#include <windows.h>
#if 0
#include <stdtypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <ctype.h> /* isspace */
#include <io.h>
#include <limits.h> /* UINT_MAX */
#include <memory.h> /* _fmemcpy, _fmemccpy */
#include <lzexpand.h>
#include <shellapi.h> /* HKEY, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ERROR_SUCCESS */
#include "setup.h"
#include "genthk.h" /* thunks for calls to get 32-bit version */
#include "driveex.h"
#include <stdtypes.h>
/* Messages for optional background task.
*/ #define IDM_ACME_STARTING 261
#define IDM_ACME_FAILURE 263
#ifdef APPCOMP
#include <decomp.h>
#endif /* APPCOMP */
#include <fdi.h>
/* List file extension */ char szLstExt[] = "LST";
/* List file section names */ char szDefaultParamsSect[] = "Params"; char szDefaultFilesSect[] = "Files";
char szWin3xParamsSect[] = "Win3.x Params"; char szWin3xFilesSect[] = "Win3.x Files";
char szWin95ParamsSect[] = "Windows 95 Params"; char szWin95FilesSect[] = "Windows 95 Files";
char szNTAlphaParamsSect[] = "NT Alpha Params"; char szNTAlphaFilesSect[] = "NT Alpha Files";
char szNTMipsParamsSect[] = "NT Mips Params"; char szNTMipsFilesSect[] = "NT Mips Files";
char szNTPpcParamsSect[] = "NT PPC Params"; char szNTPpcFilesSect[] = "NT PPC Files";
char szNTIntelParamsSect[] = "NT Intel Params"; char szNTIntelFilesSect[] = "NT Intel Files";
char szNTVerIntelParamsSect[] = "NT3.51 Intel Params"; char szNTVerIntelFilesSect[] = "NT3.51 Intel Files";
char * szParamsSect = szNull; char * szFilesSect = szNull;
typedef struct _PLATFORM_SPEC { BYTE minMajorVersion; BYTE minMinorVersion; char *szParamsSect; char *szFilesSect; } PLATFORM_SPEC, *PPLATFORM_SPEC;
PLATFORM_SPEC aIntelSpec[] = { {3, 51, szNTVerIntelParamsSect, szNTVerIntelFilesSect}, {0, 0, szNTIntelParamsSect, szNTIntelFilesSect}, {0, 0, NULL, NULL} };
PLATFORM_SPEC aAlphaSpec[] = { {0, 0, szNTAlphaParamsSect, szNTAlphaFilesSect}, {3, 51, szNTVerIntelParamsSect, szNTVerIntelFilesSect}, {0, 0, szNTIntelParamsSect, szNTIntelFilesSect}, {0, 0, NULL, NULL} };
PLATFORM_SPEC aMipsSpec[] = { {0, 0, szNTMipsParamsSect, szNTMipsFilesSect}, {0, 0, NULL, NULL} };
PLATFORM_SPEC aPpcSpec[] = { {0, 0, szNTPpcParamsSect, szNTPpcFilesSect}, {0, 0, NULL, NULL} };
PLATFORM_SPEC aEmptySpec[] = { {0, 0, NULL, NULL} };
// Note: this is indexed by PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_xxx
// definitions in ntexapi.h
// Note: may want to add extra sections for IA64 and AXP64
/* CPU environment variable and values */ /* (NOTE: These must be upper case) */ char szCpuEnvVarName[] = "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"; char szIntelEnvVarVal[] = "X86"; char szIA64EnvVarVal[] = "IA64"; char szAlphaEnvVarVal[] = "ALPHA"; char szAXP64EnvVarVal[] = "AXP64"; char szMipsEnvVarVal[] = "MIPS"; char szPpcEnvVarVal[] = "PPC";
/* Bootstrapper class name */ char szBootClass[] = "STUFF-BOOT";
/* String buffer sizes */ #define cchLstLineMax 128
#define cchWinExecLineMax (256 + cchFullPathMax)
/* No. of retries to attempt when removing files or dirs,
* or when executing a chmod. */ #define cRetryMax 1200
/* SetErrorMode flags */ #define fNoErrMes 1
#define fErrMes 0
/* Quiet Mode -- Note: EEL must be kept in sync with acmsetup.h */ typedef UINT EEL; /* Exit Error Level */ #define eelSuccess ((EEL)0x0000)
#define eelBootstrapperFailed ((EEL)0x0009) /* Used only in Bootstrapper! */
EEL eelExitErrorLevel = eelBootstrapperFailed; BOOL fQuietMode = fFalse; BOOL fExeced = fFalse; BOOL fWin31 = fFalse;
/* Forward Declarations */ VOID CleanUpTempDir ( char *, char * ); BRC BrcInstallFiles ( char *, char *, char * ); BOOL FCreateTempDir ( char *, char * ); BRC BrcCopyFiles ( char *, char *, char * ); VOID RemoveFiles ( char * ); BRC BrcCopy ( char *, char * ); LONG LcbFreeDrive ( int ); BOOL FVirCheck ( HANDLE ); HWND HwndInitBootWnd ( HANDLE ); LRESULT CALLBACK BootWndProc ( HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM ); BOOL FGetFileSize ( char *, UINT * ); BRC BrcBuildFileLists ( char *, UINT ); VOID FreeFileLists ( VOID ); BOOL FExecAndWait ( char *, HWND ); BOOL FWriteBatFile ( OFSTRUCT, char *, char * ); BOOL FLstSectionExists ( char * szLstFileName, char * szSect ); DWORD GetCpuArchitecture(); BOOL FNotifyAcme ( VOID ); BOOL FGetAcmeErrorLevel ( EEL * peel ); BOOL FCreateRegKey ( CSZC cszcKey ); BOOL FDoesRegKeyExist ( CSZC cszcKey ); BOOL FCreateRegKeyValue ( CSZC cszcKey, CSZC cszcValue ); BOOL FGetRegKeyValue ( CSZC cszcKey, SZ szBuf, CB cbBufMax ); VOID DeleteRegKey ( CSZC cszcKey ); BOOL FFlushRegKey ( VOID ); BOOL FWriteToRestartFile ( SZ szTmpDir ); BOOL FCreateIniFileName ( SZ szIniFile, CB cbBufMax ); BOOL FReadIniFile ( SZ szIniFile, HLOCAL * phlocal, PCB pcbBuf ); BOOL FAllocNewBuf ( CB cbOld, SZ szTmpDir, SZ szSection, SZ szKey, HLOCAL * phlocal, PCB pcbToBuf ); BOOL FProcessFile ( HLOCAL hlocalFrom, HLOCAL hlocalTo, CB cbToBuf, SZ szTmpDir, SZ szSection, SZ szKey ); VOID CopyIniLine ( SZ szKey, SZ szTmpDir, SZ szFile, PSZ pszToBuf ); BOOL FWriteIniFile ( SZ szIniFile, HLOCAL hlocalTo ); BRC BrcInsertDisk(CHAR *pchStf, CHAR *pchSrcDrive); BOOL FRenameBadMaintStf ( SZ szStf );
/* Bootstrapper list file params */ char rgchSetupDirName[cchLstLineMax]; #ifdef UNUSED /* Replaced by DrvWinClass */
char rgchDrvModName[cchLstLineMax]; #endif /* UNUSED */
char rgchDrvWinClass[cchLstLineMax]; char rgchCmdLine[cchLstLineMax]; char rgchBootTitle[cchLstLineMax]; char rgchBootMess[cchLstLineMax]; char rgchWin31Mess[cchLstLineMax]; char rgchCabinetFName[cchLstLineMax]; char rgchBackgroundFName[cchLstLineMax]; char rgchBkgWinClass[cchLstLineMax]; char rgchInsertCDMsg[cchLstLineMax]; char rgchInsertDiskMsg[cchLstLineMax]; LONG lcbDiskFreeMin; int cFirstCabinetNum; int cLastCabinetNum; HANDLE hSrcLst = NULL; HANDLE hDstLst = NULL; char rgchErrorFile[cchFullPathMax]; HANDLE hinstBoot = NULL; HWND hwndBoot = NULL;
CHAR rgchInsufMem[cchSzMax] = ""; CHAR rgchInitErr[cchSzMax] = ""; CHAR rgchSetup[cchSzMax] = "";
** 'Fixup' temp dir string by removing any subdirs and ensuring ** extension is only one character. (Note - Win3.0 has bug with ** WinExec'ing some EXEs from a full 8.3 directory!) **************************************************************************/ void FixupTempDirName( LPSTR szDir ) { LPSTR szNext; int cch = 0;
if (*szDir == '\\' || *(AnsiNext(szDir)) == ':') { lstrcpy(szDir, "~msstfqf.t"); return; }
while (*szDir != '\\' && *szDir != '.' && *szDir != '\0' && *szDir != ':' && cch++ < 8) { szDir = AnsiNext(szDir); }
szNext = AnsiNext(szDir); if (*szDir == '.' && *szNext != '.' && *szNext != '\\' && *szNext != '\0' && *szNext != ':') { *(AnsiNext(szNext)) = '\0'; return; }
*szDir = '\0'; lstrcat(szDir, ".t"); }
/* Displays bootstrapper messages.
* If fError is true, it's an error message, otherwise it's * just a message (e.g. insert disk 1). **************************************************************************/ int DispErrBrc ( BRC brc, BOOL fError, UINT fuStyle, const char *sz1, const char *sz2, const char *sz3 ) { char rgchTitle[256]; char rgchMessage[256]; char szBuf[256 + cchFullPathMax + 256];
#ifndef DEBUG
if (fQuietMode) { return (IDCANCEL); } #endif
if (LoadString(hinstBoot, brcGen, rgchTitle, 256) == 0 || LoadString(hinstBoot, brc, rgchMessage, 256) == 0) { MessageBox(hwndBoot, rgchInsufMem, rgchInitErr, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); return 0; } if (!fError) lstrcpy(rgchTitle, rgchSetup);
if (sz1 == NULL) sz1 = ""; if (sz2 == NULL) sz2 = ""; if (sz3 == NULL) sz3 = "";
if (brc == brcFile) wsprintf(szBuf, rgchMessage, (LPSTR)AnsiUpper(rgchErrorFile)); else if (brc == brcDS || brc == brcMemDS) wsprintf(szBuf, rgchMessage, lcbDiskFreeMin / 1024L); else wsprintf(szBuf, rgchMessage, sz1, sz2, sz3);
if ((brc == brcMemDS || brc == brcNoSpill) && LoadString(hinstBoot, brcMemDSHlp, rgchMessage, 256)) { lstrcat(szBuf, rgchMessage); } else if (brc == brcConnectToSource && LoadString(hinstBoot, brcConnectHlp, rgchMessage, 256)) { lstrcat(szBuf, rgchMessage); }
return (MessageBox(hwndBoot, szBuf, rgchTitle, fuStyle)); }
** Purpose: ** Installs Setup executable in a temporary directory on an ** available hardrive, and launches Setup. After Setup ** completes, removes the temporary files and directory. ** Arguments: ** Standard Windows WinMain args. ** Returns: ** Returns eelExitErrorLevel. 0 == Success. **************************************************************************/ int WINAPI WinMain ( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdParam, int nCmdShow ) { char chDrive; char rgchDstDir[cchFullPathMax] = " :\\"; // WARN: kept as OEM chars
char * szDstDirSlash = szNull; char rgchModuleFileName[cchFullPathMax]; // WARN: kept as ANSI chars
char rgchLstFileName[cchFullPathMax]; char rgchTemp[cchFullPathMax]; char rgchSrcDir[cchFullPathMax]; UINT cbLstSize; char rgchWinExecLine[cchWinExecLineMax]; UINT uiRes; int iModLen; BRC brc; BOOL fCleanupTemp = FALSE; LPSTR sz; HWND hWndBkg = 0; /* window of background task */ UINT hMod;
Unused(nCmdShow); hinstBoot = hInstance;
rgchErrorFile[0] = '\0'; if (LoadString(hinstBoot, IDS_InsufMem, rgchInsufMem, sizeof rgchInsufMem) == 0 || LoadString(hinstBoot, IDS_InitErr, rgchInitErr, sizeof rgchInitErr) == 0 || LoadString(hinstBoot, IDS_Setup, rgchSetup, sizeof rgchSetup) == 0) { /* REVIEW: If these LoadStrngs fail, the user will never know...
* But we can't hard-code strings in an .h file because INTL * requires all localizable strings to be in resources! */ #ifdef DEBUG
MessageBox(NULL, "Initial LoadString's failed; probably out of memory.", szDebugMsg, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
#endif /* DEBUG */
} for (sz = lpszCmdParam; *sz != '\0'; sz = AnsiNext(sz)) { if ((*sz == '-' || *sz == '/') && toupper(*(sz+1)) == 'Q' && toupper(*(sz+2)) == 'T') { fQuietMode = fTrue; break; } }
* REVIEW: Check that this code is still functional before restoring it. */ #if VIRCHECK
if (!FVirCheck(hInstance)) { DispErrBrc(brcVir, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); goto LCleanupAndExit; } #endif
if (hPrevInstance || FindWindow(szBootClass, NULL) != NULL) { DispErrBrc(brcInst, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); goto LCleanupAndExit; }
GetModuleFileName(hInstance, rgchModuleFileName, cchFullPathMax);
* If the first switch on the command line is /M, then it specifies * the real module name to use. */ if ((lpszCmdParam[0] == '-' || lpszCmdParam[0] == '/') && toupper(lpszCmdParam[1]) == 'M') { char *pCh, *pCh2; BOOL fQuotedFileName; /* Skip the spaces */ for (pCh = lpszCmdParam+2; *pCh == ' '; pCh++); fQuotedFileName = (*pCh == '\"'); if (fQuotedFileName) { pCh++; } /* Copy the file name, and add the EOS */ lstrcpy(rgchModuleFileName, pCh); for (pCh2=rgchModuleFileName; (*pCh2 != ' ' || fQuotedFileName) && (*pCh2 != '\"' || !fQuotedFileName) && *pCh2 != '\0'; pCh2++); *pCh2 = '\0'; /* Remove the /M param from the command line */ lpszCmdParam = pCh + lstrlen(rgchModuleFileName); if (fQuotedFileName && *lpszCmdParam == '\"') { lpszCmdParam++; }
/* Remove trailing whitespace from the command line */ for (pCh = lpszCmdParam; *pCh == ' '; pCh++); lpszCmdParam = pCh; }
OemToAnsi(rgchModuleFileName, rgchModuleFileName);
// Windows 3.0 bug with UNC paths - prepends windows drive letter
sz = (LPSTR)rgchModuleFileName; if (*sz != '\0' && *sz != '\\' && *(sz = AnsiNext(sz)) == ':' && *(sz = AnsiNext(sz)) == '\\' && *AnsiNext(sz) == '\\') { LPSTR szDst = (LPSTR)rgchModuleFileName;
while ((*szDst++ = *sz++) != '\0') ; }
iModLen = lstrlen(rgchModuleFileName); lstrcpy(rgchSrcDir, rgchModuleFileName); sz = (LPSTR)&rgchSrcDir[iModLen]; while (sz > (LPSTR)rgchSrcDir && *sz != '\\') sz = AnsiPrev(rgchSrcDir, sz); Assert(sz > (LPSTR)rgchSrcDir); *(AnsiNext(sz)) = '\0';
* If the first switch on the command line is /L, then it specifies * the name of the .lst file to use. */ rgchTemp[0] = '\0'; if ((lpszCmdParam[0] == '-' || lpszCmdParam[0] == '/') && toupper(lpszCmdParam[1]) == 'L') { char *pCh, *pCh2; /* Skip the spaces */ for (pCh = lpszCmdParam+2; *pCh == ' ' && *pCh != '\0'; pCh++); /* Copy the .lst file name, and add the newline */ lstrcpy(rgchTemp, pCh); for (pCh2=rgchTemp; *pCh2 != ' ' && *pCh2!= '\0'; pCh2++); *pCh2 = '\0'; /* Remove the /L param from the command line */ lpszCmdParam = pCh + lstrlen(rgchTemp); for (pCh = lpszCmdParam; *pCh == ' ' && *pCh != '\0'; pCh++); lpszCmdParam = pCh; }
/* If there is something on the command line, use it as the .lst file */ if (*rgchTemp != '\0') { lstrcpy(rgchLstFileName, rgchSrcDir); lstrcat(rgchLstFileName, rgchTemp); } else { lstrcpy(rgchLstFileName, rgchModuleFileName); sz = (LPSTR)&rgchLstFileName[iModLen]; while (sz > (LPSTR)rgchLstFileName && *sz != '.') sz = AnsiPrev(rgchLstFileName, sz); Assert(sz > (LPSTR)rgchLstFileName); *(AnsiNext(sz)) = '\0'; lstrcat(rgchLstFileName, szLstExt); }
if (!FGetFileSize(rgchLstFileName, &cbLstSize) || cbLstSize == 0) { lstrcpy(rgchErrorFile, rgchLstFileName); DispErrBrc(brcFile, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); goto LCleanupAndExit; }
#ifndef WF_WINNT
#define WF_WINNT 0x4000
/* Attempt to use appropriate platform.
*/ szParamsSect = szNull; szFilesSect = szNull;
if (1) { DWORD dwVers = 0; DWORD dwCpuArchitecture; DWORD dwMajorVersion; DWORD dwMinorVersion; PPLATFORM_SPEC pPlatformSpec;
dwCpuArchitecture = GetCpuArchitecture();
dwVers = GetVersion(); dwMajorVersion = LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVers)); dwMinorVersion = HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwVers));
if (dwCpuArchitecture < (sizeof (aaPlatformSpecs) / sizeof(aaPlatformSpecs[0]))) { pPlatformSpec = aaPlatformSpecs[dwCpuArchitecture]; } else { pPlatformSpec = aEmptySpec; }
for (; pPlatformSpec->szParamsSect != NULL; pPlatformSpec++) { if (((pPlatformSpec->minMajorVersion < dwMajorVersion) || (pPlatformSpec->minMajorVersion == dwMajorVersion && pPlatformSpec->minMinorVersion <= dwMinorVersion)) && FLstSectionExists(rgchLstFileName, pPlatformSpec->szParamsSect)) { szParamsSect = pPlatformSpec->szParamsSect; szFilesSect = pPlatformSpec->szFilesSect; break; } } } else /* non-WinNT */ { if (FLstSectionExists(rgchLstFileName, szWin95ParamsSect) && (LOBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion())) > 3 || HIBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion())) >= 95)) { szParamsSect = szWin95ParamsSect; szFilesSect = szWin95FilesSect; } else { fWin31 = fTrue; if (FLstSectionExists(rgchLstFileName, szWin3xParamsSect)) { szParamsSect = szWin3xParamsSect; szFilesSect = szWin3xFilesSect; } } }
if (szParamsSect == szNull) { if (FLstSectionExists(rgchLstFileName, szDefaultParamsSect)) { szParamsSect = szDefaultParamsSect; szFilesSect = szDefaultFilesSect; } else { DispErrBrc(brcNoCpuSect, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); goto LCleanupAndExit; } }
if (GetPrivateProfileString(szParamsSect, "TmpDirName", "", rgchSetupDirName, cchLstLineMax, rgchLstFileName) <= 0 || (lcbDiskFreeMin = GetPrivateProfileInt(szParamsSect, "TmpDirSize", 0, rgchLstFileName) * 1024L) <= 0 || (cFirstCabinetNum = GetPrivateProfileInt(szParamsSect, "FirstCabNum", 1, rgchLstFileName)) <= 0 || (cLastCabinetNum = GetPrivateProfileInt(szParamsSect, "LastCabNum", 1, rgchLstFileName)) <= 0 #ifdef UNUSED
|| GetPrivateProfileString(szParamsSect, "DrvModName", "", rgchDrvModName, cchLstLineMax, rgchLstFileName) <= 0 #endif /* UNUSED */
|| GetPrivateProfileString(szParamsSect, "DrvWinClass", "", rgchDrvWinClass, cchLstLineMax, rgchLstFileName) <= 0 || GetPrivateProfileString(szParamsSect, "CmdLine", "", rgchCmdLine, cchLstLineMax, rgchLstFileName) <= 0 //|| GetPrivateProfileString(szParamsSect, "Require31", "",
// rgchWin31Mess, cchLstLineMax, rgchLstFileName) <= 0
|| GetPrivateProfileString(szParamsSect, "WndTitle", "", rgchBootTitle, cchLstLineMax, rgchLstFileName) <= 0 || GetPrivateProfileString(szParamsSect, "WndMess", "", rgchBootMess, cchLstLineMax, rgchLstFileName) <= 0) { DispErrBrc(brcLst, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); goto LCleanupAndExit; }
if (FindWindow(rgchDrvWinClass, NULL) != NULL) { DispErrBrc(brcInst, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); goto LCleanupAndExit; }
GetPrivateProfileString(szParamsSect, "CabinetFile", "", rgchCabinetFName, cchLstLineMax, rgchLstFileName);
GetPrivateProfileString(szParamsSect, "InsertCDMsg", "", rgchInsertCDMsg, cchLstLineMax, rgchLstFileName);
GetPrivateProfileString(szParamsSect, "InsertDiskMsg", "", rgchInsertDiskMsg, cchLstLineMax, rgchLstFileName);
if (rgchWin31Mess[0] != '\0' && LOBYTE(LOWORD((DWORD)GetVersion())) == 3 && HIBYTE(LOWORD((DWORD)GetVersion())) < 10) { if (!fQuietMode) { char rgchTitle[256]; if (LoadString(hinstBoot, brcGen, rgchTitle, 256) == 0) lstrcpy(rgchTitle, rgchSetup); MessageBox(hwndBoot, rgchWin31Mess, rgchTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); } goto LCleanupAndExit; }
for (sz = rgchBootMess; *sz != '\0'; sz = AnsiNext(sz)) if (*sz == '\\' && *(sz+1) == 'n') { *sz++ = '\r'; *sz = '\n'; }
/* If there is a /W then is specifies we are in add/remove mode with
the setup app not installed. We need to read it off CD/Floppy/Network */ if ((lpszCmdParam[0] == '-' || lpszCmdParam[0] == '/') && toupper(lpszCmdParam[1]) == 'W') { CHAR rgchStf[_MAX_PATH]; char *pCh, *pCh2, *pCh3; /* Skip the spaces */ for (pCh = lpszCmdParam+2; *pCh == ' ' && *pCh != '\0'; pCh++); lstrcpy(rgchStf, rgchSrcDir); pCh3 = rgchStf + lstrlen(rgchStf); /* Copy the .stf file name, and add the newline */ for (pCh2=pCh; *pCh2 != ' ' && *pCh2!= '\0'; pCh2++) *pCh3++ = *pCh2; *pCh3 = '\0'; /* Remove the /W parameter */ lpszCmdParam = pCh2;
/* Get them to insert the correct disk */ if ((brc = BrcInsertDisk(rgchStf, rgchSrcDir)) != brcOkay) { if (brc != brcMax) DispErrBrc(brc, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, rgchStf, NULL, NULL); goto LCleanupAndExit; } }
GetPrivateProfileString(szParamsSect, "Background", "", rgchBackgroundFName, cchLstLineMax, rgchLstFileName); GetPrivateProfileString(szParamsSect, "BkgWinClass", "", rgchBkgWinClass, cchLstLineMax, rgchLstFileName); if (rgchBackgroundFName[0] != '\0') { lstrcpy(rgchTemp, rgchSrcDir); lstrcat(rgchTemp, rgchBackgroundFName); if (rgchBkgWinClass[0] != '\0') { lstrcat(rgchTemp, " /C"); lstrcat(rgchTemp, rgchBkgWinClass); } lstrcat(rgchTemp, " /T"); lstrcat(rgchTemp, rgchBootTitle); lstrcat(rgchTemp, " /M"); lstrcat(rgchTemp, rgchBootMess);
hMod = WinExec(rgchTemp, SW_SHOWNORMAL); /* ignore if exec failed */ #ifdef DEBUG
if (hMod < 32) { wsprintf(szDebugBuf, "%s: Background WinExec failed.", rgchBackgroundFName); MessageBox(NULL, szDebugBuf, szDebugMsg, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); } #endif /* DEBUG */
hWndBkg = FindWindow(rgchBkgWinClass, rgchBootTitle); } if (!hWndBkg && (hwndBoot = HwndInitBootWnd(hInstance)) == NULL) { DispErrBrc(brcMem, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); goto LCleanupAndExit; }
if ((brc = BrcBuildFileLists(rgchLstFileName, cbLstSize)) != brcOkay) { DispErrBrc(brc, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); goto LCleanupAndExit; } lstrcat(rgchDstDir, "~MSSETUP.T"); szDstDirSlash = rgchDstDir + lstrlen(rgchDstDir); lstrcat(rgchDstDir, "\\");
lstrcat(rgchDstDir, rgchSetupDirName); AnsiToOem(rgchDstDir, rgchDstDir); for (chDrive = 'Z'; chDrive >= 'A'; --chDrive) { UINT fModeSav; BOOL fDriveFixed;
fModeSav = SetErrorMode(fNoErrMes); fDriveFixed = (GetDriveTypeEx(chDrive - 'A') == EX_DRIVE_FIXED); SetErrorMode(fModeSav); if (fDriveFixed) { *rgchDstDir = chDrive; brc = BrcInstallFiles(rgchSrcDir, rgchDstDir, szDstDirSlash); if (brc == brcOkay) break; if (brc == brcFile) { DispErrBrc(brc, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); goto LCleanupAndExit; } else if (brc == brcNoSpill) { /* Message already handled in HfOpenSpillFile */ goto LCleanupAndExit; } } }
if (chDrive < 'A') { uiRes = GetWindowsDirectory(rgchDstDir, cchFullPathMax); Assert(uiRes > 0); #if DBCS // [J1] Fixed DBCS raid #46.
AnsiUpper(rgchDstDir); #endif
/* BLOCK */ { LPSTR sz = (LPSTR)&rgchDstDir[uiRes];
sz = AnsiPrev(rgchDstDir, sz); if (*sz != '\\') lstrcat(rgchDstDir, "\\"); }
lstrcat(rgchDstDir, "~MSSETUP.T"); szDstDirSlash = rgchDstDir + lstrlen(rgchDstDir); lstrcat(rgchDstDir, "\\");
Assert(lstrlen(rgchDstDir) + lstrlen(rgchSetupDirName) < cchFullPathMax); lstrcat(rgchDstDir, rgchSetupDirName); AnsiToOem(rgchDstDir, rgchDstDir); brc = BrcInstallFiles(rgchSrcDir, rgchDstDir, szDstDirSlash); if (brc != brcOkay) { /* NoSpill message already handled in HfOpenSpillFile */ if (brc != brcNoSpill) { DispErrBrc(brc, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); } goto LCleanupAndExit; } }
hSrcLst = LocalFree(hSrcLst); /* don't need src list anymore */ Assert(hSrcLst == NULL);
/* Use full path to .exe; don't rely on cwd (fails under Win95).
*/ /* block */ { char rgchTmp[cchWinExecLineMax];
wsprintf(rgchTmp, rgchCmdLine, (LPSTR)rgchSrcDir, lpszCmdParam);
Assert(lstrlen(rgchTmp) + lstrlen(rgchDstDir) + 1 < cchWinExecLineMax);
lstrcpy(rgchWinExecLine, rgchDstDir); lstrcat(rgchWinExecLine, "\\"); lstrcat(rgchWinExecLine, rgchTmp); } GlobalCompact((DWORD)(64L * 1024L)); fCleanupTemp = TRUE;
if (!fWin31 && !FNotifyAcme()) { #if DEBUG
/* Try running Acme anyway. */ } if (!fWin31 && !FWriteToRestartFile(rgchDstDir)) { #ifdef DEBUG
MessageBox(NULL, "Write to restart file failed. Setup can continue, " "but some initialization files might not get removed " "if Setup must restart Windows.", szDebugMsg, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
#endif /* DEBUG */
* Any errors encountered will have been displayed where they occured. * Try running Acme anyway. */ } if (hWndBkg) SendMessage(hWndBkg, WM_COMMAND, IDM_ACME_STARTING, 0);
if (!FExecAndWait(rgchWinExecLine, hwndBoot)) { DispErrBrc(brcMem, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); goto LCleanupAndExit; } fExeced = fTrue;
LCleanupAndExit: if (fCleanupTemp && szDstDirSlash != szNull) CleanUpTempDir(rgchDstDir, szDstDirSlash); FreeFileLists(); eelExitErrorLevel = eelBootstrapperFailed; if (fExeced && !FGetAcmeErrorLevel(&eelExitErrorLevel)) { #ifdef UNUSED
/* NOTE: Removed to avoid the message on WinNT. On NT, Acme can
* exit and the bootstrapper can kick in before the restart * actually happens, causing this message (since Acme has already * removed the reg key as part of its reboot cleanup). We'll * leave the eelFailed value, though, since no one should be * relying on it at reboot anyway, and it may help catch other * problems down the road. */ DispErrBrc(brcRegDb, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); #endif /* UNUSED */
Assert(eelExitErrorLevel == eelBootstrapperFailed); } if (hwndBoot != NULL) DestroyWindow(hwndBoot); if (hWndBkg && IsWindow(hWndBkg)) { SendMessage(hWndBkg, WM_COMMAND, eelExitErrorLevel == eelSuccess ? IDM_ACME_COMPLETE : IDM_ACME_FAILURE, 0); if (IsWindow(hWndBkg)) PostMessage(hWndBkg, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); } return (eelExitErrorLevel); }
** Purpose: ** Creates and temporary subdirectory at the given path, ** appends it to the given path, and copies the Setup files ** into it. ** Arguments: ** szModule: Full path to bootstrapper's directory (ANSI chars). ** rgchDstDir: Full path to destination directory (OEM chars). ** Returns: ** One of the following Bootstrapper return codes: ** brcMem out of memory ** brcDS out of disk space ** brcMemDS out of memory or disk space ** brcFile expected source file missing ** brcOkay completed without error **************************************************************************/ BRC BrcInstallFiles ( char * szModule, char * rgchDstDir, char * szDstDirSlash ) { BRC brc;
if (LcbFreeDrive(*rgchDstDir - 'A' + 1) < lcbDiskFreeMin) return (brcDS); if (!FCreateTempDir(rgchDstDir, szDstDirSlash)) return (brcMemDS); if ((brc = BrcCopyFiles(szModule, rgchDstDir, szDstDirSlash)) != brcOkay) { CleanUpTempDir(rgchDstDir, szDstDirSlash); return (brc); }
Assert(szDstDirSlash); Assert(*szDstDirSlash == '\\'); *szDstDirSlash = '\0'; SetFileAttributes(rgchDstDir, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); *szDstDirSlash = '\\';
return (brcOkay); }
** Purpose: ** Removes the temporary files and directory. ** Arguments: ** rgchDstDir: Full path to temp directory (OEM chars). ** Returns: ** None. **************************************************************************/ VOID CleanUpTempDir ( char * rgchDstDir, char * szDstDirSlash ) { char rgchRoot[] = " :\\"; int i;
rgchRoot[0] = *rgchDstDir; _chdir(rgchRoot);
SetFileAttributes(rgchDstDir, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
/* Try to remove the directory up to cRetryMax times.
*/ for (i = 0; i < cRetryMax; i++) { if (_rmdir(rgchDstDir) == 0) break; }
Assert(szDstDirSlash); Assert(*szDstDirSlash == '\\'); *szDstDirSlash = '\0'; SetFileAttributes(rgchDstDir, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
/* Try to remove the directory up to cRetryMax times.
*/ for (i = 0; i < cRetryMax; i++) { if (_rmdir(rgchDstDir) == 0) break; }
*szDstDirSlash = '\\'; }
** Purpose: ** Creates a temporary subdirectory at the given path, ** and appends it to the given path. ** Arguments: ** rgchDir: Full path to destination directory (OEM chars). ** Returns: ** TRUE if directory was successfully created, ** FALSE if not. **************************************************************************/ BOOL FCreateTempDir ( char * rgchDir, char * szDstDirSlash ) { char rgchTmp[cchFullPathMax]; FILE * fp; char * pch; int fErr; int i = 0;
pch = (char *)(&rgchDir[lstrlen(rgchDir)]); Assert(*pch == '\0'); _chdrive(*rgchDir - 'A' + 1);
Assert(szDstDirSlash); Assert(*szDstDirSlash == '\\'); *szDstDirSlash = '\0'; _mkdir(rgchDir); *szDstDirSlash = '\\';
while (!_access(rgchDir, 0)) { if (!_chdir(rgchDir)) { /* verify dir is write-able */ lstrcpy(rgchTmp, rgchDir); lstrcat(rgchTmp, "\\tXXXXXX"); Assert(lstrlen(rgchTmp) < cchFullPathMax); if (_mktemp(rgchTmp) != NULL && (fp = fopen(rgchTmp, "w")) != NULL) { fErr = fclose(fp); Assert(!fErr);
fErr = remove(rgchTmp); #ifdef DBCS // [J2] Fixed DBCS raid #28.
if (fErr) // Keep the directory name
*pch = '\0'; #else
*pch = '\0'; #endif
return (!fErr); } } if (++i > 9) break; _itoa(i, pch, 10); Assert(lstrlen(rgchDir) < cchFullPathMax); }
if (i <= 9 && !_mkdir(rgchDir)) { fErr = _chdir(rgchDir); Assert(!fErr); #ifdef DBCS // [J2] Fixed DBCS raid #28.
// Keep the directory name
*pch = '\0'; #endif
return (TRUE); }
*pch = '\0';
return (FALSE); }
** Purpose: ** Reopens BAT file and writes DEL or RMDIR line. ** Arguments: ** of: OFSTRUCT to REOPEN. ** szCmd: Command (ANSI chars). ["DEL" or "RMDIR"] ** szArg: Fully qualified pathname for argument (OEM chars). ** Returns: ** TRUE or FALSE. **************************************************************************/ BOOL FWriteBatFile ( OFSTRUCT of, char * szCmd, char * szArg ) { int fhBat = -1; BOOL fRet = TRUE;
if ((fhBat = OpenFile("a", &of, OF_REOPEN | OF_WRITE)) == -1 || _llseek(fhBat, 0L, 2) == -1L || _lwrite(fhBat, szCmd, lstrlen(szCmd)) != (UINT)lstrlen(szCmd) || _lwrite(fhBat, (LPSTR)" ", 1) != 1 || _lwrite(fhBat, szArg, lstrlen(szArg)) != (UINT)lstrlen(szArg) || _lwrite(fhBat, (LPSTR)"\r\n", 2) != 2) { fRet = FALSE; }
if (fhBat != -1) { int fErr = _lclose(fhBat);
Assert(fErr != -1); }
return (fRet); }
#ifdef DEBUG
** Purpose: ** Checks if destination filename is a valid 8.3 name with no path */ BOOL FValidFATFileName ( char* szName ) { int iLen, ch; for (iLen = 0; (ch = *szName++) != '\0'; iLen++) { if (ch <= ' ' || ch == '\\' || ch == ':' || ch == ',') return fFalse; if (ch == '.') { if (iLen == 0 || iLen > 8) return fFalse; iLen = 9; } if (iLen == 8 || iLen == 13) return fFalse; } return (iLen > 0); } #endif /* DEBUG */
** Purpose: ** Copies the source files into the given destination dir. ** Arguments: ** szModule: Source path (ANSI chars). ** szDstDir: Destination path (OEM chars). ** Returns: ** One of the following bootstrapper return codes: ** brcMem out of memory ** brcDS out of disk space ** brcMemDS out of memory or disk space ** brcFile expected source file missing ** brcOkay completed without error **************************************************************************/ BRC BrcCopyFiles ( char * szModule, char * szDstDir, char * szDstDirSlash ) { char rgchSrcFullPath[cchFullPathMax]; char rgchDstFullPath[cchFullPathMax]; char rgchTmpDirPath[cchFullPathMax]; char * szSrc; char * szDst; int cbSrc; BRC brc = brcOkay; int fhBat = -1; OFSTRUCT ofBat; int fErr; BOOL fCabinetFiles = FALSE;
lstrcpy(rgchDstFullPath, szDstDir); lstrcat(rgchDstFullPath, "\\_MSSETUP._Q_"); Assert(lstrlen(rgchDstFullPath) < cchFullPathMax); _chmod(rgchDstFullPath, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE); remove(rgchDstFullPath);
OemToAnsi(rgchDstFullPath, rgchDstFullPath); fhBat = OpenFile(rgchDstFullPath, &ofBat, OF_CREATE | OF_WRITE); AnsiToOem(rgchDstFullPath, rgchDstFullPath); if (fhBat == -1) return (brcMemDS);
fErr = _lclose(fhBat); Assert(!fErr);
szSrc = (char *)LocalLock(hSrcLst); if (szSrc == NULL) return (brcMem);
szDst = (char *)LocalLock(hDstLst); if (szDst == NULL) { LocalUnlock (hSrcLst); return (brcMem); }
for (; (cbSrc = lstrlen(szSrc)) != 0; szSrc += cbSrc + 1, szDst += lstrlen(szDst) + 1) { //
// This code has been added so that we can detect a path
// in setup.lst for the right hand side of the equals sign. This
// allows us flexiblity in specifying where files like setup.inf
// should be pulled from, otherwise we always use the files from
// the original source location. If we detect "<anything>:\" or
// "\\" then we assume it is a path.
if( ((':' == szSrc[1]) && ('\\' == szSrc[2])) || (('\\' == szSrc[0]) && ('\\' == szSrc[1])) ) { rgchSrcFullPath[0] = '\0'; } else { lstrcpy(rgchSrcFullPath, szModule); }
lstrcat(rgchSrcFullPath, szSrc); lstrcpy(rgchDstFullPath, szDstDir); lstrcat(rgchDstFullPath, "\\"); lstrcat(rgchDstFullPath, szDst); #ifdef DEBUG
if (!FValidFATFileName(szDst)) { wsprintf(szDebugBuf, "Invalid destination file, must be 8.3: %s", szDst); MessageBox(NULL, szDebugBuf, szDebugMsg, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); continue; } #endif /* DEBUG */
Assert(lstrlen(rgchSrcFullPath) < cchFullPathMax); Assert(lstrlen(rgchDstFullPath) < cchFullPathMax); if ( !FWriteBatFile(ofBat, "ATTRIB -R", rgchDstFullPath) || !FWriteBatFile(ofBat, "DEL", rgchDstFullPath)) { brc = brcDS; break; }
if (*szSrc == '@') /* cabinet file */ { if (*rgchCabinetFName == '\0') { brc = brcFile; #ifdef DEBUG
lstrcpy(rgchErrorFile, ". Missing CABINET= line"); #endif //DEBUG
break; } fCabinetFiles = TRUE; continue; }
if ((brc = BrcCopy(rgchSrcFullPath, rgchDstFullPath)) != brcOkay) break; _chmod(rgchDstFullPath, S_IREAD); } LocalUnlock(hSrcLst); LocalUnlock(hDstLst);
lstrcpy(rgchDstFullPath, szDstDir); lstrcat(rgchDstFullPath, "\\_MSSETUP._Q_"); Assert(lstrlen(rgchDstFullPath) < cchFullPathMax);
Assert(szDstDirSlash != szNull); Assert(*szDstDirSlash == chDirSep); *szDstDirSlash = chEos; lstrcpy(rgchTmpDirPath, szDstDir); *szDstDirSlash = chDirSep;
if (brc == brcOkay && (!FWriteBatFile(ofBat, "DEL", rgchDstFullPath) || !FWriteBatFile(ofBat, "RMDIR", szDstDir) || !FWriteBatFile(ofBat, "RMDIR", rgchTmpDirPath))) { return (brcDS); }
if (fCabinetFiles && brc == brcOkay) { szSrc = (char *)LocalLock(hSrcLst); if(szSrc == NULL) return (brcMem);
szDst = (char *)LocalLock(hDstLst); if( szDst == NULL) { LocalUnlock (hSrcLst); return (brcMem); } #ifdef DEBUG
if (!FValidFATFileName(rgchCabinetFName)) { wsprintf(szDebugBuf, "Invalid cabinet file, must be 8.3: %s", rgchCabinetFName); MessageBox(NULL, szDebugBuf, szDebugMsg, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); } else #endif /* DEBUG */
brc = BrcHandleCabinetFiles(hwndBoot, rgchCabinetFName, cFirstCabinetNum, cLastCabinetNum, szModule, szDstDir, szSrc, szDst, rgchErrorFile, rgchDstFullPath);
LocalUnlock(hSrcLst); LocalUnlock(hDstLst); }
return (brc); }
** Purpose: ** Removes the files previously copied to the temp dest dir. ** Arguments: ** szDstDir: full path to destination directory (OEM chars). ** Returns: ** None. **************************************************************************/ VOID RemoveFiles ( char * szDstDir ) { char rgchDstFullPath[cchFullPathMax]; char * szDst; int cbDst; int i; OFSTRUCT ofs; UINT fModeSav;
fModeSav = SetErrorMode(fNoErrMes); szDst = (char *)LocalLock(hDstLst); if (szDst == NULL) return;
for (; (cbDst = lstrlen(szDst)) != 0; szDst += cbDst + 1) { lstrcpy(rgchDstFullPath, szDstDir); lstrcat(rgchDstFullPath, "\\"); lstrcat(rgchDstFullPath, szDst); Assert(lstrlen(rgchDstFullPath) < cchFullPathMax); /* Don't try to remove the file if it doesn't exist */ if (OpenFile(rgchDstFullPath, &ofs, OF_EXIST) == HFILE_ERROR) continue;
/* Try to _chmod the file up to cRetryMax times.
*/ for (i = 0; i < cRetryMax; i++) { if (_chmod(rgchDstFullPath, S_IWRITE) == 0) break; FYield(); }
/* Try to remove the file up to cRetryMax times.
*/ for (i = 0; i < cRetryMax; i++) { if (remove(rgchDstFullPath) == 0) break; FYield(); } }
LocalUnlock(hDstLst); SetErrorMode(fModeSav);
lstrcpy(rgchDstFullPath, szDstDir); lstrcat(rgchDstFullPath, "\\_MSSETUP._Q_"); Assert(lstrlen(rgchDstFullPath) < cchFullPathMax); _chmod(rgchDstFullPath, S_IWRITE); remove(rgchDstFullPath); }
** Purpose: ** Copies the given source file to the given destination. ** Arguments: ** szFullPathSrc: full path name of source file (ANSI chars). ** szFullPathDst: full path name of destination file (OEM chars). ** Returns: ** One of the following bootstrapper return codes: ** brcMem out of memory ** brcDS out of disk space ** brcMemDS out of memory or disk space ** brcFile expected source file missing ** brcOkay completed without error **************************************************************************/ BRC BrcCopy ( char * szFullPathSrc, char * szFullPathDst ) { int fhSrc = -1; int fhDst = -1; OFSTRUCT ofSrc, ofDst; BRC brc = brcMemDS; int fErr;
#ifdef APPCOMP
if ((fhSrc = OpenFile(szFullPathSrc, &ofSrc, OF_READ)) == -1) { brc = brcFile; lstrcpy(rgchErrorFile, szFullPathSrc); goto CopyFailed; } #endif /* APPCOMP */
/* REVIEW: BUG: if szFullPathDst is an existing subdirectory
** instead of a file, we'll fail trying to open it, think we're ** out of disk space, and go back up to try another disk. ** This is acceptable for now. */ _chmod(szFullPathDst, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE); OemToAnsi(szFullPathDst, szFullPathDst); fhDst = OpenFile(szFullPathDst, &ofDst, OF_CREATE | OF_WRITE); AnsiToOem(szFullPathDst, szFullPathDst); if (fhDst == -1) goto CopyFailed;
#ifdef APPCOMP
if (WReadHeaderInfo(fhSrc) > 0) { LONG lRet;
lRet = LcbDecompFile(fhSrc, fhDst, -1, 0, TRUE, NULL, 0L, NULL, 0, NULL); if (lRet < 0L) { if (lRet == (LONG)rcOutOfMemory) brc = brcMem; if (lRet == (LONG)rcWriteError) brc = brcDS; goto CopyFailed; } FFreeHeaderInfo(); } else /* copy the file using LZExpand */ #endif /* APPCOMP */
{ HFILE hSrcLZ; DWORD dwRet;
#ifdef APPCOMP
fErr = _lclose(fhSrc); Assert(!fErr); fhSrc = -1; #endif /* APPCOMP */
if ((hSrcLZ = LZOpenFile(szFullPathSrc, &ofSrc, OF_READ)) == -1) { brc = brcFile; lstrcpy(rgchErrorFile, szFullPathSrc); goto CopyFailed; }
/* We would like to yield more often, but LZCopy has no callbacks */ FYield(); dwRet = LZCopy(hSrcLZ, fhDst); LZClose(hSrcLZ);
if (dwRet >= LZERROR_UNKNOWNALG) { if (dwRet == LZERROR_GLOBALLOC) brc = brcMem; if (dwRet == LZERROR_WRITE) brc = brcDS; goto CopyFailed; } }
brc = brcOkay;
CopyFailed: #ifdef APPCOMP
if (fhSrc != -1) { fErr = _lclose(fhSrc); Assert(!fErr); } #endif /* APPCOMP */
if (fhDst != -1) { fErr = _lclose(fhDst); Assert(!fErr); }
return (brc); }
** Purpose: ** Determine the storage space remaining on disk. ** Arguments: ** nDrive: drive number (1='A', 2='B', etc.) ** Returns: ** Number of bytes free on disk, ** or 0 if not a valid drive. +++ ** Implementation: ** Calls DOS interrupt 21h, funct 36h. **************************************************************************/ LONG LcbFreeDrive ( int nDrive ) { LONG lcbRet; CHAR achRoot[4]; ULARGE_INTEGER freeBytes;
achRoot[0] = 'A'+nDrive-1; achRoot[1] = ':'; achRoot[2] = '\\'; achRoot[3] = 0; memset(&freeBytes, 0, sizeof(freeBytes)); GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(achRoot, &freeBytes, 0, 0); lcbRet = freeBytes.LowPart;
/* KLUDGE: Drives bigger than 2 GB can return zero total space!
*/ if (lcbRet < 0L || lcbRet > (999999L * 1024L)) { return (999999L * 1024L); }
return (lcbRet); }
** Purpose: ** Creates and displays bootstrapper window. ** Arguments: ** hInstance: process instance handle ** Returns: ** Window handle to bootstrapper window, or ** NULL if the window could not be created. **************************************************************************/ HWND HwndInitBootWnd ( HANDLE hInstance ) { WNDCLASS wc; HWND hwnd; int cx, cy;
wc.style = 0; wc.lpfnWndProc = BootWndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.hCursor = NULL; wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_BTNFACE + 1); wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = szBootClass; if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) return (NULL);
cx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) / 2; cy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) / 3;
hwnd = CreateWindow(szBootClass, rgchBootTitle, WS_DLGFRAME, cx / 2, cy, cx, cy, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL);
if (hwnd == NULL) return (NULL);
if (!fQuietMode) { ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL); UpdateWindow(hwnd); }
return (hwnd); }
// ripped off from mvdm\wow32\wgtext.c
ULONG GetTextExtent(HDC hdc, LPSTR lpstr, int cbString) { ULONG ul = 0; SIZE size4;
if ((GetTextExtentPoint( hdc, lpstr, cbString, &size4 ))) { // check if either cx or cy are bigger than SHRT_MAX == 7fff
// but do it in ONE SINGLE check
if ((size4.cx | size4.cy) & ~SHRT_MAX) { if (size4.cx > SHRT_MAX) ul = SHRT_MAX; else ul = (ULONG)size4.cx;
if (size4.cy > SHRT_MAX) ul |= (SHRT_MAX << 16); else ul |= (ULONG)(size4.cy << 16); } else { ul = (ULONG)(size4.cx | (size4.cy << 16)); }
} return (ul); }
** Purpose: ** WndProc for bootstrapper window. ** Arguments: ** Standard Windows WndProc arguments. ** Returns: ** Result of call DefWindowProc, or zero if WM_PAINT message. **************************************************************************/ LRESULT CALLBACK BootWndProc ( HWND hwnd, UINT wMsgID, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { HDC hdc; PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT rect; UINT iMargin;
switch (wMsgID) { #ifdef DBCS // [J3] Fixed KK raid #12.
case WM_CREATE: { if (!fQuietMode) { int x, y, cx, cy; hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect); cx = (LOWORD(GetTextExtent(hdc, rgchBootMess, lstrlen(rgchBootMess))) + 13) / 14 * 16 + 2; if (cx > rect.right) { if (cx > GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)) cx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); x = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - cx) / 2; y = cy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) / 3; SetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, x, y, cx, cy, SWP_NOZORDER); } EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); } break; } #endif
case WM_PAINT: if (!fQuietMode) { hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect); iMargin = rect.right / 16; rect.top = rect.bottom / 2 - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); rect.left = iMargin; rect.right -= iMargin; SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); DrawText(hdc, rgchBootMess, -1, &rect, DT_WORDBREAK | DT_CENTER | DT_NOPREFIX); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); } break; default: return (DefWindowProc(hwnd, wMsgID, wParam, lParam)); }
return (0L); }
** Purpose: ** Get size of file. ** Arguments: ** szFile: List file name (full path, ANSI). ** pcbSize: Pointer to variable to receive file size. ** Returns: ** FALSE if file found and size >= 64K. ** TRUE otherwise. **************************************************************************/ BOOL FGetFileSize ( char * szFile, UINT * pcbSize ) { int fh; int fErr; LONG lcb;
*pcbSize = 0; if ((fh = _lopen(szFile, OF_READ)) == -1) { return (TRUE); } if ((lcb = _llseek(fh, 0L, 2)) > 65535) { #pragma warning(disable:4127) /* conditional expression is constant */
Assert(FALSE); #pragma warning(default:4127)
_lclose(fh); return (FALSE); } *pcbSize = (UINT)lcb; fErr = _lclose(fh); Assert(!fErr);
return (TRUE); }
** Purpose: ** Build file Src and Dst lists from LST file. ** Arguments: ** szFile: List file name (full path, ANSI). ** cbFile: Size of list file ** Note: ** Sets globals: hSrcLst, hDstLst. ** Returns: ** One of the following Bootstrapper return codes: ** brcMem out of memory ** brcLst list file is corrupted ** brcOkay completed without error **************************************************************************/ BRC BrcBuildFileLists ( char * szFile, UINT cbFile ) { char rgchDst[cchLstLineMax]; char * szSrc; char * szDst; char * pchDstStart; int cbSrc; UINT i;
/* Build Src List */
if ((hSrcLst = LocalAlloc(LMEM_MOVEABLE, cbFile)) == NULL) return (brcMem); szSrc = (char *)LocalLock(hSrcLst); if(szSrc == (char *)NULL) return (brcMem);
i = GetPrivateProfileString(szFilesSect, NULL, "", szSrc, cbFile, szFile); if (i <= 0) { LocalUnlock(hSrcLst); hSrcLst = LocalFree(hSrcLst); Assert(hSrcLst == NULL); return (brcLst); } Assert(i+1 < cbFile); szSrc[i++] = '\0'; /* force double zero at end */ szSrc[i++] = '\0'; LocalUnlock(hSrcLst); hSrcLst = LocalReAlloc(hSrcLst, i, LMEM_MOVEABLE); if(hSrcLst == NULL) return (brcMem);
/* Build Dst List */ if ((hDstLst = LocalAlloc(LMEM_MOVEABLE, cbFile)) == NULL) { hSrcLst = LocalFree(hSrcLst); Assert(hSrcLst == NULL); return (brcMem); }
szSrc = (char *)LocalLock(hSrcLst); if (szSrc == (char *)NULL) return (brcMem);
szDst = pchDstStart = (char *)LocalLock(hDstLst); if (szDst == (char *)NULL) { LocalUnlock (hDstLst); return (brcMem); }
for (; (cbSrc = lstrlen(szSrc)) != 0; szSrc += cbSrc + 1, szDst += lstrlen(szDst) + 1) { if (GetPrivateProfileString(szFilesSect, szSrc, "", rgchDst, cchLstLineMax, szFile) <= 0) { LocalUnlock(hSrcLst); LocalUnlock(hDstLst); FreeFileLists(); return (brcLst); } AnsiToOem(rgchDst, rgchDst); lstrcpy(szDst, rgchDst); } *szDst = '\0'; /* force double zero at end */ LocalUnlock(hSrcLst); LocalUnlock(hDstLst); hDstLst = LocalReAlloc(hDstLst, (int)(szDst - pchDstStart) + 1, LMEM_MOVEABLE); if (hDstLst == NULL) return (brcMem);
return (brcOkay); }
** Purpose: ** Frees file list buffers with non-NULL handles ** and sets them to NULL. ** Arguments: ** none. ** Returns: ** none. **************************************************************************/ VOID FreeFileLists () { if (hSrcLst != NULL) hSrcLst = LocalFree(hSrcLst); if (hDstLst != NULL) hDstLst = LocalFree(hDstLst); Assert(hSrcLst == NULL); Assert(hDstLst == NULL); }
** Purpose: ** Spawns off a process with WinExec and waits for it to complete. ** Arguments: ** szCmdLn: Line passed to WinExec (cannot have leading spaces). ** Returns: ** TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. +++ ** Implementation: ** GetModuleUsage will RIP under Win 3.0 Debug if module count is ** zero (okay to ignore and continue), but the GetModuleHandle ** check will catch all zero cases for single instances of the ** driver, the usual case. [Under Win 3.1 we will be able to ** replace both checks with just an IsTask(hMod) check.] **************************************************************************/ BOOL FExecAndWait ( char * szCmdLn, HWND hwndHide ) { UINT hMod; MSG msg;
Assert(!isspace(*szCmdLn)); /* leading space kills WinExec */
if ((hMod = WinExec(szCmdLn, SW_SHOWNORMAL)) > 32) { UINT i; UINT_PTR idTimer; /* KLUDGE: Give the app some time to create its main window.
* * On newer versions of NT, we were exiting the while loop * (below) and cleaning up the temp dir before the app had * even put up its window. * * NOTE: In trials, we only had to retry once, so cRetryMax * may be overkill, but it should be pretty rare that this * would fail in shipping products anyway. */ for (i = 0; i < cRetryMax; i++) { if(FindWindow(rgchDrvWinClass, NULL) != NULL) break; if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } }
/* Set the timer to fire every 1/10 of a second. This is
necessary because we might never return from GetMessage */ idTimer = SetTimer(NULL, 0, 100, NULL); /*
** REVIEW - FindWindow() will wait until the LAST setup quits (not ** necessarily this setup. If exec'ing a 16-bit app we could ** use the old code: ** while (GetModuleHandle(rgchDrvModName) && GetModuleUsage(hMod)) ** but on NT this fails so for 32-bit apps we could attempt to ** remove one of the executable files (slow?). ** ** REVIEW - This loop becomes a busy wait under NT, which is bad. ** However, it doesn't appear to affect ACME's performance ** noticeably. */ while (FindWindow(rgchDrvWinClass, NULL) != NULL) { if (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } if (msg.message == WM_TIMER && hwndHide != (HWND)NULL) { ShowWindow(hwndHide, SW_HIDE); hwndHide = (HWND)NULL; } } if (idTimer != 0) KillTimer(0, idTimer); return (TRUE); } #ifdef DEBUG
wsprintf(szDebugBuf, "WinExec Error: %d", hMod); MessageBox(NULL, szDebugBuf, szDebugMsg, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); #endif /* DEBUG */
return (FALSE); }
** Purpose: Processes messages that may be in the queue. ** Arguments: none ** Returns: none **************************************************************************/ void PUBLIC FYield ( VOID ) { MSG msg;
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } }
**************************************************************************/ BOOL FLstSectionExists ( char * szLstFileName, char * szSect ) { return (GetPrivateProfileString(szSect, "CmdLine", "", rgchCmdLine, cchLstLineMax, szLstFileName) > 0); }
**************************************************************************/ DWORD GetCpuArchitecture () { SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo;
return sysInfo.wProcessorArchitecture; }
static CSZC cszcBootstrapperKey = "MS Setup (ACME)\\Bootstrapper\\Exit Level"; static CSZC cszcEelRunning = "Running";
** Purpose: ** Lets Acme know the bootstrapper launched it. So Acme will let ** us know its exit error level. ** Arguments: ** none. ** Returns: ** fTrue if successful, fFalse otherwise. ** Notes: ** REVIEW: Probably should use DDE instead of the Registration ** Database. **************************************************************************/ BOOL FNotifyAcme ( VOID ) { if (!FCreateRegKey(cszcBootstrapperKey)) { return (fFalse); } if (!FCreateRegKeyValue(cszcBootstrapperKey, cszcEelRunning)) { return (fFalse); } if (!FFlushRegKey()) { return (fFalse); } return (fTrue); }
** Purpose: ** Get the exit error level set by Acme and clean up the Registration ** Database. ** Arguments: ** peel: Exit error level (to be set). ** Returns: ** fTrue if successful, fFalse otherwise. **************************************************************************/ BOOL FGetAcmeErrorLevel ( EEL * peel ) { CHAR rgchValue[cchSzMax];
if (FGetRegKeyValue(cszcBootstrapperKey, rgchValue, sizeof rgchValue)) { #ifdef DEBUG
* Assert(isdigit(rgchValue[0])); * Assert(isdigit(rgchValue[1]) || rgchValue[1] == chEos); */ UINT i; BOOL fValidValue = fFalse;
/* Assumes valid values are 1 or 2 digit numbers. */ for (i = 0; rgchValue[i] != chEos; i++) { fValidValue = fTrue; if (!isdigit(rgchValue[i]) || i > 1) { fValidValue = fFalse; break; } } if (!fValidValue) { char szBuf[cchSzMax]; wsprintf(szBuf, "RegKeyValue (%s)", rgchValue); MessageBox(NULL, szBuf, "Debug Assertion in FGetAcmeErrorLevel", MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); } #endif /* DEBUG */
*peel = atoi(rgchValue); DeleteRegKey(cszcBootstrapperKey); return (fTrue); } else { if (fWin31) { *peel = eelSuccess; return fTrue; } return (fFalse); } }
** Purpose: ** Creates a Registration Database key that is a subkey of ** cszcBootstrapperKey. ****************************************************************************/ BOOL FCreateRegKey ( CSZC cszcKey ) { HKEY hkey;
if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, cszcKey, &hkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DispErrBrc(brcRegDb, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); return (fFalse); }
if (RegCloseKey(hkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DispErrBrc(brcRegDb, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); return (fFalse); }
return (fTrue); }
** Purpose: ** API to check for the existence of the specified key in ** the Registration Database. ****************************************************************************/ BOOL FDoesRegKeyExist ( CSZC cszcKey ) { HKEY hkey;
if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, cszcKey, &hkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return (fFalse);
return (fTrue); }
** Purpose: ** Creates a Registration Database key that is a subkey of ** HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and associates a value with the key. ****************************************************************************/ BOOL FCreateRegKeyValue ( CSZC cszcKey, CSZC cszcValue ) { if (RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, cszcKey, REG_SZ, cszcValue, lstrlen(cszcKey)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DispErrBrc(brcRegDb, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); return (fFalse); }
return (fTrue); }
** Purpose: ** Determines the value associated with the specified Registration ** Database key. ****************************************************************************/ BOOL FGetRegKeyValue ( CSZC cszcKey, SZ szBuf, CB cbBufMax ) { LONG lcb = cbBufMax;
if (szBuf != szNull && cbBufMax != 0) *szBuf = chEos;
if (!FDoesRegKeyExist(cszcKey)) return (fFalse);
if (RegQueryValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, cszcKey, szBuf, &lcb) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DispErrBrc(brcRegDb, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); return (fFalse); }
Assert(lcb < cbMaxConst);
return (fTrue); }
** Purpose: ** API to remove the specified Registration Database key, ** its associated values, and subkeys. ****************************************************************************/ VOID DeleteRegKey ( CSZC cszcKey ) { char rgchKey[cchSzMax], rgchBuffer[cchSzMax]; char *pch; HKEY hKeyT = NULL; lstrcpy(rgchKey, cszcKey); RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, rgchKey); pch = rgchKey + 1;
while(pch > rgchKey) { pch = rgchKey + lstrlen(rgchKey); while (pch > rgchKey) { if (*pch == '\\') break; pch--; } if (*pch != '\\') break; *pch = '\0'; if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, rgchKey, &hKeyT) != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; if (RegEnumKey(hKeyT, 0, rgchBuffer, sizeof(rgchBuffer)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
RegCloseKey(hKeyT); hKeyT = NULL; RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, rgchKey); }
if (hKeyT != NULL) RegCloseKey(hKeyT); }
** Purpose: ** API to flush the specified Registration Database key. ****************************************************************************/ BOOL FFlushRegKey ( VOID ) { /* REVIEW: Does 16 bit code need to flush the RegDb? RegFlushKey is
32 bit. if (RegFlushKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DispErrBrc(brcRegDb, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, NULL, NULL, NULL); return (fFalse); } */
return (fTrue); }
** Purpose: ** Write temporary files to restart ini file. So that if Acme reboots, ** the files in the temporary directory will be removed. Win95 only. ** Arguments: ** szTmpDir: Full path to destination directory (OEM chars). ** Returns: ** fTrue if successful, fFalse otherwise. ** ** REVIEW: The files are removed, but not the temp directories. ** There may be a way to do that via the wininit.ini file. ** This should be looked into. **************************************************************************/ BOOL FWriteToRestartFile ( SZ szTmpDir ) { char rgchIniFile[_MAX_PATH]; CB cbFrom; CB cbTo; HLOCAL hlocalFrom = (HLOCAL)NULL; HLOCAL hlocalTo = (HLOCAL)NULL; BOOL fRet = fFalse;
SZ szSection = "rename"; SZ szKey = "NUL";
/* This code is not used under NT. */ if (1) { return (fTrue); }
if (!FCreateIniFileName(rgchIniFile, sizeof rgchIniFile)) { goto LCleanupAndReturn; } if (!FGetFileSize(rgchIniFile, &cbFrom)) { goto LCleanupAndReturn; } if (!FReadIniFile(rgchIniFile, &hlocalFrom, &cbFrom)) { goto LCleanupAndReturn; } if (!FAllocNewBuf(cbFrom, szTmpDir, szSection, szKey, &hlocalTo, &cbTo)) { goto LCleanupAndReturn; } if (!FProcessFile(hlocalFrom, hlocalTo, cbTo, szTmpDir, szSection, szKey)) { goto LCleanupAndReturn; } if (!FWriteIniFile(rgchIniFile, hlocalTo)) { goto LCleanupAndReturn; } fRet = fTrue;
LCleanupAndReturn: if (hlocalFrom != (HLOCAL)NULL) { hlocalFrom = LocalFree(hlocalFrom); Assert(hlocalFrom == (HLOCAL)NULL); } if (hlocalTo != (HLOCAL)NULL) { hlocalTo = LocalFree(hlocalTo); Assert(hlocalTo == (HLOCAL)NULL); }
return (fRet); }
** Purpose: ** Create the restart file name. ** Arguments: ** szIniFile: Buffer to hold file name. ** cbBufMax: Size of buffer. ** Returns: ** fTrue if successful, fFalse otherwise. **************************************************************************/ BOOL FCreateIniFileName ( SZ szIniFile, CB cbBufMax ) { CB cbWinDir;
cbWinDir = GetWindowsDirectory((LPSTR)szIniFile, cbBufMax); if (cbWinDir == 0) { #pragma warning(disable:4127) /* conditional expression is constant */
Assert(fFalse); /* Unusual if this happens. */ #pragma warning(default:4127)
return (fFalse); } Assert(isalpha(*szIniFile)); Assert(*(szIniFile + 1) == ':');
if (*(AnsiPrev((LPSTR)szIniFile, (LPSTR)&szIniFile[cbWinDir])) != '\\') lstrcat((LPSTR)szIniFile, "\\"); lstrcat((LPSTR)szIniFile, "wininit.ini"); Assert((CB)lstrlen(szIniFile) < cbBufMax);
return (fTrue); }
** Purpose: ** Read the data from the ini file ** Arguments: ** szIniFile: Ini file name ** phlocal: Pointer to memory handle. ** pcbBuf: Pointer to the number of bytes in the buffer. ** Returns: ** fTrue if successful, fFalse otherwise. **************************************************************************/ BOOL FReadIniFile ( SZ szIniFile, HLOCAL * phlocal, PCB pcbBuf ) { UINT fModeSav; HLOCAL hlocal; SZ szBuf; CB cbBuf; BOOL fRet = fFalse;
Assert(szIniFile != szNull); Assert(phlocal != (HLOCAL *)NULL); Assert(pcbBuf != pcbNull);
fModeSav = SetErrorMode(fNoErrMes); hlocal = *phlocal; cbBuf = *pcbBuf;
Assert(hlocal == (HLOCAL)NULL);
if (cbBuf == 0) /* Ini file does not exist or is empty. */ { /* Alloc room for CR, LF, EOS. */ hlocal = LocalAlloc(LMEM_MOVEABLE, 3); if (hlocal == NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG
MessageBox(NULL, "Out of memory in FReadIniFile.", szDebugMsg, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); #endif /* DEBUG */
} else { szBuf = (SZ)LocalLock(hlocal); if(szBuf == szNull) return fFalse;
*szBuf++ = chCR; *szBuf++ = chEol; *szBuf = chEos; *pcbBuf = 2; fRet = fTrue; } } else { HFILE hfile; OFSTRUCT ofs; CB cbRead;
/* Flush cache before calling OpenFile() */ WritePrivateProfileString(szNull, szNull, szNull, szIniFile); hfile = OpenFile(szIniFile, &ofs, OF_READWRITE | OF_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE); if (hfile == HFILE_ERROR) { #ifdef DEBUG
wsprintf(szDebugBuf, "Can't open file: %s.", szIniFile); MessageBox(NULL, szDebugBuf, szDebugMsg, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); #endif /* DEBUG */
goto LCleanupAndReturn; } hlocal = LocalAlloc(LMEM_MOVEABLE, cbBuf + 1); if (hlocal == NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG
MessageBox(NULL, "Out of memory in FReadIniFile.", szDebugMsg, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); #endif /* DEBUG */
} else { szBuf = (SZ)LocalLock(hlocal); if(szBuf == szNull) return fFalse;
cbRead = (CB)_lread(hfile, szBuf, cbBuf + 1); if (cbRead == HFILE_ERROR) { #ifdef DEBUG
wsprintf(szDebugBuf, "Can't read file: %s.", szIniFile); MessageBox(NULL, szDebugBuf, szDebugMsg, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); #endif /* DEBUG */
} else { Assert(cbRead == cbBuf); *(szBuf + cbBuf) = chEos; fRet = fTrue; } } hfile = _lclose(hfile); Assert(hfile != HFILE_ERROR); }
LCleanupAndReturn: if (hlocal != NULL) { LocalUnlock(hlocal); } *phlocal = hlocal; SetErrorMode(fModeSav);
return (fRet); }
** Purpose: ** Allocate buffer for new file. ** Arguments: ** cbOld: Size of existing file ** szTmpDir: Full path to destination directory (OEM chars). ** szSection: Ini section name ** szKey: Ini key name ** phlocal: Pointer to memory handle. ** pcbToBuf: Pointer to total size of new buffer. ** Returns: ** fTrue if successful, fFalse if LocalAlloc failed. **************************************************************************/ BOOL FAllocNewBuf ( CB cbOld, SZ szTmpDir, SZ szSection, SZ szKey, HLOCAL * phlocal, PCB pcbToBuf ) { UINT fModeSav; SZ szDst; CB cbDst; CB cbOverhead; CB cbNew; BOOL fRet = fFalse;
fModeSav = SetErrorMode(fNoErrMes); szDst = (SZ)LocalLock(hDstLst); if(szDst == szNull) return fFalse; /*
* Added to the old file will be one line per temporary file * and (possibly) a section line. cbNew is initialized with * the size of the section line, plus enough for the file * (_MSSETUP._Q_) which is not in the DstLst. * * Each line will look like: * <szKey>=<szTmpDir>\<szFile><CR><LF> */ cbOverhead = lstrlen(szKey) + 1 + lstrlen(szTmpDir) + 1 + 2; cbNew = lstrlen(szSection) + 5 + _MAX_PATH; for (; (cbDst = lstrlen(szDst)) != 0; szDst += cbDst + 1) { cbNew += cbOverhead + cbDst; }
*pcbToBuf = cbOld + cbNew; *phlocal = LocalAlloc(LMEM_MOVEABLE, *pcbToBuf); if (*phlocal == NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG
MessageBox(NULL, "Out of memory in FAllocNewBuf.", szDebugMsg, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); #endif /* DEBUG */
} else fRet = fTrue; SetErrorMode(fModeSav);
return (fRet); }
** Purpose: ** Add the new lines to the ini file. ** Arguments: ** hlocalFrom: Handle to Src memory. ** hlocalTo: Handle to Dst memory. ** cbToBuf: Total size of Dst memory. ** szTmpDir: Full path to destination directory (OEM chars). ** szSection: Ini section name ** szKey: Ini key name ** Returns: ** fTrue if successful, fFalse otherwise. ** ** REVIEW: DBCS writes out different order. See DBCS J6 code and ** comments in sysinicm.c. **************************************************************************/ BOOL FProcessFile ( HLOCAL hlocalFrom, HLOCAL hlocalTo, CB cbToBuf, SZ szTmpDir, SZ szSection, SZ szKey ) { UINT fModeSav; SZ szFromBuf; SZ szToBuf; SZ szToStart; SZ szCur; SZ szDst; CB cbSect; CB cbDst;
Unused(cbToBuf); /* Used in debug only */
fModeSav = SetErrorMode(fNoErrMes);
szFromBuf = (SZ)LocalLock(hlocalFrom); if(szFromBuf == szNull) return fFalse;
szToBuf = (SZ)LocalLock(hlocalTo); if(szToBuf != szNull) { LocalUnlock (hlocalFrom); return fFalse; }
szToStart = szToBuf;
cbSect = lstrlen(szSection); for (szCur = szFromBuf; *szCur != chEos; szCur = AnsiNext(szCur)) { if (*szCur == '[' && *((szCur + cbSect + 1)) == ']' && _memicmp(szSection, AnsiNext(szCur), cbSect) == 0) { /* Found section. Copy up to section line. */ CB cbCopy = (CB)(szCur - szFromBuf);
memcpy(szToBuf, szFromBuf, cbCopy); szToBuf += cbCopy; break; } }
/* Copy section line. */ *szToBuf++ = '['; memcpy(szToBuf, szSection, cbSect); szToBuf += cbSect; *szToBuf++ = ']'; *szToBuf++ = chCR; *szToBuf++ = chEol;
/* Copy new lines. */ szDst = (SZ)LocalLock(hDstLst); if (szDst == szNull) {
LocalUnlock(hlocalFrom); LocalUnlock(hlocalTo); return fFalse; }
for (; (cbDst = lstrlen(szDst)) != 0; szDst += cbDst + 1) { CopyIniLine(szKey, szTmpDir, szDst, &szToBuf); } LocalUnlock(hDstLst); CopyIniLine(szKey, szTmpDir, "_MSSETUP._Q_", &szToBuf);
/* Copy rest of file. */ if (*szCur == '[') { /*
* Skip section line in From buffer. Allow room for '[', section, * ']', CR, LF. */ szCur += cbSect + 4; } else { szCur = szFromBuf; } szToBuf = _memccpy(szToBuf, szCur, chEos, UINT_MAX); Assert(szToBuf != szNull); Assert((CB)lstrlen(szToStart) < cbToBuf);
LocalUnlock(hlocalFrom); LocalUnlock(hlocalTo); SetErrorMode(fModeSav);
return (fTrue); }
** Purpose: ** Constructs and copies an ini line to a buffer. ** Arguments: ** szKey: Ini key name ** szTmpDir: Full path to destination directory (OEM chars). ** szFile: Name of file in temporary directory. ** pszToBuf: Pointer to new buffer. ** Returns: ** none **************************************************************************/ VOID CopyIniLine ( SZ szKey, SZ szTmpDir, SZ szFile, PSZ pszToBuf ) { char rgchSysIniLine[256]; CB cbCopy;
lstrcpy(rgchSysIniLine, szKey); lstrcat(rgchSysIniLine, "="); lstrcat(rgchSysIniLine, szTmpDir); lstrcat(rgchSysIniLine, "\\"); lstrcat(rgchSysIniLine, szFile); Assert(lstrlen(rgchSysIniLine) < sizeof rgchSysIniLine); cbCopy = lstrlen(rgchSysIniLine); memcpy(*pszToBuf, rgchSysIniLine, cbCopy); (*pszToBuf) += cbCopy; *(*pszToBuf)++ = chCR; *(*pszToBuf)++ = chEol; }
** Purpose: ** Writes out the new ini file. ** Arguments: ** szIniFile: Buffer to hold file name. ** hlocalTo: Handle to Src memory. ** Returns: ** fTrue if successful, fFalse otherwise. **************************************************************************/ BOOL FWriteIniFile ( SZ szIniFile, HLOCAL hlocalTo ) { UINT fModeSav; SZ szToBuf; HFILE hfile; OFSTRUCT ofs; CB cbWrite; BOOL fRet = fFalse;
fModeSav = SetErrorMode(fNoErrMes); szToBuf = (SZ)LocalLock(hlocalTo); if(szToBuf == szNull) return fFalse;
hfile = OpenFile(szIniFile, &ofs, OF_CREATE | OF_WRITE); if (hfile == HFILE_ERROR) { #ifdef DEBUG
wsprintf(szDebugBuf, "Can't open file: %s.", szIniFile); MessageBox(NULL, szDebugBuf, szDebugMsg, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); #endif /* DEBUG */
goto LUnlockAndReturn; }
cbWrite = _lwrite(hfile, szToBuf, lstrlen(szToBuf)); if (cbWrite == HFILE_ERROR) { #ifdef DEBUG
wsprintf(szDebugBuf, "Can't write to file: %s.", szIniFile); MessageBox(NULL, szDebugBuf, szDebugMsg, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); #endif /* DEBUG */
} else { fRet = fTrue; }
hfile = _lclose(hfile); Assert(hfile != HFILE_ERROR);
LUnlockAndReturn: LocalUnlock(hlocalTo); SetErrorMode(fModeSav);
return (fRet); }
CHAR szcStfSrcDir[] = "Source Directory\t"; #define cchStfSrcDir (sizeof(szcStfSrcDir)-1)
/* Finds the source directory for the installation, asks the user
to insert the disk. And returns */
BRC BrcInsertDisk(CHAR *pchStf, CHAR *pchSrcDrive) { CHAR rgbBuf[_MAX_PATH]; BYTE rgbFileBuf[32]; UINT iFileBuf = sizeof(rgbFileBuf), cFileBuf = sizeof(rgbFileBuf); CHAR *pchBuf = rgbBuf; CHAR *pchMsg; int iStf = 0; HFILE hFile; BRC brc = brcLst; char chDrv; BOOL fQuote = FALSE; int drvType; BOOL fFirst = TRUE; BOOL fOpen = FALSE; HFILE hFileT; BOOL fRenameStf = fFalse;
if ((hFile = _lopen(pchStf, OF_READ)) == HFILE_ERROR) return brcNoStf;
/* Find the path to the original setup. This is stored in the .stf file on the
Source Directory line */ while (pchBuf < rgbBuf + sizeof(rgbBuf)) { BYTE ch;
if (iFileBuf == cFileBuf) { if ((cFileBuf = _lread(hFile, rgbFileBuf, sizeof(rgbFileBuf))) == 0) goto LDone; iFileBuf = 0; } ch = rgbFileBuf[iFileBuf++]; if (iStf < cchStfSrcDir) { if (ch == szcStfSrcDir[iStf]) iStf++; else iStf = 0; continue; } if(fQuote) fQuote = FALSE; else if (ch == '"') { fQuote = TRUE; continue; } else if (ch == '\x0d' || ch == '\t') break; *pchBuf++ = (CHAR)ch; /* Case of having the last character be a DBCS character */ if (IsDBCSLeadByte(ch)) { if (iFileBuf == cFileBuf) { _lread(hFile, &ch, 1); *pchBuf++ = (CHAR) ch; } else *pchBuf++ = rgbFileBuf[iFileBuf++]; } }
LDone: *pchBuf = 0; if (rgbBuf[0] == 0) { fRenameStf = fTrue; goto LClose; } chDrv = (char)toupper(rgbBuf[0]); if (rgbBuf[1] != ':' || chDrv < 'A' || chDrv > 'Z') { /* We know this is a network drive - UNC Name */ drvType = EX_DRIVE_REMOTE; Assert(rgbBuf[0] == '\\' && rgbBuf[1] == '\\'); } else { drvType = GetDriveTypeEx(chDrv - 'A'); }
lstrcpy(pchSrcDrive, rgbBuf); if (*AnsiPrev(rgbBuf, pchBuf) != '\\') { *pchBuf++ = '\\'; *pchBuf = 0; }
lstrcat(rgbBuf, "Setup.ini");
while (!fOpen) { switch (drvType) { case EX_DRIVE_FIXED: case EX_DRIVE_REMOTE: case EX_DRIVE_RAMDISK: case EX_DRIVE_INVALID: default: if (!fFirst) { /* We've been here before */ DispErrBrc(brcConnectToSource, TRUE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, pchSrcDrive, NULL, NULL); brc = brcMax; goto LClose; } /* The setup stuff should be available, change directories and go for it */ break; case EX_DRIVE_FLOPPY: case EX_DRIVE_REMOVABLE: /* Ask to insert disk */ pchMsg = rgchInsertDiskMsg; goto LAskUser; break; case EX_DRIVE_CDROM: /* Ask to insert their CD */ pchMsg = rgchInsertCDMsg; LAskUser: if (fFirst) { if (DispErrBrc(brcString, FALSE, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OKCANCEL, pchMsg, NULL, NULL) != IDOK) { brc = brcUserQuit; goto LClose; } } else { if (DispErrBrc(brcInsCDRom2, FALSE, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OKCANCEL, rgbBuf, pchMsg, NULL) != IDOK) { brc = brcUserQuit; goto LClose; } } break; }
if ((hFileT = _lopen(rgbBuf, OF_READ)) != HFILE_ERROR) { _lclose(hFileT); fOpen = fTrue; }
fFirst = FALSE;
brc = brcOkay;
LClose: _lclose(hFile);
/* If we can't find the source path in the maintenance mode .STF,
* assume it's corrupted and rename it, so when the user runs again * from the source image, we will just run in 'floppy' mode, * avoiding the bad .STF file. * (NOTE: Assumes /W is only used in maint mode!!) */ if (fRenameStf) { FRenameBadMaintStf(pchStf); brc = brcNoStf; }
return brc;
****************************************************************************/ BOOL FRenameBadMaintStf ( SZ szStf ) { CHAR rgch[_MAX_FNAME];
_splitpath(szStf, szNull, szNull, rgch, szNull); if (*rgch == '\0') lstrcpy(rgch, "stf");
Assert(lstrlen(rgch) + 4 < sizeof rgch); lstrcat(rgch, ".000");
rename(szStf, rgch);
/* Remove the original .STF in case the rename failed
* (probably due to a previously renamed .STF file). */ remove(szStf);
return (fTrue); /* Always returns true */ }