// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: header.cxx
// Contents: Code to manage MSF header
// Classes: Defined in header.hxx
#include "msfhead.cxx"
#include "h/dfver.h"
// Function set [uArg] to the byte order of the machine.
// it will return 0xFFFE on Little Endian (== the disk order)
// and 0xFEFF on Big Endian
const BYTE abDiskByteOrder[]= {0xFE, 0xFF};
inline void SetMachineByteOrder(USHORT *pUShort) { memcpy(pUShort, abDiskByteOrder, sizeof(abDiskByteOrder)); }
CMSFHeader::CMSFHeader(USHORT uSectorShift) { msfAssert((CSECTFATREAL != CSECTFAT) || (sizeof(CMSFHeader) == HEADERSIZE)); _uSectorShift = uSectorShift; _uMiniSectorShift = MINISECTORSHIFT; _ulMiniSectorCutoff = MINISTREAMSIZE;
_clid = IID_NULL;
_uMinorVersion = rmm; _uDllVersion = rmj;
for (SECT sect = 0; sect < CSECTFAT; sect ++) { _sectFat[sect] = FREESECT; }
SetDifLength(0); SetDifStart(ENDOFCHAIN);
SetFatLength(1); SetFatStart(SECTFAT); SetDirStart(SECTDIR);
SetMiniFatLength(0); SetMiniFatStart(ENDOFCHAIN);
_signature = 0; _usReserved = 0; _ulReserved1 = _ulReserved2 = 0;
// Write DocFile signature
memcpy(abSig, SIGSTG, CBSIGSTG); }
// Function: CheckSignature, private
// Synopsis: Checks the given memory against known signatures
// Arguments: [pb] - Pointer to memory to check
// Returns: S_OK - Current signature
// S_FALSE - Beta 2 signature, but still successful
// Appropriate status code
//Identifier for first bytes of Beta 2 Docfiles
const BYTE SIGSTG_B2[] = {0x0e, 0x11, 0xfc, 0x0d, 0xd0, 0xcf, 0x11, 0xe0}; const BYTE CBSIGSTG_B2 = sizeof(SIGSTG_B2);
SCODE CheckSignature(BYTE *pb) { SCODE sc;
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CheckSignature(%p)\n", pb));
// Check for ship Docfile signature first
if (memcmp(pb, SIGSTG, CBSIGSTG) == 0) sc = S_OK;
// Check for Beta 2 Docfile signature
else if (memcmp(pb, SIGSTG_B2, CBSIGSTG_B2) == 0) sc = S_FALSE;
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CheckSignature => %lX\n", sc)); return sc; }
// Method: CMSFHeader::Validate, public
// Synopsis: Validate a header.
// Returns: S_OK if header is valid.
SCODE CMSFHeader::Validate(VOID) const { SCODE sc;
sc = CheckSignature((BYTE *)abSig); if (sc == S_OK) { // Check file format verson number
if (GetDllVersion() > rmj) return STG_E_OLDDLL;
// check for unreasonably large SectorShift
} return sc; }