// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// File: LogSect.cxx
// Classes: CLogFileSector
#include "pch.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "trkwks.hxx"
// Method: Initialize
// Synopsis: Initialize CLogFileSector. This is called once for the object,
// not for every sector it touches.
// Inputs: [cSkipSectors] (in)
// The number of sectors at the front of the file we're not
// allowed to touch.
// [cbSector] (in)
// The size of a disk sector.
// Outputs: None
void CLogFileSector::Initialize( ULONG cSkipSectors, ULONG cbSector ) { // Is the sector large enough?
if( sizeof(LogEntry) + sizeof(LogEntryHeader) > cbSector ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Sector size isn't large enough for log sectors") )); TrkRaiseWin32Error( ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION ); }
// Allocate enough memory to hold a single sector. This is the
// only alloc in the class.
if( NULL != _pvSector && _cbSector != cbSector ) { delete [] _pvSector; _pvSector = NULL; }
if( NULL == _pvSector ) { _pvSector = static_cast<void*>( new BYTE[ cbSector ] ); if( NULL == _pvSector ) { TrkLog((TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't alloc a sector in CLogFileSector"))); TrkRaiseWin32Error( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } }
// The entry header is at the end of every sector, always in the same place.
_pEntryHeader = reinterpret_cast<LogEntryHeader*>( reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(_pvSector) + cbSector - sizeof(*_pEntryHeader) );
// Initialize the flags
_fValid = FALSE; _fDirty = FALSE;
// Save the inputs
_cSkipSectors = cSkipSectors; _cbSector = cbSector;
// Calculate how many entries can fit in a sector.
_cEntriesPerSector = ( _cbSector - sizeof(*_pEntryHeader) ) / sizeof(LogEntry);
} // CLogFileSector::Initialize
// Method: UnInitialize
// Synopsis: Free resources and re-initialize data members.
// Inputs: None
// Output: None
void CLogFileSector::UnInitialize() { if( NULL != _pvSector ) { if( IsOpen() ) OnClose();
void *pvSector = _pvSector; _pvSector = NULL; delete [] pvSector; }
_fValid = FALSE;
} // CLogFileSector::UnInitialize
// Method: LoadSector
// Synopsis: Load a data sector from the log file.
// Inputs: [ilogEntry] (in)
// The index of the entry to load. This is a 0-relative
// index, relative to the first data sector in the file.
// Output: None
void CLogFileSector::LoadSector( LogIndex ilogEntry ) { ULONG iSector = 0; LARGE_INTEGER liOffset; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
TrkAssert( _pvSector ); TrkAssert( NULL != _hFile );
// We can skip everything if the correct sector is already loaded
if( !_fValid || ilogEntry < _ilogCurrentFirst || ilogEntry >= _ilogCurrentFirst + _cEntriesPerSector ) { // No, the sector isn't currently loaded.
ULONG cbRead = 0; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock;
// If the current sector is dirty, flush it now, because we're
// about to lose it.
// Which sector contains this log entry?
iSector = ilogEntry / _cEntriesPerSector + _cSkipSectors;
// What is the byte index of this sector?
liOffset.QuadPart = iSector * _cbSector;
// Read the sector
status = NtReadFile( _hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, _pvSector, _cbSector, &liOffset, NULL );
if ( STATUS_PENDING == status ) { // Wait for the operation to complete. The resulting status
// will be put in the IOSB
status = NtWaitForSingleObject( _hFile, FALSE, NULL );
if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) status = IoStatusBlock.Status; }
// Validate the results of the read
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { TrkLog((TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't read data sector from log file"))); if(STATUS_VOLUME_DISMOUNTED == status) { TrkRaiseNtStatus(status); } else { TrkRaiseException( TRK_E_CORRUPT_LOG ); } }
if( NULL != g_ptrkwks ) // NULL when called by dltadmin.exe
if( _cbSector != IoStatusBlock.Information ) { TrkLog((TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't read enough data bytes from log (%d)"), IoStatusBlock.Information )); TrkRaiseException( TRK_E_CORRUPT_LOG ); }
// Remember what sector we've got (we keep the index of the first
// entry in this sector).
_ilogCurrentFirst = ( iSector - _cSkipSectors ) * _cEntriesPerSector; _fValid = TRUE;
} // if( !_fValid ...
} // CLogFileSector::LoadSector
// Method: Flush
// Synopsis: Flush the current sector (if there is one) to the underlying
// log file.
// Inputs: None
// Output: None
void CLogFileSector::Flush( ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; RaiseIfNotOpen();
// Is the sector loaded & dirty?
if( _fValid && _fDirty ) { // Yes, we need to flush it
ULONG iSector = 0; LARGE_INTEGER liOffset; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock;
TrkAssert( NULL != _hFile );
// Which sector contains the currently-loaded log entry?
iSector = _ilogCurrentFirst / _cEntriesPerSector + _cSkipSectors;
// Write the sector to the file
liOffset.QuadPart = iSector * _cbSector;
status = NtWriteFile( _hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, _pvSector, _cbSector, &liOffset, NULL );
if ( STATUS_PENDING == status ) { // Wait for the operation to complete. The resulting status
// will be put in the IOSB
status = NtWaitForSingleObject( _hFile, FALSE, NULL );
if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) status = IoStatusBlock.Status; }
// Validate the results of the write
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { TrkLog((TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't write data to the log file"))); TrkRaiseNtStatus( status ); }
if( _cbSector != IoStatusBlock.Information ) { TrkLog((TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't write enough data bytes to the log (%d)"), IoStatusBlock.Information )); TrkRaiseException( TRK_E_CORRUPT_LOG ); }
if( NULL != g_ptrkwks ) // NULL when called by dltadmin.exe
SetDirty( FALSE );
} // if( _fValid && _fDirty )
} // CLogFileSector::Flush