// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Microsoft Windows
// File: trksvr.hxx
// Contents: Definitions local to this directory.
// Put includes of files liable to change often in this file.
// Classes: CTrkSvrSvc
// CTrkSvrConfiguration
// CDbConnection
// CIntraDomainTable
// CCrossDomainTable
// CVolumeTable
// CDenialChecker
// CGhostTable - DBG only
// CQuotaTable
// Functions:
// History: 18-Nov-96 BillMo Created.
// 18-Nov-97 WeiruC Added CQuotaTable class.
// Notes: Put includes of files that don't change often into pch.cxx.
// Codework: Put in services.exe : _hDllReference
#include "trklib.hxx"
#include <trkwks.h>
#include <trksvr.h>
#include "resource.h"
// Strings
const extern TCHAR tszValueNameSeq[] INIT( TEXT("seqRefresh") );
const extern TCHAR* g_ptszEventSource INIT( TEXT("Distributed Link Tracking Server") ); #endif
// LDAP classes and container names
const extern TCHAR s_VolumeTableRDN[] INIT( TEXT("CN=VolumeTable,CN=FileLinks,CN=System,") ); const extern TCHAR s_ObjectMoveTableRDN[] INIT( TEXT("CN=ObjectMoveTable,CN=FileLinks,CN=System,") );
const extern TCHAR s_objectClass[] INIT( TEXT("objectClass") ); const extern TCHAR s_linkTrackVolumeTable[] INIT( TEXT("linkTrackVolumeTable") ); const extern TCHAR s_linkTrackObjectMoveTable[] INIT( TEXT("linkTrackObjectMoveTable") );
const extern TCHAR s_linkTrackVolEntry[] INIT( TEXT("linkTrackVolEntry") ); const extern TCHAR s_linkTrackOMTEntry[] INIT( TEXT("linkTrackOMTEntry") ); const extern TCHAR s_Cn[] INIT( TEXT("CN") );
// Tables
// Volume Table (voltab.cxx)
// Design VOLUMEID -> MACHINEID SECRET TIME NotificationSequence
// Logical DN currMachineId volumeSecret timeVolChange seqNotification
// DN is stringized volume id
const extern TCHAR s_currMachineId[] INIT( TEXT("volTableIdxGUID") ); // was "currMachineId"
const extern TCHAR s_volumeSecret[] INIT( TEXT("linkTrackSecret") ); const extern TCHAR s_objectCount[] INIT( TEXT("objectCount") ); const extern TCHAR s_seqNotification[] INIT( TEXT("seqNotification") ); const extern TCHAR s_timeRefresh[] INIT( TEXT("timeRefresh") ); const extern TCHAR s_timeVolChange[] INIT( TEXT("timeVolChange") ); const extern TCHAR s_volTableGUID[] INIT( TEXT("volTableGUID") ); //const extern TCHAR s_volTableIdxGUID[] INIT( TEXT("volTableIdxGUID") ); // used for currMachineId
#ifdef VOL_REPL
const extern TCHAR s_timeVolChangeSearch[] INIT( TEXT("(timeVolChange;binary>=") ); #endif
const extern TCHAR s_currMachineIdSearch[] INIT( TEXT("(volTableIdxGUID;binary=") );
// Object Move Table (idt_ldap.cxx)
// Design Birth/Current -> New Birth RefreshSequence
// Logical DN currVolumeId:currObjectId birthVolumeId:birthObjectId seqRefresh
// Actual str(VOLUMEID:OBJID) currMachineId:objId birthMachineId:currReplsetid linkTrackSecret
// DN is stringized Birth/Current
const extern TCHAR s_birthLocation[] INIT( TEXT("birthLocation") ); const extern TCHAR s_currentLocation[] INIT( TEXT("currentLocation") ); const extern TCHAR s_oMTGuid[] INIT( TEXT("oMTGuid") ); const extern TCHAR s_oMTIndxGuid[] INIT( TEXT("oMTIndxGuid") );
const extern TCHAR s_RestoreTime[] INIT( TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NtDs\\Parameters\\RestoreTime") ); const extern TCHAR s_RestoreBegin[] INIT( TEXT("RestoreBegin") );
const extern TCHAR s_rIDManagerReference[] INIT( TEXT("rIDManagerReference") ); const extern TCHAR s_fSMORoleOwner[] INIT( TEXT("fSMORoleOwner") );
// General defines
#define CCH_UINT32 10 // Max chars for a DWORD value
#define CCH_UINT64 20 // Max chars for a QUADWORD value
// Forward declarations
class CTrkSvrConfiguration; class CTrkSvrSvc;
// //
// Global variables //
// //
EXTERN CTrkSvrSvc * g_ptrksvr; // For RPC stubs to call service
EXTERN LONG g_ctrksvr INIT(0); // Used to protect against multiple service instances
// Ldap enumeration
typedef ENUM_ACTION (*PFN_LDAP_ENUMERATE_CALLBACK)( LDAP * pLdap, LDAPMessage * pResult, void* UserParam1, void* UserParam2 );
ENUM_ACTION GcEnumerateCallback( LDAP * pLdap, LDAPMessage * pResult, PVOID pvContext, void* );
BOOL // FALSE if aborted (ENUM_ABORT returned by callback)
LdapEnumerate( LDAP * pLdap, TCHAR * ptszBaseDn, ULONG Scope, TCHAR * Filter, TCHAR * Attributes[], PFN_LDAP_ENUMERATE_CALLBACK pCallback, PVOID pvContext, void* UserParam2 = NULL );
// Garbage collection
class CQuotaTable;
// This structure holds context during enumeration
// in a GC
typedef struct { // All entries with lower sequence numbers
// should be deleted.
SequenceNumber seqOldestToKeep;
// The highest sequence number we should see.
SequenceNumber seqCurrent;
// If true, abort (happens on service stop).
const BOOL *pfAbort;
// How long to sleep between non-noop iterations
DWORD dwRepetitiveTaskDelay;
// The quota table
CQuotaTable *pqtable;
// The number of entries that have been deleted (otherwise).
ULONG cEntries;
typedef struct { LONG cDelta; DWORD dwRepetitiveTaskDelay; DWORD dwPass; BOOL fCountAll;
// Quota table
#define QFLAG_DELETED 0x4
// Class: CDbConnection
// Purpose: Handles shared connection to database
// Notes:
class CDbConnection { public:
// --------------------> indent 24 characters
inline CDbConnection(); inline ~CDbConnection();
void Initialize(CSvcCtrlInterface * psvc, OPTIONAL const TCHAR *ptszHostName = NULL ); void UnInitialize();
inline const TCHAR *GetBaseDn() { Ldap(); return _pszBaseDn; }
LDAP * Ldap();
BOOL _fInitializeCalled:1;
CCriticalSection _cs;
LDAP * _pldap; TCHAR * _pszBaseDn; };
inline // put all types/attributes on same line as inline
CDbConnection::CDbConnection() : _fInitializeCalled(FALSE) { // Normally critsecs are initialized in the Initialize method.
// But for this class the Initialize method doesn't get called right
// away, so we'll try to initialize here and deal with it in Ldap()
// if this fails.
__try { _cs.Initialize(); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { } }
inline CDbConnection::~CDbConnection() { UnInitialize(); _cs.UnInitialize(); }
// Class: CCrossDomainTable
// Purpose: Contains cross domain links
// Notes: Columns
// -------
// prev_location new_location birth_id
class CCrossDomainTable { public:
inline CCrossDomainTable(CDbConnection & dbc); inline ~CCrossDomainTable(); void Initialize(); void UnInitialize(); private:
BOOL _fInitializeCalled:1; const CDbConnection & _dbc; };
inline CCrossDomainTable::CCrossDomainTable(CDbConnection & dbc) : _fInitializeCalled(FALSE), _dbc(dbc) { }
inline CCrossDomainTable::~CCrossDomainTable() { UnInitialize(); }
// Class: CRefreshSequenceStorage
// Purpose: Stores the refresh sequence number in the DS's restorable
// table data.
class CVolumeTable;
class CRefreshSequenceStorage { public:
inline CRefreshSequenceStorage( CVolumeTable * pVolTab, CQuotaTable *pQuotaTab, CTrkSvrConfiguration *psvrconfig ); inline ~CRefreshSequenceStorage(); inline void Initialize(); public:
SequenceNumber GetSequenceNumber();
void IncrementSequenceNumber();
SequenceNumber _seq; CCriticalSection _cs;
CVolumeTable * _pVolTab; CQuotaTable * _pQuotaTab; CTrkSvrConfiguration * _psvrconfig; CFILETIME _cftLastRead; };
inline CRefreshSequenceStorage::CRefreshSequenceStorage( CVolumeTable * pVolTab, CQuotaTable *pQuotaTab, CTrkSvrConfiguration *psvrconfig ) : _pVolTab(pVolTab), _pQuotaTab(pQuotaTab), _cftLastRead(0), _psvrconfig(psvrconfig) { }
inline void CRefreshSequenceStorage::Initialize() { _cs.Initialize(); }
inline CRefreshSequenceStorage::~CRefreshSequenceStorage() { _cs.UnInitialize(); }
// Class CAbbreviatedIDString
// Take an ID (e.g. a Droid) and create an abbreviated string for
// dbg outs.
class CAbbreviatedIDString { private:
TCHAR _tsz[ 8 ]; // e.g. {01:02}
inline CAbbreviatedIDString( const CDomainRelativeObjId &droid ); inline operator const TCHAR *() const; };
inline CAbbreviatedIDString::CAbbreviatedIDString( const CDomainRelativeObjId &droid ) { GUID guidObjId, guidVolId; droid.GetVolumeId().SerializeRaw( reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(&guidVolId) ); droid.GetObjId().SerializeRaw( reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(&guidObjId) );
_stprintf( _tsz, TEXT("{%02x:%02x}"), guidVolId.Data1 & 0xFF, guidObjId.Data1 & 0xFF ); }
inline CAbbreviatedIDString::operator const TCHAR *() const { return( _tsz ); }
// Class: CIntraDomainTable (a.k.a. Object Move Table)
// Purpose: Handles updates and queries of the location database.
// Notes: Columns
// -------
// prev_location(indexed) new_location birth_id
struct IDT_ENTRY; class CQuotaTable;
class CIntraDomainTable { public: inline CIntraDomainTable( CDbConnection & dbc, CRefreshSequenceStorage * pseqRefresh );
inline ~CIntraDomainTable(); void Initialize( CTrkSvrConfiguration *pTrkSvrConfiguration, CQuotaTable* pqtable ); void UnInitialize();
public: BOOL Add(const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidKey, const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidNew, const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidBirth, BOOL *pfQuotaExceeded = NULL OPTIONAL ); //-> indent 4 chars
BOOL Delete(const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidKey);
ULONG GarbageCollect( SequenceNumber seqCurrent, SequenceNumber seqOldestToKeep, const BOOL * pfAbort );
BOOL Modify(const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidKey, const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidNew, const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidBirth ); BOOL Query(const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidKey, CDomainRelativeObjId *pdroidNew, CDomainRelativeObjId *pdroidBirth, BOOL *pfDeleted = NULL OPTIONAL, BOOL *pfCounted = NULL OPTIONAL ); BOOL Query( LDAP* pLdap, LDAPMessage *pEntry, const CDomainRelativeObjId ldKey, CDomainRelativeObjId *pldNew, CDomainRelativeObjId *pldBirth, BOOL *pfDeleted = NULL OPTIONAL, BOOL *pfCounted = NULL OPTIONAL ); BOOL Touch(const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidKey); #if DBG
void PurgeAll(); #endif
inline const TCHAR *GetBaseDn() { return _dbc.GetBaseDn(); }
inline LDAP * Ldap() { return _dbc.Ldap(); }
private: BOOL _fInitializeCalled:1;
CDbConnection & _dbc; CRegBoolParameter _QuotaReported;
CRefreshSequenceStorage * _pRefreshSequenceStorage;
CQuotaTable* _pqtable; CTrkSvrConfiguration *_pTrkSvrConfiguration; };
inline CIntraDomainTable::CIntraDomainTable(CDbConnection & dbc, CRefreshSequenceStorage * pRefreshSequenceStorage ) : _fInitializeCalled(FALSE), _dbc(dbc), _pRefreshSequenceStorage( pRefreshSequenceStorage ), _QuotaReported( TEXT("IntraDomainTableQuotaReported") ) { } inline CIntraDomainTable::~CIntraDomainTable() { UnInitialize(); }
// Objects to make constructing quota table keys easy.
class CLdapSeqNum { public: CLdapSeqNum() { _tcscpy( _tszSeq, TEXT("0") ); }
CLdapSeqNum(SequenceNumber seq) { _stprintf( _tszSeq, TEXT("%lu"), seq ); }
operator TCHAR*() { return( _tszSeq ); }
TCHAR _tszSeq[ CCH_UINT32 ];
class CLdapQuotaKeyDn { public:
CLdapQuotaKeyDn(const TCHAR* ptszBaseDn, const CMachineId& mcid) { TCHAR* ptsz;
_tcscpy(_tszDn, TEXT("CN=")); _tcscat(_tszDn, TEXT("QTDC_")); ptsz = _tszDn + _tcslen(_tszDn); mcid.Stringize(ptsz); *ptsz++ = TEXT(','); _tcscpy(ptsz, s_VolumeTableRDN); _tcscat(_tszDn, ptszBaseDn); TrkAssert(_tcslen(_tszDn) < ELEMENTS(_tszDn)); }
inline operator TCHAR* () { return _tszDn; }
TCHAR _tszDn[MAX_PATH]; };
class CLdapQuotaCounterKeyDn { public:
CLdapQuotaCounterKeyDn(const TCHAR* ptszBaseDn) { TCHAR* ptsz;
_tcscpy(_tszDn, TEXT("CN=")); _tcscat(_tszDn, TEXT("QT_Counter")); ptsz = _tszDn + _tcslen(_tszDn); *ptsz++ = TEXT(','); _tcscpy(ptsz, s_VolumeTableRDN); _tcscat(_tszDn, ptszBaseDn); TrkAssert(_tcslen(_tszDn) < ELEMENTS(_tszDn)); }
inline operator TCHAR* () { return _tszDn; }
TCHAR _tszDn[MAX_PATH]; };
// Class: CQuotaTable
// Purpose: Encapsulate functionalities that enforce quota on the
// tables in the DC (move table, volume table).
class CQuotaTable : public PTimerCallback {
// constructor/destructor
CQuotaTable(CDbConnection& dbc); ~CQuotaTable();
// initialization/uninitialization
void Initialize(CVolumeTable *pvoltab, CIntraDomainTable *pidt, CTrkSvrSvc *psvrsvc, CTrkSvrConfiguration *pcfgsvr ); void UnInitialize();
BOOL IsDesignatedDc( BOOL fRaiseOnError = FALSE );
// timer call back
virtual TimerContinuation Timer(ULONG);
// checking quota
BOOL IsMoveQuotaExceeded(); BOOL IsVolumeQuotaExceeded(const CMachineId& mcid, ULONG cUncountedVolumes);
BOOL UpdateFlags(LDAP* pLdap, TCHAR* dnKey, BYTE bFlags); void DeleteFlags(LDAP* pLdap, TCHAR* dnKey); void OnServiceStopRequest();
void IncrementMoveCountCache() { InterlockedIncrement(&_lCachedMoveTableCount); } void DecrementMoveCountCache() { InterlockedDecrement(&_lCachedMoveTableCount); }
inline void IncrementVolumeCountCache(); inline void DecrementVolumeCountCache();
void InvalidateCache() { _cftCacheLastUpdated = 0; DeleteCounter(); }
void Statistics( TRKSVR_STATISTICS *pTrkSvrStatistics ); void OnMoveTableGcComplete( ULONG cEntriesDeleted );
enum EBackgroundForegroundTask { BACKGROUND = 1, FOREGROUND };
private: void Lock(); void Unlock(); DWORD CalculateMoveLimit(); // Doesn't raise
inline LDAP* Ldap() const { return _dbc.Ldap(); } inline const TCHAR *GetBaseDn() { return _dbc.GetBaseDn(); }
BOOL ReadCounter(DWORD* dwCounter); HRESULT DeleteCounter(); void GetTrueCount( DWORD* pdwTrueCount, EBackgroundForegroundTask eBackgroundForegroundTask ); void WriteCounter(DWORD);
void ValidateCache( BOOL fForceHint = FALSE );
HRESULT ReadFlags(LDAP* pLdap, TCHAR* dnKey, BYTE* bFlags);
BOOL DeleteOrphanedEntries( const CDomainRelativeObjId rgdroidList[], ULONG cSegments, const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidBirth, const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidCurrent ); void ShortenString( LDAP* pLdap, LDAPMessage* pMessage, BYTE *pbFlags, const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidCurrent );
TCHAR * GetFirstCN( LDAP *pLdap, LDAPMessage *pMessage );
static ENUM_ACTION MoveTableEnumCallback( LDAP * pLdap, LDAPMessage * pResult, void* cEntries, void* pvThis );
static ENUM_ACTION VolumeTableEnumCallback( LDAP * pLdap, LDAPMessage * pResult, void* pcEntries, void* pvThis );
enum { QUOTA_TIMER = 0, QUOTA_CLEANUP_TIMER = 1 } EQuotaTimer;
BOOL _fInitializeCalled:1; BOOL _fIsDesignatedDc:1; BOOL _fStopping:1;
CFILETIME _cftDesignatedDc;
CTrkSvrConfiguration *_pcfgsvr; CDbConnection& _dbc; DWORD _dwMoveLimit; CMachineId _mcid; LONG _lCachedMoveTableCount; LONG _lCachedVolumeTableCount; CFILETIME _cftCacheLastUpdated;
CVolumeTable *_pvoltab; CIntraDomainTable *_pidt; CTrkSvrSvc *_psvrsvc;
CNewTimer _timer;
CCriticalSection _cs; #if DBG
LONG _cLocks; #endif
inline void CQuotaTable::OnServiceStopRequest() { _fStopping = TRUE; }
inline void CQuotaTable::Lock() { _cs.Enter();
#if DBG
_cLocks++; #endif
inline void CQuotaTable::Unlock() { TrkAssert( 0 < _cLocks ); _cs.Leave();
#if DBG
_cLocks--; #endif
inline void CQuotaTable::IncrementVolumeCountCache() { Lock(); _lCachedVolumeTableCount++; _dwMoveLimit = CalculateMoveLimit(); // Doesn't raise
Unlock(); }
inline void CQuotaTable::DecrementVolumeCountCache() { Lock(); --_lCachedVolumeTableCount; _dwMoveLimit = CalculateMoveLimit(); // Doesn't raise
Unlock(); }
// Class: CVolumeTable
// Purpose: Table of volumes
// Notes:
class CVolumeTable #ifdef VOL_REPL
: PTimerCallback #endif
{ public: // Construction/destruction
inline CVolumeTable( CDbConnection & dbc, CRefreshSequenceStorage * pRefreshSequenceStorage );
inline ~CVolumeTable();
void Initialize(CTrkSvrConfiguration *pconfigSvr, CQuotaTable *pqtable); void UnInitialize();
public: // Public RPC level interface - must be parameter checked
HRESULT ClaimVolume( const CMachineId & mcidClient, const CVolumeId & volume, const CVolumeSecret & secretOld, const CVolumeSecret & secretNew, SequenceNumber * pseq, FILETIME * pftLastRefresh );
HRESULT PreCreateVolume( const CMachineId & mcidClient, const CVolumeSecret & secret, ULONG cUncountedVolumes, CVolumeId * pvolume );
HRESULT DeleteVolume( const CMachineId & mcidClient, const CVolumeId & volume );
HRESULT FindVolume( const CVolumeId & volume, CMachineId * pmcid ); HRESULT QueryVolume( const CMachineId & mcidClient, const CVolumeId & volume, SequenceNumber * pseq, FILETIME * pftLastRefresh ); //-> indent 4 chars
BOOL Touch( const CVolumeId & volume );
HRESULT SetSequenceNumber(const CVolumeId & volume, SequenceNumber seq); HRESULT SetSecret( const CVolumeId & volume, const CVolumeSecret & secret ); int GetAvailableNotificationQuota( const CVolumeId & volid ); DWORD CountVolumes( const CMachineId & mcidClient ); ULONG GarbageCollect( SequenceNumber seqCurrent, SequenceNumber seqOldestToKeep, const BOOL * pfAbort );
HRESULT GetVolumeInfo( const CVolumeId & volume, CMachineId * pmcid, CVolumeSecret * psecret, SequenceNumber * pseq, CFILETIME *pcftRefresh ); HRESULT GetMachine( const CVolumeId & volume, CMachineId * pmcid ); HRESULT SetMachine( const CVolumeId & volume, const CMachineId & mcid );
HRESULT SetMachineAndSecret(const CVolumeId & volume, const CMachineId & mcid, const CVolumeSecret & secret);
inline const TCHAR *GetBaseDn() { return _dbc.GetBaseDn(); }
inline LDAP * Ldap() const { return _dbc.Ldap(); }
#if DBG
void PurgeCache( ); #endif
HRESULT AddVolidToTable( const CVolumeId & volume, const CMachineId & mcidClient, const CVolumeSecret & secret );
void PurgeAll();
#ifdef VOL_REPL
void QueryVolumeChanges( const CFILETIME &ftFirstChange, CVolumeMap * pVolMap ); void SimpleTimer( DWORD dwTimerId ); #endif
private: HRESULT MapResult(int ldap_err) const;
#ifdef VOL_REPL
void _QueryVolumeChanges( const CFILETIME &ftFirstChange, CVolumeMap * pVolMap ); #endif
private: BOOL _fInitializeCalled:1;
CDbConnection & _dbc;
CRefreshSequenceStorage * _pRefreshSequenceStorage; CTrkSvrConfiguration * _pconfigSvr;
// State for caching the volume table so that
// synchronizing the workstation's volume tables is efficient (normally the workstation
// queries will hit the cached query.)
CQuotaTable* _pqtable;
#ifdef VOL_REPL
CCritcalSection _csQueryCache;
CVolumeMap _VolMap; // keeps cache of query since we have many machines
// getting the updates
CFILETIME _cftCacheLowest; CSimpleTimer _timerQueryCache; DWORD _SecondsPreviousToNow;
inline CVolumeTable::CVolumeTable( CDbConnection & dbc, CRefreshSequenceStorage * pRefreshSequenceStorage ) : _dbc(dbc), _fInitializeCalled(FALSE), _pRefreshSequenceStorage( pRefreshSequenceStorage ), _pconfigSvr(NULL) { }
inline CVolumeTable::~CVolumeTable() { UnInitialize(); }
// Class: CDenialChecker
// Purpose: Checks for denial of service attacks
// Notes:
class CDenialChecker : public PTimerCallback { public: inline CDenialChecker(); inline ~CDenialChecker(); void Initialize( ULONG ulHistoryPeriod ); void UnInitialize(); void CheckClient(const CMachineId &mcidClient); virtual TimerContinuation Timer( ULONG ulTimerId ); // timeout for clearing out old ACTIVECLIENTs
private: BOOL _fInitializeCalled; CNewTimer _timer; ACTIVECLIENT * _pListHead;
CCriticalSection _cs; #if DBG
LONG _lAllocs; #endif
inline CDenialChecker::CDenialChecker() : _fInitializeCalled(FALSE) { }
inline CDenialChecker::~CDenialChecker() { UnInitialize(); }
class CTrkSvrRpcServer : public CRpcServer { public:
void Initialize( SVCHOST_GLOBAL_DATA * pSvcsGlobalData, CTrkSvrConfiguration *pTrkSvrConfig ); void UnInitialize( SVCHOST_GLOBAL_DATA * pSvcsGlobalData );
// Class: CTrkSvrSvc
// Purpose: Tracking (Server) Service
// Notes:
#define MAX_SVR_THREADS 10
class CTrkSvrSvc : public PTimerCallback, public IServiceHandler { public: // Initialization
inline CTrkSvrSvc(); inline ~CTrkSvrSvc(); void Initialize(SVCHOST_GLOBAL_DATA * pSvcsGlobalData ); void UnInitialize(HRESULT hr);
public: // RPC server methods
void DeleteNotify( const CMachineId & mcidClient, TRKSVR_CALL_DELETE * pDelete );
HRESULT MoveNotify( const CMachineId & mcidClient, TRKSVR_CALL_MOVE_NOTIFICATION * pMove );
void Search( TRK_FILE_TRACKING_INFORMATION * pSearches );
void old_Search( old_TRK_FILE_TRACKING_INFORMATION * pSearches );
HRESULT SyncVolume( const CMachineId & mcidClient, TRKSVR_SYNC_VOLUME * pSyncVolume, ULONG cUncountedCreates );
void Refresh( const CMachineId & mcidClient, TRKSVR_CALL_REFRESH * pRefresh );
void Statistics( TRKSVR_STATISTICS *pTrkSvrStatistics ); public: // General publics
HRESULT SvrMessage( handle_t IDL_handle, TRKSVR_MESSAGE_UNION * pMsg );
inline void CheckClient( const CMachineId & mcid );
BOOL CountPrioritizedThread( const TRKSVR_MESSAGE_UNION * pMsg );
void ReleasePrioritizedThread( );
void DoRefresh( const CRpcClientBinding & rc );
inline DWORD GetState(); virtual TimerContinuation Timer( ULONG ulTimerContext ); // refresh timer
DWORD ServiceHandler(DWORD dwControl, // IServiceHandler implementation
DWORD dwEventType, PVOID EventData, PVOID pData);
inline const BOOL * GetStopFlagAddress();
BOOL RequireSecureRPC();
HRESULT CreateVolume(const CMachineId & mcidClient, const TRKSVR_SYNC_VOLUME& pSyncVolume);
inline void SetLastError( HRESULT hr ); void OnRequestStart( TRKSVR_MESSAGE_TYPE MsgType ); void OnRequestEnd( TRKSVR_MESSAGE_UNION * pMsg, const CMachineId &mcid, HRESULT hr ); void RaiseIfStopped();
void Scan( IN const CDomainRelativeObjId * pdroidNotificationCurrent, OPTIONAL IN const CDomainRelativeObjId * pdroidNotificationNew, OPTIONAL IN const CDomainRelativeObjId & droidBirth, OUT CDomainRelativeObjId * pdroidList, IN int cdroidList, OUT int * pcSegments, IN OUT CDomainRelativeObjId * pdroidScan, OUT BOOL *pfStringDeleted );
public: // testing
friend class CTestSvrSvc; void TestRestore( const TCHAR * ptszMachine ); private:
void MoveNotify(const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidCurrent, const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidBirth, const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidNew, BOOL *pfQuotaExceeded );
SequenceNumber GetSequenceNumber( const CMachineId & mcidClient, const CVolumeId & volume); void SetSequenceNumber( const CVolumeId & volume, // must ensure that validation already done for volume
SequenceNumber seq );
inline BOOL IncrementAndCheckWritesPerHour(); inline void IncrementWritesPerHour(); BOOL CheckWritesPerHour(); inline ULONG NumWritesThisHour() const; BOOL VerifyMachineOwnsVolume( const CMachineId &mcid, const CVolumeId & volid );
private: // data members
BOOL _fInitializeCalled:1;
// Indicates if we're hesitating before doing a GC
// (see DoWork)
BOOL _fHesitatingBeforeGC:1;
// Indicates that service_stop/shutdown has been received
BOOL _fStopping:1;
// If true, and we're in a GC phase, GC the volume table
// rather than the move table.
BOOL _fGCVolumeTable:1;
// Protect against denail-of-service attacks.
CDenialChecker _denial;
// LDAP manager
CDbConnection _dbc;
CRefreshSequenceStorage _refreshSequence; CCrossDomainTable _cdt; CIntraDomainTable _idt; CVolumeTable _voltab;
CRegDwordParameter _MoveCounterReset; CNewTimer _timerGC; LONG _cGarbageCollectionsRunning;
CQuotaTable _qtable; CTrkSvrRpcServer _rpc; CSvcCtrlInterface _svcctrl;
CTrkSvrConfiguration _configSvr; LONG _cAvailableThreads, _cLowestAvailableThreads;
// The following values track the number of writes (to the DS)
// in an hour. If this gets too high, trksvr disallows writes
// for the rest of the hour.
CFILETIME _cftWritesPerHour; ULONG _cWritesPerHour; CCriticalSection _csWritesPerHour;
// Statistics
struct tagStats { ULONG cSyncVolumeRequests, cSyncVolumeErrors, cSyncVolumeThreads;
ULONG cCreateVolumeRequests, cCreateVolumeErrors; ULONG cClaimVolumeRequests, cClaimVolumeErrors; ULONG cQueryVolumeRequests, cQueryVolumeErrors; ULONG cFindVolumeRequests, cFindVolumeErrors; ULONG cTestVolumeRequests, cTestVolumeErrors;
ULONG cSearchRequests, cSearchErrors, cSearchThreads; ULONG cMoveNotifyRequests, cMoveNotifyErrors, cMoveNotifyThreads; ULONG cRefreshRequests, cRefreshErrors, cRefreshThreads; ULONG cDeleteNotifyRequests, cDeleteNotifyErrors, cDeleteNotifyThreads;
//ULONG ulGCIterationPeriod;
//SHORT cEntriesToGC;
SHORT cEntriesGCed; SHORT cMaxDsWriteEvents; SHORT cCurrentFailedWrites;
CFILETIME cftLastSuccessfulRequest; CFILETIME cftServiceStartTime; HRESULT hrLastError; } _Stats;
COperationLog _OperationLog;
inline CTrkSvrSvc::CTrkSvrSvc() : _fInitializeCalled(FALSE), _fHesitatingBeforeGC(FALSE), _fStopping(FALSE), _idt(_dbc, &_refreshSequence), _cdt(_dbc), _voltab(_dbc, &_refreshSequence), _qtable(_dbc), _cWritesPerHour(0), _cGarbageCollectionsRunning(0), _fGCVolumeTable(FALSE), _MoveCounterReset( TEXT("MoveCounterReset") ), _refreshSequence( &_voltab, &_qtable, &_configSvr ) // refreshSequence uses voltab to store its state
{ // Statistics
memset( &_Stats, 0, sizeof(_Stats) );
_Stats.cftLastSuccessfulRequest = 0; _Stats.cftServiceStartTime = CFILETIME();
} inline CTrkSvrSvc::~CTrkSvrSvc() { TrkAssert(!_fInitializeCalled); }
inline const BOOL * CTrkSvrSvc::GetStopFlagAddress() { return(_svcctrl.GetStopFlagAddress()); }
inline BOOL CTrkSvrSvc::RequireSecureRPC() { return( _rpc.RpcSecurityEnabled() ); }
inline void CTrkSvrSvc::SetLastError( HRESULT hr ) { _Stats.hrLastError = hr; }
inline void CTrkSvrSvc::CheckClient( const CMachineId & mcid ) { _denial.CheckClient( mcid ); }
inline DWORD CTrkSvrSvc::GetState() { return( _svcctrl.GetState() ); }
inline void CTrkSvrSvc::IncrementWritesPerHour() { #if DBG
LONG l = InterlockedIncrement( (LONG*)&_cWritesPerHour ); TrkLog(( TRKDBG_SVR, TEXT("WritesPerHour: %d"), l )); #else
InterlockedIncrement( (LONG*)&_cWritesPerHour ); #endif
inline BOOL CTrkSvrSvc::IncrementAndCheckWritesPerHour() { IncrementWritesPerHour(); return CheckWritesPerHour(); }
inline ULONG CTrkSvrSvc::NumWritesThisHour() const { return _cWritesPerHour; }
// Class: CLdapBinaryMod
// Purpose: Wrapper for all the structures used by LDAP for binary
// attribute modifications
// Notes:
class CLdapBinaryMod { public:
inline CLdapBinaryMod();
// note: the pszAttrName is not copied!
inline CLdapBinaryMod(const TCHAR * pszAttrName, PCCH bv_val, ULONG bv_len, int mod_op); // note: the pszAttrName is not copied!
void Init(const TCHAR * pszAttrName, PCCH bv_val, ULONG bv_len, int mod_op); public:
LDAPMod _mod;
private: LDAP_BERVAL _BerVal; LDAP_BERVAL * _apBerVals[2]; };
inline CLdapBinaryMod::CLdapBinaryMod() { }
inline CLdapBinaryMod::CLdapBinaryMod(const TCHAR * pszAttrName, PCCH bv_val, ULONG bv_len, int mod_op) { Init(pszAttrName, bv_val, bv_len, mod_op); } inline void CLdapBinaryMod::Init(const TCHAR * pszAttrName, PCCH bv_val, ULONG bv_len, int mod_op) { _mod.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_BVALUES | mod_op; _mod.mod_type = (TCHAR*)pszAttrName;
// bv_val might be null if this is a delete.
if( NULL != bv_val ) { _BerVal.bv_len = bv_len; _BerVal.bv_val = const_cast<PCHAR>(bv_val); _apBerVals[0] = &_BerVal; _apBerVals[1] = NULL; _mod.mod_bvalues = _apBerVals; } else _mod.mod_bvalues = NULL; }
// Class: CLdapStringMod
// Purpose: Wrapper for all the structures used by LDAP for string
// attribute modifications
// Notes:
class CLdapStringMod { public:
inline CLdapStringMod();
// note: the pszAttrName is not copied!
inline CLdapStringMod(const TCHAR * pszAttrName, const TCHAR * str_val, int mod_op);
// note: the pszAttrName is not copied!
void Init(const TCHAR * pszAttrName, const TCHAR * str_val, int mod_op); public:
LDAPMod _mod;
TCHAR * _apsz[2]; };
inline CLdapStringMod::CLdapStringMod() { }
inline CLdapStringMod::CLdapStringMod(const TCHAR * pszAttrName, const TCHAR * str_val, int mod_op) { // if we're specifying the objectClass we don't
TrkAssert(_tcscmp(pszAttrName, s_objectClass) != 0 || mod_op == 0); Init(pszAttrName, str_val, mod_op); }
inline void CLdapStringMod::Init(const TCHAR * pszAttrName, const TCHAR * str_val, int mod_op) { _mod.mod_op = mod_op; _mod.mod_type = (TCHAR*)pszAttrName; _mod.mod_vals.modv_strvals = _apsz; _apsz[0] = (TCHAR*)str_val; _apsz[1] = NULL; }
// Class: CLdapTimeValue
class CLdapTimeValue { public: CLdapTimeValue() { //memset(_abPad,0,sizeof(_abPad));
_stprintf( _tszTime, TEXT("%I64u"), (LONGLONG)CFILETIME() ); }
CLdapTimeValue(const CFILETIME &cft) { _stprintf( _tszTime, TEXT("%I64u"), (LONGLONG) cft ); }
// mikehill: is this still necessary?
void Swap();
inline BYTE & Byte(int i) { return( ((BYTE*)this)[i] ); }
operator TCHAR*() { return( _tszTime ); }
TCHAR _tszTime[ CCH_UINT64 ];
//BYTE _abPad[sizeof(GUID) - sizeof(CFILETIME)];
inline void CLdapTimeValue::Swap() { BYTE b;
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(*this)/2; i++) { b = Byte(i); Byte(i) = Byte(sizeof(*this)-i-1); Byte(sizeof(*this)-i-1) = b; } }
// Class: CLdapRefreshSeq
class CLdapRefresh { public:
CLdapRefresh( SequenceNumber seq ) { _stprintf( _tszSeq, TEXT("%u"), seq ); }
operator TCHAR*() { return( _tszSeq ); }
TCHAR _tszSeq[ CCH_UINT64 ]; };
// Class: CLdapOMTAddModify
// Purpose: Wrapper for all the structures used to set a linkTrackOMTEntry
// (an entry in the Object Move Table)
// Notes:
class CLdapOMTAddModify { public: CLdapOMTAddModify( const CDomainRelativeObjId & droidKey, const CDomainRelativeObjId & droidNew, const CDomainRelativeObjId & droidBirth, const ULONG & seqRefresh, BYTE bFlags, // Only used on LDAP_MOD_ADD
int mod_op ); CLdapStringMod _lsmClass; CLdapBinaryMod _lbmCurrentLocation; CLdapBinaryMod _lbmBirthLocation; CLdapStringMod _lsmRefresh; CLdapBinaryMod _lbmFlags;
// We need to keep a CLdapTimeValue as a member in order to guarantee that
// it will remain in memory (_lsmRefresh will point to this data).
CLdapRefresh _ltvRefresh;
LDAPMod * _mods[7]; };
class CLdapVolumeKeyDn { public: // specific volume
CLdapVolumeKeyDn( const TCHAR * ptszBaseDn, const CVolumeId & volume ) { // Compose, e.g., the following DN:
// "CN=e3d954b2-d0a7-11d0-8cb6-00c04fd90f85,CN=VolumeTable,CN=FileLinks,DC=TRKDOM"
TCHAR *psz = _szDn;
_tcscpy(_szDn, TEXT("CN=")); psz += _tcslen(_szDn);
*psz++ = TEXT(',');
_tcscpy(psz, s_VolumeTableRDN); // The vol table, relative to the base
_tcscat(psz, ptszBaseDn); TrkAssert(_tcslen(_szDn) < ELEMENTS(_szDn)); }
// all volumes
CLdapVolumeKeyDn( const TCHAR * ptszBaseDn ) { _tcscpy(_szDn, s_VolumeTableRDN); _tcscat(_szDn, ptszBaseDn); TrkAssert(_tcslen(_szDn) < ELEMENTS(_szDn)); }
inline operator TCHAR * () { return _szDn; }
private: TCHAR _szDn[MAX_PATH]; };
// Class: CLdapIdtKeyDn
// Purpose: Generates distinguished name for a CDomainRelativeObjId
// Notes:
class CLdapIdtKeyDn { public: inline CLdapIdtKeyDn(const TCHAR * pszBaseDn, const CDomainRelativeObjId &ld); inline CLdapIdtKeyDn(const TCHAR * pszBaseDn );
inline operator TCHAR * ();
private: TCHAR _szDn[MAX_PATH]; };
inline CLdapIdtKeyDn::CLdapIdtKeyDn(const TCHAR * pszBaseDn, const CDomainRelativeObjId &ld) { // puts in something like "CN=v23487...65239238o23487...48652398"
ld.FillLdapIdtKeyBuffer(_szDn, sizeof(_szDn)/sizeof(_szDn[0]));
// make sure room for that string and the table name and the base dn
if (_tcslen(_szDn) + 1 + _tcslen(s_ObjectMoveTableRDN) + _tcslen(pszBaseDn) + 1 > sizeof(_szDn)/sizeof(_szDn[0])) { TrkRaiseException(TRK_E_DN_TOO_LONG); }
_tcscat(_szDn, TEXT(",")); _tcscat(_szDn, s_ObjectMoveTableRDN); _tcscat(_szDn, pszBaseDn); TrkAssert(_tcslen(_szDn) < sizeof(_szDn)/sizeof(_szDn[0])); }
inline CLdapIdtKeyDn::CLdapIdtKeyDn(const TCHAR * pszBaseDn) { // make sure room for that string and the table name and the base dn
if (1 + _tcslen(s_ObjectMoveTableRDN) + _tcslen(pszBaseDn) + 1 > sizeof(_szDn)/sizeof(_szDn[0])) { TrkRaiseException(TRK_E_DN_TOO_LONG); }
_tcscpy(_szDn, s_ObjectMoveTableRDN); _tcscat(_szDn, pszBaseDn); TrkAssert(_tcslen(_szDn) < sizeof(_szDn)/sizeof(_szDn[0])); }
inline CLdapIdtKeyDn::operator TCHAR * () { return(_szDn); }