Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the code for finding, adding, removing, and identifying hid devices.
User mode
Revision History:
Nov-96 : Created by Kenneth D. Ray
#include <basetyps.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include "hidsdi.h"
#include "hid.h"
BOOLEAN FindKnownHidDevices ( OUT PHID_DEVICE * HidDevices, // A array of struct _HID_DEVICE
OUT PULONG NumberDevices // the length of this array.
) /*++
Routine Description: Do the required PnP things in order to find all the HID devices in the system at this time. --*/ { HDEVINFO hardwareDeviceInfo; SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA deviceInfoData; ULONG i; BOOLEAN done; PHID_DEVICE hidDeviceInst; GUID hidGuid; PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA functionClassDeviceData = NULL; ULONG predictedLength = 0; ULONG requiredLength = 0;
HidD_GetHidGuid (&hidGuid);
*HidDevices = NULL; *NumberDevices = 0;
// Open a handle to the plug and play dev node.
hardwareDeviceInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs ( &hidGuid, NULL, // Define no enumerator (global)
NULL, // Define no
(DIGCF_PRESENT | // Only Devices present
DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE)); // Function class devices.
// Take a wild guess to start
*NumberDevices = 4; done = FALSE; deviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof (SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA);
i=0; while (!done) { *NumberDevices *= 2;
if (*HidDevices) { *HidDevices = realloc (*HidDevices, (*NumberDevices * sizeof (HID_DEVICE))); } else { *HidDevices = calloc (*NumberDevices, sizeof (HID_DEVICE)); }
if (NULL == *HidDevices) { SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList (hardwareDeviceInfo); return FALSE; }
hidDeviceInst = *HidDevices + i;
for (; i < *NumberDevices; i++, hidDeviceInst++) { if (SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces (hardwareDeviceInfo, 0, // No care about specific PDOs
&hidGuid, i, &deviceInfoData)) { //
// allocate a function class device data structure to receive the
// goods about this particular device.
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail ( hardwareDeviceInfo, &deviceInfoData, NULL, // probing so no output buffer yet
0, // probing so output buffer length of zero
&requiredLength, NULL); // not interested in the specific dev-node
predictedLength = requiredLength;
functionClassDeviceData = malloc (predictedLength); if (functionClassDeviceData) { functionClassDeviceData->cbSize = sizeof (SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA); } else { SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList (hardwareDeviceInfo); return FALSE; }
// Retrieve the information from Plug and Play.
if (! SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail ( hardwareDeviceInfo, &deviceInfoData, functionClassDeviceData, predictedLength, &requiredLength, NULL)) { SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList (hardwareDeviceInfo); return FALSE; }
// Open device with just generic query abilities to begin with
if (! OpenHidDevice (functionClassDeviceData -> DevicePath, FALSE, // ReadAccess - none
FALSE, // WriteAccess - none
FALSE, // Overlapped - no
FALSE, // Exclusive - no
TRUE, // GetDeviceInfo - yes
hidDeviceInst)) { SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList (hardwareDeviceInfo); return FALSE; }
} else { if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == GetLastError()) { done = TRUE; break; } } } }
*NumberDevices = i;
SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList (hardwareDeviceInfo); return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN OpenHidDevice ( IN PCHAR DevicePath, IN BOOL HasReadAccess, IN BOOL HasWriteAccess, IN BOOL IsOverlapped, IN BOOL IsExclusive, IN BOOL GetDeviceInfo, IN OUT PHID_DEVICE HidDevice ) /*++
RoutineDescription: Given the HardwareDeviceInfo, representing a handle to the plug and play information, and deviceInfoData, representing a specific hid device, open that device and fill in all the relivant information in the given HID_DEVICE structure.
return if the open and initialization was successfull or not.
--*/ { DWORD accessFlags = 0; DWORD sharingFlags = 0; BOOLEAN bSuccess; HidDevice -> DevicePath = malloc(strlen(DevicePath));
if (NULL == HidDevice -> DevicePath) { return (FALSE); }
strcpy(HidDevice -> DevicePath, DevicePath); if (HasReadAccess) { accessFlags |= GENERIC_READ; }
if (HasWriteAccess) { accessFlags |= GENERIC_WRITE; }
if (!IsExclusive) { sharingFlags = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE; } HidDevice->HidDevice = CreateFile (DevicePath, accessFlags, sharingFlags, NULL, // no SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure
OPEN_EXISTING, // No special create flags
IsOverlapped ? FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED : 0, NULL); // No template file
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == HidDevice->HidDevice) { free(HidDevice -> DevicePath); return FALSE; }
HidDevice -> OpenedForRead = HasReadAccess; HidDevice -> OpenedForWrite = HasWriteAccess; HidDevice -> OpenedOverlapped = IsOverlapped; HidDevice -> OpenedExclusive = IsExclusive; //
// If the device was not opened as overlapped, then fill in the rest of the
// HidDevice structure. However, if opened as overlapped, this handle cannot
// be used in the calls to the HidD_ exported functions since each of these
// functions does synchronous I/O.
if (GetDeviceInfo) { if (!HidD_GetPreparsedData (HidDevice->HidDevice, &HidDevice->Ppd)) { free(HidDevice -> DevicePath); CloseHandle(HidDevice -> HidDevice); return FALSE; }
if (!HidD_GetAttributes (HidDevice->HidDevice, &HidDevice->Attributes)) { free(HidDevice -> DevicePath);
CloseHandle(HidDevice -> HidDevice);
HidD_FreePreparsedData (HidDevice->Ppd);
return FALSE; }
if (!HidP_GetCaps (HidDevice->Ppd, &HidDevice->Caps)) { free(HidDevice -> DevicePath);
CloseHandle(HidDevice -> HidDevice);
HidD_FreePreparsedData (HidDevice->Ppd);
return FALSE; }
// At this point the client has a choice. It may chose to look at the
// Usage and Page of the top level collection found in the HIDP_CAPS
// structure. In this way it could just use the usages it knows about.
// If either HidP_GetUsages or HidP_GetUsageValue return an error then
// that particular usage does not exist in the report.
// This is most likely the preferred method as the application can only
// use usages of which it already knows.
// In this case the app need not even call GetButtonCaps or GetValueCaps.
// In this example, however, we will call FillDeviceInfo to look for all
// of the usages in the device.
bSuccess = FillDeviceInfo(HidDevice);
if (FALSE == bSuccess) { return (FALSE); } } return (TRUE); }
BOOLEAN FillDeviceInfo( IN PHID_DEVICE HidDevice ) { USHORT numValues; USHORT numCaps; PHIDP_BUTTON_CAPS buttonCaps; PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS valueCaps; PHID_DATA data; ULONG i; USAGE usage;
// setup Input Data buffers.
// Allocate memory to hold on input report
HidDevice->InputReportBuffer = (PCHAR) calloc (HidDevice->Caps.InputReportByteLength, sizeof (CHAR));
// Allocate memory to hold the button and value capabilities.
// NumberXXCaps is in terms of array elements.
HidDevice->InputButtonCaps = buttonCaps = (PHIDP_BUTTON_CAPS) calloc (HidDevice->Caps.NumberInputButtonCaps, sizeof (HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS));
if (NULL == buttonCaps) { return (FALSE); }
HidDevice->InputValueCaps = valueCaps = (PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS) calloc (HidDevice->Caps.NumberInputValueCaps, sizeof (HIDP_VALUE_CAPS));
if (NULL == valueCaps) { return(FALSE); }
// Have the HidP_X functions fill in the capability structure arrays.
numCaps = HidDevice->Caps.NumberInputButtonCaps;
HidP_GetButtonCaps (HidP_Input, buttonCaps, &numCaps, HidDevice->Ppd);
numCaps = HidDevice->Caps.NumberInputValueCaps;
HidP_GetValueCaps (HidP_Input, valueCaps, &numCaps, HidDevice->Ppd);
// Depending on the device, some value caps structures may represent more
// than one value. (A range). In the interest of being verbose, over
// efficient, we will expand these so that we have one and only one
// struct _HID_DATA for each value.
// To do this we need to count up the total number of values are listed
// in the value caps structure. For each element in the array we test
// for range if it is a range then UsageMax and UsageMin describe the
// usages for this range INCLUSIVE.
numValues = 0; for (i = 0; i < HidDevice->Caps.NumberInputValueCaps; i++, valueCaps++) { if (valueCaps->IsRange) { numValues += valueCaps->Range.UsageMax - valueCaps->Range.UsageMin + 1; } else { numValues++; } } valueCaps = HidDevice->InputValueCaps;
// Allocate a buffer to hold the struct _HID_DATA structures.
// One element for each set of buttons, and one element for each value
// found.
HidDevice->InputDataLength = HidDevice->Caps.NumberInputButtonCaps + numValues;
HidDevice->InputData = data = (PHID_DATA) calloc (HidDevice->InputDataLength, sizeof (HID_DATA));
if (NULL == data) { return (FALSE); }
// Fill in the button data
for (i = 0; i < HidDevice->Caps.NumberInputButtonCaps; i++, data++, buttonCaps++) { data->IsButtonData = TRUE; data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; data->UsagePage = buttonCaps->UsagePage; if (buttonCaps->IsRange) { data->ButtonData.UsageMin = buttonCaps -> Range.UsageMin; data->ButtonData.UsageMax = buttonCaps -> Range.UsageMax; } else { data -> ButtonData.UsageMin = data -> ButtonData.UsageMax = buttonCaps -> NotRange.Usage; } data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength = HidP_MaxUsageListLength ( HidP_Input, buttonCaps->UsagePage, HidDevice->Ppd); data->ButtonData.Usages = (PUSAGE) calloc (data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength, sizeof (USAGE));
data->ReportID = buttonCaps -> ReportID; }
// Fill in the value data
for (i = 0; i < numValues; i++, valueCaps++) { if (valueCaps->IsRange) { for (usage = valueCaps->Range.UsageMin; usage <= valueCaps->Range.UsageMax; usage++) { data->IsButtonData = FALSE; data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; data->UsagePage = valueCaps->UsagePage; data->ValueData.Usage = usage; data->ReportID = valueCaps -> ReportID; data++; } } else { data->IsButtonData = FALSE; data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; data->UsagePage = valueCaps->UsagePage; data->ValueData.Usage = valueCaps->NotRange.Usage; data->ReportID = valueCaps -> ReportID; data++; } }
// setup Output Data buffers.
HidDevice->OutputReportBuffer = (PCHAR) calloc (HidDevice->Caps.OutputReportByteLength, sizeof (CHAR));
HidDevice->OutputButtonCaps = buttonCaps = (PHIDP_BUTTON_CAPS) calloc (HidDevice->Caps.NumberOutputButtonCaps, sizeof (HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS));
if (NULL == buttonCaps) { return (FALSE); }
HidDevice->OutputValueCaps = valueCaps = (PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS) calloc (HidDevice->Caps.NumberOutputValueCaps, sizeof (HIDP_VALUE_CAPS));
if (NULL == valueCaps) { return (FALSE); }
numCaps = HidDevice->Caps.NumberOutputButtonCaps; HidP_GetButtonCaps (HidP_Output, buttonCaps, &numCaps, HidDevice->Ppd);
numCaps = HidDevice->Caps.NumberOutputValueCaps; HidP_GetValueCaps (HidP_Output, valueCaps, &numCaps, HidDevice->Ppd);
numValues = 0; for (i = 0; i < HidDevice->Caps.NumberOutputValueCaps; i++, valueCaps++) { if (valueCaps->IsRange) { numValues += valueCaps->Range.UsageMax - valueCaps->Range.UsageMin + 1; } else { numValues++; } } valueCaps = HidDevice->OutputValueCaps;
HidDevice->OutputDataLength = HidDevice->Caps.NumberOutputButtonCaps + numValues;
HidDevice->OutputData = data = (PHID_DATA) calloc (HidDevice->OutputDataLength, sizeof (HID_DATA));
if (NULL == data) { return (FALSE); }
for (i = 0; i < HidDevice->Caps.NumberOutputButtonCaps; i++, data++, buttonCaps++) { data->IsButtonData = TRUE; data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; data->UsagePage = buttonCaps->UsagePage;
if (buttonCaps->IsRange) { data->ButtonData.UsageMin = buttonCaps -> Range.UsageMin; data->ButtonData.UsageMax = buttonCaps -> Range.UsageMax; } else { data -> ButtonData.UsageMin = data -> ButtonData.UsageMax = buttonCaps -> NotRange.Usage; }
data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength = HidP_MaxUsageListLength ( HidP_Output, buttonCaps->UsagePage, HidDevice->Ppd);
data->ButtonData.Usages = (PUSAGE) calloc (data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength, sizeof (USAGE));
data->ReportID = buttonCaps -> ReportID; }
for (i = 0; i < numValues; i++, valueCaps++) { if (valueCaps->IsRange) { for (usage = valueCaps->Range.UsageMin; usage <= valueCaps->Range.UsageMax; usage++) { data->IsButtonData = FALSE; data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; data->UsagePage = valueCaps->UsagePage; data->ValueData.Usage = usage; data->ReportID = valueCaps -> ReportID; data++; } } else { data->IsButtonData = FALSE; data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; data->UsagePage = valueCaps->UsagePage; data->ValueData.Usage = valueCaps->NotRange.Usage; data->ReportID = valueCaps -> ReportID; data++; } }
// setup Feature Data buffers.
HidDevice->FeatureReportBuffer = (PCHAR) calloc (HidDevice->Caps.FeatureReportByteLength, sizeof (CHAR));
HidDevice->FeatureButtonCaps = buttonCaps = (PHIDP_BUTTON_CAPS) calloc (HidDevice->Caps.NumberFeatureButtonCaps, sizeof (HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS));
if (NULL == buttonCaps) { return (FALSE); }
HidDevice->FeatureValueCaps = valueCaps = (PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS) calloc (HidDevice->Caps.NumberFeatureValueCaps, sizeof (HIDP_VALUE_CAPS));
if (NULL == valueCaps) { return (FALSE); }
numCaps = HidDevice->Caps.NumberFeatureButtonCaps; HidP_GetButtonCaps (HidP_Feature, buttonCaps, &numCaps, HidDevice->Ppd);
numCaps = HidDevice->Caps.NumberFeatureValueCaps; HidP_GetValueCaps (HidP_Feature, valueCaps, &numCaps, HidDevice->Ppd);
numValues = 0; for (i = 0; i < HidDevice->Caps.NumberFeatureValueCaps; i++, valueCaps++) { if (valueCaps->IsRange) { numValues += valueCaps->Range.UsageMax - valueCaps->Range.UsageMin + 1; } else { numValues++; } } valueCaps = HidDevice->FeatureValueCaps;
HidDevice->FeatureDataLength = HidDevice->Caps.NumberFeatureButtonCaps + numValues;
HidDevice->FeatureData = data = (PHID_DATA) calloc (HidDevice->FeatureDataLength, sizeof (HID_DATA));
if (NULL == data) { return (FALSE); }
for (i = 0; i < HidDevice->Caps.NumberFeatureButtonCaps; i++, data++, buttonCaps++) { data->IsButtonData = TRUE; data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; data->UsagePage = buttonCaps->UsagePage;
if (buttonCaps->IsRange) { data->ButtonData.UsageMin = buttonCaps -> Range.UsageMin; data->ButtonData.UsageMax = buttonCaps -> Range.UsageMax; } else { data -> ButtonData.UsageMin = data -> ButtonData.UsageMax = buttonCaps -> NotRange.Usage; } data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength = HidP_MaxUsageListLength ( HidP_Feature, buttonCaps->UsagePage, HidDevice->Ppd); data->ButtonData.Usages = (PUSAGE) calloc (data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength, sizeof (USAGE));
data->ReportID = buttonCaps -> ReportID; }
for (i = 0; i < numValues; i++, valueCaps++) { if (valueCaps->IsRange) { for (usage = valueCaps->Range.UsageMin; usage <= valueCaps->Range.UsageMax; usage++) { data->IsButtonData = FALSE; data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; data->UsagePage = valueCaps->UsagePage; data->ValueData.Usage = usage; data->ReportID = valueCaps -> ReportID; data++; } } else { data->IsButtonData = FALSE; data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; data->UsagePage = valueCaps->UsagePage; data->ValueData.Usage = valueCaps->NotRange.Usage; data->ReportID = valueCaps -> ReportID; data++; } }
return (TRUE); }
VOID CloseHidDevices( IN PHID_DEVICE HidDevices, IN ULONG NumberDevices ) { ULONG Index;
for (Index = 0; Index < NumberDevices; Index++) { CloseHidDevice(HidDevices+Index, TRUE); }
return; }
VOID CloseHidDevice ( IN PHID_DEVICE HidDevice, IN BOOL FreeDeviceInfo ) { free(HidDevice -> DevicePath); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != HidDevice -> HidDevice) { CloseHandle(HidDevice -> HidDevice); }
// Only free these structure, if have a handle to an non-overlapped device
if (FreeDeviceInfo) { if (NULL != HidDevice -> Ppd) { HidD_FreePreparsedData(HidDevice -> Ppd); }
if (NULL != HidDevice -> InputReportBuffer) { free(HidDevice -> InputReportBuffer); }
if (NULL != HidDevice -> InputData) { free(HidDevice -> InputData); }
if (NULL != HidDevice -> InputButtonCaps) { free(HidDevice -> InputButtonCaps); }
if (NULL != HidDevice -> InputValueCaps) { free(HidDevice -> InputValueCaps); }
if (NULL != HidDevice -> OutputReportBuffer) { free(HidDevice -> OutputReportBuffer); }
if (NULL != HidDevice -> OutputData) { free(HidDevice -> OutputData); }
if (NULL != HidDevice -> OutputButtonCaps) { free(HidDevice -> OutputButtonCaps); }
if (NULL != HidDevice -> OutputValueCaps) { free(HidDevice -> OutputValueCaps); }
if (NULL != HidDevice -> FeatureReportBuffer) { free(HidDevice -> FeatureReportBuffer); }
if (NULL != HidDevice -> FeatureData) { free(HidDevice -> FeatureData); }
if (NULL != HidDevice -> FeatureButtonCaps) { free(HidDevice -> FeatureButtonCaps); }
if (NULL != HidDevice -> FeatureValueCaps) { free(HidDevice -> FeatureValueCaps); } } return; }