// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: oleexts.cpp
// Contents: ntsd and windbg debugger extension
// Classes: none
// Functions:
// operator new (global)
// operator delete (global)
// sizeofstring
// dprintfx
// dump_saferefcount
// dump_threadcheck
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
#include <windows.h>
#include <imagehlp.h>
#include <ntsdexts.h>
#include <le2int.h>
#include <oaholder.h>
#include <daholder.h>
#include <olerem.h>
#include <defhndlr.h>
#include <deflink.h>
#include <olecache.h>
#include <cachenod.h>
#include <clipdata.h>
#include <mf.h>
#include <emf.h>
#include <gen.h>
#include <defcf.h>
#include <dbgdump.h>
#include "oleexts.h"
// structure of function pointers
// Function: operator new (global), internal
// Synopsis: allocate memory
// Effects:
// Arguments: [cb] - number of bytes to allocate
// Requires: CoTaskMemAlloc
// Returns: pointer to allocated memory
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// we define our own operator new so that we do not need to link
// with the CRT library
// we must also define our own global operator delete
void * __cdecl ::operator new(unsigned int cb) { return CoTaskMemAlloc(cb); }
// Function: operator delete (global), internal
// Synopsis: free memory
// Effects:
// Arguments: [p] - pointer to the memory to free
// Requires: CoTaskMemFree
// Returns:
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm: check to see if pointer is valid
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// we define our own operator delete so that we do not need
// to link with the CRT library
// we must also define our own global operator new
void __cdecl ::operator delete (void *p) { // CoTaskMemFree takes care if the pointer is NULL
CoTaskMemFree(p); return; }
// Function: dprintfx, internal
// Synopsis: prints a formatted string in MAX_STRING_SIZE chunks
// Effects:
// Arguments: [pszString] - null terminated string
// Requires: sizeofstring to calculate length of given string
// dprintf (NTSD Extension API)
// !!!This requires the NTSD_EXTENSION_APIS global variable
// ExtensionApis to be initialize with the function
// pointers
// Returns:
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// NTSD has a limit of a 4K buffer...some of the character
// arrays from Dump methods can be > 4K. this will
// print a formatted string in chunks that NTSD can handle
#define MAX_STRING_SIZE 1000
void dprintfx(char *pszString) { char *pszFront; int size; char x;
for ( pszFront = pszString, size = strlen(pszString); size > 0; pszFront += (MAX_STRING_SIZE - 1), size -= (MAX_STRING_SIZE - 1 ) ) { if ( size > (MAX_STRING_SIZE - 1) ) { x = pszFront[MAX_STRING_SIZE - 1]; pszFront[MAX_STRING_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; dprintf("%s", pszFront); pszFront[MAX_STRING_SIZE - 1] = x; } else { dprintf("%s", pszFront); } } return; }
// Function: help, exported
// Synopsis: print help message
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
DECLARE_API( help ) { ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
if (*args == '\0') { dprintf("OLE DEBUGGER EXTENSIONS HELP:\n\n"); dprintf("!symbol (<address>|<symbol name>) - Returns either the symbol name or address\n");
dprintf("!dump_atom <address> - Dumps a ATOM structure\n"); dprintf("!dump_clsid <address> - Dumps a CLSID structure\n"); dprintf("!dump_clipformat <address> - Dumps a CLIPFORMAT structure\n"); dprintf("!dump_mutexsem <address> - Dumps a CMutexSem class\n"); dprintf("!dump_filetime <address> - Dumps a FILETIME structure\n"); dprintf("!dump_cachelist_item <address> - Dumps a CACHELIST_ITEM struct\n"); dprintf("!dump_cacheenum <address> - Dumps a CCacheEnum class\n"); dprintf("!dump_cacheenumformatetc <address> - Dumps a CCacheEnumFormatEtc class\n"); dprintf("!dump_cachenode <address> - Dumps a CCacheNode class\n"); dprintf("!dump_clipdataobject <address> - Dumps a CClipDataObject class\n"); dprintf("!dump_clipenumformatetc <address> - Dumps a CClipEnumFormatEtc class\n"); dprintf("!dump_daholder <address> - Dumps a CDAHolder class\n"); dprintf("!dump_dataadvisecache <address> - Dumps a CDataAdviseCache class\n"); dprintf("!dump_defclassfactory <address> - Dumps a CDefClassFactory class\n"); dprintf("!dump_deflink <address> - Dumps a CDefLink class\n"); dprintf("!dump_defobject <address> - Dumps a CDefObject class\n"); dprintf("!dump_emfobject <address> - Dumps a CEMfObject class\n"); dprintf("!dump_enumfmt <address> - Dumps a CEnumFmt class\n"); dprintf("!dump_enumfmt10 <address> - Dumps a CEnumFmt10 class\n"); dprintf("!dump_enumstatdata <address> - Dumps a CEnumSTATDATA class\n"); dprintf("!dump_enumverb <address> - Dumps a CEnumVerb class\n"); dprintf("!dump_membytes <address> - Dumps a CMemBytes class\n"); dprintf("!dump_cmemstm <address> - Dumps a CMemStm class\n"); dprintf("!dump_mfobject <address> - Dumps a CMfObject class\n"); dprintf("!dump_oaholder <address> - Dumps a COAHolder class\n"); dprintf("!dump_olecache <address> - Dumps a COleCache class\n"); dprintf("!dump_saferefcount <address> - Dumps a CSafeRefCount class\n"); dprintf("!dump_threadcheck <address> - Dumps a CThreadCheck class\n"); dprintf("!dump_formatetc <address> - Dumps a FORMATETC structure\n"); dprintf("!dump_memstm <address> - Dumps a MEMSTM structure\n"); dprintf("!dump_statdata <address> - Dumps a STATDATA structure\n"); dprintf("!dump_stgmedium <address> - Dumps a STGMEDIUM\n"); dprintf("\n"); } }
// Function: symbol, exported
// Synopsis: given an address to a symbol, dumps the symbol name and offset
// (given a symbol name, dump address and offset)
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
DECLARE_API( symbol ) { DWORD dwAddr; CHAR Symbol[64]; DWORD Displacement;
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
dwAddr = GetExpression(args); if ( !dwAddr ) { return; }
GetSymbol((LPVOID)dwAddr,(unsigned char *)Symbol,&Displacement); dprintf("%s+%lx at %lx\n", Symbol, Displacement, dwAddr); }
// Function: dump_atom, exported
// Synopsis: dumps ATOM object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_atom) { // set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
dprintf("dump_atom not implemented\n");
return; }
// Function: dump_clsid, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CLSID object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_clsid) { // set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
dprintf("dump_clsid not implemented\n");
return; }
// Function: dump_clipformat, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CLIPFORMAT object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_clipformat) { // set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
dprintf("dump_clipformat not implemented\n");
return; }
// Function: dump_mutexsem, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CMutexSem object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_mutexsem) { // set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
dprintf("dump_mutexsem not implemented\n");
return; }
// Function: dump_filetime, exported
// Synopsis: dumps FILETIME object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_filetime) { // set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
dprintf("dump_filetime not implemented\n");
return; }
// Function: dump_cachelist_item, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CACHELIST_ITEM object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_cachelist_item) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszCacheListItem; char *blockCacheListItem = NULL; char *blockCacheNode = NULL; char *blockPresObj = NULL; char *blockPresObjAF = NULL; CACHELIST_ITEM *pCacheListItem = NULL; DWORD dwSizeOfPresObj;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CACEHLIST_ITEM\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockCacheListItem = new char[sizeof(CACHELIST_ITEM)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockCacheListItem, sizeof(CACHELIST_ITEM), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CACHELIST_ITEM \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CACHELIST_ITEM)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested(CACHELIST_ITEM\n");
goto errRtn; }
pCacheListItem = (CACHELIST_ITEM *)blockCacheListItem;
if (pCacheListItem->lpCacheNode != NULL) { blockCacheNode = new char[sizeof(CCacheNode)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pCacheListItem->lpCacheNode, blockCacheNode, sizeof(CCacheNode), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CCacheNode \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pCacheListItem->lpCacheNode); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CCacheNode)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CCacheNode)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pCacheListItem->lpCacheNode = (CCacheNode*)blockCacheNode;
// need to get the OlePresObjs for the CCacheNode
if (pCacheListItem->lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj != NULL) { switch (pCacheListItem->lpCacheNode->m_dwPresFlag) { case CN_PRESOBJ_GEN: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CGenObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_MF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CMfObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_EMF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CEMfObject); break; default: dprintf("Error: can not determine size of IOlePresObj\n"); return; }
blockPresObj = new char[dwSizeOfPresObj];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pCacheListItem->lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj, blockPresObj, dwSizeOfPresObj, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: IOlePresObj \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pCacheListItem->lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != dwSizeOfPresObj) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (IPresObj)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pCacheListItem->lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj = (IOlePresObj *)blockPresObj; }
if (pCacheListItem->lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze != NULL) { switch (pCacheListItem->lpCacheNode->m_dwPresFlag) { case CN_PRESOBJ_GEN: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CGenObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_MF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CMfObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_EMF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CEMfObject); break; default: dprintf("Error: can not determine size of IOlePresObj\n"); return; }
blockPresObjAF = new char[dwSizeOfPresObj];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pCacheListItem->lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze, blockPresObjAF, dwSizeOfPresObj, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: IOlePresObj \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pCacheListItem->lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != dwSizeOfPresObj) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (IOlePresObj)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pCacheListItem->lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze = (IOlePresObj *)blockPresObjAF; } }
// dump the structure
pszCacheListItem = DumpCACHELIST_ITEM(pCacheListItem, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CACHELIST_ITEM @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszCacheListItem);
// delete the blocks and not the pointers
delete[] blockPresObj; delete[] blockPresObjAF; delete[] blockCacheNode; delete[] blockCacheListItem;
return; }
// Function: dump_cacheenum, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CCacheEnum object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_cacheenum) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszCE; char *blockCE = NULL; CCacheEnum *pCE = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CCacheEnum\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockCE = new char[sizeof(CCacheEnum)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockCE, sizeof(CCacheEnum), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CCacheEnum \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CCacheEnum)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pCE = (CCacheEnum *)blockCE;
// dump the structure
pszCE = DumpCCacheEnum(pCE, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CCacheEnum @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszCE);
// delete the blocks and not the pointers
delete[] blockCE;
return; }
// Function: dump_cacheenumformatetc, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CCacheEnumFormatEtc object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_cacheenumformatetc) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszCacheEnumFormatEtc; char *blockCacheEnumFormatEtc = NULL; CCacheEnumFormatEtc *pCacheEnumFormatEtc = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CCacheEnumFormatEtc\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockCacheEnumFormatEtc = new char[sizeof(CCacheEnumFormatEtc)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockCacheEnumFormatEtc, sizeof(CCacheEnumFormatEtc), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory CacheEnumFormatEtc"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CCacheEnumFormatEtc)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pCacheEnumFormatEtc = (CCacheEnumFormatEtc *)blockCacheEnumFormatEtc;
// dump the structure
pszCacheEnumFormatEtc = DumpCCacheEnumFormatEtc(pCacheEnumFormatEtc, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CCacheEnumFormatEtc @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszCacheEnumFormatEtc);
delete[] blockCacheEnumFormatEtc;
return; }
// Function: dump_cachenode, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CCacheNode object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_cachenode) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount = 0; char *pszCacheNode = NULL; char *blockCacheNode = NULL; char *blockPresObj = NULL; char *blockPresObjAF = NULL; CCacheNode *pCacheNode = NULL; DWORD dwSizeOfPresObj;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CCacheNode\n"); return; }
// get the CCacheNode block of mem
blockCacheNode = new char[sizeof(CCacheNode)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockCacheNode, sizeof(CCacheNode), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CCacheNode \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CCacheNode)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CCacheNode)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pCacheNode = (CCacheNode*)blockCacheNode;
// need to get the OlePresObjs for the CCacheNode
if (pCacheNode->m_pPresObj != NULL) { switch (pCacheNode->m_dwPresFlag) { case CN_PRESOBJ_GEN: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CGenObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_MF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CMfObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_EMF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CEMfObject); break; default: dprintf("Error: can not determine size of IOlePresObj\n"); return; }
blockPresObj = new char[dwSizeOfPresObj];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pCacheNode->m_pPresObj, blockPresObj, dwSizeOfPresObj, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: IOlePresObj \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pCacheNode->m_pPresObj); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != dwSizeOfPresObj) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (IOlePresObj)\n");
goto errRtn; }
// pass off pointer
pCacheNode->m_pPresObj = (IOlePresObj *)blockPresObj; }
if (pCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze != NULL) { switch (pCacheNode->m_dwPresFlag) { case CN_PRESOBJ_GEN: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CGenObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_MF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CMfObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_EMF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CEMfObject); break; default: dprintf("Error: can not determine size of IOlePresObj\n"); return; }
blockPresObjAF = new char[dwSizeOfPresObj];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze, blockPresObjAF, dwSizeOfPresObj, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: IOlePresObj \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != dwSizeOfPresObj) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (IOlePresObj)\n");
goto errRtn; }
// pass off pointer
pCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze = (IOlePresObj *)blockPresObjAF; }
// dump the structure
pszCacheNode = DumpCCacheNode(pCacheNode, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CCacheNode @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszCacheNode);
// delete the blocks and not the pointers
delete[] blockPresObj; delete[] blockPresObjAF; delete[] blockCacheNode;
return; }
// Function: dump_clipdataobject, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CClipDataObject object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_clipdataobject) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszCDO; char *blockCDO = NULL; char *blockFE = NULL; CClipDataObject *pCDO = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CClipDataObject\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockCDO = new char[sizeof(CClipDataObject)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockCDO, sizeof(CClipDataObject), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CClipDataObject \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CClipDataObject)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pCDO = (CClipDataObject *)blockCDO;
// read the block of mem for the FORMATETC array
blockFE = new char[sizeof(FORMATETC)*pCDO->m_cFormats];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pCDO->m_rgFormats, blockFE, sizeof(FORMATETC)*pCDO->m_cFormats, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: FORMATETC array \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pCDO->m_rgFormats); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != (sizeof(FORMATETC)*pCDO->m_cFormats)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pCDO->m_rgFormats = (FORMATETC *)blockFE;
// dump the structure
pszCDO = DumpCClipDataObject(pCDO, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CClipDataObject @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszCDO);
// delete the blocks and not the pointers
delete[] blockFE; delete[] blockCDO;
return; }
// Function: dump_clipenumformatetc, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CClipEnumFormatEtc object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_clipenumformatetc) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszCEFE; char *blockCEFE = NULL; char *blockFE = NULL; CClipEnumFormatEtc *pCEFE = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CClipEnumFormatEtc\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockCEFE = new char[sizeof(CClipEnumFormatEtc)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockCEFE, sizeof(CClipEnumFormatEtc), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CClipEnumFormatEtc \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CClipEnumFormatEtc)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pCEFE = (CClipEnumFormatEtc *)blockCEFE;
// read the block of mem for the FORMATETC array
blockFE = new char[sizeof(FORMATETC)*pCEFE->m_cTotal];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pCEFE->m_rgFormats, blockFE, sizeof(FORMATETC)*pCEFE->m_cTotal, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: FORMATETC array \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pCEFE->m_rgFormats); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != (sizeof(FORMATETC)*pCEFE->m_cTotal)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pCEFE->m_rgFormats = (FORMATETC *)blockFE;
// dump the structure
pszCEFE = DumpCClipEnumFormatEtc(pCEFE, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CClipEnumFormatEtc @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszCEFE);
// delete the blocks and not the pointers
delete[] blockFE; delete[] blockCEFE;
return; }
// Function: dump_daholder, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CDAHolder object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_daholder) { DWORD dwReturnedCount; BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; char *pszDAH; char *blockDAH = NULL; char *blockStatDataArray = NULL; CDAHolder *pDAH = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CDAHolder\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockDAH = new char[sizeof(CDAHolder)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockDAH, sizeof(CDAHolder), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CDAHolder \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CDAHolder)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CDAHolder)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDAH = (CDAHolder *)blockDAH;
// read the block of mem for the STATDATA array
blockStatDataArray = new char[sizeof(STATDATA) * pDAH->m_iSize];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDAH->m_pSD, blockStatDataArray, sizeof(STATDATA) * pDAH->m_iSize, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: STATDATA array \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDAH->m_pSD); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != (sizeof(STATDATA) * pDAH->m_iSize)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (STATDATA array)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDAH->m_pSD = (STATDATA *)blockStatDataArray;
// dump the structure
pszDAH = DumpCDAHolder(pDAH, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CDAHolder @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszDAH);
delete[] blockDAH; delete[] blockStatDataArray;
return; }
// Function: dump_dataadvisecache, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CDataAdviseCache object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_dataadvisecache) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszDataAdviseCache; char *blockDataAdviseCache = NULL; char *blockDAH = NULL; CDataAdviseCache *pDataAdviseCache = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CDataAdviseCache\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockDataAdviseCache = new char[sizeof(CDataAdviseCache)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockDataAdviseCache, sizeof(CDataAdviseCache), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory DataAdviseCache"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CDataAdviseCache)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDataAdviseCache = (CDataAdviseCache *)blockDataAdviseCache;
// get the mem for CDAHolder
if (pDataAdviseCache->m_pDAH != NULL) { blockDAH = new char[sizeof(CDAHolder)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDataAdviseCache->m_pDAH, blockDAH, sizeof(CDAHolder), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory CDAHolder"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDataAdviseCache->m_pDAH); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CDAHolder)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CDAHolder)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDataAdviseCache->m_pDAH = (CDAHolder *)blockDAH; }
// dump the structure
pszDataAdviseCache = DumpCDataAdviseCache(pDataAdviseCache, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CDataAdviseCache @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszDataAdviseCache);
delete[] blockDAH; delete[] blockDataAdviseCache;
return; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: dump_defclassfactory, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CDefClassFactory object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_defclassfactory) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszDefClassFactory; char *blockDefClassFactory = NULL; CDefClassFactory *pDefClassFactory = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CDefClassFactory\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockDefClassFactory = new char[sizeof(CDefClassFactory)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockDefClassFactory, sizeof(CDefClassFactory), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory DefClassFactory"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CDefClassFactory)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDefClassFactory = (CDefClassFactory *)blockDefClassFactory;
// dump the structure
pszDefClassFactory = DumpCDefClassFactory(pDefClassFactory, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CDefClassFactory @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszDefClassFactory);
delete[] blockDefClassFactory;
return; }
// Function: dump_deflink, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CDefLink object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_deflink) { unsigned int ui; BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount = 0; char *pszDL = NULL; char *blockDefLink = NULL; char *blockCOleCache = NULL; char *blockDataAdvCache = NULL; char *blockOAHolder = NULL; char *blockpIAS = NULL; char *blockDAHolder = NULL; char *blockSTATDATA = NULL; char *blockCACHELIST = NULL; char *blockCacheNode = NULL; char *blockPresObj = NULL; CDefLink *pDL = NULL; CDAHolder *pDAH = NULL; COAHolder *pOAH = NULL; DWORD dwSizeOfPresObj;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CDefLink\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockDefLink = new char[sizeof(CDefLink)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockDefLink, sizeof(CDefLink), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CDefLink \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CDefLink)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CDefLink)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDL = (CDefLink *)blockDefLink;
// we need to NULL the monikers since we can't use GetDisplayName in this process
pDL->m_pMonikerAbs = NULL; pDL->m_pMonikerRel = NULL;
// get the block of mem for the COAHolder
if (pDL->m_pCOAHolder != NULL) { blockOAHolder = new char[sizeof(COAHolder)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDL->m_pCOAHolder, blockOAHolder, sizeof(COAHolder), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: COAHolder \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDL->m_pCOAHolder); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(COAHolder)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (COAHolder)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDL->m_pCOAHolder = (COAHolder *)blockOAHolder; pOAH = (COAHolder *)blockOAHolder;
// need to copy the array of IAdviseSink pointers
if (pOAH->m_iSize > 0) { blockpIAS = new char[pOAH->m_iSize * sizeof(IAdviseSink *)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pOAH->m_ppIAS, blockpIAS, sizeof(IAdviseSink *) * pOAH->m_iSize, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: IAdviseSink Array \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pOAH->m_ppIAS); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != (sizeof(IAdviseSink *) * pOAH->m_iSize)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested(IAdviseSink Array)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pOAH->m_ppIAS = (IAdviseSink **)blockpIAS; } }
// get block of mem for CDataAdviseCache (only if m_pDataAdvCache != NULL)
if (pDL->m_pDataAdvCache != NULL) { blockDataAdvCache = new char[sizeof(CDataAdviseCache)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDL->m_pDataAdvCache, blockDataAdvCache, sizeof(CDataAdviseCache), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CDataAdviseCache \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDL->m_pDataAdvCache); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CDataAdviseCache)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CDataAdviseCache)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDL->m_pDataAdvCache = (CDataAdviseCache *)blockDataAdvCache;
if (pDL->m_pDataAdvCache->m_pDAH != NULL) { blockDAHolder = new char[sizeof(CDAHolder)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDL->m_pDataAdvCache->m_pDAH, blockDAHolder, sizeof(CDAHolder), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CDAHolder \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDL->m_pDataAdvCache->m_pDAH); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CDAHolder)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CDAHolder)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDL->m_pDataAdvCache->m_pDAH = (IDataAdviseHolder *)blockDAHolder; pDAH = (CDAHolder *)blockDAHolder;
if (pDAH->m_pSD != NULL) { blockSTATDATA = new char[sizeof(STATDATA)*pDAH->m_iSize];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDAH->m_pSD, blockSTATDATA, sizeof(STATDATA)*pDAH->m_iSize, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: STATDATA \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDAH->m_pSD); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != (sizeof(STATDATA)*pDAH->m_iSize)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (STATDATA)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDAH->m_pSD = (STATDATA *)blockSTATDATA; } } }
// get block of mem for COleCache (only if m_pCOleCache != NULL)
if (pDL->m_pCOleCache != NULL) { blockCOleCache = new char[sizeof(COleCache)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDL->m_pCOleCache, blockCOleCache, sizeof(COleCache), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: COleCache \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDL->m_pCOleCache); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(COleCache)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (COleCache)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDL->m_pCOleCache = (COleCache *)blockCOleCache;
// get block of mem for CACHELIST
if (pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList != NULL) { blockCACHELIST = new char[sizeof(CACHELIST_ITEM) * pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_uCacheNodeMax];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList, blockCACHELIST, sizeof(CACHELIST_ITEM) * pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_uCacheNodeMax, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CACHELIST \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != (sizeof(CACHELIST_ITEM) * pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_uCacheNodeMax)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requestedi (CACHELIST)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList = (LPCACHELIST) blockCACHELIST; }
// need to copy the memory of the CCacheNode's in the CACHELIST
for (ui = 0; ui < pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_uCacheNodeMax; ui++) { if (pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode != NULL) { blockCacheNode = new char[sizeof(CCacheNode)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode, blockCacheNode, sizeof(CCacheNode), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CCacheNode \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CCacheNode)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CCacheNode)\n");
goto errRtn; }
// pass off pointer
pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode = (CCacheNode*)blockCacheNode; blockCacheNode = NULL;
// need to get the OlePresObjs for the CCacheNode
if (pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj != NULL) { switch (pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_dwPresFlag) { case CN_PRESOBJ_GEN: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CGenObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_MF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CMfObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_EMF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CEMfObject); break; default: dprintf("Error: can not determine size of IOlePresObj\n"); return; }
blockPresObj = new char[dwSizeOfPresObj];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj, blockPresObj, dwSizeOfPresObj, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: IOlePresObj \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != dwSizeOfPresObj) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (IOlePresObj)\n");
goto errRtn; }
// pass off pointer
pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj = (IOlePresObj *)blockPresObj; blockPresObj = NULL; }
if (pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze != NULL) { switch (pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_dwPresFlag) { case CN_PRESOBJ_GEN: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CGenObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_MF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CMfObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_EMF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CEMfObject); break; default: dprintf("Error: can not determine size of IOlePresObj\n"); return; }
blockPresObj = new char[dwSizeOfPresObj];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze, blockPresObj, dwSizeOfPresObj, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: IOlePresObj \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != dwSizeOfPresObj) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (IOlePresObj)\n");
goto errRtn; }
// pass off pointer
pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze = (IOlePresObj *)blockPresObj; blockPresObj = NULL; } } } }
// dump the structure
pszDL = DumpCDefLink(pDL, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CDefLink @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszDL);
// delete the blocks and not the pointers
if ( (pDL != NULL)&&(blockCACHELIST != NULL)&&(blockCOleCache != NULL) ) { for (ui = 0; ui < pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_uCacheNodeMax; ui++) { if (pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode != NULL) { delete[] ((char *)pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj); delete[] ((char *)pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze); delete[] ((char *)pDL->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode); } } } delete[] blockCACHELIST; delete[] blockCOleCache; delete[] blockDAHolder; delete[] blockSTATDATA; delete[] blockDataAdvCache; delete[] blockpIAS; delete[] blockOAHolder; delete[] blockDefLink;
return; }
// Function: dump_defobject, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CDefObject object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_defobject) { unsigned int ui; BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount = 0; char *pszDO = NULL; char *blockDefObject = NULL; char *blockCOleCache = NULL; char *blockDataAdvCache = NULL; char *blockOAHolder = NULL; char *blockpIAS = NULL; char *blockDAHolder = NULL; char *blockSTATDATA = NULL; char *blockCACHELIST = NULL; char *blockCacheNode = NULL; char *blockPresObj = NULL; CDefObject *pDO = NULL; CDAHolder *pDAH = NULL; COAHolder *pOAH = NULL; DWORD dwSizeOfPresObj;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CDefObject\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockDefObject = new char[sizeof(CDefObject)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockDefObject, sizeof(CDefObject), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CDefObject \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CDefObject)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CDefObject)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDO = (CDefObject *)blockDefObject;
// get the block of mem for the COAHolder
if (pDO->m_pOAHolder != NULL) { blockOAHolder = new char[sizeof(COAHolder)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDO->m_pOAHolder, blockOAHolder, sizeof(COAHolder), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: COAHolder \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDO->m_pOAHolder); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(COAHolder)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (COAHolder)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDO->m_pOAHolder = (COAHolder *)blockOAHolder; pOAH = (COAHolder *)blockOAHolder;
// need to copy the array of IAdviseSink pointers
if (pOAH->m_iSize > 0) { blockpIAS = new char[pOAH->m_iSize * sizeof(IAdviseSink *)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pOAH->m_ppIAS, blockpIAS, sizeof(IAdviseSink *) * pOAH->m_iSize, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: IAdviseSink Array \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pOAH->m_ppIAS); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != (sizeof(IAdviseSink *) * pOAH->m_iSize)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested(IAdviseSink Array)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pOAH->m_ppIAS = (IAdviseSink **)blockpIAS; } }
// get block of mem for CDataAdviseCache (only if m_pDataAdvCache != NULL)
if (pDO->m_pDataAdvCache != NULL) { blockDataAdvCache = new char[sizeof(CDataAdviseCache)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDO->m_pDataAdvCache, blockDataAdvCache, sizeof(CDataAdviseCache), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CDataAdviseCache \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDO->m_pDataAdvCache); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CDataAdviseCache)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CDataAdviseCache)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDO->m_pDataAdvCache = (CDataAdviseCache *)blockDataAdvCache;
// get the mem for CDAHolder
if (pDO->m_pDataAdvCache->m_pDAH != NULL) { blockDAHolder = new char[sizeof(CDAHolder)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDO->m_pDataAdvCache->m_pDAH, blockDAHolder, sizeof(CDAHolder), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CDAHolder \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDO->m_pDataAdvCache->m_pDAH); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CDAHolder)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CDAHolder)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDO->m_pDataAdvCache->m_pDAH = (IDataAdviseHolder *)blockDAHolder; pDAH = (CDAHolder *)blockDAHolder;
// get the STATDATA array
if (pDAH->m_pSD != NULL) { blockSTATDATA = new char[sizeof(STATDATA)*pDAH->m_iSize];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDAH->m_pSD, blockSTATDATA, sizeof(STATDATA)*pDAH->m_iSize, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: STATDATA \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDAH->m_pSD); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != (sizeof(STATDATA)*pDAH->m_iSize)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (STATDATA)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDAH->m_pSD = (STATDATA *)blockSTATDATA; } } }
// get block of mem for COleCache (only if m_pCOleCache != NULL)
if (pDO->m_pCOleCache != NULL) { blockCOleCache = new char[sizeof(COleCache)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDO->m_pCOleCache, blockCOleCache, sizeof(COleCache), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: COleCache \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDO->m_pCOleCache); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(COleCache)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (COleCache)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDO->m_pCOleCache = (COleCache *)blockCOleCache;
// get block of mem for CACHELIST
if (pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList != NULL) { blockCACHELIST = new char[sizeof(CACHELIST_ITEM) * pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_uCacheNodeMax];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList, blockCACHELIST, sizeof(CACHELIST_ITEM) * pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_uCacheNodeMax, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CACHELIST \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != (sizeof(CACHELIST_ITEM) * pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_uCacheNodeMax)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested(CACHELIST_ITEM\n");
goto errRtn; }
pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList = (LPCACHELIST) blockCACHELIST; }
// need to copy the memory of the CCacheNode's in the CACHELIST
for (ui = 0; ui < pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_uCacheNodeMax; ui++) { if (pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode != NULL) { blockCacheNode = new char[sizeof(CCacheNode)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode, blockCacheNode, sizeof(CCacheNode), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CCacheNode \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CCacheNode)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CCacheNode)\n");
goto errRtn; }
// pass off pointer
pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode = (CCacheNode*)blockCacheNode; blockCacheNode = NULL;
// need to get the OlePresObjs for the CCacheNode
if (pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj != NULL) { switch (pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_dwPresFlag) { case CN_PRESOBJ_GEN: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CGenObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_MF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CMfObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_EMF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CEMfObject); break; default: dprintf("Error: can not determine size of IOlePresObj\n"); return; }
blockPresObj = new char[dwSizeOfPresObj];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj, blockPresObj, dwSizeOfPresObj, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: IOlePresObj \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != dwSizeOfPresObj) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (IOlePresObj)\n");
goto errRtn; }
// pass off pointer
pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj = (IOlePresObj *)blockPresObj; blockPresObj = NULL; }
if (pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze != NULL) { switch (pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_dwPresFlag) { case CN_PRESOBJ_GEN: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CGenObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_MF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CMfObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_EMF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CEMfObject); break; default: dprintf("Error: can not determine size of IOlePresObj\n"); return; }
blockPresObj = new char[dwSizeOfPresObj];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze, blockPresObj, dwSizeOfPresObj, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: IOlePresObj \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != dwSizeOfPresObj) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (IOlePresObj)\n");
goto errRtn; }
// pass off pointer
pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze = (IOlePresObj *)blockPresObj; blockPresObj = NULL; } } } }
// dump the structure
pszDO = DumpCDefObject(pDO, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CDefObject @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszDO);
// delete the blocks and not the pointers
if ( (pDO != NULL)&&(blockCACHELIST != NULL)&&(blockCOleCache != NULL) ) { for (ui = 0; ui < pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_uCacheNodeMax; ui++) { if (pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode != NULL) { delete[] ((char *)pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj); delete[] ((char *)pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze); delete[] ((char *)pDO->m_pCOleCache->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode); } } } delete[] blockCACHELIST; delete[] blockCOleCache; delete[] blockDAHolder; delete[] blockSTATDATA; delete[] blockDataAdvCache; delete[] blockpIAS; delete[] blockOAHolder; delete[] blockDefObject;
return; }
// Function: dump_emfobject, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CEMfObject object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_emfobject) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszEMfObject; char *blockEMfObject = NULL; CEMfObject *pEMfObject = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CEMfObject\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockEMfObject = new char[sizeof(CEMfObject)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockEMfObject, sizeof(CEMfObject), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory EMfObject"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CEMfObject)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pEMfObject = (CEMfObject *)blockEMfObject;
// dump the structure
pszEMfObject = DumpCEMfObject(pEMfObject, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CEMfObject @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszEMfObject);
delete[] blockEMfObject;
return; }
// Function: dump_enumfmt, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CEnumFmt object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_enumfmt) { // set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
dprintf("dump_enumfmt not implemented\n");
return; }
// Function: dump_enumfmt10, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CEnumFmt10 object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_enumfmt10) { // set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
dprintf("dump_enumfmt10 not implemented\n");
return; }
// Function: dump_enumstatdata, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CEnumSTATDATA object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_enumstatdata) { DWORD dwReturnedCount; BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; char *pszESD; char *blockEnumStatData = NULL; char *blockDAH = NULL; char *blockStatDataArray = NULL; CEnumSTATDATA *pESD = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CEnumSTATDATA\n"); return; }
// read the mem for the CEnumSTATDATA
blockEnumStatData = new char[sizeof(CEnumSTATDATA)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockEnumStatData, sizeof(CEnumSTATDATA), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CEnumSTATDATA \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CEnumSTATDATA)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CEnumSTATDATA)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pESD = (CEnumSTATDATA *)blockEnumStatData;
// read the block of memory for the CDAHolder
if (pESD->m_pHolder != NULL) { blockDAH = new char[sizeof(CDAHolder)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pESD->m_pHolder, blockDAH, sizeof(CDAHolder), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CDAHolder \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pESD->m_pHolder); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CDAHolder)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CDAHolder)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pESD->m_pHolder = (CDAHolder *)blockDAH;
// read the block of mem for the STATDATA array
if (pESD->m_pHolder->m_pSD != NULL) { blockStatDataArray = new char[sizeof(STATDATA) * pESD->m_pHolder->m_iSize];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pESD->m_pHolder->m_pSD, blockStatDataArray, sizeof(STATDATA) * pESD->m_pHolder->m_iSize, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: STATDATA array \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pESD->m_pHolder->m_pSD); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != (sizeof(STATDATA) * pESD->m_pHolder->m_iSize)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (STATDATA array)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pESD->m_pHolder->m_pSD = (STATDATA *)blockStatDataArray; } }
// dump the structure
dprintf("CEnumSTATDATA @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszESD);
delete[] blockEnumStatData; delete[] blockDAH; delete[] blockStatDataArray;
return; }
// Function: dump_enumverb, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CEnumVerb object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_enumverb) { // set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
dprintf("dump_enumverb not implemented\n");
return; }
// Function: dump_genobject, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CGenObject object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_genobject) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszGenObject; char *blockGenObject = NULL; CGenObject *pGenObject = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CGenObject\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockGenObject = new char[sizeof(CGenObject)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockGenObject, sizeof(CGenObject), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory GenObject"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CGenObject)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pGenObject = (CGenObject *)blockGenObject;
// dump the structure
pszGenObject = DumpCGenObject(pGenObject, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CGenObject @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszGenObject);
delete[] blockGenObject;
return; }
// Function: dump_membytes, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CMemBytes object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_membytes) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszMB; char *blockMB = NULL; CMemBytes *pMB = NULL; char *blockMEMSTM = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CMemBytes\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockMB = new char[sizeof(CMemBytes)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockMB, sizeof(CMemBytes), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CMemBytes \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CMemBytes)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested(CMemBytes)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pMB = (CMemBytes *)blockMB;
// copy the MEMSTM structure
if (pMB->m_pData != NULL) { blockMEMSTM = new char[sizeof(MEMSTM)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pMB->m_pData, blockMEMSTM, sizeof(MEMSTM), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: MEMSTM \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pMB->m_pData); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(MEMSTM)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested(MEMSTM)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pMB->m_pData = (MEMSTM *)blockMEMSTM; }
// dump the structure
pszMB = DumpCMemBytes(pMB, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CMemBytes @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszMB);
// delete the blocks and not the pointers
delete[] blockMB; delete[] blockMEMSTM;
return; }
// Function: dump_cmemstm, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CMemStm object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_cmemstm) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszMS; char *blockMS = NULL; CMemStm *pMS = NULL; char *blockMEMSTM = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CMemStm\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockMS = new char[sizeof(CMemStm)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockMS, sizeof(CMemStm), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CMemStm \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CMemStm)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested(CMemStm)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pMS = (CMemStm *)blockMS;
// copy the MEMSTM structure
if (pMS->m_pData != NULL) { blockMEMSTM = new char[sizeof(MEMSTM)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pMS->m_pData, blockMEMSTM, sizeof(MEMSTM), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: MEMSTM \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pMS->m_pData); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(MEMSTM)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested(MEMSTM)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pMS->m_pData = (MEMSTM *)blockMEMSTM; }
// dump the structure
pszMS = DumpCMemStm(pMS, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CMemStm @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszMS);
// delete the blocks and not the pointers
delete[] blockMS; delete[] blockMEMSTM;
return; }
// Function: dump_mfobject, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CMfObject object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_mfobject) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszMfObject; char *blockMfObject = NULL; CMfObject *pMfObject = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CMfObject\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockMfObject = new char[sizeof(CMfObject)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockMfObject, sizeof(CMfObject), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory MfObject"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CMfObject)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pMfObject = (CMfObject *)blockMfObject;
// dump the structure
pszMfObject = DumpCMfObject(pMfObject, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CMfObject @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszMfObject);
delete[] blockMfObject;
return; }
// Function: dump_oaholder, exported
// Synopsis: dumps COAHolder object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_oaholder) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszOAH; char *blockOAH = NULL; char *blockpIAS = NULL; COAHolder *pOAH = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of COAHolder\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockOAH = new char[sizeof(COAHolder)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockOAH, sizeof(COAHolder), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: COAHolder \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(COAHolder)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pOAH = (COAHolder *)blockOAH;
// need to copy the array of IAdviseSink pointers
if (pOAH->m_iSize > 0) { blockpIAS = new char[pOAH->m_iSize * sizeof(IAdviseSink *)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pOAH->m_ppIAS, blockpIAS, sizeof(IAdviseSink *) * pOAH->m_iSize, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: IAdviseSink Array \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pOAH->m_ppIAS); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != (sizeof(IAdviseSink *) * pOAH->m_iSize)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pOAH->m_ppIAS = (IAdviseSink **)blockpIAS; }
// dump the structure
pszOAH = DumpCOAHolder(pOAH, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("COAHolder @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszOAH);
// delete the blocks and not the pointers
delete[] blockOAH; delete[] blockpIAS;
return; }
// Function: dump_olecache, exported
// Synopsis: dumps COleCache object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_olecache) { unsigned int ui; BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszOC; char *blockOC = NULL; COleCache *pOC = NULL; char *blockCCacheEnum = NULL; char *blockCACHELIST = NULL; char *blockCacheNode = NULL; char *blockPresObj = NULL; DWORD dwSizeOfPresObj;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of COleCache\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockOC = new char[sizeof(COleCache)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockOC, sizeof(COleCache), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: COleCache \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(COleCache)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (COleCache)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pOC = (COleCache *)blockOC;
// get block of mem for CCacheEnum (only if m_pCacheEnum != NULL)
if (pOC->m_pCacheEnum != NULL) { blockCCacheEnum = new char[sizeof(CCacheEnum)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pOC->m_pCacheEnum, blockCCacheEnum, sizeof(CCacheEnum), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CCacheEnum \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pOC->m_pCacheEnum); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CCacheEnum)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CCacheEnum)\n");
goto errRtn; }
pOC->m_pCacheEnum = (CCacheEnum *)blockCCacheEnum; }
// get block of mem for CACHELIST
if (pOC->m_pCacheList != NULL) { blockCACHELIST = new char[sizeof(CACHELIST_ITEM) * pOC->m_uCacheNodeMax];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pOC->m_pCacheList, blockCACHELIST, sizeof(CACHELIST_ITEM) * pOC->m_uCacheNodeMax, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CACHELIST \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pOC->m_pCacheList); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != (sizeof(CACHELIST_ITEM) * pOC->m_uCacheNodeMax)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pOC->m_pCacheList = (LPCACHELIST) blockCACHELIST; }
// need to copy the memory of the CCacheNode's in the CACHELIST
for (ui = 0; ui < pOC->m_uCacheNodeMax; ui++) { if (pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode != NULL) { blockCacheNode = new char[sizeof(CCacheNode)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode, blockCacheNode, sizeof(CCacheNode), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: CCacheNode \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CCacheNode)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (CCacheNode)\n");
goto errRtn; }
// pass off pointer
pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode = (CCacheNode*)blockCacheNode; blockCacheNode = NULL;
// need to get the OlePresObjs for the CCacheNode
if (pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj != NULL) { switch (pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_dwPresFlag) { case CN_PRESOBJ_GEN: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CGenObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_MF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CMfObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_EMF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CEMfObject); break; default: dprintf("Error: can not determine size of IOlePresObj\n"); return; }
blockPresObj = new char[dwSizeOfPresObj];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj, blockPresObj, dwSizeOfPresObj, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: IOlePresObj \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != dwSizeOfPresObj) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (IOlePresObj)\n");
goto errRtn; }
// pass off pointer
pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj = (IOlePresObj *)blockPresObj; blockPresObj = NULL; }
if (pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze != NULL) { switch (pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_dwPresFlag) { case CN_PRESOBJ_GEN: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CGenObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_MF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CMfObject); break; case CN_PRESOBJ_EMF: dwSizeOfPresObj = sizeof(CEMfObject); break; default: dprintf("Error: can not determine size of IOlePresObj\n"); return; }
blockPresObj = new char[dwSizeOfPresObj];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze, blockPresObj, dwSizeOfPresObj, &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: IOlePresObj \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != dwSizeOfPresObj) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested (IOlePresObj)\n");
goto errRtn; }
// pass off pointer
pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze = (IOlePresObj *)blockPresObj; blockPresObj = NULL; } } }
// dump the structure
pszOC = DumpCOleCache(pOC, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("COleCache @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszOC);
// delete the blocks and not the pointers
if ( (pOC != NULL) && (blockCACHELIST != NULL)) { for (ui = 0; ui < pOC->m_uCacheNodeMax; ui++) { if (pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode != NULL) { delete[] ((char *)pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObj); delete[] ((char *)pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode->m_pPresObjAfterFreeze); delete[] ((char *)pOC->m_pCacheList[ui].lpCacheNode); } } } delete[] blockCACHELIST; delete[] blockCCacheEnum; delete[] blockOC;
return; }
// Function: dump_saferefcount, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CSafeRefCount object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API( dump_saferefcount ) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszSRC; char *blockSRC = NULL; CSafeRefCount *pSRC = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CSafeRefCount\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockSRC = new char[sizeof(CSafeRefCount)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockSRC, sizeof(CSafeRefCount), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CSafeRefCount)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pSRC = (CSafeRefCount *)blockSRC;
// dump the structure
pszSRC = DumpCSafeRefCount(pSRC, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CSafeRefCount @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszSRC);
delete[] blockSRC;
return; }
// Function: dump_threadcheck, exported
// Synopsis: dumps CThreadCheck object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_threadcheck) { DWORD dwReturnedCount; BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; char *pszTC; char *blockTC = NULL; CThreadCheck *pTC = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of CThreadCheck\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockTC = new char[sizeof(CThreadCheck)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockTC, sizeof(CThreadCheck), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(CThreadCheck)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pTC = (CThreadCheck *)blockTC;
// dump the structure
pszTC = DumpCThreadCheck(pTC, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("CThreadCheck @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszTC);
delete[] blockTC;
return; }
// Function: dump_formatetc, exported
// Synopsis: dumps FORMATETC object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_formatetc) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszFE; char *blockFE = NULL; FORMATETC *pFE = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of FORMATETC\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockFE = new char[sizeof(FORMATETC)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockFE, sizeof(FORMATETC), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: FORMATETC \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(FORMATETC)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pFE = (FORMATETC *)blockFE;
// dump the structure
dprintf("FORMATETC @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszFE);
// delete the blocks and not the pointers
delete[] blockFE;
return; }
// Function: dump_memstm, exported
// Synopsis: dumps MEMSTM object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_memstm) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszMS; char *blockMS = NULL; MEMSTM *pMS = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of MEMSTM\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockMS = new char[sizeof(MEMSTM)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockMS, sizeof(MEMSTM), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: MEMSTM \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(MEMSTM)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pMS = (MEMSTM *)blockMS;
// dump the structure
pszMS = DumpMEMSTM(pMS, NO_PREFIX, 1);
dprintf("MEMSTM @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszMS);
// delete the blocks and not the pointers
delete[] blockMS;
return; }
// Function: dump_statdata, exported
// Synopsis: dumps STATDATA object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_statdata) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszSD; char *blockSD = NULL; STATDATA *pSD = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of STATDATA\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockSD = new char[sizeof(STATDATA)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockSD, sizeof(STATDATA), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory: STATDATA \n"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (0x%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(STATDATA)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
pSD = (STATDATA *)blockSD;
// dump the structure
dprintf("STATDATA @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszSD);
// delete the blocks and not the pointers
delete[] blockSD;
return; }
// Function: dump_stgmedium, exported
// Synopsis: dumps STGMEDIUM object
// Effects:
// Arguments: see DECLARE_API in oleexts.h
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies: ExtensionApis (global)
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
// The address of the object is passed in the arguments. This
// address is in the debuggee's process memory. In order for
// NTSD to view this memory, the debugger must copy the mem
// using the WIN32 ReadProcessMemory API.
DECLARE_API(dump_stgmedium) { BOOL fError; LPVOID dwAddr; DWORD dwReturnedCount; char *pszSTGMEDIUM; char *blockSTGMEDIUM = NULL; STGMEDIUM *pSTGMEDIUM = NULL;
// set up global function pointers
ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
// get address of object from argument string
dwAddr = (LPVOID)GetExpression( args ); if (dwAddr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get Address of STGMEDIUM\n"); return; }
// read the block of memory from the debugee's process
blockSTGMEDIUM = new char[sizeof(STGMEDIUM)];
fError = ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, dwAddr, blockSTGMEDIUM, sizeof(STGMEDIUM), &dwReturnedCount );
if (fError == FALSE) { dprintf("Could not read debuggee's process memory STGMEDIUM"); dprintf("at address %x\n", dwAddr); dprintf("Last Error Code = %d (%x)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError());
goto errRtn; }
if (dwReturnedCount != sizeof(STGMEDIUM)) { dprintf("Size of process memory read != requested\n");
goto errRtn; }
// dump the structure
dprintf("STGMEDIUM @ 0x%x\n", dwAddr); dprintfx(pszSTGMEDIUM);
delete[] blockSTGMEDIUM;
return; }