// The following tests need to be added:
// - Run the bad-shutdown test on an empty log (forcing a special path
// in CalcLogInfo).
#include "pch.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "trkwks.hxx"
BOOL g_fNotified = FALSE; extern ULONG g_Debug; BOOL g_fTLogDebug = FALSE; CTrkWksConfiguration g_cTrkWksConfiguration; CWorkManager g_WorkManager; CTestLog g_cTestLog( &g_cTrkWksConfiguration, &g_WorkManager );
inline void TestRaise( HRESULT hr, TCHAR *ptszMessage, va_list Arguments ) { CHAR szHR[8];
sprintf( szHR, "%#08X", hr );
if( NULL != ptszMessage ) TrkLogErrorRoutineInternal( TRKDBG_ERROR, szHR, ptszMessage, Arguments );
RaiseException( hr, 0, 0, NULL ); }
inline void TestRaiseException( HRESULT hr, TCHAR *ptszMessage = NULL, ... ) { va_list Arguments; va_start( Arguments, ptszMessage );
TestRaise( hr, ptszMessage, Arguments ); }
class CTestLogCallback : public PLogCallback { void OnEntriesAvailable(); };
void CTestLogCallback::OnEntriesAvailable() { g_fNotified = TRUE; }
CTestLog::CTestLog( CTrkWksConfiguration *pTrkWksConfiguration, CWorkManager *pWorkManager ) {
_pTrkWksConfiguration = pTrkWksConfiguration; _pWorkManager = pWorkManager; *_tszLogFile = TEXT('\0');
} // CTestLog::CTestLog
void CTestLog::ReInitialize() { _cLogFile.UnInitialize(); DeleteFile( _tszLogFile ); _cLogFile.Initialize( _tszLogFile, _pTrkWksConfiguration, &_cSimpleTimer ); _cLog.Initialize( NULL, _pTrkWksConfiguration, &_cLogFile ); }
void CTestLog::GenerateLogName() { DWORD dw; TCHAR tszRootPath[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; DWORD cSectorsPerCluster, cNumberOfFreeClusters, cTotalNumberOfClusters;
if( TEXT('\0') != *_tszLogFile ) return;
// Generate a log file name
if( !GetCurrentDirectory( sizeof(_tszLogFile), _tszLogFile )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't get the current directory") )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
if( TEXT('\\') != _tszLogFile[ _tcslen(_tszLogFile) ] ) _tcscat( _tszLogFile, TEXT("\\") ); _tcscat( _tszLogFile, TEXT("TLog.log") );
// Calculate the sector size
TrkAssert( TEXT(':') == _tszLogFile[1] );
_tcsncpy( tszRootPath, _tszLogFile, sizeof("a:\\") - 1 ); tszRootPath[ sizeof("a:\\") - 1 ] = TEXT('\0');
if( !GetDiskFreeSpace( tszRootPath, &cSectorsPerCluster, &_cbSector, &cNumberOfFreeClusters, &cTotalNumberOfClusters )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't get bytes-per-sector value on %s"), tszRootPath )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
} // CTestLog::GenerateLogName()
const TCHAR* CTestLog::LogFileName() { return( _tszLogFile ); }
ULONG CTestLog::DataSectorOffset() const { return( _cLogFile._header.NumSectors() * CBSector() ); }
void CTestLog::CreateLog( PLogCallback *pLogCallback, BOOL fValidate ) { TCHAR tszLogFile[ MAX_PATH + 1 ];
GenerateLogName(); DeleteFile( _tszLogFile );
_pWorkManager->Initialize(); _cSimpleTimer.Initialize( this, _pWorkManager, 0, 0, NULL ); _cLogFile.Initialize( _tszLogFile, _pTrkWksConfiguration, &_cSimpleTimer ); _cLog.Initialize( pLogCallback, _pTrkWksConfiguration, &_cLogFile ); StartTestWorkerThread(_pWorkManager);
if( fValidate ) ValidateLog();
} // CTestLog::CreateLog()
void CTestLog::Timer( DWORD dwTimerId ) { _cLog.Flush( FLUSH_TO_CACHE ); _cLogFile.SetShutdown( TRUE ); _cLogFile.Flush( FLUSH_THROUGH_CACHE ); _cLogFile.OnLogCloseTimer(); }
void CTestLog::OpenLog( PLogCallback *pLogCallback, BOOL fValidate ) { GenerateLogName();
_pWorkManager->Initialize(); _cSimpleTimer.Initialize( this, _pWorkManager, 0, 0, NULL ); _cLogFile.Initialize( _tszLogFile, _pTrkWksConfiguration, &_cSimpleTimer ); _cLog.Initialize( pLogCallback, _pTrkWksConfiguration, &_cLogFile ); StartTestWorkerThread(_pWorkManager);
if( fValidate ) ValidateLog();
} // CTestLog::CreateLog()
void CTestLog::CloseLog() { _pWorkManager->StopWorkerThread(); WaitTestThreadExit();
_cLog.Flush( FLUSH_TO_CACHE ); _cLogFile.SetShutdown( TRUE ); _cLogFile.Flush( FLUSH_THROUGH_CACHE );
_cLogFile.UnInitialize(); _cSimpleTimer.UnInitialize(); _pWorkManager->UnInitialize(); }
void CTestLog::Append( ULONG cMoves, const TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION rgNotifications[] ) { LogMoveNotification lmn; SequenceNumber seqOriginal, seqFinal;
if( _cLog.IsEmpty() ) seqOriginal = -1; else { _cLogFile.ReadMoveNotification( _cLog._loginfo.ilogLast, &lmn ); seqOriginal = lmn.seq; }
g_fNotified = FALSE;
for( ULONG i = 0; i < cMoves; i++ ) { _cLog.Append( rgNotifications[i].droidCurrent, rgNotifications[i].droidNew, rgNotifications[i].droidBirth ); }
_cLogFile.ReadMoveNotification( _cLog._loginfo.ilogLast, &lmn ); seqFinal = lmn.seq;
if( seqFinal != (SequenceNumber)(seqOriginal + cMoves) ) TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Incorrect sequence numbers after Append (%d + %d = %d?)\n"), seqOriginal, cMoves, seqFinal );
if( !g_fNotified ) TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Didn't receive a notification during an append\n") );
} // CTestLog::Append()
ULONG CTestLog::Read( ULONG cRead, TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION rgNotifications[], SequenceNumber *pseqFirst ) { _cLog.Read( rgNotifications, pseqFirst, &cRead ); return( cRead );
} // CTestLog::ReadLog()
void CTestLog::ReadExtendedHeader( ULONG iOffset, void *pv, ULONG cb ) { _cLogFile.ReadExtendedHeader( iOffset, pv, cb ); }
void CTestLog::WriteExtendedHeader( ULONG iOffset, const void *pv, ULONG cb ) { _cLogFile.WriteExtendedHeader( iOffset, pv, cb ); }
void CTestLog::ReadAndValidate( ULONG cToRead, ULONG cExpected, const TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION rgNotificationsExpected[], TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION rgNotificationsRead[], SequenceNumber seqExpected ) { ULONG cLogEntriesRead = 0; SequenceNumber seq;
memset( rgNotificationsRead, 0, sizeof(*rgNotificationsRead) * cExpected );
cLogEntriesRead = Read( cToRead, rgNotificationsRead, &seq );
if( cLogEntriesRead != cExpected ) { TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Bad read from log; expected %d entries, got %d\n"), cExpected, cLogEntriesRead ); }
if( seq != seqExpected && 0 != cExpected ) { TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Invalid sequence number from log (got %d, expected %d)\n"), seq, seqExpected ); }
if( 0 != cExpected ) {
for( ULONG i = 0; i < cExpected; i++ ) if( memcmp( &rgNotificationsExpected[i], &rgNotificationsRead[i], sizeof(rgNotificationsRead[i]) )) { TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Log entries read don't match that which was expected\n") ); } }
} // CTestLog::ReadAndValidate()
SequenceNumber CTestLog::GetNextSeqNumber( ) { return( _cLog.GetNextSeqNumber() );
} // CTestLog::GetLatestSeqNumber()
BOOL CTestLog::Search( const CDomainRelativeObjId &droid, TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION *pNotification ) { pNotification->droidCurrent = droid;
return( _cLog.Search( pNotification->droidCurrent, &pNotification->droidNew, &pNotification->droidBirth ) );
} // CTestLog::Search()
void CTestLog::Seek( SequenceNumber seq ) {
SequenceNumber seqOriginal; LogIndex ilogOriginal; LogMoveNotification lmn;
ilogOriginal = _cLog._loginfo.ilogRead; if( ilogOriginal != _cLog._loginfo.ilogWrite ) { _cLogFile.ReadMoveNotification( _cLog._loginfo.ilogRead, &lmn ); seqOriginal = lmn.seq; }
g_fNotified = FALSE; _cLog.Seek( seq );
if( seq != _cLog._loginfo.seqNext ) { _cLogFile.ReadMoveNotification( _cLog._loginfo.ilogRead, &lmn );
if( ilogOriginal == _cLog._loginfo.ilogWrite || seqOriginal > lmn.seq ) {
if( !g_fNotified && !_cLog.IsEmpty() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Didn't receive a notification after a backwards seek") )); TrkRaiseException( E_FAIL ); } } } } // CTestLog::Seek( SequenceNumber ... )
void CTestLog::Seek( int origin, int iSeek ) { SequenceNumber seqOriginal; LogMoveNotification lmn;
_cLogFile.ReadMoveNotification( _cLog._loginfo.ilogRead, &lmn );
seqOriginal = _cLog._loginfo.ilogRead == _cLog._loginfo.ilogWrite ? _cLog._loginfo.seqNext : lmn.seq;
g_fNotified = FALSE; _cLog.Seek( origin, iSeek );
_cLogFile.ReadMoveNotification( _cLog._loginfo.ilogRead, &lmn );
if( !_cLog.IsRead() && seqOriginal > lmn.seq ) { if( !g_fNotified && !_cLog.IsEmpty() ) TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Didn't receive a notification after a backwards seek") ); }
} // CTestLog::Seek( origin ... )
void CTestLog::ValidateLog() { ULONG cEntries = _cLogFile.NumEntriesInFile(); LogIndex ilogEntry, i, j; ULONG *rgiNext = NULL; ULONG *rgiPrev = NULL;
__try { rgiNext = (ULONG*) new ULONG[ cEntries ]; rgiPrev = (ULONG*) new ULONG[ cEntries ];
for( ilogEntry = 0; ilogEntry < cEntries; ilogEntry++ ) { rgiNext[ ilogEntry ] = _cLogFile._sector.GetLogEntry( ilogEntry )->ilogNext; rgiPrev[ ilogEntry ] = _cLogFile._sector.GetLogEntry( ilogEntry )->ilogPrevious; }
for( i = 0; i < cEntries; i++ ) { // Validate that the entry pointed to by i->next, points
// back to i with its prev pointer.
if( rgiPrev[ rgiNext[i] ] != i ) TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Two entries don't point to each other: %d, %d, %d\n"), i, rgiNext[i], rgiPrev[ rgiNext[i] ] );
// Verify that noone else's next/prev pointers point to
// i's next/prev pointers.
for( j = i+1; j < cEntries; j++ ) { if( rgiNext[i] == rgiNext[j] ) TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Two entries in the log have the same next pointer: %d and %d (point to %d)\n"), i, j, rgiNext[i] );
if( rgiPrev[i] == rgiPrev[j] ) TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Two entries in the log have the same prev pointer: %d and %d (point to %d)\n"), i, j, rgiPrev[i] );
} }
} __finally { delete[] rgiNext; delete[] rgiPrev; }
} // CTestLog::ValidateLog()
ULONG CTestLog::GetCbLog() { return( _cLogFile._cbLogFile ); }
void CTestLog::DelayUntilClose() { _tprintf( TEXT(" Sleeping so that the log auto-closes\n") ); Sleep( 1500 * _pTrkWksConfiguration->GetLogFileOpenTime() );
if( _cLogFile.IsOpen() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("After delaying, log file did not close") )); TrkRaiseException( E_FAIL ); } }
void CTestLog::MakeEntryOld() { _cLogFile._sector.GetLogEntry( _cLog._loginfo.ilogStart )->move.DateWritten -= _pTrkWksConfiguration->_dwLogOverwriteAge + 1; _cLogFile.Flush( FLUSH_UNCONDITIONALLY );
} // CTestLog::MakeStartOld()
ULONG CTestLog::GetNumEntries() { return( _cLogFile.NumEntriesInFile() );
} // CTestLog::GetNumEntries()
LogIndex CTestLog::GetStartIndex() { return( _cLog._loginfo.ilogStart ); }
LogIndex CTestLog::GetEndIndex() { return( _cLog._loginfo.ilogEnd ); }
LogIndex CTestLog::GetReadIndex() { return( _cLog._loginfo.ilogRead ); }
void CTestLog::SetReadIndex( LogIndex ilogRead ) { _cLog._loginfo.ilogRead = ilogRead; _cLog.RefreshHeader(); _cLogFile.Flush(); }
BOOL CTestLog::IsEmpty() { BOOL fReturn; fReturn = _cLog.IsEmpty(); return( fReturn ); }
ULONG CTestLog::NumEntriesInFile( ) { ULONG cSectors = _cLogFile._cbLogFile / _cbSector - NUM_HEADER_SECTORS; ULONG cEntriesPerSector = (_cbSector-sizeof(LogEntryHeader)) / sizeof(LogEntry);
return( cSectors * cEntriesPerSector ); }
ULONG CTestLog::NumEntriesPerSector() { return( ( _cbSector-sizeof(LogEntryHeader) ) / sizeof(LogEntry) ); }
ULONG CTestLog::NumEntriesPerKB() { return( (1024 / _cbSector) * NumEntriesPerSector() ); }
ULONG CTestLog::CBSector() const { return( _cbSector ); }
void ReadTest( ULONG cEntries, TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION rgNotificationsExpected[], TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION rgNotificationsRead[], SequenceNumber seqExpected ) { g_cTestLog.ReadAndValidate( cEntries + 1, cEntries, rgNotificationsExpected, rgNotificationsRead, seqExpected );
g_cTestLog.ReadAndValidate( cEntries, cEntries, rgNotificationsExpected, rgNotificationsRead, seqExpected );
if( cEntries > 1 ) { g_cTestLog.ReadAndValidate( cEntries - 1, cEntries - 1, rgNotificationsExpected, rgNotificationsRead, seqExpected );
g_cTestLog.ReadAndValidate( 1, 1, rgNotificationsExpected, rgNotificationsRead, seqExpected ); } }
void ExerciseLog( ULONG cEntries, SequenceNumber seqFirst, TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION rgNotificationsExpected[], TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION rgNotificationsRead[] ) { SequenceNumber seqExpected = seqFirst; SequenceNumber seqRead; ULONG cRead;
ULONG iReadOriginal = g_cTestLog.GetReadIndex();
ReadTest( cEntries, rgNotificationsExpected, rgNotificationsRead, seqExpected );
if( 0 != cEntries ) { // Skip forward by one entry
g_cTestLog.Seek( SEEK_CUR, 1 ); seqExpected++;
ReadTest( cEntries-1, &rgNotificationsExpected[1], &rgNotificationsRead[1], seqExpected );
if( cEntries > 1 ) { // Skip forward by one entry, but using an absolute seek.
g_cTestLog.Seek( SEEK_SET, 2 ); seqExpected++;
ReadTest( cEntries-2, &rgNotificationsExpected[2], &rgNotificationsRead[2], seqExpected );
// Do a relative seek back in the log.
g_cTestLog.Seek( SEEK_CUR, -1 ); seqExpected--;
ReadTest( cEntries-1, &rgNotificationsExpected[1], &rgNotificationsRead[1], seqExpected );
// Do a relative seek back to the beginning of the log
g_cTestLog.Seek( SEEK_CUR, -1000 ); seqExpected--;
ReadTest( cEntries, &rgNotificationsExpected[0], &rgNotificationsRead[0], seqExpected );
// Skip forward by the remaining entries
g_cTestLog.Seek( SEEK_CUR, cEntries ); seqExpected += cEntries;
cRead = g_cTestLog.Read( 1, rgNotificationsRead, &seqRead ); if( 0 != cRead ) TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Shouldn't have been able to read an already-read log\n") );
// Seek to the end (which is where the read index already is), to ensure
// that nothing happens.
g_fNotified = FALSE; g_cTestLog.Seek( seqFirst + cEntries );
if( g_fNotified ) TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("A seek-to-current shouldn't have caused a notification") );
cRead = g_cTestLog.Read( 1, rgNotificationsRead, &seqRead ); if( 0 != cRead ) TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Shouldn't have been able to read an already-read log\n") );
// Over-seek to the end.
g_fNotified = FALSE; g_cTestLog.Seek( SEEK_CUR, 1000 );
if( g_fNotified ) TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("A seek-to-current shouldn't have caused a notification") );
cRead = g_cTestLog.Read( 1, rgNotificationsRead, &seqRead ); if( 0 != cRead ) TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Shouldn't have been able to read an already-read log\n") );
// Seek to the start of the log
g_cTestLog.Seek( seqFirst ); seqExpected = seqFirst; ReadTest( cEntries, rgNotificationsExpected, rgNotificationsRead, seqExpected );
if( 0 != cEntries ) { // Seek to the end of the log
seqExpected = seqFirst + (ULONG)(cEntries - 1); g_cTestLog.Seek( seqExpected ); ReadTest( 1, &rgNotificationsExpected[cEntries-1], &rgNotificationsRead[cEntries-1], seqExpected );
g_cTestLog.Seek( SEEK_CUR, 1 ); }
// Search for each of the log entries
for( ULONG i = 0; i < cEntries; i++ ) { if( !g_cTestLog.Search( rgNotificationsExpected[i].droidCurrent, rgNotificationsRead )) { TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Search failed to find entry") ); }
if( memcmp( &rgNotificationsExpected[i], rgNotificationsRead, sizeof(*rgNotificationsRead) )) TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Search failed on entry %d"), i ); }
g_cTestLog.SetReadIndex( iReadOriginal );
} // ExerciseLog()
void FillAndExerciseLog( ULONG cEntriesOriginal, ULONG cEntriesTotal, SequenceNumber seqFirst, TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION rgNotificationsWrite[], TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION rgNotificationsRead[] ) { // Test the log as-is
ExerciseLog( cEntriesOriginal, seqFirst, rgNotificationsWrite, rgNotificationsRead );
// Add an entry to the log and re-test
g_cTestLog.Append( 1, &rgNotificationsWrite[ cEntriesOriginal ] ); ExerciseLog( cEntriesOriginal + 1, seqFirst, rgNotificationsWrite, rgNotificationsRead );
// Test a full log
g_cTestLog.Append( cEntriesTotal - cEntriesOriginal - 2, &rgNotificationsWrite[ cEntriesOriginal + 1] ); ExerciseLog( cEntriesTotal - 1, seqFirst, rgNotificationsWrite, rgNotificationsRead );
ULONG LogIndex2SectorIndex( ULONG cbSector, LogIndex ilog ) { ULONG cEntriesPerSector = ( cbSector - sizeof(LogEntryHeader) ) / sizeof(LogEntry); return( ilog / cEntriesPerSector + NUM_HEADER_SECTORS ); }
void ReadLogSector( HANDLE hFile, LogIndex ilog, ULONG cbSector, BYTE rgbSector[] ) { ULONG iSector = LogIndex2SectorIndex( cbSector, ilog ); ULONG cb;
if( 0xFFFFFFFF == SetFilePointer(hFile, iSector * cbSector, NULL, FILE_BEGIN )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't seek file to %lu (in test)"), iSector*cbSector )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
if( !ReadFile( hFile, rgbSector, cbSector, &cb, NULL ) || cbSector != cb ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't read from logfile (in test), cbRead = %d"), cb )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); } }
void WriteLogSector( HANDLE hFile, LogIndex ilog, ULONG cbSector, BYTE rgbSector[] ) { ULONG iSector = LogIndex2SectorIndex( cbSector, ilog ); ULONG cb;
if( 0xFFFFFFFF == SetFilePointer(hFile, iSector * cbSector, NULL, FILE_BEGIN )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't seek file to %lu (in test)"), iSector*cbSector )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
if( !WriteFile( hFile, rgbSector, cbSector, &cb, NULL ) || cbSector != cb ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't write to logfile (in test), cbWritten = %d"), cb )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); } }
void CreateNewLog( CTestLogCallback *pcTestLogCallback, ULONG *pcLogEntries, ULONG *piNotifications, SequenceNumber *pseqFirst) {
_tprintf( TEXT(" Creating a log") );
g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwMinLogKB = 1; g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwMaxLogKB = 1;
g_cTestLog.CreateLog( pcTestLogCallback );
*pcLogEntries = g_cTestLog.NumEntriesInFile(); *piNotifications = 0; *pseqFirst = 0;
if( 0 != g_cTestLog.GetNextSeqNumber( )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Next sequence number should be zero after a create") )); TrkRaiseException( E_FAIL ); }
_tprintf( TEXT(" (%d entries)\n"), *pcLogEntries );
EXTERN_C void __cdecl _tmain( int argc, TCHAR *argv[] ) { CTestLogCallback cTestLogCallback;
TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION rgNotificationsWritten[ 50 ]; TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION rgNotificationsRead[ 50 ]; TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION tempNotificationWrite, tempNotificationRead;
__try {
ULONG cLogEntries = 0; ULONG i; DWORD dw; ULONG cRead, cb, cbFile; SequenceNumber seqFirst = 0; BOOL fAppendFailed; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BYTE rgbSector[ 2048 ]; LogHeader *plogheader = NULL; LogEntry *plogentry = NULL; ULONG iNotifications = 0;
BYTE rgbExtendedHeaderWrite[ 16 ]; BYTE rgbExtendedHeaderRead[ 16 ];
LogIndex ilogStart, ilogEnd;
// --------------
// Initialization
// --------------
_tprintf( TEXT("\nCLog Unit Test\n") ); _tprintf( TEXT( "==============\n\n") );
if( argc > 1 ) { if( !_tcscmp( TEXT("/D"), argv[1] ) || !_tcscmp( TEXT("/d"), argv[1] ) || !_tcscmp( TEXT("-D"), argv[1] ) || !_tcscmp( TEXT("-d"), argv[1] ) ) { g_fTLogDebug = TRUE; } } // if( argc > 1 )
TrkDebugCreate( TRK_DBG_FLAGS_WRITE_TO_DBG | (g_fTLogDebug ? TRK_DBG_FLAGS_WRITE_TO_STDOUT : 0), "TLog" );
g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwMinLogKB = 1; g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwMaxLogKB = 1; g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwLogDeltaKB = 1; g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwLogOverwriteAge = 10; g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwLogFileOpenTime = 10; g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwDebugFlags = (0xFFFFFFFF & ~TRKDBG_WORKMAN);
g_Debug = g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwDebugFlags;
for( i = 0; i < sizeof(rgNotificationsWritten); i++ ) ((BYTE*) rgNotificationsWritten)[ i ] = (BYTE) i;
// -----------
// Basic Tests
// -----------
_tprintf( TEXT("Basic exercises\n") );
CreateNewLog( &cTestLogCallback, &cLogEntries, &iNotifications, &seqFirst );
// Test the initial log
FillAndExerciseLog( 0, cLogEntries, seqFirst, rgNotificationsWritten, rgNotificationsRead );
// Seek to a non-existent entry in the log
g_cTestLog.Seek( 1 ); g_cTestLog.Seek( -1 ); ExerciseLog( cLogEntries-1, 0, &rgNotificationsWritten[ iNotifications ], &rgNotificationsRead[ iNotifications ] );
// Cause the log to expand. Note that in this case, the start/end indices are
// currently at the start/end of the file.
_tprintf( TEXT("Cause the log to expand") );
g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwLogDeltaKB = 1; g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwMaxLogKB = g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwMaxLogKB + 1;
g_cTestLog.Append( 1, &rgNotificationsWritten[ cLogEntries - 1] );
_tprintf( TEXT(" (%d entries)\n"), g_cTestLog.NumEntriesInFile() );
FillAndExerciseLog( cLogEntries, g_cTestLog.NumEntriesInFile(), seqFirst, &rgNotificationsWritten[ iNotifications ], &rgNotificationsRead[ iNotifications ] ); cLogEntries = g_cTestLog.NumEntriesInFile();
// Close and re-open the log
_tprintf( TEXT("Close and re-open the log\n") );
g_cTestLog.CloseLog(); g_cTestLog.OpenLog( &cTestLogCallback );
ExerciseLog( cLogEntries - 1, seqFirst, &rgNotificationsWritten[ iNotifications ], &rgNotificationsRead[ iNotifications ] );
// Ensure that we can't add to a full log (where the log can't be expanded,
// the start entry isn't old enough to throw away, and the start entry
// hasn't yet been read).
__try { fAppendFailed = FALSE; TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("TLog Unit Test: Causing an intentional Append exception") )); g_cTestLog.Seek( SEEK_SET, 0 ); // Make the start entry un-read
g_cTestLog.Append( 1, rgNotificationsWritten ); } __except( BreakOnAccessViolation() ) { if( GetExceptionCode() != STATUS_LOG_FILE_FULL ) TestRaiseException( GetExceptionCode(), TEXT("Wrong exception raised when attempting to write to a full log") ); fAppendFailed = TRUE; }
if( !fAppendFailed ) TestRaiseException( E_FAIL, TEXT("Append to a full log should have failed") );
// Overwrite an entry in the log that's overwritable since it's been read already.
_tprintf( TEXT("Try to add to a max log (the start entry's been read)\n") );
g_cTestLog.Seek( SEEK_SET, 1 ); g_cTestLog.Append( 1, &rgNotificationsWritten[ cLogEntries - 1 ] );
seqFirst++; iNotifications++;
ExerciseLog( cLogEntries-1, seqFirst, &rgNotificationsWritten[ iNotifications ], &rgNotificationsRead[ iNotifications ] ); g_cTestLog.ValidateLog();
// Overwrite an old entry in the log
_tprintf( TEXT("Try to add to a max log (the start entry's old)\n") ); g_cTestLog.Seek( SEEK_SET, 0 ); g_cTestLog.MakeEntryOld(); g_cTestLog.Append( 1, &rgNotificationsWritten[cLogEntries] );
seqFirst++; iNotifications++;
ExerciseLog( cLogEntries-1, seqFirst, &rgNotificationsWritten[ iNotifications ], &rgNotificationsRead[ iNotifications ] );
// Grow again (note that this time, the start/end indices are in the middle of
// the file). Also, this time, we show that the log can grow to up to the max
// size, even if it means we can't grow an entire delta.
_tprintf( TEXT("Cause the log to expand again") );
g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwLogDeltaKB = 10; g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwMaxLogKB = g_cTrkWksConfiguration._dwMaxLogKB + 1;
g_cTestLog.Append( 1, &rgNotificationsWritten[ cLogEntries+1 ] );
if( g_cTestLog.NumEntriesInFile() > cLogEntries + g_cTestLog.NumEntriesPerKB() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Log grew by more than the max allowable") )); TrkRaiseWin32Error( E_FAIL ); }
_tprintf( TEXT(" (%d entries)\n"), g_cTestLog.NumEntriesInFile() );
FillAndExerciseLog( cLogEntries, g_cTestLog.NumEntriesInFile(), seqFirst, &rgNotificationsWritten[ iNotifications ], &rgNotificationsRead[ iNotifications ] ); cLogEntries = g_cTestLog.NumEntriesInFile();
// --------------
// Extended Tests
// --------------
// Test the extended header
_tprintf( TEXT("Extended header area\n") );
for( i = 0; i < sizeof(rgbExtendedHeaderWrite); i++ ) rgbExtendedHeaderWrite[ i ] = (BYTE)i;
g_cTestLog.WriteExtendedHeader( 32, (void*) rgbExtendedHeaderWrite, sizeof(rgbExtendedHeaderWrite) ); g_cTestLog.ReadExtendedHeader( 32, (void*) rgbExtendedHeaderRead, sizeof(rgbExtendedHeaderRead) );
for( i = 0; i < sizeof(rgbExtendedHeaderWrite); i++ ) rgbExtendedHeaderWrite[ i ] = (BYTE)(i + 1);
g_cTestLog.WriteExtendedHeader( 32, (void*) rgbExtendedHeaderWrite, sizeof(rgbExtendedHeaderWrite) ); g_cTestLog.DelayUntilClose(); g_cTestLog.ReadExtendedHeader( 32, (void*) rgbExtendedHeaderRead, sizeof(rgbExtendedHeaderRead) );
if( memcmp( rgbExtendedHeaderWrite, rgbExtendedHeaderRead, sizeof(rgbExtendedHeaderWrite) )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Extended header information couldn't be written/read") )); TrkRaiseWin32Error( E_FAIL ); }
// Make the log look abnormally shutdown, then open it.
_tprintf( TEXT("Make log look abnormally shut down\n") );
hFile = CreateFile( g_cTestLog.LogFileName(), GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't open the logfile from the test") )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
if( !ReadFile( hFile, rgbSector, g_cTestLog.CBSector(), &cb, NULL ) || g_cTestLog.CBSector() != cb ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't read from logfile (in test), cbRead = %d"), cb )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
plogheader = (LogHeader*) rgbSector; plogheader->fProperShutdown = FALSE;
if( 0xFFFFFFFF == SetFilePointer( hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't seek logfile (in test)") )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
if( !WriteFile( hFile, rgbSector, g_cTestLog.CBSector(), &cb, NULL ) || g_cTestLog.CBSector() != cb ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't write to logfile (in test), cbWritten = %d"), cb )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
CloseHandle( hFile ); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; plogheader = NULL;
g_cTestLog.OpenLog( &cTestLogCallback ); ExerciseLog( cLogEntries - 1, seqFirst, &rgNotificationsWritten[ iNotifications ], &rgNotificationsRead[ iNotifications ] );
// Make the log look like it crashed during an expansion.
_tprintf( TEXT("Expansion crash recovery\n") );
ilogStart = g_cTestLog.GetStartIndex(); ilogEnd = g_cTestLog.GetEndIndex();
hFile = CreateFile( g_cTestLog.LogFileName(), GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't open the logfile from the test") )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
cbFile = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); if( 0xffffffff == cbFile ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't get log file size (in test)") )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
if( !ReadFile( hFile, rgbSector, g_cTestLog.CBSector(), &cb, NULL ) || g_cTestLog.CBSector() != cb ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't read from logfile (in test), cbRead = %d"), cb )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
plogheader = (LogHeader*) rgbSector;
plogheader->fProperShutdown = FALSE; plogheader->expand.cbFile = cbFile; plogheader->expand.ilogStart = ilogStart; plogheader->expand.ilogEnd = ilogEnd;
if( 0xFFFFFFFF == SetFilePointer( hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't seek logfile (in test)") )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
if( !WriteFile( hFile, rgbSector, g_cTestLog.CBSector(), &cb, NULL ) || g_cTestLog.CBSector() != cb ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't write to logfile (in test), cbWritten = %d"), cb )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
ReadLogSector( hFile, ilogStart, g_cTestLog.CBSector(), rgbSector ); plogentry = &( (LogEntry*)rgbSector )[ ilogStart % (g_cTestLog.CBSector()/sizeof(LogEntry)) ]; plogentry->ilogPrevious = -1; WriteLogSector( hFile, ilogStart, g_cTestLog.CBSector(), rgbSector ); ReadLogSector( hFile, ilogEnd, g_cTestLog.CBSector(), rgbSector ); plogentry = &( (LogEntry*)rgbSector )[ ilogEnd % (g_cTestLog.CBSector()/sizeof(LogEntry)) ]; plogentry->ilogNext = -1; WriteLogSector( hFile, ilogEnd, g_cTestLog.CBSector(), rgbSector );
cbFile += g_cTestLog.CBSector(); if ( 0xFFFFFFFF == SetFilePointer(hFile, cbFile, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) || !SetEndOfFile(hFile) ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't reset log file size to %lu (in test)"), cbFile )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
CloseHandle( hFile ); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; plogheader = NULL;
g_cTestLog.OpenLog( &cTestLogCallback ); ExerciseLog( cLogEntries - 1, seqFirst, &rgNotificationsWritten[ iNotifications ], &rgNotificationsRead[ iNotifications ] );
// Corrupt the log header, but in a way that is recoverable.
_tprintf( TEXT("Make log look corrupted (recoverable)\n") );
hFile = CreateFile( g_cTestLog.LogFileName(), GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't open the logfile from the test") )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
if( !ReadFile( hFile, rgbSector, g_cTestLog.CBSector(), &cb, NULL ) || g_cTestLog.CBSector() != cb ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't read from logfile (in test), cbRead = %d"), cb )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
plogheader = (LogHeader*) rgbSector; plogheader->fProperShutdown = FALSE;
memset( &reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(plogheader)[CLOG_LOGINFO_START], 0, CLOG_LOGINFO_LENGTH );
if( 0xFFFFFFFF == SetFilePointer( hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't seek logfile (in test)") )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
if( !WriteFile( hFile, rgbSector, g_cTestLog.CBSector(), &cb, NULL ) || g_cTestLog.CBSector() != cb ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't write to logfile (in test), cbWritten = %d"), cb )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
CloseHandle( hFile ); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; plogheader = NULL;
g_cTestLog.OpenLog( &cTestLogCallback ); if( g_cTestLog.IsEmpty() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("We got a new log file after what should have been a recoverable corruption") )); TrkRaiseWin32Error( E_FAIL ); }
ExerciseLog( cLogEntries - 1, seqFirst, &rgNotificationsWritten[ iNotifications ], &rgNotificationsRead[ iNotifications ] );
// Make the log look corrupted and un-recoverable in the header
_tprintf( TEXT("Make log header look corrupted (un-recoverable)\n") );
hFile = CreateFile( g_cTestLog.LogFileName(), GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't open the logfile from the test") )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
if( !ReadFile( hFile, rgbSector, g_cTestLog.CBSector(), &cb, NULL ) || g_cTestLog.CBSector() != cb ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't read from logfile (in test), cbRead = %d"), cb )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
plogheader = (LogHeader*) rgbSector; plogheader->fProperShutdown = FALSE; plogheader->ulSignature = 0;
if( 0xFFFFFFFF == SetFilePointer( hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't seek logfile (in test)") )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
if( !WriteFile( hFile, rgbSector, g_cTestLog.CBSector(), &cb, NULL ) || g_cTestLog.CBSector() != cb ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't write to logfile (in test), cbWritten = %d"), cb )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
CloseHandle( hFile ); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; plogheader = NULL;
g_cTestLog.OpenLog( &cTestLogCallback ); if( !g_cTestLog.IsEmpty() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR,TEXT("After opening a corrupt log, we should have a new log file") )); TrkRaiseWin32Error( E_FAIL ); }
// Make the log look corrupted and un-recoverable in the sectors
_tprintf( TEXT("Make log sectors look corrupted (un-recoverable)\n") );
CreateNewLog( &cTestLogCallback, &cLogEntries, &iNotifications, &seqFirst ); FillAndExerciseLog( 0, cLogEntries, seqFirst, rgNotificationsWritten, rgNotificationsRead ); g_cTestLog.CloseLog();
hFile = CreateFile( g_cTestLog.LogFileName(), GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't open the logfile from the test") )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
if( 0xFFFFFFFF == SetFilePointer( hFile, g_cTestLog.DataSectorOffset(), NULL, FILE_BEGIN )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't seek logfile to start of first sector (in test)") )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
if( !ReadFile( hFile, rgbSector, g_cTestLog.CBSector(), &cb, NULL ) || g_cTestLog.CBSector() != cb ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't read from logfile (in test), cbRead = %d"), cb )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
memset( rgbSector, 0, sizeof(rgbSector) );
if( 0xFFFFFFFF == SetFilePointer( hFile, g_cTestLog.DataSectorOffset(), NULL, FILE_BEGIN )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't re-seek logfile to start of first sector (in test)") )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
if( !WriteFile( hFile, rgbSector, g_cTestLog.CBSector(), &cb, NULL ) || g_cTestLog.CBSector() != cb ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't write to logfile (in test), cbWritten = %d"), cb )); TrkRaiseLastError( ); }
CloseHandle( hFile ); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
BOOL fExceptionRaised = FALSE; __try { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("About to open a corrupted log (this should raise)") ));
// The open should succeed
g_cTestLog.OpenLog( &cTestLogCallback, FALSE // => Don't validate
// This should raise
ExerciseLog( cLogEntries - 1, seqFirst, &rgNotificationsWritten[ iNotifications ], &rgNotificationsRead[ iNotifications ] );
} __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { fExceptionRaised = TRUE; if( GetExceptionCode() != TRK_E_CORRUPT_LOG ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("After corrupting a sector, Open should have raised TRK_E_CORRUPT_LOG") )); TrkRaiseException( GetExceptionCode() ); } }
if( !fExceptionRaised ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("We should have gotten an exception after corrupting log sectors") )); TrkRaiseWin32Error( E_FAIL ); }
if( !g_cTestLog.IsEmpty() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("After opening a corrupt log, we should have a new log file") )); TrkRaiseWin32Error( E_FAIL ); }
cLogEntries = g_cTestLog.NumEntriesInFile(); iNotifications = 0; seqFirst = 0;
FillAndExerciseLog( 0, cLogEntries, seqFirst, rgNotificationsWritten, rgNotificationsRead );
// Test that tunneling works correctly (if there are duplicate entries, we should
// get the most recent).
_tprintf( TEXT("Test tunneling\n") );
tempNotificationWrite = rgNotificationsWritten[0];
g_cTestLog.Append( 1, &tempNotificationWrite );
strncpy( (LPSTR) &tempNotificationWrite.droidBirth, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyznowiknowmyabcsnexttimewontyousingwithme", sizeof(tempNotificationWrite.droidBirth) );
g_cTestLog.Append( 1, &tempNotificationWrite ); g_cTestLog.Search( tempNotificationWrite.droidCurrent, &tempNotificationRead );
if( memcmp( &tempNotificationWrite, &tempNotificationRead, sizeof(tempNotificationWrite) )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Didn't get the tunneled move notification") )); TrkRaiseWin32Error( E_FAIL ); }
_tprintf( TEXT("\nTests Passed\n") );
} // __try
__finally { }
} // _tmain()