// File: dllentry.cpp
// Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// Purpose:
// Defines the initialization routines for the DLL.
// This file needs minor changes, as marked by TODO comments. However, the
// functions herein are only called by the system, Espresso, or the framework,
// and you should not need to look at them extensively.
// Owner:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "clasfact.h"
#include "win32sub.h"
#include "impbin.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "resource.h"
#define __DLLENTRY_CPP
#include "dllvars.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#define new DEBUG_NEW
LONG g_lActiveClasses = 0; //Glbal count of active class in the DLL
static AFX_EXTENSION_MODULE g_parseDLL = { NULL, NULL }; CItemSetException g_SetException(FALSE);
// DLL Main entry
extern "C" int APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpReserved); int nRet = 1; //OK
if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { LTTRACE("BMOF.DLL Initializing!\n"); //TODO - change name
// Extension DLL one-time initialization
AfxInitExtensionModule(g_parseDLL, hInstance);
// Insert this DLL into the resource chain
new CDynLinkLibrary(g_parseDLL); g_hDll = hInstance;
} else if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { LTTRACE("BMOF.DLL Terminating!\n"); //TODO - change name
// Remove this DLL from MFC's list of extensions
// If there are active classes, they WILL explode badly once the
// DLL is unloaded...
LTASSERT(DllCanUnloadNow() == S_OK); AfxTermExtensionModule(g_parseDLL); } return nRet; }
// TODO: Use GUIDGEN.EXE to replace this class ID with a unique one.
// GUIDGEN is supplied with MSDEV (VC++ 4.0) as part of the OLE support stuff.
// Run it and you'll get a little dialog box. Pick radio button 3, "static
// const struct GUID = {...}". Click on the "New GUID" button, then the "Copy"
// button, which puts the result in the clipboard. From there, you can just
// paste it into here. Just remember to change the type to CLSID!
// {8B75CD76-DFC1-4356-AC04-AF088B448AB3}
static const CLSID ciImpParserCLSID = { 0x8b75cd76, 0xdfc1, 0x4356, { 0xac, 0x4, 0xaf, 0x8, 0x8b, 0x44, 0x8a, 0xb3 } };
// Return the CLSID of the parser
STDAPI_(void) DllGetParserCLSID( CLSID &ciParserCLSID) { ciParserCLSID = ciImpParserCLSID; }
// Entry point to register this parser. Calls base implementation in ESPUTIL.
STDAPI DllRegisterParser() { LTASSERT(g_hDll != NULL);
HRESULT hr = ResultFromScode(E_UNEXPECTED);
try { hr = RegisterParser(g_hDll); } catch (CException* pE) { pE->Delete(); } catch (...) { }
return ResultFromScode(hr); }
// Entry point to unregister this parser. Calls the base implementation in
STDAPI DllUnregisterParser() { LTASSERT(g_hDll != NULL);
HRESULT hr = ResultFromScode(E_UNEXPECTED);
try { //TODO**: Change pidBMOF to real sub parser ID
hr = UnregisterParser(pidBMOF, pidWin32); } catch (CException* pE) { pE->Delete(); } catch (...) { }
return ResultFromScode(hr); }
// Return the class factory for the requested class ID
STDAPI DllGetClassObject( REFCLSID cidRequestedClass, REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppClassFactory) { SCODE sc = E_UNEXPECTED;
*ppClassFactory = NULL;
if (cidRequestedClass != ciImpParserCLSID) { sc = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; } else { try { CLocImpClassFactory *pClassFactory;
pClassFactory = new CLocImpClassFactory;
sc = pClassFactory->QueryInterface(iid, ppClassFactory);
pClassFactory->Release(); } catch (CMemoryException *pMem) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; pMem->Delete(); } catch (CException* pE) { sc = E_UNEXPECTED; pE->Delete(); } catch (...) { sc = E_UNEXPECTED; } } return ResultFromScode(sc); }
// Return true if the parser can be unloaded
STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow(void) { SCODE sc = (g_lActiveClasses == 0) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
return ResultFromScode(sc); }
// Increment the global count of active classes
void IncrementClassCount(void) { InterlockedIncrement(&g_lActiveClasses); }
// Decrement the global count of active classes
void DecrementClassCount(void) { LTASSERT(g_lActiveClasses != 0); InterlockedDecrement(&g_lActiveClasses);
// Throw a item set exception
void ThrowItemSetException() { throw &g_SetException; }
// Report a error through the reporter. This function will never
// fail or throw an exception out of the function.
void ReportException( CException* pExcep, //May be null
C32File* p32File, //May be null
CLocItem* pItem, //May be null
CReporter* pReporter) {
LTASSERT(NULL != pReporter); //Don't let this function throw an exception since it is normally called
//within exception catch blocks
try { CLString strContext;
if (NULL != p32File) { strContext = p32File->GetFile()->GetFilePath(); } else { LTVERIFY(strContext.LoadString(g_hDll, IDS_IMP_DESC)); }
CLString strExcep; BOOL bErrorFormatted = FALSE;
if (NULL != pExcep) { bErrorFormatted = pExcep->GetErrorMessage(strExcep.GetBuffer(512), 512); strExcep.ReleaseBuffer(); }
if (!bErrorFormatted || NULL == pExcep) { LTVERIFY(strExcep.LoadString(g_hDll, IDS_IMP_UNKNOWN_ERROR)); }
CLString strResId; if (NULL != pItem) { CPascalString pasResId; pItem->GetUniqueId().GetResId().GetDisplayableId(pasResId); pasResId.ConvertToCLString(strResId, CP_ACP); }
CLString strMsg; strMsg.Format(g_hDll, IDS_ERR_EXCEPTION, (LPCTSTR)strResId, (LPCTSTR)strExcep);
CContext ctx(strContext, pItem->GetMyDatabaseId(), otResource, vProjWindow); pReporter->IssueMessage(esError, ctx, strMsg);
} catch(CException* pE) { LTASSERT(0 && _T("Could not issue a exception message")); pE->Delete(); } catch(...) { LTASSERT(0 && _T("Could not issue a exception message")); }
// CItemSetException
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CItemSetException, CException)
// Default contructor
CItemSetException::CItemSetException() { }
// Constructor
CItemSetException::CItemSetException(BOOL bAutoDelete) :CException(bAutoDelete) { }
// Fill passed buffer with a error message for this exception.
// The message is cached and only retrieved 1 time.
BOOL CItemSetException::GetErrorMessage(LPTSTR lpszError, UINT nMaxError, PUINT pnHelpContext) { LTASSERT(lpszError != NULL && AfxIsValidString(lpszError, nMaxError));
if (NULL != pnHelpContext) { *pnHelpContext = 0; //unused
if (m_strMsg.IsEmpty()) { LTVERIFY(m_strMsg.LoadString(g_hDll, IDS_EXCEP_ITEMSET)); }
int nMax = min(nMaxError, (UINT)m_strMsg.GetLength() + 1); _tcsncpy(lpszError, m_strMsg, nMax - 1);
lpszError[nMax] = _T('\0');
return TRUE; }