// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// volmgr.cxx
// This file implements the CVolumeManager class. That class maintains
// a list of CVolume objects.
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "trkwks.hxx"
#include <dbt.h>
void CVolumeManager::Initialize(CTrkWksSvc * pTrkWks, const CTrkWksConfiguration *pTrkWksConfiguration, PLogCallback * pLogCallback, SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE ssh #if DBG
, CTestSync * pTunnelTest #endif
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Initializing the volume list") ));
TrkAssert( !_fInitialized );
_csVolumeNodeList.Initialize(); _fInitialized = TRUE;
_pTrkWks = pTrkWks; _pTrkWksConfiguration = pTrkWksConfiguration; _pVolumeNodeListHead = NULL;
__try { // This timer is started when we unexpectedly lose our volume handles.
// When it fires, we try to reopen them. After a number of such retries,
// we give up and stop the timer.
_timerObjIdIndexReopen.Initialize( this, NULL, // No name (non-persistent timer)
pTrkWksConfiguration->GetObjIdIndexReopen(), CNewTimer::RETRY_WITH_BACKOFF, pTrkWksConfiguration->GetObjIdIndexReopenRetryMin(), pTrkWksConfiguration->GetObjIdIndexReopenRetryMax(), pTrkWksConfiguration->GetObjIdIndexReopenLifetime() );
// Create and register an event that we'll signal when a volume has been unlocked.
// We have to run this on an IO thread so that the logfile oplock and
// ReadDirectoryChanges on the objid index will work.
_heventVolumeToBeReopened = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); if( NULL == _heventVolumeToBeReopened ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't create _hVolumeUnlockEvent") )); TrkReportInternalError( THIS_FILE_NUMBER, __LINE__, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()), NULL ); TrkRaiseWin32Error( GetLastError() ); }
_hRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx = TrkRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx( _heventVolumeToBeReopened, ThreadPoolCallbackFunction, static_cast<PWorkItem*>(this), INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEINIOTHREAD | WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION );
if( NULL == _hRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Failed RegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx in CVolumeManager::Initialize (%lu)"), GetLastError() )); TrkRaiseLastError(); }
// Create a list of CVolume objects, one for each local NTFS5 volume.
InitializeVolumeList( pTrkWksConfiguration, pLogCallback, ssh #if DBG
, pTunnelTest #endif
if( !pTrkWksConfiguration->_fIsWorkgroup ) { InitializeDomainObjects(); StartDomainTimers(); }
// Set the event that will get us to open the volume handles on an
// IO thread.
} __finally { ssd.UnInitialize(); } }
void CVolumeManager::UnInitialize() { if( _fInitialized ) { if( NULL != _hRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx ) { if( !TrkUnregisterWait( _hRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Failed UnregisterWait for CVolumeManager (%lu)"), GetLastError() )); } else TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Unregistered wait CVolumeManager") ));
_hRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx = NULL; }
if( NULL != _heventVolumeToBeReopened ) { CloseHandle( _heventVolumeToBeReopened ); _heventVolumeToBeReopened = NULL; }
UnInitializeDomainObjects(); _timerObjIdIndexReopen.UnInitialize();
CVolumeNode * pVolumeNode = _pVolumeNodeListHead; _pVolumeNodeListHead = NULL;
while (pVolumeNode) { CVolumeNode * pNext = pVolumeNode->_pNext;
// By this time, all timers and the LPC port are stopped and have unregistered
// with the thread pool. Therefore, there are no other threads running,
// and each of the volume should have a ref count of only 1. For robustness,
// if any volumes have leaked, we release the extra refs here.
while( 0 != pVolumeNode->_pVolume->Release() );
delete pVolumeNode; pVolumeNode = pNext; }
_fFrequentTaskHesitation = _fInfrequentTaskHesitation = FALSE;
_csVolumeNodeList.UnInitialize(); _fInitialized = FALSE; } }
void CVolumeManager::DoWork() { // One of the volumes has been unlocked. Just try to reopen them all
// (those that aren't in need of opening will noop).
__try { // These raise if the service is stopping.
// If a volume has just been re-created, it may be necessary
// to clean up some object IDs.
CleanUpOids(); } __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Ignoring exception %08x in CVolumeManager::DoWork"), GetExceptionCode() )); } }
// CVolumeManager::InitializeDomainObjects
// Initialize member objects that we don't use in a workgroup. These
// objects can come and go without restarting the service (thus we can
// go between domains or move to/from domain without requiring a reboot).
void CVolumeManager::InitializeDomainObjects() { __try { TrkAssert( !_pTrkWksConfiguration->_fIsWorkgroup );
// When this timer fires, we send all our IDs to trksvr so that the entries may
// be touched (entries that are not touched will be GC-ed by trksvr).
// Before actuallying doing the refresh, we sleep a random period, in order to
// avoid too many workstations refreshing at the same time.
_timerRefresh.Initialize( this, TEXT("NextRefreshTime"), // Name (for persistent timer)
// Timer period
_pTrkWksConfiguration->GetRefreshPeriod(), CNewTimer::RETRY_RANDOMLY, //Retry values
_pTrkWksConfiguration->GetRefreshRetryMin(), _pTrkWksConfiguration->GetRefreshRetryMax(), 0 ); // No max lifetime
_timerRefresh.SetRecurring(); TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Refresh timer: %s"), (const TCHAR*)CDebugString(_timerRefresh) ));
// The Notify timer is set when we receive a move notification from ntos.
// When it expires we send all unsent notifications up to trksvr.
_timerNotify.Initialize( this, NULL, // No name (non-persistent timer)
_pTrkWksConfiguration->GetParameter( MOVE_NOTIFY_TIMEOUT_CONFIG ), CNewTimer::RETRY_WITH_BACKOFF, _pTrkWksConfiguration->GetParameter( MIN_MOVE_NOTIFY_RETRY_CONFIG ), _pTrkWksConfiguration->GetParameter( MAX_MOVE_NOTIFY_RETRY_CONFIG ), _pTrkWksConfiguration->GetParameter( MAX_MOVE_NOTIFY_LIFETIME_CONFIG ) );
// The deletions manager watches for files with object IDs to get
// deleted. When they are, and they're not subsequently tunnelled back,
// a notification is sent to trksvr so that it can remove that birth ID
// from the object move table.
_deletions.Initialize( _pTrkWksConfiguration );
// When this timer fires, we do our ~daily tasks
_timerFrequentTasks.Initialize( this, TEXT("NextVolFrequentTask"), // Persistent timer
_pTrkWksConfiguration->GetVolFrequentTasksPeriod(), CNewTimer::NO_RETRY, 0, 0, 0 ); // Ignored for non-retrying timer
// When this timer fires, we do our ~weekly tasks
_timerInfrequentTasks.Initialize( this, TEXT("NextVolInfrequentTask"),//Persistent timer
_pTrkWksConfiguration->GetVolInfrequentTasksPeriod(), CNewTimer::NO_RETRY, 0, 0, 0 ); // Ignored for non-retrying timer
// When this timer fires, we do the initial volume synchronizations.
// This timer is also used to do slow retries. E.g, if we try to send
// a move notification and get a busy error, we retry at this slow rate.
_timerVolumeInit.Initialize( this, NULL, // No name (non-persistent)
_pTrkWksConfiguration->GetVolInitInitialDelay(), CNewTimer::RETRY_RANDOMLY, // Initial retry period
_pTrkWksConfiguration->GetVolInitRetryDelay1(), // Max retry period
_pTrkWksConfiguration->GetVolInitRetryDelay2(), _pTrkWksConfiguration->GetVolInitLifetime() );
} __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Ignoring exception %08x in CVolumeManager::InitializeDomainObjects"), GetExceptionCode() )); }
// CVolumeManager::UnInitializeObjects
// Free the objects that we don't use in a workgroup. This doesn't require
// stopping the service.
void CVolumeManager::UnInitializeDomainObjects() { __try { _timerRefresh.UnInitialize(); _timerNotify.UnInitialize();
_deletions.UnInitialize( );
_timerInfrequentTasks.UnInitialize(); _timerFrequentTasks.UnInitialize(); _timerVolumeInit.UnInitialize();
} __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Ignoring exception %08x in CVolumeManager::UnInitializeDomainObjects"), GetExceptionCode() )); } }
// CVolumeManager::StartDomainTimers
// Start the timers that we don't use in a workgroup.
void CVolumeManager::StartDomainTimers() { if( !_pTrkWksConfiguration->_fIsWorkgroup ) { _timerFrequentTasks.SetSingleShot(); TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Frequent timer: %s"), (const TCHAR*)CDebugString(_timerFrequentTasks) ));
_timerInfrequentTasks.SetSingleShot(); TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Infrequent timer: %s"), (const TCHAR*)CDebugString(_timerInfrequentTasks) ));
_timerVolumeInit.SetSingleShot(); TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("VolInit timer: %s"), (const TCHAR*)CDebugString(_timerVolumeInit) )); } }
// Method: CVolumeManager::RefreshVolumes
// Refresh the CVolume objects. This gives them the chance to
// get an updated drive letter, and to delete themselves if the volume
// they represent is now gone.
void CVolumeManager::RefreshVolumes( PLogCallback *pLogCallback, SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE ssh #if DBG
, CTestSync *pTunnelTest #endif
) { InitializeVolumeList( _pTrkWksConfiguration, pLogCallback, ssh #if DBG
, pTunnelTest #endif
); OnVolumeToBeReopened(); }
// Method: CVolumeManager::InitializeVolumeList
// This method initializes the linked list of CVolume objects.
void CVolumeManager::InitializeVolumeList( const CTrkWksConfiguration *pTrkWksConfiguration, PLogCallback *pLogCallback, SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE ssh #if DBG
, CTestSync *pTunnelTest #endif
) { ULONG cVolumes = 0; TCHAR tszVolumeName[ CCH_MAX_VOLUME_NAME + 1 ]; HANDLE hFindVolume = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; CVolumeNode *pVolNode = NULL;
__try { // Begin a physical volume enumeration using the mount manager.
// Volume names represent the root in Win32 format, e.g.
// \\?\Volume{8baec120-078b-11d2-824b-000000000000}\
hFindVolume = FindFirstVolume( tszVolumeName, sizeof(tszVolumeName) ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFindVolume ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("FindFirstVolume failed") )); TrkRaiseLastError(); }
// For each local NTFS5 volume, create a CVolume, add it to the linked-list,
// and initialize.
cVolumes = 1; while( NUM_VOLUMES >= cVolumes ) { CVolume *pvolOpen = NULL; TCHAR tszVolumeDeviceName[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; ULONG cchVolumeName;
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Initializing volume %s"), tszVolumeName ));
// If we already have this volume open, continue on.
cchVolumeName = wcslen(tszVolumeName); memcpy( tszVolumeDeviceName, tszVolumeName, cchVolumeName*sizeof(TCHAR) ); tszVolumeDeviceName[ cchVolumeName - 1 ] = TEXT('\0');
if( pvolOpen = FindVolume( tszVolumeDeviceName )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Volume already open" ) )); pvolOpen->Release(); cVolumes++; }
// If this isn't an NTFS5 volume, move on.
else if( IsLocalObjectVolume(tszVolumeName) ) { // Alloc a new node for the volume list
pVolNode = new CVolumeNode; if (pVolNode == NULL) { TrkRaiseException(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// Put a volume into the node
pVolNode->_pVolume = new CVolume(); if (pVolNode->_pVolume == NULL) { TrkRaiseException(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// Initialize the volume. Returns true if successful, raises on error.
__try { if( pVolNode->_pVolume->Initialize(tszVolumeName, _pTrkWksConfiguration, this, pLogCallback, &_deletions, ssh #if DBG
,pTunnelTest #endif
)) { cVolumes++;
// Add this volume node (and its associated CVolume) to the linked list.
AddNodeToLinkedList( pVolNode ); pVolNode = NULL;
} // if( pVolNode->_pVolume->Initialize(v, _pTrkWksConfiguration, ...
} __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { }
if( NULL != pVolNode ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Volume initialization failed, deleting node") )); pVolNode->_pVolume->Release(); delete pVolNode; pVolNode = NULL; }
} // else if( IsLocalObjectVolume(tszVolumeName) )
#if DBG
else { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Skipping volume %s"), tszVolumeName )); } #endif
// Move on to the next volume in the system.
if( !FindNextVolume( hFindVolume, tszVolumeName, sizeof(tszVolumeName) )) { if( ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES == GetLastError() ) // We've enumerated all of the volumes.
break; else { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("FindNextVolume failed") )); TrkRaiseLastError(); } }
} // while( NUM_VOLUMES >= cVolumes )
} __finally { if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFindVolume ) FindVolumeClose( hFindVolume );
if( NULL != pVolNode ) delete pVolNode;
// Method: CVolumeManager::AddNodeToLinkedList
// Adds a CVolumeNode (and its embedded CVolume) to the volume manager's
// linked list.
// The CVolumeNode elements in the linked list are kept sorted in
// increasing address order. This is so a CVolumeEnumerator can handle a
// node being deleted while such an enumeration is active.
void CVolumeManager::AddNodeToLinkedList( CVolumeNode *pVolNode ) { TrkAssert( _fInitialized ); _csVolumeNodeList.Enter(); __try { if( NULL == _pVolumeNodeListHead ) { pVolNode->_pNext = NULL; _pVolumeNodeListHead = pVolNode; } else if( pVolNode < _pVolumeNodeListHead ) { pVolNode->_pNext = _pVolumeNodeListHead; _pVolumeNodeListHead = pVolNode; } else { CVolumeNode *pNode = _pVolumeNodeListHead; while( NULL != pNode->_pNext && pNode->_pNext < pVolNode ) pNode = pNode->_pNext;
if( NULL == pNode->_pNext ) { TrkAssert( pNode < pVolNode ); pNode->_pNext = pVolNode; pVolNode->_pNext = NULL; } else { TrkAssert( pNode < pVolNode ); TrkAssert( pNode->_pNext > pVolNode ); pVolNode->_pNext = pNode->_pNext; pNode->_pNext = pVolNode; } } } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { TrkAssert( !TEXT("Unexpected exception in CVolumeManager::AddNodeToLinkedList") ); } _csVolumeNodeList.Leave(); }
// Method: CVolumeManager::RemoveVolumeFromLinkedList
// Removes a volume from the volume manager's linked list.
// The CVolume is Released (which may or may not make it go away, depending
// on ref-counts), and the CVolumeNode is deleted.
void CVolumeManager::RemoveVolumeFromLinkedList( const CVolume *pvol ) { CVolumeNode **ppvolnodePrev = NULL; CVolumeNode *pvolnode = NULL;
TrkAssert( _fInitialized ); _csVolumeNodeList.Enter(); __try { pvolnode = _pVolumeNodeListHead; ppvolnodePrev = &_pVolumeNodeListHead;
while( NULL != pvolnode ) { if( pvol == pvolnode->_pVolume ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Removing volume %p from the list"), pvolnode->_pVolume ));
CVolumeNode *pvolnodeDel = pvolnode; *ppvolnodePrev = pvolnode->_pNext;
// Releasing the volume will usually cause it to delete itself, unless
// someone else is holding a ref on it.
pvolnodeDel->_pVolume->Release(); delete pvolnodeDel;
break; } else { ppvolnodePrev = &pvolnode->_pNext; pvolnode = pvolnode->_pNext; } } } __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { } _csVolumeNodeList.Leave();
void CVolumeManager::CloseVolumeHandles( HDEVNOTIFY hdnVolume ) { CVolumeEnumerator volEnum = Enum(); CVolume* vol = volEnum.GetNextVolume();
while (vol != NULL) { __try { vol->CloseVolumeHandles( hdnVolume ); } __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Ignoring exception in CloseVolumeHandles (%08x)"), GetExceptionCode() )); }
vol->Release(); vol = volEnum.GetNextVolume(); } }
void CVolumeManager::CleanUpOids() { CVolumeEnumerator volEnum = Enum(); CVolume* vol = volEnum.GetNextVolume();
while(vol != NULL) { if(vol->IsMarkedForMakeAllOidsReborn()) { __try { if( vol->MakeAllOidsReborn() ) vol->ClearMarkForMakeAllOidsReborn(); } __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Ignoring exception in CVolumeManager::CleanUpOids") )); } }
vol->Release(); vol = volEnum.GetNextVolume(); } }
// CVolumeManager::SyncVolumes
// Give each active volume an opportunity to synchronize with trksvr.
// This allows the volumes to create a new ID, claim an existing ID,
// etc.
// Note:: This routine is guaranteed not to raise.
BOOL CVolumeManager::SyncVolumes( EAggressiveness eAggressiveness, CFILETIME cftLastDue, ULONG ulPeriodInSeconds ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; BOOL fDoRetry = FALSE; CAvailableDc adc; CVolumeEnumerator volEnum; CVolume* pvol; BOOL fIsOnlyInstance = FALSE;
__try {
TRKSVR_SYNC_VOLUME rgSyncVolumes[ NUM_VOLUMES ]; TRKSVR_MESSAGE_UNION Msg; ULONG cVolumes = 0; const CVolumeId volNULL; BOOL fSyncNeeded;
// If there's already a thread doing a SyncVolumes, we don't need to
// do it again simultaneously.
fIsOnlyInstance = BeginSingleInstanceTask( &_cSyncVolumesInProgress ); if( !fIsOnlyInstance ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Skipping SyncVolumes, another instance already in progress") )); fSuccess = TRUE; goto Exit; }
// If we haven't fully initialized the volumes yet, do so now.
// Start a CVolume enumeration
volEnum = Enum(); pvol = volEnum.GetNextVolume();
// Loop through the enumerated volumes.
// When we're done, cVolumes will show the count of volumes
// that requested to sync with trksvr (could be zero).
while ( NULL != pvol ) { BOOL fFound = FALSE;
// Add this volume to the array of volumes needing update with trksvr.
// If this particular volume turns out not to need an update, we won't
// increment cVolumes, consequently it will get overwritten on the
// next pass. If this volume does need an update, we'll addref it.
_rgVolumesToUpdate[cVolumes] = pvol;
// Call the volume to load the sync-volume request.
if(TRUE == pvol->LoadSyncVolume(&rgSyncVolumes[cVolumes], eAggressiveness, &fSyncNeeded)) { // The LoadSyncVolumes request succeeded.
// Does the volume need a sync with trksvr?
if(fSyncNeeded == FALSE) { // No, the volume doesn't need a sync. It's
// apparantly neither new nor newly attached.
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME | TRKDBG_MOVE, TEXT("Volume %c is properly ID-ed already"), 'A'+pvol->GetIndex() )); } else if(rgSyncVolumes[cVolumes].SyncType == CREATE_VOLUME) { // This is a newly-formatted volume.
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME | TRKDBG_MOVE, TEXT("Having a new ID created for volume %c"), TEXT('A')+pvol->GetIndex() )); _rgVolumesToUpdate[cVolumes]->AddRef(); cVolumes++; } else { // The volume is new to this machine
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME | TRKDBG_MOVE, TEXT("Claiming volume %c"), TEXT('A')+pvol->GetIndex() )); _rgVolumesToUpdate[cVolumes]->AddRef(); cVolumes++; } } else { // The volume needs to be synced but failed for some reason
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME | TRKDBG_MOVE, TEXT("Volume %c can not be synced"), 'A'+pvol->GetIndex() )); }
// Move on to the next item in the enumeration.
// If this volumes needs an update, it's addref-ed in
// _rgVolumesToUpdate.
pvol->Release(); pvol = volEnum.GetNextVolume();
} // while ( vol != NULL )
// Were there any volumes in need of a sync with trksvr?
if( 0 != cVolumes ) { // Yes, send the sync_volumes request.
__try { HRESULT hr;
// Construct the Msg union
Msg.MessageType = SYNC_VOLUMES;
Msg.Priority = (0 == ulPeriodInSeconds) ? PRI_6 : GetSvrMessagePriority( cftLastDue, ulPeriodInSeconds );
Msg.SyncVolumes.cVolumes = cVolumes;
Msg.SyncVolumes.pVolumes = rgSyncVolumes; #ifdef VOL_REPL
Msg.SyncVolumes.cChanges = 0; Msg.SyncVolumes.ppVolumeChanges = NULL; #endif
// Send the request to trksvr. We pass it under privacy encryption
// because there could be a volume secret in it.
// This will raise if there's an error.
hr = adc.CallAvailableDc(&Msg, PRIVACY_AUTHENTICATION );
// now we've successfully told the DC we should update the
// DcInformed flags
TrkLog((TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("CallAvailableDc returned %d volumes (%08X)"), Msg.SyncVolumes.cVolumes, hr ));
// See if there were problems and we should do a retry
// (This gets set in the DcCallback method).
if( TRK_S_VOLUME_NOT_SYNCED == hr ) fDoRetry = TRUE;
// Process the responses
for( ULONG v = 0; v < Msg.SyncVolumes.cVolumes; v++ ) { // If the problem is server-too-busy, have the caller do
// a retry. Otherwise (e.g. quota error) ignore the error.
// E.g. for a quota error, we'll ignore the error, but the
// volume will still be in a not-created state, and we'll
// retry the next time the infrequent timer fires.
if( TRK_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY == rgSyncVolumes[v].hr ) fDoRetry = TRUE;
if( _rgVolumesToUpdate[v]->UnloadSyncVolume( &rgSyncVolumes[v] ) && rgSyncVolumes[v].hr == S_OK ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME | TRKDBG_MOVE, TEXT("Volume %c successfully synced with server"), 'A'+_rgVolumesToUpdate[v]->GetIndex() )); } else { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME | TRKDBG_MOVE, TEXT("Couldn't sync vol %c with server (%08x, %s)"), 'A'+_rgVolumesToUpdate[v]->GetIndex(), rgSyncVolumes[v].hr, GetErrorString(rgSyncVolumes[v].hr) )); } } // for( v = 0; v < Msg.SyncVolumes.cVolumes; v++ )
} __finally { for( ULONG v = 0; v < cVolumes; v++ ) { _rgVolumesToUpdate[v]->Release(); } }
} // if( 0 != cVolumes )
// If any volids have been changed, make all the existing object IDs
// reborn.
fSuccess = TRUE;
} __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't sync with server (0x%08x)"), GetExceptionCode() )); }
if( pvol != NULL ) { pvol->Release(); }
if( fIsOnlyInstance ) EndSingleInstanceTask( &_cSyncVolumesInProgress );
return fSuccess && !fDoRetry; }
void CVolumeManager::Append( const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidCurrent, const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidNew, const CMachineId &mcidNew, const CDomainRelativeObjId &droidBirth) { CVolumeEnumerator enumerator = Enum(); CVolume* cvolCur = enumerator.GetNextVolume(); BOOL fVolumeFound = FALSE;
__try // __finally
while ( cvolCur != NULL ) { if( cvolCur->GetVolumeId() == droidCurrent.GetVolumeId()) { fVolumeFound = TRUE; cvolCur->Append(droidCurrent, droidNew, mcidNew, droidBirth); break; }
cvolCur->Release(); cvolCur = enumerator.GetNextVolume(); } } __finally { if (cvolCur != NULL) { cvolCur->Release(); } }
if( !fVolumeFound ) TrkRaiseNtStatus( STATUS_NO_TRACKING_SERVICE ); }
// search all volumes (and each log) or just the given volume
HRESULT CVolumeManager::Search( DWORD Restrictions, const CDomainRelativeObjId & droidBirthLast, const CDomainRelativeObjId & droidLast, CDomainRelativeObjId * pdroidBirthNext, CDomainRelativeObjId * pdroidNext, CMachineId * pmcidNext, TCHAR * ptszLocalPath ) { NTSTATUS status; HRESULT hr = TRK_E_NOT_FOUND; CVolumeEnumerator enumerator; CVolume* pvol = NULL; const CMachineId mcidLocal( MCID_LOCAL ); BOOL fPotentialFile = FALSE; CDomainRelativeObjId droidZero;
// Local working stores for what we'll return in pdroidNew & pmcidNew
// if we have a referral.
CDomainRelativeObjId droidBirthNext = droidBirthLast; CDomainRelativeObjId droidNext = droidLast; CMachineId mcidNext = mcidLocal;
__try // __finally
// -------------------------------
// Search the volumes for the file
// -------------------------------
// Search the last volume first, then search all the volumes.
// Thus we'll end up searching droidLast.GetVolumeId() twice.
// This is necessary, though, because there could be multiple
// local volumes with this volid.
if( !(Restrictions & TRK_MEND_DONT_SEARCH_ALL_VOLUMES) ) enumerator = Enum();
if( !(Restrictions & TRK_MEND_DONT_USE_VOLIDS) ) pvol = FindVolume( droidLast.GetVolumeId() );
if( NULL == pvol ) pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume();
for( ; NULL != pvol; pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume() ) { status = FindLocalPath( pvol->GetIndex(), droidLast.GetObjId(), &droidBirthNext, &ptszLocalPath[2] ); if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { // Is this in the SystemVolumeInformation directory? If so, we'll
// pretend we didn't find it (it's probably in the System Recovery
// directory).
if( IsSystemVolumeInformation( &ptszLocalPath[2] )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME | TRKDBG_MEND, TEXT("CVolumeManager::Search ignoring %c:%s"), VolChar(pvol->GetIndex()), &ptszLocalPath[2] )); }
// Or, is this the correct birth ID (or the caller doesn't want us to check)?
else if( droidBirthLast == droidBirthNext || droidBirthLast == droidZero ) { // Yes. We've found our file and we're done.
// Give the path a drive letter
TrkAssert( -1 != pvol->GetIndex() ); ptszLocalPath[0] = VolChar(pvol->GetIndex()); ptszLocalPath[1] = TEXT(':');
// droidBirthNext is already set by FindLocalPath
droidNext = CDomainRelativeObjId( pvol->GetVolumeId(), droidLast.GetObjId() ); mcidNext = mcidLocal;
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME | TRKDBG_MEND, TEXT("CVolumeManager::Search found %s"), ptszLocalPath ));
hr = S_OK; fPotentialFile = FALSE; __leave; }
// Otherwise, is it the first potential hit?
else if( !fPotentialFile ) { // We found a file with the right object ID, but the wrong birth ID.
// By rule of law, it's therefore not the right file. However, it could be
// the right file, but was re-born due to a volid change. So we'll keep
// it and let the caller (eventually, the user) decide.
// Give the path a drive letter
ptszLocalPath[0] = VolChar(pvol->GetIndex()); ptszLocalPath[1] = TEXT(':');
// droidBirthNext is already set by FindLocalPath
droidNext = CDomainRelativeObjId( pvol->GetVolumeId(), droidLast.GetObjId() ); mcidNext = mcidLocal;
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME | TRKDBG_MEND, TEXT("CVolumeManager::Search found *potential* %s"), ptszLocalPath ));
fPotentialFile = TRUE; } }
pvol->Release(); pvol = NULL;
} // for( ; NULL != pvol, pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume() );
// We didn't find the file on any of the volumes, let's search the logs
// to see if they know where it went.
// ---------------------
// Search the local logs
// ---------------------
if( Restrictions & TRK_MEND_DONT_USE_LOG ) __leave;
// Start by searching the log of the last volume, then enumerate through all the
// volume logs. Again we'll end up searching the last volume twice, because
// there could be dup volids.
if( !(Restrictions & TRK_MEND_DONT_SEARCH_ALL_VOLUMES) ) enumerator = Enum();
if( !(Restrictions & TRK_MEND_DONT_USE_VOLIDS) ) pvol = FindVolume( droidLast.GetVolumeId() );
if( NULL == pvol ) pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume();
for( ; NULL != pvol; pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume() ) { CDomainRelativeObjId droidNextT, droidBirthT; CMachineId mcidNextT;
if (pvol->Search( droidLast, &droidNextT, &mcidNextT, &droidBirthT )) { // We found a match in the log.
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME | TRKDBG_MEND, TEXT("Referral on vol %c: %s\n => %s:%s"), VolChar(pvol->GetVolIndex()), (const TCHAR*)CDebugString(droidLast.GetObjId()), (const TCHAR*)CDebugString(mcidNextT), (const TCHAR*)CDebugString(droidNextT) ));
// If the volid is useful (it's non-NULL and non-local), keep these IDs
// as the best to return.
if( CVolumeId() != droidNextT.GetVolumeId() && ( !IsLocal( droidNextT.GetVolumeId() ) || droidLast.GetObjId() != droidNextT.GetObjId() || (Restrictions & TRK_MEND_DONT_SEARCH_ALL_VOLUMES) ) ) { hr = TRK_E_REFERRAL; droidBirthNext = droidBirthLast; droidNext = droidNextT; mcidNext = mcidNextT;
fPotentialFile = FALSE; break; }
// Or, if the mcid is useful (not this machine), keep the IDs as the
// best to return
else if( CMachineId() != mcidNextT && ( mcidLocal != mcidNextT || (Restrictions & TRK_MEND_DONT_SEARCH_ALL_VOLUMES) ) ) { hr = TRK_E_REFERRAL; droidBirthNext = droidBirthLast; mcidNext = mcidNextT; droidNext = droidNextT;
fPotentialFile = FALSE; break; } }
pvol->Release(); pvol = NULL;
} // for( ; NULL != pvol, pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume() );
} // __try
_finally { if( NULL != pvol ) { pvol->Release(); pvol = NULL; }
enumerator.UnInitialize(); }
// If we didn't find the file or a referral, but did find a potential hit,
// return that potential hit.
if( TRK_E_NOT_FOUND == hr && fPotentialFile ) hr = TRK_E_POTENTIAL_FILE_FOUND;
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) || TRK_E_REFERRAL == hr || TRK_E_POTENTIAL_FILE_FOUND == hr ) { *pdroidBirthNext = droidBirthNext; *pmcidNext = mcidNext; *pdroidNext = droidNext; }
return( hr ); }
PTimerCallback::TimerContinuation CVolumeManager::Timer( DWORD dwTimerId ) { PTimerCallback::TimerContinuation continuation = CONTINUE_TIMER;
__try { switch ( dwTimerId ) { case VOLTIMER_OBJID_INDEX_REOPEN: TrkAssert( _timerObjIdIndexReopen.IsRecurring() );
if( ReopenVolumeHandles() ) // Raises if service is stopped
continuation = BREAK_TIMER; else continuation = RETRY_TIMER;
TrkAssert( !_timerFrequentTasks.IsRecurring() ); TrkAssert( !_timerInfrequentTasks.IsRecurring() ); TrkAssert( !_timerVolumeInit.IsRecurring() );
continuation = OnVolumeTimer( dwTimerId ); break;
// Time to send MoveNotifies to the DC
TrkAssert( !_timerNotify.IsRecurring() ); TrkAssert( CNewTimer::RETRY_WITH_BACKOFF == _timerNotify.GetRetryType() );
__try { continuation = _pTrkWks->OnMoveBatchTimeout(); } __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { // If there was an unexpected error, instead of retrying the
// MoveNotify timer, use the slower (thus DC-friendlier) VolInit
// timer.
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Server to busy to receive move notifications, starting VolInit timer") )); continuation = BREAK_TIMER; SetVolInitTimer(); }
// Time to refresh the DC with all our active IDs
// The first time we're called, we hesitate for a random amount of time.
// This hesitation is implemented by setting a flag, then resetting the timer.
// When the timer fires again a little later, we'll do the real work.
if( !_fRefreshHesitation ) { // This is the first time we've been called.
ULONG ulHesitation = 0;
// Delay a random number of seconds within an interval
_fRefreshHesitation = TRUE;
ulHesitation = QuasiRandomDword() % ( 1 + _pTrkWksConfiguration->GetRefreshHesitation() );
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_LOG, TEXT("Hesitating %d seconds before executing refresh"), ulHesitation )); _timerRefresh.ReInitialize( ulHesitation ); continuation = CONTINUE_TIMER; } else { TrkAssert( _timerRefresh.IsRecurring() ); continuation = _pTrkWks->OnRefreshTimeout( _timerRefresh.QueryOriginalDueTime(), _pTrkWksConfiguration->GetRefreshPeriod() );
if( CONTINUE_TIMER == continuation ) { _timerRefresh.ReInitialize( _pTrkWksConfiguration->GetRefreshPeriod() ); _fRefreshHesitation = FALSE; } }
default: TrkAssert( 0 && "invalid timer id" ); break; } } __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Ignoring exception %08x in CVolumeManager::Timer"), GetExceptionCode() )); }
return( continuation ); }
BOOL CVolumeManager::ReopenVolumeHandles() { BOOL fAllOk = TRUE;
// If there's another thread already executing this routine, we'll just skip out.
// This is a reasonable idea, but really shouldn't be necessary; the volumes
// can protect themselves, and one thread should basically noop. However,
// there was an iostress break where these two threads got each other into
// a deadly embrace. This was due to the fact that the win32 thread pool
// has the tendency to put multiple IO work items on the same thread (since
// it queues to IO threads using APCs). So as a workaround, don't run
// this method more than once at a time.
if( !BeginSingleInstanceTask( &_cReopenVolumeHandles )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Skipping ReopenVolumeHandles, another instance is already in progress") )); return FALSE; }
// Get a volume enumerator. After initialization, none of the volumes
// have yet been opened. Ordinarily the Enum method gives us nothing until
// they've been opened once. But this routine is the one that originally does
// the opens, so we need the enumerator to give us everything.
CVolumeEnumerator enumerator = Enum( ENUM_UNOPENED_VOLUMES );
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_OBJID_DELETIONS, TEXT("\nAttempting to reopen all volume handles") ));
for( CVolume* pVol = enumerator.GetNextVolume(); pVol != NULL; pVol = enumerator.GetNextVolume()) { __try { if( !pVol->ReopenVolumeHandles() ) fAllOk = FALSE; } __except(BreakOnDebuggableException()) { fAllOk = FALSE; } pVol->Release(); }
// Show that at least an attempt has been made to open all
// volume handles. This is checked in Enum().
_fVolumesHaveBeenOpenedOnce = TRUE;
// Show that we're done with this method.
EndSingleInstanceTask( &_cReopenVolumeHandles );
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_OBJID_DELETIONS, fAllOk ? TEXT("All volume handles are open") : TEXT("Not all volume handles are open") )); return( fAllOk ); }
void CVolumeManager::VolumeDeviceEvent( HDEVNOTIFY hdnVolume, EVolumeDeviceEvent eVolumeDeviceEvent ) { CVolumeEnumerator enumerator = Enum(); BOOL fAllOk = TRUE;
for( CVolume* pVol = enumerator.GetNextVolume(); pVol != NULL; pVol = enumerator.GetNextVolume() ) { __try { switch( eVolumeDeviceEvent ) { case ON_VOLUME_LOCK: pVol->OnVolumeLock( hdnVolume ); break; case ON_VOLUME_UNLOCK: pVol->OnVolumeUnlock( hdnVolume ); break; case ON_VOLUME_LOCK_FAILED: pVol->OnVolumeLockFailed( hdnVolume ); break;
case ON_VOLUME_MOUNT: pVol->OnVolumeMount( hdnVolume ); break; case ON_VOLUME_DISMOUNT: pVol->OnVolumeDismount( hdnVolume ); break;
case ON_VOLUME_DISMOUNT_FAILED: pVol->OnVolumeDismountFailed( hdnVolume ); break;
default: TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Invalid event to OnVolumeDeviceEvent (%d)"), eVolumeDeviceEvent )); TrkAssert( !TEXT("Invalid event to OnVolumeDeviceEvent") ); break;
} // switch( eVolumeDeviceEvent )
} __except(BreakOnDebuggableException()) { } pVol->Release(); }
return; }
// CVolumeManager::OnEntriesAvailable
// The CLog calls this routine when it has new data available
// for us to read. We don't read it right away, but start the Notify timer.
// When it goes off, we'll upload all notifications to the DC that haven't
// yet been sent.
void CVolumeManager::OnEntriesAvailable() { if( !_pTrkWksConfiguration->_fIsWorkgroup ) { _timerNotify.SetSingleShot();
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_MOVE | TRKDBG_WKS, TEXT("log called CVolumeManager::OnEntriesAvailable(), %s"), (const TCHAR*)CDebugString(_timerNotify) )); }
// CVolumeManager::ForceVolumeClaims
// Put all of the volumes in the not-owned state so that they will
// try to do a claim.
void CVolumeManager::ForceVolumeClaims() { CVolumeEnumerator enumerator = Enum();
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_OBJID_DELETIONS, TEXT("Force volume claims") ));
for( CVolume* pVol = enumerator.GetNextVolume(); pVol != NULL; pVol = enumerator.GetNextVolume()) { __try { pVol->SetState(CVolume::VOL_STATE_NOTOWNED); } __except(BreakOnDebuggableException()) { } pVol->Release(); }
// Do a SyncVolumes so that the volumes can all send up a
// volume-claim request. If it fails, just start the volinit
// timer to have it called again later.
if( !SyncVolumes( AGGRESSIVE )) // Doesn't raise
SetVolInitTimer(); }
PTimerCallback::TimerContinuation CVolumeManager::OnVolumeTimer( DWORD dwTimerId ) { ULONG ulTimerResetPeriod = 0; BOOL fTimerRetry = FALSE; CNewTimer * ptimer; PTimerCallback::TimerContinuation continuation = CONTINUE_TIMER;
__try { switch( static_cast<VOLTIMERID>(dwTimerId) ) {
// Initialization tasks
// This timer is started during initialization, and then usually stops after
// one iteration. It can be restarted, however, if a MoveNotify gets a
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("VolInit timer has fired") ));
ptimer = &_timerVolumeInit; TrkAssert( CNewTimer::RETRY_RANDOMLY == ptimer->GetRetryType() ); TrkAssert( !ptimer->IsRecurring() );
// Create/claim volumes as necessary.
fTimerRetry = TRUE; if( SyncVolumes( PASSIVE, _timerVolumeInit.QueryOriginalDueTime(), _timerVolumeInit.QueryPeriodInSeconds() )) // Doesn't raise
fTimerRetry = FALSE;
// If we have a new volid, make the existing object IDs reborn.
// Give each of the volumes an opportunity to upload any pending
// MoveNotifies.
// BUGBUG: Move the MoveBatchTimeout controlling code into CVolumeManager,
// so that all such control is in one place.
__try { continuation = g_ptrkwks->OnMoveBatchTimeout(); } __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { TrkAssert( TRK_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY == GetExceptionCode() ); TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("VolInit timer caught %08x during MoveNotify"), GetExceptionCode() )); fTimerRetry = TRUE; }
// Frequent tasks (i.e. ~daily)
case VOLTIMER_FREQUENT: ptimer = &_timerFrequentTasks;
if( _fFrequentTaskHesitation ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Executing frequent tasks") )); _fFrequentTaskHesitation = FALSE; ulTimerResetPeriod = _pTrkWksConfiguration->GetVolFrequentTasksPeriod() + 1; SyncVolumes( PASSIVE ); // Doesn't raise
ReopenVolumeHandles(); } else { // Delay a random number of seconds within an interval
_fFrequentTaskHesitation = TRUE; ulTimerResetPeriod = QuasiRandomDword() % (1+_pTrkWksConfiguration->GetVolPeriodicTasksHesitation()); ulTimerResetPeriod++; TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Hesitating %d seconds before executing frequent tasks"), ulTimerResetPeriod )); }
// Infrequent tasks (i.e. ~weekly)
case VOLTIMER_INFREQUENT: ptimer = &_timerInfrequentTasks;
if( _fInfrequentTaskHesitation ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Executing infrequent tasks") )); _fInfrequentTaskHesitation = FALSE; ulTimerResetPeriod = _pTrkWksConfiguration->GetVolInfrequentTasksPeriod() + 1; CheckSequenceNumbers();
// Be aggressive about the sync; if we have not-created volumes, try
// to create them again even if the last time we got a vol-quota-exceeded
// error.
SyncVolumes( AGGRESSIVE ); // Doesn't raise
// Give each of the volumes an opportunity to upload any pending
// MoveNotifies. Again, be aggressive about it in the face of previous
// quota errors.
g_ptrkwks->OnMoveBatchTimeout( AGGRESSIVE );
} else { // Delay a random number of seconds within an interval
_fInfrequentTaskHesitation = TRUE; ulTimerResetPeriod = QuasiRandomDword() % (1+_pTrkWksConfiguration->GetVolPeriodicTasksHesitation()); ulTimerResetPeriod++; TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Hesitating %d seconds before executing infrequent tasks"), ulTimerResetPeriod )); }
TrkAssert( FALSE && TEXT("Invalid timerID in CVolumeManager::Timer") ); break;
} // switch
} __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Ignoring exception in CVolumeManager::OnVolumeTimer %08x"), GetExceptionCode() )); }
if( fTimerRetry ) continuation = RETRY_TIMER; else if( 0 != ulTimerResetPeriod ) { ptimer->ReInitialize( ulTimerResetPeriod ); ptimer->SetSingleShot(); continuation = CONTINUE_TIMER; }
return( continuation ); }
ULONG CVolumeManager::GetVolumeIds( CVolumeId * pVolumeIds, ULONG cMax ) { CVolumeEnumerator enumerator = Enum(); CVolume* pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume(); ULONG cVolumes; CVolumeId volidZero;
__try { for( cVolumes = 0; cVolumes < cMax && NULL != pvol; pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume() ) { *pVolumeIds = pvol->GetVolumeId(); if (*pVolumeIds != volidZero) { pVolumeIds ++; cVolumes ++; } pvol->Release(); pvol = NULL; } } __finally { enumerator.UnInitialize(); if(pvol) { pvol->Release(); pvol = NULL; } }
return(cVolumes); }
HRESULT CVolumeManager::OnRestore() { return( E_NOTIMPL ); #if 0
CVolumeEnumerator enumerator = Enum(); CVolume* pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrRet = S_OK;
__try { for(; NULL != pvol; pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume()) { hr = pvol->OnRestore(); if(hr != S_OK && hrRet == S_OK) // Return the hr from the first failed volume.
{ hrRet = hr; } pvol->Release(); pvol = NULL; } } __finally { enumerator.UnInitialize(); if(pvol) { pvol->Release(); pvol = NULL; } }
return hr;
#endif // #if 0
BOOL CVolumeManager::CheckSequenceNumbers() { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CAvailableDc adc; CVolume* rgVolsToCheck[ NUM_VOLUMES ]; ULONG cVolumes = 0;
__try { TRKSVR_SYNC_VOLUME rgQueryVolumes[ NUM_VOLUMES ]; ULONG v; const CVolumeId volNULL; CVolumeEnumerator enumerator = Enum(); CVolume* cvolCur = enumerator.GetNextVolume();
for(; cvolCur != NULL; cvolCur = enumerator.GetNextVolume()) { rgVolsToCheck[cVolumes] = cvolCur; if(cvolCur->LoadQueryVolume(&rgQueryVolumes[cVolumes])) { cVolumes++; } else { cvolCur->Release(); } }
if( 0 != cVolumes ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME | TRKDBG_MOVE, TEXT("Verifying sequence numbers on %d volumes"), cVolumes ));
_pTrkWks->CallDcSyncVolumes(cVolumes, rgQueryVolumes);
for( v = 0; v < cVolumes; v++ ) { if( rgVolsToCheck[v]->UnloadQueryVolume( &rgQueryVolumes[v] ) && S_OK == rgQueryVolumes[ v ].hr ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME | TRKDBG_MOVE, TEXT("Seq number for volume %c should be %d"), 'A'+rgVolsToCheck[v]->GetIndex(), rgQueryVolumes[v].seq )); } else { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't verify the seq number on vol %c"), 'A'+rgVolsToCheck[v]->GetIndex() ));
} } // for( v = 0; v < cVolumes; v++ )
fSuccess = TRUE;
} // if( cVolumes != 0 )
} __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Couldn't check sequence numbers against server"), GetExceptionCode() )); }
for( ULONG v = 0; v < cVolumes; v++ ) { rgVolsToCheck[v]->Release(); } // for( v = 0; v < cVolumes; v++ )
return( fSuccess );
void CVolumeManager::SetReopenVolumeHandlesTimer() { CFILETIME ft;
// Start the timer (if it's not already running).
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("ReOpen timer: %s"), (const TCHAR*)CDebugString(_timerObjIdIndexReopen) )); }
CVolumeEnumerator CVolumeManager::Enum( EEnumType eEnumType ) { CVolumeEnumerator volenum;
if( _fVolumesHaveBeenOpenedOnce || _fInitialized && ENUM_UNOPENED_VOLUMES == eEnumType ) { volenum = CVolumeEnumerator( &_pVolumeNodeListHead, &_csVolumeNodeList ); }
return( volenum ); }
CVolume * CVolumeManager::FindVolume( const CVolumeId &vol ) { CVolumeEnumerator enumerator = Enum(); CVolume *pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume();
for(; pvol != NULL; pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume()) { if( pvol->GetVolumeId() == vol ) { break; } pvol->Release(); } // for(; pvol != NULL; pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume())
return( pvol ); }
// CVolumeManager::FlushAllVolumes
// Flush all of the volumes.
void CVolumeManager::FlushAllVolumes( BOOL fServiceShutdown ) { CVolumeEnumerator enumerator = Enum(); CVolume *pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume();
for(; pvol != NULL; pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume()) { __try { pvol->Flush( fServiceShutdown ); } __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { } pvol->Release(); } }
// CVolumeManager::FindVolume
// Find a volume in the linked-list, given it's device name,
// and return its CVolume*.
CVolume * CVolumeManager::FindVolume( const TCHAR *ptszVolumeDeviceName ) { CVolumeEnumerator enumerator = Enum(); CVolume *pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume();
for(; pvol != NULL; pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume()) { if( 0 == _tcscmp( pvol->GetVolumeDeviceName(), ptszVolumeDeviceName )) { break; } pvol->Release(); } // for(; pvol != NULL; pvol = enumerator.GetNextVolume())
return( pvol ); }
// CVolumeManager::IsDuplicatevolId
// Check to see if there is a volume, aside from the caller, that
// has a particular volume ID. This should never happen, so this
// method allows a volume to check for it and respond appropriately.
// When checking another volume's volid, we can't take its lock.
// See the description in CVolume::GetVolumeId.
CVolume * CVolumeManager::IsDuplicateVolId( CVolume *pvolCheck, const CVolumeId &volid ) { CVolumeNode *pVolNode = NULL; CVolume *pvol = NULL; _csVolumeNodeList.Enter(); __try { pVolNode = _pVolumeNodeListHead; while( NULL != pVolNode ) { if( NULL != pVolNode->_pVolume && volid == pVolNode->_pVolume->GetVolumeId() // Doesn't take lock.
&& pvolCheck != pVolNode->_pVolume ) { pvol = pVolNode->_pVolume; pvol->AddRef(); __leave; }
pVolNode = pVolNode->_pNext; TrkAssert( pVolNode != _pVolumeNodeListHead ); } } __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_WARNING, TEXT("Ignoring exception in IsDuplicateVolId") )); } _csVolumeNodeList.Leave();
return pvol; }
// CVolumeManager::IsLocal
// Determine if a given volume ID represents a local volume. Note that
// if it's not in the linked list of volumes, we'll return false, though
// the volume may in fact exist on the system (since we don't respond
// to new volumes after service start).
BOOL CVolumeManager::IsLocal( const CVolumeId &vol ) { CVolume *pvol = FindVolume( vol );
if( NULL == pvol ) return FALSE; else { pvol->Release(); return( TRUE ); } }
// CVolumeManager::Seek
// Seek the specified volume's log to the specified sequence number.
void CVolumeManager::Seek( CVolumeId vol, SequenceNumber seq ) { CVolumeEnumerator enumerator = Enum(); CVolume* cvolCur = enumerator.GetNextVolume();
for(; cvolCur != NULL; cvolCur = enumerator.GetNextVolume()) { if( cvolCur->GetVolumeId() == vol ) { cvolCur->Seek( seq ); cvolCur->Release(); return; } cvolCur->Release(); } // for( ULONG i = 0; i < 26; i++ )
// CVolumeEnumerator::GetNextVolume
// Get the next CVolume* in the enumeration.
CVolume * CVolumeEnumerator::GetNextVolume() { CVolume *pVol = NULL;
if( NULL == _ppVolumeNodeListHead ) return( NULL );
TrkAssert( NULL != _pcs );
_pcs->Enter(); __try {
if( NULL == *_ppVolumeNodeListHead ) { // There are no volumes in the list
pVol = NULL; } else if( NULL == _pVolNodeLast ) { // This is a new enumeration. Pass back the first volume
pVol = (*_ppVolumeNodeListHead)->_pVolume; _pVolNodeLast = *_ppVolumeNodeListHead; } else { // Find the next volume in the list, the one that's
// just beyond _pVolNodeLast.
// If we terminate this while loop because pVolNode goes to
// NULL, it means that there are no more volumes left to
// enumerate.
CVolumeNode *pVolNode = *_ppVolumeNodeListHead; while( NULL != pVolNode ) { if( pVolNode > _pVolNodeLast ) { pVol = pVolNode->_pVolume; _pVolNodeLast = pVolNode; break; }
pVolNode = pVolNode->_pNext; } }
if( NULL != pVol ) pVol->AddRef(); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { TrkAssert( !TEXT("Unexpected exception in GetNextVolume") ); }
_pcs->Leave(); return( pVol );
// CVolumeManager::DcCallback
// StubLnkSvrMessageCallback
// When we RPC to trksvr to do a create volume (in the SyncVolumes method),
// trksvr does an RPC callback on that connection to StubLnkSvrMessageCallback,
// which in turn calls the DcCallback method. This was done so that
// we can verify that the volid actually gets to the volume before taking
// the hit of writing it into the DS. (At one point, the request to trksvr
// was being received, the entry was being put into the DS, but then the
// response back to trkwks was getting an RPC error, so trkwks would retry
// the create, etc.
HRESULT CVolumeManager::DcCallback(ULONG cVolumes, TRKSVR_SYNC_VOLUME* rgVolumes) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
TrkLog((TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Dc Callback with %d volumes"), cVolumes )); for( ULONG v = 0; v < cVolumes; v++ ) { if( _rgVolumesToUpdate[v]->UnloadSyncVolume( &rgVolumes[v] ) && rgVolumes[v].hr == S_OK ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME | TRKDBG_MOVE, TEXT("Volume %c successfully synced with server"), 'A'+_rgVolumesToUpdate[v]->GetIndex() )); } else { fSuccess = FALSE; TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR | TRKDBG_MOVE, TEXT("Couldn't sync vol %c with server (%08x, %s)"), 'A'+_rgVolumesToUpdate[v]->GetIndex(), rgVolumes[v].hr, GetErrorString(rgVolumes[v].hr) )); } } // for( v = 0; v < cVolumes; v++ )
if( S_OK == hr ) return fSuccess ? S_OK : TRK_S_VOLUME_NOT_SYNCED; else return hr; }
// DC callback function. When calling CAvailableDc::CallAvailableDc, DC will callback to the
// trkwks service to set the volume ids on the volumes.
HRESULT StubLnkSvrMessageCallback(TRKSVR_MESSAGE_UNION* pMsg) { return g_ptrkwks->_volumes.DcCallback(pMsg->SyncVolumes.cVolumes, pMsg->SyncVolumes.pVolumes); }