#include "crane.h"
#include "algo.h" // Must include first to get new definitions
#include "common.h"
#include "cranep.h"
QHEAD *gapqhList[30]; QNODE *gapqnList[30];
#define FRAME_MAXSTEPS 128
// Index of the four points that make up the bounds of the line in a self relitive
// bounding box. We store the index of each point and its offset.
typedef struct BOUNDS { int dX; // Delta X and Y of line segment
int dY; int iAlongPlus; // Along the line in plus direction
int oAlongPlus; int iAlongMinus; // Along to the line in minus direction
int oAlongMinus; int iAwayPlus; // Away from the line in plus direction
int oAwayPlus; int iAwayMinus; // Away from the line in minus direction
int oAwayMinus; } BOUNDS;
// Map simple features into index used for two feature map table
static const aMapFeat[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, // FEAT_RIGHT, FEAT_DOWN_RIGHT, FEAT_DOWN, FEAT_OTHER, FEAT_COMPLEX
// Map two feature features into correct feature codes
static const aMapTwoFeat[7][7] = { // Right Down-Right Down Other Complex Clockwise Counter-Clockwise
// Find the points that define the bounding box reletive to the line between
// the start and end points.
void FindBounds(int cXYStart, int cXYEnd, XY *pXY, BOUNDS *pBounds) { int iXY; int dX, dY; BOUNDS initial; // Store initial values for later normalization
ASSERT(cXYStart <= cXYEnd);
// Get delta X and delta Y of (end - start) for our calculations.
dX = pXY[cXYEnd].x - pXY[cXYStart].x; dY = pXY[cXYEnd].y - pXY[cXYStart].y;
if (dX == 0 && dY == 0) { dX = 1; // If both dX and dY are 0, force dX to be 1 so we have a real line
// Set initial limits.
initial.dX = dX; initial.dY = dY; initial.iAlongPlus = cXYEnd; initial.oAlongPlus = pXY[cXYEnd].y * dY + pXY[cXYEnd].x * dX; initial.iAlongMinus = cXYStart; initial.oAlongMinus = pXY[cXYStart].y * dY + pXY[cXYStart].x * dX; initial.iAwayPlus = cXYStart; initial.oAwayPlus = pXY[cXYStart].y * dX - pXY[cXYStart].x * dY; initial.iAwayMinus = cXYStart; initial.oAwayMinus = initial.oAwayPlus;
*pBounds = initial;
// Now process all the other points to see how they fall relitive to the line between
// the start and the end.
for (iXY = cXYStart + 1; iXY < cXYEnd; ++iXY) { int along, away;
// First calculate the along and away offset.
along = pXY[iXY].y * dY + pXY[iXY].x * dX; away = pXY[iXY].y * dX - pXY[iXY].x * dY; // Now see how it compares to the current limits.
if (along > pBounds->oAlongPlus) { pBounds->oAlongPlus = along; pBounds->iAlongPlus = iXY; } else if (along < pBounds->oAlongMinus) { pBounds->oAlongMinus = along; pBounds->iAlongMinus = iXY; }
if (away > pBounds->oAwayPlus) { pBounds->oAwayPlus = away; pBounds->iAwayPlus = iXY; } else if (away < pBounds->oAwayMinus) { pBounds->oAwayMinus = away; pBounds->iAwayMinus = iXY; } }
// Finally normalize the offsets.
pBounds->oAlongPlus -= initial.oAlongPlus; pBounds->oAlongMinus -= initial.oAlongMinus; pBounds->oAwayPlus -= initial.oAwayPlus; pBounds->oAwayMinus -= initial.oAwayMinus;
// Recursively step line segements
// iRecursion is available for debug/tunning use, and not otherwise used.
void StepLineSegment(int cXYStart, int cXYEnd, XY *pXY, int *pCStep, STEP *rgStep, int iRecursion) { BOUNDS bounds; int points[6]; int ii; int normalize; int ratio;
// Check for 1 or two point lines.
if (cXYEnd - cXYStart < 2) { int dX, dY; int deltaAngle;
ASSERT(cXYEnd >= cXYStart); if (cXYEnd == cXYStart) { ASSERT(cXYStart == 0); // Only should be passed one point if stroke is one point.
ASSERT(*pCStep == 0);
// We have to fake a feature for one point.
rgStep[*pCStep].length = 0; rgStep[*pCStep].angle = 0; ANGLEDIFF(0, rgStep[*pCStep].angle, deltaAngle); rgStep[*pCStep].deltaAngle = (short)deltaAngle; // Delta from 0.
if (*pCStep < FRAME_MAXSTEPS - 1) { ++*pCStep; } else { //ASSERT(*pCStep < FRAME_MAXSTEPS - 1);
rgStep[*pCStep].x = pXY[cXYEnd].x; rgStep[*pCStep].y = pXY[cXYEnd].y;
return; }
// Two points always form a line (as long as they arn't the same point).
// So go ahead and add it. Calculate slope times 10 and the direction of
// segment. Also length and angle
dX = pXY[cXYEnd].x - pXY[cXYStart].x; dY = pXY[cXYEnd].y - pXY[cXYStart].y; rgStep[*pCStep].length = (short)Distance(dX, dY); rgStep[*pCStep].angle = (short)Arctan2(dY, dX); if (*pCStep == 0) { ANGLEDIFF(0, rgStep[*pCStep].angle, deltaAngle); rgStep[*pCStep].deltaAngle = (short)deltaAngle; // Delta from 0.
} else { ANGLEDIFF(rgStep[*pCStep - 1].angle, rgStep[*pCStep].angle, deltaAngle); rgStep[*pCStep].deltaAngle = (short)deltaAngle; // Delta from last angle
if (*pCStep < FRAME_MAXSTEPS - 1) { ++*pCStep; } else { //ASSERT(*pCStep < FRAME_MAXSTEPS - 1);
rgStep[*pCStep].x = pXY[cXYEnd].x; rgStep[*pCStep].y = pXY[cXYEnd].y;
return; }
// Find initial bounds.
FindBounds(cXYStart, cXYEnd, pXY, &bounds);
// Figure out which points to use as boundries. Build them up in an array.
points[0] = cXYStart; ii = 1;
// Start with 'along' points. We assume any extent in the 'along' direction
// requires new points.
if (bounds.iAlongMinus != cXYStart) { points[ii++] = bounds.iAlongMinus; } if (bounds.iAlongPlus != cXYEnd) { points[ii++] = bounds.iAlongPlus; }
// Now the 'away' points. These require a minimum ratio to be selected.
// Since the ration is usually a fraction, and we want to handle integers,
// multiply by 1000.
normalize = bounds.dX * bounds.dX + bounds.dY * bounds.dY; normalize = max(1,normalize); ratio = (bounds.oAwayPlus * 1000) / normalize; if (ratio >= 180) // Ratio > ??
{ points[ii++] = bounds.iAwayPlus; }
ratio = -(bounds.oAwayMinus * 1000) / normalize; if (ratio >= 180) // Ratio > ??
{ points[ii++] = bounds.iAwayMinus; }
// See if we need to recurse or not.
if (ii == 1) { int deltaAngle;
// We have a straight line. Add the end point, and we are done with this path down.
// Calculate slope times 10 and the direction of segment
rgStep[*pCStep].length = (short)Distance(bounds.dX, bounds.dY); rgStep[*pCStep].angle = (short)Arctan2(bounds.dY, bounds.dX); if (*pCStep == 0) { ANGLEDIFF(0, rgStep[*pCStep].angle, deltaAngle); rgStep[*pCStep].deltaAngle = (short)deltaAngle; // Delta from 0.
} else { ANGLEDIFF(rgStep[*pCStep - 1].angle, rgStep[*pCStep].angle, deltaAngle); rgStep[*pCStep].deltaAngle = (short)deltaAngle; // Delta from last angle
if (*pCStep < FRAME_MAXSTEPS - 1) { ++*pCStep; } else { //ASSERT(*pCStep < FRAME_MAXSTEPS - 1);
rgStep[*pCStep].x = pXY[cXYEnd].x; rgStep[*pCStep].y = pXY[cXYEnd].y; } else { int jj;
// Have at least two sub-segments, process them. First sort into index order.
// Note that start point is already in the correct position.
// privsort(points + 1, ii - 1);
// The following code replaces the call to privsort because
// it's such a tiny array (5 or less I think) and privsort is so big.
{ int bSort;
do { bSort = FALSE;
for (jj = 1; jj < ii - 1; jj++) { if (points[jj] > points[jj + 1]) { int tmp;
tmp = points[jj]; points[jj] = points[jj + 1]; points[jj + 1] = tmp; bSort = TRUE; } }
} while (bSort); }
// Add end point, it will also be automatically in the correct position.
points[ii] = cXYEnd;
// Sequence through each adjacent pair of point to process the segments.
for (jj = 0; jj < ii; ++jj) { // We can have duplicate points, ignore them.
if (points[jj] != points[jj + 1]) { StepLineSegment(points[jj], points[jj + 1], pXY, pCStep, rgStep, iRecursion + 1); } } } }
// Remove the 'splash' of random points sometimes caused by pen down or pen up.
UINT RemovePenNoise(XY *rgxy, UINT cxy, BOOL fBegin, UINT ixyStop) { UINT ixy; int dx, dy; BOOL fSmall; UINT ixyEnd;
ixyEnd = cxy - 1;
// Limit splash zone if the stroke is smaller than 4 times the normal splash zone.
dx = rgxy[0].x - rgxy[ixyEnd].x; dy = rgxy[0].y - rgxy[ixyEnd].y; dx /= 4; dy /= 4; fSmall = LineInSplash(dx, dy) ? 1 : 0;
if (fBegin) { for (ixy = 0; ixy < ixyStop; ixy++) { dx = rgxy[ixy].x - rgxy[ixy + 1].x; dy = rgxy[ixy].y - rgxy[ixy + 1].y; if (!LineSmall(dx, dy)) { // Next jump is too big to just remove, check distance from start point.
dx = rgxy[0].x - rgxy[ixy + 1].x; dy = rgxy[0].y - rgxy[ixy + 1].y; if (fSmall || !LineInSplash(dx, dy)) { // Doesn't fall in splash zone.
break; } } } } else { for (ixy = ixyEnd; ixy > ixyStop; ixy--) { dx = rgxy[ixy].x - rgxy[ixy - 1].x; dy = rgxy[ixy].y - rgxy[ixy - 1].y; if (!LineSmall(dx, dy)) { // Next jump is too big to just remove, check distance from end point.
dx = rgxy[ixyEnd].x - rgxy[ixy - 1].x; dy = rgxy[ixyEnd].y - rgxy[ixy - 1].y; if (fSmall || !LineInSplash(dx, dy)) { // Doesn't fall in splash zone.
break; } } } }
return(ixy); }
UINT DebounceStrokePoints(XY *rgxy, UINT cxy) { UINT iBounceBegin, iBounceEnd;
// Verify that we have enough points that we can debounce.
if (cxy < 3) { return(cxy); }
// Remove pen noise from pen-down and pen-up
iBounceBegin = RemovePenNoise(rgxy, cxy, TRUE, cxy - 2); iBounceEnd = RemovePenNoise(rgxy, cxy, FALSE, iBounceBegin + 1);
if (iBounceBegin > 0 || iBounceEnd < cxy - 1) { ASSERT(iBounceBegin < iBounceEnd); ASSERT(iBounceEnd < cxy);
cxy = iBounceEnd - iBounceBegin + 1; memmove((VOID *)rgxy, (VOID *)(&rgxy[iBounceBegin]), sizeof(XY) * cxy); }
return(cxy); }
int StepsFromFRAME(FRAME *frame, STEP *rgStep, int cstepmax) { int cStep; int cXY; XY *pXY;
// Get pointer to data and count of points
cXY = frame->info.cPnt; pXY = frame->rgrawxy;
// If a previous recognizer used this buffer, release it first
if (frame->rgsmoothxy) ExternFree(frame->rgsmoothxy);
// Smoothing has been replaced by de-splashing. JRB: Clean up to call de-splash directly.
frame->rgsmoothxy = (XY *) ExternAlloc(cXY * sizeof(XY)); if (frame->rgsmoothxy == (XY *) NULL) return 0;
memcpy(frame->rgsmoothxy, pXY, cXY * sizeof(XY)); frame->csmoothxy = cXY; frame->csmoothxy = DebounceStrokePoints(frame->rgsmoothxy, frame->csmoothxy); cXY = frame->csmoothxy; pXY = frame->rgsmoothxy;
// Recursivly segment the line.
cStep = 0; rgStep[0].x = pXY[0].x; rgStep[0].y = pXY[0].y; StepLineSegment(0, cXY - 1, pXY, &cStep, rgStep, 0);
return(cStep); }
// Convert an angle into a feature.
BYTE Code(int angle) { if (angle < 12) return FEAT_RIGHT; else if (angle < 70) return FEAT_DOWN_RIGHT; else if (angle < 160) return FEAT_DOWN; else if (angle < 300) return FEAT_OTHER; // very rare directions
else return FEAT_RIGHT; }
// We set this to 0xFF, this should be changed if the number of valid codes is excpected
// to be more than 255
#define FEATURE_NULL 0xFF // avoid any valid code.
// Convert steps into first pass at features.
// Note that cFrame is not used.
// JRB: Rewrite so that we just create one feature, instead of creating many and undoing it!!!
VOID AddStepsKPROTO(KPROTO *pKProto, STEP *rgStep, int cStep, int cFrame, FRAME *frame) { int iStep; // Step being processed
int cFeat; // Count of features so far in character
int iStartStep; // Start of current feature.
int iEndStep; // Current quess at end of step.
int cumAngle; // Cumulitive change in angle for the current feature.
int netAngle; // Net angle traversed by stroke (sum of step angles)
int absAngle; // Total angle of stroke (sum of abs. val. of step angles)
int nLength; // Total length of stroke
int x, y; PRIMITIVE *pFeat = NULL;
ASSERT(cStep > 0);
// Spot to add next feature.
cFeat = pKProto->cfeat; pFeat = (PRIMITIVE *)0;
// Loop over all the steps finding features and gathering information about them.
iStartStep = 0; iEndStep = 0; x = rgStep[0].x; y = rgStep[0].y; netAngle = 0; absAngle = 0; nLength = 0;
for (iStep = 0; iStep < cStep; iStep++) { // Handle start of a feature.
if (iStep == iEndStep) { // Get pointer to feature structure.
pFeat = &(pKProto->rgfeat[cFeat]);
// The array of primitives is CPRIMMAX in size so
// the largest index it can handle is (CPRIMMAX-1).
if (cFeat < (CPRIMMAX - 1)) { cFeat++; } else { //ASSERT(cFeat < (CPRIMMAX - 1));
// Record start of feature as initial point or end of last feature.
pFeat->x1 = (short)x; pFeat->y1 = (short)y;
// Feature not known yet
pFeat->code = FEATURE_NULL;
// Default to making feature the rest of the line.
iStartStep = iStep; iEndStep = cStep; cumAngle = 0; } ASSERT(pFeat);
// End of current step
x = rgStep[iStep + 1].x; y = rgStep[iStep + 1].y;
// Add the step length to the total length
nLength += Distance(x - rgStep[iStep].x, y - rgStep[iStep].y);
// If not first step in this feature, add angle from last step.
if (iStep > iStartStep) { cumAngle += rgStep[iStep].deltaAngle; }
// If not first step, add angle from last step.
if (iStep > 0) { netAngle += rgStep[iStep].deltaAngle; if (rgStep[iStep].deltaAngle >= 0) { absAngle += rgStep[iStep].deltaAngle; } else { absAngle -= rgStep[iStep].deltaAngle; } }
// Decide if we need to split and start a new step. Can only be an inflection
// if there are at least three segements left. Also if we are already breaking after
// this step, we shouldn't check until we are past the break.
if (cStep - iStep >= 3 && iEndStep != iStep + 1) { int angle1_2, angle2_3;
// Figure angles between first & second segments and second & third segments.
angle1_2 = rgStep[iStep + 1].deltaAngle; angle2_3 = rgStep[iStep + 2].deltaAngle;
// Should never have two consecutive steps with exactly the same angle.
// ASSERT(angle1_2 != 0);
// ASSERT(angle2_3 != 0);
// Are they in different directions? E.g. are signs different.
// JRB: What about 180 or angles close to it?
if (angle1_2 * angle2_3 < 0) { int abs1_2, abs2_3;
// We have an inflection, which side do we break on? First get absolute
// value of both angles.
if (angle1_2 < 0) { abs1_2 = -angle1_2; abs2_3 = angle2_3; } else { abs1_2 = angle1_2; abs2_3 = -angle2_3; }
// Now which is larger (e.g. tighter turn)
if (abs1_2 >= abs2_3) { iEndStep = iStep + 1; // First is tighter, break there.
} else { iEndStep = iStep + 2; // Second is tighter, break there.
} }
// Handle end of a feature.
if (iStep == iEndStep - 1) { int dX, dY;
// Record end of feature.
pFeat->x2 = (short)x; pFeat->y2 = (short)y;
// Figure out feature code.
if (cumAngle == 0) { pFeat->code = Code(rgStep[iStep].angle); // Streight line
} else if (cumAngle > 0) { // Clockwise, how strong?
if (cumAngle >= 390) { pFeat->code = FEAT_COMPLEX; } else if (cumAngle >= 300) { pFeat->code = FEAT_CLOCKWISE_4; } else if (cumAngle >= 182) { pFeat->code = FEAT_CLOCKWISE_3; } else if (cumAngle >= 120) { pFeat->code = FEAT_CLOCKWISE_2; } else if (cumAngle >= 38) { pFeat->code = FEAT_CLOCKWISE_1; } else { // Close enough to streight.
dX = pFeat->x2 - pFeat->x1; dY = pFeat->y2 - pFeat->y1; pFeat->code = Code(Arctan2(dY, dX)); } } else // cumAngle < 0
{ // Counter clockwise, how strong?
if (cumAngle <= -360) { pFeat->code = FEAT_COMPLEX; } else if (cumAngle <= -182) { pFeat->code = FEAT_C_CLOCKWISE_4; } else if (cumAngle <= -115) { pFeat->code = FEAT_C_CLOCKWISE_3; } else if (cumAngle <= -60) { pFeat->code = FEAT_C_CLOCKWISE_2; } else if (cumAngle <= -38) { pFeat->code = FEAT_C_CLOCKWISE_1; } else { // Close enough to streight.
dX = pFeat->x2 - pFeat->x1; dY = pFeat->y2 - pFeat->y1; pFeat->code = Code(Arctan2(dY, dX)); } } } } ASSERT(pFeat->code != FEATURE_NULL);
// Map multi-feature strokes down to a single feature.
pFeat = &(pKProto->rgfeat[pKProto->cfeat]); pFeat->cFeatures = cFeat - pKProto->cfeat; pFeat->cSteps = (BYTE)cStep; pFeat->fDakuTen = 0; pFeat->nLength = nLength; pFeat->netAngle = netAngle; pFeat->absAngle = absAngle; pFeat->boundingBox = *RectFRAME(frame); switch (pFeat->cFeatures) { case 0 : case 1 : // Zero or one feature. Zero should not actually happen, but if it does ...
goto hadSingle;
case 2 : { BYTE feat0, feat1;
// Two features, look up what the replacement feature is.
feat0 = pFeat[0].code; feat1 = pFeat[1].code; pFeat->code = (BYTE)aMapTwoFeat[aMapFeat[feat0]][aMapFeat[feat1]]; break; }
case 3 : { BYTE feat0, feat1, feat2;
// A few special cases, otherwise call it complex.
feat0 = pFeat[0].code; feat1 = pFeat[1].code; feat2 = pFeat[2].code; switch (aMapFeat[feat0]) { case 0 : // Right
switch (aMapFeat[feat1]) { case 3 : // Down
pFeat->code = (aMapFeat[feat2] == 5) ? FEAT_3F_RI_DN_CW : FEAT_COMPLEX; // Clockwise
case 5 : // Clockwise
pFeat->code = (feat2 == FEAT_DOWN) ? FEAT_3F_RI_CW_DN : FEAT_COMPLEX; // Down
case 6 : // Counter clockwise
pFeat->code = (feat2 == FEAT_DOWN) // Down
? FEAT_3F_RI_CC_DN : (aMapFeat[feat2] == 5) ? FEAT_3F_RI_CC_CW : FEAT_COMPLEX; // Clockwise
default : pFeat->code = FEAT_COMPLEX; break; } break;
case 2 : // Down
if (feat1 == FEAT_RIGHT) { // Right
// Counter clockwise
pFeat->code = (aMapFeat[feat2] == 6) ? FEAT_3F_DN_RI_CC : FEAT_COMPLEX; } else if (aMapFeat[feat1] == 5) { // Clockwise
switch (aMapFeat[feat2]) { case 0 : pFeat->code = FEAT_3F_DN_CW_RI; break; // Right
case 5 : pFeat->code = FEAT_3F_DN_CW_CW; break; // Clockwise
case 6 : pFeat->code = FEAT_3F_DN_CW_CC; break; // Counter clockwise
default : pFeat->code = FEAT_COMPLEX; break; } } else { pFeat->code = FEAT_COMPLEX; } break;
case 5 : // Clockwise
// Any and Clockwise
pFeat->code = (aMapFeat[feat2] == 5) ? FEAT_3F_CW_XX_CW : FEAT_COMPLEX; break;
case 6 : // Counter Clockwise
// Clockwise and Right
pFeat->code = (aMapFeat[feat1] == 5 && feat2 == FEAT_RIGHT) ? FEAT_3F_CC_CW_RI : FEAT_COMPLEX; break;
default: pFeat->code = FEAT_COMPLEX; } }
default: // Anything else (> 3) is always complex.
pKProto->rgfeat[cFeat].code = FEAT_COMPLEX; break; }
// Actually merge the position information and fix cFeat.
pFeat->x2 = pKProto->rgfeat[cFeat - 1].x2; pFeat->y2 = pKProto->rgfeat[cFeat - 1].y2; cFeat = pKProto->cfeat + 1;
hadSingle: // Jump here to skip merging of features.
// Record number of features after our additions.
pKProto->cfeat = (WORD)cFeat; }
// Clean up the stepped stroke. cFrame is not used.
int CraneSmoothSteps(STEP *rgStep, int cStep, int cFrame) { int ii; int cRemove; int totalLength, hookLength; int maxLength, maxSegment; int length; int lengths[6]; // First three and last three segment lengths. JRB: already calculated
// Make sure we have enough segments to think about removing some.
if (cStep < 2) { return cStep; // Only one segment, don't want to remove it.
} else if (cStep == 2) { int percentLength; int angle; int partA, partB; int experA, experB;
// Special processing for two step strokes. The only thing we may do
// is drop one of the steps. We calculate the length of the first step
// as a percent of the total line length. We also calculate the angle
// between the lines. This gives us a rectangle with the ranges,
// percentLength 0 - 100 and angle -179 to 180. We want to find if
// this sample falls in one of the four corners of this that indicates
// an extranious hook. The four lines (and there equations) we use are:
// Lower left -180, 40 -> -30, 0 -- angle, percentLength
// Lower right 180, 40 -> 30, 0
// Upper left -180, 60 -> -30, 100
// Upper right 180, 60 -> 30, 100
// The matching formulas for the areas beyound the lines are:
// Lower left 4 * angle + 15 * percentLength <= - 120
// Lower right 4 * angle - 15 * percentLength >= 120
// Upper left 4 * angle - 15 * percentLength <= -1620
// Upper right 4 * angle + 15 * percentLength >= 1620
totalLength = rgStep[0].length + rgStep[1].length; percentLength = (rgStep[0].length * 100) / totalLength; angle = rgStep[1].deltaAngle;
// Precalculate the pieces.
partA = 4 * angle; partB = 15 * percentLength; experA = partA + partB; experB = partA - partB;
// Looks OK, keep both segments.
// Test the two corners that indicate the first segment is two small.
// Then test the other two, to check the second segment.
if (experA <= -120 || experB >= 120) { // Delete the first segment.
rgStep[0] = rgStep[1]; rgStep[1] = rgStep[2];
return 1; } else if (experB <= -1620 || experA >= 1620) { // Delete the second segment.
return 1; }
return 2; }
// Check for hooks.
totalLength = 0; maxLength = 0; maxSegment = -1; for (ii = 0; ii < cStep; ++ii) { int fromEnd;
// Figure segment length
length = rgStep[ii].length;
// Keep track of longest segment.
if (maxLength < length) { maxLength = length; maxSegment = ii; }
// Sum all segment lengths.
totalLength += length;
// Record the lengths that we will need later.
if (ii < 3) { lengths[ii] = length; } fromEnd = cStep - 1 - ii; if (fromEnd < 3) { lengths[5 - fromEnd] = length; } }
// Check for a streight line with small curves at one or both ends.
ASSERT(maxSegment >= 0); if ((maxLength * 100) / totalLength > 80) { // throw away all other segments.
rgStep[0] = rgStep[maxSegment]; rgStep[1] = rgStep[maxSegment + 1];
return 1; }
// Try to find hook at the end. First try to remove two segments.
cRemove = 0; if (cStep >= 3) { hookLength = lengths[5] + lengths[4];
if (hookLength * 10 < totalLength) { cRemove = 2; } }
// If we couldn't remove two segments, try one.
if (cRemove == 0 && lengths[5] * 10 < totalLength) { cRemove = 1; }
// Drop points at the end as needed. Verify that there are enough points to continue.
cStep -= cRemove; if (cStep < 2) { return cStep; // Only one segment left.
} // Try to find hook at the start. First try to remove two segments.
cRemove = 0; if (cStep >= 3) { hookLength = lengths[0] + lengths[1];
if (hookLength * 10 < totalLength) { cRemove = 2; } }
// If we couldn't remove two segments, try one.
if (cRemove == 0 && lengths[0] * 10 < totalLength) { cRemove = 1; }
// Remove extra steps from start of array.
if (cRemove > 0) { int from, to;
to = 0; from = cRemove; while (from <= cStep) { rgStep[to++] = rgStep[from++]; }
cStep -= cRemove; }
return cStep; }
int IsDakuten(RECT *pBoundingBox, FRAME *pFrame1, FRAME *pFrame2, KPROTO *pKProto) { int cXY; XY *pXY; int x1_1, y1_1, x2_1, y2_1; // Start and end of first stroke.
int x1_2, y1_2, x2_2, y2_2; // Start and end of second stroke.
int x1Per, y1Per, x2Per, y2Per; int dX, dY; int cFeat; PRIMITIVE *pFeat;
// Figure size of bounding box.
dX = pBoundingBox->right - pBoundingBox->left; dY = pBoundingBox->bottom - pBoundingBox->top;
// Get pointer to data and count of points of first stroke.
cXY = pFrame1->info.cPnt; pXY = pFrame1->rgrawxy;
// Get end points
x1_1 = pXY[0].x; y1_1 = pXY[0].y; x2_1 = pXY[cXY - 1].x; y2_1 = pXY[cXY - 1].y;
// Get pointer to data and count of points of second stroke.
cXY = pFrame2->info.cPnt; pXY = pFrame2->rgrawxy;
// Get end points
x1_2 = pXY[0].x; y1_2 = pXY[0].y; x2_2 = pXY[cXY - 1].x; y2_2 = pXY[cXY - 1].y;
// Sometimesd strokes are reveresed.
if (x1_1 > x1_2 && x2_1 > x2_2) { // Try switching strokes.
return IsDakuten(pBoundingBox, pFrame2, pFrame1, pKProto); }
// Get end positions relitive to the upper right corner of the bounding box.
// Scale by 100 so we can get percents as integers.
x1Per = ((pBoundingBox->right - x1_1) * 100) / dX; y1Per = ((y1_1 - pBoundingBox->top) * 100) / dY; x2Per = ((pBoundingBox->right - x2_1) * 100) / dX; y2Per = ((y2_1 - pBoundingBox->top) * 100) / dY; // Check if end points match expected locations for first stroke.
if (x1Per > 70 || y1Per > 40 || x2Per > 60 || y2Per > 60) { // First stroke wrong position.
return FALSE; }
// Compare relitive positions of strokes.
x1Per = ((x1_2 - x1_1) * 100) / dX; y1Per = ((y1_2 - y1_1) * 100) / dY; x2Per = ((x2_2 - x2_1) * 100) / dX; y2Per = ((y2_2 - y2_1) * 100) / dY; if (x1Per <= 0 || 50 <= x1Per || y1Per <= -30 || 25 <= y1Per || x2Per <= 0 || 55 <= x2Per || y2Per <= -35 || 30 <= y2Per ) { // Reletive positions of the strokes wrong.
return FALSE; }
// Get end positions relitive to the upper right corner of the bounding box.
// Scale by 100 so we can get percents as integers.
x1Per = ((pBoundingBox->right - x1_2) * 100) / dX; y1Per = ((y1_2 - pBoundingBox->top) * 100) / dY; x2Per = ((pBoundingBox->right - x2_2) * 100) / dX; y2Per = ((y2_2 - pBoundingBox->top) * 100) / dY; // Check if end points match expected locations for second stroke.
if (x1Per > 40 || y1Per > 45 || x2Per > 25 || y2Per > 55) { // Second stroke wrong position.
return FALSE; }
{ BOUNDS bounds; int normalize; int ratioPlus, ratioMinus;
// End point tests pass, verify that we really have stokes that look mostly like lines.
// We ignore the along direction because that does not seem to be a problem
// We keep the away in loose bound since we only need to catch ones way out of line.
// Since the ratio is usually a fraction, and we want to handle integers,
// multiply by 1000.
// Note that for very small lines, we don't care what the look like.
FindBounds(0, pFrame1->info.cPnt - 1, pFrame1->rgrawxy, &bounds); if (bounds.dX > 20 || bounds.dX < -20 || bounds.dY > 20 || bounds.dY < -20) { // Is it large?
normalize = bounds.dX * bounds.dX + bounds.dY * bounds.dY; normalize = max(1,normalize); ratioPlus = (bounds.oAwayPlus * 1000) / normalize; ratioMinus = -(bounds.oAwayMinus * 1000) / normalize; if (ratioPlus >= 1000 || ratioMinus >= 1000) { // Ratio > 1/1
return FALSE; } }
FindBounds(0, pFrame2->info.cPnt - 1, pFrame2->rgrawxy, &bounds); if (bounds.dX > 20 || bounds.dX < -20 || bounds.dY > 20 || bounds.dY < -20) { // Is it large?
normalize = bounds.dX * bounds.dX + bounds.dY * bounds.dY; normalize = max(1,normalize); ratioPlus = (bounds.oAwayPlus * 1000) / normalize; ratioMinus = -(bounds.oAwayMinus * 1000) / normalize; if (ratioPlus >= 1000 || ratioMinus >= 1000) { // Ratio > 1/1
return FALSE; } } }
// Passes all the test. So add the two stokes to the feature list.
cFeat = pKProto->cfeat;
//// Handle first stroke
// The array of primitives is CPRIMMAX in size so
// the largest index it can handle is (CPRIMMAX-1).
pFeat = &(pKProto->rgfeat[cFeat]); if (cFeat < (CPRIMMAX - 1)) { cFeat++; } else { //ASSERT(cFeat < (CPRIMMAX - 1));
// Record start & end of feature.
pFeat->x1 = (short)x1_1; pFeat->y1 = (short)y1_1; pFeat->x2 = (short)x2_1; pFeat->y2 = (short)y2_2;
// Feature is small down right.
pFeat->code = FEAT_DOWN_RIGHT;
// Record CART info
pFeat->cFeatures = 1; pFeat->cSteps = 1; pFeat->fDakuTen = 1; pFeat->nLength = Distance(pFeat->x2 - pFeat->x1, pFeat->y2 - pFeat->y1); pFeat->netAngle = 0; pFeat->absAngle = 0; pFeat->boundingBox = *RectFRAME(pFrame1);
/// Now on to stroke two
// The array of primitives is CPRIMMAX in size so
// the largest index it can handle is (CPRIMMAX-1).
pFeat = &(pKProto->rgfeat[cFeat]); if (cFeat < (CPRIMMAX - 1)) { cFeat++; } else { //ASSERT(cFeat < (CPRIMMAX - 1));
// Record start & end of feature.
pFeat->x1 = (short)x1_2; pFeat->y1 = (short)y1_2; pFeat->x2 = (short)x2_2; pFeat->y2 = (short)y2_2;
// Feature is small down right.
pFeat->code = FEAT_DOWN_RIGHT;
// Record number of features after our additions.
pKProto->cfeat = (WORD)cFeat;
// Record CART info
pFeat->cFeatures = 1; pFeat->cSteps = 1; pFeat->fDakuTen = 1; pFeat->nLength = Distance(pFeat->x2 - pFeat->x1, pFeat->y2 - pFeat->y1); pFeat->netAngle = 0; pFeat->absAngle = 0; pFeat->boundingBox = *RectFRAME(pFrame2);
return TRUE; }
int FeaturizeGLYPH(GLYPH *glyph, PRIMITIVE *rgprim, RECT *pRect) { KPROTO *kproto; int cstepmax, cframe, cstep, cprim; STEP *rgstep; FRAME *frame; int iframe;
kproto = (KPROTO *) ExternAlloc(sizeof(KPROTO));
if (kproto == (KPROTO *) NULL) return 0;
memset(kproto, '\0', sizeof(KPROTO)); kproto->rgfeat = rgprim; GetRectGLYPH(glyph, &kproto->rect); *pRect = kproto->rect; // Pass bounding rect up.
rgstep = (STEP *) ExternAlloc(FRAME_MAXSTEPS * sizeof(STEP)); if (rgstep == (STEP *) NULL) goto cleanup;
cstepmax = FRAME_MAXSTEPS; cframe = CframeGLYPH(glyph);
for (iframe = 0; iframe < cframe; iframe++) { frame = FrameAtGLYPH(glyph, iframe);
// Special check for dakuten. If we have 3 to 6 strokes and are looking
// at the next to last stroke, we need to check if the last two strokes form
// a dakuten.
if (3 <= cframe && cframe <= 6 && iframe == cframe - 2) { FRAME *frame2;
// Get the last frame as well
frame2 = FrameAtGLYPH(glyph, iframe + 1);
// Check the strokes, adds two features if it is a match.
if (IsDakuten(&kproto->rect, frame, frame2, kproto)) { // OK, Have it abort the rest of the processing on the last two strokes.
break; } }
cstep = StepsFromFRAME(frame, rgstep, cstepmax); if (cstep == 0) { kproto->cfeat = 0; // Indicate a failure condition
goto cleanu2; }
cstep = CraneSmoothSteps(rgstep, cstep, cframe); AddStepsKPROTO(kproto, rgstep, cstep, cframe, frame); }
cleanu2: ExternFree(rgstep);
cleanup: cprim = kproto->cfeat; ExternFree(kproto);
return cprim; }
BOOL AllocFeature(SAMPLE *, int);
BOOL MakeFeatures(SAMPLE *_this, void *pv) { PRIMITIVE rgprim[CPRIMMAX]; RECT rc; int ifeat; int iprim, cprim; int xShift, yShift; // Normalize position
double xScale, yScale; // Normalize size
double xyRatio; // Ratio of xy (scaled to fit in a WORD)
cprim = FeaturizeGLYPH((GLYPH *) pv, rgprim, &rc); if (!cprim) return FALSE;
// Figure normilization constants.
xShift = -rc.left; xScale = 1000.0 / (double)(rc.right - rc.left); yShift = -rc.top; yScale = 1000.0 / (double)(rc.bottom - rc.top); xyRatio = (xScale / yScale) * 256.0;
// Stroke count MUST be set before any per stroke data can be allocated
_this->cstrk = (short)CframeGLYPH((GLYPH *) pv);
// Now allocate per stroke features (currently, this is all of them)
for (ifeat = 0; ifeat < FEATURE_COUNT; ifeat++) { if (!AllocFeature(_this, ifeat)) return FALSE; }
// Set per character information (stroke count, dakuten, et.al.)
_this->fDakuten = rgprim[cprim - 1].fDakuTen;
// Set per stroke information (angle, stepping, end point position, et.al.)
for (iprim = 0; iprim < cprim; iprim++) { ((SHORT *) _this->apfeat[FEATURE_ANGLE_NET]->data)[iprim] = max(min(rgprim[iprim].netAngle, 32767), -32768); ((USHORT *) _this->apfeat[FEATURE_ANGLE_ABS]->data)[iprim] = min(rgprim[iprim].absAngle, 0x0000ffff); ((USHORT *) _this->apfeat[FEATURE_LENGTH]->data)[iprim] = min(rgprim[iprim].nLength, 0x0000ffff); ((BYTE *) _this->apfeat[FEATURE_STEPS]->data)[iprim] = rgprim[iprim].cSteps; ((BYTE *) _this->apfeat[FEATURE_FEATURES]->data)[iprim] = rgprim[iprim].cFeatures;
((END_POINTS *) _this->apfeat[FEATURE_XPOS]->data)[iprim].start = (short) ((double) (rgprim[iprim].x1 + xShift) * xScale); ((END_POINTS *) _this->apfeat[FEATURE_XPOS]->data)[iprim].end = (short) ((double) (rgprim[iprim].x2 + xShift) * xScale); ((END_POINTS *) _this->apfeat[FEATURE_YPOS]->data)[iprim].start = (short) ((double) (rgprim[iprim].y1 + yShift) * yScale); ((END_POINTS *) _this->apfeat[FEATURE_YPOS]->data)[iprim].end = (short) ((double) (rgprim[iprim].y2 + yShift) * yScale);
((RECTS *) _this->apfeat[FEATURE_STROKE_BBOX]->data)[iprim].x1 = (short) ((double) (rgprim[iprim].boundingBox.left + xShift) * xScale); ((RECTS *) _this->apfeat[FEATURE_STROKE_BBOX]->data)[iprim].y1 = (short) ((double) (rgprim[iprim].boundingBox.top + yShift) * yScale); ((RECTS *) _this->apfeat[FEATURE_STROKE_BBOX]->data)[iprim].x2 = (short) ((double) (rgprim[iprim].boundingBox.right + xShift) * xScale); ((RECTS *) _this->apfeat[FEATURE_STROKE_BBOX]->data)[iprim].y2 = (short) ((double) (rgprim[iprim].boundingBox.bottom + yShift) * yScale); };
return TRUE; }
BOOL CraneLoadFromPointer(LOCRUN_INFO *pLocRunInfo, QHEAD ** ppHead,QNODE **ppNode,BYTE *pbRes) { int *pOffsetQBT; int *pOffsetQBH; int iLoad; const CRANEDB_HEADER *pHeader = (CRANEDB_HEADER *)pbRes;
if ( (pHeader->fileType != CRANEDB_FILE_TYPE) || (pHeader->headerSize < sizeof(*pHeader)) || (pHeader->minFileVer > CRANEDB_CUR_FILE_VERSION) || (pHeader->curFileVer < CRANEDB_OLD_FILE_VERSION) || memcmp (pHeader->adwSignature, pLocRunInfo->adwSignature,sizeof(pHeader->adwSignature)) ) { return FALSE; } pOffsetQBT = (int *)(pbRes + pHeader->headerSize); pOffsetQBH = pOffsetQBT + 29;
for (iLoad = 1; iLoad <= 30; iLoad++) { ppHead[iLoad - 1] = (QHEAD *) (((BYTE *) pOffsetQBT) + pOffsetQBH[iLoad - 1]); ppNode[iLoad - 1] = (QNODE *) (((BYTE *) pOffsetQBT) + pOffsetQBT[iLoad - 1]); } return TRUE; }
BOOL CraneLoadRes(HINSTANCE hInst, int resNumber, int resType, LOCRUN_INFO *pLocRunInfo) { HANDLE hres; HGLOBAL hglb;
BYTE * pBase; hres = FindResource(hInst, (LPCTSTR) resNumber, (LPCTSTR) resType);
if (hres == NULL) return FALSE;
hglb = LoadResource(hInst, hres);
if (hglb == NULL) return FALSE;
pBase = (BYTE *) LockResource(hglb);
if (pBase == NULL) return FALSE;
return CraneLoadFromPointer(pLocRunInfo, gapqhList, gapqnList, pBase); }
QNODE *SkipAltList(UNIQART *puni) { while (puni->unicode) puni++;
return (QNODE *) ++puni; }
//FILE *pDebugFile = 0;
QNODE *CraneFindAnswer(SAMPLE *psample, QNODE *pnode) { SAMPLE_INFO sample;
if ((pnode->uniqart.qart.flag & 0xf0) != QART_QUESTION) return pnode;
// Now ask the question
sample.pSample = psample; AnswerQuestion(pnode->uniqart.qart.question, pnode->param1, pnode->param2, &sample, 1);
//if (pDebugFile) {
// fwprintf(pDebugFile, L" CART: (%2d:%5d:%5d) -> %5d ?< %5d\n", pnode->uniqart.qart,
// pnode->param1, pnode->param2, sample.iAnswer, pnode->value
// );
if (sample.iAnswer <= pnode->value) { if (pnode->uniqart.qart.flag & QART_NOBRANCH) return CraneFindAnswer(psample, SkipAltList((UNIQART *) pnode->extra)); else return CraneFindAnswer(psample, (QNODE *) pnode->extra); } else { if (pnode->uniqart.qart.flag & QART_NOBRANCH) return CraneFindAnswer(psample, (QNODE *) &pnode->offset); else return CraneFindAnswer(psample, (QNODE *) (((BYTE *) pnode->extra) + pnode->offset)); } }
BOOL CraneMatch(ALT_LIST *pAlt, int cAlt, GLYPH *pGlyph, CHARSET *pCS, DRECTS *pdrcs, FLOAT eCARTWeight, LOCRUN_INFO *pLocRunInfo) { int cstrk = CframeGLYPH(pGlyph) - 1; // Our arrays are zero based
int index; WORD wStart; WORD wFinal; QNODE *pqnode; SAMPLE sample;
// See if Afterburner even has something with which to work
if ((!pAlt->cAlt) || (cstrk < 0) || (cstrk >= 30)) return FALSE;
// Get the page number of the top choice from the previous shape matcher
index = HIGH_INDEX(pAlt->awchList[0]);
if ((index < 0) || (index >= HIGH_INDEX_LIMIT - 1)) return FALSE;
wStart = gapqhList[cstrk]->awIndex[index]; wFinal = gapqhList[cstrk]->awIndex[index + 1];
// Note that wStart may equal wFinal, in which case there are no valid selections.
// Next get the low byte from the top choice, shift it to the left-most byte position.
// Also, assume we didn't find a CART to run.
index = (pAlt->awchList[0] & 0x00ff) << 24; pqnode = (QNODE *) NULL;
while (wStart < wFinal) { if ((gapqhList[cstrk]->aqIndex[wStart] & 0xff000000) == ((DWORD) index)) { pqnode = (QNODE *) &(((BYTE *) gapqnList[cstrk])[gapqhList[cstrk]->aqIndex[wStart] & 0x00ffffff]); break; }
if (gapqhList[cstrk]->aqIndex[wStart] > ((DWORD) index)) break;
wStart++; }
// If no tree was found, exit
if (pqnode == (QNODE *) NULL) return FALSE;
// OK, now we know we have a CART to run. Featurize the ink and run the tree
InitFeatures(&sample); sample.drcs = *pdrcs; wFinal = MakeFeatures(&sample, pGlyph) ? *((WORD *) CraneFindAnswer(&sample, pqnode)) : 0; FreeFeatures(&sample);
// Did CART give us back a meaningful result?
if (!wFinal) return FALSE;
// Short cut processing if we are top 1 already.
if (wFinal == pAlt->awchList[0]) { pAlt->aeScore[0] += (FLOAT)eCARTWeight; return TRUE; }
// Did CART give us a code point that is enabled by the current recmask
{ if (!IsAllowedChar(pLocRunInfo, pCS, wFinal)) { return FALSE; // Can't stick it in.
} }
// Now, walk through the previous ALT_LIST and see if this character was already proposed
index = 0; while (((UINT) index) < pAlt->cAlt) { if (pAlt->awchList[index] == wFinal) break;
index++; }
if ((UINT) index >= pAlt->cAlt) { if (pAlt->cAlt < (UINT) cAlt) { pAlt->cAlt++; } else { index--; } }
while (index) { pAlt->awchList[index] = pAlt->awchList[index - 1]; pAlt->aeScore[index] = pAlt->aeScore[index - 1]; index--; }
pAlt->awchList[0] = wFinal; pAlt->aeScore[0] = pAlt->aeScore[1] + (FLOAT)eCARTWeight; return TRUE; }