// Personal Classes Profile management routines
// Microsoft Confidential
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1995
// All rights reserved
#include "uenv.h"
#include "windows.h"
// Local Data Structures
LPTSTR SpecialSubtrees[] = { TEXT("CLSID"), TEXT("Interface"), TEXT("TypeLib"), TEXT("Licenses"), TEXT("FileType") };
#define MAX_SPECIAL_SUBTREE (sizeof(SpecialSubtrees)/sizeof(LPTSTR))
// Local function proto-types
typedef struct _RegKeyInfo { DWORD SubKeyCount; DWORD MaxSubKeyLen; DWORD ValueCount; DWORD MaxValueNameLen; DWORD MaxValueLen; DWORD SDLen; LPTSTR pSubKeyName; LPTSTR pValueName; LPTSTR pValue; } REGKEYINFO, *PREGKEYINFO;
// PrepForEnumRegistryTree()
// Purpose: prepare to duplicate a source bunch of keys into the destination.
// Parameters: hkSourceTree - source registry tree
// pRegKeyInfo - info block for use doing enumeration
// Return: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if an error occurs
// History: Date Author Comment
// 1/30/96 GregJen Created
BOOL PrepForEnumRegistryTree( HKEY hkSourceTree, PREGKEYINFO pRegKeyInfo ) { LPTSTR pStringsBuffer; LONG result;
result = RegQueryInfoKey(hkSourceTree, NULL, NULL, 0, &pRegKeyInfo->SubKeyCount, &pRegKeyInfo->MaxSubKeyLen, NULL, &pRegKeyInfo->ValueCount, &pRegKeyInfo->MaxValueNameLen, &pRegKeyInfo->MaxValueLen, &pRegKeyInfo->SDLen, NULL);
if ( result != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return FALSE;
// allocate a block of memory to use for enumerating subkeys and values
pStringsBuffer = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, (pRegKeyInfo->MaxSubKeyLen + pRegKeyInfo->MaxValueNameLen + pRegKeyInfo->MaxValueLen + 3) * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); if ( !pStringsBuffer ) return FALSE;
pRegKeyInfo->pSubKeyName = pStringsBuffer; pRegKeyInfo->pValueName = pStringsBuffer + pRegKeyInfo->MaxSubKeyLen + 1; pRegKeyInfo->pValue = pRegKeyInfo->pValueName + pRegKeyInfo->MaxValueNameLen + 1;
return TRUE; }
// CleanupAfterEnumRegistryTree()
// Purpose: duplicate a source bunch of keys into the destination.
// Parameters: hkSourceTree - source registry tree
// pRegKeyInfo - info block for use doing enumeration
// Return: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if an error occurs
// History: Date Author Comment
// 1/30/96 GregJen Created
void CleanupAfterEnumRegistryTree( HKEY hkSourceTree, PREGKEYINFO pRegKeyInfo) { LocalFree( pRegKeyInfo->pSubKeyName ); } BOOL DeleteRegistrySubtree ( HKEY hkTree ) { HKEY hkCurrentSourceKey; DWORD idx; DWORD NameLen; LONG result = ERROR_SUCCESS; REGKEYINFO RegKeyInfo; BOOL Success = FALSE;
if ( !PrepForEnumRegistryTree( hkTree, &RegKeyInfo ) ) return FALSE; // nothing to clean up here yet
// enumerate all the source subkeys
// for each: if dest subkey is older than source, delete it
// if dest subkey does not exist (or was deleted) clone the subkey
// Clone all the subkeys
for ( idx = 0; (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) && ( result != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) && ( idx < RegKeyInfo.SubKeyCount ); idx++ ) { NameLen = RegKeyInfo.MaxSubKeyLen + sizeof( TCHAR ); result = RegEnumKeyEx( hkTree, idx, RegKeyInfo.pSubKeyName, &NameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if ( ( result != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( result != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) ) goto cleanup;
// TBD: open the subkey in the source tree AS CurrentSourceKey
result = RegOpenKeyEx(hkTree, RegKeyInfo.pSubKeyName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkCurrentSourceKey);
DeleteRegistrySubtree( hkCurrentSourceKey ); RegCloseKey( hkCurrentSourceKey );
RegDeleteKey( hkTree, RegKeyInfo.pSubKeyName ); result = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
cleanup: CleanupAfterEnumRegistryTree( hkTree, &RegKeyInfo );
return TRUE; }
// CloneRegistryValues()
// Purpose: copy the values from under the source key to the dest key
// Parameters: SourceTree - source registry tree
// DestinationTree - destintation registry tree
// RegKeyInfo - handy information from the RegEnumKeyEx call.
// Return: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if an error occurs
// History: Date Author Comment
// 1/14/96 GregJen Created
BOOL CloneRegistryValues( HKEY hkSourceTree, HKEY hkDestinationTree, REGKEYINFO RegKeyInfo ) { LONG result = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD idx; DWORD ValueLen; DWORD ValueType; DWORD DataLen;
for ( idx = 0; (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) && ( result != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) && ( idx < RegKeyInfo.ValueCount ); idx++ ) { DataLen = RegKeyInfo.MaxValueLen + sizeof( TCHAR ); ValueLen = RegKeyInfo.MaxValueNameLen + sizeof( TCHAR );
result = RegEnumValue( hkSourceTree, idx, RegKeyInfo.pValueName, &ValueLen, NULL, &ValueType, (BYTE*) RegKeyInfo.pValue, &DataLen);
// TBD: check errors
// now add the value to the destination key
result = RegSetValueEx( hkDestinationTree, RegKeyInfo.pValueName, 0, ValueType, (BYTE*) RegKeyInfo.pValue, DataLen ); // TBD: check errors
} return TRUE; } //*************************************************************
// CloneRegistryTree()
// Purpose: duplicate a source bunch of keys into the destination.
// Parameters: SourceTree - source registry tree
// DestinationTree - destintation registry tree
// lpSubKeyName - if present this is a subkey name that
// corresponds to the SourceTree HKEY.
// Return: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if an error occurs
// History: Date Author Comment
// 1/14/96 GregJen Created
BOOL CloneRegistryTree( HKEY hkSourceTree, HKEY hkDestinationTree, LPTSTR lpDestTreeName ) { HKEY hkCurrentSourceKey; DWORD idx; DWORD NameLen; LONG result = ERROR_SUCCESS; REGKEYINFO RegKeyInfo; BOOL Success = FALSE;
if ( !PrepForEnumRegistryTree( hkSourceTree, &RegKeyInfo ) ) return FALSE; // nothing to clean up here yet
if ( lpDestTreeName ) { HKEY hkNewKey = NULL; DWORD dwSDLen = RegKeyInfo.SDLen; DWORD dwDisp; SECURITY_INFORMATION SI = DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; // for now...
// Get the registry security information from the old key
result = RegGetKeySecurity( hkSourceTree, SI, pSD, &dwSDLen); // TBD: check for errors, free pSD
// create a key with the given name, and registry info
result = RegCreateKeyEx( hkDestinationTree, lpDestTreeName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, pSD, &hkNewKey, &dwDisp ); // TBD: check for errors, free pSD
// TBD: and update the hkDestinationTree variable to point to it
hkDestinationTree = hkNewKey; LocalFree( pSD ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != result) { goto cleanup; } } //
// clone the values
if ( ! CloneRegistryValues( hkSourceTree, hkDestinationTree, RegKeyInfo ) ) goto cleanup;
// Clone all the subkeys
for ( idx = 0; (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) && ( result != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) && ( idx < RegKeyInfo.SubKeyCount ); idx++ ) { NameLen = RegKeyInfo.MaxSubKeyLen + sizeof( TCHAR ); result = RegEnumKeyEx( hkSourceTree, idx, RegKeyInfo.pSubKeyName, &NameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if ( ( result != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( result != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) ) goto cleanup;
// TBD: open the subkey in the source tree AS CurrentSourceKey
result = RegOpenKeyEx(hkSourceTree, RegKeyInfo.pSubKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hkCurrentSourceKey); //
// recurse passing the subkey name
CloneRegistryTree( hkCurrentSourceKey, hkDestinationTree, RegKeyInfo.pSubKeyName );
// close our open key
RegCloseKey( hkCurrentSourceKey ); }
Success = TRUE;
cleanup: if ( lpDestTreeName ) { RegCloseKey( hkDestinationTree ); } CleanupAfterEnumRegistryTree( hkSourceTree, &RegKeyInfo );
return Success; }
void SaveChangesToUser( ) { }
void SaveChangesToCommon( ) { }
BOOL AddSharedValuesToSubkeys( HKEY hkShared, LPTSTR pszSubtree ) { HKEY hkSourceKey; HKEY hkCurrentSourceKey; DWORD idx; DWORD NameLen; LONG result = ERROR_SUCCESS; REGKEYINFO RegKeyInfo; BOOL Success = FALSE;
// for every subkey, set "Shared" value
result = RegOpenKeyEx( hkShared, pszSubtree, 0, KEY_READ, &hkSourceKey );
// TBD: if no subtree in source, skip ahead to next special subtree
if ( result == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) return TRUE; // If any other errors occurred, return FALSE
if ( result != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
if ( !PrepForEnumRegistryTree( hkSourceKey, &RegKeyInfo ) ) goto cleanup2;
// enumerate all the source subkeys
// for each: if dest subkey is older than source, delete it
// if dest subkey does not exist (or was deleted) clone the subkey
// Clone all the subkeys
for ( idx = 0; (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) && ( result != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) && ( idx < RegKeyInfo.SubKeyCount ); idx++ ) { NameLen = RegKeyInfo.MaxSubKeyLen + sizeof( TCHAR ); result = RegEnumKeyEx( hkSourceKey, idx, RegKeyInfo.pSubKeyName, &NameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if ( ( result != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( result != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) ) goto cleanup;
result = RegOpenKeyEx( hkSourceKey, RegKeyInfo.pSubKeyName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkCurrentSourceKey ); // Bug 45994
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS ) goto cleanup; result = RegSetValueEx( hkCurrentSourceKey, L"Shared", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) L"Y", sizeof( L"Y" ) );
RegCloseKey( hkCurrentSourceKey ); }
Success = TRUE;
cleanup: CleanupAfterEnumRegistryTree( hkSourceKey, &RegKeyInfo );
cleanup2: RegCloseKey( hkSourceKey );
return Success; }
BOOL AddSharedValues( HKEY hkShared ) { // for each of the special subtrees, add "Shared" values
int idx;
// now, for each of the special top-level keys, process the level below them
// these keys are: CLSID, Interface, TypeLib, Licenses, FileType
for ( idx = 0; idx < MAX_SPECIAL_SUBTREE; idx++ ) { AddSharedValuesToSubkeys( hkShared, SpecialSubtrees[idx] ); }
// now do all the top level keys (file extensions and progids)
AddSharedValuesToSubkeys( hkShared, NULL );
return TRUE; }
// MergeUserClasses()
// Purpose: Merges the user's class information with the
// common class information.
// Parameters: UserClassStore - Per-user class information
// CommonClassStore - Machine-wide class information
// MergedClassStore - Destination for merged information.
// Return: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if an error occurs
// Comments: UserClassStore may be a null HKEY, implying
// just copy the information from the common
// portion into the merged portion
// History: Date Author Comment
// 1/14/96 GregJen Created
BOOL MergeRegistrySubKeys ( HKEY hkSourceTree, HKEY hkDestTree ) { HKEY hkCurrentSourceKey = NULL; HKEY hkCurrentDestKey = NULL; DWORD idx; DWORD NameLen; LONG result = ERROR_SUCCESS; REGKEYINFO RegKeyInfo; BOOL Success = FALSE; FILETIME SourceFileTime; FILETIME DestFileTime; LONG cmp;
if ( !PrepForEnumRegistryTree( hkSourceTree, &RegKeyInfo ) ) return FALSE; // nothing to clean up here yet
// enumerate all the source subkeys
// for each: if dest subkey is older than source, delete it
// if dest subkey does not exist (or was deleted) clone the subkey
// Clone all the subkeys
for ( idx = 0; (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) && ( result != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) && ( idx < RegKeyInfo.SubKeyCount ); idx++ ) { NameLen = RegKeyInfo.MaxSubKeyLen + sizeof( TCHAR ); result = RegEnumKeyEx( hkSourceTree, idx, RegKeyInfo.pSubKeyName, &NameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, &SourceFileTime ); if ( ( result != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( result != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) ) goto cleanup;
// TBD: open the subkey in the source tree AS CurrentSourceKey
result = RegOpenKeyEx(hkSourceTree, RegKeyInfo.pSubKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hkCurrentSourceKey); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; result = RegOpenKeyEx(hkDestTree, RegKeyInfo.pSubKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hkCurrentDestKey);
// if current dest key does not exist,
if ( result == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { //
// recurse passing the subkey name
CloneRegistryTree( hkCurrentSourceKey, hkDestTree, RegKeyInfo.pSubKeyName ); } // if current dest key is older than current source key, delete dest
// then recreate new
else if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegQueryInfoKey( hkCurrentDestKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &DestFileTime );
cmp = CompareFileTime( &SourceFileTime, &DestFileTime ); if ( cmp > 0 ) { // delete dest
DeleteRegistrySubtree( hkCurrentDestKey );
// recurse passing the subkey name
CloneRegistryTree( hkCurrentSourceKey, hkDestTree, RegKeyInfo.pSubKeyName ); } RegCloseKey(hkCurrentDestKey); }
// close our open key
RegCloseKey( hkCurrentSourceKey );
result = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
cleanup: CleanupAfterEnumRegistryTree( hkSourceTree, &RegKeyInfo );
return TRUE; }
// MergeUserClasses()
// Purpose: Merges the user's class information with the
// common class information.
// Parameters: UserClassStore - Per-user class information
// CommonClassStore - Machine-wide class information
// MergedClassStore - Destination for merged information.
// Return: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if an error occurs
// Comments: UserClassStore may be a null HKEY, implying
// just copy the information from the common
// portion into the merged portion
// History: Date Author Comment
// 1/14/96 GregJen Created
BOOL MergeRegistrySubtree ( HKEY hkSourceParent, HKEY hkDestParent, LPTSTR pszSubtree ) { HKEY hkCurrentSourceKey = NULL; HKEY hkCurrentDestKey = NULL; LONG result; DWORD dummy = 0;
// open the special subtree in the source tree
result = RegOpenKeyEx( hkSourceParent, pszSubtree, 0, KEY_READ, &hkCurrentSourceKey );
// TBD: if no subtree in source, skip ahead to next special subtree
if ( result == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) return TRUE;
// If any other errors occurred, return FALSE
if ( result != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
result = RegOpenKeyEx( hkDestParent, pszSubtree, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkCurrentDestKey ); // TBD: if no such subtree in dest, do CloneRegistry etc
if ( result == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { //
// recurse passing the subkey name
CloneRegistryTree( hkCurrentSourceKey, hkDestParent, pszSubtree ); } // TBD:if timestamp on source is newer than timestamp on dest,
// delete dest and recreate??
// Bug 45995
if (hkCurrentDestKey) { MergeRegistrySubKeys( hkCurrentSourceKey, hkCurrentDestKey );
// make sure the timestamp on the special trees is updated
result = RegSetValueEx( hkCurrentDestKey, TEXT("Updated"), 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*) &dummy, sizeof( DWORD ) ); RegCloseKey( hkCurrentDestKey ); }
// close special subtrees
RegCloseKey( hkCurrentSourceKey );
return TRUE; }
long CompareRegistryTimes( HKEY hkLHS, HKEY hkRHS ) { FILETIME LHSTime; FILETIME RHSTime;
return CompareFileTime( &LHSTime, &RHSTime ); }
// MergeUserClasses()
// Purpose: Merges the user's class information with the
// common class information.
// Parameters: UserClassStore - Per-user class information
// CommonClassStore - Machine-wide class information
// MergedClassStore - Destination for merged information.
// Return: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if an error occurs
// Comments: UserClassStore may be a null HKEY, implying
// just copy the information from the common
// portion into the merged portion
// History: Date Author Comment
// 1/14/96 GregJen Created
BOOL MergeUserClasses( HKEY UserClassStore, HKEY CommonClassStore, HKEY MergedClassStore, BOOL ForceNew ) { BOOL fNotCorrectUser = FALSE; HKEY hkOverridingSubtree = CommonClassStore; HKEY hkMergingSubtree = UserClassStore; int idx;
//TBD: check time stamps on source and destination
// if same user, and timestamps are in sync, do nothing
// if destination does not belong to the current user, then
// delete everything under it
if ( fNotCorrectUser ) { DeleteRegistrySubtree( MergedClassStore ); }
if ( !ForceNew && ( CompareRegistryTimes( MergedClassStore, CommonClassStore ) > 0 ) && ( CompareRegistryTimes( MergedClassStore, UserClassStore ) > 0 ) ) { return TRUE; }
// TBD: copy everything from the overriding store into the
// destination store
// At this moment, the common store overrides the user store;
// this will eventually reverse.
CloneRegistryTree( hkOverridingSubtree, MergedClassStore, NULL );
// now, for each of the special top-level keys, process the level below them
// these keys are: CLSID, Interface, TypeLib, Licenses, FileType
for ( idx = 0; idx < MAX_SPECIAL_SUBTREE; idx++ ) { MergeRegistrySubtree( hkMergingSubtree, MergedClassStore, SpecialSubtrees[idx] ); }
// now do all the top level keys (file extensions and progids)
// TBD: MergeRegistrySubtree( UserClassStore, MergedClassStore );
MergeRegistrySubtree( hkMergingSubtree, MergedClassStore, NULL );
return TRUE; }