// FileExt.cpp : implementation file
#include "precomp.hxx"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CFileExt property page
CFileExt::CFileExt() : CPropertyPage(CFileExt::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CFileExt)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
CFileExt::~CFileExt() { *m_ppThis = NULL; }
void CFileExt::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CFileExt)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CFileExt, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CFileExt)
// CFileExt message handlers
void CFileExt::OnMoveUp() { CListBox * pList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1); int i = pList->GetCurSel(); if (i > 0) { // change the selection
CComboBox * pCombo = (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO1); CString sz; pCombo->GetLBText(pCombo->GetCurSel(), sz); EXT & Ext = m_Extensions[sz]; Ext.fDirty = TRUE; EXTEL t = Ext.v[i-1]; Ext.v[i-1] = Ext.v[i]; Ext.v[i] = t; pList->GetText(i, sz); pList->DeleteString(i); pList->InsertString(i-1, sz); pList->SetCurSel(i-1); SetModified(); } }
void CFileExt::OnMoveDown() { CListBox * pList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1); int i = pList->GetCurSel(); if (i < pList->GetCount()-1) { // change the selection
CComboBox * pCombo = (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO1); CString sz; pCombo->GetLBText(pCombo->GetCurSel(), sz); EXT & Ext = m_Extensions[sz]; Ext.fDirty = TRUE; EXTEL t = Ext.v[i+1]; Ext.v[i+1] = Ext.v[i]; Ext.v[i] = t; pList->GetText(i+1, sz); pList->DeleteString(i+1); pList->InsertString(i, sz); pList->SetCurSel(i+1); SetModified(); } }
void CFileExt::OnExtensionChanged() { CComboBox * pCombo = (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO1); CListBox * pList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1); CString szExt; pCombo->GetLBText(pCombo->GetCurSel(), szExt); pList->ResetContent();
// First check to see if we already have set up our own data for this extension.
if (m_Extensions.end() == m_Extensions.find(szExt)) { // need to set up our list
EXT Ext; Ext.fDirty = FALSE;
EXTLIST::iterator i; EXTLIST & ExtList = m_pCDI->m_Extensions[szExt]; for (i = ExtList.begin(); i != ExtList.end(); i++) { EXTEL ExtEl; ExtEl.lCookie = *i;
// look for the entry that matches this file extension
APP_DATA & data = m_pCDI->m_AppData[*i]; UINT n2 = data.pDetails->pActInfo->cShellFileExt; while (n2--) { if (0 == szExt.CompareNoCase(data.pDetails->pActInfo->prgShellFileExt[n2])) { break; } } ExtEl.lPriority = data.pDetails->pActInfo->prgPriority[n2]; Ext.v.push_back(ExtEl); } order_EXTEL func; std::sort(Ext.v.begin(), Ext.v.end(), func); m_Extensions[szExt] = Ext; } std::vector<EXTEL>::iterator i; EXT & Ext = m_Extensions[szExt]; for (i = Ext.v.begin(); i != Ext.v.end(); i++) { CString sz = m_pCDI->m_AppData[i->lCookie].pDetails->pszPackageName; pList->AddString(sz); } pList->SetCurSel(0); }
BOOL CFileExt::OnInitDialog() { RefreshData();
// unmarshal the IClassAdmin interface
HRESULT hr = CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream(m_pIStream, IID_IClassAdmin, (void **) &m_pIClassAdmin);
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
BOOL CFileExt::OnApply() { std::map <CString, EXT>::iterator iExt; // walk the list looking for dirty entries
for (iExt = m_Extensions.begin(); iExt != m_Extensions.end(); iExt++) { if (iExt->second.fDirty) { ULONG uPriority = iExt->second.v.size(); std::vector<EXTEL>::iterator i; for (i = iExt->second.v.begin(); i != iExt->second.v.end(); i++) { APP_DATA & data = m_pCDI->m_AppData[i->lCookie]; CString sz = data.pDetails->pszPackageName; m_pIClassAdmin->SetPriorityByFileExt((LPOLESTR)((LPCOLESTR)sz), (LPOLESTR)((LPCOLESTR)iExt->first), --uPriority);
// look for the entry that matches this file extension
UINT n2 = data.pDetails->pActInfo->cShellFileExt; while (n2--) { if (0 == iExt->first.CompareNoCase(data.pDetails->pActInfo->prgShellFileExt[n2])) { break; } } data.pDetails->pActInfo->prgPriority[n2] = uPriority; } iExt->second.fDirty = FALSE; } }
return CPropertyPage::OnApply(); }
LRESULT CFileExt::WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_USER_REFRESH: RefreshData(); return 0; case WM_USER_CLOSE: return GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_CLOSE); default: return CPropertyPage::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam); } }
void CFileExt::RefreshData(void) { CComboBox * pCombo = (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO1); pCombo->ResetContent(); std::map <CString, EXTLIST>::iterator iExt; for (iExt=m_pCDI->m_Extensions.begin(); iExt != m_pCDI->m_Extensions.end(); iExt++) { pCombo->AddString(iExt->first); } pCombo->SetCurSel(0); // clear the record of extension changes
m_Extensions.erase(m_Extensions.begin(), m_Extensions.end()); // and populate the list box
OnExtensionChanged(); }