Copyright (c) 1998 Gemplus Development
Name: gprcmd.c
Description: This is the module which holds the calls to the readers functions.
Environment: Kernel Mode
Revision History: 06/04/99: (Y. Nadeau + M. Veillette) - Code Review 12/03/99: V1.00.005 (Y. Nadeau) - Fix Set protocol to give reader the time to process the change 18/09/98: V1.00.004 (Y. Nadeau) - Correction for NT5 beta 3 06/05/98: V1.00.003 (P. Plouidy) - Power management for NT5 10/02/98: V1.00.002 (P. Plouidy) - Plug and Play for NT5 03/07/97: V1.00.001 (P. Plouidy) - Start of development.
--*/ //
// Include section:
// - stdio.h: standards definitons.
// - ntddk.h: DDK Windows NT general definitons.
// - ntdef.h: Windows NT general definitons.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ntddk.h>
#include <ntdef.h>
// - gprcmd.h: common definition for this module.
// - gprnt.h: public interface definition for the NT module.
// - gprelcmd.h : elementary commands profile
// - gemerror.h : Gemplus error codes
#include "gprnt.h"
#include "gprcmd.h"
#include "gprelcmd.h"
#pragma alloc_text(PAGEABLE, GprCbSetProtocol)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGEABLE, GprCbTransmit)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGEABLE, GprCbVendorIoctl)
// Master driver code to load in RAM
UCHAR MASTER_DRIVER[133]={ 0xC2,0xB5,0x12,0x14,0xC6,0xFC,0x78,0x00,0x7B,0x00,0x90,0x07,0xDF,0xE0,0xD2,0xE4, 0xF0,0xEB,0xF8,0x12,0x14,0xD0,0x12,0x0D,0x9B,0x40,0x5C,0x0B,0xDC,0xF3,0xD2,0xB4, 0x90,0x07,0xDF,0xE0,0xC2,0xE4,0xF0,0x90,0x06,0xD4,0xE4,0xF5,0x15,0xF5,0x11,0xC2, 0x4D,0xA3,0x05,0x11,0x75,0x34,0x0A,0x75,0x37,0x00,0x75,0x38,0x40,0x12,0x0B,0x75, 0x20,0x20,0x3B,0xF0,0xA3,0x05,0x11,0x7B,0x01,0x12,0x0B,0x75,0x20,0x20,0x2F,0xF0, 0xA3,0x05,0x11,0x7C,0x03,0x33,0x33,0x50,0x01,0x0B,0xDC,0xFA,0x12,0x0B,0x75,0x20, 0x20,0x1C,0xF0,0xA3,0x05,0x11,0xDB,0xF4,0xE4,0x90,0x06,0xD4,0xF0,0x75,0x16,0x00, 0x75,0x15,0x00,0x12,0x14,0x15,0x22,0x74,0x0C,0x75,0x11,0x01,0x80,0xEB,0x74,0x0D, 0x75,0x11,0x01,0x80,0xE4 };
// Hard coded structure for different values of TA1.
// eg. If TA= 0x92 is to set, this array of structure can be scanned and
// for member variable TA1 = 0x92 and that values can be written to
// approptiate location.
// This is done in ConfigureTA1() function.
struct tagCfgTa1 { BYTE TA1; BYTE ETU1; BYTE ETU2; BYTE ETU1P; } cfg_ta1[] = {
// { 0x15, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
// { 0x95, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
// { 0x25, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01 },
// { 0x14, 0x05, 0x03, 0x01 },
// { 0x35, 0x05, 0x03, 0x01 },
// { 0xa5, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01 },
// { 0x94, 0x07, 0x04, 0x02 },
// { 0xb5, 0x07, 0x04, 0x02 },
// { 0x24, 0x09, 0x04, 0x04 },
// { 0x45, 0x09, 0x04, 0x04 },
{ 0x13, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09 }, { 0x34, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09 }, { 0x55, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09 }, { 0xa4, 0x0c, 0x06, 0x08 }, { 0xc5, 0x0c, 0x06, 0x08 }, { 0x65, 0x10, 0x08, 0x0c },
{ 0x93, 0x11, 0x09, 0x0d }, { 0xb4, 0x11, 0x09, 0x0d }, { 0xd5, 0x11, 0x09, 0x0d },
{ 0x23, 0x14, 0x0a, 0x10 }, { 0x44, 0x14, 0x0a, 0x10 },
{ 0x12, 0x1c, 0x0e, 0x15 }, { 0x33, 0x1c, 0x0e, 0x15 }, { 0x54, 0x1c, 0x0e, 0x15 },
{ 0xa3, 0x1c, 0x0f, 0x15 }, { 0xc4, 0x1c, 0x0f, 0x15 },
{ 0x64, 0x24, 0x12, 0x20 },
{ 0x92, 0x26, 0x14, 0x22 }, { 0xb3, 0x26, 0x14, 0x22 }, { 0xd4, 0x26, 0x14, 0x22 },
{ 0x22, 0x2b, 0x16, 0x27 }, { 0x43, 0x2b, 0x16, 0x27 },
{ 0x11, 0x3b, 0x1e, 0x37 }, { 0x32, 0x3b, 0x1e, 0x37 }, { 0x53, 0x3b, 0x1e, 0x37 },
// { 0x71, 0x55, 0x2b, 0x51 },
// { 0x91, 0x55, 0x2b, 0x51 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
Routine Description : Used to calculate the ATR length according to its content. Arguments ATR - string to analyze MaxChar - Maximum number of characters to verify. --*/ { USHORT Len; UCHAR T0; UCHAR Yi; BOOLEAN EndInterChar; BOOLEAN TCKPresent=FALSE;
T0 = ATR[1]; Len= 2; // TS + T0
Yi= (T0 & 0xF0);
EndInterChar = FALSE; do { if (Yi & 0x10) { Len++; //TAi
} if (Yi & 0x20) { Len++; //TBi
} if (Yi & 0x40) { Len++; //TCi
} if (Yi & 0x80) { Yi = ATR[Len]; if((Yi & 0x0F)!=0) { TCKPresent=TRUE; }
Len++; //TDi
} else { EndInterChar = TRUE; } } while(EndInterChar == FALSE);
Len = Len + (T0 & 0x0F);
if(TCKPresent==TRUE) { Len = Len+1; //TCK
return (Len); }
BOOLEAN NeedToSwitchWithoutPTS( BYTE *ATR, DWORD LengthATR ) /*++
Routine Description : Examine if ATR identifies a specific mode (presence of TA2). Arguments ATR - string to analyze LengthATR - Length of ATR. --*/
{ DWORD pos, len;
// ATR[1] is T0. Examine precense of TD1.
if (ATR[1] & 0x80) { // Find position of TD1.
pos = 2; if (ATR[1] & 0x10) pos++; if (ATR[1] & 0x20) pos++; if (ATR[1] & 0x40) pos++;
// Here ATR[pos] is TD1. Examine presence of TA2.
if (ATR[pos] & 0x10) { // To be of any interest an ATR must contains at least
// TS, T0, TA1, TD1, TA2 [+ T1 .. TK] [+ TCK]
// Find the maximum length of uninteresting ATR.
if (ATR[pos] & 0x0F) len = 5 + (ATR[1] & 0x0F); else len = 4 + (ATR[1] & 0x0F); // In protocol T=0 there is no TCK.
if (LengthATR > len) // Interface bytes requires changes.
if ((ATR[pos+1] & 0x10) == 0) // TA2 asks to use interface bytes.
return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
NTSTATUS ValidateDriver( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension) /*++
Routine Description : Validate the Master driver loaded in RAM at address 2100h Arguments pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure. --*/ { READER_EXTENSION *pReaderExt = pSmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension; NTSTATUS lStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; UCHAR Vi[GPR_BUFFER_SIZE]; UCHAR To; USHORT Lo; UCHAR Vo[GPR_BUFFER_SIZE];
Vi[0] = 0x83; // DIR
Vi[1] = 0x21; // ADR MSB
Vi[2] = 0x00; // ADR LSB
// Output variable initialisation
Lo = GPR_BUFFER_SIZE; To = 0x00; Vo[0] = 0x00;
// return a NTSTATUS
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange ( pReaderExt, VALIDATE_DRIVER_CMD, 3, Vi, &To, &Lo, Vo );
return (lStatus);
NTSTATUS Update( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension, UCHAR Addr, UCHAR Value) /*++
Routine Description : Write a value in RAM Arguments pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure. Addr: Address in RAM Value: Value to write --*/ { READER_EXTENSION *pReaderExt = pSmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension; NTSTATUS lStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; UCHAR Vi[GPR_BUFFER_SIZE]; UCHAR To; USHORT Lo; UCHAR Vo[GPR_BUFFER_SIZE];
Vi[0]= 0x01; Vi[1]= Addr; Vi[2]= Value;
// Output variable initialisation
Lo = GPR_BUFFER_SIZE; To = 0x00; Vo[0] = 0x00;
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange( pReaderExt, UPDATE_CMD, 0x03, Vi, &To, &Lo, Vo );
return (lStatus);
NTSTATUS UpdateORL( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension, UCHAR Addr, UCHAR Value) /*++
Routine Description : Write a value in RAM with OR mask Arguments pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure. --*/ { READER_EXTENSION *pReaderExt = pSmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension; NTSTATUS lStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; UCHAR Vi[GPR_BUFFER_SIZE]; UCHAR To; USHORT Lo; UCHAR Vo[GPR_BUFFER_SIZE];
Vi[0]= 0x02; Vi[1]= Addr; // Output variable initialisation
Lo = GPR_BUFFER_SIZE; To = 0x00; Vo[0] = 0x00;
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange( pReaderExt, UPDATE_CMD, 0x02, Vi, &To, &Lo, Vo );
if (STATUS_SUCCESS != lStatus) { return (lStatus); }
Vi[0]= 0x01; Vi[1]= Addr; Vi[2] = Vo[1] | Value;
// Output variable initialisation
Lo = GPR_BUFFER_SIZE; To = 0x00; Vo[0] = 0x00;
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange( pReaderExt, UPDATE_CMD, 0x03, Vi, &To, &Lo, Vo );
return (lStatus); }
NTSTATUS T0toT1( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension) /*++
Routine Description : OS patch to put the reader in T1 mode Arguments pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure. --*/ { NTSTATUS lStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// Verify each update to be done
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x09,0x03); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x20,0x03); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x48,0x00); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x49,0x0F); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x4A,0x20); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x4B,0x0B); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x4C,0x40); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); } lStatus = UpdateORL(pSmartcardExtension,0x2A,0x02); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
// Give the reader the time to process the change
return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
NTSTATUS T1toT0( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension) /*++
Routine Description : OS patch to put the reader in T0 mode Arguments pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure. --*/ { READER_EXTENSION *pReaderExt = pSmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension; NTSTATUS lStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x09,0x02); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x20,0x02); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
// Give the reader the time to process the change
return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
NTSTATUS IccColdReset( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension ) /*++
Routine Description : Cold reset function. The delay between the power down & the power up is strored in the PowerTimeout field of the READER_EXTENSION structure. The default value is 0.
pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure. --*/ { //
// Local variables:
// - pReaderExt holds the pointer to the current ReaderExtension structure
// - lStatus holds the status to return.
// - Vi Holds the input buffer of the TLV commnand.
// - To holds the Tag of the returned TLV.
// - Lo holds the Length of the buffer of the returned TLV.
// - Vo holds the Buffer of the returned TLV.
// - RespLen holds the Length of the buffer of the TLV returned by the power up command.
// - Rbuff holds the buffer of the TLV returned by the power up command.
// Send power on command (GprllTLVExchange: T= 20h, L = 0)
// <= response
// Output variable initialisation
To = 0x00; RespBuff[0] = 0x00;
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange( pReaderExt, OPEN_SESSION_CMD, 0x00, Vi, &To, &RespLen, RespBuff ); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
// Correct the WTX pb
// Get the value set by the reader
Vi [0]=0x02; Vi [1]=0x4A;
// Output variable initialisation
Lo = GPR_BUFFER_SIZE; To = 0x00; Vo[0] = 0x00;
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange( pReaderExt, UPDATE_CMD, 0x02, Vi, &To, &Lo, Vo ); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
// adjust the value of the BWT
if(Vo[1] >= 0x80) { BWTimeAdjust = 0xff; } else { BWTimeAdjust = Vo[1] * 2; }
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x4A,BWTimeAdjust);
if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// Get the ATR length from this function
MaxChar = RespLen - 1; RespLen = ATRLen(RespBuff+1, MaxChar) + 1; //
// Copy ATR to smart card struct (remove the reader status byte)
// The lib needs the ATR for evaluation of the card parameters
// Verification if Response buffer is larger than ATR buffer.
if ( (pSmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.BufferSize >= (ULONG) (RespLen - 1)) && (sizeof(pSmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.ATR.Buffer) >= (ULONG)(RespLen - 1)) ) {
RtlCopyMemory( pSmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.Buffer, RespBuff + 1, RespLen - 1 ); pSmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.BufferLength = (ULONG) (RespLen - 1); RtlCopyMemory( pSmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.ATR.Buffer, pSmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.Buffer, pSmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.BufferLength );
pSmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.ATR.Length = (UCHAR) pSmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.BufferLength ;
pSmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.Protocol.Selected = SCARD_PROTOCOL_UNDEFINED;
// Parse the ATR string in order to check if it as valid
// and to find out if the card uses invers convention
lStatus = SmartcardUpdateCardCapabilities(pSmartcardExtension);
if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { RtlCopyMemory( pSmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBuffer, pSmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.ATR.Buffer, pSmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.ATR.Length );
*pSmartcardExtension->IoRequest.Information = pSmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.BufferLength;
// Implicite protocol and parameters selection?
// Verify if TA2 require to switch in TA1
if ( NeedToSwitchWithoutPTS( pSmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.ATR.Buffer, pSmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.ATR.Length) == FALSE) { // send reader parameters
IfdConfig(pSmartcardExtension, 0x11); } } } else { lStatus = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
} return (lStatus); }
NTSTATUS IccPowerDown( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension ) /*++
Routine Description : ICC power down function
Arguments pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure. --*/ { // Local variables:
// - pReaderExt holds the pointer to the current ReaderExtension structure
// - lStatus holds the status to return.
// - Vi Holds the input buffer of the TLV commnand.
// - To holds the Tag of the returned TLV.
// - Lo holds the Length of the buffer of the returned TLV.
// - Vo holds the Buffer of the returned TLV.
// Power down
// Output variable initialisation
Lo = GPR_BUFFER_SIZE; To = 0x00; Vo[0] = 0x00;
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange( pReaderExt, CLOSE_SESSION_CMD, 0x00, Vi, &To, &Lo, Vo ); if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pSmartcardExtension->ReaderCapabilities.CurrentState = SCARD_SWALLOWED; }
return (lStatus); }
NTSTATUS IccIsoOutput( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension, const UCHAR pCommand[5], USHORT *pRespLen, UCHAR pRespBuff[] ) /*++
Routine Description : This function sends an ISO OUT command to the card
Arguments pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure. pCommand : Iso out command to send. pRespLen : in - maximum buffer size available out - returned buffer length. pRespBuff: returned buffer --*/ { // Local variables:
// - pReaderExt holds the pointer to the current ReaderExtension structure
// - lStatus holds the status to return.
// - Vi Holds the input buffer of the TLV commnand.
// - To holds the Tag of the returned TLV.
// - Lo holds the Length of the buffer of the returned TLV.
// - Vo holds the Buffer of the returned TLV.
READER_EXTENSION *pReaderExt = pSmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension; NTSTATUS lStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; UCHAR Vi[GPR_BUFFER_SIZE]= { 0x01 }; UCHAR To; USHORT Lo; UCHAR Vo[GPR_BUFFER_SIZE];
// The five command bytes are added in cmd buffer.
RtlCopyMemory(Vi + 1, pCommand, 5);
// The command is send to IFD.
// Fields RespLen and RespBuff are updates
// <= sResponse
Lo = *pRespLen; To = 0x00; Vo[0] = 0x00;
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange( pReaderExt, APDU_EXCHANGE_CMD, 6, Vi, &To, &Lo, Vo );
if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { *pRespLen = 0; } else {
// To correct the bug of GPR400 version 1.0
// If the response is 0xE7 then correct the response
if ( (Lo != 1) && (pReaderExt->OsVersion<= 0x10 )&& (Vo[0]==0xE7) ) { Lo = 0x03; }
RtlCopyMemory(pRespBuff, Vo, Lo); *pRespLen = Lo; } return (lStatus); }
NTSTATUS IccIsoInput( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension, const UCHAR pCommand[5], const UCHAR pData[], USHORT *pRespLen, BYTE pRespBuff[] ) /*++
Routine Description : This function sends an ISO IN command to the card
Arguments pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure. pCommand : Iso out command to send. pData : data to send. pRespLen : in - maximum buffer size available out - returned buffer length. pRespBuff: returned buffer --*/ { // Local variables:
// - pReaderExt holds the pointer to the current ReaderExtension structure
// - Ti holds the apdu command tag.
// - Li holds the Iso out command length.
// - Vi holds Icc ISO In command whose format is
// <DIR=0x00> <CLA> <INS> <P1> <P2> <Length> [ Data ]
// Length = Length + Dir + CLA + INS + P1 + P2
// - To holds the response tag
// - Lo holds th response buffer length.
// - Vo holds the response buffer
// Length of the the TLV = Length of data + 6
Li = pCommand[4]+6,
// The five command bytes are added in cmd buffer.
RtlCopyMemory(Vi + 1, pCommand, 5); //The data field is added.
RtlCopyMemory(Vi + 6, pData, pCommand[4]);
// The command is send to IFD.
// Fields RespLen and RespBuff are updates
// <= sResponse
Lo = *pRespLen;
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange( pReaderExt, Ti, Li, Vi, &To, &Lo, Vo );
if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { *pRespLen = Lo; RtlCopyMemory(pRespBuff, Vo, Lo); } else { *pRespLen = 0; }
return (lStatus); }
NTSTATUS IccIsoT1( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension, const USHORT Li, const UCHAR Vi[], USHORT *Lo, UCHAR Vo[] ) /*++
Routine Description : This function sends a T=1 frame to the card
Arguments pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure. Li : Length of the frame to send. Vi : frame to send. Lo : in - maximum buffer size available out - Length of the response buffer. Vo : Response buffer. --*/ { // Local variables:
// - pReaderExt holds the pointer to the current ReaderExtension structure
// - Ti Tag in TLV structure to send.
// - To Tag in response TLV structure.
UCHAR Ti = APDU_EXCHANGE_CMD; UCHAR To; NTSTATUS lStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; READER_EXTENSION *pReaderExt = pSmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension;
To = 0x00;
// Return value for To is not needed, The function GprllTLVExchange verify that
// it corresponds to the Ti
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange( pReaderExt, Ti, Li, Vi, &To, Lo, Vo ); return (lStatus); }
NTSTATUS IfdConfig( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension, UCHAR TA1 ) /*++
Routine Description : This function Sets the correct internal values of the reader regarding the TA1 of the ATR.
Arguments pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure. --*/ { // Local variables:
// - sResponse holds the called function responses.
// - pReaderExt holds the pointer to the current ReaderExtension structure
// - lStatus holds the status to return.
// - Vi Holds the input buffer of the TLV commnand.
// - To holds the Tag of the returned TLV.
// - Lo holds the Length of the buffer of the returned TLV.
// - Vo holds the Buffer of the returned TLV.
UCHAR Card_ETU1; UCHAR Card_ETU2; UCHAR Card_ETU1P; UCHAR Card_TA1; READER_EXTENSION *pReaderExt = pSmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension; NTSTATUS lStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; USHORT i = 0;
// search TA1 parameters
do { if ( TA1 == cfg_ta1[i].TA1 ) { break; } i++; } while ( cfg_ta1[i].TA1 != 0 );
if(cfg_ta1[i].TA1 != 0) { Card_TA1 = cfg_ta1[i].TA1; Card_ETU1 = cfg_ta1[i].ETU1; Card_ETU2 = cfg_ta1[i].ETU2; Card_ETU1P= cfg_ta1[i].ETU1P; } else { // Default value 9600
Card_TA1 = 0x11; Card_ETU1 = 0x3B; Card_ETU2 = 0x1E; Card_ETU1P= 0x37; }
// Verify each update to be done
//Set the TA1
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x32,Card_TA1); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
//Set the Card ETU1
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x35,Card_ETU1); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
//Set the Card ETU2
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x36,Card_ETU2); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
//Set the Card ETU1 P
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x39,Card_ETU1P); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
//Set the Save TA1
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x3A,Card_TA1); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
//Set the Save ETU1
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x3D,Card_ETU1); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
//Set the Save ETU2
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x3E,Card_ETU2); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
//Set the Save ETU1 P
lStatus = Update(pSmartcardExtension,0x41,Card_ETU1P); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return (lStatus); }
// Give the reader the time to process the change
NTSTATUS IfdCheck( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension ) /*++
Routine Description : This function performs a software reset of the GPR400 using the Handshake register and TEST if hardware okay.
Arguments pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure. --*/ { // Local variables:
// - pReaderExt holds the pointer to the current ReaderExtension structure
// - HandShakeRegister
READER_EXTENSION *pReaderExt = pSmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension; UCHAR HandShakeRegister;
#if DBG
SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_ERROR, ( "%s!IfdCheck: Enter\n", SC_DRIVER_NAME) ); #endif
// In the case that system reboot for Hibernate in
// Power management. The GPR400 signal a device was been remove
// but we have to request a second time to have the actual
// state of the reader.
HandShakeRegister = GprllReadRegister(pReaderExt,REGISTER_HANDSHAKE);
SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_DRIVER, ("%s!IfdCheck: Read HandShakeRegister value:%x\n", SC_DRIVER_NAME, HandShakeRegister) );
//Set to 1 the Master Reset bit from Handshake register
//Wait 10 ms
GprllWait(10); //Reset the Master Reset bit from Handshake register
//Wait 80 ms
HandShakeRegister = GprllReadRegister(pReaderExt,REGISTER_HANDSHAKE);
SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_DRIVER, ("%s!IfdCheck: Read HandShakeRegister 2nd time value:%x\n", SC_DRIVER_NAME, HandShakeRegister) );
if(HandShakeRegister != 0x80) { // Return reader IO problem
return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
NTSTATUS IfdReset( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension ) /*++
Routine Description : This function performs a software reset of the GPR400 using the Handshake register.
Arguments pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure. --*/ { // Local variables:
// - sResponse holds the called function responses.
// - pReaderExt holds the pointer to the current ReaderExtension structure
// - lStatus holds the status to return.
// - Vi Holds the input buffer of the TLV commnand.
// - To holds the Tag of the returned TLV.
// - Lo holds the Length of the buffer of the returned TLV.
// - Vo holds the Buffer of the returned TLV.
#if DBG
SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_TRACE, ( "%s!IfdReset: Enter\n", SC_DRIVER_NAME) ); #endif
// In the case that system reboot for Hibernate in
// Power management. The GPR400 signal a device was been remove
// but we have to request a second time to have the actual
// state of the reader.
//Set to 1 the Master Reset bit from Handshake register
//Wait 10 ms
GprllWait(10); //Reset the Master Reset bit from Handshake register
//Wait 80 ms
//Read the GPR status
Vi[0] = 0x00; Lo = GPR_BUFFER_SIZE;
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange ( pReaderExt, CHECK_AND_STATUS_CMD, 0x01, Vi, &To, &Lo, Vo );
#if DBG
SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_TRACE, ( "%s!IfdReset: GprllTLVExchange status= %x\n", SC_DRIVER_NAME, lStatus) ); #endif
if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_TRACE, ( "%s!IfdReset: GprllTLVExchange() failed! Leaving.....\n", SC_DRIVER_NAME) ); return (lStatus); }
//Memorize the GPR400 version
pReaderExt->OsVersion = Vo[1];
pSmartcardExtension->VendorAttr.IfdVersion.VersionMinor = pReaderExt->OsVersion & 0x0f;
pSmartcardExtension->VendorAttr.IfdVersion.VersionMajor = (pReaderExt->OsVersion & 0xf0) >> 4;
SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_TRACE, ( "%s!IfdReset: Loading Master driver...\n", SC_DRIVER_NAME) ); //Load the Master Driver in RAM at @2100h
Vi[0] = 0x02; // DIR
Vi[1] = 0x01 ; // ADR MSB
Vi[2] = 0x00 ; // ADR LSB
memcpy(&Vi[3], MASTER_DRIVER, sizeof(MASTER_DRIVER)); // Output variable initialisation
Lo = GPR_BUFFER_SIZE; To = 0x00; Vo[0] = 0x00;
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange ( pReaderExt, LOAD_MEMORY_CMD, sizeof(MASTER_DRIVER) + 3, Vi, &To, &Lo, Vo ); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_TRACE, ( "%s!IfdReset: GprllTLVExchange() failed! Leaving.....\n", SC_DRIVER_NAME) ); return (lStatus); }
lStatus = ValidateDriver(pSmartcardExtension); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_TRACE, ( "%s!IfdReset: ValidateDriver() failed! Leaving.....\n", SC_DRIVER_NAME) ); return (lStatus); }
NTSTATUS IfdPowerDown( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension ) /*++
Routine Description : This function powers down the IFD
Arguments pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure.
--*/ { // Local variables:
// - sResponse holds the called function responses.
// - pReaderExt holds the pointer to the current ReaderExtension structure
// - lStatus holds the status to return.
// - Vi Holds the input buffer of the TLV commnand.
// - To holds the Tag of the returned TLV.
// - Lo holds the Length of the buffer of the returned TLV.
// - Vo holds the Buffer of the returned TLV.
// Put the GPR in Power-down mode (GprllTLVExchange T=0x40, L=1 and V=0x00)
// <== response of the GprllTLVExchange
Vi[0] = 0x00; // Output variable initialisation
Lo = GPR_BUFFER_SIZE; To = 0x00; Vo[0] = 0x00;
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange( pReaderExt, POWER_DOWN_GPR_CMD, 0x01, Vi, &To, &Lo, Vo );
return (lStatus); }
NTSTATUS GprCbReaderPower( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION SmartcardExtension ) /*++
Routine Description : This function is called by the Smart card library when a IOCTL_SMARTCARD_POWER occurs. This function provides 3 differents functionnality, depending of the minor IOCTL value - Cold reset (SCARD_COLD_RESET), - Warm reset (SCARD_WARM_RESET), - Power down (SCARD_POWER_DOWN).
Arguments - SmartcardExtension is a pointer on the SmartCardExtension structure of the current device. --*/ { NTSTATUS lStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PREADER_EXTENSION pReader;
ASSERT(SmartcardExtension != NULL);
pReader = SmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension; waitForIdleAndBlock(pReader); switch(SmartcardExtension->MinorIoControlCode) { case SCARD_POWER_DOWN: //Power down the ICC
lStatus = IccPowerDown(SmartcardExtension); break;
case SCARD_COLD_RESET: // Power up the ICC after a power down and a PowerTimeout waiting time.
lStatus = IccPowerDown(SmartcardExtension); if(lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Waits for the Power Timeout to be elapsed before the reset command.
case SCARD_WARM_RESET: lStatus = IccColdReset(SmartcardExtension); break;
default: lStatus = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
setIdle(pReader); return lStatus; }
NTSTATUS GprCbTransmit( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION SmartcardExtension ) /*++
Routine Description :
This function is called by the Smart card library when a IOCTL_SMARTCARD_TRANSMIT occurs. This function is used to transmit a command to the card.
Arguments - SmartcardExtension is a pointer on the SmartCardExtension structure of the current device. --*/ { NTSTATUS lStatus=STATUS_SUCCESS; PUCHAR requestBuffer = SmartcardExtension->SmartcardRequest.Buffer; PUCHAR replyBuffer = SmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.Buffer; PULONG requestLength = &SmartcardExtension->SmartcardRequest.BufferLength; PULONG replyLength = &SmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.BufferLength; USHORT sRespLen; UCHAR pRespBuff[GPR_BUFFER_SIZE]; PREADER_EXTENSION pReader;
PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(SmartcardExtension != NULL);
*requestLength = 0; sRespLen = 0; pRespBuff[0] = 0x0;
pReader = SmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension; waitForIdleAndBlock(pReader); switch (SmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.Protocol.Selected) { // Raw
// T=0
case SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0: lStatus = SmartcardT0Request(SmartcardExtension); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { setIdle(pReader); return lStatus; }
sRespLen = GPR_BUFFER_SIZE; pRespBuff[0] = 0x0; if (SmartcardExtension->T0.Le > 0) { // ISO OUT command if BufferLength = 5
lStatus = IccIsoOutput( SmartcardExtension, ( UCHAR *) SmartcardExtension->SmartcardRequest.Buffer, &sRespLen, pRespBuff ); } else { // ISO IN command if BufferLength >5 or BufferLength = 4
lStatus = IccIsoInput( SmartcardExtension, ( UCHAR *) SmartcardExtension->SmartcardRequest.Buffer, ( UCHAR *) SmartcardExtension->SmartcardRequest.Buffer+5, &sRespLen, pRespBuff ); } if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { setIdle(pReader); return lStatus; } // Copy the response command without the reader status
// Verify if the buffer is large enough
if (SmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.BufferSize >= (ULONG)(sRespLen - 1)) { RtlCopyMemory( SmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.Buffer, pRespBuff + 1, sRespLen - 1); SmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.BufferLength = (ULONG) (sRespLen - 1); } else { // SmartcardT0Reply must be called; prepare this call.
SmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.BufferLength = 0; } lStatus = SmartcardT0Reply(SmartcardExtension); break; // T=1
do { SmartcardExtension->SmartcardRequest.BufferLength = 0; lStatus = SmartcardT1Request(SmartcardExtension); if(lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { setIdle(pReader); return lStatus; }
sRespLen = GPR_BUFFER_SIZE; pRespBuff[0] = 0x0; lStatus = IccIsoT1( SmartcardExtension, (USHORT) SmartcardExtension->SmartcardRequest.BufferLength, (UCHAR *) SmartcardExtension->SmartcardRequest.Buffer, &sRespLen, pRespBuff);
if(lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { // do not try to access the reader anymore.
if(lStatus == STATUS_DEVICE_REMOVED) { setIdle(pReader); return lStatus; } // Let the SmartcardT1Reply determine the status
sRespLen = 1; } // Copy the response of the reader in the reply buffer
// Remove the status of the reader
// Verify if the buffer is large enough
if (SmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.BufferSize >= (ULONG)(sRespLen - 1)) { RtlCopyMemory( SmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.Buffer, pRespBuff + 1 , sRespLen - 1 ); SmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.BufferLength = (ULONG) sRespLen - 1; } else { // SmartcardT1Reply must be called; prepare this call.
SmartcardExtension->SmartcardReply.BufferLength = 0; }
lStatus = SmartcardT1Reply(SmartcardExtension);
} while(lStatus == STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED); break; default: lStatus = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; break; }
setIdle(pReader); return lStatus; }
NTSTATUS GprCbSetProtocol( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION SmartcardExtension ) /*++
Routine Description :
This function is called by the Smart card library when a IOCTL_SMARTCARD_SET_PROTOCOL occurs. The minor IOCTL value holds the protocol to set.
Arguments - SmartcardExtension is a pointer on the SmartCardExtension structure of the current device. --*/ { NTSTATUS lStatus=STATUS_SUCCESS; UCHAR Vi[GPR_BUFFER_SIZE]; UCHAR To; USHORT Lo; UCHAR Vo[GPR_BUFFER_SIZE]; READER_EXTENSION *pReaderExt = SmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension; UCHAR PTS0=0; UCHAR Value = 0; PREADER_EXTENSION pReader;
PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(SmartcardExtension != NULL);
pReader = SmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension; waitForIdleAndBlock(pReader); // Check if the card is already in specific state
// and if the caller wants to have the already selected protocol.
// We return success if this is the case.
*SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.Information = 0x00;
if ( SmartcardExtension->ReaderCapabilities.CurrentState == SCARD_SPECIFIC && ( SmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.Protocol.Selected & SmartcardExtension->MinorIoControlCode ) ) { lStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { __try { if (SmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.Protocol.Supported & SmartcardExtension->MinorIoControlCode & SCARD_PROTOCOL_T1) {
// select T=1
SmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.Protocol.Selected = SCARD_PROTOCOL_T1; PTS0= 0x11; } else if (SmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.Protocol.Supported & SmartcardExtension->MinorIoControlCode & SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0) {
// select T=0
SmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.Protocol.Selected = SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0; PTS0 = 0x10;
} else { lStatus = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; __leave; }
// Send the PTS function
Vi[0] = 0xFF; Vi[1] = PTS0; Vi[2] = SmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.PtsData.Fl <<4 | SmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.PtsData.Dl; Vi[3] = (0xFF ^ PTS0) ^ Vi[2];
Lo = GPR_BUFFER_SIZE; To = 0x00; Vo[0] = 0x00;
// Status of the PTS could be STATUS SUCCESS
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange( pReaderExt, EXEC_MEMORY_CMD, 0x04, Vi, &To, &Lo, Vo );
#if DBG
SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_TRACE, ( "%s!IfdReset: GprCbSetProtocol status= %x\n", SC_DRIVER_NAME, lStatus) ); #endif
if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { __leave; }
// reader should reply status byte of 00 or 12
// the rest is other problem with no relation with
// the PTS negociation
// Put the reader in the right protocol
if (SmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.Protocol.Selected == SCARD_PROTOCOL_T1) { lStatus = T0toT1(SmartcardExtension); } else { lStatus = T1toT0(SmartcardExtension); } if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { __leave; }
lStatus = IfdConfig(SmartcardExtension, 0x11); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { __leave; }
} // we change the error code to a protocol error.
__finally { if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS && lStatus != STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST ) { lStatus = STATUS_DEVICE_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } } }
// Set the reply buffer length to sizeof(ULONG).
// Check if status SUCCESS, store the selected protocol.
if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { *SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.Information = sizeof(SmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.Protocol.Selected);
*( PULONG) SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBuffer = SmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.Protocol.Selected;
SmartcardExtension->ReaderCapabilities.CurrentState = SCARD_SPECIFIC; } else { SmartcardExtension->CardCapabilities.Protocol.Selected = SCARD_PROTOCOL_UNDEFINED; *SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.Information = 0; }
setIdle(pReader); return lStatus;
NTSTATUS AskForCardPresence( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION pSmartcardExtension ) /*++
Routine Description : This functions send a TLV command to the reader to know if there is a card inserted.
The function does not wait to the answer. The treatment of the answer is done in the interrupt routine.
Arguments pSmartcardExtension: Pointer to the SmartcardExtension structure. --*/ { // Local variables:
// - pReaderExt holds the pointer to the current ReaderExtension structure
// - V holds the value for the TLV comand.
READER_EXTENSION *pReaderExt = pSmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension; UCHAR V=0x02;
return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
NTSTATUS SpecificTag( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION SmartcardExtension, DWORD IoControlCode, DWORD BufferInLen, BYTE *BufferIn, DWORD BufferOutLen, BYTE *BufferOut, DWORD *LengthOut ) /*++
Routine Description : This function is called when a specific Tag request occurs.
Arguments - SmartcardExtension is a pointer on the SmartCardExtension structure of the current device. - IoControlCode holds the IOCTL value. --*/ { ULONG TagValue; PREADER_EXTENSION pReaderExtension = SmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension;
//Set the reply buffer length to 0.
*LengthOut = 0;
//Verify the length of the Tag
if (BufferInLen < (DWORD) sizeof(TagValue)) { return(STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); }
TagValue = (ULONG) *((PULONG)BufferIn);
//Switch for the different IOCTL:
//Switch for the different Tags:
switch(IoControlCode) { case IOCTL_SMARTCARD_VENDOR_GET_ATTRIBUTE: switch (TagValue) { // Power Timeout (SCARD_ATTR_SPEC_POWER_TIMEOUT)
// Verify the length of the output buffer.
// Update the output buffer and the length.
case SCARD_ATTR_SPEC_POWER_TIMEOUT: if ( BufferOutLen < (DWORD) sizeof(pReaderExtension->PowerTimeOut)) { return(STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); } ASSERT(BufferOut != 0); memcpy( BufferOut, &pReaderExtension->PowerTimeOut, sizeof(pReaderExtension->PowerTimeOut) ); *(LengthOut) = (ULONG) sizeof(pReaderExtension->PowerTimeOut); return STATUS_SUCCESS; break; // Command Timeout (SCARD_ATTR_SPEC_CMD_TIMEOUT)
// Verify the length of the output buffer.
// Update the output buffer and the length.
case SCARD_ATTR_SPEC_CMD_TIMEOUT: if (BufferOutLen < (DWORD) sizeof(pReaderExtension->CmdTimeOut)) { return(STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); } ASSERT(BufferOut != 0); memcpy( BufferOut, &pReaderExtension->CmdTimeOut, sizeof(pReaderExtension->CmdTimeOut) ); *(LengthOut) = (ULONG) sizeof(pReaderExtension->CmdTimeOut); return STATUS_SUCCESS; break;
case SCARD_ATTR_MANUFACTURER_NAME: if (BufferOutLen < ATTR_LENGTH) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } // Copy the string of the Manufacturer Name
return STATUS_SUCCESS; break;
case SCARD_ATTR_ORIGINAL_FILENAME: if (BufferOutLen < ATTR_LENGTH) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } // Copy the string of the Original file name of the current driver
return STATUS_SUCCESS; break;
// Unknown tag
default: return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } break;
// Set the value of one tag (IOCTL_SMARTCARD_VENDOR_SET_ATTRIBUTE)
// Switch for the different Tags:
// Verify the length of the input buffer.
// Update the value.
case SCARD_ATTR_SPEC_POWER_TIMEOUT: if ( BufferInLen < (DWORD) (sizeof(pReaderExtension->PowerTimeOut) + sizeof(TagValue)) ) { return(STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); } ASSERT(BufferIn !=0); memcpy( &pReaderExtension->PowerTimeOut, BufferIn + sizeof(TagValue), sizeof(pReaderExtension->PowerTimeOut) ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; break; // Command Timeout (SCARD_ATTR_SPEC_CMD_TIMEOUT)
// Verify the length of the input buffer.
// Update the value.
case SCARD_ATTR_SPEC_CMD_TIMEOUT: if ( BufferInLen < (DWORD) ( sizeof(pReaderExtension->CmdTimeOut) + sizeof(TagValue)) ) { return(STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); } ASSERT(BufferIn != 0); memcpy( &pReaderExtension->CmdTimeOut, BufferIn + sizeof(TagValue), sizeof(pReaderExtension->CmdTimeOut) ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; break; // Unknown tag
default: return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } break; default: return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } }
NTSTATUS SwitchSpeed( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION SmartcardExtension, ULONG BufferInLen, PUCHAR BufferIn, ULONG BufferOutLen, PUCHAR BufferOut, PULONG LengthOut ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is called when apps want to switch reader speed after a proprietary switch speed (switch protocol) command has been sent to the smart card.
SmartcardExtension - is a pointer on the SmartCardExtension structure of the current device. BufferInLen - holds the length of the input data. BufferIn - holds the input data. TA1. If 0 BufferOutLen - holds the size of the output buffer. BufferOut - the output buffer. Reader status code. LengthOut - holds the length of the output data.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - We could execute the request. STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL - The output buffer is to small. STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED - We could not support the Ioctl specified.
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; BYTE NewTA1; ULONG i;
ASSERT(SmartcardExtension != NULL);
*LengthOut = 0; // Just checking if IOCTL exists.
if (BufferInLen == 0) { SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_INFO, ("%s!SwitchSpeed: Just checking IOCTL.\n", SC_DRIVER_NAME) ); return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } else { NewTA1 = BufferIn[0]; i = 0; // Verify if this TA1 is support by the GPR400
do { if ( NewTA1 == cfg_ta1[i].TA1 ) { // TA1 Found!
break; } i++; } while ( cfg_ta1[i].TA1 != 0 ); }
// If 0 means TA1 not found
if(cfg_ta1[i].TA1 != 0) { SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_INFO, ("%s!GDDK_0ASwitchSpeed: 0x%X\n", SC_DRIVER_NAME, NewTA1) ); status = IfdConfig(SmartcardExtension, NewTA1); } else { // TA1 not supported
return status; }
NTSTATUS GprCbVendorIoctl( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION SmartcardExtension ) /*++
Routine Description :
This routine is called when a vendor IOCTL_SMARTCARD_ is send to the driver.
Arguments - SmartcardExtension is a pointer on the SmartCardExtension structure of the current device.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - We could execute the request. STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL - The output buffer is to small. STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED - We could not support the Ioctl specified. --*/ { PREADER_EXTENSION pReaderExtension = SmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension; UCHAR To; UCHAR Vo[GPR_BUFFER_SIZE]; USHORT Lo; USHORT BufferInLen = 0; NTSTATUS lStatus=STATUS_SUCCESS; PREADER_EXTENSION pReader;
PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(SmartcardExtension != NULL);
// Set the reply buffer length to 0.
*SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.Information = 0;
pReader = SmartcardExtension->ReaderExtension; waitForIdleAndBlock(pReader); //Switch for the different IOCTL:
switch(SmartcardExtension->MajorIoControlCode) {
case IOCTL_SMARTCARD_VENDOR_GET_ATTRIBUTE: case IOCTL_SMARTCARD_VENDOR_SET_ATTRIBUTE: SpecificTag( SmartcardExtension, (ULONG) SmartcardExtension->MajorIoControlCode, (ULONG) SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.RequestBufferLength, (PUCHAR) SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.RequestBuffer, (ULONG) SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBufferLength, (PUCHAR) SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBuffer, (PULONG) SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.Information ); break;
// Translate the buffer to TLV and send it to the reader.
if(SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBufferLength < 3) { setIdle(pReader); return(STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE); }
BufferInLen = (SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.RequestBuffer[2]*0x100) + SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.RequestBuffer[1];
if( (ULONG) BufferInLen > (SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBufferLength - 3)) { setIdle(pReader); return(STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE); }
Lo = GPR_BUFFER_SIZE; To = 0x00; Vo[0] = 0x00;
lStatus = GprllTLVExchange( pReaderExtension, (const BYTE) SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.RequestBuffer[0], (const USHORT) BufferInLen, (const BYTE *) &(SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.RequestBuffer[3]), &To, &Lo, Vo );
if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { setIdle(pReader); return (lStatus); }
// Check if there is enough space in the reply buffer
if((ULONG)(Lo+3) > SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBufferLength) { setIdle(pReader); return(STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE); } else { ASSERT(SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBuffer != 0); SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBuffer[0] = To; SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBuffer[1] = LOBYTE(Lo); SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBuffer[2] = HIBYTE(Lo); memcpy((SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBuffer)+3,Vo,Lo);
*(SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.Information) = (DWORD) (Lo + 3); setIdle(pReader); return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } //
// Call the SwitchSpeed function
case IOCTL_SMARTCARD_VENDOR_SWITCH_SPEED: lStatus = SwitchSpeed( SmartcardExtension, (ULONG) SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.RequestBufferLength, (PUCHAR) SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.RequestBuffer, (ULONG) SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBufferLength, (PUCHAR) SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBuffer, (PULONG) SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.Information ); break;
default: setIdle(pReader); return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } setIdle(pReader); return lStatus; }
NTSTATUS GprCbSetupCardTracking( PSMARTCARD_EXTENSION SmartcardExtension ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is called by the Smart card library when an IOCTL_SMARTCARD_IS_PRESENT or IOCTL_SMARTCARD_IS_ABSENT occurs.
SmartcardExtension - is a pointer on the SmartCardExtension structure of the current device.
Return Value:
STATUS_PENDING - The request is in a pending mode.
--*/ {
PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(SmartcardExtension != NULL);
pOS = SmartcardExtension->OsData;
//Set cancel routine for the notification IRP.
IoSetCancelRoutine( pOS->NotificationIrp, GprCancelEventWait );
return (NTStatus);