// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: vect.cxx
// Contents: Vector common code.
// Classes:
// Functions:
#include "msfhead.cxx"
#include "h/vect.hxx"
// Method: CPagedVector::Init, public
// Synopsis: CPagedVector initialization function
// Arguments: [ulSize] -- size of vector
// Algorithm: Allocate an array of pointer of size ulSize
// For each cell in the array, allocate a CFatSect
// Notes:
SCODE CPagedVector::Init(CMStream *pmsParent, ULONG ulSize) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CPagedVector::CPagedVector(%lu)\n",ulSize)); SCODE sc = S_OK; _pmsParent = pmsParent; _pmpt = _pmsParent->GetPageTable();
msfAssert(_pmpt != NULL);
// We don't bother allocating more than necessary here
_ulAllocSize = _ulSize = ulSize;
if (_ulSize > 0) {
msfMem(_amp = GetNewPageArray(ulSize)); for (i = 0; i < _ulSize; i++) { _amp[i] = NULL; } msfMem(_avb = GetNewVectBits(ulSize)); }
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Out CPagedVector::CPagedVector()\n")); return S_OK;
Err: //In the error case, discard whatever vectors we were able to allocate
// and return S_OK.
delete [] _amp; _amp = NULL;
delete [] _avb; _avb = NULL;
return S_OK;
// Method: CPagedVector::~CPagedVector, public
// Synopsis: CPagedVector constructor
// Algorithm: Delete the pointer array.
// Notes:
CPagedVector::~CPagedVector() { delete [] _amp; delete [] _avb; }
// Member: CPagedVector::Empty, public
// Synopsis: Discard the storage associated with this vector.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: void.
void CPagedVector::Empty(void) { if (_pmpt != NULL) { _pmpt->FreePages(this); } delete [] _amp; delete [] _avb; _amp = NULL; _avb = NULL; _pmpt = NULL; _ulAllocSize = _ulSize = 0; _pmsParent = NULL; }
// Member: CPagedVector::Flush, public
// Synopsis: Flush the dirty pages for this vector
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: Appropriate status code
SCODE CPagedVector::Flush(void) { SCODE sc; SCODE scRet = S_OK;
if (_ulSize > 0) { if (_amp != NULL) { for (USHORT i = 0; i < _ulSize; i++) { if ((_amp[i] != NULL) && (_amp[i]->IsDirty())) { sc = _pmpt->FlushPage(_amp[i]); if ((FAILED(sc)) && (SUCCEEDED(scRet))) { scRet = sc; } } } } else { scRet = _pmpt->Flush(); } }
return scRet; }
// Method: CPagedVector::GetTable, public
// Synopsis: Return a pointer to a page for the given index
// into the vector.
// Arguments: [iTable] -- index into vector
// [ppmp] -- Pointer to return location
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Notes:
SCODE CPagedVector::GetTable( const FSINDEX iTable, DWORD dwFlags, void **ppmp) { SCODE sc = S_OK; CMSFPage *pmp;
msfAssert((_pmsParent->GetILB() != NULL) && aMsg("Null ILB found on GetTable - need SetAccess call?"));
// docfile is corrupted with an invalid iTable size
if (iTable >= _ulSize) { msfErr(Err, STG_E_DOCFILECORRUPT); }
if ((_amp == NULL) || (_amp[iTable] == NULL)) { if (dwFlags & FB_NEW) { //We know that the page isn't in the page table,
// so we can just get a free page an allocate it
// ourselves.
pmp->SetVector(this); pmp->SetSid(_sid); pmp->SetOffset(iTable); pmp->SetSect(ENDOFCHAIN);
sc = STG_S_NEWPAGE; dwFlags = (dwFlags & ~FB_NEW) | FB_DIRTY; } else { msfChk(_pmpt->GetPage(this, _sid, iTable, &pmp)); msfAssert((pmp->GetVector() == this) && aMsg("GetPage returned wrong page.")); }
if (_amp != NULL) { _amp[iTable] = pmp; }
} else { pmp = _amp[iTable]; msfAssert((pmp->GetVector() == this) && aMsg("Cached page has wrong vector pointer")); }
pmp->AddRef(); if (((dwFlags & FB_DIRTY) && !(pmp->IsDirty())) && (sc != STG_S_NEWPAGE)) { //If we are not a newly created page, and we are being
// dirtied for the first time, make sure that our
// _sect field is correct.
//Newly created pages have to have their sect set manually
// _before_ being released. This is very important.
pmp->SetSect(ENDOFCHAIN); SECT sect; msfChkTo(Err_Rel, _pmsParent->GetESect( pmp->GetSid(), pmp->GetOffset(), §));
pmp->SetSect(sect); }
pmp->SetFlags(pmp->GetFlags() | dwFlags | FB_TOUCHED); msfAssert((pmp->GetVector() == this) && aMsg("GetTable returned wrong page.")); *ppmp = pmp->GetData();
Err: return sc; Err_Rel: pmp->Release(); return sc; }
// Member: CPagedVector::SetDirty, public
// Synopsis: Set the dirty bit on the specified page
// Arguments: [iTable] -- Table to set bit on
// Notes: This function is always called on a page with an
// open reference. Therefore, the page is
// guaranteed to be in the page table, and that
// FindPage call should never return an error.
SCODE CPagedVector::SetDirty(ULONG iTable) { SCODE sc = S_OK; CMSFPage *pmp;
if (_amp == NULL) {
msfChk(_pmpt->FindPage(this, _sid, iTable, &pmp)); msfAssert(sc == STG_S_FOUND); msfAssert(pmp->IsInUse() && aMsg("Called SetDirty on page not in use.")); } else { msfAssert(_amp != NULL); msfAssert(_amp[iTable] != NULL); pmp = _amp[iTable]; }
if (!pmp->IsDirty()) { //We are not a newly created page, and we are being
// dirtied for the first time, make sure that our
// _sect field is correct.
pmp->SetSect(ENDOFCHAIN); SECT sect; msfChkTo(Err_Rel, _pmsParent->GetESect( pmp->GetSid(), pmp->GetOffset(), §));
pmp->SetSect(sect); pmp->Release(); }
Err: return sc; Err_Rel: pmp->Release(); return sc; }
// Method: CPagedVector::Resize, public
// Synopsis: Resize a CPagedVector
// Arguments: [ulSize] -- Size of new vector
// Algorithm: Create new pointer array of size ulSize.
// For each entry in old array, copy the pointer over.
// Notes:
#define VECTORBLOCK 1024 // Must be power of 2
SCODE CPagedVector::Resize(FSINDEX ulSize) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CPagedVector::CPagedVector(%lu)\n",ulSize));
msfAssert(ulSize >= _ulSize); msfAssert(_ulSize <= _ulAllocSize); msfAssert(((VECTORBLOCK & (VECTORBLOCK - 1)) == 0) && aMsg("VECTORBLOCK must be power of 2"));
msfAssert(!((_amp == NULL) && (_avb != NULL)) && aMsg("Resize precondition failed.")); if (ulSize > _ulAllocSize) { // We don't have room in the existing vector; grow it
ULONG ulNewAllocSize = ulSize;
if (ulNewAllocSize > LARGETHRESHOLD) { // We're dealing with a large vector; grow it a VECTORBLOCK
// at a time
ulNewAllocSize = (ulNewAllocSize + VECTORBLOCK - 1) & ~(VECTORBLOCK - 1); }
CMSFPage **amp = GetNewPageArray(ulNewAllocSize); CVectBits *avb = GetNewVectBits(ulNewAllocSize);
// Can't fail after this point
_ulAllocSize = ulNewAllocSize;
// Copy over the old entries
if ((amp != NULL) && (avb != NULL)) { if ((_amp != NULL) && (_avb != NULL)) { // Both allocations succeeded
for (ULONG iamp = 0; iamp < _ulSize; iamp++) { amp[iamp] = _amp[iamp]; avb[iamp] = _avb[iamp]; } } else if (_amp != NULL) { for (ULONG iamp = 0; iamp < _ulSize; iamp++) { amp[iamp] = _amp[iamp]; } } else { for (ULONG iamp = 0; iamp < _ulSize; iamp++) { amp[iamp] = NULL; } } } else { // At least one of the allocations failed
delete [] avb; avb = NULL;
delete [] amp; amp = NULL; }
// Delete the old vector and put in the new one (if any).
// In the error case, throw away the vectors we are currently
// holding (since they are of insufficient size) and return S_OK.
delete [] _amp; _amp = amp;
delete [] _avb; _avb = avb; }
if (_amp != NULL) { // Initialize the new elements in the vector
for (ULONG iamp = _ulSize; iamp < ulSize; iamp++) _amp[iamp] = NULL; }
_ulSize = ulSize;
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Out CPagedVector resize constructor\n")); return S_OK; }