Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
Module Name:
This is a plug-in for the smart card driver test suite. This plug-in is smart card dependent
Klaus U. Schutz
Win32 application
Revision History :
Nov. 1997 - initial version
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <afx.h>
#include <afxtempl.h>
#include <winioctl.h>
#include <winsmcrd.h>
#include "ifdtest.h"
void SLBTestCardEntry( class CCardProvider& in_CCardProvider ); //
// Create a card provider object
// Note: all global varibales and all functions have to be static
static class CCardProvider SLBTestCard(SLBTestCardEntry);
//Pauses for a specified number of milliseconds.
static void sleep( clock_t wait ) { clock_t goal; goal = wait + clock(); while( goal > clock() ) ; }
static ULONG SLBTestCardSetProtocol( class CCardProvider& in_CCardProvider, class CReader& in_CReader ) /*++
Routine Description: This function will be called after the card has been correctly identified. We should here set the protocol that we need for further transmissions
in_CCardProvider - ref. to our card provider object in_CReader - ref. to the reader object
Return Value:
IFDSTATUS_FAILED - we were unable to set the protocol correctly IFDSTATUS_SUCCESS - protocol set correctly
--*/ { ULONG l_lResult;
// Try to set INCORRECT protocol T=1
TestStart("Try to set incorrect protocol T=1"); l_lResult = in_CReader.SetProtocol(SCARD_PROTOCOL_T1);
// The test MUST fail with the incorrect protocol
TEST_CHECK_NOT_SUPPORTED("Set protocol failed", l_lResult); TestEnd();
// Now set the correct protocol
TestStart("Set protocol T=0"); l_lResult = in_CReader.SetProtocol(SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0); TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS("Set protocol failed", l_lResult); TestEnd();
if (l_lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
static ULONG SLBTestCardTest( class CCardProvider& in_CCardProvider, class CReader& in_CReader ) /*++
Routine Description: This serves as the test function for a particular smart card
in_CReader - ref. to class that provides all information for the test
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG l_lResult, l_uResultLength, l_uIndex; PBYTE l_pbResult; BYTE l_rgbBuffer[512]; CHAR l_chFileId; // First select the file
if (in_CCardProvider.GetTestNo() < 6) {
// Select the appropriate file for the test
// Each test is tied to a particular file
l_chFileId = (CHAR) in_CCardProvider.GetTestNo();
PCHAR l_pchFileDesc[] = { "transferAllBytes", "transferNextByte", "read256Bytes", "case1Apdu", "restartWorkWaitingTime" };
// APDU for select file
memcpy(l_rgbBuffer, "\x00\xa4\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00", 7);
// add file number to select
l_rgbBuffer[6] = l_chFileId;
// select a file
TestStart("SELECT FILE EF%s", l_pchFileDesc[l_chFileId - 1]);
sleep( (clock_t) 1 * (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 2) );
l_lResult = in_CReader.Transmit( (PBYTE) l_rgbBuffer, 7, &l_pbResult, &l_uResultLength );
TestCheck( l_lResult, "==", ERROR_SUCCESS, l_uResultLength, 2, l_pbResult[0], l_pbResult[1], 0x90, 0x00, NULL, NULL, NULL );
// Generate a 'test' pattern which will be written to the card
for (l_uIndex = 0; l_uIndex < 256; l_uIndex++) {
l_rgbBuffer[5 + l_uIndex] = (UCHAR) l_uIndex; } }
switch (in_CCardProvider.GetTestNo()) { case 1: case 2: { //
// Write
ULONG l_auNumBytes[] = { 1 , 25 }; //, 50, 75, 100, 125 };
for (ULONG l_uTest = 0; l_uTest < sizeof(l_auNumBytes) / sizeof(l_auNumBytes[0]); l_uTest++) {
ULONG l_uNumBytes = l_auNumBytes[l_uTest];
TestStart("WRITE BINARY %3d Byte(s)", l_uNumBytes); // Tpdu for write binary
memcpy(l_rgbBuffer, "\x00\xd6\x00\x00", 4); // Append number of bytes (note: the buffer contains the pattern already)
l_rgbBuffer[4] = (UCHAR) l_uNumBytes;
sleep( (clock_t) 1 * (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 4) ); l_lResult = in_CReader.Transmit( l_rgbBuffer, 5 + l_uNumBytes, &l_pbResult, &l_uResultLength ); TestCheck( l_lResult, "==", ERROR_SUCCESS, l_uResultLength, 2, l_pbResult[0], l_pbResult[1], 0x90, 0x00, NULL, NULL, NULL );
TEST_END(); } break; }
case 3: { // Test read of 256 bytes
ULONG l_uNumBytes = 256; TestStart("READ BINARY %3d Byte(s)", l_uNumBytes);
// tpdu for read binary 256 bytes
memcpy(l_rgbBuffer, "\x00\xb0\x00\x00\x00", 5); sleep((clock_t) 1 * (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 2) ); l_lResult = in_CReader.Transmit( l_rgbBuffer, 5, &l_pbResult, &l_uResultLength );
TestCheck( l_lResult, "==", ERROR_SUCCESS, l_uResultLength, l_uNumBytes + 2, l_pbResult[l_uNumBytes], l_pbResult[l_uNumBytes + 1], 0x90, 0x00, l_pbResult, l_rgbBuffer + 5, l_uNumBytes );
TEST_END(); break; }
case 4: {
// Test write of 0 bytes
TestStart("WRITE BINARY %3d Byte", 0);
// tpdu for write binary
memcpy(l_rgbBuffer, "\x00\xd6\x00\x00", 4); sleep((clock_t) 1 * (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 2) ); l_lResult = in_CReader.Transmit( l_rgbBuffer, 4, &l_pbResult, &l_uResultLength );
TestCheck( l_lResult, "==", ERROR_SUCCESS, l_uResultLength, 2, l_pbResult[0], l_pbResult[1], 0x90, 0x00, NULL, NULL, 0 );
TEST_END(); break; }
case 5: { // Test restart or work waiting time
ULONG l_auNumBytes[] = { 1, 2, 5, 30 };
for (ULONG l_uTest = 0; l_uTest < sizeof(l_auNumBytes) / sizeof(l_auNumBytes[0]); l_uTest++) {
ULONG l_uNumBytes = l_auNumBytes[l_uTest]; TestStart("READ BINARY %3d Byte(s)", l_uNumBytes);
// tpdu for read binary
memcpy(l_rgbBuffer, "\x00\xb0\x00\x00", 4);
// Append number of bytes
l_rgbBuffer[4] = (UCHAR)l_uNumBytes; sleep( (clock_t) 1 * (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 2) );
l_lResult = in_CReader.Transmit( l_rgbBuffer, 5, &l_pbResult, &l_uResultLength );
TestCheck( l_lResult, "==", ERROR_SUCCESS, l_uResultLength, l_uNumBytes + 2, l_pbResult[l_uNumBytes], l_pbResult[l_uNumBytes + 1], 0x90, 0x00, l_pbResult, l_rgbBuffer + 5, l_uNumBytes );
TEST_END(); } break; }
case 6: {
// Read the result file from the smart card.
// The card stores results of each test in
// a special file
TestStart("SELECT FILE EFresult");
sleep( (clock_t) 1 * (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 2) );
l_lResult = in_CReader.Transmit( (PBYTE) "\x00\xa4\x00\x00\x02\xa0\x00", 7, &l_pbResult, &l_uResultLength );
TestCheck( l_lResult, "==", ERROR_SUCCESS, l_uResultLength, 2, l_pbResult[0], l_pbResult[1], 0x90, 0x00, NULL, NULL, NULL );
// Read
TestStart("READ BINARY FILE EFresult");
// apdu for read binary
memcpy(l_rgbBuffer, "\x00\xb0\x00\x00", 4);
// Append number of bytes we want to read
l_rgbBuffer[4] = (UCHAR) sizeof(T0_RESULT_FILE_HEADER);
sleep( (clock_t) 1 * (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 2) );
l_lResult = in_CReader.Transmit( l_rgbBuffer, 5, &l_pbResult, &l_uResultLength );
TestCheck( l_lResult, "==", ERROR_SUCCESS, l_uResultLength, sizeof(T0_RESULT_FILE_HEADER) + 2, l_pbResult[sizeof(T0_RESULT_FILE_HEADER)], l_pbResult[sizeof(T0_RESULT_FILE_HEADER) + 1], 0x90, 0x00, NULL, NULL, NULL );
// get the card reset count
PT0_RESULT_FILE_HEADER l_pCResultFileHeader; l_pCResultFileHeader = (PT0_RESULT_FILE_HEADER) l_pbResult; BYTE l_bCardResetCount = l_pCResultFileHeader->CardResetCount;
// set the offset from where we want to read
l_rgbBuffer[3] = (BYTE) l_pCResultFileHeader->Offset; // Append number of bytes
l_rgbBuffer[4] = (BYTE) sizeof(T0_RESULT_FILE);
sleep( (clock_t) 1 * (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 2) );
// read in the result data of the result file
l_lResult = in_CReader.Transmit( l_rgbBuffer, 5, &l_pbResult, &l_uResultLength );
TestCheck( l_lResult, "==", ERROR_SUCCESS, l_uResultLength, sizeof(T0_RESULT_FILE) + 2, l_pbResult[sizeof(T0_RESULT_FILE)], l_pbResult[sizeof(T0_RESULT_FILE) + 1], 0x90, 0x00, NULL, NULL, NULL );
PT0_RESULT_FILE l_pCResultFile = (PT0_RESULT_FILE) l_pbResult;
// Now check the result file.
// procedure byte interpretation - write all bytes
TestStart("'Transfer all remaining bytes result'"); TestCheck( l_pCResultFile->TransferAllBytes.ResetCount == l_bCardResetCount, "Test not performed" ); TestCheck( (l_pCResultFile->TransferAllBytes.Result & 0x01) == 0, "Smart card received incorrect data" ); TestCheck( l_pCResultFile->TransferAllBytes.Result == 0, "Test failed. Error code %02xH", l_pCResultFile->TransferAllBytes.Result ); TestEnd();
// procedure byte interpretation - write single bytes
TestStart("'Transfer next byte result'"); TestCheck( l_pCResultFile->TransferNextByte.ResetCount == l_bCardResetCount, "Test not performed" ); TestCheck( (l_pCResultFile->TransferNextByte.Result & 0x01) == 0, "Smart card received incorrect data" ); TestCheck( l_pCResultFile->TransferNextByte.Result == 0, "Test failed. Error code %02xH", l_pCResultFile->TransferNextByte.Result ); TestEnd();
// Check read of 256 bytes
TestStart("'Read 256 bytes bytes' result"); TestCheck( l_pCResultFile->Read256Bytes.ResetCount == l_bCardResetCount, "Test not performed" ); TestCheck( (l_pCResultFile->Read256Bytes.Result & 0x01) == 0, "Smart card received P3 != 0" ); TestCheck( l_pCResultFile->Read256Bytes.Result == 0, "Test failed. Error code %02xH", l_pCResultFile->Read256Bytes.Result ); TestEnd();
// Test of case 1 APDU
TestStart("'Case 1 APDU' result"); TestCheck( l_pCResultFile->Case1Apdu.ResetCount == l_bCardResetCount, "Test not performed" ); TestCheck( (l_pCResultFile->Case1Apdu.Result & 0x01) == 0, "Smart card received only 4-byte-TPDU" ); TestCheck( (l_pCResultFile->Case1Apdu.Result & 0x02) == 0, "Smart card received P3 !=0" ); TestCheck( l_pCResultFile->Case1Apdu.Result == 0, "Test failed. Error code %02xH", l_pCResultFile->Case1Apdu.Result ); TestEnd();
// Test of restart of work waiting time
TestStart("'Restart of work waiting time' result"); TestCheck( l_pCResultFile->RestartWorkWaitingTime.ResetCount == l_bCardResetCount, "Test not performed" ); TestCheck( (l_pCResultFile->RestartWorkWaitingTime.Result & 0x01) == 0, "Smart card received only 4-byte-TPDU" ); TestCheck( (l_pCResultFile->RestartWorkWaitingTime.Result & 0x02) == 0, "Smart card received P3 !=0" ); TestCheck( l_pCResultFile->RestartWorkWaitingTime.Result == 0, "Test failed. Error code %02xH", l_pCResultFile->RestartWorkWaitingTime.Result ); TestEnd(); return IFDSTATUS_END; } default: return IFDSTATUS_FAILED;
static void SLBTestCardEntry( class CCardProvider& in_CCardProvider ) /*++
Routine Description: This function registers all callbacks from the test suite Arguments:
CCardProvider - ref. to card provider class
Return Value:
--*/ { // Set protocol callback
// Card test callback
// Name of our card
// Name of our card
in_CCardProvider.SetAtr((PBYTE) "\x3b\xe2\x00\x00\x40\x20\x99\x01", 8); }