// File: RtlStub.cxx
// Purpose:
// This file provides some RTL routines which are also implemented
// in NTDLL. They are duplicated here so that we can build
// PropTest without linking to NTDLL, which doesn't exist
// on Win95.
#include "pch.cxx" // Brings in most other includes/defines/etc.
#define BSTRLEN(bstrVal) *((ULONG *) bstrVal - 1)
// we use static array instead of string literals because some systems
// have 4 bytes string literals, and would not produce the correct result
// for REF's 2 byte Unicode convention
OLECHAR aocMap[CCH_MAP + 1] = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g', 'h','i','j','k','l','m','n', 'o','p','q','r','s','t','u', 'v','w','x','y','z', '0','1','2','3','4','5','\0'};
GUID guidSummary = { 0xf29f85e0, 0x4ff9, 0x1068, { 0xab, 0x91, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0x27, 0xb3, 0xd9 } };
OLECHAR oszSummary[] = {'S','u','m','m','a','r','y', 'I','n','f','o','r','m','a','t','i','o','n','\0'};
GUID guidDocumentSummary = { 0xd5cdd502, 0x2e9c, 0x101b, { 0x93, 0x97, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0xf9, 0xae } };
OLECHAR oszDocumentSummary[] = {'D','o','c','u','m','e','n','t', 'S','u','m','m','a','r','y', 'I','n','f','o','r','m','a','t','i','o','n', '\0'};
// Note that user defined properties are placed in section 2 with the below
// GUID as the FMTID -- alas, we did not expect Office95 to actually use it.
GUID guidDocumentSummarySection2 = { 0xd5cdd505, 0x2e9c, 0x101b, { 0x93, 0x97, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0xf9, 0xae } };
// *Global Info*
GUID guidGlobalInfo = { 0x56616F00, 0xC154, 0x11ce, { 0x85, 0x53, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0xA1, 0xF9, 0x5B } };
// *Image Contents*
GUID guidImageContents = { 0x56616500, 0xC154, 0x11ce, { 0x85, 0x53, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0xA1, 0xF9, 0x5B } };
// *Image Info*
GUID guidImageInfo = { 0x56616500, 0xC154, 0x11ce, { 0x85, 0x53, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0xA1, 0xF9, 0x5B } };
// Function: RtlGuidToPropertySetName
// Synopsis: Map property set GUID to null-terminated UNICODE name string.
// The awcname parameter is assumed to be a buffer with room for
// CWC_PROPSETSZ (28) UNICODE characters. The first character
// is always WC_PROPSET0 (0x05), as specified by the OLE Appendix
// B documentation. The colon character normally used as an NT
// stream name separator is not written to the caller's buffer.
// No error is possible.
// Arguments: IN GUID *pguid -- pointer to GUID to convert
// OUT OLECHAR aocname[] -- output string buffer
// Returns: count of non-NULL characters in the output string buffer
ULONG PROPSYSAPI PROPAPI RtlGuidToPropertySetName( IN GUID const *pguid, OUT OLECHAR aocname[]) { ULONG cbitRemain = CBIT_BYTE; OLECHAR *poc = aocname;
BYTE *pb; BYTE *pbEnd;
*poc++ = OC_PROPSET0;
// -----------------------
// Check for special-cases
// -----------------------
// Note: CCH_PROPSET includes the OC_PROPSET0, and sizeof(osz...)
// includes the trailing '\0', so sizeof(osz...) is ok because the
// OC_PROPSET0 character compensates for the trailing NULL character.
// Is this the SummaryInformation propset?
PROPASSERT(CCH_PROPSET >= sizeof(oszSummary)/sizeof(OLECHAR));
if (*pguid == guidSummary) { RtlCopyMemory(poc, oszSummary, sizeof(oszSummary)); return(sizeof(oszSummary)/sizeof(OLECHAR)); }
// Is this The DocumentSummaryInformation or User-Defined propset?
PROPASSERT(CCH_PROPSET >= sizeof(oszDocumentSummary)/sizeof(OLECHAR));
if (*pguid == guidDocumentSummary || *pguid == guidDocumentSummarySection2) { RtlCopyMemory(poc, oszDocumentSummary, sizeof(oszDocumentSummary)); return(sizeof(oszDocumentSummary)/sizeof(OLECHAR)); }
// Is this the Global Info propset?
PROPASSERT(CCH_PROPSET >= sizeof(oszGlobalInfo)/sizeof(OLECHAR)); if (*pguid == guidGlobalInfo) { RtlCopyMemory(poc, oszGlobalInfo, cboszGlobalInfo); return(cboszGlobalInfo/sizeof(OLECHAR)); }
// Is this the Image Contents propset?
PROPASSERT(CCH_PROPSET >= sizeof(oszImageContents)/sizeof(OLECHAR)); if (*pguid == guidImageContents) { RtlCopyMemory(poc, oszImageContents, cboszImageContents); return(cboszImageContents/sizeof(OLECHAR)); }
// Is this the Image Info propset?
PROPASSERT(CCH_PROPSET >= sizeof(oszImageInfo)/sizeof(OLECHAR)); if (*pguid == guidImageInfo) { RtlCopyMemory(poc, oszImageInfo, cboszImageInfo); return(cboszImageInfo/sizeof(OLECHAR)); }
// ------------------------------
// Calculate the string-ized GUID
// ------------------------------
// If this is a big-endian system, we need to convert
// the GUID to little-endian for the conversion.
GUID guidByteSwapped = *pguid; PropByteSwap( &guidByteSwapped ); pguid = &guidByteSwapped; #endif
// Point to the beginning and ending of the GUID
pb = (BYTE*) pguid; pbEnd = pb + sizeof(*pguid);
// Walk 'pb' through each byte of the GUID.
while (pb < pbEnd) { ULONG i = *pb >> (CBIT_BYTE - cbitRemain);
if (cbitRemain >= CBIT_CHARMASK) { *poc = MapChar(i); if (cbitRemain == CBIT_BYTE && *poc >= (OLECHAR)'a' && *poc <= ((OLECHAR)'z')) { *poc += (OLECHAR) ( ((OLECHAR)'A') - ((OLECHAR)'a') ); } poc++; cbitRemain -= CBIT_CHARMASK; if (cbitRemain == 0) { pb++; cbitRemain = CBIT_BYTE; } } else { if (++pb < pbEnd) { i |= *pb << cbitRemain; } *poc++ = MapChar(i); cbitRemain += CBIT_BYTE - CBIT_CHARMASK; } } // while (pb < pbEnd)
*poc = OLESTR( '\0' ); return(CCH_PROPSET);
// Function: RtlPropertySetNameToGuid
// Synopsis: Map non null-terminated UNICODE string to a property set GUID.
// If the name is not properly formed as per
// RtlGuidToPropertySetName(), STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER is
// returned. The pguid parameter is assumed to point to a buffer
// with room for a GUID structure.
// Arguments: IN ULONG cocname -- count of OLECHARs in string to convert
// IN OLECHAR aocname[] -- input string to convert
// OUT GUID *pguid -- pointer to buffer for converted GUID
// Returns: NTSTATUS
OLECHAR const *poc = aocname;
if (poc[0] == OC_PROPSET0) { // -----------------------
// Check for Special-Cases
// -----------------------
// Note: cocname includes the OC_PROPSET0, and sizeof(osz...)
// includes the trailing OLESTR('\0'), but the comparison excludes both
// the leading OC_PROPSET0 and the trailing '\0'.
// Is this SummaryInformation?
if (cocname == sizeof(oszSummary)/sizeof(OLECHAR) && ocsnicmp(&poc[1], oszSummary, cocname - 1) == 0) { *pguid = guidSummary; return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// Is this DocumentSummaryInformation?
if (cocname == sizeof(oszDocumentSummary)/sizeof(OLECHAR) && ocsnicmp(&poc[1], oszDocumentSummary, cocname - 1) == 0) { *pguid = guidDocumentSummary; return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// Is this Global Info?
if (cocname == cboszGlobalInfo/sizeof(OLECHAR) && ocsnicmp(&poc[1], oszGlobalInfo, cocname - 1) == 0) { *pguid = guidGlobalInfo; return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// Is this Image Info?
if (cocname == cboszImageInfo/sizeof(OLECHAR) && ocsnicmp(&poc[1], oszImageInfo, cocname - 1) == 0) { *pguid = guidImageInfo; return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// Is this Image Contents?
if (cocname == cboszImageContents/sizeof(OLECHAR) && ocsnicmp(&poc[1], oszImageContents, cocname - 1) == 0) { *pguid = guidImageContents; return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// ------------------
// Calculate the GUID
// ------------------
// None of the special-cases hit, so we must calculate
// the GUID from the name.
if (cocname == CCH_PROPSET) { ULONG cbit; BYTE *pb = (BYTE *) pguid - 1;
RtlZeroMemory(pguid, sizeof(*pguid)); for (cbit = 0; cbit < CBIT_GUID; cbit += CBIT_CHARMASK) { ULONG cbitUsed = cbit % CBIT_BYTE; ULONG cbitStored; OLECHAR oc;
if (cbitUsed == 0) { pb++; }
oc = *++poc - (OLECHAR)'A'; // assume upper case
// for wchar (unsigned) -ve values becomes a large number
// but for char, which is signed, -ve is -ve
if (oc > CALPHACHARS || oc < 0) { // oops, try lower case
oc += (OLECHAR) ( ((OLECHAR)'A') - ((OLECHAR)'a')); if (oc > CALPHACHARS || oc < 0) { // must be a digit
oc += ((OLECHAR)'a') - ((OLECHAR)'0') + CALPHACHARS; if (oc > CHARMASK) { goto Exit; // invalid character
} } } *pb |= (BYTE) (oc << cbitUsed);
cbitStored = min(CBIT_BYTE - cbitUsed, CBIT_CHARMASK);
// If the translated bits wouldn't all fit in the current byte
if (cbitStored < CBIT_CHARMASK) { oc >>= CBIT_BYTE - cbitUsed;
if (cbit + cbitStored == CBIT_GUID) { if (oc != 0) { goto Exit; // extra bits
} break; } pb++;
*pb |= (BYTE) oc; } } // for (cbit = 0; cbit < CBIT_GUID; cbit += CBIT_CHARMASK)
// If byte-swapping is necessary, do so now on the calculated
// GUID.
PropByteSwap( pguid );
} // if (cocname == CCH_PROPSET)
} // if (poc[0] == OC_PROPSET0)
// ----
// Exit
// ----
return(Status); }
inline BOOLEAN _Compare_VT_BOOL(VARIANT_BOOL bool1, VARIANT_BOOL bool2) { // Allow any non-zero value to match any non-zero value
return((bool1 == FALSE) == (bool2 == FALSE)); }
BOOLEAN _Compare_VT_CF(CLIPDATA *pclipdata1, CLIPDATA *pclipdata2) { BOOLEAN fSame;
if (pclipdata1 != NULL && pclipdata2 != NULL) { fSame = ( pclipdata1->cbSize == pclipdata2->cbSize && pclipdata1->ulClipFmt == pclipdata2->ulClipFmt );
if (fSame) { if (pclipdata1->pClipData != NULL && pclipdata2->pClipData != NULL) { fSame = memcmp( pclipdata1->pClipData, pclipdata2->pClipData, CBPCLIPDATA(*pclipdata1) ) == 0; } else { // They're the same if both are NULL, or if
// they have a zero length (if they have a zero
// length, either one may or may not be NULL, but they're
// still considered the same).
fSame = pclipdata1->pClipData == pclipdata2->pClipData || CBPCLIPDATA(*pclipdata1) == 0; } } } else { fSame = pclipdata1 == pclipdata2; } return(fSame); }
// Function: RtlCompareVariants, public
// Synopsis: Compare two passed PROPVARIANTs -- case sensitive for strings
// Arguments: [CodePage] -- CodePage
// [pvar1] -- pointer to PROPVARIANT
// [pvar2] -- pointer to PROPVARIANT
// Returns: TRUE if identical, else FALSE
#ifdef _MAC
EXTERN_C // The Mac linker doesn't seem to be able to export with C++ decorations
BOOLEAN PROPSYSAPI PROPAPI PropTestCompareVariants( USHORT CodePage, PROPVARIANT const *pvar1, PROPVARIANT const *pvar2) { if (pvar1->vt != pvar2->vt) { return(FALSE); }
switch (pvar1->vt) { case VT_EMPTY: case VT_NULL: fSame = TRUE; break;
case VT_I1: case VT_UI1: fSame = pvar1->bVal == pvar2->bVal; break;
case VT_I2: case VT_UI2: fSame = pvar1->iVal == pvar2->iVal; break;
case VT_BOOL: fSame = _Compare_VT_BOOL(pvar1->boolVal, pvar2->boolVal); break;
case VT_I4: case VT_UI4: case VT_R4: case VT_ERROR: fSame = pvar1->lVal == pvar2->lVal; break;
case VT_I8: case VT_UI8: case VT_R8: case VT_CY: case VT_DATE: case VT_FILETIME: fSame = pvar1->hVal.HighPart == pvar2->hVal.HighPart && pvar1->hVal.LowPart == pvar2->hVal.LowPart; break;
case VT_CLSID: fSame = memcmp(pvar1->puuid, pvar2->puuid, sizeof(CLSID)) == 0; break;
case VT_BLOB: case VT_BLOB_OBJECT: fSame = ( pvar1->blob.cbSize == pvar2->blob.cbSize ); if (fSame) { fSame = memcmp( pvar1->blob.pBlobData, pvar2->blob.pBlobData, pvar1->blob.cbSize) == 0; } break;
case VT_CF: fSame = _Compare_VT_CF(pvar1->pclipdata, pvar2->pclipdata); break;
case VT_BSTR: if (pvar1->bstrVal != NULL && pvar2->bstrVal != NULL) { fSame = ( BSTRLEN(pvar1->bstrVal) == BSTRLEN(pvar2->bstrVal) ); if (fSame) { fSame = memcmp( pvar1->bstrVal, pvar2->bstrVal, BSTRLEN(pvar1->bstrVal)) == 0; } } else { fSame = pvar1->bstrVal == pvar2->bstrVal; } break;
case VT_LPSTR: if (pvar1->pszVal != NULL && pvar2->pszVal != NULL) { fSame = strcmp(pvar1->pszVal, pvar2->pszVal) == 0; } else { fSame = pvar1->pszVal == pvar2->pszVal; } break;
case VT_STREAM: case VT_STREAMED_OBJECT: case VT_STORAGE: case VT_STORED_OBJECT: case VT_LPWSTR: if (pvar1->pwszVal != NULL && pvar2->pwszVal != NULL) { fSame = Prop_wcscmp(pvar1->pwszVal, pvar2->pwszVal) == 0; } else { fSame = pvar1->pwszVal == pvar2->pwszVal; } break;
case VT_VECTOR | VT_I1: case VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1: fSame = ( pvar1->caub.cElems == pvar2->caub.cElems ); if (fSame) { fSame = memcmp( pvar1->caub.pElems, pvar2->caub.pElems, pvar1->caub.cElems * sizeof(pvar1->caub.pElems[0])) == 0; } break;
case VT_VECTOR | VT_I2: case VT_VECTOR | VT_UI2: fSame = ( pvar1->cai.cElems == pvar2->cai.cElems ); if (fSame) { fSame = memcmp( pvar1->cai.pElems, pvar2->cai.pElems, pvar1->cai.cElems * sizeof(pvar1->cai.pElems[0])) == 0; } break;
case VT_VECTOR | VT_BOOL: fSame = ( pvar1->cabool.cElems == pvar2->cabool.cElems ); if (fSame) { for (i = 0; i < pvar1->cabool.cElems; i++) { fSame = _Compare_VT_BOOL( pvar1->cabool.pElems[i], pvar2->cabool.pElems[i]); if (!fSame) { break; } } } break;
case VT_VECTOR | VT_I4: case VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4: case VT_VECTOR | VT_R4: case VT_VECTOR | VT_ERROR: fSame = ( pvar1->cal.cElems == pvar2->cal.cElems ); if (fSame) { fSame = memcmp( pvar1->cal.pElems, pvar2->cal.pElems, pvar1->cal.cElems * sizeof(pvar1->cal.pElems[0])) == 0; } break;
case VT_VECTOR | VT_I8: case VT_VECTOR | VT_UI8: case VT_VECTOR | VT_R8: case VT_VECTOR | VT_CY: case VT_VECTOR | VT_DATE: case VT_VECTOR | VT_FILETIME: fSame = ( pvar1->cah.cElems == pvar2->cah.cElems ); if (fSame) { fSame = memcmp( pvar1->cah.pElems, pvar2->cah.pElems, pvar1->cah.cElems * sizeof(pvar1->cah.pElems[0])) == 0; } break;
case VT_VECTOR | VT_CLSID: fSame = ( pvar1->cauuid.cElems == pvar2->cauuid.cElems ); if (fSame) { fSame = memcmp( pvar1->cauuid.pElems, pvar2->cauuid.pElems, pvar1->cauuid.cElems * sizeof(pvar1->cauuid.pElems[0])) == 0; } break;
case VT_VECTOR | VT_CF: fSame = ( pvar1->caclipdata.cElems == pvar2->caclipdata.cElems ); if (fSame) { for (i = 0; i < pvar1->caclipdata.cElems; i++) { fSame = _Compare_VT_CF( &pvar1->caclipdata.pElems[i], &pvar2->caclipdata.pElems[i]); if (!fSame) { break; } } } break;
case VT_VECTOR | VT_BSTR: fSame = ( pvar1->cabstr.cElems == pvar2->cabstr.cElems ); if (fSame) { for (i = 0; i < pvar1->cabstr.cElems; i++) { if (pvar1->cabstr.pElems[i] != NULL && pvar2->cabstr.pElems[i] != NULL) { fSame = ( BSTRLEN(pvar1->cabstr.pElems[i]) == BSTRLEN(pvar2->cabstr.pElems[i]) ); if (fSame) { fSame = memcmp( pvar1->cabstr.pElems[i], pvar2->cabstr.pElems[i], BSTRLEN(pvar1->cabstr.pElems[i])) == 0; } } else { fSame = pvar1->cabstr.pElems[i] == pvar2->cabstr.pElems[i]; } if (!fSame) { break; } } } break;
case VT_VECTOR | VT_LPSTR: fSame = ( pvar1->calpstr.cElems == pvar2->calpstr.cElems ); if (fSame) { for (i = 0; i < pvar1->calpstr.cElems; i++) { if (pvar1->calpstr.pElems[i] != NULL && pvar2->calpstr.pElems[i] != NULL) { fSame = strcmp( pvar1->calpstr.pElems[i], pvar2->calpstr.pElems[i]) == 0; } else { fSame = pvar1->calpstr.pElems[i] == pvar2->calpstr.pElems[i]; } if (!fSame) { break; } } } break;
case VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR: fSame = ( pvar1->calpwstr.cElems == pvar2->calpwstr.cElems ); if (fSame) { for (i = 0; i < pvar1->calpwstr.cElems; i++) { if (pvar1->calpwstr.pElems[i] != NULL && pvar2->calpwstr.pElems[i] != NULL) { fSame = Prop_wcscmp( pvar1->calpwstr.pElems[i], pvar2->calpwstr.pElems[i]) == 0; } else { fSame = pvar1->calpwstr.pElems[i] == pvar2->calpwstr.pElems[i]; } if (!fSame) { break; } } } break;
case VT_VECTOR | VT_VARIANT: fSame = ( pvar1->capropvar.cElems == pvar2->capropvar.cElems ); if (fSame) { for (i = 0; i < pvar1->capropvar.cElems; i++) { fSame = PropTestCompareVariants( CodePage, &pvar1->capropvar.pElems[i], &pvar2->capropvar.pElems[i]); if (!fSame) { break; } } } break;
default: PROPASSERT(!"Invalid type for PROPVARIANT Comparison"); fSame = FALSE; break;
} return(fSame); }