// judyp May 1999
#include "stdafx.h"
#pragma warning (disable : 4786)
#pragma warning (disable : 4275)
#include <iostream>
#include <strstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <ctime>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef NONNT5
typedef unsigned long ULONG_PTR; #endif
#include <wmistr.h>
#include <guiddef.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <evntrace.h>
#include <WTYPES.H>
#include "t_string.h"
#include "StructureWrappers.h"
#include "StructureWapperHelpers.h"
#include "ConstantMap.h"
#include "TCOData.h"
#include "Persistor.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "Validator.h"
#include "Utilities.h"
#include "CollectionControl.h"
int QueryTraceAPI ( IN LPTSTR lptstrAction, // For logging only.
IN LPCTSTR lpctstrDataFile, // For logging only.
IN LPCTSTR lpctstrTCODetailFile, // If valid we will log to it, can be NULL.
IN bool bLogExpected, // If true we log expected vs actual result.
IN bool bUseTraceHandle, // If true use the handle.
IN OUT TCOData *pstructTCOData, // TCO test data.
OUT int *pAPIReturn // QueryTrace API call return
) { // If bUseTracehandle is true we can check for differences in
// props.
*pAPIReturn = -1;
LPTSTR lptstrReturnedError = NULL;
CLogger *pDetailLogger = NULL;
int nResult = 0;
// We only log if the test of "interest" is QueryTrace.
if (pstructTCOData->m_ulAPITest == TCOData::QueryTraceTest) { nResult = OpenLogFiles ( lpctstrTCODetailFile, pDetailLogger, &lptstrReturnedError ); }
if (FAILED(nResult)) { delete pDetailLogger; // Open log files sets error string plpstrReturnedError.
LogSummaryBeforeCall ( pstructTCOData, lpctstrDataFile, lptstrAction, _T("StartTrace"), bLogExpected );
LogSummaryAfterCall ( pstructTCOData, lpctstrDataFile, lptstrAction, nResult, lptstrReturnedError, bLogExpected ); free (lptstrReturnedError); lptstrReturnedError = NULL; return nResult; } // This is our log file.
if (pDetailLogger) { pDetailLogger->LogTCHAR(_T("\n-------------------------------------------------------\n")); pDetailLogger->LogTCHAR(_T("QueryTraceAPI TCO test ")); pDetailLogger->Flush(); }
if (pDetailLogger) { pDetailLogger->LogTCHAR(pstructTCOData->m_lptstrShortDesc); int n = pDetailLogger->LogTCHAR(_T(" started at time ")); time_t Time; time(&Time); pDetailLogger->LogTime(Time); pDetailLogger->LogTCHAR(_T(".\n")); pDetailLogger->Flush(); }
BOOL bAdmin = IsAdmin();
if (pDetailLogger) { // Log argument values before calling StopTrace.
LogDetailBeforeCall ( pDetailLogger, pstructTCOData, bAdmin ); }
CEventTraceProperties CProps (pstructTCOData->m_pProps); PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES pProps = CProps.GetEventTracePropertiesInstance(); free(pProps->LogFileName); free(pProps->LoggerName); pProps->LogFileName = (TCHAR *) malloc (sizeof(TCHAR) * MAX_STR); pProps->LoggerName = (TCHAR *) malloc (sizeof(TCHAR) * MAX_STR);
LogSummaryBeforeCall ( pstructTCOData, lpctstrDataFile, lptstrAction, _T("QueryTrace"), bLogExpected );
*pAPIReturn = QueryTrace ( bUseTraceHandle ? *pstructTCOData->m_pTraceHandle : NULL, bUseTraceHandle ? NULL : pstructTCOData->m_lptstrInstanceName, pProps);
ULONG ulResult = pstructTCOData->m_ulExpectedResult == *pAPIReturn ? ERROR_SUCCESS : -1;
if (ulResult != ERROR_SUCCESS && *pAPIReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ulResult = *pAPIReturn; } else if (*pAPIReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { lptstrReturnedError = DecodeStatus(*pAPIReturn); } else if (pstructTCOData->m_ulAPITest == TCOData::QueryTraceTest && pstructTCOData->m_lptstrValidator && _tcslen(pstructTCOData->m_lptstrValidator) > 0) { CValidator Validator; bool bValid = Validator.Validate ( pstructTCOData->m_pTraceHandle, pstructTCOData->m_lptstrInstanceName, pstructTCOData->m_pProps, pstructTCOData->m_lptstrValidator );
if (!bValid) { ulResult = -1; lptstrReturnedError = NewTCHAR(_T("Validation routine failed.")); } }
bool bDiff = FALSE; if (bUseTraceHandle) { bDiff = LogPropsDiff ( NULL, pstructTCOData->m_pProps, pProps ); }
// If there were differences and
// *pAPIReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS == pstructTCOData->m_ulExpectedResult
// we need to set return codes to indicate differences. Look in detail
// log for differences.
if (bDiff && *pAPIReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS && pstructTCOData->m_ulExpectedResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { free (lptstrReturnedError); lptstrReturnedError = NULL; *pAPIReturn = -1; lptstrReturnedError = NewTCHAR(_T("Different values returned in EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES structure.")); }
if (pDetailLogger) { LogDetailAfterCall ( pDetailLogger, pstructTCOData, &pProps, *pAPIReturn, lptstrReturnedError, true, bAdmin, NULL, *pAPIReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS // Do not print out Props if not a good return.
); }
if (bUseTraceHandle) { LogPropsDiff ( pDetailLogger, pstructTCOData->m_pProps, pProps ); }
LogSummaryAfterCall ( pstructTCOData, lpctstrDataFile, lptstrAction, *pAPIReturn, lptstrReturnedError, bLogExpected ); free (lptstrReturnedError); lptstrReturnedError = NULL;
delete pDetailLogger;
if (pProps) { free(pProps->LoggerName); free(pProps->LogFileName); } free(pProps);
return ulResult; }