Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This file contains functions that convert UTF strings to Unicode strings and Unicode string to UTF strings.
External Routines found in this file: UTFCPInfo UTFToUnicode UnicodeToUTF
Revision History:
02-06-96 JulieB Created. 03-20-99 SamerA Surrogate support. --*/
// Include Files.
#include "nls.h"
#include "utf.h"
// Forward Declarations.
int UTF7ToUnicode( LPCSTR lpSrcStr, int cchSrc, LPWSTR lpDestStr, int cchDest);
int UTF8ToUnicode( LPCSTR lpSrcStr, int cchSrc, LPWSTR lpDestStr, int cchDest, DWORD dwFlags);
int UnicodeToUTF7( LPCWSTR lpSrcStr, int cchSrc, LPSTR lpDestStr, int cchDest);
int UnicodeToUTF8( LPCWSTR lpSrcStr, int cchSrc, LPSTR lpDestStr, int cchDest);
// UTFCPInfo
// Gets the CPInfo for the given UTF code page.
// 10-23-96 JulieB Created.
BOOL UTFCPInfo( UINT CodePage, LPCPINFO lpCPInfo, BOOL fExVer) { int ctr;
// Invalid Parameter Check:
// - validate code page
// - lpCPInfo is NULL
if ( (CodePage < CP_UTF7) || (CodePage > CP_UTF8) || (lpCPInfo == NULL) ) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (0); }
switch (CodePage) { case ( CP_UTF7 ) : { lpCPInfo->MaxCharSize = 5; break; } case ( CP_UTF8 ) : { lpCPInfo->MaxCharSize = 4; break; } }
(lpCPInfo->DefaultChar)[0] = '?'; (lpCPInfo->DefaultChar)[1] = (BYTE)0;
for (ctr = 0; ctr < MAX_LEADBYTES; ctr++) { (lpCPInfo->LeadByte)[ctr] = (BYTE)0; }
lpCPInfoEx->UnicodeDefaultChar = L'?'; lpCPInfoEx->CodePage = CodePage; }
return (TRUE); }
// UTFToUnicode
// Maps a UTF character string to its wide character string counterpart.
// 02-06-96 JulieB Created.
int UTFToUnicode( UINT CodePage, DWORD dwFlags, LPCSTR lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, LPWSTR lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar) { int rc = 0;
// Invalid Parameter Check:
// - validate code page
// - length of MB string is 0
// - wide char buffer size is negative
// - MB string is NULL
// - length of WC string is NOT zero AND
// (WC string is NULL OR src and dest pointers equal)
if ( (CodePage < CP_UTF7) || (CodePage > CP_UTF8) || (cbMultiByte == 0) || (cchWideChar < 0) || (lpMultiByteStr == NULL) || ((cchWideChar != 0) && ((lpWideCharStr == NULL) || (lpMultiByteStr == (LPSTR)lpWideCharStr))) ) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (0); }
// Invalid Flags Check:
// - UTF7: flags not 0.
// - UTF8: flags not 0 nor MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS.
if (CodePage == CP_UTF8) { // UTF8
if ((dwFlags & ~MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS) != 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); return (0); } } else if (dwFlags != 0) { // UTF7
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); return (0); }
// If cbMultiByte is -1, then the string is null terminated and we
// need to get the length of the string. Add one to the length to
// include the null termination. (This will always be at least 1.)
if (cbMultiByte <= -1) { cbMultiByte = strlen(lpMultiByteStr) + 1; }
switch (CodePage) { case ( CP_UTF7 ) : { rc = UTF7ToUnicode( lpMultiByteStr, cbMultiByte, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar ); break; } case ( CP_UTF8 ) : { rc = UTF8ToUnicode( lpMultiByteStr, cbMultiByte, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, dwFlags); break; } }
return (rc); }
// UnicodeToUTF
// Maps a Unicode character string to its UTF string counterpart.
// 02-06-96 JulieB Created.
int UnicodeToUTF( UINT CodePage, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar, LPSTR lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, LPCSTR lpDefaultChar, LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar) { int rc = 0;
// Invalid Parameter Check:
// - validate code page
// - length of WC string is 0
// - multibyte buffer size is negative
// - WC string is NULL
// - length of WC string is NOT zero AND
// (MB string is NULL OR src and dest pointers equal)
// - lpDefaultChar and lpUsedDefaultChar not NULL
if ( (CodePage < CP_UTF7) || (CodePage > CP_UTF8) || (cchWideChar == 0) || (cbMultiByte < 0) || (lpWideCharStr == NULL) || ((cbMultiByte != 0) && ((lpMultiByteStr == NULL) || (lpWideCharStr == (LPWSTR)lpMultiByteStr))) || (lpDefaultChar != NULL) || (lpUsedDefaultChar != NULL) ) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (0); }
// Invalid Flags Check:
// - flags not 0
if (dwFlags != 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); return (0); }
// If cchWideChar is -1, then the string is null terminated and we
// need to get the length of the string. Add one to the length to
// include the null termination. (This will always be at least 1.)
if (cchWideChar <= -1) { cchWideChar = NlsStrLenW(lpWideCharStr) + 1; }
switch (CodePage) { case ( CP_UTF7 ) : { rc = UnicodeToUTF7( lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, lpMultiByteStr, cbMultiByte ); break; } case ( CP_UTF8 ) : { rc = UnicodeToUTF8( lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, lpMultiByteStr, cbMultiByte ); break; } }
return (rc); }
// UTF7ToUnicode
// Maps a UTF-7 character string to its wide character string counterpart.
// 02-06-96 JulieB Created.
int UTF7ToUnicode( LPCSTR lpSrcStr, int cchSrc, LPWSTR lpDestStr, int cchDest) { //CHAR is signed, so we have to cast lpSrcStr to an unsigned char below.
BYTE* pUTF7 = (BYTE*)lpSrcStr; BOOL fShift = FALSE; DWORD dwBit = 0; // 32-bit buffer to hold temporary bits
int iPos = 0; // 6-bit position pointer in the buffer
int cchWC = 0; // # of Unicode code points generated
while ((cchSrc--) && ((cchDest == 0) || (cchWC < cchDest))) { if (*pUTF7 > ASCII) { //
// Error - non ASCII char, so zero extend it.
if (cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchWC] = (WCHAR)*pUTF7; } cchWC++; // Terminate the shifted sequence.
fShift = FALSE; } else if (!fShift) { //
// Not in shifted sequence.
if (*pUTF7 == SHIFT_IN) { if (cchSrc && (pUTF7[1] == SHIFT_OUT)) { //
// "+-" means "+"
if (cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchWC] = (WCHAR)*pUTF7; } pUTF7++; cchSrc--; cchWC++; } else { //
// Start a new shift sequence.
fShift = TRUE; } } else { //
// No need to shift.
if (cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchWC] = (WCHAR)*pUTF7; } cchWC++; } } else { //
// Already in shifted sequence.
if (nBitBase64[*pUTF7] == -1) { //
// Any non Base64 char also ends shift state.
if (*pUTF7 != SHIFT_OUT) { //
// Not "-", so write it to the buffer.
if (cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchWC] = (WCHAR)*pUTF7; } cchWC++; }
// Reset bits.
fShift = FALSE; dwBit = 0; iPos = 0; } else { //
// Store the bits in the 6-bit buffer and adjust the
// position pointer.
dwBit |= ((DWORD)nBitBase64[*pUTF7]) << (26 - iPos); iPos += 6; }
// Output the 16-bit Unicode value.
while (iPos >= 16) { if (cchDest) { if (cchWC < cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchWC] = (WCHAR)(dwBit >> 16); } else { break; } } cchWC++;
dwBit <<= 16; iPos -= 16; } if (iPos >= 16) { //
// Error - buffer too small.
cchSrc++; break; } }
pUTF7++; }
// Make sure the destination buffer was large enough.
if (cchDest && (cchSrc >= 0)) { if (cchSrc == 0 && fShift && *(pUTF7--) == SHIFT_OUT) { //
// Do nothing here.
// If we are in shift-in mode previously, and the last byte is a shift-out byte ('-'),
// we should absorb this byte. So don't set error.
} else { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return (0); } }
// Return the number of Unicode characters written.
return (cchWC); }
// UTF8ToUnicode
// Maps a UTF-8 character string to its wide character string counterpart.
// 02-06-96 JulieB Created.
int UTF8ToUnicode( LPCSTR lpSrcStr, int cchSrc, LPWSTR lpDestStr, int cchDest, DWORD dwFlags ) { int nTB = 0; // # trail bytes to follow
int cchWC = 0; // # of Unicode code points generated
CONST BYTE* pUTF8 = (CONST BYTE*)lpSrcStr; DWORD dwSurrogateChar; // Full surrogate char
BOOL bSurrogatePair = FALSE; // Indicate we'r collecting a surrogate pair
BOOL bCheckInvalidBytes = (dwFlags & MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS); BYTE UTF8;
while ((cchSrc--) && ((cchDest == 0) || (cchWC < cchDest))) { //
// See if there are any trail bytes.
if (BIT7(*pUTF8) == 0) { //
// Found ASCII.
if (cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchWC] = (WCHAR)*pUTF8; } nTB = bSurrogatePair = 0; cchWC++; } else if (BIT6(*pUTF8) == 0) { //
// Found a trail byte.
// Note : Ignore the trail byte if there was no lead byte.
if (nTB != 0) { //
// Decrement the trail byte counter.
if (bSurrogatePair) { dwSurrogateChar <<= 6; dwSurrogateChar |= LOWER_6_BIT(*pUTF8);
if (nTB == 0) { if (cchDest) { if ((cchWC + 1) < cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchWC] = (WCHAR) (((dwSurrogateChar - 0x10000) >> 10) + HIGH_SURROGATE_START);
lpDestStr[cchWC+1] = (WCHAR) ((dwSurrogateChar - 0x10000)%0x400 + LOW_SURROGATE_START); } else { // Error : Buffer too small
cchSrc++; break; } }
cchWC += 2; bSurrogatePair = FALSE; } } else { //
// Make room for the trail byte and add the trail byte
// value.
if (cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchWC] <<= 6; lpDestStr[cchWC] |= LOWER_6_BIT(*pUTF8); }
if (nTB == 0) { //
// End of sequence. Advance the output counter.
cchWC++; } } } else { if (bCheckInvalidBytes) { SetLastError(ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION); return (0); } // error - not expecting a trail byte. That is, there is a trailing byte without leading byte.
bSurrogatePair = FALSE; } } else { //
// Found a lead byte.
if (nTB > 0) { // error - A leading byte before the previous sequence is completed.
if (bCheckInvalidBytes) { SetLastError(ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION); return (0); } //
// Error - previous sequence not finished.
nTB = 0; bSurrogatePair = FALSE; // Put this character back so that we can start over another sequence.
cchSrc++; pUTF8--; } else { //
// Calculate the number of bytes to follow.
// Look for the first 0 from left to right.
UTF8 = *pUTF8; while (BIT7(UTF8) != 0) { UTF8 <<= 1; nTB++; }
// Check for non-shortest form.
switch (nTB) { case 1: nTB = 0; break; case 2: // Make sure that bit 8 ~ bit 11 is not all zero.
// 110XXXXx 10xxxxxx
if ((*pUTF8 & 0x1e) == 0) { nTB = 0; } break; case 3: // Look ahead to check for non-shortest form.
// 1110XXXX 10Xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
if (cchSrc >= 2) { if (((*pUTF8 & 0x0f) == 0) && (*(pUTF8 + 1) & 0x20) == 0) { nTB = 0; } } break; case 4: //
// This is a surrogate unicode pair
if (cchSrc >= 3) { WORD word = (((WORD)*pUTF8) << 8) | *(pUTF8 + 1); // Look ahead to check for non-shortest form.
// 11110XXX 10XXxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
// Check for the 5 bits are not all zero.
// 0x0730 == 00000111 11000000
if ((word & 0x0730) == 0) { nTB = 0; } else if ((word & 0x0400) == 0x0400) { // The 21st bit is 1.
// Make sure that the resulting Unicode is within the valid surrogate range.
// The 4 byte code sequence can hold up to 21 bits, and the maximum valid code point ragne
// that Unicode (with surrogate) could represent are from U+000000 ~ U+10FFFF.
// Therefore, if the 21 bit (the most significant bit) is 1, we should verify that the 17 ~ 20
// bit are all zero.
// I.e., in 11110XXX 10XXxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx,
// XXXXX can only be 10000.
// 0x0330 = 0000 0011 0011 0000
if ((word & 0x0330) != 0) { nTB = 0; } }
if (nTB != 0) { dwSurrogateChar = UTF8 >> nTB; bSurrogatePair = TRUE; } } break; default: //
// If the bits is greater than 4, this is an invalid
// UTF8 lead byte.
nTB = 0; break; }
if (nTB != 0) { //
// Store the value from the first byte and decrement
// the number of bytes to follow.
if (cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchWC] = UTF8 >> nTB; } nTB--; } else { if (bCheckInvalidBytes) { SetLastError(ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION); return (0); } } } } pUTF8++; }
if ((bCheckInvalidBytes && nTB != 0) || (cchWC == 0)) { // About (cchWC == 0):
// Because we now throw away non-shortest form, it is possible that we generate 0 chars.
// In this case, we have to set error to ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION so that we conform
// to the spec of MultiByteToWideChar.
SetLastError(ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION); return (0); } //
// Make sure the destination buffer was large enough.
if (cchDest && (cchSrc >= 0)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return (0); }
// Return the number of Unicode characters written.
return (cchWC); }
// UnicodeToUTF7
// Maps a Unicode character string to its UTF-7 string counterpart.
// 02-06-96 JulieB Created.
int UnicodeToUTF7( LPCWSTR lpSrcStr, int cchSrc, LPSTR lpDestStr, int cchDest) { LPCWSTR lpWC = lpSrcStr; BOOL fShift = FALSE; DWORD dwBit = 0; // 32-bit buffer
int iPos = 0; // 6-bit position in buffer
int cchU7 = 0; // # of UTF7 chars generated
while ((cchSrc--) && ((cchDest == 0) || (cchU7 < cchDest))) { if ((*lpWC > ASCII) || (fShiftChar[*lpWC])) { //
// Need shift. Store 16 bits in buffer.
dwBit |= ((DWORD)*lpWC) << (16 - iPos); iPos += 16;
if (!fShift) { //
// Not in shift state, so add "+".
if (cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU7] = SHIFT_IN; } cchU7++;
// Go into shift state.
fShift = TRUE; }
// Output 6 bits at a time as Base64 chars.
while (iPos >= 6) { if (cchDest) { if (cchU7 < cchDest) { //
// 26 = 32 - 6
lpDestStr[cchU7] = cBase64[(int)(dwBit >> 26)]; } else { break; } }
cchU7++; dwBit <<= 6; // remove from bit buffer
iPos -= 6; // adjust position pointer
} if (iPos >= 6) { //
// Error - buffer too small.
cchSrc++; break; } } else { //
// No need to shift.
if (fShift) { //
// End the shift sequence.
fShift = FALSE;
if (iPos != 0) { //
// Some bits left in dwBit.
if (cchDest) { if ((cchU7 + 1) < cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU7++] = cBase64[(int)(dwBit >> 26)]; lpDestStr[cchU7++] = SHIFT_OUT; } else { //
// Error - buffer too small.
cchSrc++; break; } } else { cchU7 += 2; }
dwBit = 0; // reset bit buffer
iPos = 0; // reset postion pointer
} else { //
// Simply end the shift sequence.
if (cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU7++] = SHIFT_OUT; } else { cchU7++; } } }
// Write the character to the buffer.
// If the character is "+", then write "+-".
if (cchDest) { if (cchU7 < cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU7++] = (char)*lpWC;
if (*lpWC == SHIFT_IN) { if (cchU7 < cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU7++] = SHIFT_OUT; } else { //
// Error - buffer too small.
cchSrc++; break; } } } else { //
// Error - buffer too small.
cchSrc++; break; } } else { cchU7++;
if (*lpWC == SHIFT_IN) { cchU7++; } } }
lpWC++; }
// See if we're still in the shift state.
if (fShift) { if (iPos != 0) { //
// Some bits left in dwBit.
if (cchDest) { if ((cchU7 + 1) < cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU7++] = cBase64[(int)(dwBit >> 26)]; lpDestStr[cchU7++] = SHIFT_OUT; } else { //
// Error - buffer too small.
cchSrc++; } } else { cchU7 += 2; } } else { //
// Simply end the shift sequence.
if (cchDest) { if (cchU7 < cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU7++] = SHIFT_OUT; } else { //
// Error - buffer too small.
cchSrc++; } } else { cchU7++; } } }
// Make sure the destination buffer was large enough.
if (cchDest && (cchSrc >= 0)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return (0); }
// Return the number of UTF-7 characters written.
return (cchU7); }
// UnicodeToUTF8
// Maps a Unicode character string to its UTF-8 string counterpart.
// 02-06-96 JulieB Created.
int UnicodeToUTF8( LPCWSTR lpSrcStr, int cchSrc, LPSTR lpDestStr, int cchDest) { LPCWSTR lpWC = lpSrcStr; int cchU8 = 0; // # of UTF8 chars generated
DWORD dwSurrogateChar; WCHAR wchHighSurrogate = 0; BOOL bHandled;
while ((cchSrc--) && ((cchDest == 0) || (cchU8 < cchDest))) { bHandled = FALSE;
// Check if high surrogate is available
if ((*lpWC >= HIGH_SURROGATE_START) && (*lpWC <= HIGH_SURROGATE_END)) { if (cchDest) { // Another high surrogate, then treat the 1st as normal
// Unicode character.
if (wchHighSurrogate) { if ((cchU8 + 2) < cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_1ST_OF_3 | HIGHER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | MIDDLE_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | LOWER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); } else { // not enough buffer
cchSrc++; break; } } } else { cchU8 += 3; } wchHighSurrogate = *lpWC; bHandled = TRUE; }
if (!bHandled && wchHighSurrogate) { if ((*lpWC >= LOW_SURROGATE_START) && (*lpWC <= LOW_SURROGATE_END)) { // wheee, valid surrogate pairs
if (cchDest) { if ((cchU8 + 3) < cchDest) { dwSurrogateChar = (((wchHighSurrogate-0xD800) << 10) + (*lpWC - 0xDC00) + 0x10000);
lpDestStr[cchU8++] = (UTF8_1ST_OF_4 | (unsigned char)(dwSurrogateChar >> 18)); // 3 bits from 1st byte
lpDestStr[cchU8++] = (UTF8_TRAIL | (unsigned char)((dwSurrogateChar >> 12) & 0x3f)); // 6 bits from 2nd byte
lpDestStr[cchU8++] = (UTF8_TRAIL | (unsigned char)((dwSurrogateChar >> 6) & 0x3f)); // 6 bits from 3rd byte
lpDestStr[cchU8++] = (UTF8_TRAIL | (unsigned char)(0x3f & dwSurrogateChar)); // 6 bits from 4th byte
} else { // not enough buffer
cchSrc++; break; } } else { // we already counted 3 previously (in high surrogate)
cchU8 ++; }
bHandled = TRUE; } else { // Bad Surrogate pair : ERROR
// Just process wchHighSurrogate , and the code below will
// process the current code point
if (cchDest) { if ((cchU8 + 2) < cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_1ST_OF_3 | HIGHER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | MIDDLE_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | LOWER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); } else { // not enough buffer
cchSrc++; break; } } }
wchHighSurrogate = 0; }
if (!bHandled) { if (*lpWC <= ASCII) { //
// Found ASCII.
if (cchDest) { if (cchU8 < cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU8] = (char)*lpWC; } else { //
// Error - buffer too small.
cchSrc++; break; } } cchU8++; } else if (*lpWC <= UTF8_2_MAX) { //
// Found 2 byte sequence if < 0x07ff (11 bits).
if (cchDest) { if ((cchU8 + 1) < cchDest) { //
// Use upper 5 bits in first byte.
// Use lower 6 bits in second byte.
lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_1ST_OF_2 | (*lpWC >> 6); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | LOWER_6_BIT(*lpWC); } else { //
// Error - buffer too small.
cchSrc++; break; } } else { cchU8 += 2; } } else { //
// Found 3 byte sequence.
if (cchDest) { if ((cchU8 + 2) < cchDest) { //
// Use upper 4 bits in first byte.
// Use middle 6 bits in second byte.
// Use lower 6 bits in third byte.
lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_1ST_OF_3 | HIGHER_6_BIT(*lpWC); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | MIDDLE_6_BIT(*lpWC); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | LOWER_6_BIT(*lpWC); } else { //
// Error - buffer too small.
cchSrc++; break; } } else { cchU8 += 3; } } }
lpWC++; }
// If the last character was a high surrogate, then handle it as a normal
// unicode character.
if ((cchSrc < 0) && (wchHighSurrogate != 0)) { if (cchDest) { if ((cchU8 + 2) < cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_1ST_OF_3 | HIGHER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | MIDDLE_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | LOWER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); } else { cchSrc++; } } }
// Make sure the destination buffer was large enough.
if (cchDest && (cchSrc >= 0)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return (0); }
// Return the number of UTF-8 characters written.
return (cchU8); }