* OLE2UI.C * * Contains initialization routines and miscellaneous API implementations for * the OLE 2.0 User Interface Support Library. * * Copyright (c)1992 Microsoft Corporation, All Right Reserved */
#define STRICT 1
#include "ole2ui.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "resimage.h"
#include "iconbox.h"
#include <commdlg.h>
#define WINDLL 1 // make far pointer version of stdargs.h
#include <stdarg.h>
// NOTE: If this code is being compiled for a DLL, then we need to define
// our OLE2UI debug symbols here (with the OLEDBGDATA_MAIN macro). If we're
// compiling for a static LIB, then the application we link to must
// define these symbols -- we just need to make an external reference here
// (with the macro OLEDBGDATA).
#ifdef DLL_VER
//The DLL instance handle shared amongst all dialogs.
//Registered messages for use with all the dialogs, registered in LibMain
UINT uMsgHelp=0; UINT uMsgEndDialog=0; UINT uMsgBrowse=0; UINT uMsgChangeIcon=0; UINT uMsgFileOKString=0; UINT uMsgCloseBusyDlg=0;
//Clipboard formats used by PasteSpecial
UINT cfObjectDescriptor; UINT cfLinkSrcDescriptor; UINT cfEmbedSource; UINT cfEmbeddedObject; UINT cfLinkSource; UINT cfOwnerLink; UINT cfFileName;
// local function prototypes
BOOL CALLBACK EXPORT PromptUserDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL CALLBACK EXPORT UpdateLinksDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// local definition
// local structure definition
typedef struct tagUPDATELINKS { LPOLEUILINKCONTAINER lpOleUILinkCntr; // pointer to Link Container
UINT cLinks; // total number of links
UINT cUpdated; // number of links updated
DWORD dwLink; // pointer to link
BOOL fError; // error flag
LPTSTR lpszTitle; // caption for dialog box
* OleUIInitialize * * NOTE: This function should only be called by your application IF it is * using the static-link version of this library. If the DLL version is * being used, this function is automatically called from the OLE2UI DLL's * LibMain. * * Purpose: * Initializes the OLE UI Library. Registers the OLE clipboard formats * used in the Paste Special dialog, registers private custom window * messages, and registers window classes of the "Result Image" * and "Icon Box" custom controls used in the UI dialogs. * * Parameters: * * hInstance HINSTANCE of the module where the UI library resources * and Dialog Procedures are contained. If you are calling * this function yourself, this should be the instance handle * of your application. * * hPrevInst HINSTANCE of the previous application instance. * This is the parameter passed in to your WinMain. For * the DLL version, this should always be set to zero (for * WIN16 DLLs). * * lpszClassIconBox * LPTSTR containing the name you assigned to the symbol * SZCLASSICONBOX (this symbol is defined in UICLASS.H * which is generated in the MAKEFILE). * * This name is used as the window class name * when registering the IconBox custom control used in the * UI dialogs. In order to handle mutliple apps running * with this library, you must make this name unique to your * application. * * For the DLL version: Do NOT call this function directly * from your application, it is called automatically from * the DLL's LibMain. * * For the static library version: This should be set to * the symbol SZCLASSICONBOX. This symbol is defined in * UICLASS.H. * * lpszClassResImage * LPTSTR containing the name you assigned to the symbol * SZCLASSRESULTIMAGE. See the description of * lpszClassIconBox above for more info. * * Return Value: * BOOL TRUE if initialization was successful. * FALSE if either the "Magic Number" did not verify, or one of * the window classes could not be registered. If the * "Magic Number" did not verify, then the resources * in your module are of a different version than the * ones you compiled with. */
STDAPI_(BOOL) OleUIInitialize(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, LPTSTR lpszClassIconBox, LPTSTR lpszClassResImage) { HRSRC hr; HGLOBAL hg; LPWORD lpdata;
OleDbgOut1(TEXT("OleUIInitialize called.\r\n")); ghInst=hInstance;
// Verify that we have the correct resources added to our application
// by checking the "VERIFICATION" resource with the magic number we've
// compiled into our app.
OutputDebugString(TEXT("Entering OleUIInitialize\n"));
if ((hr = FindResource(hInstance, TEXT("VERIFICATION"), RT_RCDATA)) == NULL) goto ResourceLoadError;
if ((hg = LoadResource(hInstance, hr)) == NULL) goto ResourceLoadError;
if ((lpdata = (LPWORD)LockResource(hg)) == NULL) goto ResourceLockError;
if ((WORD)*lpdata != (WORD)OLEUI_VERSION_MAGIC) goto ResourceReadError;
// OK, resource versions match. Contine on.
UnlockResource(hg); FreeResource(hg); OleDbgOut1(TEXT("OleUIInitialize: Resource magic number verified.\r\n"));
// Register messages we need for the dialogs. If
uMsgHelp =RegisterWindowMessage(SZOLEUI_MSG_HELP); uMsgEndDialog =RegisterWindowMessage(SZOLEUI_MSG_ENDDIALOG); uMsgBrowse =RegisterWindowMessage(SZOLEUI_MSG_BROWSE); uMsgChangeIcon=RegisterWindowMessage(SZOLEUI_MSG_CHANGEICON); uMsgFileOKString = RegisterWindowMessage(FILEOKSTRING); uMsgCloseBusyDlg = RegisterWindowMessage(SZOLEUI_MSG_CLOSEBUSYDIALOG);
// Register Clipboard Formats used by PasteSpecial dialog.
cfObjectDescriptor = RegisterClipboardFormat(CF_OBJECTDESCRIPTOR); cfLinkSrcDescriptor= RegisterClipboardFormat(CF_LINKSRCDESCRIPTOR); cfEmbedSource = RegisterClipboardFormat(CF_EMBEDSOURCE); cfEmbeddedObject = RegisterClipboardFormat(CF_EMBEDDEDOBJECT); cfLinkSource = RegisterClipboardFormat(CF_LINKSOURCE); cfOwnerLink = RegisterClipboardFormat(CF_OWNERLINK); cfFileName = RegisterClipboardFormat(CF_FILENAME);
if (!FResultImageInitialize(hInstance, hPrevInst, lpszClassResImage)) { OleDbgOut1(TEXT("OleUIInitialize: FResultImageInitialize failed. Terminating.\r\n")); return 0; }
if (!FIconBoxInitialize(hInstance, hPrevInst, lpszClassIconBox)) { OleDbgOut1(TEXT("OleUIInitialize: FIconBoxInitialize failed. Terminating.\r\n")); return 0; }
return TRUE;
ResourceLoadError: OleDbgOut1(TEXT("OleUIInitialize: ERROR - Unable to find version verification resource.\r\n")); return FALSE;
ResourceLockError: OleDbgOut1(TEXT("OleUIInitialize: ERROR - Unable to lock version verification resource.\r\n")); FreeResource(hg); return FALSE;
ResourceReadError: OleDbgOut1(TEXT("OleUIInitialize: ERROR - Version verification values did not compare.\r\n"));
{TCHAR buf[255]; wsprintf(buf, TEXT("resource read 0x%X, my value is 0x%X\n"), (WORD)*lpdata, (WORD)OLEUI_VERSION_MAGIC); OutputDebugString(buf); }
UnlockResource(hg); FreeResource(hg); return FALSE; }
* OleUIUnInitialize * * NOTE: This function should only be called by your application IF it is using * the static-link version of this library. If the DLL version is being used, * this function is automatically called from the DLL's LibMain. * * Purpose: * Uninitializes OLE UI libraries. Deletes any resources allocated by the * library. * * Return Value: * BOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. Current implementation always * returns TRUE. */
STDAPI_(BOOL) OleUIUnInitialize() { IconBoxUninitialize(); ResultImageUninitialize();
return TRUE; }
* OleUIAddVerbMenu * * Purpose: * Add the Verb menu for the specified object to the given menu. If the * object has one verb, we directly add the verb to the given menu. If * the object has multiple verbs we create a cascading sub-menu. * * Parameters: * lpObj LPOLEOBJECT pointing to the selected object. If this * is NULL, then we create a default disabled menu item. * * lpszShortType LPTSTR with short type name (AuxName==2) corresponding * to the lpOleObj. if the string is NOT known, then NULL * may be passed. if NULL is passed, then * IOleObject::GetUserType will be called to retrieve it. * if the caller has the string handy, then it is faster * to pass it in. * * hMenu HMENU in which to make modifications. * * uPos Position of the menu item * * uIDVerbMin UINT ID value at which to start the verbs. * verb_0 = wIDMVerbMin + verb_0 * verb_1 = wIDMVerbMin + verb_1 * verb_2 = wIDMVerbMin + verb_2 * etc. * uIDVerbMax UINT maximum ID value allowed for object verbs. * if uIDVerbMax==0 then any ID value is allowed * * bAddConvert BOOL specifying whether or not to add a "Convert" item * to the bottom of the menu (with a separator). * * idConvert UINT ID value to use for the Convert menu item, if * bAddConvert is TRUE. * * lphMenu HMENU FAR * of the cascading verb menu if it's created. * If there is only one verb, this will be filled with NULL. * * * Return Value: * BOOL TRUE if lpObj was valid and we added at least one verb * to the menu. FALSE if lpObj was NULL and we created * a disabled default menu item */
STDAPI_(BOOL) OleUIAddVerbMenu(LPOLEOBJECT lpOleObj, LPTSTR lpszShortType, HMENU hMenu, UINT uPos, UINT uIDVerbMin, UINT uIDVerbMax, BOOL bAddConvert, UINT idConvert, HMENU FAR *lphMenu) { LPPERSISTSTORAGE lpPS=NULL; LPENUMOLEVERB lpEnumOleVerb = NULL; OLEVERB oleverb; LPUNKNOWN lpUnk; LPTSTR lpszShortTypeName = lpszShortType; LPTSTR lpszVerbName = NULL; HRESULT hrErr; BOOL fStatus; BOOL fIsLink = FALSE; BOOL fResult = TRUE; BOOL fAddConvertItem = FALSE; int cVerbs = 0; UINT uFlags = MF_BYPOSITION; static BOOL fFirstTime = TRUE; static TCHAR szBuffer[OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX]; static TCHAR szNoObjectCmd[OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX]; static TCHAR szObjectCmd1Verb[OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX]; static TCHAR szLinkCmd1Verb[OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX]; static TCHAR szObjectCmdNVerb[OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX]; static TCHAR szLinkCmdNVerb[OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX]; static TCHAR szUnknown[OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX]; static TCHAR szEdit[OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX]; static TCHAR szConvert[OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX];
// Set fAddConvertItem flag
if (bAddConvert & (idConvert != 0)) fAddConvertItem = TRUE;
// only need to load the strings the 1st time
if (fFirstTime) { if (0 == LoadString(ghInst, IDS_OLE2UIEDITNOOBJCMD, (LPTSTR)szNoObjectCmd, OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX)) return FALSE; if (0 == LoadString(ghInst, IDS_OLE2UIEDITLINKCMD_1VERB, (LPTSTR)szLinkCmd1Verb, OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX)) return FALSE; if (0 == LoadString(ghInst, IDS_OLE2UIEDITOBJECTCMD_1VERB, (LPTSTR)szObjectCmd1Verb, OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX)) return FALSE;
if (0 == LoadString(ghInst, IDS_OLE2UIUNKNOWN, (LPTSTR)szUnknown, OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX)) return FALSE;
if (0 == LoadString(ghInst, IDS_OLE2UIEDIT, (LPTSTR)szEdit, OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX)) return FALSE;
if ( (0 == LoadString(ghInst, IDS_OLE2UICONVERT, (LPTSTR)szConvert, OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX)) && fAddConvertItem) return FALSE;
fFirstTime = FALSE; }
// Delete whatever menu may happen to be here already.
DeleteMenu(hMenu, uPos, uFlags);
if (!lpOleObj) goto AVMError;
if (! lpszShortTypeName) { // get the Short form of the user type name for the menu
OLEDBG_BEGIN2(TEXT("IOleObject::GetUserType called\r\n")) hrErr = CallIOleObjectGetUserTypeA( lpOleObj, USERCLASSTYPE_SHORT, (LPTSTR FAR*)&lpszShortTypeName ); OLEDBG_END2
if (NOERROR != hrErr) { OleDbgOutHResult(TEXT("IOleObject::GetUserType returned"), hrErr); } }
// check if the object is a link (it is a link if it support IOleLink)
hrErr = lpOleObj->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( lpOleObj, &IID_IOleLink, (LPVOID FAR*)&lpUnk ); if (NOERROR == hrErr) { fIsLink = TRUE; OleStdRelease(lpUnk); }
// Get the verb enumerator from the OLE object
OLEDBG_BEGIN2(TEXT("IOleObject::EnumVerbs called\r\n")) hrErr = lpOleObj->lpVtbl->EnumVerbs( lpOleObj, (LPENUMOLEVERB FAR*)&lpEnumOleVerb ); OLEDBG_END2
if (NOERROR != hrErr) { OleDbgOutHResult(TEXT("IOleObject::EnumVerbs returned"), hrErr); }
if (!(*lphMenu = CreatePopupMenu())) goto AVMError;
// loop through all verbs
while (lpEnumOleVerb != NULL) { // forever
hrErr = lpEnumOleVerb->lpVtbl->Next( lpEnumOleVerb, 1, (LPOLEVERB)&oleverb, NULL ); if (NOERROR != hrErr) break; // DONE! no more verbs
/* OLE2NOTE: negative verb numbers and verbs that do not
** indicate ONCONTAINERMENU should NOT be put on the verb menu */ if (oleverb.lVerb < 0 || ! (oleverb.grfAttribs & OLEVERBATTRIB_ONCONTAINERMENU)) {
/* OLE2NOTE: we must still free the verb name string */ if (oleverb.lpszVerbName) OleStdFree(oleverb.lpszVerbName); continue; }
// we must free the previous verb name string
if (lpszVerbName) OleStdFreeString(lpszVerbName, NULL);
CopyAndFreeOLESTR(oleverb.lpszVerbName, &lpszVerbName);
if ( 0 == uIDVerbMax || (uIDVerbMax >= uIDVerbMin+(UINT)oleverb.lVerb) ) { fStatus = InsertMenu( *lphMenu, (UINT)-1, MF_BYPOSITION | (UINT)oleverb.fuFlags, uIDVerbMin+(UINT)oleverb.lVerb, (LPTSTR)lpszVerbName ); if (! fStatus) goto AVMError;
cVerbs++; } }
// Add the separator and "Convert" menu item.
if (fAddConvertItem) {
if (0 == cVerbs) { LPTSTR lpsz;
// if object has no verbs, then use "Convert" as the obj's verb
lpsz = lpszVerbName = OleStdCopyString(szConvert, NULL); uIDVerbMin = idConvert;
// remove "..." from "Convert..." string; it will be added later
if (lpsz) { while(*lpsz && *lpsz != TEXT('.')) lpsz++; *lpsz = TEXT('\0'); } }
if (cVerbs > 0) { fStatus = InsertMenu(*lphMenu, (UINT)-1, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_SEPARATOR, (UINT)0, (LPCTSTR)NULL); if (! fStatus) goto AVMError; }
/* add convert menu */ fStatus = InsertMenu(*lphMenu, (UINT)-1, MF_BYPOSITION, idConvert, (LPCTSTR)szConvert); if (! fStatus) goto AVMError;
cVerbs++; }
* Build the appropriate menu based on the number of verbs found * * NOTE: Localized verb menus may require a different format. * to assist in localization of the single verb case, the * szLinkCmd1Verb and szObjectCmd1Verb format strings start * with either a '0' (note: NOT '\0'!) or a '1': * leading '0' -- verb type * leading '1' -- type verb */
if (cVerbs == 0) {
// there are NO verbs (not even Convert...). set the menu to be
// "<short type> &Object/Link" and gray it out.
wsprintf( szBuffer, (fIsLink ? (LPTSTR)szLinkCmdNVerb:(LPTSTR)szObjectCmdNVerb), (lpszShortTypeName ? lpszShortTypeName : (LPTSTR) TEXT("")) ); uFlags |= MF_GRAYED;
#if defined( OBSOLETE )
//No verbs. Create a default using Edit as the verb.
LPTSTR lpsz = (fIsLink ? szLinkCmd1Verb : szObjectCmd1Verb);
if (*lpsz == TEXT('0')) { wsprintf(szBuffer, lpsz+1, (LPSTR)szEdit, (lpszShortTypeName ? lpszShortTypeName : (LPTSTR) TEXT("")) ); } else { wsprintf(szBuffer, lpsz+1, (lpszShortTypeName ? lpszShortTypeName : (LPTSTR) TEXT("")), (LPTSTR)szEdit ); } #endif
fResult = FALSE; DestroyMenu(*lphMenu); *lphMenu = NULL;
} else if (cVerbs == 1) { //One verb without Convert, one item.
LPTSTR lpsz = (fIsLink ? szLinkCmd1Verb : szObjectCmd1Verb);
if (*lpsz == TEXT('0')) { wsprintf(szBuffer, lpsz+1, lpszVerbName, (lpszShortTypeName ? lpszShortTypeName : (LPTSTR) TEXT("")) ); } else { wsprintf(szBuffer, lpsz+1, (lpszShortTypeName ? lpszShortTypeName : (LPTSTR) TEXT("")), lpszVerbName ); }
// if only "verb" is "Convert..." then append the ellipses
if (fAddConvertItem) lstrcat(szBuffer, TEXT("..."));
DestroyMenu(*lphMenu); *lphMenu=NULL; } else {
//Multiple verbs or one verb with Convert, add the cascading menu
wsprintf( szBuffer, (fIsLink ? (LPTSTR)szLinkCmdNVerb:(LPTSTR)szObjectCmdNVerb), (lpszShortTypeName ? lpszShortTypeName : (LPTSTR) TEXT("")) ); uFlags |= MF_ENABLED | MF_POPUP; uIDVerbMin=(UINT)*lphMenu; }
if (!InsertMenu(hMenu, uPos, uFlags, uIDVerbMin, (LPTSTR)szBuffer))
AVMError: { InsertMenu(hMenu, uPos, MF_GRAYED | uFlags, uIDVerbMin, (LPTSTR)szNoObjectCmd); #if defined( OBSOLETE )
HMENU hmenuDummy = CreatePopupMenu();
InsertMenu(hMenu, uPos, MF_GRAYED | MF_POPUP | uFlags, (UINT)hmenuDummy, (LPTSTR)szNoObjectCmd); #endif
fResult = FALSE; }
if (lpszVerbName) OleStdFreeString(lpszVerbName, NULL); if (!lpszShortType && lpszShortTypeName) OleStdFreeString(lpszShortTypeName, NULL); if (lpEnumOleVerb) lpEnumOleVerb->lpVtbl->Release(lpEnumOleVerb); return fResult; }
/* PromptUserDlgProc
* ----------------- * * Purpose: * Dialog procedure used by OleUIPromptUser(). Returns when a button is * clicked in the dialog box and the button id is return. * * Parameters: * hDlg * iMsg * wParam * lParam * * Returns: * */ BOOL CALLBACK EXPORT PromptUserDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (iMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { LPTSTR lpszTitle; TCHAR szBuf[256]; TCHAR szFormat[256]; va_list *parglist;
if (!lParam) { EndDialog(hDlg, -1); return FALSE; }
// lParam is really a va_list *. We called va_start and va_end in
// the function that calls this.
parglist = (va_list *) lParam;
lpszTitle = va_arg(*parglist, LPTSTR); SetWindowText(hDlg, lpszTitle);
GetDlgItemText(hDlg, ID_PU_TEXT,(LPTSTR)szFormat,sizeof(szFormat)/sizeof(TCHAR)); wvsprintf((LPTSTR)szBuf, (LPTSTR)szFormat, *parglist);
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, ID_PU_TEXT, (LPTSTR)szBuf); return TRUE; } case WM_COMMAND: EndDialog(hDlg, wParam); return TRUE;
default: return FALSE; } }
/* OleUIPromptUser
* --------------- * * Purpose: * Popup a dialog box with the specified template and returned the * response (button id) from the user. * * Parameters: * nTemplate resource number of the dialog * hwndParent parent of the dialog box * ... title of the dialog box followed by argument list * for the format string in the static control * (ID_PU_TEXT) of the dialog box. * The caller has to make sure that the correct number * and type of argument are passed in. * * Returns: * button id selected by the user (template dependent) * * Comments: * the following message dialog boxes are supported: * * IDD_LINKSOURCEUNAVAILABLE -- Link source is unavailable * VARARG Parameters: * None. * Used for the following error codes: * OLE_E_CANT_BINDTOSOURCE * STG_E_PATHNOTFOUND * (sc >= MK_E_FIRST) && (sc <= MK_E_LAST) -- any Moniker error * any unknown error if object is a link * * IDD_SERVERNOTFOUND -- server registered but NOT found * VARARG Parameters: * LPSTR lpszUserType -- user type name of object * Used for the following error codes: * CO_E_APPNOTFOUND * CO_E_APPDIDNTREG * any unknown error if object is an embedded object * * IDD_SERVERNOTREG -- server NOT registered * VARARG Parameters: * LPSTR lpszUserType -- user type name of object * Used for the following error codes: * REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG * OLE_E_STATIC -- static object with no server registered * * IDD_LINKTYPECHANGED -- class of link source changed since last binding * VARARG Parameters: * LPSTR lpszUserType -- user type name of ole link source * Used for the following error codes: * OLE_E_CLASSDIFF * * IDD_LINKTYPECHANGED -- class of link source changed since last binding * VARARG Parameters: * LPSTR lpszUserType -- user type name of ole link source * Used for the following error codes: * OLE_E_CLASSDIFF * * IDD_OUTOFMEMORY -- out of memory * VARARG Parameters: * None. * Used for the following error codes: * E_OUTOFMEMORY * */ int EXPORT FAR CDECL OleUIPromptUser(int nTemplate, HWND hwndParent, ...) { int nRet; va_list arglist; LPARAM lParam;
// We want to pass the variable list of arguments to PrompUserDlgProc,
// but we can't just pass arglist because arglist is not always the
// same size as an LPARAM (e.g. on Alpha va_list is a structure).
// So, we pass the a pointer to the arglist instead.
va_start(arglist, hwndParent); lParam = (LPARAM) &arglist;
nRet = DialogBoxParam(ghInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nTemplate), hwndParent, PromptUserDlgProc, lParam);
return nRet; }
/* UpdateLinksDlgProc
* ------------------ * * Purpose: * Dialog procedure used by OleUIUpdateLinks(). It will enumerate all * all links in the container and updates all automatic links. * Returns when the Stop Button is clicked in the dialog box or when all * links are updated * * Parameters: * hDlg * iMsg * wParam * lParam pointer to the UPDATELINKS structure * * Returns: * */ BOOL CALLBACK EXPORT UpdateLinksDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPUPDATELINKS FAR* lplpUL = NULL; HANDLE gh; static BOOL fAbort = FALSE;
//Process the temination message
if (iMsg==uMsgEndDialog) { gh = RemoveProp(hDlg, STRUCTUREPROP); if (NULL!=gh) { GlobalUnlock(gh); GlobalFree(gh); } EndDialog(hDlg, wParam); return TRUE; }
switch (iMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { gh=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_ZEROINIT,sizeof(LPUPDATELINKS)); SetProp(hDlg, STRUCTUREPROP, gh);
if (NULL==gh) { PostMessage(hDlg, uMsgEndDialog, OLEUI_ERR_GLOBALMEMALLOC,0L); return FALSE; }
fAbort = FALSE; lplpUL = (LPUPDATELINKS FAR*)GlobalLock(gh);
if (lplpUL) { *lplpUL = (LPUPDATELINKS)lParam; SetWindowText(hDlg, (*lplpUL)->lpszTitle); SetTimer(hDlg, 1, UPDATELINKS_STARTDELAY, NULL); return TRUE; } else { PostMessage(hDlg, uMsgEndDialog, OLEUI_ERR_GLOBALMEMALLOC,0L); return FALSE; } }
case WM_TIMER: KillTimer(hDlg, 1); gh = GetProp(hDlg, STRUCTUREPROP);
if (NULL!=gh) { // gh was locked previously, lock and unlock to get lplpUL
lplpUL = GlobalLock(gh); GlobalUnlock(gh); } if (! fAbort && lplpUL) PostMessage(hDlg, WM_U_UPDATELINK, 0, (LPARAM)(*lplpUL)); else PostMessage(hDlg,uMsgEndDialog,OLEUI_CANCEL,0L);
return 0;
case WM_COMMAND: // Stop button
fAbort = TRUE; SendMessage(hDlg, uMsgEndDialog, OLEUI_OK, 0L); return TRUE;
case WM_U_UPDATELINK: { HRESULT hErr; int nPercent; RECT rc; TCHAR szPercent[5]; // 0% to 100%
lpUL->dwLink=lpUL->lpOleUILinkCntr->lpVtbl->GetNextLink( lpUL->lpOleUILinkCntr, lpUL->dwLink );
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (! IsDialogMessage(hDlg, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } }
if (fAbort) return FALSE;
if (!lpUL->dwLink) { // all links processed
SendMessage(hDlg, uMsgEndDialog, OLEUI_OK, 0L); return TRUE; }
hErr = lpUL->lpOleUILinkCntr->lpVtbl->GetLinkUpdateOptions( lpUL->lpOleUILinkCntr, lpUL->dwLink, (LPDWORD)&dwUpdateOpt );
if ((hErr == NOERROR) && (dwUpdateOpt == OLEUPDATE_ALWAYS)) {
hErr = lpUL->lpOleUILinkCntr->lpVtbl->UpdateLink( lpUL->lpOleUILinkCntr, lpUL->dwLink, FALSE, // fMessage
FALSE // ignored
); lpUL->fError |= (hErr != NOERROR); lpUL->cUpdated++;
nPercent = lpUL->cUpdated * 100 / lpUL->cLinks; if (nPercent <= 100) { // do NOT advance % beyond 100%
// update percentage
wsprintf((LPTSTR)szPercent, TEXT("%d%%"), nPercent); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, ID_PU_PERCENT, (LPTSTR)szPercent);
// update indicator
hwndMeter = GetDlgItem(hDlg, ID_PU_METER); GetClientRect(hwndMeter, (LPRECT)&rc); InflateRect((LPRECT)&rc, -1, -1); rc.right = (rc.right - rc.left) * nPercent / 100 + rc.left; hbr = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); if (hbr) { hDC = GetDC(hwndMeter); if (hDC) { FillRect(hDC, (LPRECT)&rc, hbr); ReleaseDC(hwndMeter, hDC); } DeleteObject(hbr); } } }
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (! IsDialogMessage(hDlg, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } }
PostMessage(hDlg, WM_U_UPDATELINK, 0, lParam);
return TRUE; }
default: return FALSE; } }
/* OleUIUpdateLink
* --------------- * * Purpose: * Update all links in the Link Container and popup a dialog box which * shows the progress of the updating. * The process is stopped when the user press Stop button or when all * links are processed. * * Parameters: * lpOleUILinkCntr pointer to Link Container * hwndParent parent window of the dialog * lpszTitle title of the dialog box * cLinks total number of links * * Returns: * TRUE all links updated successfully * FALSE otherwise */ STDAPI_(BOOL) OleUIUpdateLinks(LPOLEUILINKCONTAINER lpOleUILinkCntr, HWND hwndParent, LPTSTR lpszTitle, int cLinks) { LPUPDATELINKS lpUL = (LPUPDATELINKS)OleStdMalloc(sizeof(UPDATELINKS)); BOOL fError;
OleDbgAssert(lpOleUILinkCntr && hwndParent && lpszTitle && (cLinks>0)); OleDbgAssert(lpUL);
lpUL->lpOleUILinkCntr = lpOleUILinkCntr; lpUL->cLinks = cLinks; lpUL->cUpdated = 0; lpUL->dwLink = 0; lpUL->fError = FALSE; lpUL->lpszTitle = lpszTitle;
DialogBoxParam(ghInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_UPDATELINKS), hwndParent, UpdateLinksDlgProc, (LPARAM)lpUL);
fError = lpUL->fError; OleStdFree((LPVOID)lpUL);
return !fError; }