Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains functions to handle power irps to the hub PDOs and FDOs.
kernel mode only
Revision History:
7-1-97 : created
#include <wdm.h>
#include <wmilib.h>
#endif /* WMI_SUPPORT */
#include "usbhub.h"
#ifdef PAGE_CODE
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, USBH_SetPowerD0)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, USBH_SetPowerD1orD2)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, USBH_PdoSetPower)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, USBH_PdoPower)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, USBH_IdleCompletePowerHubWorker)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, USBH_CompletePortIdleIrpsWorker)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, USBH_CompletePortWakeIrpsWorker)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, USBH_HubAsyncPowerWorker)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, USBH_IdleCancelPowerHubWorker)
VOID USBH_CompletePowerIrp( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB DeviceExtensionHub, IN PIRP Irp, IN NTSTATUS NtStatus) /* ++
* * Description: * * This function complete the specified Irp with no priority boost. It also * sets up the IoStatusBlock. * * Arguments: * * Irp - the Irp to be completed by us NtStatus - the status code we want to * return * * Return: * * None * * -- */ { Irp->IoStatus.Status = NtStatus;
USBH_DEC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(DeviceExtensionHub); IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
return; }
Routine Description:
Put the PDO in D3
DeviceExtensionPort - port PDO deviceExtension
Irp - Power Irp.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB deviceExtensionHub; USHORT portNumber; KIRQL irql; PIRP hubWaitWake = NULL; LONG pendingPortWWs; PIRP idleIrp = NULL; PIRP waitWakeIrp = NULL;
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'PdoSetPower D3\n"));
deviceExtensionHub = DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceExtensionHub; portNumber = DeviceExtensionPort->PortNumber;
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "spD3", deviceExtensionHub, DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState, 0);
if (DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState == PowerDeviceD3) { // already in D3
USBH_KdPrint((0,"'PDO is already in D3\n"));
ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto USBH_SetPowerD3_Done; }
// Keep track of what PNP thinks is the current power state of the
// port is. Do this now so that we will refuse another WW IRP that may be
// posted after the cancel below.
DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState = PowerDeviceD3;
// kill our wait wake irp
// we take the cancel spinlock here to ensure our cancel routine does
// not complete the irp for us.
if (DeviceExtensionPort->IdleNotificationIrp) { idleIrp = DeviceExtensionPort->IdleNotificationIrp; DeviceExtensionPort->IdleNotificationIrp = NULL; DeviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags &= ~PORTPDO_IDLE_NOTIFIED;
IoSetCancelRoutine(idleIrp, NULL);
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "IdlX", deviceExtensionHub, DeviceExtensionPort, idleIrp); USBH_KdPrint((1,"'PDO %x going to D3, failing idle notification request IRP %x\n", DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject, idleIrp)); }
if (DeviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags & PORTPDO_REMOTE_WAKEUP_ENABLED) {
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "cmWW", deviceExtensionHub, DeviceExtensionPort->WaitWakeIrp, 0);
USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Power state is incompatible with wakeup\n"));
if (DeviceExtensionPort->WaitWakeIrp) {
waitWakeIrp = DeviceExtensionPort->WaitWakeIrp; DeviceExtensionPort->WaitWakeIrp = NULL; DeviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags &= ~PORTPDO_REMOTE_WAKEUP_ENABLED;
if (waitWakeIrp->Cancel || IoSetCancelRoutine(waitWakeIrp, NULL) == NULL) { waitWakeIrp = NULL;
// Must decrement pending request count here because
// we don't complete the IRP below and USBH_WaitWakeCancel
// won't either because we have cleared the IRP pointer
// in the device extension above.
USBH_DEC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(deviceExtensionHub); }
pendingPortWWs = InterlockedDecrement(&deviceExtensionHub->NumberPortWakeIrps);
if (0 == pendingPortWWs && deviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp) { hubWaitWake = deviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp; deviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp = NULL; } } }
// Finally, release the cancel spin lock
if (idleIrp) { idleIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_POWER_STATE_INVALID; IoCompleteRequest(idleIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); }
if (waitWakeIrp) { USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, waitWakeIrp, STATUS_POWER_STATE_INVALID); }
// If there are no more outstanding WW irps, we need to cancel the WW
// to the hub.
if (hubWaitWake) { USBH_HubCancelWakeIrp(deviceExtensionHub, hubWaitWake); }
// first suspend the port, this will cause the
// device to draw minimum power.
// we don't turn the port off because if we do we
// won't be able to detect plug/unplug.
USBH_SyncSuspendPort(deviceExtensionHub, portNumber);
// note that powering off the port disables connect/disconnect
// detection by the hub and effectively removes the device from
// the bus.
DeviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags |= PORTPDO_NEED_RESET; RtlCopyMemory(&DeviceExtensionPort->OldDeviceDescriptor, &DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceDescriptor, sizeof(DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceDescriptor));
USBH_KdPrint((1, "'Setting HU pdo(%x) to D3, status = %x complt\n", DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject, ntStatus));
USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus);
return ntStatus; }
NTSTATUS USBH_HubSetD0Completion( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN UCHAR MinorFunction, IN POWER_STATE PowerState, IN PVOID Context, IN PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object for the class device.
Irp - Irp completed.
Context - Driver defined context.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { NTSTATUS ntStatus; PKEVENT pEvent = Context;
KeSetEvent(pEvent, 1, FALSE);
ntStatus = IoStatus->Status;
return ntStatus; }
Routine Description:
Set the hub to power state D0
DeviceExtensionPort - Hub FDO deviceExtension
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB rootHubDevExt; KEVENT event; POWER_STATE powerState; NTSTATUS ntStatus;
rootHubDevExt = USBH_GetRootHubDevExt(DeviceExtensionHub);
// Skip powering up the hub if the system is not at S0.
if (rootHubDevExt->CurrentSystemPowerState != PowerSystemWorking) { USBH_KdPrint((1,"'HubSetD0, skip power up hub %x because system not at S0\n", DeviceExtensionHub));
USBH_KdPrint((1,"'HubSetD0, power up hub %x\n", DeviceExtensionHub));
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "H!D0", DeviceExtensionHub, DeviceExtensionHub->CurrentPowerState, rootHubDevExt->CurrentSystemPowerState);
// If the parent hub is currently in the process of idling out,
// wait until that is done.
if (DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_PENDING_IDLE_IRP) {
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'Wait for single object\n"));
ntStatus = KeWaitForSingleObject(&DeviceExtensionHub->SubmitIdleEvent, Suspended, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'Wait for single object, returned %x\n", ntStatus)); }
// Now, send the actual power up request.
KeInitializeEvent(&event, NotificationEvent, FALSE);
powerState.DeviceState = PowerDeviceD0;
// Power up the hub.
ntStatus = PoRequestPowerIrp(DeviceExtensionHub->PhysicalDeviceObject, IRP_MN_SET_POWER, powerState, USBH_HubSetD0Completion, &event, NULL);
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'Wait for single object\n"));
ntStatus = KeWaitForSingleObject(&event, Suspended, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'Wait for single object, returned %x\n", ntStatus)); }
return ntStatus; }
Routine Description:
Put the PDO in D0
DeviceExtensionPort - port PDO deviceExtension
Irp - Power Irp.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
PAGED_CODE(); irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
deviceExtensionHub = DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceExtensionHub; portNumber = DeviceExtensionPort->PortNumber; portData = &deviceExtensionHub->PortData[portNumber - 1];
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'PdoSetPower D0\n")); LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "P>D0", deviceExtensionHub, DeviceExtensionPort, DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState);
if (DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState == PowerDeviceD3) {
// device was in D3, port may be off or suspended
// we will need to reset the port state in any case
// get port state
ntStatus = USBH_SyncGetPortStatus(deviceExtensionHub, portNumber, (PUCHAR) &state, sizeof(state));
// refresh our internal port state.
portData->PortState = state;
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "PD0s", deviceExtensionHub, *((PULONG) &state), ntStatus);
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
// port state should be suspended or OFF
// if the hub was powered off then the port
// state will be powered but disabled
if ((state.PortStatus & PORT_STATUS_SUSPEND)) { //
// resume the port if it was suspended
ntStatus = USBH_SyncResumePort(deviceExtensionHub, portNumber);
} else if (!(state.PortStatus & PORT_STATUS_POWER)) { //
// probably some kind of selective OFF by the device
// driver -- we just need to power on the port
// this requires a hub with individual port power
// switching.
ntStatus = USBH_SyncPowerOnPort(deviceExtensionHub, portNumber, TRUE); }
} else { // the hub driver will notify thru WMI
USBH_KdPrint((0, "'Hub failed after power change from D3\n")); // USBH_ASSERT(FALSE);
// if port power switched on this is just like plugging
// in the device for the first time.
// NOTE:
// ** the driver should know that the device needs to be
// re-initialized since it allowed it's PDO to go in to
// the D3 state.
// We always call restore device even though we don't need
// to if the port was only suspended, we do this so that
// drivers don't relay on the suspend behavior by mistake.
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
// if we still have a device connected attempt to
// restore it.
// Note: we check here to see if the device object still
// exists in case a change is asserted during the resume.
// Note also that we now ignore the connect status bit because
// some machines (e.g. Compaq Armada 7800) are slow to power
// up the ports on the resume and thus port status can show
// no device connected when in fact one is. It shouldn't
// hurt to try to restore the device if it had been removed
// during the suspend/hibernate. In fact, this code handled the
// case where the device had been swapped for another, so this
// is really no different.
if (portData->DeviceObject) { //
// if this fails the device must have changed
// during power off, in that case we succeed the
// power on.
// it will be tossed on the next enumeration
// and relaced with this new device
if (USBH_RestoreDevice(DeviceExtensionPort, TRUE) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { PDEVICE_OBJECT pdo = portData->DeviceObject; LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "PD0!", DeviceExtensionPort, 0, pdo); USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Device appears to have been swapped during power off\n")); USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Marking PDO %x for removal\n", portData->DeviceObject));
// leave ref to hub since device data wll need to be
// deleted on remove.
portData->DeviceObject = NULL; portData->ConnectionStatus = NoDeviceConnected;
// track the Pdo so we no to remove it after we tell PnP it
// is gone
// device should be present if we do this
USBH_ASSERT(PDO_EXT(pdo)->PnPFlags & PDO_PNPFLAG_DEVICE_PRESENT); InsertTailList(&deviceExtensionHub->DeletePdoList, &PDO_EXT(pdo)->DeletePdoLink); } }
DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState = irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState; }
} else if (DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState == PowerDeviceD2 || DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState == PowerDeviceD1) {
// get port state
ntStatus = USBH_SyncGetPortStatus(deviceExtensionHub, portNumber, (PUCHAR) &state, sizeof(state));
// if we got an error assume then the hub is hosed
// just set our flag and bail
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { // see if suspeneded (according to spec). Otherwise only
// try to resume if the port is really suspended.
if (state.PortStatus & PORT_STATUS_OVER_CURRENT) { //
// overcurrent condition indicates this port
// (and hub) are hosed
} else if (state.PortStatus & PORT_STATUS_SUSPEND) {
ntStatus = USBH_SyncResumePort(deviceExtensionHub, portNumber);
} else { //
// Most OHCI controllers enable all the ports after a usb
// resume on any port (in violation of the USB spec), in this
// case we should detect that the port is no longer in suspend
// and not try to resume it.
// Also, if the device where removed while suspended or the HC
// lost power we should end up here.
ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } else { USBH_KdPrint((0, "'Hub failed after power change from D2/D1\n")); // USBH_ASSERT(FALSE);
// port is now in D0
DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState = irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState;
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
if (DeviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags & PORTPDO_NEED_CLEAR_REMOTE_WAKEUP) {
NTSTATUS status;
// disable remote wakeup
status = USBH_SyncFeatureRequest(DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject, USB_FEATURE_REMOTE_WAKEUP, 0, TO_USB_DEVICE, TRUE);
DeviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags &= ~PORTPDO_NEED_CLEAR_REMOTE_WAKEUP; } } }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Set D0 Failure, status = %x\n", ntStatus));
// we return success to PNP, we will let
// the driver handle the fact that the
// device has lost its brains
// NB: This can result in a redundant suspend request for this port
// later on. (Since if we fail here port will remain suspended,
// but our state will indicate that we are in D0.)
ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState = irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState;
USBH_KdPrint((1, "'Setting HU pdo(%x) to D0, status = %x complt IRP (%x)\n", DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject, ntStatus, Irp));
USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus);
return ntStatus; }
VOID USBH_IdleCancelPowerHubWorker( IN PVOID Context) /* ++
* * Description: * * Work item scheduled to power up a hub on completion of an Idle request * for the hub. * * * Arguments: * * Return: * * -- */ { PUSBH_PORT_IDLE_POWER_WORK_ITEM workItemIdlePower; PIRP irp;
workItemIdlePower = Context;
irp = workItemIdlePower->Irp; irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; IoCompleteRequest(irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
USBH_DEC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(workItemIdlePower->DeviceExtensionHub); UsbhExFreePool(workItemIdlePower); }
VOID USBH_PortIdleNotificationCancelRoutine( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ) /*++
Routine Description:
DeviceObject -
Irp - Power Irp.
Return Value:
--*/ { PUSBH_PORT_IDLE_POWER_WORK_ITEM workItemIdlePower; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_PORT deviceExtensionPort; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB deviceExtensionHub; PIRP irpToCancel = NULL;
USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Idle notification IRP %x cancelled\n", Irp));
deviceExtensionPort = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
USBH_ASSERT(deviceExtensionPort->IdleNotificationIrp == NULL || deviceExtensionPort->IdleNotificationIrp == Irp);
deviceExtensionPort->IdleNotificationIrp = NULL; deviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags &= ~PORTPDO_IDLE_NOTIFIED;
deviceExtensionHub = deviceExtensionPort->DeviceExtensionHub;
if (deviceExtensionHub && deviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_PENDING_IDLE_IRP) { irpToCancel = deviceExtensionHub->PendingIdleIrp; deviceExtensionHub->PendingIdleIrp = NULL; } else { ASSERT(!deviceExtensionHub->PendingIdleIrp); }
// Cancel the Idle request to the hub if there is one.
if (irpToCancel) { USBH_HubCancelIdleIrp(deviceExtensionHub, irpToCancel); }
// Also, power up the hub here before we complete this Idle IRP.
// (HID will start to send requests immediately upon its completion,
// which may be before the hub's Idle IRP cancel routine is called
// which powers up the hub.)
if (deviceExtensionHub->CurrentPowerState != PowerDeviceD0) {
// Since we are at DPC we must use a work item to power up the
// hub synchronously, because that function yields and we can't
// yield at DPC level.
workItemIdlePower = UsbhExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(USBH_PORT_IDLE_POWER_WORK_ITEM));
if (workItemIdlePower) {
workItemIdlePower->DeviceExtensionHub = deviceExtensionHub; workItemIdlePower->Irp = Irp;
ExInitializeWorkItem(&workItemIdlePower->WorkQueueItem, USBH_IdleCancelPowerHubWorker, workItemIdlePower);
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "icIT", deviceExtensionHub, &workItemIdlePower->WorkQueueItem, 0);
USBH_INC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(deviceExtensionHub); ExQueueWorkItem(&workItemIdlePower->WorkQueueItem, DelayedWorkQueue);
// The WorkItem is freed by USBH_IdleCancelPowerHubWorker()
// Don't try to access the WorkItem after it is queued.
} else { Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } }
VOID USBH_CompletePortIdleNotification( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_PORT DeviceExtensionPort ) { NTSTATUS status; KIRQL irql; PIRP irp = NULL; PDRIVER_CANCEL oldCancelRoutine;
if (DeviceExtensionPort->IdleNotificationIrp) {
irp = DeviceExtensionPort->IdleNotificationIrp;
oldCancelRoutine = IoSetCancelRoutine(irp, NULL); if (oldCancelRoutine) { USBH_ASSERT(oldCancelRoutine == USBH_PortIdleNotificationCancelRoutine); DeviceExtensionPort->IdleNotificationIrp = NULL; DeviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags &= ~PORTPDO_IDLE_NOTIFIED; } #if DBG
else { USBH_ASSERT(irp->Cancel); } #endif
if (irp) { USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Completing idle request IRP %x\n", irp)); irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; IoCompleteRequest(irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } }
Routine Description:
Put the PDO in D1/D2 ie suspend
DeviceExtensionPort - port PDO deviceExtension
Irp - Worker Irp.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); deviceExtensionHub = DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceExtensionHub; portNumber = DeviceExtensionPort->PortNumber;
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'PdoSetPower D1/D2\n"));
if (DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState == PowerDeviceD1 || DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState == PowerDeviceD2) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Enable the device for remote wakeup if necessary
if (DeviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags & PORTPDO_REMOTE_WAKEUP_ENABLED) { NTSTATUS status;
status = USBH_SyncFeatureRequest(DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject, USB_FEATURE_REMOTE_WAKEUP, 0, TO_USB_DEVICE, FALSE);
DeviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags |= PORTPDO_NEED_CLEAR_REMOTE_WAKEUP;
#if DBG
// With the new Selective Suspend support, people are complaining
// about this noise. Let's display it only if debug trace level
// is 1 or higher.
if (USBH_Debug_Trace_Level > 0) { UsbhWarning(DeviceExtensionPort, "Device is Enabled for REMOTE WAKEUP\n", FALSE); } #endif
// what do we do about an error here?
// perhaps signal the waitwake irp??
ntStatus = USBH_SyncSuspendPort(deviceExtensionHub, portNumber);
// keep track of what OS thinks is the current power state of the
// the device on this port.
DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState = irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState;
DeviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags |= PORTPDO_USB_SUSPEND;
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState = %x\n", DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState));
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Set D1/D2 Failure, status = %x\n", ntStatus));
// don't pass an error to PnP
ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
USBH_KdPrint((1, "'Setting HU pdo(%x) to D%d, status = %x complt\n", DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject, irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState - 1, ntStatus));
USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus);
return ntStatus; }
NTSTATUS USBH_PdoQueryPower( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_PORT DeviceExtensionPort, IN PIRP Irp ) /* ++
* * Description: * * Handles a power irp to a hub PDO * * Arguments: * * Return: * * NTSTATUS * * -- */ { NTSTATUS ntStatus; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpStack; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB deviceExtensionHub; USHORT portNumber; PPORT_DATA portData; POWER_STATE powerState;
PAGED_CODE(); irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); deviceObject = DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject;
deviceExtensionHub = DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceExtensionHub; USBH_ASSERT( DeviceExtensionPort->PortNumber < 1000); portNumber = DeviceExtensionPort->PortNumber; portData = &deviceExtensionHub->PortData[portNumber - 1];
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'USBH_PdoQueryPower pdo(%x)\n", deviceObject));
switch (irpStack->Parameters.Power.Type) { case SystemPowerState: { //
// We are currently faced with the decision to fail or allow the
// transition to the given S power state. In order to make an
// informed decision, we must first calculate the maximum amount
// of D power allowed in the given S state, and then see if this
// conflicts with a pending Wait Wake IRP.
// The maximum amount of D power allowed in this S state.
powerState.DeviceState = deviceExtensionHub->DeviceState[irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState];
// These tables should have already been fixed up by the root hub
// (usbd.sys) to not contain an entry of unspecified.
ASSERT (PowerDeviceUnspecified != powerState.DeviceState);
// The presence of a pending wait wake irp together with a D state that
// will not support waking of the machine means we should fail this
// query.
// However, if we are going into Hibernate (or power off) then we
// should not fail this query.
if (powerState.DeviceState == PowerDeviceD3 && DeviceExtensionPort->WaitWakeIrp && irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState < PowerSystemHibernate) {
ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; USBH_KdPrint( (1, "'IRP_MJ_POWER HU pdo(%x) MN_QUERY_POWER Failing Query\n", deviceObject)); } else { ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "QPWR", DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject, irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState, powerState.DeviceState);
USBH_KdPrint( (1, "'IRP_MJ_POWER HU pdo(%x) MN_QUERY_POWER(S%x -> D%x), complt %x\n", DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject, irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState - 1, powerState.DeviceState - 1, ntStatus));
#if DBG
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "QPW!", deviceExtensionHub, DeviceExtensionPort->WaitWakeIrp, ntStatus); } #endif
USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus);
} break;
case DevicePowerState: // Return success on this one or NDIS will choke on the suspend.
ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus); break;
default: TEST_TRAP(); ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus); } /* power type */
return ntStatus; }
* * Description: * * Handles a power irp to a hub PDO * * Arguments: * * Return: * * NTSTATUS * * -- */ { NTSTATUS ntStatus; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpStack; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB deviceExtensionHub; USHORT portNumber; PPORT_DATA portData;
PAGED_CODE(); irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); deviceObject = DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject;
deviceExtensionHub = DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceExtensionHub; USBH_ASSERT( DeviceExtensionPort->PortNumber < 1000); portNumber = DeviceExtensionPort->PortNumber; portData = &deviceExtensionHub->PortData[portNumber - 1];
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'USBH_PdoSetPower pdo(%x)\n", deviceObject));
switch (irpStack->Parameters.Power.Type) { case SystemPowerState: { //
// see if the current state of this pdo is valid for the
// system state , if is not then we will need to set the
// pdo to a valid D state.
USBH_KdPrint( (1, "'IRP_MJ_POWER HU pdo(%x) MN_SET_POWER(SystemPowerState S%x), complt\n", DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject, irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState - 1, ntStatus));
USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus);
} break;
case DevicePowerState: USBH_KdPrint( (1, "'IRP_MJ_POWER HU pdo(%x) MN_SET_POWER(DevicePowerState D%x)\n", DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject, irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState - 1)); LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "P>Dx", deviceExtensionHub, DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject, irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState);
// If we are already in the requested power state,
// just complete the request.
if (DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState == irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState) {
// If we are skipping this set power request and it is a SetD0
// request, assert that the parent hub is in D0.
USBH_ASSERT(DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState != PowerDeviceD0 || deviceExtensionHub->CurrentPowerState == PowerDeviceD0);
ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto PdoSetPowerCompleteIrp; }
// USBH_ASSERT(deviceExtensionHub->CurrentPowerState == PowerDeviceD0);
switch (irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState) { case PowerDeviceD0: ntStatus = USBH_SetPowerD0(Irp, DeviceExtensionPort); break; case PowerDeviceD1: case PowerDeviceD2: ntStatus = USBH_SetPowerD1orD2(Irp, DeviceExtensionPort); break; case PowerDeviceD3: //
// In the case of D3 we need to complete any pending WaitWake
// Irps with the status code STATUS_POWER_STATE_INVALID.
// This is done in USBH_SetPowerD3.
ntStatus = USBH_SetPowerD3(Irp, DeviceExtensionPort); break; default: USBH_KdTrap(("Bad Power State\n")); ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus); } break;
default: TEST_TRAP(); ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; PdoSetPowerCompleteIrp: USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus); } /* power type */
return ntStatus; }
VOID USBH_WaitWakeCancel( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
NT status code.
--*/ { PDEVICE_EXTENSION_PORT deviceExtensionPort; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB deviceExtensionHub; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_CANCELLED; LONG pendingPortWWs; PIRP hubWaitWake = NULL;
USBH_KdPrint((1,"'WaitWake Irp %x for PDO cancelled\n", Irp)); USBH_ASSERT(DeviceObject);
deviceExtensionPort = (PDEVICE_EXTENSION_PORT) Irp->IoStatus.Information; deviceExtensionHub = deviceExtensionPort->DeviceExtensionHub;
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "WWca", Irp, deviceExtensionPort, deviceExtensionHub);
if (Irp != deviceExtensionPort->WaitWakeIrp) { //
// Nothing to do
// This Irp has already been taken care of.
// We are in the process of completing this IRP in
// USBH_HubCompletePortWakeIrps.
TEST_TRAP(); IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(Irp->CancelIrql);
} else { deviceExtensionPort->WaitWakeIrp = NULL; deviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags &= ~PORTPDO_REMOTE_WAKEUP_ENABLED; IoSetCancelRoutine(Irp, NULL);
pendingPortWWs = InterlockedDecrement(&deviceExtensionHub->NumberPortWakeIrps); if (0 == pendingPortWWs && deviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp) { // Set PendingWakeIrp to NULL since we cancel it below.
hubWaitWake = deviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp; deviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp = NULL; } IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(Irp->CancelIrql);
USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus);
// If there are no more outstanding WW irps, we need to cancel the WW
// to the hub.
if (hubWaitWake) { USBH_HubCancelWakeIrp(deviceExtensionHub, hubWaitWake); } // else {
// This assert is no longer valid as I now clear the PendingWakeIrp
// pointer for the hub in USBH_FdoWaitWakeIrpCompletion, instead
// of waiting to do it here when NumberPortWakeIrps reaches zero.
// So it is completely normal to arrive here with no port wake
// IRP's and a NULL PendingWakeIrp for the hub.
// ASSERT (0 < pendingPortWWs);
// }
} }
* * Description: * * Arguments: * * Return: * * NTSTATUS * * -- */ { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpStack; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB deviceExtensionHub; USHORT portNumber; PPORT_DATA portData; KIRQL irql; PDRIVER_CANCEL oldCancel; LONG pendingPortWWs = 0;
irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); deviceObject = DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject;
deviceExtensionHub = DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceExtensionHub; USBH_ASSERT( DeviceExtensionPort->PortNumber < 1000); portNumber = (USHORT) DeviceExtensionPort->PortNumber; portData = &deviceExtensionHub->PortData[portNumber - 1];
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'PnP WaitWake Irp passed to PDO %x\n", deviceObject)); LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "PWW_", deviceObject, DeviceExtensionPort, deviceExtensionHub);
if (DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState != PowerDeviceD0 || deviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_DEVICE_STOPPING) {
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "!WWh", DeviceExtensionPort, deviceExtensionHub, 0);
UsbhWarning(NULL, "Client driver should not be submitting WW IRPs at this time.\n", TRUE);
ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_STATE; USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus); return ntStatus; }
// First verify that there is not already a WaitWake Irp pending for
// this PDO.
// make sure that this device can support remote wakeup.
// NOTE: that we treat all hubs as capable of remote
// wakeup regardless of what the device reports. The reason
// is that all hubs must propagate resume signalling regardless
// of their abilty to generate resume signalling on a
// plug-in/out event.
#if DBG
if (UsbhPnpTest & PNP_TEST_FAIL_WAKE_REQUEST) { DeviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags &= ~PORTPDO_REMOTE_WAKEUP_SUPPORTED; } #endif
if (DeviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags & PORTPDO_REMOTE_WAKEUP_SUPPORTED) {
IoAcquireCancelSpinLock(&irql); if (DeviceExtensionPort->WaitWakeIrp != NULL) { LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "PWWx", deviceObject, DeviceExtensionPort, DeviceExtensionPort->WaitWakeIrp); ntStatus = STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY; IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(irql); USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus);
} else {
// set a cancel routine
oldCancel = IoSetCancelRoutine(Irp, USBH_WaitWakeCancel); USBH_ASSERT (NULL == oldCancel);
if (Irp->Cancel) {
oldCancel = IoSetCancelRoutine(Irp, NULL);
if (oldCancel) { //
// Cancel routine hasn't fired.
ASSERT(oldCancel == USBH_WaitWakeCancel);
ntStatus = STATUS_CANCELLED; IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(irql); USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus); } else { //
// Cancel routine WAS called
IoMarkIrpPending(Irp); ntStatus = Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_PENDING; IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(irql); }
} else {
USBH_KdPrint( (1, "'enabling remote wakeup for USB device PDO (%x)\n", DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject));
// flag this device as "enabled for wakeup"
DeviceExtensionPort->WaitWakeIrp = Irp; DeviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags |= PORTPDO_REMOTE_WAKEUP_ENABLED; Irp->IoStatus.Information = (ULONG_PTR) DeviceExtensionPort; pendingPortWWs = InterlockedIncrement(&deviceExtensionHub->NumberPortWakeIrps); IoMarkIrpPending(Irp); LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "PWW+", DeviceExtensionPort, Irp, pendingPortWWs); IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(irql);
ntStatus = STATUS_PENDING; } }
// Now we must enable the hub for wakeup.
// We may already have a WW IRP pending if this hub were previously
// selective suspended, but we had to power it back on (USBH_HubSetD0)
// for a PnP request. Don't post a new WW IRP if there is already
// one pending.
if (ntStatus == STATUS_PENDING && 1 == pendingPortWWs && !(deviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_PENDING_WAKE_IRP)) {
USBH_FdoSubmitWaitWakeIrp(deviceExtensionHub); }
} else {
ntStatus = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus); }
return ntStatus; }
VOID USBH_HubAsyncPowerWorker( IN PVOID Context) /* ++
* * Description: * * Work item scheduled to handle a hub ESD failure. * * * Arguments: * * Return: * * -- */ { PUSBH_HUB_ASYNC_POWER_WORK_ITEM context; NTSTATUS ntStatus;
context = Context;
if (context->Irp->PendingReturned) { IoMarkIrpPending(context->Irp); }
switch (context->MinorFunction) {
ntStatus = USBH_PdoSetPower(context->DeviceExtensionPort, context->Irp); break;
ntStatus = USBH_PdoQueryPower(context->DeviceExtensionPort, context->Irp); break;
default: // Should never get here.
UsbhExFreePool(context); }
NTSTATUS USBH_HubAsyncPowerSetD0Completion( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN UCHAR MinorFunction, IN POWER_STATE PowerState, IN PVOID Context, IN PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object for the class device.
Irp - Irp completed.
Context - Driver defined context.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { PUSBH_HUB_ASYNC_POWER_WORK_ITEM context; NTSTATUS ntStatus, status;
context = Context;
ntStatus = IoStatus->Status;
// We schedule the work item regardless of whether the hub power up
// request was successful or not.
ExInitializeWorkItem(&context->WorkQueueItem, USBH_HubAsyncPowerWorker, context);
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "HAPW", context->DeviceExtensionPort, &context->WorkQueueItem, 0);
// critical saves time on resume
ExQueueWorkItem(&context->WorkQueueItem, CriticalWorkQueue);
// The WorkItem is freed by USBH_HubAsyncPowerWorker()
// Don't try to access the WorkItem after it is queued.
return ntStatus; }
NTSTATUS USBH_PdoPower( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_PORT DeviceExtensionPort, IN PIRP Irp, IN UCHAR MinorFunction ) /* ++
* * Description: * * This function responds to IoControl Power for the PDO. This function is * synchronous. * * Arguments: * * DeviceExtensionPort - the PDO extension Irp - the request packet * uchMinorFunction - the minor function of the PnP Power request. * * Return: * * NTSTATUS * * -- */ { NTSTATUS ntStatus; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpStack; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB deviceExtensionHub; POWER_STATE powerState; PUSBH_HUB_ASYNC_POWER_WORK_ITEM context;
PAGED_CODE(); deviceExtensionHub = DeviceExtensionPort->DeviceExtensionHub; irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); deviceObject = DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject;
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'USBH_PdoPower pdo(%x)\n", deviceObject));
// special case device removed
if (deviceExtensionHub == NULL) { // if there is no backpointer to the parent hub then there
// is a delete/remove comming. just complete this power
// request with success
USBH_KdPrint((1,"'complete power on orphan Pdo %x\n", deviceObject)); if (MinorFunction == IRP_MN_SET_POWER || MinorFunction == IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER) { Irp->IoStatus.Status = ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
PoStartNextPowerIrp(Irp); } else { Irp->IoStatus.Status = ntStatus = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
PoStartNextPowerIrp(Irp); IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); return ntStatus; }
// specail case device not in D0
// one more item pending in the hub
// If the hub has been selectively suspended, then we need to power it up
// to service QUERY or SET POWER requests. However, we can't block on
// this power IRP waiting for the parent hub to power up, so we need to
// power up the parent hub asynchronously and handle this IRP after the
// hub power up request has completed. Major PITA.
if (deviceExtensionHub->CurrentPowerState != PowerDeviceD0 && (MinorFunction == IRP_MN_SET_POWER || MinorFunction == IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER)) {
// Allocate buffer for context.
context = UsbhExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(USBH_HUB_ASYNC_POWER_WORK_ITEM));
if (context) { context->DeviceExtensionPort = DeviceExtensionPort; context->Irp = Irp; context->MinorFunction = MinorFunction;
// We'll complete this IRP in the completion routine for the hub's
// Set D0 IRP.
powerState.DeviceState = PowerDeviceD0;
// Power up the hub.
ntStatus = PoRequestPowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub->PhysicalDeviceObject, IRP_MN_SET_POWER, powerState, USBH_HubAsyncPowerSetD0Completion, context, NULL);
// We need to return STATUS_PENDING here because we marked the
// IRP pending above with IoMarkIrpPending.
// In the case where an allocation failed, PoRequestPowerIrp can
// return a status code other than STATUS_PENDING. In this case,
// we need to complete the IRP passed to us, but we still need
// to return STATUS_PENDING from this routine.
if (ntStatus != STATUS_PENDING) { USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus); }
} else { ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus); }
} else switch (MinorFunction) {
ntStatus = USBH_PdoSetPower(DeviceExtensionPort, Irp); break;
ntStatus = USBH_PdoWaitWake(DeviceExtensionPort, Irp); USBH_KdPrint((1, "'IRP_MN_WAIT_WAKE pdo(%x), status = 0x%x\n", DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject, ntStatus)); break;
ntStatus = USBH_PdoQueryPower(DeviceExtensionPort, Irp); break;
ntStatus = Irp->IoStatus.Status;
USBH_KdPrint((1, "'IRP_MN_[%d](%x), status = 0x%x (not handled)\n", MinorFunction, DeviceExtensionPort->PortPhysicalDeviceObject, ntStatus));
USBH_KdBreak(("PdoPower unknown\n")); //
// return the original status passed to us
USBH_CompletePowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub, Irp, ntStatus); }
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'USBH_PdoPower pdo exit %x\n", ntStatus));
return ntStatus; }
VOID USBH_SetPowerD0Worker( IN PVOID Context) /* ++
* * Description: * * Work item scheduled to handle a Set Power D0 IRP for the hub. * * * Arguments: * * Return: * * -- */ { PUSBH_SET_POWER_D0_WORK_ITEM workItemSetPowerD0; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB deviceExtensionHub; PIRP irp; PPORT_DATA portData; ULONG p, numberOfPorts; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
workItemSetPowerD0 = Context; deviceExtensionHub = workItemSetPowerD0->DeviceExtensionHub; irp = workItemSetPowerD0->Irp;
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'Hub Set Power D0 work item\n")); LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "HD0W", deviceExtensionHub, irp, 0);
// restore the hub from OFF
// the device has lost its brains, we need to go thru the
// init process again
// our ports will be indicating status changes at this
// point. We need to flush out any change indications
// before we re-enable the hub
// first clear out our port status info
portData = deviceExtensionHub->PortData;
if (portData && deviceExtensionHub->HubDescriptor) {
numberOfPorts = deviceExtensionHub->HubDescriptor->bNumberOfPorts;
// first clear out our port status info
for (p = 1; p <= numberOfPorts; p++, portData++) {
portData->PortState.PortChange = 0; portData->PortState.PortStatus = 0; } portData = deviceExtensionHub->PortData;
// power up the hub
ntStatus = USBH_SyncPowerOnPorts(deviceExtensionHub);
// Probably need to enable this code for Mike Mangum's bug.
// UsbhWait(500); // Allow USB storage devices some time to power up.
// flush out any change indications
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { for (p = 1; p <= numberOfPorts; p++, portData++) {
if (portData->DeviceObject) { ntStatus = USBH_FlushPortChange(deviceExtensionHub, portData->DeviceObject->DeviceExtension); if (NT_ERROR(ntStatus)) { LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "flsX", deviceExtensionHub, p, portData->DeviceObject); USBH_KdPrint((1,"'USBH_FlushPortChange failed!\n")); } } } }
// Since we just flushed all port changes we now don't
// know if there were any real port changes (e.g. a
// device was unplugged). We must call
// IoInvalidateDeviceRelations to trigger a QBR
// so that we can see if the devices are still there.
USBH_IoInvalidateDeviceRelations(deviceExtensionHub->PhysicalDeviceObject, BusRelations); }
if (!(deviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_HUB_STOPPED)) { USBH_SubmitInterruptTransfer(deviceExtensionHub); }
// Tell ACPI that we are ready for another power IRP and complete
// the IRP.
irp->IoStatus.Status = ntStatus; PoStartNextPowerIrp(irp); IoCompleteRequest(irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
USBH_DEC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(deviceExtensionHub); UsbhExFreePool(workItemSetPowerD0); }
NTSTATUS USBH_PowerIrpCompletion( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called when the port driver completes an IRP.
DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object for the class device.
Irp - Irp completed.
Context - Driver defined context.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { NTSTATUS ntStatus; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpStack; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB deviceExtensionHub = Context; DEVICE_POWER_STATE oldPowerState; PUSBH_SET_POWER_D0_WORK_ITEM workItemSetPowerD0;
irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); ntStatus = Irp->IoStatus.Status;
USBH_ASSERT(irpStack->Parameters.Power.Type == DevicePowerState);
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "PwrC", deviceExtensionHub, Irp, irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState);
if (Irp->PendingReturned) { IoMarkIrpPending(Irp); }
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { switch (irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState) { case PowerDeviceD0:
oldPowerState = deviceExtensionHub->CurrentPowerState;
deviceExtensionHub->CurrentPowerState = irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState;
deviceExtensionHub->HubFlags &= ~HUBFLAG_SET_D0_PENDING;
if ((deviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_HIBER) && oldPowerState != PowerDeviceD3) {
ULONG p, numberOfPorts; PPORT_DATA portData; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_PORT deviceExtensionPort; // we are going to d0 from hibernate, we may
// have been in D2 but we want to always go
// thru the D3->D0 codepath since the bus was reset.
oldPowerState = PowerDeviceD3;
// modify children
numberOfPorts = deviceExtensionHub->HubDescriptor->bNumberOfPorts; portData = deviceExtensionHub->PortData; for (p = 1; p <= numberOfPorts; p++, portData++) { if (portData->DeviceObject) { deviceExtensionPort = portData->DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; deviceExtensionPort->DeviceState = PowerDeviceD3;
deviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags |= PORTPDO_NEED_RESET; } } } deviceExtensionHub->HubFlags &= ~HUBFLAG_HIBER;
if (oldPowerState == PowerDeviceD3) { //
// Schedule a work item to process this.
workItemSetPowerD0 = UsbhExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(USBH_SET_POWER_D0_WORK_ITEM));
if (workItemSetPowerD0) {
workItemSetPowerD0->DeviceExtensionHub = deviceExtensionHub; workItemSetPowerD0->Irp = Irp;
ExInitializeWorkItem(&workItemSetPowerD0->WorkQueueItem, USBH_SetPowerD0Worker, workItemSetPowerD0);
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "HD0Q", deviceExtensionHub, &workItemSetPowerD0->WorkQueueItem, 0);
USBH_INC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(deviceExtensionHub); // critical saves time on resume
ExQueueWorkItem(&workItemSetPowerD0->WorkQueueItem, CriticalWorkQueue);
// The WorkItem is freed by USBH_SetPowerD0Worker()
// Don't try to access the WorkItem after it is queued.
} else { if (!(deviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_HUB_STOPPED)) { USBH_SubmitInterruptTransfer(deviceExtensionHub); } }
// If we're not going to complete the PowerDeviceD0 request later
// in USBH_SetPowerD0Worker(), start the next power IRP here now.
if (ntStatus != STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) { PoStartNextPowerIrp(Irp); } break;
case PowerDeviceD1: case PowerDeviceD2: case PowerDeviceD3: deviceExtensionHub->CurrentPowerState = irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState;
break; }
USBH_KdPrint((1, "'Setting HU fdo(%x) to D%d, status = %x\n", deviceExtensionHub->FunctionalDeviceObject, irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState - 1, ntStatus)); } else {
if (irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState == PowerDeviceD0) { // Don't forget to start the next power IRP if this is set D0
// and it failed.
deviceExtensionHub->HubFlags &= ~HUBFLAG_SET_D0_PENDING; } }
return ntStatus; }
NTSTATUS USBH_FdoDeferPoRequestCompletion( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN UCHAR MinorFunction, IN POWER_STATE PowerState, IN PVOID Context, IN PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called when the port driver completes an IRP.
DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object for the class device.
Context - Driver defined context.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { PIRP irp; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_FDO deviceExtension; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB deviceExtensionHub = NULL; NTSTATUS ntStatus; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpStack;
deviceExtension = Context; irp = deviceExtension->PowerIrp; // return the status of this operation
ntStatus = IoStatus->Status;
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'USBH_FdoDeferPoRequestCompletion, ntStatus = %x\n", ntStatus));
// It is normal for the power IRP to fail if a hub was removed during
// hibernate.
//#if DBG
// if (NT_ERROR(ntStatus)) {
// USBH_KdTrap(("Device Power Irp Failed (%x)\n", ntStatus));
// }
if (deviceExtension->ExtensionType == EXTENSION_TYPE_HUB) { deviceExtensionHub = Context; }
irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(irp);
if (irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState == PowerSystemWorking && deviceExtensionHub != NULL && IS_ROOT_HUB(deviceExtensionHub)) {
// Allow selective suspend once again now that the root hub has
// been powered up.
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "ESus", deviceExtensionHub, 0, 0); USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Selective Suspend possible again because Root Hub is now at D0\n"));
// We know this is the root hub so we don't need to call
// USBH_GetRootHubDevExt to get it.
deviceExtensionHub->CurrentSystemPowerState = irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState; }
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'irp = %x devobj = %x\n", irp, deviceExtension->TopOfStackDeviceObject));
IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext(irp); PoStartNextPowerIrp(irp); PoCallDriver(deviceExtension->TopOfStackDeviceObject, irp);
return ntStatus; }
VOID USBH_HubQueuePortWakeIrps( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB DeviceExtensionHub, IN PLIST_ENTRY IrpsToComplete ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called to queue all the pending child port WW IRPs of a given hub into a private queue.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { PDEVICE_EXTENSION_PORT deviceExtensionPort; PUSB_HUB_DESCRIPTOR hubDescriptor; PPORT_DATA portData; PIRP irp; KIRQL irql; ULONG numberOfPorts, i; LONG pendingPortWWs;
hubDescriptor = DeviceExtensionHub->HubDescriptor; USBH_ASSERT(NULL != hubDescriptor);
numberOfPorts = hubDescriptor->bNumberOfPorts;
// First, queue all the port wake IRPs into a local list while
// the cancel spinlock is held. This will prevent new WW IRPs for
// these ports from being submitted while we are traversing the list.
// Once we have queued them all we will release the spinlock (because
// the list no longer needs protection), then complete the IRPs.
for (i=0; i<numberOfPorts; i++) {
portData = &DeviceExtensionHub->PortData[i]; if (portData->DeviceObject) {
deviceExtensionPort = portData->DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
irp = deviceExtensionPort->WaitWakeIrp; deviceExtensionPort->WaitWakeIrp = NULL; // signal the waitwake irp if we have one
if (irp) {
IoSetCancelRoutine(irp, NULL);
deviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags &= ~PORTPDO_REMOTE_WAKEUP_ENABLED;
pendingPortWWs = InterlockedDecrement(&DeviceExtensionHub->NumberPortWakeIrps);
InsertTailList(IrpsToComplete, &irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry); } } }
USBH_ASSERT(DeviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp == NULL);
IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(irql); }
VOID USBH_HubCompleteQueuedPortWakeIrps( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB DeviceExtensionHub, IN PLIST_ENTRY IrpsToComplete, IN NTSTATUS NtStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called to complete all the pending child port WW IRPs in the given private queue.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { PIRP irp; PLIST_ENTRY listEntry;
while (!IsListEmpty(IrpsToComplete)) { listEntry = RemoveHeadList(IrpsToComplete); irp = CONTAINING_RECORD(listEntry, IRP, Tail.Overlay.ListEntry);
USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Signaling WaitWake IRP (%x)\n", irp)); USBH_CompletePowerIrp(DeviceExtensionHub, irp, NtStatus); } }
VOID USBH_HubCompletePortWakeIrps( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB DeviceExtensionHub, IN NTSTATUS NtStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called when a wake irp completes for a hub Propagates the wake irp completion to all the ports.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { LIST_ENTRY irpsToComplete;
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "pWWc", DeviceExtensionHub, NtStatus, 0);
if (!(DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_NEED_CLEANUP)) {
// Hub has already been removed and child WW IRP's should have already
// been completed.
return; }
USBH_HubQueuePortWakeIrps(DeviceExtensionHub, &irpsToComplete);
// Ok, we have queued all the port wake IRPs and have released the
// cancel spinlock. Let's complete all the IRPs.
USBH_HubCompleteQueuedPortWakeIrps(DeviceExtensionHub, &irpsToComplete, NtStatus); }
VOID USBH_HubQueuePortIdleIrps( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB DeviceExtensionHub, IN PLIST_ENTRY IrpsToComplete ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called to queue all the pending child port Idle IRPs of a given hub into a private queue.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { PDEVICE_EXTENSION_PORT deviceExtensionPort; PUSB_HUB_DESCRIPTOR hubDescriptor; PPORT_DATA portData; PIRP irp; PDRIVER_CANCEL oldCancelRoutine; KIRQL irql; ULONG numberOfPorts, i;
hubDescriptor = DeviceExtensionHub->HubDescriptor; USBH_ASSERT(NULL != hubDescriptor);
numberOfPorts = hubDescriptor->bNumberOfPorts;
// First, queue all the port idle IRPs into a local list while
// the cancel spinlock is held. This will prevent new WW IRPs for
// these ports from being submitted while we are traversing the list.
// Once we have queued them all we will release the spinlock (because
// the list no longer needs protection), then complete the IRPs.
for (i=0; i<numberOfPorts; i++) {
portData = &DeviceExtensionHub->PortData[i]; if (portData->DeviceObject) {
deviceExtensionPort = portData->DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
irp = deviceExtensionPort->IdleNotificationIrp; deviceExtensionPort->IdleNotificationIrp = NULL; // Complete the Idle IRP if we have one.
if (irp) {
oldCancelRoutine = IoSetCancelRoutine(irp, NULL); if (oldCancelRoutine) { deviceExtensionPort->PortPdoFlags &= ~PORTPDO_IDLE_NOTIFIED;
InsertTailList(IrpsToComplete, &irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry); } #if DBG
else { //
// The IRP was cancelled and the cancel routine was called.
// The cancel routine will dequeue and complete the IRP,
// so don't do it here.
USBH_ASSERT(irp->Cancel); } #endif
} } }
if (DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_PENDING_IDLE_IRP) { irp = DeviceExtensionHub->PendingIdleIrp; DeviceExtensionHub->PendingIdleIrp = NULL; } else { irp = NULL; ASSERT(!DeviceExtensionHub->PendingIdleIrp); }
if (irp) { USBH_HubCancelIdleIrp(DeviceExtensionHub, irp); } }
VOID USBH_HubCompleteQueuedPortIdleIrps( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB DeviceExtensionHub, IN PLIST_ENTRY IrpsToComplete, IN NTSTATUS NtStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called to complete all the pending child port Idle IRPs in the given private queue.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { PIRP irp; PLIST_ENTRY listEntry;
while (!IsListEmpty(IrpsToComplete)) { listEntry = RemoveHeadList(IrpsToComplete); irp = CONTAINING_RECORD(listEntry, IRP, Tail.Overlay.ListEntry);
USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Completing port Idle IRP (%x)\n", irp)); irp->IoStatus.Status = NtStatus; IoCompleteRequest(irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } }
VOID USBH_HubCompletePortIdleIrps( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB DeviceExtensionHub, IN NTSTATUS NtStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Complete all the Idle IRPs for the given hub.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { PDEVICE_EXTENSION_PORT deviceExtensionPort; PUSB_HUB_DESCRIPTOR hubDescriptor; PPORT_DATA portData; PIRP irp; PDRIVER_CANCEL oldCancelRoutine; LIST_ENTRY irpsToComplete; PLIST_ENTRY listEntry; KIRQL irql; ULONG numberOfPorts, i;
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "pIIc", DeviceExtensionHub, NtStatus, 0);
if (!(DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_NEED_CLEANUP)) {
// Hub has already been removed and child Idle IRP's should have already
// been completed.
return; }
USBH_HubQueuePortIdleIrps(DeviceExtensionHub, &irpsToComplete);
// Ok, we have queued all the port idle IRPs and have released the
// cancel spinlock. Let's complete all the IRPs.
USBH_HubCompleteQueuedPortIdleIrps(DeviceExtensionHub, &irpsToComplete, NtStatus); }
VOID USBH_HubCancelWakeIrp( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB DeviceExtensionHub, IN PIRP Irp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called to cancel the pending WaitWake IRP for a hub. This routine safely cancels the IRP. Note that the pending WaitWake IRP pointer in the hub's device extension should have been already cleared before calling this function.
Irp - Irp to cancel.
Return Value:
--*/ { IoCancelIrp(Irp);
if (InterlockedExchange(&DeviceExtensionHub->WaitWakeIrpCancelFlag, 1)) {
// This IRP has been completed on another thread and the other thread
// did not complete the IRP. So, we must complete it here.
// Note that we do not use USBH_CompletePowerIrp as the hub's pending
// I/O counter was already decremented on the other thread in the
// completion routine.
PoStartNextPowerIrp(Irp); Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_CANCELLED;
IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } }
VOID USBH_HubCancelIdleIrp( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB DeviceExtensionHub, IN PIRP Irp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called to cancel the pending Idle IRP for a hub. This routine safely cancels the IRP. Note that the pending Idle IRP pointer in the hub's device extension should have been already cleared before calling this function.
Irp - Irp to cancel.
Return Value:
--*/ { IoCancelIrp(Irp);
if (InterlockedExchange(&DeviceExtensionHub->IdleIrpCancelFlag, 1)) {
// This IRP has been completed on another thread and the other thread
// did not free the IRP. So, we must free it here.
IoFreeIrp(Irp); } }
NTSTATUS USBH_FdoPoRequestD0Completion( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN UCHAR MinorFunction, IN POWER_STATE PowerState, IN PVOID Context, IN PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called when the hub has entered D0 as a result of a wake irp completeing
DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object for the class device.
Irp - Irp completed.
Context - Driver defined context.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { NTSTATUS ntStatus; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB deviceExtensionHub = Context;
ntStatus = IoStatus->Status;
USBH_KdPrint((1,"'WaitWake D0 completion(%x) for HUB VID %x, PID %x\n", ntStatus, deviceExtensionHub->DeviceDescriptor.idVendor, \ deviceExtensionHub->DeviceDescriptor.idProduct));
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "hWD0", deviceExtensionHub, deviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp, 0);
// Since we can't easily determine which ports are asserting resume
// signalling we complete the WW IRPs for all of them.
// Ken says that we will need to determine what caused the hub WW
// to complete and then only complete the WW Irp for that port, if any.
// It is possible for more than one port to assert WW (e.g. user bumped
// the mouse at the same time a pressing a key), and it is also possible
// for a port with no device to have caused the hub WW to complete (e.g.
// device insertion or removal).
USBH_HubCompletePortWakeIrps(deviceExtensionHub, STATUS_SUCCESS);
// Ok to idle hub again.
deviceExtensionHub->HubFlags &= ~HUBFLAG_WW_SET_D0_PENDING;
// Also ok to remove hub.
return ntStatus; }
NTSTATUS USBH_FdoWaitWakeIrpCompletion( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN UCHAR MinorFunction, IN POWER_STATE PowerState, IN PVOID Context, IN PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called when a wake irp completes for a hub
DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object for the class device.
Irp - Irp completed.
Context - Driver defined context.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { NTSTATUS ntStatus;
ntStatus = IoStatus->Status;
return ntStatus; }
NTSTATUS USBH_FdoWWIrpIoCompletion( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the IoCompletionRoutine for the WW IRP for the hub, not to be confused with the PoRequestCompletionRoutine.
DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object for the class device.
Irp - Irp completed.
Context - Driver defined context.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the operation.
--*/ { PUSBH_COMPLETE_PORT_IRPS_WORK_ITEM workItemCompletePortIrps; NTSTATUS ntStatus; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB deviceExtensionHub = Context; POWER_STATE powerState; KIRQL irql; PIRP irp;
ntStatus = Irp->IoStatus.Status;
USBH_KdPrint((1,"'WaitWake completion(%x) for HUB VID %x, PID %x\n", ntStatus, deviceExtensionHub->DeviceDescriptor.idVendor, \ deviceExtensionHub->DeviceDescriptor.idProduct));
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "hWWc", deviceExtensionHub, ntStatus, deviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp);
// We have to clear the PendingWakeIrp pointer here because in the case
// where a device is unplugged between here and when the port loop is
// processed in HubCompletePortWakeIrps, we will miss one of the port
// WW IRP's, NumberPortWakeIrps will not decrement to zero, and we will
// not clear the PendingWakeIrp pointer. This is bad because the IRP
// has been completed and the pointer is no longer valid.
// Hopefully the WW IRP for the port will be completed and
// NumberPortWakeIrps adjusted properly when the device processes MN_REMOVE.
// BUT: Make sure that we have a PendingWakeIrp first before clearing
// because it may have already been cleared when the last port WW was
// canceled in USBH_WaitWakeCancel.
// We clear the flag regardless of whether PendingWakeIrp is present or
// not because if the WW IRP request in FdoSubmitWaitWakeIrp fails
// immediately, PendingWakeIrp will be NULL.
deviceExtensionHub->HubFlags &= ~HUBFLAG_PENDING_WAKE_IRP; irp = InterlockedExchangePointer(&deviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp, NULL);
// deref the hub, no wake irp is pending
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
// this means that either we were the source for
// the wakeup or a device attached to one of our
// ports is.
// our mission now is to discover what caused the
// wakeup
USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Remote Wakeup Detected for HUB VID %x, PID %x\n", deviceExtensionHub->DeviceDescriptor.idVendor, \ deviceExtensionHub->DeviceDescriptor.idProduct));
// Prevent idling hub until this Set D0 request completes.
deviceExtensionHub->HubFlags |= HUBFLAG_WW_SET_D0_PENDING;
// Also prevent hub from being removed before Set D0 is complete.
powerState.DeviceState = PowerDeviceD0;
// first we need to power up the hub
PoRequestPowerIrp(deviceExtensionHub->PhysicalDeviceObject, IRP_MN_SET_POWER, powerState, USBH_FdoPoRequestD0Completion, deviceExtensionHub, NULL);
ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else {
// We complete the port Wake IRPs in a workitem on another
// thread so that we don't fail a new Wake IRP for the hub
// which might arrive in the same context, before we've
// finished completing the old one.
workItemCompletePortIrps = UsbhExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(USBH_COMPLETE_PORT_IRPS_WORK_ITEM));
if (workItemCompletePortIrps) {
workItemCompletePortIrps->DeviceExtensionHub = deviceExtensionHub; workItemCompletePortIrps->ntStatus = ntStatus;
USBH_HubQueuePortWakeIrps(deviceExtensionHub, &workItemCompletePortIrps->IrpsToComplete);
ExInitializeWorkItem(&workItemCompletePortIrps->WorkQueueItem, USBH_CompletePortWakeIrpsWorker, workItemCompletePortIrps);
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "wITM", deviceExtensionHub, &workItemCompletePortIrps->WorkQueueItem, 0);
USBH_INC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(deviceExtensionHub); // critical saves time on resume
ExQueueWorkItem(&workItemCompletePortIrps->WorkQueueItem, CriticalWorkQueue);
// The WorkItem is freed by USBH_CompletePortWakeIrpsWorker()
// Don't try to access the WorkItem after it is queued.
} }
if (!irp) {
// If we have no IRP here this means that another thread wants to
// cancel the IRP. Handle accordingly.
if (!InterlockedExchange(&deviceExtensionHub->WaitWakeIrpCancelFlag, 1)) {
// We got the cancel flag before the other thread did. Hold
// on to the IRP here and let the cancel routine complete it.
if (ntStatus != STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) { PoStartNextPowerIrp(Irp); }
return ntStatus; }
NTSTATUS USBH_FdoSubmitWaitWakeIrp( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB DeviceExtensionHub ) /*++
Routine Description:
called when a child Pdo is enabled for wakeup, this function allocates a wait wake irp and passes it to the parents PDO.
Return Value:
--*/ { PIRP irp; KIRQL irql; NTSTATUS ntStatus; POWER_STATE powerState;
USBH_ASSERT(DeviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp == NULL);
USBH_KdPrint((1,"'USBH_FdoSubmitWaitWakeIrp (%x)\n", DeviceExtensionHub)); LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "hWW_", DeviceExtensionHub, 0, 0);
powerState.DeviceState = DeviceExtensionHub->SystemWake;
DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags |= HUBFLAG_PENDING_WAKE_IRP; USBH_INC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(DeviceExtensionHub); InterlockedExchange(&DeviceExtensionHub->WaitWakeIrpCancelFlag, 0); ntStatus = PoRequestPowerIrp(DeviceExtensionHub->PhysicalDeviceObject, IRP_MN_WAIT_WAKE, powerState, USBH_FdoWaitWakeIrpCompletion, DeviceExtensionHub, &irp);
if (ntStatus == STATUS_PENDING) {
// Must check flag here because in the case where the WW IRP failed
// immediately, this flag will be cleared in the completion routine
// and if that happens we don't want to save this IRP because it
// will soon be invalid if it isn't already.
if (DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_PENDING_WAKE_IRP) {
// Successfully posted a Wake IRP.
// This hub is now enabled for wakeup.
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "hWW+", DeviceExtensionHub, irp, 0); DeviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp = irp; }
} else { USBH_ASSERT(FALSE); // Want to know if we ever hit this.
DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags &= ~HUBFLAG_PENDING_WAKE_IRP; USBH_DEC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(DeviceExtensionHub); }
return ntStatus; }
VOID USBH_FdoIdleNotificationCallback( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB DeviceExtensionHub ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called when it is time to idle out the hub device itself.
Return Value:
--*/ { PUSB_IDLE_CALLBACK_INFO idleCallbackInfo; PDEVICE_EXTENSION_PORT childDeviceExtensionPort; KIRQL irql; PIRP idleIrp; PIRP irpToCancel = NULL; POWER_STATE powerState; NTSTATUS ntStatus; ULONG i; BOOLEAN bIdleOk = TRUE;
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "hId!", DeviceExtensionHub, DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags, 0); USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Hub %x going idle!\n", DeviceExtensionHub));
// Don't idle this hub if it was just disconnected or otherwise
// being stopped.
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "hId.", DeviceExtensionHub, DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags, 0); USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Hub %x being stopped, in low power, etc., abort idle\n", DeviceExtensionHub)); return; }
if (!(DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_PENDING_WAKE_IRP)) {
// If there is not already a WW IRP pending for the hub, submit
// one now. This will ensure that the hub will wakeup on connect
// change events while it is suspended.
ntStatus = USBH_FdoSubmitWaitWakeIrp(DeviceExtensionHub); if (ntStatus != STATUS_PENDING) { LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "hIdX", DeviceExtensionHub, ntStatus, 0);
UsbhWarning(NULL, "Could not post WW IRP for hub, aborting IDLE.\n", FALSE);
return; } }
// Ensure that child port configuration does not change while in this
// function, i.e. don't allow QBR.
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'***WAIT reset device mutex %x\n", DeviceExtensionHub)); USBH_INC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(DeviceExtensionHub); KeWaitForSingleObject(&DeviceExtensionHub->ResetDeviceMutex, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); USBH_KdPrint((2,"'***WAIT reset device mutex done %x\n", DeviceExtensionHub));
for (i = 0; i < DeviceExtensionHub->HubDescriptor->bNumberOfPorts; i++) {
if (DeviceExtensionHub->PortData[i].DeviceObject) {
childDeviceExtensionPort = DeviceExtensionHub->PortData[i].DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; idleIrp = childDeviceExtensionPort->IdleNotificationIrp;
if (idleIrp) { idleCallbackInfo = (PUSB_IDLE_CALLBACK_INFO) IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(idleIrp)->\ Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer;
USBH_ASSERT(idleCallbackInfo && idleCallbackInfo->IdleCallback);
if (idleCallbackInfo && idleCallbackInfo->IdleCallback) {
// Here we actually call the driver's callback routine,
// telling the driver that it is OK to suspend their
// device now.
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "IdCB", childDeviceExtensionPort, idleCallbackInfo, idleCallbackInfo->IdleCallback); USBH_KdPrint((1,"'FdoIdleNotificationCallback: Calling driver's idle callback routine! %x %x\n", idleCallbackInfo, idleCallbackInfo->IdleCallback));
// Be sure that the child actually powered down.
// This is important in the case where the child is also
// a hub. Abort if the child aborted.
if (childDeviceExtensionPort->DeviceState == PowerDeviceD0) {
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "IdAb", childDeviceExtensionPort, idleCallbackInfo, idleCallbackInfo->IdleCallback); USBH_KdPrint((1,"'FdoIdleNotificationCallback: Driver's idle callback routine did not power down! %x %x\n", idleCallbackInfo, idleCallbackInfo->IdleCallback));
bIdleOk = FALSE; break; }
} else {
// No callback
bIdleOk = FALSE; break; }
} else {
// No Idle IRP
bIdleOk = FALSE; break; } } }
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'***RELEASE reset device mutex %x\n", DeviceExtensionHub)); KeReleaseSemaphore(&DeviceExtensionHub->ResetDeviceMutex, LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY, 1, FALSE);
if (bIdleOk) {
// If all the port PDOs have been powered down,
// it is time to power down the hub.
powerState.DeviceState = DeviceExtensionHub->DeviceWake;
PoRequestPowerIrp(DeviceExtensionHub->PhysicalDeviceObject, IRP_MN_SET_POWER, powerState, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else {
// One or more of the port PDOs did not have an Idle IRP
// (i.e. it was just cancelled), or the Idle IRP did not have a
// callback function pointer. Abort this Idle procedure and cancel
// the Idle IRP to the hub.
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "hIdA", DeviceExtensionHub, DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags, 0); USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Aborting Idle for Hub %x\n", DeviceExtensionHub));
if (DeviceExtensionHub && DeviceExtensionHub->PendingIdleIrp) { irpToCancel = DeviceExtensionHub->PendingIdleIrp; DeviceExtensionHub->PendingIdleIrp = NULL; }
// Cancel the Idle request to the hub if there is one.
if (irpToCancel) { USBH_HubCancelIdleIrp(DeviceExtensionHub, irpToCancel); }
USBH_HubCompletePortIdleIrps(DeviceExtensionHub, STATUS_CANCELLED); } }
VOID USBH_IdleCompletePowerHubWorker( IN PVOID Context) /* ++
* * Description: * * Work item scheduled to power up a hub on completion of an Idle request * for the hub. * * * Arguments: * * Return: * * -- */ { PUSBH_HUB_IDLE_POWER_WORK_ITEM workItemIdlePower;
workItemIdlePower = Context;
USBH_HubSetD0(workItemIdlePower->DeviceExtensionHub); USBH_HubCompletePortIdleIrps(workItemIdlePower->DeviceExtensionHub, workItemIdlePower->ntStatus);
USBH_DEC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(workItemIdlePower->DeviceExtensionHub); UsbhExFreePool(workItemIdlePower); }
VOID USBH_CompletePortIdleIrpsWorker( IN PVOID Context) /* ++
* * Description: * * Work item scheduled to complete the child port Idle IRPs * for the hub. * * * Arguments: * * Return: * * -- */ { PUSBH_COMPLETE_PORT_IRPS_WORK_ITEM workItemCompletePortIrps;
workItemCompletePortIrps = Context;
USBH_HubCompleteQueuedPortIdleIrps( workItemCompletePortIrps->DeviceExtensionHub, &workItemCompletePortIrps->IrpsToComplete, workItemCompletePortIrps->ntStatus);
USBH_DEC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(workItemCompletePortIrps->DeviceExtensionHub); UsbhExFreePool(workItemCompletePortIrps); }
VOID USBH_CompletePortWakeIrpsWorker( IN PVOID Context) /* ++
* * Description: * * Work item scheduled to complete the child port Idle IRPs * for the hub. * * * Arguments: * * Return: * * -- */ { PUSBH_COMPLETE_PORT_IRPS_WORK_ITEM workItemCompletePortIrps;
workItemCompletePortIrps = Context;
USBH_HubCompleteQueuedPortWakeIrps( workItemCompletePortIrps->DeviceExtensionHub, &workItemCompletePortIrps->IrpsToComplete, workItemCompletePortIrps->ntStatus);
USBH_DEC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(workItemCompletePortIrps->DeviceExtensionHub); UsbhExFreePool(workItemCompletePortIrps); }
NTSTATUS USBH_FdoIdleNotificationRequestComplete( PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp, PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB DeviceExtensionHub ) /*++
Routine Description:
Completion routine for the Idle request IRP for the hub device.
Return Value:
// DeviceObject is NULL because we sent the irp
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "hIdC", DeviceExtensionHub, Irp, Irp->IoStatus.Status); USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Idle notification IRP for hub %x completed %x\n", DeviceExtensionHub, Irp->IoStatus.Status));
irp = InterlockedExchangePointer(&DeviceExtensionHub->PendingIdleIrp, NULL); DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags &= ~HUBFLAG_PENDING_IDLE_IRP; USBH_DEC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(DeviceExtensionHub);
ntStatus = Irp->IoStatus.Status;
// Complete port Idle IRPs w/error if hub Idle IRP failed.
// Skip this if the hub is stopping or has been removed as HubDescriptor
// might have already been freed and FdoCleanup will complete these anyway.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus) && (ntStatus != STATUS_POWER_STATE_INVALID) && !(DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & (HUBFLAG_HUB_GONE | HUBFLAG_HUB_STOPPED))) {
if (DeviceExtensionHub->CurrentPowerState != PowerDeviceD0) {
// Since we are at DPC we must use a work item to power up the
// hub synchronously, because that function yields and we can't
// yield at DPC level.
workItemIdlePower = UsbhExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(USBH_HUB_IDLE_POWER_WORK_ITEM));
if (workItemIdlePower) {
workItemIdlePower->DeviceExtensionHub = DeviceExtensionHub; workItemIdlePower->ntStatus = ntStatus;
ExInitializeWorkItem(&workItemIdlePower->WorkQueueItem, USBH_IdleCompletePowerHubWorker, workItemIdlePower);
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "iITM", DeviceExtensionHub, &workItemIdlePower->WorkQueueItem, 0);
USBH_INC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(DeviceExtensionHub); ExQueueWorkItem(&workItemIdlePower->WorkQueueItem, DelayedWorkQueue);
// The WorkItem is freed by USBH_IdleCompletePowerHubWorker()
// Don't try to access the WorkItem after it is queued.
} else {
// We complete the port Idle IRPs in a workitem on another
// thread so that we don't fail a new Idle IRP for the hub
// which might arrive in the same context, before we've
// finished completing the old one.
workItemCompletePortIrps = UsbhExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(USBH_COMPLETE_PORT_IRPS_WORK_ITEM));
if (workItemCompletePortIrps) {
workItemCompletePortIrps->DeviceExtensionHub = DeviceExtensionHub; workItemCompletePortIrps->ntStatus = ntStatus;
USBH_HubQueuePortIdleIrps(DeviceExtensionHub, &workItemCompletePortIrps->IrpsToComplete);
ExInitializeWorkItem(&workItemCompletePortIrps->WorkQueueItem, USBH_CompletePortIdleIrpsWorker, workItemCompletePortIrps);
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "iIT2", DeviceExtensionHub, &workItemCompletePortIrps->WorkQueueItem, 0);
USBH_INC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(DeviceExtensionHub); ExQueueWorkItem(&workItemCompletePortIrps->WorkQueueItem, DelayedWorkQueue);
// The WorkItem is freed by USBH_CompletePortIdleIrpsWorker()
// Don't try to access the WorkItem after it is queued.
} } }
if (!irp) {
// If we have no IRP here this means that another thread wants to
// cancel the IRP. Handle accordingly.
if (!InterlockedExchange(&DeviceExtensionHub->IdleIrpCancelFlag, 1)) {
// We got the cancel flag before the other thread did. Hold
// on to the IRP here and let the cancel routine complete it.
bHoldIrp = TRUE; } }
// Since we allocated the IRP we must free it, but return
// STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED so the kernel does not try to touch
// the IRP after we've freed it.
if (!bHoldIrp) { IoFreeIrp(Irp); }
NTSTATUS USBH_FdoSubmitIdleRequestIrp( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB DeviceExtensionHub ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called when all children PDO's are idled (or there are no children). This function allocates an idle request IOCTL IRP and passes it to the parent's PDO.
Return Value:
--*/ { PIRP irp = NULL; PIO_STACK_LOCATION nextStack; KIRQL irql; NTSTATUS ntStatus;
USBH_KdPrint((1,"'USBH_FdoSubmitIdleRequestIrp %x\n", DeviceExtensionHub)); LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "hId_", DeviceExtensionHub, 0, 0);
USBH_ASSERT(DeviceExtensionHub->PendingIdleIrp == NULL);
if (DeviceExtensionHub->PendingIdleIrp) { // Probably don't want to clear the flag here because an Idle IRP
// is pending.
KeSetEvent(&DeviceExtensionHub->SubmitIdleEvent, 1, FALSE); return STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY; }
DeviceExtensionHub->IdleCallbackInfo.IdleCallback = USBH_FdoIdleNotificationCallback; DeviceExtensionHub->IdleCallbackInfo.IdleContext = (PVOID)DeviceExtensionHub;
irp = IoAllocateIrp(DeviceExtensionHub->PhysicalDeviceObject->StackSize, FALSE);
if (irp == NULL) { // Be sure to set the event and clear the flag on error before exiting.
DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags &= ~HUBFLAG_PENDING_IDLE_IRP; KeSetEvent(&DeviceExtensionHub->SubmitIdleEvent, 1, FALSE); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
nextStack = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(irp); nextStack->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL; nextStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode = IOCTL_INTERNAL_USB_SUBMIT_IDLE_NOTIFICATION; nextStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer = &DeviceExtensionHub->IdleCallbackInfo; nextStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength = sizeof(struct _USB_IDLE_CALLBACK_INFO);
IoSetCompletionRoutine(irp, USBH_FdoIdleNotificationRequestComplete, DeviceExtensionHub, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
USBH_INC_PENDING_IO_COUNT(DeviceExtensionHub); InterlockedExchange(&DeviceExtensionHub->IdleIrpCancelFlag, 0); ntStatus = IoCallDriver(DeviceExtensionHub->PhysicalDeviceObject, irp);
if (ntStatus == STATUS_PENDING) {
// Must check flag here because in the case where the Idle IRP failed
// immediately, this flag will be cleared in the completion routine
// and if that happens we don't want to save this IRP because it
// will soon be invalid if it isn't already.
if (DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_PENDING_IDLE_IRP) {
// Successfully posted an Idle IRP.
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "hId+", DeviceExtensionHub, irp, 0); DeviceExtensionHub->PendingIdleIrp = irp; } }
KeSetEvent(&DeviceExtensionHub->SubmitIdleEvent, 1, FALSE);
return ntStatus; }
NTSTATUS USBH_FdoPower( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB DeviceExtensionHub, IN PIRP Irp, IN UCHAR MinorFunction ) /* ++
* * Description: * * This function responds to IoControl PnPPower for the FDO. This function is * synchronous. * * Arguments: * * DeviceExtensionHub - the FDO extension pIrp - the request packet * MinorFunction - the minor function of the PnP Power request. * * Return: * * NTSTATUS * * -- */ { PDEVICE_EXTENSION_HUB rootHubDevExt; NTSTATUS ntStatus; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpStack; BOOLEAN allPDOsAreOff, bHubNeedsWW; PPORT_DATA portData; ULONG i, numberOfPorts; KIRQL irql; PIRP hubWaitWake = NULL; POWER_STATE powerState;
irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
deviceObject = DeviceExtensionHub->FunctionalDeviceObject; USBH_KdPrint((2,"'Power Request, FDO %x minor %x\n", deviceObject, MinorFunction));
switch (MinorFunction) { //
// Pass it down to Pdo to handle these
// Hub is being asked to change power state
switch (irpStack->Parameters.Power.Type) { case SystemPowerState: { POWER_STATE powerState;
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "sysP", DeviceExtensionHub, DeviceExtensionHub->FunctionalDeviceObject, 0);
// Track the current system power state in the hub's device ext.
// Note that we only set this back to S0 (i.e. allow selective
// suspend once again) once the root hub is fully powered up.
if (irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState != PowerSystemWorking) {
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "DSus", DeviceExtensionHub, 0, 0); USBH_KdPrint((1,"'Selective Suspend disabled because system is suspending\n"));
rootHubDevExt = USBH_GetRootHubDevExt(DeviceExtensionHub);
rootHubDevExt->CurrentSystemPowerState = irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState; }
if (irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState == PowerSystemHibernate) { DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags |= HUBFLAG_HIBER; USBH_KdPrint((1, "'Hibernate Detected\n")); //TEST_TRAP();
} // map the system state to the appropriate D state.
// our policy is:
// if we are enabled for wakeup -- go to D2
// else go to D3
USBH_KdPrint( (1, "'IRP_MJ_POWER HU fdo(%x) MN_SET_POWER(SystemPowerState S%x)\n", DeviceExtensionHub->FunctionalDeviceObject, irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState - 1));
// walk are list of PDOs, if all are in D3 yje set the
// allPDOsAreOff flag
allPDOsAreOff = TRUE; portData = DeviceExtensionHub->PortData;
// NOTE: if we are stopped the HubDescriptor will be NULL
if (portData && DeviceExtensionHub->HubDescriptor) { numberOfPorts = DeviceExtensionHub->HubDescriptor->bNumberOfPorts;
for (i=0; i < numberOfPorts; i++) { PDEVICE_EXTENSION_PORT deviceExtensionPort;
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "cPRT", portData->DeviceObject, 0, 0);
if (portData->DeviceObject) { deviceExtensionPort = portData->DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; if (deviceExtensionPort->DeviceState != PowerDeviceD3) { allPDOsAreOff = FALSE; break; } } portData++; }
#if DBG
// if all PDOs are in D3 then this means the hub itself is a
// wakeup source
if (DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_PENDING_WAKE_IRP) { if (allPDOsAreOff) { USBH_KdPrint( (1, "'**Hub enabled for wakeup -- hub is only potential wakeup source\n")); } else { USBH_KdPrint( (1, "'**Hub enabled for wakeup -- device is potential wakeup source\n")); } } #endif
if (irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState == PowerSystemWorking) { //
// go to ON
powerState.DeviceState = PowerDeviceD0; LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "syON", 0, 0, 0);
} else if ((DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_PENDING_WAKE_IRP) || !allPDOsAreOff) {
// based on the system power state
// request a setting to the appropriate
// Dx state.
// all low power states have already been mapped
// to suspend
powerState.DeviceState = DeviceExtensionHub->DeviceState[irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState];
// These tables should have already been fixed up by the root hub
// (usbd.sys) to not contain an entry of unspecified.
ASSERT (PowerDeviceUnspecified != powerState.DeviceState);
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "syDX", powerState.DeviceState, 0, 0); USBH_KdPrint((1,"'System state maps to device state 0x%x (D%x)\n", powerState.DeviceState, powerState.DeviceState - 1));
} else { powerState.DeviceState = PowerDeviceD3; LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "syD3", powerState.DeviceState, 0, 0); }
// only make the request if it is for a different power
// state then the one we are in, and it is a valid state for the
// request. Also, make sure the hub has been started.
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "H>Sx", DeviceExtensionHub, DeviceExtensionHub->FunctionalDeviceObject, powerState.DeviceState);
if (powerState.DeviceState != PowerDeviceUnspecified && powerState.DeviceState != DeviceExtensionHub->CurrentPowerState && (DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_NEED_CLEANUP)) {
DeviceExtensionHub->PowerIrp = Irp; IoMarkIrpPending(Irp);
ntStatus = PoRequestPowerIrp(DeviceExtensionHub->PhysicalDeviceObject, IRP_MN_SET_POWER, powerState, USBH_FdoDeferPoRequestCompletion, DeviceExtensionHub, NULL);
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'PoRequestPowerIrp returned 0x%x\n", ntStatus));
// We need to return STATUS_PENDING here because we marked the
// IRP pending above with IoMarkIrpPending.
// In the case where an allocation failed, PoRequestPowerIrp
// can return a status code other than STATUS_PENDING. In this
// case, we still need to pass the IRP down to the lower driver,
// but we still need to return STATUS_PENDING from this routine.
if (ntStatus != STATUS_PENDING) { IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext(Irp); PoStartNextPowerIrp(Irp); ntStatus = PoCallDriver(DeviceExtensionHub->TopOfStackDeviceObject, Irp); }
} else {
IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext(Irp); PoStartNextPowerIrp(Irp); ntStatus = PoCallDriver(DeviceExtensionHub->TopOfStackDeviceObject, Irp); } } break; //SystemPowerState
case DevicePowerState:
USBH_KdPrint( (1, "'IRP_MJ_POWER HU fdo(%x) MN_SET_POWER(DevicePowerState D%x)\n", DeviceExtensionHub->FunctionalDeviceObject, irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState - 1));
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "H>Dx", DeviceExtensionHub, DeviceExtensionHub->FunctionalDeviceObject, irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState);
// If we are already in the requested power state, or if this is
// a Set D0 request and we already have one pending,
// just pass the request on.
if ((DeviceExtensionHub->CurrentPowerState == irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState) || (irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState == PowerDeviceD0 && (DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_SET_D0_PENDING))) {
LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "HDxP", DeviceExtensionHub, 0, 0);
IoMarkIrpPending(Irp); PoCallDriver(DeviceExtensionHub->TopOfStackDeviceObject, Irp);
break; }
switch (irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState) {
case PowerDeviceD0:
USBH_ASSERT(DeviceExtensionHub->CurrentPowerState != PowerDeviceD0);
DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags &= ~(HUBFLAG_DEVICE_STOPPING | HUBFLAG_DEVICE_LOW_POWER); DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags |= HUBFLAG_SET_D0_PENDING;
// must pass this on to our PDO
IoSetCompletionRoutine(Irp, USBH_PowerIrpCompletion, DeviceExtensionHub, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
IoMarkIrpPending(Irp); PoCallDriver(DeviceExtensionHub->TopOfStackDeviceObject, Irp);
// For some strange PnP reason, we have to return
// STATUS_PENDING here if our completion routine will also
// (Ignore the PoCallDriver return value.)
case PowerDeviceD1: case PowerDeviceD2: case PowerDeviceD3:
// If there is a ChangeIndicationWorkitem pending, then we
// must wait for that to complete.
if (DeviceExtensionHub->ChangeIndicationWorkitemPending) {
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'Wait for single object\n"));
ntStatus = KeWaitForSingleObject(&DeviceExtensionHub->CWKEvent, Suspended, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'Wait for single object, returned %x\n", ntStatus)); }
// set our stop flag so that ChangeIndication does not submit
// any more transfers
// note that we skip this if the hub is 'stopped'
if (!(DeviceExtensionHub->HubFlags & HUBFLAG_HUB_STOPPED)) {
bRet = IoCancelIrp(DeviceExtensionHub->Irp);
// Only wait on the abort event if the IRP was actually
// cancelled.
if (bRet) { LOGENTRY(LOG_PNP, "aWAT", DeviceExtensionHub, &DeviceExtensionHub->AbortEvent, 0);
status = KeWaitForSingleObject( &DeviceExtensionHub->AbortEvent, Suspended, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); } }
// must pass this on to our PDO
IoSetCompletionRoutine(Irp, USBH_PowerIrpCompletion, DeviceExtensionHub, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
PoStartNextPowerIrp(Irp); IoMarkIrpPending(Irp); PoCallDriver(DeviceExtensionHub->TopOfStackDeviceObject, Irp); // toss status and return status pending
// we do this because our completion routine
// stalls completion but we do not block here
// in dispatch.
// OS code only waits if status_pending is returned
ntStatus = STATUS_PENDING; break; }
break; //DevicePowerState
break; // MN_SET_POWER
USBH_KdPrint((1, "'IRP_MJ_POWER HU fdo(%x) MN_QUERY_POWER\n", DeviceExtensionHub->FunctionalDeviceObject));
// Cancel our WW IRP if we are going to D3, the hub is idled
// (selectively suspended), and the hub is empty. We don't want
// to prevent going to D3 if the hub is selectively suspended and
// there are no children that would require the hub be wake-enabled.
powerState.DeviceState = DeviceExtensionHub->DeviceState[irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState];
bHubNeedsWW = USBH_DoesHubNeedWaitWake(DeviceExtensionHub);
if (powerState.DeviceState == PowerDeviceD3 && DeviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp && !bHubNeedsWW) {
hubWaitWake = DeviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp; DeviceExtensionHub->PendingWakeIrp = NULL; }
if (hubWaitWake) { USBH_KdPrint((1, "'Cancelling hub's WW because we are going to D3 and there are no children\n"));
USBH_HubCancelWakeIrp(DeviceExtensionHub, hubWaitWake); }
// Now pass this on to our PDO.
PoStartNextPowerIrp(Irp); ntStatus = PoCallDriver(DeviceExtensionHub->TopOfStackDeviceObject, Irp);
USBH_KdPrint((1, "'IRP_MJ_POWER HU fdo(%x) MN_WAIT_WAKE\n", DeviceExtensionHub->FunctionalDeviceObject));
IoSetCompletionRoutine(Irp, USBH_FdoWWIrpIoCompletion, DeviceExtensionHub, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
PoStartNextPowerIrp(Irp); IoMarkIrpPending(Irp); PoCallDriver(DeviceExtensionHub->TopOfStackDeviceObject, Irp);
// For some strange PnP reason, we have to return
// STATUS_PENDING here if our completion routine will also
// (Ignore the PoCallDriver return value.)
ntStatus = STATUS_PENDING; break;
// otherwise pass the Irp down
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'Unhandled Power request to fdo %x %x, passed to PDO\n", deviceObject, MinorFunction));
PoStartNextPowerIrp(Irp); ntStatus = PoCallDriver(DeviceExtensionHub->TopOfStackDeviceObject, Irp);
break; }
USBH_KdPrint((2,"'FdoPower exit %x\n", ntStatus));
return ntStatus; }