Copyright (c) 1998 Gemplus Development
Name: gprelcmd.c
Description: This module holds the functions used for the PC Card I/O. Environment: Kernel Mode
Revision History: 06/04/99: (Y. Nadeau + M. Veillette) - Code Review 24/03/99: V1.00.004 (Y. Nadeau) - Fix to GprllWait to work in DPC 06/05/98: V1.00.003 (P. Plouidy) - Power management for NT5 10/02/98: V1.00.002 (P. Plouidy) - Plug and Play for NT5 03/07/97: V1.00.001 (P. Plouidy) - Start of development.
// Include section:
// - stdio.h: standards definitons.
// - ntddk.h: DDK Windows NT general definitons.
// - ntdef.h: Windows NT general definitons.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ntddk.h>
#include <ntdef.h>
#include "gprelcmd.h"
// Function definition section:
#if DBG
void GPR_Debug_Buffer( PUCHAR pBuffer, DWORD Lenght) { USHORT index;
SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_TRACE, (" LEN=%d CMD=", Lenght) ); for(index=0;index<Lenght;index++) { SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_TRACE, ("%02X,", pBuffer[index]) ); } SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_TRACE, ("\n") ); } #endif
NTSTATUS GDDK_Translate( const BYTE IFDStatus, const UCHAR Tag ) /*++
Routine Description:
Translate IFD status in NT status codes.
IFDStatus - is the value to translate. IoctlType - is the current smart card ioctl. Return Value:
the translated code status.
--*/ { switch (IFDStatus) { case 0x00 : return STATUS_SUCCESS; case 0x01 : return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; case 0x02 : return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; case 0x03 : return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; case 0x04 : return STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT; case 0x05 : return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; case 0x09 : return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; case 0x0C : return STATUS_DEVICE_PROTOCOL_ERROR; case 0x0D : return STATUS_SUCCESS; case 0x10 : return STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA; case 0x11 : return STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA; case 0x12 : return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; case 0x13 : return STATUS_CONNECTION_ABORTED; case 0x14 : return STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA; case 0x15 : return STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA; case 0x16 : return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; case 0x17 : return STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA; case 0x18 : return STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA; case 0x19 : return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; case 0x1A : return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; case 0x1B : return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; case 0x1C : return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; case 0x1D : return STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA; case 0x1E : return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; case 0x1F : return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; case 0x20 : return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; case 0x30 : return STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT; case 0xA0 : return STATUS_SUCCESS; case 0xA1 : return STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA; case 0xA2 : if (Tag == OPEN_SESSION_CMD) { return STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA;} else { return STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT; } case 0xA3 : return STATUS_PARITY_ERROR; case 0xA4 : return STATUS_REQUEST_ABORTED; case 0xA5 : return STATUS_REQUEST_ABORTED; case 0xA6 : return STATUS_REQUEST_ABORTED; case 0xA7 : return STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA; case 0xCF : return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; case 0xE4 : return STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA; case 0xE5 : return STATUS_SUCCESS; case 0xE7 : return STATUS_SUCCESS; case 0xF7 : return STATUS_NO_MEDIA; case 0xF8 : return STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA; case 0xFB : return STATUS_NO_MEDIA;
default : return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } }
Routine Description : Read a byte at IO address
--*/ BOOLEAN G_ReadByte(const USHORT BIOAddr,UCHAR *Value) { *Value = READ_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR) BIOAddr); return(TRUE); }
Routine Description : Write a byte at IO address
--*/ BOOLEAN G_WriteByte(const USHORT BIOAddr,UCHAR *Value) { WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR) BIOAddr,*Value); return(TRUE); }
Routine Description : Read a buffer of "Len" bytes at IO address --*/ BOOLEAN G_ReadBuf(const USHORT BIOAddr,const USHORT Len,UCHAR *Buffer) { USHORT i;
for(i=0;i<Len;i++) { *(Buffer+i) = READ_PORT_UCHAR((UCHAR *) UlongToPtr(BIOAddr+i)); } #if DBG
// Excluse reader status reply
if(! ((Buffer[0] == 0xA2) && (Buffer[1]==4)) ) { SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s!G_ReadBuf:", SC_DRIVER_NAME) ); GPR_Debug_Buffer(Buffer, Len ); } #endif
return(TRUE); }
Routine Description : Write a buffer of "Len" bytes at IO address --*/ BOOLEAN G_WriteBuf(const USHORT BIOAddr,const USHORT Len,UCHAR *Buffer) {
for(i=0;i<Len;i++) { WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((UCHAR *) UlongToPtr(BIOAddr + i),*(Buffer+i)); } #if DBG
// Excluse reader status cmd
if(! ((Buffer[0] == 0xA0) && (Buffer[2] == 0x02)) ) { SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s!G_WriteBuf:", SC_DRIVER_NAME) ); GPR_Debug_Buffer(Buffer,Len); } #endif
Routine Description : Mask a register located at a specified address with a specified byte --*/ BOOLEAN G_MaskRegister( const USHORT BIOAddr, const UCHAR Mask, const UCHAR BitState) { if(BitState == 0) { WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)BIOAddr,(UCHAR) (READ_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)BIOAddr) & ~Mask)); } else { WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)BIOAddr,(UCHAR) (READ_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)BIOAddr) | Mask)); }
return(TRUE); }
Routine Description : Read a byte to an input address port --*/ UCHAR GprllReadRegister( const PREADER_EXTENSION pReaderExt, const SHORT GPRRegister ) { //
// Locals variables:
// value holds the result of the read operation.
UCHAR value;
value = 0x0; G_ReadByte((const USHORT) (((const USHORT) (pReaderExt->BaseIoAddress)) + (const USHORT) GPRRegister), &value );
return(value); }
Routine Description : Call the G_MaskRegister function in the lower level --*/ void GprllMaskHandshakeRegister( const PREADER_EXTENSION pReaderExt, const UCHAR Mask, const UCHAR BitState ) { G_MaskRegister((const USHORT) (((const USHORT) (pReaderExt->BaseIoAddress)) + (const USHORT) REGISTER_HANDSHAKE), (const UCHAR) Mask, (const UCHAR) BitState); // YN
// get hardware time to update register
GprllWait(1); }
NTSTATUS GprllKeWaitAckEvent( const PREADER_EXTENSION pReaderExt, const UCHAR Tx ) /*++
Routine Description: This function Wait the acknowledge of the GPR after a send command to IOPort. We made a smart verification of the timer depending of the Tag command. Arguments In: pReaderExt holds the pointer to the READER_EXTENSION structure. Tx holds the command type Return Value: NTStatus --*/ { UCHAR T; // Tag return
LARGE_INTEGER lTimeout; NTSTATUS NTStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG NbLoop = 0; ULONG NbSecondTotal; ULONG ElapsedSecond = 0; ULONG TimeInLoop =1; BOOLEAN Continue = TRUE; ULONG i = 0;
ASSERT( KeGetCurrentIrql() == PASSIVE_LEVEL );
// Make a smart timer depending on type of command
if( (Tx & 0xf0) == APDU_EXCHANGE_CMD) { NbSecondTotal = pReaderExt->CmdTimeOut; } else { NbSecondTotal = GPR_CMD_TIME; }
NbLoop = (NbSecondTotal / TimeInLoop);
while( (Continue) && (ElapsedSecond < NbSecondTotal) ) { ElapsedSecond += TimeInLoop;
lTimeout.QuadPart = -((LONGLONG)TimeInLoop * 10000000);
//Wait the acknowledge of the GPR
NTStatus = KeWaitForSingleObject( &(pReaderExt->GPRAckEvent), Executive, KernelMode, TRUE, &lTimeout );
if(NTStatus == STATUS_TIMEOUT) { // Verify if the reader was been
// remove during exchange
lTimeout.QuadPart = 0;
NTStatus = KeWaitForSingleObject( &(pReaderExt->ReaderRemoved), Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, &lTimeout ); SmartcardDebug( DEBUG_PROTOCOL, ( "%s!GprllKeWaitAckEvent: TIMEOUT KeWaitForSingleObject=%X(hex)\n", SC_DRIVER_NAME, NTStatus) );
if (NTStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { NTStatus = STATUS_DEVICE_REMOVED; Continue = FALSE; } // Read the T register
// <== Test if GPR hasn't been removed STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED
// Reading T out
T = GprllReadRegister(pReaderExt,REGISTER_T); if ( T == 0xFF ) { NTStatus = STATUS_DEVICE_REMOVED; Continue = FALSE; } // Else is a Timeout
} else { Continue = FALSE; NTStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } return NTStatus; }
NTSTATUS GprllTLVExchange( const PREADER_EXTENSION pReaderExt, const UCHAR Ti, const USHORT Li, const UCHAR *Vi, UCHAR *To, USHORT *Lo, UCHAR *Vo ) /*++
Routine Description : Exchange data with GPR with a TLV command.
Arguments In: pReaderExt holds the pointer to the READER_EXTENSION structure. Ti holds the command type Li holds the command length Vi holds the command data
Out: To holds the command response type Lo holds the command response length Vo holds the command response data
Return Value NTStatus
and others received IFDstatus corresponding to NTSTATUS
--*/ { // Local variables
// - T is type of TLV protocol
// - new_Ti is the Ti modified
// - L is length in TLV protocol
// - V is data filed in TLV protocol
//Verification of Li
new_Ti = Ti;
// Write the TLV
// by Write TLV if Li <= 28 or By ChainIn if Li > 28
if (Li<=MAX_V_LEN) { GprllSendCmd(pReaderExt,new_Ti,Li,Vi); NTStatus = GprllKeWaitAckEvent( pReaderExt, Ti );
if (STATUS_SUCCESS != NTStatus) { // YN
GprllMaskHandshakeRegister(pReaderExt,HANDSHAKE_IREQ,0); return NTStatus; }
// GPR Command to read I/O Window:
// In the handshake register, set to 0 bit 2(IREQ) , and set to 1 bit 1 (INTR)
} else { NTStatus = GprllSendChainUp( pReaderExt, new_Ti, Li, Vi );
if (STATUS_SUCCESS != NTStatus) { // YN
return(NTStatus); } }
// Read the T register, need to know if new data to exchange
T = pReaderExt->To;
// Read Answer by Read TLV or Chain Out method if To = Ti + 6
if ( T == (new_Ti + 6) ) { NTStatus = GprllReadChainUp(pReaderExt,&T,&L,V); if (STATUS_SUCCESS != NTStatus ) { // YN
return(NTStatus); } } else { L = pReaderExt->Lo; ASSERT(pReaderExt->Vo !=0); memcpy(V,pReaderExt->Vo,L); GprllMaskHandshakeRegister(pReaderExt,HANDSHAKE_IREQ,0); } // Verify if Response buffer len is large enough
// to contain data received from the reader
if( L > *Lo ) { *To=T; *Lo=1; Vo[0]=14; return(STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA); }
// Translate answer
*To=T; *Lo=L; memcpy(Vo,V,(SHORT)L);
return (GDDK_Translate(Vo[0], Ti)); }
void GprllSendCmd( const PREADER_EXTENSION pReaderExt, const UCHAR Ti, const USHORT Li, const UCHAR *Vi ) /*++
Routine Description : Write TLV into I/O Window and Send Command to GPR to read I/O Window
Arguments: pReaderExt holds the pointer to the READER_EXTENSION structure. Ti holds the command type Li holds the command length Vi holds the command data --*/ { // Local variables
// - TLV is an intermediate buffer.
UCHAR TLV[2 + MAX_V_LEN]; USHORT Li_max; //Write Ti, Li and Vi[]
TLV[0] = Ti; TLV[1] = (UCHAR) Li; ASSERT(Vi != 0);
Li_max = Li;
if (Li_max > MAX_V_LEN) { Li_max = MAX_V_LEN; } memcpy(TLV+2,Vi,Li_max); G_WriteBuf((const USHORT) (((const USHORT) (pReaderExt->BaseIoAddress)) + (const USHORT) REGISTER_T), (const USHORT) (Li_max + 2), (UCHAR *) TLV );
// GPR Command to read I/O Window:
// In the handshake register, set to 0 bit 2(IREQ) , and set to 1 bit 1 (INTR)
GprllMaskHandshakeRegister(pReaderExt,HANDSHAKE_IREQ,0); GprllMaskHandshakeRegister(pReaderExt,HANDSHAKE_INTR,1); }
void GprllReadResp( const PREADER_EXTENSION pReaderExt ) /*++
Routine Description : Read no chainning TLV into I/O Window and Send Command to GPR to read I/O Window
Arguments In: pReaderExt holds the pointer to the READER_EXTENSION structure.
Out: To holds the command response type Lo holds the command response length Vo holds the command response data --*/ { //Local variables
// - TLV is an intermediate buffer.
TLV[0] = 0x0; // Read To, Lo and Vo[]
G_ReadBuf((const USHORT) (((const USHORT) (pReaderExt->BaseIoAddress)) + (const USHORT) REGISTER_T), MAX_V_LEN + 2, TLV); pReaderExt->To = TLV[0]; // maximum number of character is set by the TLV buffer
pReaderExt->Lo = TLV[1];
if (pReaderExt->Lo > MAX_V_LEN) { pReaderExt->Lo = MAX_V_LEN; }
// Acquit the Hand shake:
// In the handshake register, set to 0 bit 2 (BUSY/IREQ)
GprllMaskHandshakeRegister(pReaderExt,HANDSHAKE_IREQ,0); }
NTSTATUS GprllSendChainUp( const PREADER_EXTENSION pReaderExt, const UCHAR Ti, const USHORT Li, const UCHAR *Vi ) /*++
Routine Description : Send chainning TLV to GPR
Arguments: In: pReaderExt holds the pointer to the READER_EXTENSION structure. Ti holds the command type Li holds the command length Vi holds the command data
Out: Nothing --*/ { // Local variables
// - Tc is type of TLV protocol ( TLV chaining method )
// - Lc is Length of TLV protocol ( chaining method )
// - Vc is 28 bytes max of data to send
// - Length is an temporary var to store Li
//Prepare Tc (Add 4 to Ti for chaining method)
Tc=Ti+4; Vc[0] = 0x0; while ( Length > 0 ) { //Prepare Lc
//If length TLV > 28 Length = 28 else it's last command L = Length
if ( Length > MAX_V_LEN ) { Lc=MAX_V_LEN; } else { Lc=Length; Tc=Ti; } //Prepare Vc
//Write to I/O window
// Dont need the answer - handled by the interrupt function.
GprllSendCmd(pReaderExt,Tc,Lc,Vc); NTStatus = GprllKeWaitAckEvent( pReaderExt, Ti ); if(STATUS_SUCCESS != NTStatus) { return NTStatus; }
//If an error test Response
Response = GprllReadRegister(pReaderExt,REGISTER_V);
if(0x00 != Response) { Lo = GprllReadRegister(pReaderExt,REGISTER_L); if (Lo == 0x01) { return (GDDK_Translate(Response, Ti)); } else { // This is not a exchange is a cmd to reader
// we don't care about the reader status.
return (NTStatus); } } Length=Length-Lc; } return(NTStatus); }
NTSTATUS GprllReadChainUp( const PREADER_EXTENSION pReaderExt, UCHAR *To, USHORT *Lo, UCHAR *Vo ) /*++
Routine Description : Receive chainning TLV response from GPR
Arguments In: pReaderExt holds the pointer to the READER_EXTENSION structure.
Out: To holds the command response type Lo holds the command response length Vo holds the command response data --*/ { // Local variables
// - Tc is type of TLV protocol ( TLV chaining method )
// - Lc is Length of TLV protocol ( chaining method )
// - Length is an temporary var to store Lo
Tc = GprllReadRegister(pReaderExt,REGISTER_T); *To=Tc-4;
Lenght = 0; do { // Read TLV
Tc = pReaderExt->To; Lc = pReaderExt->Lo; ASSERT(pReaderExt->Vo != 0);
// The Vo buffer is limited by the caller local variable.
if ( Lenght + (SHORT) pReaderExt->Lo > GPR_BUFFER_SIZE) { return (STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); }
// Prepare Lo
*Lo=(USHORT)Lenght+Lc; Lenght=Lenght+Lc; // GPR send the next Chainning TLV
// In the handshake register, set to 0 bit 2(IREQ) and set to 1 bit 1 (INTR)
if ((*To) != Tc ) { GprllMaskHandshakeRegister(pReaderExt,HANDSHAKE_IREQ,0); GprllMaskHandshakeRegister(pReaderExt,HANDSHAKE_INTR,1);
NTStatus = GprllKeWaitAckEvent( pReaderExt, *To );
if(STATUS_SUCCESS != NTStatus) { return NTStatus; } }
// (End do) if To=Tc -> Last Chainning TLV
} while( (*To) != Tc );
return(NTStatus); }
void GprllWait( const LONG lWaitingTime ) /*++
Routine Description : This function puts the driver in a waiting state for a timeout. If IRQL < DISPATCH_LEVEL, use normal fonction to process this delay. use KeStallExecutionProcessor, just when GprllWait is called in the context of DPC routine.
Arguments pReaderExt: Pointer to the current ReaderExtension structure. lWaitingTime: Timeout value in ms --*/ { LARGE_INTEGER Delay;
if( KeGetCurrentIrql() >= DISPATCH_LEVEL ) { ULONG Cnt = 20 * lWaitingTime;
while( Cnt-- ) { // KeStallExecutionProcessor: counted in us
KeStallExecutionProcessor( 50 ); } } else { Delay.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)-10 * 1000 * lWaitingTime;
// KeDelayExecutionThread: counted in 100 ns
KeDelayExecutionThread( KernelMode, FALSE, &Delay ); } return; }