Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Debug and diagnostic routines for WDM driver
Kernel mode only
Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Revision History:
12/23/97 : created
Tom Green
#include <wdm.h>
#include <ntddser.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <usb.h>
#include <usbdrivr.h>
#include <usbdlib.h>
#include <usbcomm.h>
#include <wmilib.h>
#include <wmidata.h>
#include <wmistr.h>
#include "usbser.h"
#include "serioctl.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "debugwdm.h"
// memory allocation stats
LOCAL ULONG MemoryAllocated = 0L; LOCAL ULONG MemAllocFailCnt = 0L; LOCAL ULONG MemAllocCnt = 0L; LOCAL ULONG MemFreeFailCnt = 0L; LOCAL ULONG MemFreeCnt = 0L; LOCAL ULONG MaxMemAllocated = 0L;
// signature to write at end of allocated memory block
// signature to write at end of freed memory block
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,Debug_OpenWDMDebug)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,Debug_CloseWDMDebug)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,Debug_SizeIRPHistoryTable)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,Debug_SizeDebugPathHist)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,Debug_SizeErrorLog)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,Debug_ExtractAttachedDevices)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,Debug_GetDriverInfo)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,Debug_ExtractIRPHist)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,Debug_ExtractPathHist)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,Debug_ExtractErrorLog)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,Debug_DumpDriverLog)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,Debug_TranslateStatus)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,Debug_TranslateIoctl)
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
// data structures, macros, and data that the outside world doesn't need to know about
// amount of data to save from IRP buffer
#define IRP_DATA_SIZE 0x04
// size for temporary string formatting buffers
#define TMP_STR_BUFF_SIZE 0x100
// initial number of entries in tables and logs
// data structures for debug stuff
// entry for IRP history table for IRPs going in and out
typedef struct IRPHistory { LARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp; PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; PIRP Irp; ULONG MajorFunction; ULONG IrpByteCount; UCHAR IrpData[IRP_DATA_SIZE]; UCHAR IrpDataCount; } IRPHist, *PIRPHist;
// entry for execution tracing
typedef struct PATHHistory { LARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp; PCHAR Path; } PATHHist, *PPATHHist;
// entry for error log
typedef struct ERRORLog { LARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp; NTSTATUS Status; } ERRLog, *PERRLog;
// this is for translating a code into an ASCII string
typedef struct Code2Ascii { NTSTATUS Code; PCHAR Str; } Code2Ascii;
// local data for debug file
// IRP history table components
LOCAL PIRPHist IRPHistoryTable = NULL; LOCAL ULONG IRPHistoryIndex = 0L; GLOBAL ULONG IRPHistorySize = 0L;
// Debug path storage
LOCAL PPATHHist DebugPathHist = NULL; LOCAL ULONG DebugPathIndex = 0L; GLOBAL ULONG DebugPathSize = 0L;
// Error log components
LOCAL PERRLog ErrorLog = NULL; LOCAL ULONG ErrorLogIndex = 0L; GLOBAL ULONG ErrorLogSize = 0L;
// this is for translating NT status codes into ASCII strings
LOCAL ULONG NumNTErrs = sizeof(NTErrors) / sizeof(Code2Ascii); LOCAL CHAR UnknownStatus[80];
// this is for translating IOCTL codes into ASCII strings
LOCAL ULONG NumIoctl = sizeof(IoctlCodes) / sizeof(Code2Ascii); LOCAL CHAR UnknownIoctl[80];
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_OpenWDMDebug */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Allocate resources and init history tables and logs. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* VOID */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* NTSTATUS */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS Debug_OpenWDMDebug(VOID) { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// allocate tables and logs
NtStatus = Debug_SizeIRPHistoryTable(DEFAULT_LOG_SIZE); if(!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { Debug_CloseWDMDebug(); return NtStatus; }
NtStatus = Debug_SizeDebugPathHist(DEFAULT_LOG_SIZE); if(!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { Debug_CloseWDMDebug(); return NtStatus; }
NtStatus = Debug_SizeErrorLog(DEFAULT_LOG_SIZE); if(!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { Debug_CloseWDMDebug(); return NtStatus; } return NtStatus; } // Debug_OpenWDMDebug
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_CloseWDMDebug */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Free up resources used for history tables and logs. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* VOID */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* VOID */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ VOID Debug_CloseWDMDebug(VOID) { PAGED_CODE();
if(DebugPathHist) { DEBUG_MEMFREE(DebugPathHist); DebugPathHist = NULL; DebugPathSize = 0L; }
if(IRPHistoryTable) { DEBUG_MEMFREE(IRPHistoryTable); IRPHistoryTable = NULL; IRPHistorySize = 0L; }
if(ErrorLog) { DEBUG_MEMFREE(ErrorLog); ErrorLog = NULL; ErrorLogSize = 0L; }
// see if we have a leak
DEBUG_ASSERT("Memory Allocation Leak", MemAllocCnt == MemFreeCnt); } // Debug_CloseWDMDebug
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_SizeIRPHistoryTable */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Allocate IRP history table */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* Size - number of entries in table */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* NTSTATUS */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS Debug_SizeIRPHistoryTable(IN ULONG Size) { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// see if they are trying to set the same size
if(Size == IRPHistorySize) return NtStatus;
// get rid of old history table if we got one
if(IRPHistoryTable) DEBUG_MEMFREE(IRPHistoryTable);
IRPHistoryTable = NULL; IRPHistoryIndex = 0L; IRPHistorySize = 0L;
if(Size != 0L) { IRPHistoryTable = DEBUG_MEMALLOC(NonPagedPool, sizeof(IRPHist) * Size); if(IRPHistoryTable == NULL) NtStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; else { RtlZeroMemory(IRPHistoryTable, sizeof(IRPHist) * Size); IRPHistorySize = Size; } }
return NtStatus; } // Debug_SizeIRPHistoryTable
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_SizeDebugPathHist */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Allocate path history */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* Size - number of entries in history */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* NTSTATUS */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS Debug_SizeDebugPathHist(IN ULONG Size) { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// see if they are trying to set the same size
if(Size == DebugPathSize) return NtStatus;
// get rid of old path history if we got one
if(DebugPathHist) DEBUG_MEMFREE(DebugPathHist);
DebugPathHist = NULL; DebugPathIndex = 0L; DebugPathSize = 0L;
if(Size != 0L) { DebugPathHist = DEBUG_MEMALLOC(NonPagedPool, sizeof(PATHHist) * Size); if(DebugPathHist == NULL) NtStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; else { RtlZeroMemory(DebugPathHist, sizeof(PATHHist) * Size); DebugPathSize = Size; } }
return NtStatus; } // Debug_SizeDebugPathHist
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_SizeErrorLog */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Allocate error log */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* Size - number of entries in error log */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* NTSTATUS */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS Debug_SizeErrorLog(IN ULONG Size) { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// see if they are trying to set the same size
if(Size == ErrorLogSize) return NtStatus;
// get rid of old error log if we got one
if(ErrorLog) DEBUG_MEMFREE(ErrorLog); ErrorLog = NULL; ErrorLogIndex = 0L; ErrorLogSize = 0L;
if(Size != 0L) { ErrorLog = DEBUG_MEMALLOC(NonPagedPool, sizeof(ERRLog) * Size); // make sure we actually allocated some memory
if(ErrorLog == NULL) NtStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; else { RtlZeroMemory(ErrorLog, sizeof(ERRLog) * Size); ErrorLogSize = Size; } }
return NtStatus; } // Debug_SizeErrorLog
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_LogIrpHist */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Logs IRP history. These are timestamped and put in a */ /* circular buffer for extraction later. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* DeviceObject - pointer to device object. */ /* Irp - pointer to IRP. */ /* MajorFunction - major function of IRP. */ /* IoBuffer - buffer for data passed in and out of driver. */ /* BufferLen - length of data buffer. */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* VOID */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ VOID Debug_LogIrpHist(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN ULONG MajorFunction, IN PVOID IoBuffer, IN ULONG BufferLen) { PIRPHist IrpHist; // get pointer to current entry in IRP history table
IrpHist = &IRPHistoryTable[IRPHistoryIndex++]; // point to the next entry in the IRP history table
IRPHistoryIndex %= IRPHistorySize;
// get time stamp
IrpHist->TimeStamp = KeQueryPerformanceCounter(NULL);
// save IRP, device object, major function and first 8 bytes of data in buffer
IrpHist->DeviceObject = DeviceObject; IrpHist->Irp = Irp; IrpHist->MajorFunction = MajorFunction;
// copy any data if we have it
IrpHist->IrpByteCount = BufferLen; IrpHist->IrpDataCount = (UCHAR) min(IRP_DATA_SIZE, BufferLen); if(BufferLen) *(ULONG *) IrpHist->IrpData = *(ULONG *) IoBuffer; } // Debug_LogIrpHist
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_LogPath */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Logs execution path through code. These are timestamped and put */ /* in a circular buffer for extraction later. Kernel print routines */ /* are also called. */ /* */ /* DANGER DANGER Will Robinson - the argument to this must be a */ /* const char pointer, */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* Path - Pointer to const char array that contains description of */ /* of path. */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* VOID */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ VOID Debug_LogPath(IN CHAR *Path) { PPATHHist PHist;
// get pointer to current entry in path history
PHist = &DebugPathHist[DebugPathIndex++];
// point to the next entry in path trace
DebugPathIndex %= DebugPathSize;
// get time stamp
PHist->TimeStamp = KeQueryPerformanceCounter(NULL);
// save path string
PHist->Path = Path;
// now call kernel print routines
DEBUG_TRACE2(("%s\n", Path)); } // Debug_LogPath
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_LogError */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Logs NTSTATUS type errors. These are timestamped and put in a */ /* circular buffer for extraction later. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* NtStatus - NTSTATUS error to log. */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* VOID */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ VOID Debug_LogError(IN NTSTATUS NtStatus) { PERRLog ErrLog;
// no error, so don't log
if(NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) return;
// get pointer to current entry in error log
ErrLog = &ErrorLog[ErrorLogIndex++];
// point to the next entry in error log
ErrorLogIndex %= ErrorLogSize;
// get time stamp
ErrLog->TimeStamp = KeQueryPerformanceCounter(NULL);
// save status
ErrLog->Status = NtStatus; } // Debug_LogError
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_Trap */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Trap. Causes execution to halt after logging message. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* TrapCause - pointer to char array that contains description */ /* of cause of trap. */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* VOID */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ VOID Debug_Trap(IN PCHAR TrapCause) { // log the path
DEBUG_LOG_PATH("Debug_Trap: ");
// kernel debugger print
DEBUG_TRACE3(("Debug_Trap: "));
// halt execution
DEBUG_TRAP(); } // Debug_TRAP
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_Assert */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Assertion routine. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* This should not be called directly. Use DEBUG_ASSERT macro. */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* VOID */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ VOID Debug_Assert(IN PVOID FailedAssertion, IN PVOID FileName, IN ULONG LineNumber, IN PCHAR Message) { #if DBG
// just call the assert routine
RtlAssert(FailedAssertion, FileName, LineNumber, Message); #else
DEBUG_TRAP(); #endif
} // Debug_Assert
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_ExtractAttachedDevices */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Formats and places attached device info into a buffer. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* DriverObject - pointer to driver object. */ /* */ /* Buffer - pointer to buffer to fill with IRP history. */ /* BuffSize - size of Buffer. */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* ULONG - number of bytes written in buffer. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ ULONG Debug_ExtractAttachedDevices(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, OUT PCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG BuffSize) { PCHAR StrBuff; PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; BOOLEAN Dev = FALSE;
// make sure we have a pointer and a number of bytes
if(Buffer == NULL || BuffSize == 0L) return 0L;
// allocate buffer for formatting strings
if(StrBuff == NULL) return 0L;
// title
sprintf(StrBuff, "\n\n\nAttached Devices\n\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff);
// columns
sprintf(StrBuff, "Device Device Obj IRPs Complete Byte Count\n\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff);
// get the first device object
DeviceObject = DriverObject->DeviceObject;
// march through linked list of devices
while(DeviceObject) { // found at least one device
Dev = TRUE;
// Get a pointer to the device extension
DeviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; sprintf(StrBuff, "%-17s 0x%p 0x%08X 0x%08X%08X\n", &DeviceExtension->LinkName[12], DeviceObject, DeviceExtension->IRPCount, DeviceExtension->ByteCount.HighPart, DeviceExtension->ByteCount.LowPart);
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff);
DeviceObject = DeviceObject->NextDevice; }
// if we don't have any devices, say so, but this should never happen (I think)
if(!Dev) { sprintf(StrBuff, "No attached devices\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); }
DEBUG_MEMFREE(StrBuff); return strlen(Buffer); } // Debug_ExtractAttachedDevices
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_GetDriverInfo */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Formats and places driver info into a buffer. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* Buffer - pointer to buffer to fill with IRP history. */ /* BuffSize - size of Buffer. */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* ULONG - number of bytes written in buffer. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ ULONG Debug_GetDriverInfo(OUT PCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG BuffSize) { PCHAR StrBuff;
// make sure we have a pointer and a number of bytes
if(Buffer == NULL || BuffSize == 0L) return 0L;
// allocate buffer for formatting strings
if(StrBuff == NULL) return 0L;
// driver name and version
sprintf(StrBuff, "\n\n\nDriver: %s\n\nVersion: %s\n\n", DriverName, DriverVersion);
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff);
DEBUG_MEMFREE(StrBuff); return strlen(Buffer); } // Debug_GetDriverInfo
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_ExtractIRPHist */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Formats and places IRP history info into a buffer. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* Buffer - pointer to buffer to fill with IRP history. */ /* BuffSize - size of Buffer. */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* ULONG - number of bytes written in buffer. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ ULONG Debug_ExtractIRPHist(OUT PCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG BuffSize) { ULONG Index, Size; PIRPHist IrpHist; PCHAR StrBuff; BOOLEAN Hist = FALSE; PAGED_CODE();
// make sure we have a pointer and a number of bytes
if(Buffer == NULL || BuffSize == 0L) return 0L;
// allocate buffer for formatting strings
if(StrBuff == NULL) return 0L;
// title
sprintf(StrBuff, "\n\n\nIRP History\n\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff);
// see if error log is on
if(IRPHistorySize == 0L) { sprintf(StrBuff, "IRP History is disabled\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); } else { // columns
sprintf(StrBuff, "Time Stamp Device Obj IRP Func Byte Count Data\n\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff);
Index = IRPHistoryIndex;
for(Size = 0; Size < IRPHistorySize; Size++) { // get pointer to current entry in IRP history table
IrpHist = &IRPHistoryTable[Index++];
// parse timestamp and IRP history and write to buffer
if(IrpHist->TimeStamp.LowPart) { UCHAR DataCount; CHAR DataBuff[10];
// we have at least one entry
Hist = TRUE;
sprintf(StrBuff, "0x%08X%08X 0x%p 0x%p %s 0x%08X ", IrpHist->TimeStamp.HighPart, IrpHist->TimeStamp.LowPart, IrpHist->DeviceObject, IrpHist->Irp, Debug_TranslateIoctl(IrpHist->MajorFunction), IrpHist->IrpByteCount);
// add data bytes if we got them
for(DataCount = 0; DataCount < IrpHist->IrpDataCount; DataCount++) { sprintf(DataBuff, "%02x ", IrpHist->IrpData[DataCount]); strcat(StrBuff, DataBuff); }
sprintf(DataBuff, "\n");
strcat(StrBuff, DataBuff);
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); } // point to the next entry in the IRP history table
Index %= IRPHistorySize; }
// if we don't have history, say so, but this should never happen (I think)
if(!Hist) { sprintf(StrBuff, "No IRP history\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); } }
DEBUG_MEMFREE(StrBuff); return strlen(Buffer); } // Debug_ExtractIRPHist
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_ExtractPathHist */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Formats and places path history info into buffer. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* Buffer - pointer to buffer to fill with path history. */ /* BuffSize - size of Buffer. */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* ULONG - number of bytes written in buffer. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ ULONG Debug_ExtractPathHist(OUT PCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG BuffSize) { ULONG Index, Size; PPATHHist PHist; PCHAR StrBuff; BOOLEAN Hist = FALSE; PAGED_CODE();
// make sure we have a pointer and a number of bytes
if(Buffer == NULL || BuffSize == 0L) return 0L;
// allocate buffer for formatting strings
if(StrBuff == NULL) return 0L;
// title
sprintf(StrBuff, "\n\n\nExecution Path History\n\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); // see if path history is on
if(DebugPathSize == 0L) { sprintf(StrBuff, "Path History is disabled\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); } else { // columns
sprintf(StrBuff, "Time Stamp Path\n\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); Index = DebugPathIndex;
for(Size = 0; Size < DebugPathSize; Size++) { // get pointer to current entry in path history
PHist = &DebugPathHist[Index++];
// parse timestamp and path and write to buffer. Check for NULL entries
if(PHist->TimeStamp.LowPart) { // at least we have one entry
Hist = TRUE; sprintf(StrBuff, "0x%08X%08X %s\n", PHist->TimeStamp.HighPart, PHist->TimeStamp.LowPart, PHist->Path);
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); } // point to the next entry in path trace
Index %= DebugPathSize; }
// if we don't have history, say so, but this should never happen (I think)
if(!Hist) { sprintf(StrBuff, "No execution path history\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); } }
DEBUG_MEMFREE(StrBuff); return strlen(Buffer); } // Debug_ExtractPathHist
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_ExtractErrorLog */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Formats and places error log info into buffer. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* Buffer - pointer to buffer to fill with IRP history. */ /* BuffSize - size of Buffer. */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* ULONG - number of bytes written in buffer. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ ULONG Debug_ExtractErrorLog(OUT PCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG BuffSize) { ULONG Index, Size; PERRLog ErrLog; PCHAR StrBuff; BOOLEAN Errors = FALSE; PAGED_CODE();
// make sure we have a pointer and a number of bytes
if(Buffer == NULL || BuffSize == 0L) return 0L;
// allocate buffer for formatting strings
if(StrBuff == NULL) return 0L;
// title
sprintf(StrBuff, "\n\n\nError Log\n\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); // see if error log is on
if(ErrorLogSize == 0L) { sprintf(StrBuff, "Error Log is disabled\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); } else { // columns
sprintf(StrBuff, "Time Stamp Error\n\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); Index = ErrorLogIndex;
for(Size = 0; Size < ErrorLogSize; Size++) { // get pointer to current entry in error log
ErrLog = &ErrorLog[Index++];
// parse timestamp and error and write to buffer
if(ErrLog->TimeStamp.LowPart) { // we have at least one error
Errors = TRUE; sprintf(StrBuff, "0x%08X%08X %s\n", ErrLog->TimeStamp.HighPart, ErrLog->TimeStamp.LowPart, Debug_TranslateStatus(ErrLog->Status));
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); } // point at next entry
Index %= ErrorLogSize; }
// if we don't have errors, say so
if(!Errors) { sprintf(StrBuff, "No errors in log\n");
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); } }
DEBUG_MEMFREE(StrBuff); return strlen(Buffer); } // Debug_ExtractErrorLog
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_DumpDriverLog */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Dumps all history and logging to buffer. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* DeviceObject - pointer to device object. */ /* */ /* Buffer - pointer to buffer to fill with IRP history. */ /* BuffSize - size of pBuffer. */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* ULONG - number of bytes written in buffer. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ ULONG Debug_DumpDriverLog(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, OUT PCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG BuffSize) { PCHAR StrBuff;
// make sure we have a pointer and a number of bytes
if(Buffer == NULL || BuffSize == 0L) return 0L;
// allocate buffer for formatting strings
if(StrBuff == NULL) return 0L;
// driver name and version, memory allocated
sprintf(StrBuff, "\n\n\nDriver: %s\n\nVersion: %s\n\nMemory Allocated: 0x%08X\nMaximum Memory Allocated: 0x%08X\n", DriverName, DriverVersion, MemoryAllocated, MaxMemAllocated);
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); // memory allocation stats
sprintf(StrBuff, "MemAlloc Count: 0x%08X\nMemFree Count: 0x%08X\nMemAlloc Fail Count: 0x%08X\nMemFree Fail Count: 0x%08X\n", MemAllocCnt, MemFreeCnt, MemAllocFailCnt, MemFreeFailCnt);
// make sure it fits in buffer
if((strlen(Buffer) + strlen(StrBuff)) < BuffSize) strcat(Buffer, StrBuff); // get attached devices
Debug_ExtractAttachedDevices(DeviceObject->DriverObject, Buffer, BuffSize);
// get IRP history
Debug_ExtractIRPHist(Buffer, BuffSize);
// get execution path history
Debug_ExtractPathHist(Buffer, BuffSize);
// get error log
Debug_ExtractErrorLog(Buffer, BuffSize);
DEBUG_MEMFREE(StrBuff); return strlen(Buffer); } // Debug_DumpDriverLog
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_TranslateStatus */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Translates NTSTATUS into ASCII string. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* NtStatus - NTSTATUS code. */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* PCHAR - pointer to error string. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ PCHAR Debug_TranslateStatus(IN NTSTATUS NtStatus) { ULONG Err;
for(Err = 0; Err < NumNTErrs; Err++) { if(NtStatus == NTErrors[Err].Code) return NTErrors[Err].Str; }
// fell through, not an error we handle
sprintf(UnknownStatus, "Unknown error 0x%08X", NtStatus);
return UnknownStatus; } // Debug_TranslateStatus
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_TranslateIoctl */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Translates IOCTL into ASCII string. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* Ioctl - ioctl code. */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* PCHAR - pointer to error string. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ PCHAR Debug_TranslateIoctl(IN LONG Ioctl) { ULONG Index;
// it's kind of repetitive to search at this point, but just in case
// they change the actual IOCTLs we will be covered
for(Index = 0; Index < NumIoctl; Index++) { if(Ioctl == IoctlCodes[Index].Code) return IoctlCodes[Index].Str; }
// fell through, not an error we handle
sprintf(UnknownIoctl, "0x%04X", Ioctl);
return UnknownIoctl; } // Debug_TranslateIoctl
VOID Debug_CheckAllocations(VOID) { DEBUG_TRACE1(("MemoryAllocated = 0x%08X\n", MemoryAllocated)); DEBUG_TRACE1(("MemAllocCnt = 0x%08X MemFreeCnt = 0x%08X\n", MemAllocCnt, MemFreeCnt)); } // Debug_CheckAllocations
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_MemAlloc */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Allocates block of memory. Stores length of block and a */ /* signature ULONG for keeping track of amount of memory allocated */ /* and checking for bogus calls to Debug_MemFree. The signature */ /* can also be used to determine if someone has written past the */ /* end of the block. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* PoolType - Pool to allocate memory from. */ /* NumberOfBytes - Number of bytes to allocate. */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* PVOID - pointer to allocated memory. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ PVOID Debug_MemAlloc(IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN ULONG NumberOfBytes) { #ifdef _WIN64
return ExAllocatePool(PoolType, NumberOfBytes);
// allocate memory plus a little extra for our own use
Mem = ExAllocatePool(PoolType, NumberOfBytes + (2 * sizeof(ULONG)));
// see if we actually allocated any memory
if(Mem) { // keep track of how much we allocated
MemoryAllocated += NumberOfBytes;
// see if we have a new maximum
if(MemoryAllocated > MaxMemAllocated) MaxMemAllocated = MemoryAllocated;
// store number of bytes allocated at start of memory allocated
*Mem++ = NumberOfBytes;
// now we are pointing at the memory allocated for caller
// put signature word at end
// get new pointer that points to end of buffer - ULONG
Mem = (PULONG) (((PUCHAR) Mem) + NumberOfBytes);
// write signature
// get back pointer to return to caller
Mem = (PULONG) (((PUCHAR) Mem) - NumberOfBytes);
// log stats
MemAllocCnt++; } else // failed, log stats
return (PVOID) Mem;
} // Debug_MemAlloc
/************************************************************************/ /* Debug_MemFree */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routine Description: */ /* */ /* Frees memory allocated in call to Debug_MemAlloc. Checks for */ /* signature ULONG at the end of allocated memory to make sure */ /* this is a valid block to free. */ /* */ /* Arguments: */ /* */ /* Mem - pointer to allocated block to free */ /* */ /* Return Value: */ /* */ /* VOID. Traps if it is an invalid block. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ VOID Debug_MemFree(IN PVOID Mem) { #ifdef _WIN64
PULONG Tmp = (PULONG) Mem; ULONG BuffSize; // point at size ULONG at start of buffer, and address to free
// get the size of memory allocated by caller
BuffSize = *Tmp;
// point at signature and make sure it's O.K.
((PCHAR) Mem) += BuffSize;
if(*((PULONG) Mem) == MEM_ALLOC_SIGNATURE) { // let's go ahead and get rid of signature in case we get called
// with this pointer again and memory is still paged in
*((PULONG) Mem) = MEM_FREE_SIGNATURE; // adjust amount of memory allocated
MemoryAllocated -= BuffSize; // free real pointer
// log stats
MemFreeCnt++; } else { // not a real allocated block, or someone wrote past the end
MemFreeFailCnt++; DEBUG_TRAP(); } #endif
} // Debug_MemFree