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szITLZero; } break; } case ( LOCALE_ITIMEMARKPOSN ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iTimeMarkPosn), NLS_VALUE_ITIMEMARKPOSN, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szITimeMarkPosn; } break; } case ( LOCALE_S1159 ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, s1159), NLS_VALUE_S1159, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), FALSE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->S1159; } break; } case ( LOCALE_S2359 ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, s2359), NLS_VALUE_S2359, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), FALSE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->S2359; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SSHORTDATE ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sShortDate), NLS_VALUE_SSHORTDATE, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SShortDate; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SDATE ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sDate), NLS_VALUE_SDATE, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SDate; } break; } case ( LOCALE_IDATE ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iDate), NLS_VALUE_IDATE, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIDate; } break; } case ( LOCALE_ICENTURY ) : { //
// Use the short date picture to get this information.
Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sShortDate), NLS_VALUE_SSHORTDATE, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp;
// Find out how many y's in string.
// No need to ignore quotes in short date.
pTmp = pString; while ((*pTmp) && (*pTmp != L'y')) { pTmp++; }
// Set the appropriate value in pString.
if (*pTmp == L'y') { //
// Get the number of 'y' repetitions in the format string.
pTmp++; for (Repeat = 0; (*pTmp == L'y'); Repeat++, pTmp++) ;
switch (Repeat) { case ( 0 ) : case ( 1 ) : { //
// Two-digit century with leading zero.
*pString = L'0'; *(pString + 1) = 0;
break; }
case ( 2 ) : case ( 3 ) : default : { //
// Full century.
*pString = L'1'; *(pString + 1) = 0;
break; } }
break; } }
// Use the system default value.
pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szICentury;
break; } case ( LOCALE_IDAYLZERO ) : { //
// Use the short date picture to get this information.
Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sShortDate), NLS_VALUE_SSHORTDATE, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp;
// Find out how many d's in string.
// No need to ignore quotes in short date.
pTmp = pString; while ((*pTmp) && (*pTmp != L'd')) { pTmp++; }
// Set the appropriate value in pString.
if (*pTmp == L'd') { //
// Get the number of 'd' repetitions in the format string.
pTmp++; for (Repeat = 0; (*pTmp == L'd'); Repeat++, pTmp++) ;
switch (Repeat) { case ( 0 ) : { //
// No leading zero.
*pString = L'0'; *(pString + 1) = 0;
break; }
case ( 1 ) : default : { //
// Use leading zero.
*pString = L'1'; *(pString + 1) = 0;
break; } }
break; } }
// Use the system default value.
pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIDayLZero;
break; } case ( LOCALE_IMONLZERO ) : { //
// Use the short date picture to get this information.
Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sShortDate), NLS_VALUE_SSHORTDATE, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp;
// Find out how many M's in string.
// No need to ignore quotes in short date.
pTmp = pString; while ((*pTmp) && (*pTmp != L'M')) { pTmp++; }
// Set the appropriate value in pString.
if (*pTmp == L'M') { //
// Get the number of 'M' repetitions in the format string.
pTmp++; for (Repeat = 0; (*pTmp == L'M'); Repeat++, pTmp++) ;
switch (Repeat) { case ( 0 ) : { //
// No leading zero.
*pString = L'0'; *(pString + 1) = 0;
break; }
case ( 1 ) : default : { //
// Use leading zero.
*pString = L'1'; *(pString + 1) = 0;
break; } }
break; } }
// Use the system default value.
pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIMonLZero;
break; } case ( LOCALE_SYEARMONTH ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sYearMonth), NLS_VALUE_SYEARMONTH, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SYearMonth; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SLONGDATE ) : { if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sLongDate), NLS_VALUE_SLONGDATE, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SLongDate; } break; } case ( LOCALE_ILDATE ) : { //
// Use the long date picture to get this information.
Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sLongDate), NLS_VALUE_SLONGDATE, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp;
// Find out if d, M, or y is first, but ignore quotes.
// Also, if "ddd" or "dddd" is found, then skip it. Only
// want "d" or "dd".
pTmp = pString; while (pTmp = wcspbrk(pTmp, L"dMy'")) { //
// Check special cases.
if (*pTmp == L'd') { //
// Check for d's. Ignore more than 2 d's.
for (Repeat = 0; (*pTmp == L'd'); Repeat++, pTmp++) ;
if (Repeat < 3) { //
// Break out of while loop. Found "d" or "dd".
pTmp--; break; } } else if (*pTmp == NLS_CHAR_QUOTE) { //
// Ignore quotes.
pTmp++; while ((*pTmp) && (*pTmp != NLS_CHAR_QUOTE)) { pTmp++; } pTmp++; } else { //
// Found one of the values, so break out of
// while loop.
break; } }
// Set the appropriate value in pString.
if (pTmp) { switch (*pTmp) { case ( L'd' ) : { *pString = L'1'; break; } case ( L'M' ) : { *pString = L'0'; break; } case ( L'y' ) : { *pString = L'2'; break; } }
// Null terminate the string.
*(pString + 1) = 0;
break; } }
// Use the default value.
pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szILDate;
break; } case ( LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iCalType), NLS_VALUE_ICALENDARTYPE, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szICalendarType; } break; } case ( LOCALE_IOPTIONALCALENDAR ) : { Base = 10; pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->IOptionalCal; pString = ((POPT_CAL)pString)->pCalStr; break; } case ( LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iFirstDay), NLS_VALUE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIFirstDayOfWk; } break; } case ( LOCALE_IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR ) : { Base = 10; if (UserOverride && GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, iFirstWeek), NLS_VALUE_IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR, pTemp, ARRAYSIZE(pTemp), TRUE )) { pString = pTemp; } else { pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szIFirstWkOfYr; } break; } case ( LOCALE_SDAYNAME1 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SDayName1; break; } case ( LOCALE_SDAYNAME2 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SDayName2; break; } case ( LOCALE_SDAYNAME3 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SDayName3; break; } case ( LOCALE_SDAYNAME4 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SDayName4; break; } case ( LOCALE_SDAYNAME5 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SDayName5; break; } case ( LOCALE_SDAYNAME6 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SDayName6; break; } case ( LOCALE_SDAYNAME7 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SDayName7; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME1 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevDayName1; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME2 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevDayName2; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME3 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevDayName3; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME4 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevDayName4; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME5 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevDayName5; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME6 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevDayName6; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME7 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevDayName7; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHNAME1 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonthName1; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHNAME2 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonthName2; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHNAME3 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonthName3; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHNAME4 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonthName4; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHNAME5 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonthName5; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHNAME6 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonthName6; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHNAME7 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonthName7; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHNAME8 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonthName8; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHNAME9 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonthName9; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHNAME10 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonthName10; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHNAME11 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonthName11; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHNAME12 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonthName12; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHNAME13 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SMonthName13; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME1 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevMonthName1; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME2 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevMonthName2; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME3 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevMonthName3; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME4 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevMonthName4; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME5 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevMonthName5; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME6 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevMonthName6; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME7 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevMonthName7; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME8 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevMonthName8; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME9 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevMonthName9; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME10 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevMonthName10; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME11 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevMonthName11; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME12 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevMonthName12; break; } case ( LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME13 ) : { pString = pStart + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SAbbrevMonthName13; break; } case ( LOCALE_FONTSIGNATURE ) : { //
// Check cchData for size of given buffer.
if (cchData == 0) { return (MAX_FONTSIGNATURE); } else if (cchData < MAX_FONTSIGNATURE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return (0); }
// This string does NOT get zero terminated.
pString = pHashN->pLocaleFixed->szFontSignature;
// Copy the string to lpLCData and return the number of
// characters copied.
RtlMoveMemory(lpLCData, pString, MAX_FONTSIGNATURE * sizeof(WCHAR)); return (MAX_FONTSIGNATURE);
break; } default : { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); return (0); } }
// See if the caller wants the value in the form of a number instead
// of a string.
if (ReturnNum) { //
// Make sure the flags are valid and there is enough buffer
// space.
if (Base == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); return (0); } if (cchData < 2) { if (cchData == 0) { //
// DWORD is needed for this option (2 WORDS), so return 2.
return (2); }
SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return (0); }
// Convert the string to an int and return 2 (1 DWORD = 2 WORDS).
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObUnicodeStr, pString); if (RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&ObUnicodeStr, Base, (LPDWORD)lpLCData)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); return (0); } return (2); }
// Get the length (in characters) of the string to copy.
if (Length == 0) { Length = NlsStrLenW(pString); }
// Add one for the null termination. All strings should be null
// terminated.
// Check cchData for size of given buffer.
if (cchData == 0) { //
// If cchData is 0, then we can't use lpLCData. In this
// case, we simply want to return the length (in characters) of
// the string to be copied.
return (Length); } else if (cchData < Length) { //
// The buffer is too small for the string, so return an error
// and zero bytes written.
SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return (0); }
// Copy the string to lpLCData and null terminate it.
// Return the number of characters copied.
wcsncpy(lpLCData, pString, Length - 1); lpLCData[Length - 1] = 0; return (Length); }
// SetLocaleInfoW
// Sets one of the various pieces of information about a particular
// locale by making an entry in the user's portion of the configuration
// registry. This will only affect the user override portion of the locale
// settings. The system defaults will never be reset.
// 07-14-93 JulieB Created.
BOOL WINAPI SetLocaleInfoW( LCID Locale, LCTYPE LCType, LPCWSTR lpLCData) { PLOC_HASH pHashN; // ptr to LOC hash node
int cchData; // length of lpLCData
LPWSTR pString; // ptr to info string to change
LPWSTR pPos; // ptr to position in info string
LPWSTR pPos2; // ptr to position in info string
LPWSTR pSep; // ptr to separator string
WCHAR pTemp[MAX_PATH_LEN]; // ptr to temp storage buffer
WCHAR pOutput[MAX_REG_VAL_SIZE]; // ptr to output for GetInfo call
WCHAR pOutput2[MAX_REG_VAL_SIZE]; // ptr to output for GetInfo call
UINT Order; // date or time order value
UINT TLZero; // time leading zero value
UINT TimeMarkPosn; // time mark position value
WCHAR pFind[3]; // ptr to chars to find
int SepLen; // length of separator string
UNICODE_STRING ObUnicodeStr; // value string
int Value; // value
// Invalid Parameter Check:
// - validate LCID
// - NULL data pointer
// NOTE: invalid type is checked in the switch statement below.
VALIDATE_LOCALE(Locale, pHashN, FALSE); if ((pHashN == NULL) || (lpLCData == NULL)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Get the length of the buffer.
cchData = NlsStrLenW(lpLCData) + 1;
// Initialize temp buffer.
pTemp[0] = 0;
// Set the appropriate user information for the given LCTYPE.
LCType &= (~LOCALE_USE_CP_ACP); switch (LCType) { case ( LOCALE_SLIST ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_SLIST wide characters in length.
if (cchData > MAX_SLIST) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new SLIST string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_SLIST, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_IMEASURE ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_IMEASURE wide characters in length.
// It should be between 0 and MAX_VALUE_IMEASURE.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
// Optimized - since MAX_IMEASURE is 2.
if ((cchData != MAX_IMEASURE) || (*lpLCData < NLS_CHAR_ZERO) || (*lpLCData > MAX_CHAR_IMEASURE)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new IMEASURE string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_IMEASURE, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_IPAPERSIZE ) : { //
// Validate the new value.
// It should be between DMPAPER_LETTER and DMPAPER_LAST.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObUnicodeStr, lpLCData); if ((cchData < 2) || (RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&ObUnicodeStr, 10, &Value)) || (Value < DMPAPER_LETTER) || (Value > DMPAPER_LAST)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new IPAPERSIZE string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_IPAPERSIZE, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_SDECIMAL ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_SDECIMAL wide characters in length and should not
// contain any integer values (L'0' thru L'9').
if (!IsValidSeparatorString( lpLCData, MAX_SDECIMAL, FALSE )) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new SDECIMAL string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_SDECIMAL, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_STHOUSAND ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_STHOUSAND wide characters in length and should not
// contain any integer values (L'0' thru L'9').
if (!IsValidSeparatorString( lpLCData, MAX_STHOUSAND, FALSE )) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new STHOUSAND string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_STHOUSAND, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_SGROUPING ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_SGROUPING wide characters in length and should
// contain alternating integer and semicolon values.
// (eg. 3;2;0 or 3;0 or 0)
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
if (!IsValidGroupingString( lpLCData, MAX_SGROUPING, TRUE )) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new SGROUPING string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_SGROUPING, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_IDIGITS ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_IDIGITS wide characters in length.
// The value should be between 0 and MAX_VALUE_IDIGITS.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
// Optimized - since MAX_IDIGITS is 2.
if ((cchData != MAX_IDIGITS) || (*lpLCData < NLS_CHAR_ZERO) || (*lpLCData > MAX_CHAR_IDIGITS)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new IDIGITS string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_IDIGITS, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_ILZERO ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_ILZERO wide characters in length.
// The value should be between 0 and MAX_VALUE_ILZERO.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
// Optimized - since MAX_ILZERO is 2.
if ((cchData != MAX_ILZERO) || (*lpLCData < NLS_CHAR_ZERO) || (*lpLCData > MAX_CHAR_ILZERO)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new ILZERO string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_ILZERO, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_INEGNUMBER ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_INEGNUMBER wide characters in length.
// The value should be between 0 and MAX_VALUE_INEGNUMBER.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
// Optimized - since MAX_INEGNUMBER is 2.
if ((cchData != MAX_INEGNUMBER) || (*lpLCData < NLS_CHAR_ZERO) || (*lpLCData > MAX_CHAR_INEGNUMBER)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new INEGNUMBER string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_INEGNUMBER, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be exactly
// MAX_SNATIVEDIGITS wide characters in length.
if (cchData != MAX_SNATIVEDIGITS) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new SNATIVEDIGITS string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_IDIGITSUBSTITUTION ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_IDIGITSUBST wide characters in length.
// The value should be between 0 and MAX_VALUE_IDIGITSUBST.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
// Optimized - since MAX_IDIGITSUBST is 2.
if ((cchData != MAX_IDIGITSUBST) || (*lpLCData < NLS_CHAR_ZERO) || (*lpLCData > MAX_CHAR_IDIGITSUBST)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new IDIGITSUBST string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_IDIGITSUBSTITUTION, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_SCURRENCY ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_SCURRENCY wide characters in length and should not
// contain any integer values (L'0' thru L'9').
if (!IsValidSeparatorString( lpLCData, MAX_SCURRENCY, FALSE )) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new SCURRENCY string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_SCURRENCY, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_SMONDECSEP wide characters in length and should not
// contain any integer values (L'0' thru L'9').
if (!IsValidSeparatorString( lpLCData, MAX_SMONDECSEP, FALSE )) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new SMONDECIMALSEP string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_SMONTHOUSEP wide characters in length and should not
// contain any integer values (L'0' thru L'9').
if (!IsValidSeparatorString( lpLCData, MAX_SMONTHOUSEP, FALSE )) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new SMONTHOUSANDSEP string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONGROUPING ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_SMONGROUPING wide characters in length and should
// contain alternating integer and semicolon values.
// (eg. 3;2;0 or 3;0 or 0)
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
if (!IsValidGroupingString( lpLCData, MAX_SMONGROUPING, TRUE )) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new SMONGROUPING string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_SMONGROUPING, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS ) : { //
// Validate the new value.
// The value should be between 0 and MAX_VALUE_ICURRDIGITS.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObUnicodeStr, lpLCData); if ((cchData < 2) || (RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&ObUnicodeStr, 10, &Value)) || (Value < 0) || (Value > MAX_VALUE_ICURRDIGITS) || ((Value == 0) && ((*lpLCData != NLS_CHAR_ZERO) || (cchData != 2)))) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new ICURRDIGITS string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_ICURRENCY ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_ICURRENCY wide characters in length.
// The value should be between 0 and MAX_VALUE_ICURRENCY.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
// Optimized - since MAX_ICURRENCY is 2.
if ((cchData != MAX_ICURRENCY) || (*lpLCData < NLS_CHAR_ZERO) || (*lpLCData > MAX_CHAR_ICURRENCY)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new ICURRENCY string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_ICURRENCY, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_INEGCURR ) : { //
// Validate the new value.
// The value should be between 0 and MAX_VALUE_INEGCURR.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObUnicodeStr, lpLCData); if ((cchData < 2) || (RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&ObUnicodeStr, 10, &Value)) || (Value < 0) || (Value > MAX_VALUE_INEGCURR) || ((Value == 0) && ((*lpLCData != NLS_CHAR_ZERO) || (cchData != 2)))) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new INEGCURR string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_INEGCURR, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_SPOSITIVESIGN ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_SPOSSIGN wide characters in length and should not
// contain any integer values (L'0' thru L'9').
if (!IsValidSeparatorString( lpLCData, MAX_SPOSSIGN, FALSE )) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new SPOSITIVESIGN string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_SPOSITIVESIGN, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_SNEGATIVESIGN ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_SNEGSIGN wide characters in length and should not
// contain any integer values (L'0' thru L'9').
if (!IsValidSeparatorString( lpLCData, MAX_SNEGSIGN, FALSE )) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new SNEGATIVESIGN string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_SNEGATIVESIGN, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT ) : { BOOL bInsideQuotedString = FALSE;
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_STIMEFORMAT wide characters in length.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null). This is checked below
// in the check for whether or not there is an hour
// delimeter.
if (cchData > MAX_STIMEFORMAT) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// NOTE: Must link the STIME, ITIME, ITLZERO, and
// ITIMEMARKPOSN values in the registry.
// Search for H or h, so that iTime and iTLZero can be
// set. If no H or h exists, return an error. Note: the
// combinations "hH" or "Hh" are invalid.
pPos = (LPWSTR)lpLCData; while ((pPos = wcspbrk(pPos, L"Hh'"))) { if (*pPos == L'\'') { //
// Enter or leave a quoted string.
bInsideQuotedString &= ~TRUE; } else if (*pPos == L'H') { //
// Found an H.
if (!bInsideQuotedString) { //
// Get the appropriate ITIME value.
Order = 1;
// Get the appropriate ITLZERO value.
if (*(pPos + 1) == L'H') { TLZero = 1; break; } else if (*(pPos + 1) == L'h') { //
// Invalid combination.
pPos = NULL; break; } else { TLZero = 0; break; } } } else if (*pPos == L'h') { //
// Found an h.
if (!bInsideQuotedString) { //
// Get the appropriate ITIME value.
Order = 0;
// Get the appropriate ITLZERO value.
if (*(pPos + 1) == L'h') { TLZero = 1; break; } else if (*(pPos + 1) == L'H') { //
// Invalid combination.
pPos = NULL; break; } else { TLZero = 0; break; } } } pPos++; }
// If pPos == NULL, then one of two things happened:
// - reached the end of the string without finding "H" or "h"
// - found an invalid combination like "hH" or "Hh"
if (!pPos) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Search for tt, so that ITIMEMARKPOSN can be
// set. If no tt exists, do not change the value.
bInsideQuotedString = FALSE; pPos = (LPWSTR)lpLCData; while ((pPos = wcspbrk(pPos, L"t'"))) { if (*pPos == L'\'') { //
// Enter or leave a quoted string.
bInsideQuotedString &= ~TRUE; } else if (*(pPos + 1) == L't') { if (!bInsideQuotedString) { //
// The string "tt" is found.
break; } } pPos++; } if (pPos) { //
// Get the appropriate ITIMEMARKPOSN value.
bInsideQuotedString = FALSE; pPos2 = (LPWSTR)lpLCData; while ((pPos2 = wcspbrk(pPos2, L"Hhmst'"))) { if (*pPos == L'\'') { //
// Enter or leave a quoted string.
bInsideQuotedString &= ~TRUE; } else { if (!bInsideQuotedString) { //
// Get the appropriate ITIMEMARKPOSN value.
TimeMarkPosn = (pPos == pPos2) ? 1 : 0; break; } } pPos2++; } }
// Find the time separator so that STIME can be set.
bInsideQuotedString = FALSE; pPos = (LPWSTR)lpLCData; while (pPos = wcspbrk(pPos, L"Hhms'")) { if (*pPos == L'\'') { //
// Enter or leave a quoted string.
bInsideQuotedString &= ~TRUE; pPos++; } else { if (!bInsideQuotedString) { //
// Look for the beginning of the time separator.
pPos++; while ((*pPos) && (wcschr(L"Hhms", *pPos))) { pPos++; }
// Look for the end of the time separator.
if (*pPos) { //
// Find the end of the separator string.
pPos2 = wcspbrk(pPos, L"Hhmst"); if (pPos2) { if (*pPos2 == L't') { //
// Found a time marker, so need to start
// over in search for separator. There
// are no separators around the time
// marker.
pPos = pPos2 + 1; } else { //
// Found end of separator, so break out of
// while loop.
break; } } } } else { pPos++; } } }
// Get the appropriate STIME string.
if (pPos) { //
// Copy to temp buffer so that it's zero terminated.
pString = pTemp; while (pPos != pPos2) { //
// If there is a quoted string in the separator, then
// just put in a white space, since there is no meaning
// for time field separator anymore.
if (*pPos == L'\'') { pString = pTemp; *pString++ = L' '; break; }
*pString = *pPos; pPos++; pString++; } *pString = 0; } else { //
// There is no time separator, so use NULL.
*pTemp = 0; }
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_STIME wide characters in length and should not
// contain any integer values (L'0' thru L'9').
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
if (!IsValidSeparatorString( pTemp, MAX_STIME, TRUE )) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Make sure that the time separator does NOT contain any
// of the special time picture characters - h, H, m, s, t, '.
if (wcspbrk(pTemp, L"Hhmst'")) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Call the server to set the registry.
return (SetMultipleUserInfo( LCType, cchData, lpLCData, pTemp, (Order == 0) ? L"0" : L"1", (TLZero == 0) ? L"0" : L"1", (TimeMarkPosn == 0) ? L"0" : L"1" )); break; } case ( LOCALE_STIME ) : { //
// NOTE: Must link the STIMEFORMAT value in the registry.
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_STIME wide characters in length and should not
// contain any integer values (L'0' thru L'9').
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
if (!IsValidSeparatorString( lpLCData, MAX_STIME, TRUE )) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Make sure that the time separator does NOT contain any
// of the special time picture characters - h, H, m, s, t, '.
if (wcspbrk(lpLCData, L"Hhmst'")) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Get the current setting for STIMEFORMAT.
if (GetUserInfo( Locale, LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sTimeFormat), NLS_VALUE_STIMEFORMAT, pOutput, ARRAYSIZE(pOutput), TRUE )) { pString = pOutput; } else { pString = (LPWORD)(pHashN->pLocaleHdr) + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->STimeFormat; }
// Get the current setting for STIME.
if (GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sTime), NLS_VALUE_STIME, pOutput2, ARRAYSIZE(pOutput2), TRUE )) { pSep = pOutput2; } else { pSep = (LPWORD)(pHashN->pLocaleHdr) + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->STime; }
// Get the length of the separator string.
SepLen = NlsStrLenW(pSep);
// Setup the string containing the characters to find in
// the timeformat string.
pFind[0] = NLS_CHAR_QUOTE; pFind[1] = *pSep; pFind[2] = 0;
// Find the time separator in the STIMEFORMAT string and
// replace it with the new time separator.
// The new separator may be a different length than
// the old one, so must use a static buffer for the new
// time format string.
pPos = pTemp; while (pPos2 = wcspbrk(pString, pFind)) { //
// Copy format string up to pPos2.
while (pString < pPos2) { *pPos = *pString; pPos++; pString++; }
switch (*pPos2) { case ( NLS_CHAR_QUOTE ) : { //
// Copy the quote.
*pPos = *pString; pPos++; pString++;
// Copy what's inside the quotes.
while ((*pString) && (*pString != NLS_CHAR_QUOTE)) { *pPos = *pString; pPos++; pString++; }
// Copy the end quote.
*pPos = NLS_CHAR_QUOTE; pPos++; if (*pString) { pString++; }
break; } default : { //
// Make sure it's the old separator.
if (NlsStrNEqualW(pString, pSep, SepLen)) { //
// Adjust pointer to skip over old separator.
pString += SepLen;
// Copy the new separator.
pPos2 = (LPWSTR)lpLCData; while (*pPos2) { *pPos = *pPos2; pPos++; pPos2++; } } else { //
// Copy the code point and continue.
*pPos = *pString; pPos++; pString++; }
break; } } }
// Copy to the end of the string and null terminate it.
while (*pString) { *pPos = *pString; pPos++; pString++; } *pPos = 0;
// Call the server to set the registry.
return (SetMultipleUserInfo( LCType, cchData, pTemp, lpLCData, NULL, NULL, NULL )); break; } case ( LOCALE_ITIME ) : { //
// NOTE: Must link the STIMEFORMAT value in the registry.
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_ITIME wide characters in length.
// The value should be either 0 or MAX_VALUE_ITIME.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
// Optimized - since MAX_ITIME is 2.
if ((cchData != MAX_ITIME) || (*lpLCData < NLS_CHAR_ZERO) || (*lpLCData > MAX_CHAR_ITIME)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Get the current setting for STIMEFORMAT.
if (GetUserInfo( Locale, LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sTimeFormat), NLS_VALUE_STIMEFORMAT, pOutput, ARRAYSIZE(pOutput), TRUE )) { pString = pOutput; } else { //
// Copy system default to temp buffer.
NlsStrCpyW( pTemp, (LPWORD)(pHashN->pLocaleHdr) + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->STimeFormat ); pString = pTemp; }
// Search down the STIMEFORMAT string.
// If iTime = 0, then H -> h.
// If iTime = 1, then h -> H.
pPos = pString; if (*lpLCData == NLS_CHAR_ZERO) { while (*pPos) { if (*pPos == L'H') { *pPos = L'h'; } pPos++; } } else { while (*pPos) { if (*pPos == L'h') { *pPos = L'H'; } pPos++; } }
// Call the server to set the registry.
return (SetMultipleUserInfo( LCType, cchData, pString, NULL, lpLCData, NULL, NULL )); break; } case ( LOCALE_S1159 ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_S1159 wide characters in length.
if (cchData > MAX_S1159) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new S1159 string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_S1159, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_S2359 ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_S2359 wide characters in length.
if (cchData > MAX_S2359) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new S2359 string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_S2359, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_SSHORTDATE ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_SSHORTDATE wide characters in length.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null). This is checked below
// in the check for whether or not there is a date,
// month, or year delimeter.
if (cchData > MAX_SSHORTDATE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// NOTE: Must link the IDATE and SDATE values in the registry.
// Search for the 'd' or 'M' or 'y' sequence in the date format
// string to set the new IDATE value.
// If none of these symbols exist in the date format string,
// then return an error.
pPos = wcspbrk(lpLCData, L"dMy"); if (!pPos) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the appropriate IDATE string.
switch (*pPos) { case ( L'M' ) : { Order = 0; break; }
case ( L'd' ) : { Order = 1; break; }
case ( L'y' ) : { Order = 2; break; } }
// Set the registry with the appropriate SDATE string.
// The ptr "pPos" is pointing at either d, M, or y.
// Go to the next position past sequence of d, M, or y.
pPos++; while ((*pPos) && (wcschr( L"dMy", *pPos ))) { pPos++; }
*pTemp = 0; if (*pPos) { //
// Find the end of the separator string.
pPos2 = wcspbrk(pPos, L"dMy"); if (pPos2) { //
// Copy to temp buffer so that it's zero terminated.
pString = pTemp; while (pPos != pPos2) { //
// If there is a quoted string in the separator, then
// just punch in a white space, since there is no meaning
// for short date field separator anymore.
if (*pPos == L'\'') { pString = pTemp; *pString++ = L' '; break; } *pString = *pPos; pPos++; pString++; } *pString = 0; } }
// Since the date separator (LOCALE_SDATE) is being set here, we
// should do the same validation as LOCALE_SDATE.
if (!IsValidSeparatorString( pTemp, MAX_SDATE, TRUE )) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Make sure that the date separator does NOT contain any
// of the special date picture characters - d, M, y, g, '.
if (wcspbrk(pTemp, L"dMyg'")) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Call the server to set the registry.
return (SetMultipleUserInfo( LCType, cchData, lpLCData, pTemp, (Order == 0) ? L"0" : ((Order == 1) ? L"1" : L"2"), NULL, NULL )); break; } case ( LOCALE_SDATE ) : { //
// NOTE: Must link the SSHORTDATE value in the registry.
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_SDATE wide characters in length and should not
// contain any integer values (L'0' thru L'9').
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
if (!IsValidSeparatorString( lpLCData, MAX_SDATE, TRUE )) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Make sure that the date separator does NOT contain any
// of the special date picture characters - d, M, y, g, '.
if (wcspbrk(lpLCData, L"dMyg'")) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Get the current setting for SSHORTDATE.
if (GetUserInfo( Locale, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sShortDate), NLS_VALUE_SSHORTDATE, pOutput, ARRAYSIZE(pOutput), TRUE )) { pString = pOutput; } else { pString = (LPWORD)(pHashN->pLocaleHdr) + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SShortDate; }
// Get the current setting for SDATE.
if (GetUserInfo( Locale, LCType, FIELD_OFFSET(NLS_USER_INFO, sDate), NLS_VALUE_SDATE, pOutput2, ARRAYSIZE(pOutput2), TRUE )) { pSep = pOutput2; } else { pSep = (LPWORD)(pHashN->pLocaleHdr) + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SDate; }
// Get the length of the separator string.
SepLen = NlsStrLenW(pSep);
// Setup the string containing the characters to find in
// the shortdate string.
pFind[0] = NLS_CHAR_QUOTE; pFind[1] = *pSep; pFind[2] = 0;
// Find the date separator in the SSHORTDATE string and
// replace it with the new date separator.
// The new separator may be a different length than
// the old one, so must use a static buffer for the new
// short date format string.
pPos = pTemp; while (pPos2 = wcspbrk(pString, pFind)) { //
// Copy format string up to pPos2.
while (pString < pPos2) { *pPos = *pString; pPos++; pString++; }
switch (*pPos2) { case ( NLS_CHAR_QUOTE ) : { //
// Copy the quote.
*pPos = *pString; pPos++; pString++;
// Copy what's inside the quotes.
while ((*pString) && (*pString != NLS_CHAR_QUOTE)) { *pPos = *pString; pPos++; pString++; }
// Copy the end quote.
*pPos = NLS_CHAR_QUOTE; pPos++; if (*pString) { pString++; }
break; } default : { //
// Make sure it's the old separator.
if (NlsStrNEqualW(pString, pSep, SepLen)) { //
// Adjust pointer to skip over old separator.
pString += SepLen;
// Copy the new separator.
pPos2 = (LPWSTR)lpLCData; while (*pPos2) { *pPos = *pPos2; pPos++; pPos2++; } } else { //
// Copy the code point and continue.
*pPos = *pString; pPos++; pString++; }
break; } } }
// Copy to the end of the string and null terminate it.
while (*pString) { *pPos = *pString; pPos++; pString++; } *pPos = 0;
// Call the server to set the registry.
return (SetMultipleUserInfo( LCType, cchData, pTemp, lpLCData, NULL, NULL, NULL )); break; } case ( LOCALE_SYEARMONTH ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_SYEARMONTH wide characters in length.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null). This is checked below
// in the check for whether or not there is a date,
// month, or year delimeter.
if (cchData > MAX_SYEARMONTH) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Make sure one of 'M' or 'y' exists in the date
// format string. If it does not, then return an error.
pPos = wcspbrk(lpLCData, L"My"); if (!pPos) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new SYEARMONTH string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_SYEARMONTH, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_SLONGDATE ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_SLONGDATE wide characters in length.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null). This is checked below
// in the check for whether or not there is a date,
// month, or year delimeter.
if (cchData > MAX_SLONGDATE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Make sure one of 'd' or 'M' or 'y' exists in the date
// format string. If it does not, then return an error.
pPos = wcspbrk(lpLCData, L"dMy"); if (!pPos) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new SLONGDATE string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_SLONGDATE, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_ICALTYPE wide characters in length.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
if ((cchData < 2) || (cchData > MAX_ICALTYPE) || (!IsValidCalendarTypeStr(pHashN, lpLCData))) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new ICALENDARTYPE string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_IFIRSTDAY wide characters in length.
// The value should be between 0 and MAX_VALUE_IFIRSTDAY.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
// Optimized - since MAX_IFIRSTDAY is 2.
if ((cchData != MAX_IFIRSTDAY) || (*lpLCData < NLS_CHAR_ZERO) || (*lpLCData > MAX_CHAR_IFIRSTDAY)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } case ( LOCALE_IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR ) : { //
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_IFIRSTWEEK wide characters in length.
// The value should be between 0 and MAX_VALUE_IFIRSTWEEK.
// NOTE: The string may not be NULL, so it must be at least
// 2 chars long (includes null).
// Optimized - since MAX_IFIRSTWEEK is 2.
if ((cchData != MAX_IFIRSTWEEK) || (*lpLCData < NLS_CHAR_ZERO) || (*lpLCData > MAX_CHAR_IFIRSTWEEK)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR string.
return (SetUserInfo( LOCALE_IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR, (LPWSTR)lpLCData, cchData )); break; } default : { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); return (FALSE); } }
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// GetCalendarInfoW
// Returns one of the various pieces of information about a particular
// calendar by querying the configuration registry. This call also
// indicates how much memory is necessary to contain the desired
// information.
// 12-17-97 JulieB Created.
int WINAPI GetCalendarInfoW( LCID Locale, CALID Calendar, CALTYPE CalType, LPWSTR lpCalData, int cchData, LPDWORD lpValue) { PLOC_HASH pHashN; // ptr to LOC hash node
int Length = 0; // length of info string
LPWSTR pString; // ptr to the info string
BOOL UserOverride = TRUE; // use user override
BOOL ReturnNum = FALSE; // return number instead of string
WCHAR pTemp[MAX_REG_VAL_SIZE]; // temp buffer
UNICODE_STRING ObUnicodeStr; // value string
int Base = 0; // base for str to int conversion
LPWSTR pOptCal; // ptr to optional calendar values
PCAL_INFO pCalInfo; // ptr to calendar info
// Invalid Parameter Check:
// - validate LCID
// - count is negative
// - NULL data pointer AND count is not zero
VALIDATE_LOCALE(Locale, pHashN, FALSE); if ((pHashN == NULL) || (cchData < 0) || ((lpCalData == NULL) && (cchData != 0))) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (0); }
// Need to check the parameters based on the CAL_RETURN_NUMBER
// CalType.
if (CalType & CAL_RETURN_NUMBER) { if ((lpCalData != NULL) || (cchData != 0) || (lpValue == NULL)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (0); } } else { if ((lpValue != NULL) || (cchData < 0) || ((lpCalData == NULL) && (cchData != 0))) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (0); } }
// Check for NO USER OVERRIDE flag and remove the USE CP ACP flag.
if (CalType & CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE) { //
// Flag is set, so set the boolean value and remove the flag
// from the CalType parameter (for switch statement).
UserOverride = FALSE; } if (CalType & CAL_RETURN_NUMBER) { //
// Flag is set, so set the boolean value and remove the flag
// from the CalType parameter (for switch statement).
// Validate the Calendar parameter.
if (((CalType != CAL_ITWODIGITYEARMAX) && ((pOptCal = IsValidCalendarType(pHashN, Calendar)) == NULL)) || (GetCalendar(Calendar, &pCalInfo) != NO_ERROR)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (0); }
// Return the appropriate information for the given CALTYPE.
// If user information exists for the given CALTYPE, then
// the user default is returned instead of the system default.
switch (CalType) { case ( CAL_ICALINTVALUE ) : { Base = 10;
// Get the integer value for the given calendar.
pString = ((POPT_CAL)pOptCal)->pCalStr;
break; } case ( CAL_SCALNAME ) : { //
// Get the calendar name for the given calendar.
pString = ((POPT_CAL)pOptCal)->pCalStr + NlsStrLenW(((POPT_CAL)pOptCal)->pCalStr) + 1;
break; } case ( CAL_ITWODIGITYEARMAX ) : { Base = 10;
// Check if a policy is enforced for the current user,
// and if so, let's use it.
if (GetTwoDigitYearInfo(Calendar, pTemp, NLS_POLICY_TWO_DIGIT_YEAR_KEY)) { pString = pTemp; } else { if (UserOverride && GetTwoDigitYearInfo(Calendar, pTemp, NLS_TWO_DIGIT_YEAR_KEY)) { pString = pTemp; } else { //
// Use the default.
pString = (LPWORD)pCalInfo + (((PCALENDAR_VAR)pCalInfo)->STwoDigitYearMax); } }
break; } case ( CAL_IYEAROFFSETRANGE ) : { Base = 10;
// Get the pointer to the appropriate calendar string.
pString = (LPWORD)pCalInfo + (((PCALENDAR_VAR)pCalInfo)->SEraRanges);
// Make sure the string is NOT empty.
if (*pString) { pString = ((PERA_RANGE)pString)->pYearStr; } else { pString = L"0"; }
break; } case ( CAL_SERASTRING ) : { //
// Get the pointer to the appropriate calendar string.
pString = (LPWORD)pCalInfo + (((PCALENDAR_VAR)pCalInfo)->SEraRanges);
// Make sure the string is NOT empty. If it is, return the
// empty string.
if (*pString) { pString = ((PERA_RANGE)pString)->pYearStr + NlsStrLenW(((PERA_RANGE)pString)->pYearStr) + 1; }
break; } case ( CAL_SSHORTDATE ) : { //
// Get the pointer to the appropriate calendar string.
pString = (LPWORD)pCalInfo + (((PCALENDAR_VAR)pCalInfo)->SShortDate);
// Make sure the string is NOT empty. If it is, use the
// locale's short date string.
if (*pString == 0) { pString = (LPWORD)(pHashN->pLocaleHdr) + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SShortDate; }
break; } case ( CAL_SLONGDATE ) : { //
// Get the pointer to the appropriate calendar string.
pString = (LPWORD)pCalInfo + (((PCALENDAR_VAR)pCalInfo)->SLongDate);
// Make sure the string is NOT empty. If it is, use the
// locale's long date string.
if (*pString == 0) { pString = (LPWORD)(pHashN->pLocaleHdr) + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SLongDate; }
break; } case ( CAL_SYEARMONTH ) : { //
// Get the pointer to the appropriate calendar string.
pString = (LPWORD)pCalInfo + (((PCALENDAR_VAR)pCalInfo)->SYearMonth);
// Make sure the string is NOT empty. If it is, use the
// locale's year month string.
if (*pString == 0) { pString = (LPWORD)(pHashN->pLocaleHdr) + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SYearMonth; }
// Get the pointer to the appropriate calendar string if the
// IfNames flag is set for the calendar.
pString = NULL; if (((PCALENDAR_VAR)pCalInfo)->IfNames) { pString = (LPWORD)pCalInfo + *((LPWORD)((LPBYTE)(pCalInfo) + (FIELD_OFFSET(CALENDAR_VAR, SDayName1) + ((CalType - CAL_SDAYNAME1) * sizeof(WORD))))); }
// Make sure the string is NOT empty. If it is, use the
// locale's string.
if ((pString == NULL) || (*pString == 0)) { pString = (LPWORD)(pHashN->pLocaleHdr) + *((LPWORD)((LPBYTE)(pHashN->pLocaleHdr) + (FIELD_OFFSET(LOCALE_VAR, SDayName1) + ((CalType - CAL_SDAYNAME1) * sizeof(WORD))))); }
break; } default : { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); return (0); } }
// See if the caller wants the value in the form of a number instead
// of a string.
if (ReturnNum) { //
// Make sure the flags are valid and that the DWORD buffer
// is not NULL.
if (Base == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); return (0); }
if (lpValue == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (0); }
// Convert the string to an int and return 2 (1 DWORD = 2 WORDS).
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObUnicodeStr, pString); if (RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&ObUnicodeStr, Base, lpValue)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); return (0); } return (2); }
// Get the length (in characters) of the string to copy.
if (Length == 0) { Length = NlsStrLenW(pString); }
// Add one for the null termination. All strings should be null
// terminated.
// Check cchData for size of given buffer.
if (cchData == 0) { //
// If cchData is 0, then we can't use lpCalData. In this
// case, we simply want to return the length (in characters) of
// the string to be copied.
return (Length); } else if (cchData < Length) { //
// The buffer is too small for the string, so return an error
// and zero bytes written.
SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return (0); }
// Copy the string to lpCalData and null terminate it.
// Return the number of characters copied.
wcsncpy(lpCalData, pString, Length - 1); lpCalData[Length - 1] = 0; return (Length); }
// SetCalendarInfoW
// Sets one of the various pieces of information about a particular
// calendar by making an entry in the user's portion of the configuration
// registry. This will only affect the user override portion of the
// calendar settings. The system defaults will never be reset.
// 12-17-97 JulieB Created.
BOOL WINAPI SetCalendarInfoW( LCID Locale, CALID Calendar, CALTYPE CalType, LPCWSTR lpCalData) { PLOC_HASH pHashN; // ptr to LOC hash node
int cchData; // length of lpLCData
PCAL_INFO pCalInfo; // ptr to calendar info
UNICODE_STRING ObUnicodeStr; // value string
DWORD Value; // value
// Invalid Parameter Check:
// - validate LCID
// - NULL data pointer
// NOTE: invalid type is checked in the switch statement below.
VALIDATE_LOCALE(Locale, pHashN, FALSE); if ((pHashN == NULL) || (lpCalData == NULL)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Get the length of the buffer.
cchData = NlsStrLenW(lpCalData) + 1;
// Validate the Calendar parameter.
if (GetCalendar(Calendar, &pCalInfo) != NO_ERROR) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the appropriate user information for the given CALTYPE.
CalType &= (~CAL_USE_CP_ACP); switch (CalType) { case ( CAL_ITWODIGITYEARMAX ) : { //
// Get the default value to make sure the calendar is
// allowed to be set. Things like the Japanese Era calendar
// may not be set.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &ObUnicodeStr, ((LPWORD)pCalInfo + (((PCALENDAR_VAR)pCalInfo)->STwoDigitYearMax)) ); RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&ObUnicodeStr, 10, &Value); if (Value <= 99) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Validate the new value. It should be no longer than
// MAX_ITWODIGITYEAR wide characters in length.
// It should be between 99 and 9999.
if ((cchData > MAX_ITWODIGITYEAR) || (cchData < 3) || ((cchData == 3) && ((*lpCalData != NLS_CHAR_NINE) || (*(lpCalData + 1) != NLS_CHAR_NINE)))) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Set the registry with the new TwoDigitYearMax string.
return (SetTwoDigitYearInfo(Calendar, lpCalData, cchData)); break; } default : { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); return (FALSE); } }
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// SetUserInfo
// This routine sets the given value in the registry with the given data.
// All values must be of the type REG_SZ.
// NOTE: The handle to the registry key must be closed by the CALLER if
// the return value is NO_ERROR.
// 07-14-93 JulieB Created.
BOOL SetUserInfo( LCTYPE LCType, LPWSTR pData, ULONG DataLength) {
// Get the length of the value string.
DataLength *= sizeof(WCHAR);
// If there is no logged on user or the current security context
// isn't the logged-on interactive user, then set the registry
// value directly.
if (! NT_SUCCESS( NlsCheckForInteractiveUser() )) { return (SetCurrentUserRegValue(LCType, pData, DataLength)); }
// Call into server side (csrss.exe) to set the registry and update the cache for the current user.
Status = CsrBasepNlsSetUserInfo(LCType, pData, DataLength);
// Check to see if the "set" operation succeeded.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// We got a failure. Try using just the registry apis to set the
// registry. It's possible that the cache is not valid yet if this
// is called from setup or winlogon.
return (SetCurrentUserRegValue(LCType, pData, DataLength)); }
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// SetCurrentUserRegValue
// Set the registry value for the current security context. This routine
// is called when the current security context is different from the logged
// on user.
// 12-26-98 SamerA Created.
BOOL SetCurrentUserRegValue( LCTYPE LCType, LPWSTR pData, ULONG DataLength) { HANDLE hKey = NULL; LPWSTR pValue; LPWSTR pCache;
if (0 == ValidateLCType(pNlsUserInfo, LCType, &pValue, &pCache)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Open the registry for the current security context
OPEN_CPANEL_INTL_KEY(hKey, FALSE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE); if (SetRegValue(hKey, pValue, pData, DataLength) != NO_ERROR) { CLOSE_REG_KEY(hKey); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS); return (FALSE); }
// Flush the process cache entry, if needed.
return (TRUE); }
// SetMultipleUserInfoInRegistry
// This routine sets the given multiple values in the registry with the
// given data. All values must be of the type REG_SZ.
// 06-11-98 JulieB Created.
BOOL SetMultipleUserInfoInRegistry( DWORD dwFlags, int cchData, LPCWSTR pPicture, LPCWSTR pSeparator, LPCWSTR pOrder, LPCWSTR pTLZero, LPCWSTR pTimeMarkPosn) { HANDLE hKey = NULL; ULONG rc = 0L;
// Open the Control Panel International registry key.
// Save the appropriate values in the registry based on the flags.
switch (dwFlags) { case ( LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT ) : { rc = SetRegValue( hKey, NLS_VALUE_STIMEFORMAT, pPicture, cchData * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT);
rc = SetRegValue( hKey, NLS_VALUE_STIME, pSeparator, (lstrlen(pSeparator) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); } if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_STIME);
rc = SetRegValue( hKey, NLS_VALUE_ITIME, pOrder, (lstrlen(pOrder) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); } if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_ITIME);
rc = SetRegValue( hKey, NLS_VALUE_ITLZERO, pTLZero, (lstrlen(pTLZero) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); } if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_ITLZERO);
rc = SetRegValue( hKey, NLS_VALUE_ITIMEMARKPOSN, pTimeMarkPosn, (lstrlen(pTimeMarkPosn) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_ITIMEMARKPOSN); } }
break; } case ( LOCALE_STIME ) : { rc = SetRegValue( hKey, NLS_VALUE_STIME, pSeparator, cchData * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_STIME);
rc = SetRegValue( hKey, NLS_VALUE_STIMEFORMAT, pPicture, (lstrlen(pPicture) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT); } }
break; } case ( LOCALE_ITIME ) : { rc = SetRegValue( hKey, NLS_VALUE_ITIME, pOrder, cchData * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_ITIME);
rc = SetRegValue( hKey, NLS_VALUE_STIMEFORMAT, pPicture, (lstrlen(pPicture) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT); } }
break; } case ( LOCALE_SSHORTDATE ) : { rc = SetRegValue( hKey, NLS_VALUE_SSHORTDATE, pPicture, cchData * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_SSHORTDATE);
rc = SetRegValue( hKey, NLS_VALUE_SDATE, pSeparator, (lstrlen(pSeparator) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); } if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_SDATE);
rc = SetRegValue( hKey, NLS_VALUE_IDATE, pOrder, (lstrlen(pOrder) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_IDATE); } }
break; } case ( LOCALE_SDATE ) : { rc = SetRegValue( hKey, NLS_VALUE_SDATE, pSeparator, cchData * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_SDATE);
rc = SetRegValue( hKey, NLS_VALUE_SSHORTDATE, pPicture, (lstrlen(pPicture) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { NlsFlushProcessCache(LOCALE_SSHORTDATE); } }
break; } default : { CLOSE_REG_KEY(hKey); return (FALSE); } }
// Close the registry key.
// Return the result.
return (rc == NO_ERROR); }
// SetMultipleUserInfo
// This routine calls the server to set multiple registry values. This way,
// only one client/server transition is necessary.
// 08-19-94 JulieB Created.
BOOL SetMultipleUserInfo( DWORD dwFlags, int cchData, LPCWSTR pPicture, LPCWSTR pSeparator, LPCWSTR pOrder, LPCWSTR pTLZero, LPCWSTR pTimeMarkPosn) { NTSTATUS Status;
// If there is no logged on user or the current security context
// isn't the logged-on interactive user, then set the registry
// value directly.
if (! NT_SUCCESS( NlsCheckForInteractiveUser() )) { if (SetMultipleUserInfoInRegistry( dwFlags, cchData, pPicture, pSeparator, pOrder, pTLZero, pTimeMarkPosn ) == FALSE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS); return (FALSE); }
return (TRUE); }
Status = CsrBasepNlsSetMultipleUserInfo(dwFlags, cchData, pPicture, pSeparator, pOrder, pTLZero, pTimeMarkPosn ); //
// Check to see if the "set" operation succeeded.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// We got a failure. Try using just the registry apis to set the
// registry. It's possible that the cache is not valid yet if this
// is called from setup or winlogon.
if (SetMultipleUserInfoInRegistry( dwFlags, cchData, pPicture, pSeparator, pOrder, pTLZero, pTimeMarkPosn ) == FALSE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS); return (FALSE); } }
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// GetTwoDigitYearInfo
// This routine gets the two digit year info from the registry.
// 12-17-97 JulieB Created.
BOOL GetTwoDigitYearInfo( CALID Calendar, LPWSTR pYearInfo, PWSTR pwszKeyPath) { HANDLE hKey = NULL; // handle to key
WCHAR pCalStr[MAX_PATH]; // ptr to calendar id string
PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION pKeyValueFull; // ptr to query info
BYTE pStatic[MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO]; // ptr to static buffer
BOOL IfAlloc = FALSE; // if buffer was allocated
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
BOOL bResult = FALSE; // result
UNICODE_STRING ObUnicodeStr; // year string
DWORD Year; // year value
// Open the Control Panel International registry key.
if (OpenRegKey( &hKey, NULL, pwszKeyPath, KEY_READ ) != NO_ERROR) { return (FALSE); }
// Convert calendar value to Unicode string.
if (NlsConvertIntegerToString(Calendar, 10, 0, pCalStr, MAX_PATH)) { NtClose(hKey); return (FALSE); }
// Query the registry for the TwoDigitYearMax value.
pKeyValueFull = (PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION)pStatic; rc = QueryRegValue( hKey, pCalStr, &pKeyValueFull, MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO, &IfAlloc );
// Close the registry key.
// See if the TwoDigitYearMax value is present.
if (rc != NO_ERROR) { return (FALSE); }
// See if the TwoDigitYearMax data is present.
if (pKeyValueFull->DataLength > 2) { //
// Copy the info.
NlsStrCpyW(pYearInfo, GET_VALUE_DATA_PTR(pKeyValueFull));
// Make sure the value is between 99 and 9999.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObUnicodeStr, pYearInfo); if ((RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&ObUnicodeStr, 10, &Year) == NO_ERROR) && (Year >= 99) && (Year <= 9999)) { bResult = TRUE; } }
// Free the buffer used for the query.
if (IfAlloc) { NLS_FREE_MEM(pKeyValueFull); }
// Return the result.
return (bResult); }
// SetTwoDigitYearInfo
// This routine sets the two digit year info in the registry.
// 12-17-97 JulieB Created.
BOOL SetTwoDigitYearInfo( CALID Calendar, LPCWSTR pYearInfo, int cchData) { HANDLE hKey = NULL; // handle to key
WCHAR pCalStr[MAX_PATH]; // ptr to calendar id string
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
// Open the Control Panel International registry key.
// If it doesn't exist, then we have to create each subkey
// separately.
// Registry key does not exist, so create each subkey
// separately.
if (CreateRegKey( &hKey, NULL, NLS_CALENDARS_KEY, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE ) == NO_ERROR) { if (CreateRegKey( &hKey, NULL, NLS_TWO_DIGIT_YEAR_KEY, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE ) != NO_ERROR) { return (FALSE); } } else { return (FALSE); } }
// Make sure all Gregorian calendars are set to the same value.
switch (Calendar) { case ( 1 ) : case ( 2 ) : case ( 9 ) : case ( 10 ) : case ( 11 ) : case ( 12 ) : { rc = SetRegValue(hKey, L"1", pYearInfo, (ULONG)cchData * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { rc = SetRegValue(hKey, L"2", pYearInfo, (ULONG)cchData * sizeof(WCHAR)); } if (rc == NO_ERROR) { rc = SetRegValue(hKey, L"9", pYearInfo, (ULONG)cchData * sizeof(WCHAR)); } if (rc == NO_ERROR) { rc = SetRegValue(hKey, L"10", pYearInfo, (ULONG)cchData * sizeof(WCHAR)); } if (rc == NO_ERROR) { rc = SetRegValue(hKey, L"11", pYearInfo, (ULONG)cchData * sizeof(WCHAR)); } if (rc == NO_ERROR) { rc = SetRegValue(hKey, L"12", pYearInfo, (ULONG)cchData * sizeof(WCHAR)); }
break; } default : { //
// Convert calendar value to Unicode string.
if (NlsConvertIntegerToString(Calendar, 10, 0, pCalStr, MAX_PATH)) { NtClose(hKey); return (FALSE); }
// Set the TwoDigitYearMax value in the registry.
rc = SetRegValue(hKey, pCalStr, pYearInfo, (ULONG)cchData * sizeof(WCHAR));
break; } }
// Update the NlsCacheUpdateCount inside csrss
if (rc == NO_ERROR) { CsrBasepNlsUpdateCacheCount(); }
// Close the registry key.
// Return the result.
return (rc == NO_ERROR); }