// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996.
// File: ttrkcom.cxx
// Contents: testing IPersistStreamInit interface
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 21-Apl-97 weiruc Created.
// Notes: Use IStream on global memory instead of a file. Not sure if
// it's worth the trouble to test with disk file.
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <trkwks.hxx>
#include <cfiletim.hxx>
#include <trkcom.h>
#include <trkcom.hxx>
#include <ocidl.h>
void ExtractPersistentState(CTrackFile* pTrackFile, LinkTrackPersistentState* target) { memcpy(target, &(pTrackFile->_PersistentState), sizeof(pTrackFile->_PersistentState)); }
BOOL CmpPersistentState(CTrackFile* pTrackFile, LinkTrackPersistentState* target) { if(memcmp(&(pTrackFile->_PersistentState), target, sizeof(pTrackFile->_PersistentState)) != 0) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } }
void FakeCreateFromPath(CTrackFile* pTrackFile) { char* pbScanner;
// I can't get time() function to work. xxx
// srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
pTrackFile->_fLoaded = FALSE; pTrackFile->InitNew();
pbScanner = (char*)&pTrackFile->_PersistentState.droidCurrent; TrkAssert(FIELD_OFFSET(LinkTrackPersistentState, droidCurrent) == sizeof(DWORD)+sizeof(CLSID)); for(; pbScanner < (char*)&pTrackFile->_PersistentState + sizeof(pTrackFile->_PersistentState); pbScanner++) { *pbScanner = (char)rand(); }
pTrackFile->_fDirty = TRUE; }
EXTERN_C int __cdecl _tmain(int argc, TCHAR **argv) { HRESULT hr; ITrackFile* pTrackFile1 = NULL; ITrackFile* pTrackFile2 = NULL; IPersistStreamInit* pPersistStreamInit = NULL; IPersistMemory* pPersistMemory = NULL; IStream* pStream = NULL; HGLOBAL hmemStream = NULL, hmemMemory = NULL; CLSID clsid; ULARGE_INTEGER cbSize_PersistStream; ULONG cbSize_PersistMemory; LinkTrackPersistentState target; HANDLE hfileTest = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; LPVOID pszErrorMsg; BOOL fInitNew = TRUE, // flags of whether
fIsDirty = TRUE, // tests succeeded or
fSaveStream = TRUE, // failed
fLoadStream = TRUE, fSaveMemory = TRUE, fLoadMemory = TRUE; ULARGE_INTEGER ulSize1; //
ULONG ulSize2; // filled by GetSizeMax
ULONG cbWritten; LARGE_INTEGER zeroOffset; // to reset IStream seek pointer
DWORD cbPath; OLECHAR oszPath[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; BYTE rgb[256];
hmemStream = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, sizeof(target)); if(NULL == hmemStream) { FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language
(LPTSTR) &pszErrorMsg, 0, NULL);
_tprintf(TEXT("Fatal error: %s\n"), pszErrorMsg); LocalFree(pszErrorMsg); goto ExitWithError; } hmemMemory = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, sizeof(target)); if(NULL == hmemMemory) { FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language
(LPTSTR) &pszErrorMsg, 0, NULL);
_tprintf(TEXT("Fatal error: %s\n"), pszErrorMsg); LocalFree(pszErrorMsg); goto ExitWithError; }
if(argc > 1) { _tprintf(TEXT("Usage: %s"), argv[0]); goto ExitWithError; }
_tprintf(TEXT("********** Testing IPersistStreamInit and IPersistMemory **********\n"));
// Create a temporary file for testing.
(LPTSTR) &pszErrorMsg, 0, NULL);
_tprintf(TEXT("Fatal error: %s\n"), pszErrorMsg); LocalFree(pszErrorMsg); goto ExitWithError; }
if(CloseHandle(hfileTest) == 0) { _tprintf(TEXT("Fatal error: Can't close test file \"c:\\_testfile_\"\n")); goto ExitWithError; } hfileTest = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; zeroOffset.QuadPart = 0;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TrackFile, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ITrackFile, (void**)&pTrackFile1); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tprintf(TEXT("Couldn't get an ITrackFile (%08x)\n"), hr); goto ExitWithError; }
hr = pTrackFile1->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStreamInit, (void**)&pPersistStreamInit); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tprintf(TEXT("Couldn't QI ITrackFile for IPersistStreamInit. hr = %08x"), hr); } hr = pTrackFile1->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistMemory, (void**)&pPersistMemory); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tprintf(TEXT("Couldn't QI ITrackFile for IPersistMemory. hr = %08x"), hr); }
hr = pPersistStreamInit->InitNew(); // Should be able to call InitNew
if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) // on a newly created object
{ _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit/IPersistMemory::InitNew FAILED. hr = %08x\n"), hr); fInitNew = FALSE; }
// --------------------
// Parameter Validation
// --------------------
hr = pTrackFile1->QueryInterface( IID_IPersistStreamInit, NULL ); if( E_INVALIDARG != hr ) _tprintf(TEXT("ITrackFile::QueryInterface(...,NULL) FAILED, hr = %08x\n"), hr );
hr = pTrackFile1->CreateFromPath( NULL ); if( E_INVALIDARG != hr ) _tprintf(TEXT("ITrackFile::CreateFromPath(NULL) FAILED, hr = %08x\n"), hr );
hr = pTrackFile1->QueryInterface( IID_IPersistStreamInit, NULL ); if( E_INVALIDARG != hr ) _tprintf(TEXT("ITrackFile::QueryInterface(...,NULL) FAILED, hr = %08x\n"), hr );
hr = pTrackFile1->Resolve( NULL, oszPath, 1 ); if( E_INVALIDARG != hr ) _tprintf(TEXT("ITrackFile::Resolve(NULL,...) FAILED, hr = %08x\n"), hr );
hr = pTrackFile1->Resolve( &cbPath, NULL, 1 ); if( E_INVALIDARG != hr ) _tprintf(TEXT("ITrackFile::Resolve(...,NULL,...) FAILED, hr = %08x\n"), hr );
hr = pPersistMemory->GetClassID( NULL ); if( E_POINTER != hr ) _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::GetClassID(NULL) FAILED, hr = %08x\n"), hr );
hr = pPersistMemory->Load( NULL, 1); if( E_POINTER != hr ) _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::Load(NULL,...) FAILED, hr = %08x\n"), hr );
hr = pPersistMemory->Save( NULL, TRUE, 1); if( E_POINTER != hr ) _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::Save(NULL,...) FAILED, hr = %08x\n"), hr );
hr = pPersistMemory->Save( &rgb, TRUE, 1); if( E_INVALIDARG != hr ) _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::Save(...,1) FAILED, hr = %08x\n"), hr );
hr = pPersistMemory->GetSizeMax( NULL ); if( E_POINTER != hr ) _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::GetSizeMax(NULL) FAILED, hr = %08x\n"), hr );
hr = pPersistStreamInit->GetSizeMax( NULL ); if( E_POINTER != hr ) _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::GetSizeMax(NULL) FAILED, hr = %08x\n"), hr );
hr = pPersistStreamInit->Load( NULL ); if( E_POINTER != hr ) _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::Load(NULL) FAILED, hr = %08x\n"), hr );
hr = pPersistStreamInit->Save( NULL, TRUE ); if( E_POINTER != hr ) _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::Save(NULL,...) FAILED, hr = %08x\n"), hr );
if(fInitNew == TRUE) { hr = pPersistMemory->InitNew(); // InitNew can only be called once
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit/IPersistMemory::InitNew FAILED. hr = %08x\n"), hr); fInitNew = FALSE; } else if(E_UNEXPECTED != hr) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit/IPersistMemory::InitNew FAILED. hr = %08x\n"), hr); fInitNew = FALSE; } }
hr = pPersistStreamInit->IsDirty(); // IsDirty should return FALSE
if(S_FALSE != hr) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit/IPersistMemory::IsDirty FAILED. hr = %08x\n"), hr); fIsDirty = FALSE; }
pPersistStreamInit->GetSizeMax(&ulSize1); // Test GetSizeMax
pPersistMemory->GetSizeMax(&ulSize2); if(ulSize1.QuadPart != sizeof(target)) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::GetSizeMax FAILED\n")); } else { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::GetSizeMax PASSED\n")); } if(ulSize2 != sizeof(target)) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::GetSizeMax FAILED\n")); } else { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::GetSizeMax PASSED\n")); }
pPersistStreamInit->GetClassID(&clsid); // Test GetClassID
if(IID_ITrackFile != clsid) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::GetClassID FAILED\n")); } else { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::GetClassID PASSED\n")); } pPersistMemory->GetClassID(&clsid); if(IID_ITrackFile != clsid) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::GetClassID FAILED\n")); } else { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::GetClassID PASSED\n")); }
// This call breaks on my test machine. Since I don't really need it to test my
// program, I'm going to fake the result from this call.
// hr = pTrackFile1->CreateFromPath(TEXT("c:\\_testfile_"));
// if(!SUCCEEDED(hr))
// {
// _tprintf(TEXT("Fatal error: Couldn't call CTrackFile::CreateFromPath(\"c:\\_testfile_\") (%08x)\n"), hr);
// goto ExitWithError;
// }
if(fIsDirty == TRUE) { hr = pPersistStreamInit->IsDirty(); // After CreateFromPath IsDirty
if(S_OK != hr) // should return dirty.
{ _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::IsDirty FAILED. hr = %08x\n"), hr); _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::IsDirty FAILED. hr = %08x\n"), hr ); fIsDirty = FALSE; } }
if(fInitNew == TRUE) { hr = pPersistStreamInit->InitNew(); // Shouldn't be able to call InitNew
if(S_OK == hr || E_UNEXPECTED != hr) // after TrackFile is initialized.
{ _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit/IPersistMemory::InitNew FAILED. hr = %08x\n"), hr); } else { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit/IPersistMemory::InitNew PASSED\n")); } } else { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit/IPersistMemory::InitNew FAILED. hr = %08x\n"), hr); }
hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hmemStream, FALSE, &pStream); // pPersistStreamInit::Save test
if( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { _tprintf(TEXT("Fatal error: Couldn't get an IStream (%08x)\n"), hr); goto ExitWithError; } hr = pPersistStreamInit->Save(pStream, FALSE); // fClearDirty is set to FALSE
if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::Save FAILED (%08x)\n"), hr); fSaveStream = FALSE; } else { if(fIsDirty == TRUE) { hr = pPersistStreamInit->IsDirty(); // After Save, IsDirty should still return
if(S_OK != hr) // dirty when fClearDirty is set to be FALSE.
{ _tprintf(TEXT("Either IPersistStreamInit/IPersistMemory::IsDirty FAILED. hr = %08x\n"), hr); _tprintf(TEXT("or IPersistStreamInit::Save with fClearDirty = FALSE FAILED\n")); fIsDirty = FALSE; } } } pStream->Seek(zeroOffset, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); hr = pPersistStreamInit->Save(pStream, TRUE); // set fClearDirty to be TRUE
if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::Save FAILED (%08x)\n"), hr); fSaveStream = FALSE; } else { if(fIsDirty == TRUE) { hr = pPersistStreamInit->IsDirty(); // After Save, IsDirty should return
if(S_FALSE != hr) // clean when fClearDirty is TRUE.
{ _tprintf(TEXT("Either IPersistStreamInit/IPersistMemory::IsDirty FAILED. hr = %08x\n"), hr); _tprintf(TEXT("or IPersistStreamInit::Save with fClearDirty = TRUE FAILED\n")); fIsDirty = FALSE; } } }
if(fIsDirty == TRUE) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit/IPersistMemory::IsDirty PASSED\n")); }
hr = pPersistMemory->Save(hmemMemory, FALSE, GlobalSize(hmemMemory)); // test IPersistMemory::Save
if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) // fClearDirty is set to be FALSE
{ _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::Save FAILED (%08x)\n"), hr); fSaveMemory = FALSE; } hr = pPersistMemory->Save(hmemMemory, TRUE, GlobalSize(hmemMemory)); // fClearDirty = TRUE
if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::Save FAILED (%08x)\n"), hr); fSaveMemory = FALSE; }
if(TRUE == fSaveStream && TRUE == fSaveMemory) // Compare the memory content after
{ // Save operation
ExtractPersistentState((CTrackFile*)pTrackFile1, &target); if(memcmp(hmemStream, &target, sizeof(target)) == 0) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::Save PASSED (if no error message before about fClearDirty)\n")); } else { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::Save FAILED\n")); } if(memcmp(hmemMemory, &target, sizeof(target)) == 0) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::Save PASSED (if no error message before about fClearDirty)\n")); } else { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::Save FAILED\n")); } } RELEASE_INTERFACE(pTrackFile1); RELEASE_INTERFACE(pPersistMemory); RELEASE_INTERFACE(pPersistStreamInit); RELEASE_INTERFACE(pStream);
// Test Load functions
hr = CoCreateInstance(IID_ITrackFile, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ITrackFile, (void**)&pTrackFile1); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tprintf(TEXT("Couldn't get an ITrackFile (%08x)\n"), hr); goto ExitWithError; } hr = pTrackFile1->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStreamInit, (void**)&pPersistStreamInit); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tprintf(TEXT("Couldn't QI ITrackFile for IPersistStreamInit")); goto ExitWithError; }
hr = CoCreateInstance(IID_ITrackFile, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ITrackFile, (void**)&pTrackFile2); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tprintf(TEXT("Couldn't get an ITrackFile (%08x)\n"), hr); goto ExitWithError; } hr = pTrackFile2->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistMemory, (void**)&pPersistMemory); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tprintf(TEXT("Couldn't QI ITrackFile for IPersistMemory")); goto ExitWithError; }
memcpy(hmemMemory, &target, sizeof(target)); // Set up sources to load from
CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hmemStream, TRUE, &pStream); hr = pStream->Write((byte*)&target, sizeof(target), &cbWritten); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr) || sizeof(target) != cbWritten) { _tprintf(TEXT("Fatal error: Can't create stream object\n")); goto ExitWithError; } pStream->Seek(zeroOffset, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
hr = pPersistStreamInit->Load(pStream); // Test IPersistStreamInit::Load
if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::Load FAILED. hr = %08x\n"), hr); } else if(CmpPersistentState((CTrackFile*)pTrackFile1, (LinkTrackPersistentState*)hmemStream) != TRUE) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::Load FAILED")); } else { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistStreamInit::Load PASSED\n")); }
hr = pPersistMemory->Load(hmemMemory, GlobalSize(hmemMemory)); // Test IPersistMemory::Load
if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::Load FAILED. hr = %08x\n"), hr); } else if(CmpPersistentState((CTrackFile*)pTrackFile2, (LinkTrackPersistentState*)hmemMemory) != TRUE) { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::Load FAILED\n")); } else { _tprintf(TEXT("IPersistMemory::Load PASSED\n")); } } __except(BreakOnDebuggableException()) { _tprintf(TEXT("Exception happened. Exception code = %08x\n"), GetExceptionCode()); }
RELEASE_INTERFACE(pTrackFile1); RELEASE_INTERFACE(pTrackFile2); RELEASE_INTERFACE(pPersistStreamInit); RELEASE_INTERFACE(pPersistMemory); RELEASE_INTERFACE(pStream); GlobalFree(hmemStream); GlobalFree(hmemMemory);
if(DeleteFile(TEXT("c:\\_testfile_")) == 0) { _tprintf(TEXT("WARNING: Couldn't delete test file \"c:\\_testfile_\"")); } return(0); }