Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Wrapper for holding onto a particular user token.
Mario Goertzel [MarioGo]
Revision History:
MarioGo 12/20/1995 Bits 'n pieces JSimmons 03/19/2001 Made CToken implement IUserToken; this is so we can re-use the CToken cache for catalog lookups, and have better refcounting (ie, cleanup at logoff).
#ifndef __TOKEN_HXX
#define __TOKEN_HXX
class CToken;
extern CRITICAL_SECTION gcsTokenLock;
extern ORSTATUS LookupOrCreateToken(IN handle_t hCaller, IN BOOL fLocal, OUT CToken **ppToken);
class CToken : public IUserToken { public:
CToken(HANDLE hToken, HANDLE hJobObject, LUID luid, PSID psid, DWORD dwSize) : _lRefs(1), // constructed with refcount=1
_lHKeyRefs(0), _hHKCRKey(NULL), _hImpersonationToken(hToken), _hJobObject(hJobObject), _luid(luid) { ASSERT(IsValidSid(psid)); ASSERT(dwSize == GetLengthSid(psid)); OrMemoryCopy(&_sid, psid, dwSize); }
~CToken(); // IUnknown methods
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppv); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)();
// IUserToken
STDMETHOD(GetUserClassesRootKey)(HKEY* phKey); STDMETHOD(ReleaseUserClassesRootKey)(); STDMETHOD(GetUserSid)(BYTE **ppSid, USHORT *pcbSid);
void Impersonate(); void Revert();
PSID GetSid() { return &_sid; }
HANDLE GetToken() { return _hImpersonationToken; }
BOOL MatchLuid(LUID luid) { return( luid.LowPart == _luid.LowPart && luid.HighPart == _luid.HighPart); } BOOL MatchModifiedLuid(LUID luid);
static CToken *ContainingRecord(CListElement *ple) { return CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, CToken, _list); }
void Insert() { gpTokenList->Insert(&_list); }
CListElement *Remove() { return(gpTokenList->Remove(&_list)); }
ULONG GetSessionId();
HRESULT MatchToken(HANDLE hToken, BOOL bMatchRestricted);
HRESULT MatchToken2(CToken *pToken, BOOL bMatchRestricted);
HRESULT MatchTokenSessionID(CToken *pToken);
HRESULT MatchSessionID(LONG lSessionID) { return (lSessionID == (LONG) GetSessionId()) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
HRESULT MatchTokenLuid(CToken* pToken);
// Compare the safer levels of the two tokens. Returns:
// S_FALSE: This token is of lesser authorization than the
// token passed in. (The trust level of the token passed in
// is higher or equal to the trust level of this token.)
// S_OK: This token is of greater or equal authorization
// than the token passed in. (The trust level of the
// token passed in is lower than the trust level of this
// token.)
// Other: An error occured comparing tokens.
HRESULT CompareSaferLevels(CToken *pToken); HRESULT CompareSaferLevels(HANDLE hToken);
#if(_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500)
HANDLE GetJobObject() { return _hJobObject; }
#endif //(_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500)
private: LONG _lRefs; LONG _lHKeyRefs; HKEY _hHKCRKey; CListElement _list; HANDLE _hImpersonationToken; HANDLE _hJobObject; LUID _luid; // Logon id
SID _sid; // Security (user) id, dynamically sized)