* UTILITY.C * * Utility routines for functions inside OLE2UI.DLL * * General: * ---------------------- * HourGlassOn Displays the hourglass * HourGlassOff Hides the hourglass * * Misc Tools: * ---------------------- * Browse Displays the "File..." or "Browse..." dialog. * ReplaceCharWithNull Used to form filter strings for Browse. * ErrorWithFile Creates an error message with embedded filename * OpenFileError Give error message for OpenFile error return * ChopText Chop a file path to fit within a specified width * DoesFileExist Checks if file is valid * * Registration Database: * ---------------------- * HIconFromClass Extracts the first icon in a class's server path * FServerFromClass Retrieves the server path for a class name (fast) * UClassFromDescription Finds the classname given a description (slow) * UDescriptionFromClass Retrieves the description for a class name (fast) * FGetVerb Retrieves a specific verb for a class (fast) * * * Copyright (c)1992 Microsoft Corporation, All Right Reserved */
#define STRICT 1
#include "ole2ui.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <cderr.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "geticon.h"
* HourGlassOn * * Purpose: * Shows the hourglass cursor returning the last cursor in use. * * Parameters: * None * * Return Value: * HCURSOR Cursor in use prior to showing the hourglass. */
HCURSOR WINAPI HourGlassOn(void) { HCURSOR hCur;
hCur=SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); ShowCursor(TRUE);
return hCur; }
* HourGlassOff * * Purpose: * Turns off the hourglass restoring it to a previous cursor. * * Parameters: * hCur HCURSOR as returned from HourGlassOn * * Return Value: * None */
void WINAPI HourGlassOff(HCURSOR hCur) { ShowCursor(FALSE); SetCursor(hCur); return; }
* Browse * * Purpose: * Displays the standard GetOpenFileName dialog with the title of * "Browse." The types listed in this dialog are controlled through * iFilterString. If it's zero, then the types are filled with "*.*" * Otherwise that string is loaded from resources and used. * * Parameters: * hWndOwner HWND owning the dialog * lpszFile LPSTR specifying the initial file and the buffer in * which to return the selected file. If there is no * initial file the first character of this string should * be NULL. * lpszInitialDir LPSTR specifying the initial directory. If none is to * set (ie, the cwd should be used), then this parameter * should be NULL. * cchFile UINT length of pszFile * iFilterString UINT index into the stringtable for the filter string. * dwOfnFlags DWORD flags to OR with OFN_HIDEREADONLY * * Return Value: * BOOL TRUE if the user selected a file and pressed OK. * FALSE otherwise, such as on pressing Cancel. */
BOOL WINAPI Browse(HWND hWndOwner, LPTSTR lpszFile, LPTSTR lpszInitialDir, UINT cchFile, UINT iFilterString, DWORD dwOfnFlags) { UINT cch; TCHAR szFilters[256]; OPENFILENAME ofn; BOOL fStatus; DWORD dwError; TCHAR szDlgTitle[128]; // that should be big enough
if (NULL==lpszFile || 0==cchFile) return FALSE;
* REVIEW: Exact contents of the filter combobox is TBD. One idea * is to take all the extensions in the RegDB and place them in here * with the descriptive class name associate with them. This has the * extra step of finding all extensions of the same class handler and * building one extension string for all of them. Can get messy quick. * UI demo has only *.* which we do for now. */
if (0!=iFilterString) cch=LoadString(ghInst, iFilterString, (LPTSTR)szFilters, sizeof(szFilters)/sizeof(TCHAR)); else { szFilters[0]=0; cch=1; }
if (0==cch) return FALSE;
ReplaceCharWithNull(szFilters, szFilters[cch-1]);
//Prior string must also be initialized, if there is one.
_fmemset((LPOPENFILENAME)&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize =sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner =hWndOwner; ofn.lpstrFile =lpszFile; ofn.nMaxFile =cchFile; ofn.lpstrFilter =(LPTSTR)szFilters; ofn.nFilterIndex=1; if (LoadString(ghInst, IDS_BROWSE, (LPTSTR)szDlgTitle, sizeof(szDlgTitle)/sizeof(TCHAR))) ofn.lpstrTitle =(LPTSTR)szDlgTitle; ofn.hInstance = ghInst; ofn.lpTemplateName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_FILEOPEN); if (NULL != lpszInitialDir) ofn.lpstrInitialDir = lpszInitialDir;
//On success, copy the chosen filename to the static display
fStatus = GetOpenFileName((LPOPENFILENAME)&ofn); dwError = CommDlgExtendedError(); return fStatus;
* ReplaceCharWithNull * * Purpose: * Walks a null-terminated string and replaces a given character * with a zero. Used to turn a single string for file open/save * filters into the appropriate filter string as required by the * common dialog API. * * Parameters: * psz LPTSTR to the string to process. * ch int character to replace. * * Return Value: * int Number of characters replaced. -1 if psz is NULL. */
int WINAPI ReplaceCharWithNull(LPTSTR psz, int ch) { int cChanged=-1;
if (NULL!=psz) { while (0!=*psz) { if (ch==*psz) { *psz=TEXT('\0'); cChanged++; } psz++; } } return cChanged; }
* ErrorWithFile * * Purpose: * Displays a message box built from a stringtable string containing * one %s as a placeholder for a filename and from a string of the * filename to place there. * * Parameters: * hWnd HWND owning the message box. The caption of this * window is the caption of the message box. * hInst HINSTANCE from which to draw the idsErr string. * idsErr UINT identifier of a stringtable string containing * the error message with a %s. * lpszFile LPSTR to the filename to include in the message. * uFlags UINT flags to pass to MessageBox, like MB_OK. * * Return Value: * int Return value from MessageBox. */
int WINAPI ErrorWithFile(HWND hWnd, HINSTANCE hInst, UINT idsErr , LPTSTR pszFile, UINT uFlags) { int iRet=0; HANDLE hMem; const UINT cb=(2*OLEUI_CCHPATHMAX_SIZE); LPTSTR psz1, psz2, psz3;
if (NULL==hInst || NULL==pszFile) return iRet;
//Allocate three 2*OLEUI_CCHPATHMAX byte work buffers
hMem=GlobalAlloc(GHND, (DWORD)(3*cb));
if (NULL==hMem) return iRet;
psz1=GlobalLock(hMem); psz2=psz1+cb; psz3=psz2+cb;
if (0!=LoadString(hInst, idsErr, psz1, cb)) { wsprintf(psz2, psz1, pszFile);
//Steal the caption of the dialog
GetWindowText(hWnd, psz3, cb); iRet=MessageBox(hWnd, psz2, psz3, uFlags); }
GlobalUnlock(hMem); GlobalFree(hMem); return iRet; }
* HIconFromClass * * Purpose: * Given an object class name, finds an associated executable in the * registration database and extracts the first icon from that * executable. If none is available or the class has no associated * executable, this function returns NULL. * * Parameters: * pszClass LPSTR giving the object class to look up. * * Return Value: * HICON Handle to the extracted icon if there is a module * associated to pszClass. NULL on failure to either * find the executable or extract and icon. */
if (NULL==pszClass) return NULL;
CLSIDFromStringA(pszClass, &clsid);
if (!FIconFileFromClass((REFCLSID)&clsid, szEXE, OLEUI_CCHPATHMAX_SIZE, &Index)) return NULL;
hIcon=ExtractIcon(ghInst, szEXE, Index);
if ((HICON)32 > hIcon) hIcon=NULL;
return hIcon; }
* FServerFromClass * * Purpose: * Looks up the classname in the registration database and retrieves * the name undet protocol\StdFileEditing\server. * * Parameters: * pszClass LPSTR to the classname to look up. * pszEXE LPSTR at which to store the server name * cch UINT size of pszEXE * * Return Value: * BOOL TRUE if one or more characters were loaded into pszEXE. * FALSE otherwise. */
BOOL WINAPI FServerFromClass(LPTSTR pszClass, LPTSTR pszEXE, UINT cch) {
DWORD dw; LONG lRet; HKEY hKey;
if (NULL==pszClass || NULL==pszEXE || 0==cch) return FALSE;
* We have to go walking in the registration database under the * classname, so we first open the classname key and then check * under "\\LocalServer" to get the .EXE. */
//Open up the class key
lRet=RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pszClass, &hKey);
if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS!=lRet) return FALSE;
//Get the executable path.
dw=(DWORD)cch; lRet=RegQueryValue(hKey, TEXT("LocalServer"), pszEXE, &dw);
return ((ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) && (dw > 0)); }
* UClassFromDescription * * Purpose: * Looks up the actual OLE class name in the registration database * for the given descriptive name chosen from a listbox. * * Parameters: * psz LPSTR to the descriptive name. * pszClass LPSTR in which to store the class name. * cb UINT maximum length of pszClass. * * Return Value: * UINT Number of characters copied to pszClass. 0 on failure. */
UINT WINAPI UClassFromDescription(LPTSTR psz, LPTSTR pszClass, UINT cb) { DWORD dw; HKEY hKey; TCHAR szClass[OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX]; LONG lRet; UINT i;
//Open up the root key.
lRet=RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, NULL, &hKey);
if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS!=lRet) return 0;
i=0; lRet=RegEnumKey(hKey, i++, szClass, OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE);
//Walk the available keys
while ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS==lRet) { dw=(DWORD)cb; lRet=RegQueryValue(hKey, szClass, pszClass, &dw);
//Check if the description matches the one just enumerated
if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS==lRet) { if (!lstrcmp(pszClass, psz)) break; }
//Continue with the next key.
lRet=RegEnumKey(hKey, i++, szClass, OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE); }
//If we found it, copy to the return buffer
if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS==lRet) lstrcpy(pszClass, szClass); else dw=0L;
RegCloseKey(hKey); return (UINT)dw; }
* UDescriptionFromClass * * Purpose: * Looks up the actual OLE descriptive name name in the registration * database for the given class name. * * Parameters: * pszClass LPSTR to the class name. * psz LPSTR in which to store the descriptive name. * cb UINT maximum length of psz. * * Return Value: * UINT Number of characters copied to pszClass. 0 on failure. */
UINT WINAPI UDescriptionFromClass(LPTSTR pszClass, LPTSTR psz, UINT cb) { DWORD dw; HKEY hKey; LONG lRet;
if (NULL==pszClass || NULL==psz) return 0;
//Open up the root key.
lRet=RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, NULL, &hKey);
if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS!=lRet) return 0;
//Get the descriptive name using the class name.
dw=(DWORD)cb; lRet=RegQueryValue(hKey, pszClass, psz, &dw);
psz+=lstrlen(psz)+1; *psz=0;
if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS!=lRet) return 0;
return (UINT)dw; }
// returns width of line of text. this is a support routine for ChopText
static LONG GetTextWSize(HDC hDC, LPTSTR lpsz) { SIZE size;
if (GetTextExtentPoint(hDC, lpsz, lstrlen(lpsz), (LPSIZE)&size)) return size.cx; else { return 0; } }
* ChopText * * Purpose: * Parse a string (pathname) and convert it to be within a specified * length by chopping the least significant part * * Parameters: * hWnd window handle in which the string resides * nWidth max width of string in pixels * use width of hWnd if zero * lpch pointer to beginning of the string * * Return Value: * pointer to the modified string */ LPTSTR WINAPI ChopText(HWND hWnd, int nWidth, LPTSTR lpch) { #define PREFIX_SIZE 7 + 1
#define PREFIX_FORMAT TEXT("%c%c%c...\\")
TCHAR szPrefix[PREFIX_SIZE]; BOOL fDone = FALSE; int i; RECT rc; HDC hdc; HFONT hfont; HFONT hfontOld = NULL;
if (!hWnd || !lpch) return NULL;
/* Get length of static field. */ if (!nWidth) { GetClientRect(hWnd, (LPRECT)&rc); nWidth = rc.right - rc.left; }
/* Set up DC appropriately for the static control */ hdc = GetDC(hWnd); hfont = (HFONT)SendMessage(hWnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0L);
if (NULL != hfont) // WM_GETFONT returns NULL if window uses system font
hfontOld = SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
/* check horizontal extent of string */ if (GetTextWSize(hdc, lpch) > nWidth) {
/* string is too long to fit in static control; chop it */ /* set up new prefix & determine remaining space in control */ wsprintf((LPTSTR) szPrefix, PREFIX_FORMAT, lpch[0], lpch[1], lpch[2]); nWidth -= (int)GetTextWSize(hdc, (LPTSTR) szPrefix);
** advance a directory at a time until the remainder of the ** string fits into the static control after the "x:\...\" prefix */ while (!fDone) {
#ifdef DBCS
while (*lpch && (*lpch != TEXT('\\'))) #ifdef WIN32
lpch = CharNext(lpch); #else
lpch = AnsiNext(lpch); #endif
if (*lpch) #ifdef WIN32
lpch = CharNext(lpch); #else
lpch = AnsiNext(lpch); #endif
while (*lpch && (*lpch++ != TEXT('\\'))); #endif
if (!*lpch || GetTextWSize(hdc, lpch) <= nWidth) { if (!*lpch) /*
** Nothing could fit after the prefix; remove the ** final "\" from the prefix */ szPrefix[lstrlen((LPTSTR) szPrefix) - 1] = 0;
/* rest or string fits -- stick prefix on front */ for (i = lstrlen((LPTSTR) szPrefix) - 1; i >= 0; --i) *--lpch = szPrefix[i]; fDone = TRUE; } } }
if (NULL != hfont) SelectObject(hdc, hfontOld); ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdc);
* OpenFileError * * Purpose: * display message for error returned from OpenFile * * Parameters: * hDlg HWND of the dialog. * nErrCode UINT error code returned in OFSTRUCT passed to OpenFile * lpszFile LPSTR file name passed to OpenFile * * Return Value: * None */ void WINAPI OpenFileError(HWND hDlg, UINT nErrCode, LPTSTR lpszFile) { switch (nErrCode) { case 0x0005: // Access denied
ErrorWithFile(hDlg, ghInst, IDS_CIFILEACCESS, lpszFile, MB_OK); break;
case 0x0020: // Sharing violation
ErrorWithFile(hDlg, ghInst, IDS_CIFILESHARE, lpszFile, MB_OK); break;
case 0x0002: // File not found
case 0x0003: // Path not found
ErrorWithFile(hDlg, ghInst, IDS_CIINVALIDFILE, lpszFile, MB_OK); break;
default: ErrorWithFile(hDlg, ghInst, IDS_CIFILEOPENFAIL, lpszFile, MB_OK); break; } }
#define chSpace TEXT(' ')
#define chPeriod TEXT('.')
* ParseFile * Purpose: Determine if the filename is a legal DOS name * Input: Long pointer to a SINGLE file name * Circumstance checked: * 1) Valid as directory name, but not as file name * 2) Empty String * 3) Illegal Drive label * 4) Period in invalid location (in extention, 1st in file name) * 5) Missing directory character * 6) Illegal character * 7) Wildcard in directory name * 8) Double slash beyond 1st 2 characters * 9) Space character in the middle of the name (trailing spaces OK) * 10) Filename greater than 8 characters * 11) Extention greater than 3 characters * Notes: * Filename length is NOT checked. * Valid filenames will have leading spaces, trailing spaces and * terminating period stripped in place. * * Returns: If valid, LOWORD is byte offset to filename * HIWORD is byte offset to extention * if string ends with period, 0 * if no extention is given, string length * If invalid, LOWORD is error code suggesting problem (< 0) * HIWORD is approximate offset where problem found * Note that this may be beyond the offending character *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static long ParseFile(LPTSTR lpstrFileName) { short nFile, nExt, nFileOffset, nExtOffset; BOOL bExt; BOOL bWildcard; short nNetwork = 0; BOOL bUNCPath = FALSE; LPTSTR lpstr = lpstrFileName;
/* Strip off initial white space. Note that TAB is not checked */ /* because it cannot be received out of a standard edit control */ /* 30 January 1991 clarkc */ while (*lpstr == chSpace) lpstr++;
if (!*lpstr) { nFileOffset = PARSE_EMPTYSTRING; goto FAILURE; }
if (lpstr != lpstrFileName) { lstrcpy(lpstrFileName, lpstr); lpstr = lpstrFileName; }
if (
#ifdef WIN32
*CharNext(lpstr) #else
*AnsiNext(lpstr) #endif
== TEXT(':') )
{ TCHAR cDrive = (*lpstr | (BYTE) 0x20); /* make lowercase */
/* This does not test if the drive exists, only if it's legal */ if ((cDrive < TEXT('a')) || (cDrive > TEXT('z'))) { nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDDRIVE; goto FAILURE; } #ifdef WIN32
lpstr = CharNext(CharNext(lpstr)); #else
lpstr = AnsiNext(AnsiNext(lpstr)); #endif
if ((*lpstr == TEXT('\\')) || (*lpstr == TEXT('/'))) { if (*++lpstr == chPeriod) /* cannot have c:\. */ { if ((*++lpstr != TEXT('\\')) && (*lpstr != TEXT('/'))) { if (!*lpstr) /* it's the root directory */ goto MustBeDir;
nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDPERIOD; goto FAILURE; } else ++lpstr; /* it's saying top directory (again), thus allowed */ } else if ((*lpstr == TEXT('\\')) && (*(lpstr-1) == TEXT('\\'))) { /* It seems that for a full network path, whether a drive is declared or
* not is insignificant, though if a drive is given, it must be valid * (hence the code above should remain there). * 13 February 1991 clarkc */ ++lpstr; /* ...since it's the first slash, 2 are allowed */ nNetwork = -1; /* Must receive server and share to be real */ bUNCPath = TRUE; /* No wildcards allowed if UNC name */ } else if (*lpstr == TEXT('/')) { nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDDIRCHAR; goto FAILURE; } } else if (*lpstr == chPeriod) { if (*++lpstr == chPeriod) /* Is this up one directory? */ ++lpstr; if (!*lpstr) goto MustBeDir; if ((*lpstr != TEXT('\\')) && (*lpstr != TEXT('/'))) { nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDPERIOD; goto FAILURE; } else ++lpstr; /* it's saying directory, thus allowed */ }
if (!*lpstr) { goto MustBeDir; }
/* Should point to first char in 8.3 filename by now */ nFileOffset = nExtOffset = nFile = nExt = 0; bWildcard = bExt = FALSE; while (*lpstr) { /*
* The next comparison MUST be unsigned to allow for extended characters! * 21 Feb 1991 clarkc */ if (*lpstr < chSpace) { nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDCHAR; goto FAILURE; } switch (*lpstr) { case TEXT('"'): /* All invalid */ case TEXT('+'): case TEXT(','): case TEXT(':'): case TEXT(';'): case TEXT('<'): case TEXT('='): case TEXT('>'): case TEXT('['): case TEXT(']'): case TEXT('|'): { nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDCHAR; goto FAILURE; }
case TEXT('\\'): /* Subdirectory indicators */ case TEXT('/'): nNetwork++; if (bWildcard) { nFileOffset = PARSE_WILDCARDINDIR; goto FAILURE; }
else if (nFile == 0) /* can't have 2 in a row */ { nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDDIRCHAR; goto FAILURE; } else { /* reset flags */ ++lpstr; if (!nNetwork && !*lpstr) { nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDNETPATH; goto FAILURE; } nFile = nExt = 0; bExt = FALSE; } break;
case chSpace: { LPTSTR lpSpace = lpstr;
*lpSpace = TEXT('\0'); while (*++lpSpace) { if (*lpSpace != chSpace) { *lpstr = chSpace; /* Reset string, abandon ship */ nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDSPACE; goto FAILURE; } } } break;
case chPeriod: if (nFile == 0) { if (*++lpstr == chPeriod) ++lpstr; if (!*lpstr) goto MustBeDir;
if ((*lpstr != TEXT('\\')) && (*lpstr != TEXT('/'))) { nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDPERIOD; goto FAILURE; }
++lpstr; /* Flags are already set */ } else if (bExt) { nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDPERIOD; /* can't have one in ext */ goto FAILURE; } else { nExtOffset = 0; ++lpstr; bExt = TRUE; } break;
case TEXT('*'): case TEXT('?'): if (bUNCPath) { nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDNETPATH; goto FAILURE; } bWildcard = TRUE; /* Fall through to normal character processing */
default: if (bExt) { if (++nExt == 1) nExtOffset = lpstr - lpstrFileName; else if (nExt > 3) { nFileOffset = PARSE_EXTENTIONTOOLONG; goto FAILURE; } if ((nNetwork == -1) && (nFile + nExt > 11)) { nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDNETPATH; goto FAILURE; } } else if (++nFile == 1) nFileOffset = lpstr - lpstrFileName; else if (nFile > 8) { /* If it's a server name, it can have 11 characters */ if (nNetwork != -1) { nFileOffset = PARSE_FILETOOLONG; goto FAILURE; } else if (nFile > 11) { nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDNETPATH; goto FAILURE; } }
#ifdef WIN32
lpstr = CharNext(lpstr); #else
lpstr = AnsiNext(lpstr); #endif
break; } }
/* Did we start with a double backslash but not have any more slashes? */ if (nNetwork == -1) { nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDNETPATH; goto FAILURE; }
if (!nFile) { MustBeDir: nFileOffset = PARSE_DIRECTORYNAME; goto FAILURE; }
if ((*(lpstr - 1) == chPeriod) && /* if true, no extention wanted */ ( #ifdef WIN32
*CharNext(lpstr-2) #else
*AnsiNext(lpstr-2) #endif
== chPeriod )) *(lpstr - 1) = TEXT('\0'); /* Remove terminating period */ else if (!nExt) FAILURE: nExtOffset = lpstr - lpstrFileName;
return(MAKELONG(nFileOffset, nExtOffset)); }
* DoesFileExist * * Purpose: * Determines if a file path exists * * Parameters: * lpszFile LPTSTR - file name * lpOpenBuf OFSTRUCT FAR* - points to the OFSTRUCT structure that * will receive information about the file when the * file is first opened. this field is filled by the * Windows OpenFile API. * * Return Value: * HFILE HFILE_ERROR - file does NOT exist * file handle (as returned from OpenFile) - file exists */ HFILE WINAPI DoesFileExist(LPTSTR lpszFile, OFSTRUCT FAR* lpOpenBuf) { long nRet; int i; static TCHAR *arrIllegalNames[] = { TEXT("LPT1"), TEXT("LPT2"), TEXT("LPT3"), TEXT("COM1"), TEXT("COM2"), TEXT("COM3"), TEXT("COM4"), TEXT("CON"), TEXT("AUX"), TEXT("PRN") };
// Check if file name is syntactically correct.
// (OpenFile sometimes crashes if path is not syntactically correct)
nRet = ParseFile(lpszFile); if (LOWORD(nRet) < 0) goto error;
// Check is the name is an illegal name (eg. the name of a device)
for (i=0; i < (sizeof(arrIllegalNames)/sizeof(arrIllegalNames[0])); i++) { if (lstrcmpi(lpszFile, arrIllegalNames[i])==0) goto error; // illegal name FOUND
return OpenFile(lpszFile, lpOpenBuf, OF_EXIST);
error: _fmemset(lpOpenBuf, 0, sizeof(OFSTRUCT)); lpOpenBuf->nErrCode = 0x0002; // File not found
return HFILE_ERROR; }