// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1996.
// File: dir.cxx
// Contents: Directory Functions
#include "msfhead.cxx"
#include "h/dirfunc.hxx"
#include "mread.hxx"
#define DEB_DIR (DEB_ITRACE | 0x00040000)
// Member: CMStream::KillStream, public
// Synopsis: Eliminate a given chain
// Arguments: [sectStart] -- Beginning of chain to eliminate
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Algorithm:
// Notes:
inline SCODE CMStream::KillStream(SECT sectStart, ULONG ulSize) { CFat *pfat;
pfat = (ulSize < MINISTREAMSIZE) ?&_fatMini: &_fat;
return pfat->SetChainLength(sectStart, 0); }
// Member: GetNewDirEntryArray, public
// Synopsis: Obtain a new array of CDirEntry(s)
// Arguments: [cbSector] -- size of a sector
// Returns: New CDirEntry array
// Algorithm: calculates the number of entries need for the array and
// allocate it
// Notes:
inline CDirEntry* GetNewDirEntryArray(USHORT cbSector) { CDirEntry *temp;
DIROFFSET cdeEntries = (USHORT) (cbSector / sizeof(CDirEntry));
temp = new CDirEntry[cdeEntries]; return temp; }
// Member: CDirEntry::Init, public
// Synopsis: Initializes member data
// Arguments: [mse] -- multi-stream entry flags for the directory entry
// Returns: void
// Algorithm:
// Notes:
inline void CDirEntry::Init(MSENTRYFLAGS mse) { msfAssert(sizeof(CDirEntry) == DIRENTRYSIZE); msfAssert(mse <= 0xff); _mse = (BYTE) mse; _bflags = 0;
_dfn.Set((WORD)0, (BYTE *)NULL); _sidLeftSib = _sidRightSib = _sidChild = NOSTREAM;
if (STORAGELIKE(_mse)) { _clsId = IID_NULL; _dwUserFlags = 0; } if (STREAMLIKE(_mse)) { _sectStart = ENDOFCHAIN; _ulSize = 0; } }
// Method: CDirEntry::CDirEntry, public
// Synopsis: Constructor for CDirEntry class
// Effects:
// Notes:
CDirEntry::CDirEntry() { msfAssert(sizeof(CDirEntry) == DIRENTRYSIZE); Init(STGTY_INVALID); }
// Method: CDirSect::Init, public
// Synopsis: Initializer for directory sectors
// Arguments: [cdeEntries] -- Number of DirEntries in the sector
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Notes:
SCODE CDirSect::Init(USHORT cbSector) { msfDebugOut((DEB_DIR,"Allocating sector with size %u\n",cbSector));
DIROFFSET cdeEntries = (USHORT) (cbSector / sizeof(CDirEntry));
for (ULONG i = 0; i < cdeEntries; i++) { _adeEntry[i].Init(STGTY_INVALID); }
return S_OK; }
// Method: CDirectory::CDirectory
// Synopsis: Default constructor
// Notes:
CDirectory::CDirectory(USHORT cbSector) : _pmsParent(NULL), _dv(cbSector) { _cdsTable = _cdeEntries = 0; _sidFirstFree = 0; }
// Member: CDirectory::Empty, public
// Synopsis: Empty all the control structures of this instance
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: void.
void CDirectory::Empty(void) { _dv.Empty(); _pmsParent = NULL; _cdsTable = 0; _cdeEntries = 0; _sidFirstFree = 0; }
// Member: CDirectory::GetFree, public
// Synposis: Locates a free directory entry
// Arguments: [psid] Stream ID of free directory entry.
// Returns: S_OK if successful
// Algorithm: Do a linear search of all available directories.
// If no free spot is found, resize the directory and
// perform the search again.
// Notes:
SCODE CDirectory::GetFree(SID* psid) { msfDebugOut((DEB_DIR,"In CDirectory::GetFree()\n"));
SCODE sc = S_OK; SID sidRet = NOSTREAM; CDirSect * pds;
DIRINDEX ipdsStart; DIROFFSET ideStart;
SidToPair(_sidFirstFree, &ipdsStart, &ideStart); while (TRUE) { DIRINDEX ipds; for (ipds = ipdsStart; ipds < _cdsTable; ipds++) { msfChk(_dv.GetTable(ipds, FB_NONE, &pds)); for (DIROFFSET ide = ideStart; ide < _cdeEntries; ide++) { if (pds->GetEntry(ide)->IsFree()) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"GetFree found sid %lu\n", PairToSid(ipds,ide)));
*psid = PairToSid(ipds, ide); _sidFirstFree = *psid + 1; _dv.ReleaseTable(ipds); return S_OK; } } _dv.ReleaseTable(ipds); ideStart = 0; } ipdsStart = ipds; msfChk(Resize(_cdsTable+1)); }
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::FindGreaterEntry
// Synopsis: finds next entry (for iteration)
// Arguments: [sidStart] -- child sid to start looking
// [pdfn] -- previous entry name
// [psidResult] -- place holder for returned sid
// Requires: sidStart != NOSTREAM
// Returns: S_OK, STG_E_NOMOREFILES, or other error
// Modifies: psidResult
// Algorithm: Iterate by returning the sid that has a name larger
// than the given name.
// Notes: This method is called recursively
SCODE CDirectory::FindGreaterEntry(SID sidStart, CDfName const *pdfn, SID *psidResult) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde; msfAssert(sidStart != NOSTREAM);
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sidStart, FB_NONE, &pde));
int iCmp; iCmp = NameCompare(pdfn, pde->GetName());
if (iCmp < 0) { // Since the last name returned is less than this name,
// the sid to return must either be to our left or this sid
SID sidLeft = pde->GetLeftSib();
// We can't hold onto sidStart as we recurse, (because we'll ask for
// a page each time we recurse)
ReleaseEntry(sidStart); if (sidLeft == sidStart) { //Corrupt docfile - return error.
if ((sidLeft == NOSTREAM) || (sc = FindGreaterEntry(sidLeft, pdfn, psidResult)) == STG_E_NOMOREFILES) { // There was no left child with a name greater than pdfn, so
// we return ourself
*psidResult = sidStart; sc = S_OK; } } else { // The last name returned is greater than this one, so we've already
// returned this sidStart. Look in the right subtree.
SID sidRight = pde->GetRightSib();
// We can't hold onto sidStart as we recurse, (because we'll ask for
// a page each time we recurse)
if (sidRight == sidStart) { //Corrupt docfile - return error.
if (sidRight == NOSTREAM) sc = STG_E_NOMOREFILES; else sc = FindGreaterEntry(sidRight, pdfn, psidResult); } Err: return(sc); }
// Method: CDirectory::SetStart, public
// Synopsis: Set starting sector for a dir entry
// Arguments: [sid] -- SID of entry to be modified
// [sect] -- New starting sector for entry
// Returns: SID of modified entry
// Notes:
SCODE CDirectory::SetStart(const SID sid, const SECT sect) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_DIRTY, &pde));
pde->SetStart(sect); ReleaseEntry(sid);
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::SetChild, public
// Synposis: Set the child SID of an entry
// Effects: Modifies a single directory entry. Causes a one sector
// stream write.
// Arguments: [sid] -- Stream ID of entry to be set
// [sidChild] -- SID of first child of this stream
// Returns: SID of modified entry
// Algorithm: Change child field on entry, then write to stream.
SCODE CDirectory::SetChild(const SID sid, const SID sidChild) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_DIRTY, &pde));
pde->SetChild(sidChild); ReleaseEntry(sid);
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::SetSize, public
// Synposis: Set the size of an entry
// Effects: Modifies a single directory entry. Causes a one sector
// stream write.
// Arguments: [sid] -- Stream ID of entry to be set
// [cbSize] -- Size
// Returns: SID of modified entry
// Algorithm: Change size field on entry, then write to stream.
SCODE CDirectory::SetSize(const SID sid, const ULONG cbSize) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_DIRTY, &pde));
pde->SetSize(cbSize); ReleaseEntry(sid);
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::SetTime, public
// Synposis: Set the time of an entry
// Effects: Modifies a single directory entry. Causes a one sector
// stream write.
// Arguments: [sid] -- Stream ID of entry to be set
// [tt] - WT_*
// [nt] - New time
// Returns: SID of modified entry
// Algorithm: Change time field on entry, then write to stream.
SCODE CDirectory::SetTime(const SID sid, WHICHTIME tt, TIME_T nt) { SCODE sc;
CDirEntry *pde;
// We don't support ACCESS times, so just ignore sets
if (tt == WT_ACCESS) return S_OK; msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_DIRTY, &pde)); pde->SetTime(tt, nt); ReleaseEntry(sid);
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::SetFlags, public
// Synposis: Set the flags of an entry
// Effects: Modifies a single directory entry. Causes a one sector
// stream write.
// Arguments: [sid] -- Stream ID of entry to be set
// [mse] - New flags
// Returns: Status code
// Algorithm: Change Luid field on entry, then write to stream.
SCODE CDirectory::SetFlags(const SID sid, const MSENTRYFLAGS mse) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_DIRTY, &pde)); pde->SetFlags(mse); ReleaseEntry(sid);
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::SetClassId, public
// Synposis: Set the class ID of an entry
// Effects: Modifies a single directory entry. Causes a one sector
// stream write.
// Arguments: [sid] -- Stream ID of entry to be set
// [cls] - Class ID
// Returns: Appropriate status code
SCODE CDirectory::SetClassId(const SID sid, const GUID cls) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_DIRTY, &pde)); pde->SetClassId(cls); ReleaseEntry(sid); Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::SetUserFlags, public
// Synposis: Set the user flags of an entry
// Effects: Modifies a single directory entry. Causes a one sector
// stream write.
// Arguments: [sid] -- Stream ID of entry to be set
// [dwUserFlags] - Flags
// [dwMask] - Mask
// Returns: Appropriate status code
SCODE CDirectory::SetUserFlags(SID const sid, DWORD dwUserFlags, DWORD dwMask) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_DIRTY, &pde)); pde->SetUserFlags(dwUserFlags, dwMask); ReleaseEntry(sid);
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::resize, private
// Synposis: Resize a directory.
// Effects: Reallocates space for directory table, copying over
// old pointers as necessary. Any new tables needed are
// created here.
// Arguments: [uNewsize] -- New size for Directory
// Returns: void
// Algorithm: Allocate a new array of pointers of the necessary size.
// Then, copy over all pointers from old array and allocate
// new CDirSects for all new tables.
// Notes:
SCODE CDirectory::Resize(DIRINDEX uNewsize) { msfDebugOut((DEB_DIR,"In CDirectory::Resize(%i)\n",uNewsize)); SCODE sc;
if (uNewsize == _cdsTable) return S_OK;
SECT sect; //GetESect call will make sure we have enough Fat space.
msfChk(_pmsParent->GetESect(SIDDIR, uNewsize - 1, §));
ULONG ipds; for (ipds = _cdsTable; ipds < uNewsize; ipds++) { CDirSect *pds; msfChk(_dv.GetTable(ipds, FB_NEW, &pds)); SECT sect; msfChk(_pmsParent->GetESect(SIDDIR, ipds, §)); _dv.SetSect(ipds, sect); _dv.ReleaseTable(ipds); }
_cdsTable = uNewsize;
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::Init, public
// Synposis: Sets up a Directory instance and reads in all tables
// from the stream
// Arguments: [cSect] -- Number of sectors in directory
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// STG_E_READFAULT if not enough bytes were read for
// a DirSector
// Error code of read if read returned an error.
// Algorithm: Create array to hold appropriate number of tables.
// Read in each table from disk.
SCODE CDirectory::Init( CMStream *pmsParent, DIRINDEX cSect) { msfDebugOut((DEB_DIR,"In CDirectory::Init(%lu)\n",cSect)); SCODE sc;
_pmsParent = pmsParent;
_cdeEntries = (DIROFFSET) ( _pmsParent->GetSectorSize() / sizeof(CDirEntry));
msfChk(_dv.Init(_pmsParent, cSect));
_cdsTable = cSect;
msfDebugOut((DEB_DIR,"Out CDirectory::Init()\n"));
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::InitNew, public
// Synposis: Sets up a new Directory instance for a new Mstream
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// STG_E_WRITEFAULT if not enough bytes were written.
// Error code of write if write failed.
// Algorithm: Write initial DirSector to disk.
// Notes:
SCODE CDirectory::InitNew(CMStream *pmsParent) { SCODE sc; #ifndef _MSC_VER
#define ROOT_ENTRY "Root Entry"
WCHAR *wcsRoot = new WCHAR[sizeof(ROOT_ENTRY)+1]; _tbstowcs(wcsRoot, ROOT_ENTRY, sizeof(ROOT_ENTRY)); CDfName const dfnRoot(wcsRoot); #else
CDfName const dfnRoot(L"Root Entry"); #endif
msfDebugOut((DEB_DIR,"In CDirectory::setupnew()\n")); _pmsParent = pmsParent;
_cdeEntries = (DIROFFSET) (_pmsParent->GetSectorSize() / sizeof(CDirEntry));
msfChk(_dv.Init(_pmsParent, 1));
CDirSect *pds;
msfChk(_dv.GetTable(0, FB_NEW, &pds)); _dv.SetSect(0, _pmsParent->GetHeader()->GetDirStart()); _dv.ReleaseTable(0);
_cdsTable = 1;
SID sidRoot;
msfChk(GetFree(&sidRoot)); CDirEntry *pdeTemp;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sidRoot, FB_DIRTY, &pdeTemp)); pdeTemp->Init(STGTY_ROOT);
msfAssert(sidRoot == SIDROOT);
msfDebugOut((DEB_DIR,"Exiting CDirectory::setupnew()\n"));
Err: return sc; }
// Method: CDirectory::CreateEntry, public
// Synopsis: Create a new directory entry
// Arguments: [sidParent] -- SID of parent for new entry
// [pwcsName] -- Name of new entry
// [mef] -- Flags for new entry
// [psidNew] -- Return location for new SID
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Algorithm: Search directory for entry of the same name. If one
// is found, return STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS.
// If not, create a new entry and return its SID.
SCODE CDirectory::CreateEntry( SID sidParent, CDfName const *pdfn, MSENTRYFLAGS mef, SID *psidNew) { SCODE sc; SID sidNew; CDirEntry *pdeNew; SEntryBuffer eb;
sc = IsEntry(sidParent, pdfn, &eb); if (sc != STG_E_FILENOTFOUND) { if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) sc = STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS;
return(sc); }
// Allocate new sid
msfChk(GetFree(psidNew)); sidNew = *psidNew;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sidNew, FB_DIRTY, &pdeNew));
// Initialize new entry
TIME_T timetemp; DfGetTOD(&timetemp);
pdeNew->SetTime(WT_CREATION, timetemp); pdeNew->SetTime(WT_MODIFICATION, timetemp); pdeNew->SetName(pdfn);
// Insert new entry into the tree
msfChk(InsertEntry(sidParent, sidNew, pdfn));
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::RenameEntry, public
// Synopsis: Rename an entry
// Arguments: [sidParent] -- Sid of parent of entry to be renamed
// [pwcsName] -- Old name of entry to be renamed
// [pwcsName] -- New name
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Algorithm: Remove old entry
// Rename entry
// Insert as new entry
// Notes:
SCODE CDirectory::RenameEntry(SID const sidParent, CDfName const *pdfn, CDfName const *pdfnNew) { // Make sure new name doesn't already exist
SCODE sc; SEntryBuffer eb;
sc = IsEntry(sidParent, pdfnNew, &eb); if (sc != STG_E_FILENOTFOUND) { if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { // Entry did exist - fail this call
return(sc); }
// We can't just rename in place (because the tree is ordered)
CDirEntry *pdeRename; SEntryBuffer ebRename;
msfChk(FindEntry(sidParent, pdfn, DEOP_REMOVE, &ebRename));
sc = GetDirEntry(ebRename.sid, FB_DIRTY, &pdeRename);
msfAssert(SUCCEEDED(sc) && aMsg("Could get dir entry to rename"));
// If this InsertEntry fails, we've potentially lost the entry. This
// doesn't matter becase:
// a) The only way we could fail is if we couldn't read or write
// the disk (hard error)
// b) No one's going to call RenameEntry anyways
// c) If we're transacted, the whole operation is made robust by
// CopyOnWrite mode
// d) If we're direct, we already know we can fail in ways that leave
// the Docfile corrupt.
sc = InsertEntry(sidParent, ebRename.sid, pdfnNew);
msfAssert(SUCCEEDED(sc) && aMsg("Couldn't reinsert renamed dir entry"));
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::DestroyAllChildren
// Synopsis: destroy all child entries
// Effects: destroys child tree
// Arguments: [sidParent] -- storage entry
// Returns: S_OK or error code
// Modifies: sidParent's entry
// Algorithm: While there's a child
// destroy it
// Notes: We may want to consider a more efficient implementation
SCODE CDirectory::DestroyAllChildren( SID const sidParent) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pdeParent, *pdeChild; SID sidChild; CDfName dfnChild;
for (;;) { CDfName dfnChild;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sidParent, FB_NONE, &pdeParent)); sidChild = pdeParent->GetChild(); ReleaseEntry(sidParent);
if (sidChild == NOSTREAM) break;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sidChild, FB_NONE, &pdeChild));
dfnChild.Set(pdeChild->GetName()); ReleaseEntry(sidChild);
msfChk(DestroyChild(sidParent, &dfnChild)); }
Err: return(sc); }
// Member: CDirectory::DestroyChild
// Synopsis: destroy a named child
// Effects: destroys named child's entry
// Arguments: [sidParent] -- storage entry
// [pdfn] -- child name
// Returns: S_OK, STG_E_FILENOTFOUND, or other error code
// Modifies: child's entry
// Algorithm: Find and remove child
// Free child entry
SCODE CDirectory::DestroyChild( SID const sidParent, CDfName const *pdfn) { SCODE sc; SEntryBuffer ebChild;
msfAssert(pdfn != NULL);
// remove the entry from the tree
msfChk(FindEntry(sidParent, pdfn, DEOP_REMOVE, &ebChild));
msfAssert(ebChild.sid != NOSTREAM);
// Before we remove this entry, we need to destroy it (including all
// its children). Note that we can't hold onto the entry because it
// might have children which get destroyed, which have children which
// get destroyed, etc.
if (STORAGELIKE(ebChild.dwType)) { msfChk(DestroyAllChildren(ebChild.sid)); }
CDirEntry *pdeChild; msfChk(GetDirEntry(ebChild.sid, FB_DIRTY, &pdeChild));
if (STREAMLIKE(ebChild.dwType)) { // Deallocate any used streams
msfChkTo(EH_Rel, _pmsParent->KillStream(pdeChild->GetStart(), pdeChild->GetSize())); }
pdeChild->SetFlags(STGTY_INVALID); if (ebChild.sid < _sidFirstFree) { _sidFirstFree = ebChild.sid; }
EH_Rel: ReleaseEntry(ebChild.sid);
Err: return(sc); }
// Method: CDirectory::StatEntry
// Synopsis: For a given handle, fill in the Multistream specific
// information of a STATSTG.
// Arguments: [sid] -- SID that information is requested on.
// [pName] -- name of the next key to fill in
// [pstatstg] -- STATSTG to fill in.
// Returns: S_OK
// Modifies: [pName] -- if it is not null
// [pstatstg] -- if it is not null
// Algorithm: Fill in time information and size and then return
SCODE CDirectory::StatEntry(SID const sid, CDfName *pName, STATSTGW *pstatstg) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_NONE, &pde)); if (pName) { pName->Set(pde->GetName()); } if (pstatstg) { pstatstg->type = pde->GetFlags(); // allocate memory
msfChk(DfAllocWCS((WCHAR *)pde->GetName()->GetBuffer(), &pstatstg->pwcsName)); wcscpy(pstatstg->pwcsName, (WCHAR*) pde->GetName()->GetBuffer());
pstatstg->mtime = pde->GetTime(WT_MODIFICATION); pstatstg->ctime = pde->GetTime(WT_CREATION); pstatstg->atime = pstatstg->mtime; // don't currently keep access times
// Don't use REAL_STGTY here because we want this
// to function properly for both property and non-property builds
if ((pstatstg->type & STGTY_REAL) == STGTY_STORAGE) { ULISet32(pstatstg->cbSize, 0); pstatstg->clsid = pde->GetClassId(); pstatstg->grfStateBits = pde->GetUserFlags(); } else { ULISet32(pstatstg->cbSize, pde->GetSize()); pstatstg->clsid = CLSID_NULL; pstatstg->grfStateBits = 0; } }
Err: ReleaseEntry(sid); return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::GetDirEntry
// Synopsis: Get a directory entry with given permissions
// Arguments: [sid] -- SID
// [dwFlags] -- permissions
// [ppde] -- placeholder for directory entry
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Algorithm:
SCODE CDirectory::GetDirEntry( const SID sid, const DWORD dwFlags, CDirEntry **ppde) { SCODE sc; CDirSect *pds; DIRINDEX id = sid / _cdeEntries;
msfChk(_dv.GetTable(id, dwFlags, &pds));
*ppde = pds->GetEntry((DIROFFSET)(sid % _cdeEntries));
Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::ReleaseEntry
// Synopsis: Releases a directory entry
// Arguments: [sid] -- SID
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Algorithm:
void CDirectory::ReleaseEntry(SID sid) { _dv.ReleaseTable(sid / _cdeEntries); }