// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
// File: dclscach.cxx
// Contents: Ole NTSD extension routines to display the class cache in
// the scm
// Functions: displayClassCache
// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
#include <ole2int.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "ole.h"
#include "dclscach.h"
void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
// Function: classCacheHelp
// Synopsis: Prints a short help menu for !ole.cc
// Arguments: [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
// Returns: -
// History: 27-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
void classCacheHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis) { Printf("cc - Display class cache info\n"); Printf("local-server-path[(16)] clsid debug? [handler]\n"); Printf(" hRpc hWnd flags PSID desktop\n"); Printf(" ...\n"); }
// Function: displayClassCache
// Synopsis: Displays the retail scm class cache
// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
// Returns: -
// History: 27-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
void displayClassCache(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis) { ULONG addr; SClassCacheList sClassCacheList; SSkipListEntry sSkipListEntry; SClassData sClassData; SLocalServer sLocalServer; SStringID sStringId; WCHAR *pwszUni; WCHAR wszUni[128]; char szAnsi[128]; SArrayFValue sArrayFValue; SSrvRegistration *pSrvReg; // Read the class cache
addr = GetExpression("scm!g_pcllClassCache"); ReadMem(&addr, addr, sizeof(ULONG)); ReadMem(&sClassCacheList, addr, sizeof(SClassCacheList)); // Read the initial skiplist entry
ReadMem(&sSkipListEntry, sClassCacheList._pSkipList, sizeof(SSkipListEntry));
// Do over skiplist entries
do { // Just in case
if (CheckControlC()) { return; } // Read the next skiplist entry
ReadMem(&sSkipListEntry, sSkipListEntry._apBaseForward, sizeof(SSkipListEntry)); // Read the CClassData structure
ReadMem(&sClassData, sSkipListEntry._pvEntry, sizeof(SClassData)); // Read the CLocalServer structure
ReadMem(&sLocalServer, sClassData._slocalsrv, sizeof(SLocalServer)); // Print the path
pwszUni = (WCHAR *) OleAlloc(sLocalServer._stringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR)); ReadMem(pwszUni, sLocalServer._stringId._pwszPath, sLocalServer._stringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR)); Unicode2Ansi(szAnsi, pwszUni, sLocalServer._stringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (sClassData._fLocalServer16) { Printf("%s(16) ", szAnsi); } else { Printf("%s ", szAnsi); } OleFree(pwszUni); // Print the clsid
FormatCLSID(sClassData._clsid, szAnsi); Printf("%s ", szAnsi); // Whether activated under a debugger
if (sClassData._fDebug) { Printf("*Debug*"); }
// Any specified handler
if (sClassData._shandlr) { ReadMem(&sStringId, sClassData._shandlr, sizeof(SStringID)); // Print the path
pwszUni = (WCHAR *) OleAlloc(sStringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR)); ReadMem(pwszUni, sStringId._pwszPath, sStringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR)); Unicode2Ansi(szAnsi, pwszUni, sStringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (sClassData._fInprocHandler16) { Printf("%s(16) ", szAnsi); } else { Printf("%s ", szAnsi); } OleFree(pwszUni); } // Close the print line
// Read the endpoint registration array base
ReadMem(&sArrayFValue, sClassData._pssrvreg, sizeof(SArrayFValue));
// Read the array of endpoint registrations
pSrvReg = (SSrvRegistration *) OleAlloc(sArrayFValue.m_nSize * sizeof(SSrvRegistration)); ReadMem(pSrvReg, sArrayFValue.m_pData, sArrayFValue.m_nSize * sizeof(SSrvRegistration)); // Do over the RPC endpoints registered for this server
for (int cReg = 0; cReg < sArrayFValue.m_nSize; cReg++) { // Only look at non-empty binding handles
if (pSrvReg[cReg]._hRpc) { // The RPC binding handle
Printf(" %x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._hRpc); // The window handle
Printf("%x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._ulWnd); // Flags
Printf("%x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._dwFlags); // Security Id
Printf("%x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._psid); // The desktop
UINT cb = 0;
// We have to read memory one WCHAR at a time because any
// av prevents any reading
do { ReadMem(&wszUni[cb], &pSrvReg[cReg]._lpDesktop[cb], sizeof(WCHAR)); cb++; } until_(wszUni[cb - 1] == L'\0'); Unicode2Ansi(szAnsi, wszUni, cb); Printf("%s\n\n", szAnsi); } } } until_(sSkipListEntry._apBaseForward == sClassCacheList._pSkipList); }
// Function: displayClassCacheCk
// Synopsis: Displays the checked scm class cache
// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
// Returns: -
// History: 27-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
// Notes: This was necessary because certain of the class cache
// structures different depending on retail vs. checked
void displayClassCacheCk(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis) { ULONG addr; SClassCacheList sClassCacheList; SSkipListEntry sSkipListEntry; SClassDataCk sClassData; SLocalServerCk sLocalServer; SStringIDCk sStringId; WCHAR *pwszUni; WCHAR wszUni[128]; char szAnsi[128]; SArrayFValue sArrayFValue; SSrvRegistration *pSrvReg; // Read the class cache
addr = GetExpression("scm!g_pcllClassCache"); ReadMem(&addr, addr, sizeof(ULONG)); ReadMem(&sClassCacheList, addr, sizeof(SClassCacheList)); // Read the initial skiplist entry
ReadMem(&sSkipListEntry, sClassCacheList._pSkipList, sizeof(SSkipListEntry));
// Do over skiplist entries
do { // Just in case
if (CheckControlC()) { return; } // Read the next skiplist entry
ReadMem(&sSkipListEntry, sSkipListEntry._apBaseForward, sizeof(SSkipListEntry)); // Read the CClassData structure
ReadMem(&sClassData, sSkipListEntry._pvEntry, sizeof(SClassDataCk)); // Read the CLocalServer structure
ReadMem(&sLocalServer, sClassData._slocalsrv, sizeof(SLocalServerCk)); // Print the path
pwszUni = (WCHAR *) OleAlloc(sLocalServer._stringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR)); ReadMem(pwszUni, sLocalServer._stringId._pwszPath, sLocalServer._stringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR)); Unicode2Ansi(szAnsi, pwszUni, sLocalServer._stringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (sClassData._fLocalServer16) { Printf("%s(16) ", szAnsi); } else { Printf("%s ", szAnsi); } OleFree(pwszUni); // Print the clsid
FormatCLSID(sClassData._clsid, szAnsi); Printf("%s ", szAnsi); // Whether activated under a debugger
if (sClassData._fDebug) { Printf("*Debug*"); }
// Any specified handler
if (sClassData._shandlr) { ReadMem(&sStringId, sClassData._shandlr, sizeof(SStringIDCk)); // Print the path
pwszUni = (WCHAR *) OleAlloc(sStringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR)); ReadMem(pwszUni, sStringId._pwszPath, sStringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR)); Unicode2Ansi(szAnsi, pwszUni, sStringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (sClassData._fInprocHandler16) { Printf("%s(16) ", szAnsi); } else { Printf("%s ", szAnsi); } OleFree(pwszUni); } // Close the print line
// Read the endpoint registration array base
ReadMem(&sArrayFValue, sClassData._pssrvreg, sizeof(SArrayFValue));
// Read the array of endpoint registrations
pSrvReg = (SSrvRegistration *) OleAlloc(sArrayFValue.m_nSize * sizeof(SSrvRegistration)); ReadMem(pSrvReg, sArrayFValue.m_pData, sArrayFValue.m_nSize * sizeof(SSrvRegistration)); // Do over the RPC endpoints registered for this server
for (int cReg = 0; cReg < sArrayFValue.m_nSize; cReg++) { // Only look at non-empty binding handles
if (pSrvReg[cReg]._hRpc) { // The RPC binding handle
Printf(" %x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._hRpc); // The window handle
Printf("%x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._ulWnd); // Flags
Printf("%x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._dwFlags); // Security Id
Printf("%x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._psid); // The desktop
UINT cb = 0;
// We have to read memory one WCHAR at a time because any
// av prevents any reading
do { ReadMem(&wszUni[cb], &pSrvReg[cReg]._lpDesktop[cb], sizeof(WCHAR)); cb++; } until_(wszUni[cb - 1] == L'\0'); Unicode2Ansi(szAnsi, wszUni, cb); Printf("%s\n\n", szAnsi); } } } until_(sSkipListEntry._apBaseForward == sClassCacheList._pSkipList); }